U.S. taxpayer, and private donation, funded food program shenanigans for migrants, tip-o-the-iceberg new reports/videos, for the month of January 2023:
CBS-2 New York: Hotel employee makes the point that illegals are throwing away taxpayer funded food while homeless citizens are going hungry!
There are multiple reason why people in the United States of America should feel like rebelling against their own government, here’s just a sampling of video reports and links to publications, for 2022, so far:
Oregon voters tricked into narrowly passing covert gun ban, which actually violates Oregon’s Constitution. This report explains how Measure 114 became a covert ‘back door’ gun ban:
This report says rural voters outvote city voters in Oregon, if that is the case why did Oregon’s covert gun ban pass?
This report does a quick comparison of gun laws in Idaho, then explains how Oregon’s Measure 114 (passed by a razor thin margin) is actually a way of preventing Oregonians from their state and federal Rights to defend themselves. Also, reveals that Sheriffs of several counties refuse to enforce the new anti-2nd Amendment law:
Pennsylvania business owner upsets Liberal Progressives by hiring his own armed guards, because crime in the Liberal controlled state has skyrocketed:
INFRASTRUCTURE: Electric power grids have been under ‘attack’ for a long time, they were always officially referred to as “vandalisms”. In this report, the expert being interviewed reveals that power grid attacks have taken place since at least the 1990s:
Notice that most power grid attacks on the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. involve a utility company called Duke Energy:
Florida utility companies say they are preparing for attacks:
Welcome to borderland hell under U.S. President Joseph Robinette Biden Junior, incomplete (just the tip of the iceberg) list of videos and reports from the United States Coast Guard (USCG) about the increasing flood of boat people from Cuba, and other countries, for October 2022:
USCG video by Lieutenant Alex Cordes, nine illegals from Cuba, and one dog, captured on Water Cay, Bahamas, 12OCT2022:
U.S. Coast Guard District 7 video, interception of boat full of illegals about 13 miles northwest of Water Cays, Bahamas, 16OCT2022:
On 17OCT2022, the USCG District 7 released a video of various interceptions of boats full of illegals in the Caribbean Sea:
The USCG District 7 reported that they ‘repatriated’ 270-illegals to their home country of Cuba, on 21OCT2022.
USCG District 7 photo, 01OCT2022.
USCG captured these illegals, from Cuba, approximately 50-miles south of Boca Chica, 01OCT2022.
USCG District 7 photo, 03OCT2022.
USCG captured these illegals, from Cuba, approximately 30-miles south of Plantation Key, 03OCT2022.
USCG District 7 photo, 04OCT2022.
USCG captured these illegals, from Cuba, approximately 30-miles south of Islamorada, 04OCT2022.
USCG video by Petty Officer Third Class Ryan Schultz, illegals captured approximately 25-miles south of Marquesas Key, 05OCT2022:
USCG video by Petty Officer Third Class Ryan Schultz, illegals captured about 2-miles south of Key Colony Beach, 10OCT2022:
During the night of 12OCT2022, passengers and crew of a cruise ship spotted this boat carrying illegals (from Cuba according to the USCG), about 60-miles south of Sugarloaf Key.
USCG District 7 photo, 13OCT2022.
USCG captured these illegals, from Cuba, approximately 30-miles south of Marathon, 13OCT2022.
USCG District 7 photo, 13OCT2022.
USCG captured this illegal, from Cuba, approximately 45-miles south of Key West, 13OCT2022.
USCG District 7 photo, 14OCT2022.
USCG captured this boat, from Cuba, approximately 20-miles south of Key West, 14OCT2022.
USCG District 7 video, illegals row a large homemade boat about 60-miles south of Key West, 14OCT2022. Obviously the boat is big enough to hold dozens of illegals, where are they:
USCG District 7 photo, 16OCT2022.
USCG captured these illegals, from Cuba, approximately 30-miles south of Long Key, 16OCT2022.
USCG District 7 photo, 18OCT2022.
USCG captured these illegals, from Cuba, approximately 20-miles south of Boca Chica, 18OCT2022.
USCG District 7 photo, 18OCT2022.
USCG captured these illegals, from Cuba, approximately 15-miles south of Cudjoe Key, 18OCT2022.
WPLG Local10 reports 200% increase in Boat People:
USCG District 7 photo, 18OCT2022.
