Tag Archives: immigrants

Borderland Hunger Games: U.S. citizens go hungry while migrants get first dibs?

U.S. taxpayer, and private donation, funded food program shenanigans for migrants, tip-o-the-iceberg new reports/videos, for the month of January 2023:

CBS-2 New York: Hotel employee makes the point that illegals are throwing away taxpayer funded food while homeless citizens are going hungry!

Daily Mail: Yuma, Arizona, food pantries are being overwhelmed by illegals!

Fox News: Pasquinelli Produce Company in Yuma, Arizona, warns that illegals are destroying food crops!

Hortidaily: New York based Refugee and Immigrant Self-Empowerment (RISE) gets $30-thousand grant from Excellus BlueCross BlueShield, to build greenhouse!

Governor Kathy Hochul: More than $21.4 million in federal tax dollars has been awarded to help Ukrainian refugees in New York!

KBDC: El Paso, Texas, food pantries get $200-thousand to feed illegals!

The Michigan Daily: University student creates community food garden, to help refugees get grant money for food security!

NBC News: Corporate food producers caught using migrant children!

New York Post: “Nearly a ton of taxpayer-provided food gets tossed in the trash every day at a massive Manhattan hotel being used to house migrants — because they’d rather secretly cook their own meals on dangerous hot plates, a whistleblowing worker has revealed.”

Project Hope: Food insecurity caused by climate change and political/social upheaval one of the primary causes for record numbers of illegals!

Tampa Bay Times: Flood of illegals from Cuba pushing Florida to its limits; one non-profit in Hillsborough County gave out 7-hundred bags of food in just two days, compared to 3-hundred a year ago!

USAID: The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is providing an additional $75 million in humanitarian assistance to help vulnerable Rohingya refugees in Southeastern Bangladesh!

U.S. Coast Guard District 8: Four Mexicans captured illegally fishing off the coast of Texas, 20JAN2023:

WGN 9 News: Chicago & FEMA officials want to use elementary school to house and feed illegals!

WhiteHouse.gov: On 05JAN2023, President Joseph Robinette Biden Junior announced “nearly $23 million in additional humanitarian assistance in Mexico and Central America.” as well as the continued “to mobilize faith-based and non-profit organizations supporting migrants, including those providing temporary shelter, food, and humanitarian assistance”!



U.S. Civil War: Drugs, Education, Gun Bans, Immigrants, Infrastructure, Mandates, Pandemics, Secession

There are multiple reason why people in the United States of America should feel like rebelling against their own government, here’s just a sampling of video reports and links to publications, for 2022, so far:


Liberal-progressives in Washington state pushing to expand their anti-gun laws created in 2022, will push for gun bans in 2023!

Liberal-progressives in Illinois pushing to ban guns!

In Ohio, the Columbus City Council created a new gun-ban law, despite the fact it is in violation of state and federal laws!

In Texas, a federal judge rules a specific federal anti-gun law violates the federal Constitution!

Second Circuit Court of Appeals allows New York City to temporarily enforce its concealed carry ban!

Oregon voters tricked into narrowly passing covert gun ban, which actually violates Oregon’s Constitution. This report explains how Measure 114 became a covert ‘back door’ gun ban:

This report says rural voters outvote city voters in Oregon, if that is the case why did Oregon’s covert gun ban pass?

This report does a quick comparison of gun laws in Idaho, then explains how Oregon’s Measure 114 (passed by a razor thin margin) is actually a way of preventing Oregonians from their state and federal Rights to defend themselves. Also, reveals that Sheriffs of several counties refuse to enforce the new anti-2nd Amendment law:

Pennsylvania business owner upsets Liberal Progressives by hiring his own armed guards, because crime in the Liberal controlled state has skyrocketed:

Missouri National Guard finally becomes a separate state department, December 2022, liberal-progressive politicians blame 2nd Amendment Preservation Act!

Liberal-progressive controlled federal Department of Justice sues the state of Missouri over its 2nd Amendment Preservation Act!

Iowa‘s 2nd Amendment Preservation Act.

State of Wyoming creates its own 2nd Amendment Preservation Act, to counter federal anti-gun laws!

EDUCATION: Liberal-progressives want children to be taught by robots!

Liberal-progressives blame failing Social Studies for Q-Anon and the Big Lie!

Pandemic lockdowns and mandates are being blamed for the dumbing down of grade schoolers, liberal-progressive school districts (like San Diego‘s) want put them all into ‘special education’ classes!

80% of Lowell High School teachers go on strike (sick-out) to protest San Francisco Unified School District!