USCG captured these illegals, from Cuba, approximately 30-miles south of Islamorada, 18OCT2022.
USCG District 7 video, illegals captured about 15-miles southeast of Fort Jefferson, 18OCT2022:
USCG District 7 photo, 24OCT2022.
USCG captured these illegals, from Cuba, approximately 35-miles south of Key West, 24OCT2022.
USCG District 7 photo, 25OCT2022.
USCG captured these illegals, from Cuba, approximately 7-miles south of Key Largo, 25OCT2022.
USCG District 7 photo, 25OCT2022.
USCG captured these illegals, from Cuba, approximately 23-miles east of Biscayne Bay, 25OCT2022.
USCG District 7 photo, 26OCT2022.
USCG captured these illegals, from Cuba, near Cudjoe Key, 26OCT2022.
USCG District 7 photo, 31OCT2022.
USCG captured these illegals, from Cuba, approximately 50-miles south of Marquesas Key, 31OCT2022.
USCG District 7 PADET-San Juan photo, 01OCT2022.
USCG District 7 PADET-San Juan reported they handed over 47-Dominican Republic nationals to the Dominican Republic Navy, on 02OCT2022. They also reported that two people were arrested and face federal charges of smuggling humans.
USCG District 7 PADET-San Juan photo, 18OCT2022.
On 18OCT2022, USCG District 7 PADET-San Juan report they ‘repatriated’ 48-Dominican Republic nationals and two Haitians to the Dominican Republic Navy.
USCG District 7 PADET-San Juan reported they handed over 48-Dominican Republic nationals and two Haitians to the Dominican Republic Navy, on 24OCT2022.
TEXAS: USCG District 8 video report, about the increase in illegal fishing operations along the Texas coast, 373-Mexicans captured:
Welcome to borderland hell under the U.S. President, highly incomplete (just the tip of the iceberg) list of videos and links to news/government agency reports for June 2022:
Between 01-07JUN2022, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) conducted Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) called Operation Cross Check. More than 1-hundred illegals were captured (which is nothing compared to the thousands captured during previous year’s Cross Check operations), most have convictions for crimes including, but not limited to, aggravated assault with a gun, robbery, burglary, kidnapping, hit and run, drug trafficking, and child molestation. Operation Cross Check has been conducted yearly since 2011. ICE video by Charles Reed:
The U.S. Coast Guard District 7 PADET captured 23 illegals from Cuba, they were handed over to the Bahamas on 03JUN2022:
USCG District 7 (Air Station Clearwater) video of a boat overloaded with illegals from Haiti, approximately 16 miles from Great Inagua, Bahamas, 12JUN2022:
USCG District 8 photo by Petty Officer Third Class Seth Rentz, 24JUN2022.
Somewhere in The Caribbean Sea (for an unknown reason the USCG did not want to give an exact location), the USCG surrounds a boat overloaded with illegals from Haiti, 24JUN2022.
25JUN2022, immigrant posts video of passage into Canada via the United States:
Illegals boarding the Navy of the Dominican Republic patrol boat Aldebarán. USCG District 7 PADET photo, 26JUN2022.
On 26JUN2022, the USCG handed over 11 illegals to the Navy of the Dominican Republic, near Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.
On 28JUN2022, for some reason the President of Mexico felt he had to issue an apology regarding the mass-murder of illegals, by Mexican human smugglers, in a truck in Texas:
U.S. Customs and Border Patrol photo by Jerry Glaser, 07JUN2022.
U.S. taxpayers are now being raped to fund heat stress ‘Go-Bag’ kits being handed out to illegals in Arizona’s Tucson Sector! It is part of a 90 days study to make Border Patrol’s mission more ‘humanitarian’, eventually the Go-Bags will be issued across the U.S. southern land border.
Tucson Sector Border Patrol reports 2-thousand-1-hundred-and-92 ‘rescues’ in the month of May! On 09JUN2022, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP, aka Border Patrol) issued a warning to illegals. The warning was about Mother Nature, and a 90 day ‘scale-up’ of border patrol operations, also, new taxpayer funded heat survival kits will be used to ‘rescue’ illegals. Video was edited for time reasons:
On 10JUN2022, citizens (what the USCG calls ‘good Samaritans’) reported a homemade boat (what the USCG calls a “rustic vessel”) about 7 miles south of Key West. The USCG says the illegals onboard are from Cuba, and claims they were returned on 14JUN2022.