The “Biden-Harris Administration” (yes, the U.S. Department of Education actually referrers to the Office of the President [singular] as “Biden-Harris” [plural]) announced a new push for the failed STEM program!

Penn State undergraduate student, charged with taking part in ‘Proud Boy’ demonstrations, will be allowed to graduate.

Pennsylvania Department of Education promotes new vocational school that focuses on Carbon Careers!

University of Wyoming revokes privileges for church elder after he took part in demonstrations for LGBTQ (ABCD… LMNOP… XYZ) people.

Yet another Oklahoma teacher arrested for sexting a child:

Incomplete (Tip-o-the-Iceberg) list of publicly announced education related layoffs, shutdowns and crimes, January 2019.

DRUGS/IMMIGRANTS:  Mass shooting at legal Marijuana farm is directly connected to illegal immigrants, referred to as an “international grow operation”:

China and Mexico behind New Opium War against United States!


Immigrants, March 2019: Global Civil War = IMMIGRANT INVASION, UNITED STATES


INFRASTRUCTURE:  Electric power grids have been under ‘attack’ for a long time, they were always officially referred to as “vandalisms”. In this report, the expert being interviewed reveals that power grid attacks have taken place since at least the 1990s:

Notice that most power grid attacks on the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. involve a utility company called Duke Energy:

Florida utility companies say they are preparing for attacks:

MANDATES: Vaccine-mandate protestors have dogged Michelle Wu’s first year as Boston mayor.

In Connecticut, anti-vaccine protesters rally against Yale’s booster mandate.

In New York, Fordham College at Lincoln Center’s new mandate for booster shots is being ignored by school security guards, the ‘un-boosted’ are being allowed on campus?

PANDEMIC: In Pennsylvania, the city of Johnstown rejected Pandemic funding for a local church.  The funding came from federal taxpayers, but the city officials made up their own rules about who qualifies for the funding!  The city is essentially sitting on more than $30-million in federal Pandemic funding!

Inflation being blamed on Pandemic stimulus funding?

California lifts their Pandemic insurance rate freeze, GEICO first to hit Californians with huge rate increase!

Fauci says his family is being threatened, at least two people facing charges they tried to kill him!

SECESSION: More Oregonians want to create a Greater Idaho:

UNIONS: Are massive Amazon layoffs actually a war against Unions?

Biden/Democrats screw over Railroad and Airline union workers, unions now rebelling against both Democrats and Republicans:




U.S. Civil War, January 2021: PORTLAND INSURRECTION


U.S. Civil War, July 2016: “DEADLIEST ATTACK SINCE 9/11!” 11 COPS SHOT, 5 DEAD!


Biden’s Borderland: Boat People, 200% increase in October! All from Cuba?

Welcome to borderland hell under U.S. President Joseph Robinette Biden Junior, incomplete (just the tip of the iceberg) list of videos and reports from the United States Coast Guard (USCG) about the increasing flood of boat people from Cuba, and other countries, for October 2022:

USCG video by Lieutenant Alex Cordes, nine illegals from Cuba, and one dog, captured on Water Cay, Bahamas, 12OCT2022:

U.S. Coast Guard District 7 video, interception of boat full of illegals about 13 miles northwest of Water Cays, Bahamas, 16OCT2022:

On 17OCT2022, the USCG District 7 released a video of various interceptions of boats full of illegals in the Caribbean Sea:

The USCG District 7 reported that they ‘repatriated’ 270-illegals to their home country of Cuba, on 21OCT2022.


USCG District 7 photo, 01OCT2022.

USCG captured these illegals, from Cuba, approximately 50-miles south of Boca Chica, 01OCT2022.

USCG District 7 photo, 03OCT2022.

USCG captured these illegals, from Cuba, approximately 30-miles south of Plantation Key, 03OCT2022.

USCG District 7 photo, 04OCT2022.

USCG captured these illegals, from Cuba, approximately 30-miles south of Islamorada, 04OCT2022.

USCG video by Petty Officer Third Class Ryan Schultz, illegals captured approximately 25-miles south of Marquesas Key, 05OCT2022:

USCG video by Petty Officer Third Class Ryan Schultz, illegals captured about 2-miles south of Key Colony Beach, 10OCT2022:

During the night of 12OCT2022, passengers and crew of a cruise ship spotted this boat carrying illegals (from Cuba according to the USCG), about 60-miles south of Sugarloaf Key.

USCG District 7 photo, 13OCT2022.

USCG captured these illegals, from Cuba, approximately 30-miles south of Marathon, 13OCT2022.

USCG District 7 photo, 13OCT2022.

USCG captured this illegal, from Cuba, approximately 45-miles south of Key West, 13OCT2022.