Between 01JUN2022 and 12JUN2022, the USCG District 7 reported capturing at least 52 illegals from Cuba, who were using various forms of rustic vessels. The USCG claims they were returned on 14JUN2022.
USCG District 7 photo, 12JUN2022.
On 12JUN2022, ‘good Samaritans’ reported an obvious illegal’s boat, 13 miles south of Marquesas Key. The USCG says the illegals are from Cuba, and claims they were returned on 17JUN2022.
USCG District 7 photo, 17JUN2022.
A good Samaritan reported a rustic vessel filled with people, on 17JUN2022. The USCG captured the boat about 22 miles south of Big Pine Key. The illegals from Cuba were sent back home on 19JUN2022, along with other captured Cubans totaling 45.
USCG District 7 PADET Jacksonville photo, 23JUN2022.
On 20JUN2022, the USCG captured yet more illegals from Cuba, about 68 miles south of Key West. The USCG photo purports to show the return of 89 illegals to Cuba, on 23JUN2022.
Photo by crew of Coast Guard Cutter Joshua Applebly, 25JUN2022.
On 25JUN2022, the USCG captured this rustic vessel about five miles south of Marquesas Key. The illegals were returned to Cuba, on 27JUN2022, as part of a larger group of 106!
Coast Guard Station Islamorada video of USCG and CBP interception of a boat overloaded with illegals from Haiti, about 40 miles southeast of Islamorada, 25JUN2022. The USCG claims 98 illegals were returned to Haiti on 29JUN2022:
MICHIGAN: 29JUN2022, Fox 2
Detroit shows you the problems of patrolling the border with Canada; weapons & human smuggling, CBP operations along Mexican border distracts from problems along Canadian border. CBP says “It’s not just a mom and a pop….trying to come across….it’s organized.”:
USCG District 7 PADET photo, 17JUN2022.
The USCG says this boat was filled with 56 illegals from Dominican Republic, they were captured near Mona Island, 17JUN2022, and handed over to the Navy of the Dominican Republic the next day.
Photo by the crew of Coast Guard Cutter Joseph Doyle, 27JUN2022.
58 illegals from Dominican Republic and Haiti were captured near Desecheo Island, 27JUN2022. They were returned to the Dominican Republic the next day.
USCG District 8 photo, courtesy Tim Oberle, 07JUN2022.
In Houston, on 07JUN2022, Coast Guard Sector Houston-Galveston, Homeland Security Investigations Houston (HSI), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Houston and Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Houston established a new Joint Intelligence and Operations Coordination Center to support Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana.
On 09JUN2022, USCG-Air Station Corpus Christi videoed Mexicans illegally fishing in U.S. water. A total of two illegal fishing boats, and six people, from Mexico were captured:
On 15JUN2022, El Paso Sector Border Patrol Chief Patrol Agent in Charge Gloria Chavez joined with Mexican Consul General in El Paso Mauricio Ibarra Ponce de Leon, to issue a warning to anybody trying to cross from Mexico into the United States. Video by Greg L. Davis:
Welcome to borderland hell under the U.S. President, highly incomplete (just the tip of the iceberg) list of videos and links to news/government agency reports for 27MAY 2022:
U.S. Coast Guard District 7 photo by Seaman Eric Rodriguez.
On 30APR2022, the U.S. Coast Guard District 7 reported ‘rescuing’ 102 illegals from Haiti, crammed onto a boat near the near Isle de Tortue. They were sent back to Haiti on 03MAY2022.
U.S. Coast Guard District 7 photo by Petty Officer Third Class Erik Villa-Rodriguez, 09MAY2022.
On 09MAY2022, the USCG District 7 captured an ‘unsafe’ vessel packed with illegals from Haiti, near Turks and Caicos Islands.
NBC News confirms that social media is being used to trick illegals into coming to the United States:
Associated Press discovered that a law student is using social media to help illegals get into the U.S. The law student has 3.1-million followers:
On 14MAY2022, about 32 miles south of Key West, 48 illegals from Cuba, using several homemade boats (aka ‘rustic vessels’), were captured. They were sent back to Cuba on 19MAY2022.
USCG photo by Petty Officer Third Class Erik Villa-Rodriguez, 17MAY2022.
On 17MAY2022, about 40 miles south of Long Key, 43 illegals from Cuba were seen using a couple of homemade boats (aka ‘rustic vessels’). They were captured and sent back to Cuba on 21MAY2022.
A very quick USCG video of a boat crammed with 146 illegals from Haiti, captured approximately 45 miles southeast of Islamorada, 24MAY2022. They were sent back to Haiti on 27MAY2022:
LOUISIANNA: Federal judge says Title 42 must not end:
MASSACHUSETTS: Governor vetoes bill that would have allowed illegals to get drivers licenses:
PUERT RICO: Approximately 10 miles north of Desecheo Island, a Coast Guard Air Station Borinquin SAR crew ‘rescued’ survivors of an “illegal voyage” on 12MAY2022. Video via USCG District 7:
U.S. Coast Guard District 7 PADET San Juan photo, 16MAY2022.
On 16MAY2022, approximately 15 nautical miles northwest of Aguadilla, 22 illegals from Dominican Republic and Haiti were captured.
USCG District 7 PADET San Juan photo, 18MAY2022.
The USCG says this boat contained 18 illegals, captured on 18MAY2022, approximately 11 nautical miles northwest of Aguadilla.
USCG District 7 PADET San Juan photo, 23MAY2022.
On 23MAY2022, the USCG intercepted this ‘illegal voyage vessel’ with 21 illegals, approximately 10 nautical miles south of Mona Island.
The USCG claims this tour boat was operating illegally on Clear Lake in Kemah,18MAY2022. Houston Police arrested the captain and crew.
Coast Guard Sector/Air Station Corpus Christi claims this is video of Mexicans illegally fishing in U.S. water, 19MAY2022:
Illegals cross border dressed like a military unit:
The mayor of Del Rio says there is no way to prepare for the daily crossings of thousands of illegals:
Democracy Now! report reveals massive involvement of Border Patrol in Uvalde school shooting, and reveals most residents are “mixed immigration status” and demands that ICE not deport any illegal students that might have been revealed as a result of the shooting:
Welcome to borderland hell under the U.S. President, highly incomplete (just the tip of the iceberg) list of videos and links to news/government agency reports as of 30 April 2022:
U.S. Coast Guard District 7 video, from 27APR2022, of a Haitian boat approximately 60 miles northwest of Cuba. The boat was intercepted with 64 illegals onboard:
On 19APR2022, the U.S Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issued a taxpayer funding video report justifying its reliance on hi-tech equipment, why Singapore is an important partner in policing smuggling that is targeting the U.S., and continued border policing operations with a focus on “rescuing” victims of human smuggling:
On 11APR2022, the USCG District 7 “rescued” 67 illegals from Haiti, 15 miles southeast of Anguilla Cay, Bahamas:
On 10APR2022, the USCG District 7, handed over 88 illegals from Haiti to the Haitian Coast Guard. Video by Lieutenant David Steele:
USCG District 7 photo, 09APR2022.
On 09APR2022, approximately 17 miles northeast of Punta Maisi, Cuba, the USCG District 7 captured, oh I mean ‘rescued’ 89 illegals from Haiti. The USCG claims the Haitian ‘voluntarily’ left the boat and ‘agreed’ to be sent back to Haiti (at U.S. taxpayer expense, of course)!
U.S. Army photo by Cameron Porter, 05APR2022.
The U.S. Army’s Logistics Readiness Center, in Livorno, began sending humanitarian aid to Moldova, to help that tiny country deal with Ukrainian refugees.
ARIZONA: Yet again, U.S. Customs and Border Protection had to ‘rescue’ illegals stranded/injured on the Baboquivari Mountains. Video by Ozzy Trevino, 14APR2022:
U.S. Army photo by Sergeant Savannah Roy, 08APR2022.
The U.S. Air Force delivered a new MQ-1C-25 drone (unmanned aerial vehicle UAV) to Fort Huachuca. U.S. Army soldiers from Fort Stewart, Georgia, will use it to patrol the border with Mexico for the next two months. The ‘-25’ indicates the MQ-1C is the new Extended Range Gray Eagle.
U.S. Army photo by Brandon Mejia, 16FEB2022.