USCG District 7 photo, 14OCT2022.

USCG captured this boat, from Cuba, approximately 20-miles south of Key West, 14OCT2022.

USCG District 7 video, illegals row a large homemade boat about 60-miles south of Key West, 14OCT2022.  Obviously the boat is big enough to hold dozens of illegals, where are they:

USCG District 7 photo, 16OCT2022.

USCG captured these illegals, from Cuba, approximately 30-miles south of Long Key, 16OCT2022.

USCG District 7 photo, 18OCT2022.

USCG captured these illegals, from Cuba, approximately 20-miles south of Boca Chica, 18OCT2022.

USCG District 7 photo, 18OCT2022.

USCG captured these illegals, from Cuba, approximately 15-miles south of Cudjoe Key, 18OCT2022.

WPLG Local10 reports 200% increase in Boat People:

USCG District 7 photo, 18OCT2022.

USCG captured these illegals, from Cuba, approximately 30-miles south of Islamorada, 18OCT2022.

USCG District 7 video, illegals captured about 15-miles southeast of Fort Jefferson, 18OCT2022:

USCG District 7 photo, 24OCT2022.

USCG captured these illegals, from Cuba, approximately 35-miles south of Key West, 24OCT2022.

USCG District 7 photo, 25OCT2022.

USCG captured these illegals, from Cuba, approximately 7-miles south of Key Largo, 25OCT2022.

USCG District 7 photo, 25OCT2022.

USCG captured these illegals, from Cuba, approximately 23-miles east of Biscayne Bay, 25OCT2022.

USCG District 7 photo, 26OCT2022.

USCG captured these illegals, from Cuba, near Cudjoe Key, 26OCT2022.

USCG District 7 photo, 31OCT2022.

USCG captured these illegals, from Cuba, approximately 50-miles south of Marquesas Key, 31OCT2022.


USCG District 7 PADET-San Juan photo, 01OCT2022.

USCG District 7 PADET-San Juan reported they handed over 47-Dominican Republic nationals to the Dominican Republic Navy, on 02OCT2022.  They also reported that two people were arrested and face federal charges of smuggling humans.

USCG District 7 PADET-San Juan photo, 18OCT2022.

On 18OCT2022, USCG District 7 PADET-San Juan report they ‘repatriated’ 48-Dominican Republic nationals and two Haitians to the Dominican Republic Navy.

USCG District 7 PADET-San Juan reported they handed over 48-Dominican Republic nationals and two Haitians to the Dominican Republic Navy, on 24OCT2022.

TEXAS: USCG District 8 video report, about the increase in illegal fishing operations along the Texas coast, 373-Mexicans captured:

Biden’s Borderland:


Biden’s Borderland, September 2022:


Biden’s Borderland: “One, if by land, and two, if by sea” Invasion of Boat People & Mass-Murdering Truck Drivers!

Oneif by land, and twoif by sea”-Paul Revere’s Ride by Henry W. Longfellow

Welcome to borderland hell under the U.S. President, highly incomplete (just the tip of the iceberg) list of videos and links to news/government agency reports for June 2022:

Between 01-07JUN2022, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) conducted Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) called Operation Cross Check. More than 1-hundred illegals were captured (which is nothing compared to the thousands captured during previous year’s Cross Check operations), most have convictions for crimes including, but not limited to, aggravated assault with a gun, robbery, burglary, kidnapping, hit and run, drug trafficking, and child molestation. Operation Cross Check has been conducted yearly since 2011. ICE video by Charles Reed:

The U.S. Coast Guard District 7 PADET captured 23 illegals from Cuba, they were handed over to the Bahamas on 03JUN2022:

USCG District 7 (Air Station Clearwater) video of a boat overloaded with illegals from Haiti, approximately 16 miles from Great Inagua, Bahamas, 12JUN2022:

New York Times reports, in a round-a-bout way, that the number of potential DACA students (aka Dreamers) is only increasing! Blames it on massive increase in illegals graduating high schools across the U.S.! 

USCG District 8 photo by Petty Officer Third Class Seth Rentz, 24JUN2022.

Somewhere in The Caribbean Sea (for an unknown reason the USCG did not want to give an exact location), the USCG surrounds a boat overloaded with illegals from Haiti, 24JUN2022.

25JUN2022, immigrant posts video of passage into Canada via the United States:

Illegals boarding the Navy of the Dominican Republic patrol boat Aldebarán. USCG District 7 PADET photo, 26JUN2022.

On 26JUN2022, the USCG handed over 11 illegals to the Navy of the Dominican Republic, near Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.