The U.S. Army’s Yuma Proving Ground (YPG) is about 48 miles from the border with Mexico (if you’re heading to Los Algodones), and borders with California. YPG Conservation Law Enforcement Officer Sergeant Shawn Baker says there has been a huge increase in ‘trespassing’ in the past few years, based on the number of new vehicle trails, aerial photos, and ‘in-person contacts’. Sergeant Baker stops short of blaming illegal immigrants, but warns that YPG has a lot of unexploded bombs spread across the desert, some going back to World War Two.
Near Yuma’s border with Mexico, CBP reports 10-thousand illegal crossings per week:
Kentucky Army National Guard photo by Sergeant First Class Lerone Simmons, 28APR2022.
On 28APR2022, U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant Major James Porterfield, Command Senior Enlisted Leader of NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) and USNorthCom (U.S. Northern Command), got a tour of a Mobile Surveillance Camera (MSC) site near San Diego. The MSC is operated by the 381st Military Police Company, Indiana Army National Guard. USNorthCom is tasked with providing Mobile Surveillance Camera operators, Intelligence analysts, and aviation support operations via various state National Guard units.
Taxpayer funded College of the Canyons helps illegals:
‘Free’ taxpayer funded medical care for hundreds of thousands of illegals begins 01MAY2022:
USCG District 7 photo, 18APR2022.
The USCG claims they ‘rescued’ 84 illegals, in various homemade boats, about 17 miles south of Marathon on 18APR2022, and returned them to Cuba on 27APR2022.
USCG District 7 photo, 16APR2022.
About 17 miles south of Ramrod Key, the USCG ‘rescued’ 67 illegals from Cuba on 16APR2022, sending them back to Cuba on 18APR2022.
USCG photo, 01APR2022.
On 01APR2022, the USCG District 7 ‘rescued’ 70 illegals from Cuba, approximately 45 miles south of Marathon. The USCG says they were sent back to Cuba.
The body of a Texas Army National Guardsman, Specialist Bishop Evans, who died trying to rescue illegals from drowning, is recovered, Tennessee politician Diana Harshbarger says “The rest of the country needs to wake up!”:
U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer Third Class Michael Clark, 12APR2022.
Canada’s Ambassador to the U.S., Kirsten Hillman, discusses traffic control operations for cargo ships with Laird Hail, Director of the Puget Sound Vessel Traffic Control System, on Base Seattle, 12APR2022. Canada and the U.S. work together regarding ocean going vessels using the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
Washington DC:12APR2022, Russia-Ukraine crisis forces U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken to meet with UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi. Apparently the number of refugees fleeing the war are at crisis levels, and finding countries willing to take enough in is now a problem:
Incomplete main-stream-news links of announced United States food supply shutdowns, emergencies, outbreaks and recalls for the month of February, 2019:
Over one weekend, 03-04FEB2019, three USAFR C-17 Globemaster transport aircraft delivered food to three of the countries flooding the U.S. with illegal immigrants; Guatemala, Haiti, and Honduras. The U.S. Air Force Reserve described the food aid mission as occurring periodically through out the year. The food is supposedly donated, but the cost of flying it to the recipients rests on the U.S. taxpayers.
In Djibouti, Africa, taxpayer funded U.S. Army veterinarians were deployed to help locals improve their livestock. It’s called a Veterinary Civic Action Project (VetCAP).
CALIFORNIA: Germany based maker of containers for food, Bericap, issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Ontario, 30 jobs gone by mid-April. TGI Friday’s issued yet another shutdown WARN, this time for its restaurant in El Cajon, 48 jobs gone by mid-April. Iconic maker of restaurant coffee makers, Bunn-O-Matic, issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Cerritos, 20 jobs gone by mid-April.
In the leftist-liberal socialist ‘Golden State’, U.S. Navy sailors still have to help deliver food for the Meals on Wheels program in San Diego. Since January 2018, Makin Island Sailors delivered more than 550 meals to the local San Diego community.
GEORGIA: Months after Hurricane Michael, farmers still trying to recoverU.S. Army Officer Cadet School trainees took part in a 16FEB2019 food drive, in partnership with the Midland Feeding the Valley Food Bank, and Columbus Community Warriors Incorporated.