On 28JUN2022, for some reason the President of Mexico felt he had to issue an apology regarding the mass-murder of illegals, by Mexican human smugglers, in a truck in Texas:


U.S. Customs and Border Patrol photo by Jerry Glaser, 07JUN2022.

U.S. taxpayers are now being raped to fund heat stress ‘Go-Bag’ kits being handed out to illegals in Arizona’s Tucson Sector! It is part of a 90 days study to make Border Patrol’s mission more ‘humanitarian’, eventually the Go-Bags will be issued across the U.S. southern land border.

Tucson Sector Border Patrol reports 2-thousand-1-hundred-and-92 ‘rescues’ in the month of May! On 09JUN2022, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP, aka Border Patrol) issued a warning to illegals.  The warning was about Mother Nature, and a 90 day ‘scale-up’ of border patrol operations, also, new taxpayer funded heat survival kits will be used to ‘rescue’ illegals. Video was edited for time reasons:

U.S. CBP captured 68 illegals, 58 of which are children!

CALIFORNIA: California will offer health insurance to all undocumented immigrants (as many as 700-thousand illegals!)

CONNECTICUT: RAND Corporation behind push to give taxpayer funded healthcare to illegals? Will cost Connecticut taxpayers $121-million!


USCG District 7 Station Key West photo.

On 10JUN2022, citizens (what the USCG calls ‘good Samaritans’) reported a homemade boat (what the USCG calls a “rustic vessel”) about 7 miles south of Key West. The USCG says the illegals onboard are from Cuba, and claims they were returned on 14JUN2022.

Between 01JUN2022 and 12JUN2022, the USCG District 7 reported capturing at least 52 illegals from Cuba, who were using various forms of rustic vessels. The USCG claims they were returned on 14JUN2022.

USCG District 7 photo, 12JUN2022.

On 12JUN2022, ‘good Samaritans’ reported an obvious illegal’s boat, 13 miles south of Marquesas Key. The USCG says the illegals  are from Cuba, and claims they were returned on 17JUN2022.

USCG District 7 photo, 17JUN2022.

A good Samaritan reported a rustic vessel filled with people, on 17JUN2022. The USCG captured the boat about 22 miles south of Big Pine Key.  The illegals from Cuba were sent back home on 19JUN2022, along with other captured Cubans totaling 45.

USCG District 7 PADET Jacksonville photo, 23JUN2022.

On 20JUN2022, the USCG captured yet more illegals from Cuba, about 68 miles south of Key West. The USCG photo purports to show the return of 89 illegals to Cuba, on 23JUN2022.

Photo by crew of Coast Guard Cutter Joshua Applebly, 25JUN2022.

On 25JUN2022, the USCG captured this rustic vessel about five miles south of Marquesas Key.  The illegals were returned to Cuba, on 27JUN2022, as part of a larger group of 106!

Coast Guard Station Islamorada video of USCG and CBP interception of a boat overloaded with illegals from Haiti, about 40 miles southeast of Islamorada, 25JUN2022.  The USCG claims 98 illegals were returned to Haiti on 29JUN2022:

IDAHO: ‘Resettlement’ organizations report they are struggling to find housing for the increasing deluge of Refugees, blames it on housing speculators! 

Resettlement organizations across The Gem State celebrated the recent arrivals of refugees from African countries and Afghanistan.

MASSACHUSETTS: State Senate & House override Governor’s veto of driver’s licenses for illegals bill! Illegals now legally able to drive.

MICHIGAN: 29JUN2022, Fox 2
Detroit shows you the problems of patrolling the border with Canada; weapons & human smuggling, CBP operations along Mexican border distracts from problems along Canadian border. CBP says “It’s not just a mom and a pop….trying to come across….it’s organized.”:


USCG District 7 PADET photo, 17JUN2022.

The USCG says this boat was filled with 56 illegals from Dominican Republic, they were captured near Mona Island, 17JUN2022, and handed over to the Navy of the Dominican Republic the next day.

Photo by the crew of Coast Guard Cutter Joseph Doyle, 27JUN2022.

58 illegals from Dominican Republic and Haiti were captured near Desecheo Island, 27JUN2022.  They were returned to the Dominican Republic the next day.


USCG District 8 photo, courtesy Tim Oberle, 07JUN2022.

In Houston, on 07JUN2022, Coast Guard Sector Houston-Galveston, Homeland Security Investigations Houston (HSI), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Houston and Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Houston established a new Joint Intelligence and Operations Coordination Center to support Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana.