Since July 2018, the U.S. Coast Guard and the British empire’s Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans joined forces to enforce international fishing laws across the Indo-Pacific: “Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing threatens food security, impacts the sustainability of fisheries, and causes irreparable damage to marine and freshwater ecosystems across the globe. Partnerships, like this one with Canada’s Department of National Defence and the United States Coast Guard, are the key to tackling IUU fishing that threatens many vulnerable coastal communities. We will continue to work with other countries and assist small island developing states in combating IUU fishing to increase security and protect the health of fish stocks around the world.”-Jonathan Wilkinson, minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard
VIRGINIA: About 25 Navy and Air Force culinary students, instructors and support staff lent their skills to the lunchtime feeding operation at The Hope Center, with the goal of easing hunger and financial stress for less-fortunate citizens: “This is the first time since I’ve been down here that we’ve had the military come down in a volunteer capacity to cook.”-Scott Fisher, executive director The Hope Center
WASHINGTON: Food service company HMS Host issued a mass-layoff WARN for its ops at SeaTac, 202 jobs gone by the end of March! Legacy Fruit Packers suddenly shutdown its ops in Wapato, 199 jobs instantly gone! Also in Wapato, Valley Fruit suddenly shutdown, 1-thousand and nine jobs instantly gone! In Seleh, Larson Orchard Management suddenly shutdown, 807 jobs instantly gone! Last year the above fruit growing/packing companies were sued by H-2A immigrant workers (Larson Orchard settles lawsuit with H-2A workers), as a result the above affected fruit growing/packing farms were forced to shutdown and sell-out (confirms purchase of Washington fruit companies) to several companies, including a company partly owned by billionaire Bill Gates!
MARYLAND: A former Baltimore cop has published a book detailing the level of crimes committed by cops, including fake drug busts, ‘disappearing’ drugs from police evidence lockers, just to name a few: “I learned about cops burglarizing houses and transporting stolen antiques in a paddy wagon. I’d seen cops sleeping and drinking on the job. I lost trust in fellow officers I had respected who were accepting bribes – even one who was my academy instructor. After two and a half years, I knew I had to get out of there!”–James I. Cabezas, who helped convict state lawmakers, city councilmen and, famously, a Baltimore mayor
(Reminds me of a cop crime while I was working in the News Department of KYMA, in Arizona, in 1995. Store owners in a shopping plaza were reporting massive thefts, they were taking place overnight even though the shop owners were paying the city of Yuma to have cops patrol the plaza. Yep it was a cop! The dumb cop that was committing the crime didn’t stop to realize that it’d be easy to finger him because the thefts took place only on his watch. Other cops staked out the plaza on his watch and caught him red handed.)
Nevada Army National Guard ends lease of Camp Stead after 50 years. The land is owned by the city of Reno and was leased at one dollar per year, but don’t think it saved state taxpayers any money. Official reports say the state Military Department spent millions of tax-dollars, including $4-million in just the past ten years, upgrading the property. The lease was allowed to expire because the property is part of the Reno-Tahoe Airport, and the Federal Aviation Administration says the land must be used for airport operations.
For proof how paranoid NYC is, taxpayer dollars being spent on having New York Army National Guard conduct Operation Empire Shield“…patrolling through Penn during a Multi-Agency Super Surge, a mission where multiple law enforcement agencies have a very strong show of Force and work in a Unified, collaborative Effort to share intelligence, best practices, relevant information in a Unified effort to detect, deter and defeat terrorism.”
Incomplete (tip-o-the-iceberg) list of healthcare related layoffs, shutdowns, crimes and taxpayer ripoffs in January 2019:
In Poland, the U.S. Army’s 64th Medical Detachment Veterinary Service Support, 30th Medical Brigade, conducted inspections of food storage areas for NATO operations.
USAID funded (and built by USN SeaBees) Ali Oune Medical Clinic, in Djibouti, opened on 31JAN2019.
U.S. tax dollars spent providing medical care in Honduras, one of the countries flooding the U.S. with illegal immigrants.
CALIFORNIA: British empire Cayman Islands based Theravance Biopharma issued layoff WARNs, 50 people jobless by March. God powerless to stop the wildfire from shutting down Adventist Health Feather River, in Paradise, 1-thousand-331 jobs lost (supposedly temporarily)! In San Jose, Verity Health System issued a layoff WARN, 20 jobs gone in March. However, and also in San Jose, Verity Medical Foundation issued a shutdown WARN, 2-hundred jobs gone by the end of March! Germany owned bio-tech company Roche-Genentech issued a layoff WARN for South San Francisco, 67 people jobless by the end of March.