On 09JUN2022, USCG-Air Station Corpus Christi videoed Mexicans illegally fishing in U.S. water.  A total of two illegal fishing boats, and six people, from Mexico were captured:

On 15JUN2022, El Paso Sector Border Patrol Chief Patrol Agent in Charge Gloria Chavez joined with Mexican Consul General in El Paso Mauricio Ibarra Ponce de Leon, to issue a warning to anybody trying to cross from Mexico into the United States.  Video by Greg L. Davis:

Reuters, 28JUN2022: Two Mexicans charged after death of 51 migrants in sweltering Texas truck

KXAN San Antonio, 29JUN2022: Death toll now at 53

MySanAntonio, 29JUN2022: Mexicans are ‘cloning’ U.S. Department of Transportation truck identifications, operating trucks inside the U.S. illegally! 

29JUN2022, Texas Governor says Texas will now expand its own border crossing checkpoint operations, blames Biden for mass-deaths of illegals:

KENS 5 San Antonio, 30JUN2022:

Washington DC: Supreme Court allows Biden to end Trump era Migrant Protection Protocols (aka Remain in Mexico policy)


Biden’s Borderland: ‘Rustic Vessel’ navy of Cuba & Haiti invades? Border Patrol investigates itself!

Welcome to borderland hell under the U.S. President, highly incomplete (just the tip of the iceberg) list of videos and links to news/government agency reports for 27 MAY 2022:

Canada to search your cell phone if you want to cross over!

Pro-illegal ‘christian’ priest and migrant camp operator, in Mexico, found beaten to death!

Between March 1st and May 15th, border officials have had to deal with more than half-a-million illegals!

U.S. Coast Guard District 7 photo by Seaman Eric Rodriguez.

On 30APR2022,  the U.S. Coast Guard District 7 reported ‘rescuing’ 102 illegals from Haiti, crammed onto a boat near the  near Isle de Tortue.  They were sent back to Haiti on 03MAY2022.

U.S. Coast Guard District 7 photo by Petty Officer Third Class Erik Villa-Rodriguez, 09MAY2022.

On 09MAY2022, the USCG District 7 captured an ‘unsafe’ vessel packed with illegals from Haiti, near Turks and Caicos Islands.

NBC News confirms that social media is being used to trick illegals into coming to the United States:

Associated Press discovered that a law student is using social media to help illegals get into the U.S.  The law student has 3.1-million followers:


ARIZONA: Governor blames social media for posting advertisements promoting human smuggling!

FLORIDA: Politician releases photos proving there is no baby formula shortage at detention centers for illegals!

USCG District 7 photo, 14MAY2022.

On 14MAY2022, about 32 miles south of Key West, 48 illegals from Cuba, using several homemade boats (aka ‘rustic vessels’), were captured.  They were sent back to Cuba on 19MAY2022.

USCG photo by Petty Officer Third Class Erik Villa-Rodriguez, 17MAY2022.

On 17MAY2022, about 40 miles south of Long Key, 43 illegals from Cuba were seen using a couple of homemade boats (aka ‘rustic vessels’).  They were captured and sent back to Cuba on 21MAY2022.

A very quick USCG video of a boat crammed with 146 illegals from Haiti, captured approximately 45 miles southeast of Islamorada, 24MAY2022. They were sent back to Haiti on 27MAY2022:

IDAHO: Most refugees in Idaho are still coming from African countries.

City of Nampa is location for new Ukrainian refugee center.

Forbes reveals skyrocketing housing costs involve area of refugee resettlement, like Boise in Idaho, warns that same areas are already suffering huge declines in home prices!

LOUISIANNA: Federal judge says Title 42 must not end:

MASSACHUSETTS: Governor vetoes bill that would have allowed illegals to get drivers licenses:

PUERT RICO: Approximately 10 miles north of Desecheo Island, a Coast Guard Air Station Borinquin SAR crew ‘rescued’ survivors of an “illegal voyage” on 12MAY2022.  Video via USCG District 7:

U.S. Coast Guard District 7 PADET San Juan photo, 16MAY2022.

On 16MAY2022, approximately 15 nautical miles northwest of Aguadilla, 22 illegals from Dominican Republic and Haiti were captured.

USCG District 7 PADET San Juan photo, 18MAY2022.

The USCG says this boat contained 18 illegals, captured on 18MAY2022, approximately 11 nautical miles northwest of Aguadilla.

USCG District 7 PADET San Juan photo, 23MAY2022.

On 23MAY2022, the USCG intercepted this ‘illegal voyage vessel’ with 21 illegals, approximately 10 nautical miles south of Mona Island.

TEXAS: Illegals file lawsuit against taxpayers of The Lone Star State, want $5-million!

USCG District 8 photo, 18MAY2022.

The USCG claims this tour boat was operating illegally on Clear Lake in Kemah,18MAY2022.  Houston Police arrested the captain and crew.

Coast Guard Sector/Air Station Corpus Christi claims this is video of Mexicans illegally fishing in U.S. water, 19MAY2022:

Illegals cross border dressed like a military unit:

The mayor of Del Rio says there is no way to prepare for the daily crossings of thousands of illegals:

Democracy Now! report reveals massive involvement of Border Patrol in Uvalde school shooting, and reveals most residents are “mixed immigration status” and demands that ICE not deport any illegal students that might have been revealed as a result of the shooting:

Washington DC: U.S. President Joseph R. Biden Junior is going to try a new legal way to avoid Title 42 and let in more illegals!

Wall Street Journal says there is proof that U.S. President Joseph R. Biden Junior is signaling massive illegal immigration through policy incentives!

U.S. Customs and Border Protection released a video explaining what happens after the end of Title 42:

U.S. Customs and Border Protection released a video report explaining the 2021 investigations into its own employees:

Biden’s  Borderland, April 2022:  “THE REST OF THE COUNTRY NEEDS TO WAKE UP!”


Biden’s Borderland: “The rest of the country needs to wake up!”

Welcome to borderland hell under the U.S. President, highly incomplete (just the tip of the iceberg) list of videos and links to news/government agency reports as of 30 April 2022:

The College Advising Corps shows illegals how to go to college in the U.S.:

U.S. Coast Guard District 7 video, from 27APR2022, of a Haitian boat approximately 60 miles northwest of Cuba. The boat was intercepted with 64 illegals onboard:

On 19APR2022, the U.S Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issued a taxpayer funding video report justifying its reliance on hi-tech equipment, why Singapore is an important partner in policing smuggling that is targeting the U.S., and continued border policing operations with a focus on “rescuing” victims of human smuggling:

On 11APR2022, the USCG District 7 “rescued” 67 illegals from Haiti, 15 miles southeast of Anguilla Cay, Bahamas:

On 10APR2022, the USCG District 7, handed over 88 illegals from Haiti to the Haitian Coast Guard. Video by Lieutenant David Steele:

USCG District 7 photo, 09APR2022.

On 09APR2022, approximately 17 miles northeast of Punta Maisi, Cuba, the USCG District 7 captured, oh I mean ‘rescued’ 89 illegals from Haiti.  The USCG claims the Haitian ‘voluntarily’ left the boat and ‘agreed’ to be sent back to Haiti (at U.S. taxpayer expense, of course)!


U.S. Army photo by Cameron Porter, 05APR2022.

The U.S. Army’s Logistics Readiness Center, in Livorno, began sending humanitarian aid to Moldova, to help that tiny country deal with Ukrainian refugees.

ARIZONA:  Yet again, U.S. Customs and Border Protection had to ‘rescue’ illegals stranded/injured on the Baboquivari Mountains. Video by Ozzy Trevino, 14APR2022:

U.S. Army photo by Sergeant Savannah Roy, 08APR2022.

The U.S. Air Force delivered a new MQ-1C-25 drone (unmanned aerial vehicle UAV) to Fort Huachuca. U.S. Army soldiers from Fort Stewart, Georgia, will use it to patrol the border with Mexico for the next two months.  The ‘-25’ indicates the MQ-1C is the new Extended Range Gray Eagle.

U.S. Army photo by Brandon Mejia, 16FEB2022.

The U.S. Army’s Yuma Proving Ground (YPG) is about 48 miles from the border with Mexico (if you’re heading to Los Algodones), and borders with California.  YPG Conservation Law Enforcement Officer Sergeant Shawn Baker says there has been a huge increase in ‘trespassing’ in the past few years, based on the number of new vehicle trails, aerial photos, and ‘in-person contacts’.  Sergeant Baker stops short of blaming illegal immigrants, but warns that YPG has a lot of unexploded bombs spread across the desert, some going back to World War Two.

Near Yuma’s border with Mexico, CBP reports 10-thousand illegal crossings per week:

CALIFORNIA: Hospitals in San Diego are reporting daily cases of illegals falling off of ‘Trump’s Wall’.  The Washington Post quotes illegals as saying how surprised they were to find a wall that they would have to attempt to climb, then the leftist newspaper uses it to bash Trump.

Golden State lawmakers consider forcing taxpayers to fund migrant farm workers, using the drought as an excuse!

Kentucky Army National Guard photo by Sergeant First Class Lerone Simmons, 28APR2022.