ILLINOIS: PharMEDium issued a layoff WARN for its ops in Lake Forest, 41 jobs gone in March. Decatur Living Facility issued a shutdown WARN, 90 jobs gone starting in March.
MARYLAND: At Aberdeen Proving Ground, the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command Edgewood Chemical Biological Center signed a taxpayer funded deal with tech startup TrekReader, to create a pocket-sized instrument that will provide military personnel, silly-vilian first responders, and even school nurses, with the ability to detect biological and chemical warfare agents. (you gotta wounder what’s coming if the Army thinks even school nurses will need something like that)
MICHIGAN: God powerless to stop Trinity Health from issuing a shutdown WARN for its continuing care ops at the Huron Woods Facility, 119 jobs gone by the end of April!
NEW JERSEY: As a result of a 2017 Congressional mandate, the U.S. Army joined forces with Cooper University Health Care Center in order to improve readiness for deployment to combat zones, and to find new military doctors: “As far as U.S. Army Medical Recruiting is concerned, this is the future of army medicine; our health care soldiers have this great opportunity to be professionally trained in civilian medicine which will ultimately provide better care for the soldiers in the field.”-Captain Blake Corbitt
Capital Health issued a WARN, 103 jobs in Trenton gone by March!
NEW YORK: Physician assistants who join the New York Army National Guard will get $60,000 up front to repay college loans and a $25,000 annual bonus for four years.
Saint Lawrence Health issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Ogdensburg, 72 jobs affected. Morrison Healthcare Food and Nutrition Services issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Erie Medical Center, 172 jobs affected! Independence Care System issued a shutdown WARN for its ops across NYC, about 3-hundred jobs affected! Senior Rehab Solutions-Norwegian Home and Health Center issued a layoff WARN, 22 jobs gone in February. CareConnect Insurance issued a shutdown WARN for its location in East Hills, 46 jobs affected. That Which Cannot be Named powerless to stop Metropolitan Jewish Home Care from issuing a layoff WARN, 112 jobs affected!
WISCONSIN: Pepin Health and Rehab issued a shutdown WARN, 54 jobs gone by the end of March. God powerless to stop Unison-Interfaith Older Adult Programs from suddenly eliminating 53 jobs due to the “sudden and unexpected loss of contracts”.
U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Second Class Logan C. Kellums, 29JAN2019.
Off the coast of Yemen, in the Gulf of Aden, the USN captured 4,700 kilograms of hashish, 24JAN2019.
USN photo by Mass Communication Specialist Second Class Logan C. Kellums, 29JAN2019.
It was the second Gulf of Aden hash capture, by the USN, in the past four weeks. The hash boat crew were allowed to sail away after the drugs were confiscated.
U.S. Coast Guard photo, 04JAN2019.
U.S. Coast Guard came across this drug ‘fast boat’, somewhere in the Pacific, 04JAN2019.
U.S. Marine Corps photo by Corporal Sabrina Candiaflores, 22JAN2019.
In Yuma, the USMC tried to convince high school students not to get intoxicated by having them play fun games with vision impairing ‘beer goggles’ on, 22JAN2019.
USCG photo by Petty Officer Third Class Brandon Murray, 31JAN2019.
31JAN2019, five miles east of Haulover Inlet, a Coast Guard ‘smallboat’ intercepts a fishing boat that turned out to be hauling about 130 pounds of cocaine.
USCG District 7 Photo, 07JAN2019.
07JAN2019, at U.S. Coast Guard Station Fort Lauderdale, personnel test seven kilograms of cocaine captured by Homeland Security Investigations, and Customs and Border Protection agents. The drug smugglers were also smuggling illegal immigrants.
OHIO: The Union County Drug Free Coalition honored the Ohio National Guard Counterdrug Task Force as the 2019 Community Champion Award: “We are grateful to the Ohio National Guard for their commitment to the health and safety of families in Union County.”-Rich Baird, superintendent of North Union Schools and chair of the Union County Drug Free Coalition
TEXAS: Cops invade home, shoot and kill military veteran husband and his wife, several cops wounded, (next it’ll be revealed that one of the invading cops has a documented history of lying about drug raids, and apparently it’ll be three months after the cop invasion before investigators even search the crime scene for evidence, evidence that will counter the official police version of the story)