On 28APR2022, U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant Major James Porterfield, Command Senior Enlisted Leader of NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) and USNorthCom (U.S. Northern Command), got a tour of a Mobile Surveillance Camera (MSC) site near San Diego. The MSC is operated by the 381st Military Police Company, Indiana Army National Guard.  USNorthCom is tasked with providing Mobile Surveillance Camera operators, Intelligence analysts, and aviation support operations via various state National Guard units.

Taxpayer funded College of the Canyons helps illegals:

Golden State lawmakers considering allowing illegals to become police personnel!!!

‘Free’ taxpayer funded medical care for hundreds of thousands of illegals begins 01MAY2022:


USCG District 7 photo, 18APR2022.

The USCG claims they ‘rescued’ 84 illegals, in various homemade boats, about 17 miles south of Marathon on 18APR2022, and returned them to Cuba on 27APR2022.

USCG District 7 photo, 16APR2022.

About 17 miles south of Ramrod Key, the USCG ‘rescued’ 67 illegals from Cuba on 16APR2022, sending them back to Cuba on 18APR2022.

USCG photo, 01APR2022.

On 01APR2022, the USCG District 7 ‘rescued’ 70 illegals from Cuba, approximately 45 miles south of Marathon.  The USCG says they were sent back to Cuba.

IDAHO: Migrant farm workers given long sleeve shirts to protect from the Sun, every year.

LOUISIANA: Federal judge in Louisiana blocks Biden’s plan to end Title 42:

MINNESOTA:  The Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training wants illegals to become police personnel!!!

NEW JERSEY: State appeals judge rules police do not have to tell suspected illegals that they should consult with an immigration attorney before questioning.

NEW YORK: NYC wants $25-million from taxpayers to help illegals to vote!!!

TEXAS: Laredo Police ‘rescue’ 77 illegals being smuggled in a trailer!

The body of a Texas Army National Guardsman, Specialist Bishop Evans, who died trying to rescue illegals from drowning, is recovered, Tennessee politician Diana Harshbarger says “The rest of the country needs to wake up!”:

It turns out that the two men a now dead Texas Army National Guardsman tried to save from drowning, are actually drug smugglers!


U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer Third Class Michael Clark, 12APR2022.

Canada’s Ambassador to the U.S., Kirsten Hillman, discusses traffic control operations for cargo ships with Laird Hail, Director of the Puget Sound Vessel Traffic Control System, on Base Seattle, 12APR2022. Canada and the U.S. work together regarding ocean going vessels using the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

Washington DC: 12APR2022, Russia-Ukraine crisis forces U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken to meet with UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi. Apparently the number of refugees fleeing the war are at crisis levels, and finding countries willing to take enough in is now a problem:

Department of Homeland Security finally mandates Pandemic vaccinations for illegals arriving by land or boat!



“Long hours, employee turnover, equipment failures, wage hikes”: U.S. Food Crisis, February 2019

Incomplete main-stream-news links of announced United States food supply shutdowns, emergencies, outbreaks and recalls for the month of February, 2019:

Over one weekend, 03-04FEB2019, three USAFR C-17 Globemaster transport aircraft delivered food to three of the countries flooding the U.S. with illegal immigrants;  Guatemala, Haiti, and Honduras.  The U.S. Air Force Reserve described the food aid mission as occurring periodically through out the year.  The food is supposedly donated, but the cost of flying it to the recipients rests on the U.S. taxpayers.

In Djibouti, Africa, taxpayer funded U.S. Army veterinarians were deployed to help locals improve their livestock. It’s called a Veterinary Civic Action Project (VetCAP).

A very small number of crops are dominating globally: That’s bad news

Climate change is cooking salmon in the Pacific Northwest

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

ALABAMA: As much as $150-million will be spent building the Alabama Farm Center (an events center) in the hope of attracting 4-hundred jobs

$43.3 million in federal taxes awarded to Auburn for agriculture facility

ALASKA: Proposed state budget includes elimination of Division of Agriculture

Taxpayer subsidized fishing towns could lose millions under new governor

Bering Sea Pacific cod fishery could move toward quota system

Tribe takes state to court in attempt to protect herring

As the Bering Sea warms, this skipper is chasing pollock to new places

98% of Alaska’s fish are exported for use by non-Alaskans

ARIZONA: lawmakers exempt farmers from paying sales taxes…

Family farms made Phoenix livable, so why are so many going away?

State Department of Water Resources claims less water is being used now than in 1957, despite a 6-million person increase in the population

If the above is true, then why are farmers being cut off from river water?

ARKANSAS: Al’s Bar-B-Q shutdown after 47 years 

Plant Board Votes To Loosen Dicamba herbicide Restrictions

CALIFORNIA: Germany based maker of containers for food, Bericap, issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Ontario, 30 jobs gone by mid-April.  TGI Friday’s issued yet another shutdown WARN, this time for its restaurant in El Cajon, 48 jobs gone by mid-April.  Iconic maker of restaurant coffee makers, Bunn-O-Matic, issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Cerritos, 20 jobs gone by mid-April.

Nantucket Restaurant shutdown after 89 years, no reason given

After 102 years,  Estrada’s Fine Mexican and Caribbean Cuisine shutdown

Le Cheval, one of the largest Vietnamese restaurants, shutdown due to skyrocketing rent and crashing sales

Chicken-killing Newcastle disease prompts widespread quarantines

‘dry farmers’ grow crops without irrigation

California must abandon 535,000 acres of prized farmland to meet water conservation goals

California expecting smallest avocado crop in a decade

In the leftist-liberal socialist ‘Golden State’, U.S. Navy sailors still have to help deliver food for the Meals on Wheels program in San Diego.  Since January 2018, Makin Island Sailors delivered more than 550 meals to the local San Diego community.

CONNECTICUT: After at least 40 years Lynn’s Restaurant and Delicatessen shutdown 

Compost heat recovery helps cut costs, boost revenue

DELAWARE: Federal prisoners to be used to operate Vertical Farms?

FLORIDA: Hamburger Mary’s closing two more locations due to Hep A investigation

Jacksonville based Southeastern Grocers decided to shutdown an additional 22 Bi-Lo grocery stores across several states, affecting thousands of employees

Krewe De Gras shutdown after ten years

After 32 years Connie’s Hams & Catering shutdown by a greedy landlord

farmers plot new course after Hurricane Michael

hemp production still a cloud of smoke

Farmworker vs Robot

GEORGIA: Months after Hurricane Michael, farmers still trying to recoverU.S. Army Officer Cadet School trainees took part in a 16FEB2019 food drive, in partnership with the Midland Feeding the Valley Food Bank, and Columbus Community Warriors Incorporated.

GUAM: Ban on scuba fishing proposed

Marine life at risk in U.S. Navy’s 2019 environmental impact statement

HAWAII:Still Lacks Enough Local Food Production

Indigenous agriculture has potential to contribute to food needs

Costco considers farming in Hawaii

Since July 2018, the U.S. Coast Guard and the British empire’s Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans joined forces to enforce international fishing laws across the Indo-Pacific: “Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing threatens food security, impacts the sustainability of fisheries, and causes irreparable damage to marine and freshwater ecosystems across the globe. Partnerships, like this one with Canada’s Department of National Defence and the United States Coast Guard, are the key to tackling IUU fishing that threatens many vulnerable coastal communities. We will continue to work with other countries and assist small island developing states in combating IUU fishing to increase security and protect the health of fish stocks around the world.”-Jonathan Wilkinson, minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard

IDAHO:  Legislation adds up costs of new hemp program

Land purchase paves way for nation’s largest research dairy

Idaho proposes requiring farmer consent for annexation

once-low-key Idaho Hop Growers Association is getting more active

ILLINOIS:  Next money ‘crop’ for Illinois farmers, Solar panels?

Prisoners are prepped for farming

INDIANA: The Scotty’s Brewhouse chain shutdown yet another restaurant, this time without fair warning and blaming it on a ‘3rd party’ 

Taxpayer funded Grants Awarded to Grow Specialty Crop

IOWA: Pizza chain Old Chicago shutdown one of its seven locations in Iowa

After four years and $1.75-million in tax incentives, Lucky’s Market shutdown its ‘organic’ grocery store in Iowa City

Iowa’s first $260-million ‘agrihood’ promises farm-like living conditions in a congested metro area

loan delinquencies reach highest point in 9 years as crops prices slump (no thanks to capitalistic globalization markets)

KENTUCKY:  Long John Silver’s suddenly laid off 20 people at its Louisville HQ

As tobacco sales dry up, farmers look to the state’s original crop; hemp

‘canine like’ attack kills six Llamas, the Llama farm just happens to be located next-door to a metro area zoo

LOUISIANA: Dean of Southern University’s Agricultural College Resigns

Company sues state agriculture agency over faulty marijuana testing

MAINE:  British empire Canada based Future Farm Technologies Extends 100-Acre Lease for CBD-Producing Hemp

MARYLAND: Long Beach Oyster House suddenly shutdown because “the new management had to walk away.”

farmers demand to use toxic pesticides despite warnings

MASSACHUSETTS:  Papa Gino’s is closing six locations in Massachusetts and one in New Hampshire.

Big Y shutting down its grocery store in Adams, 90 jobs gone

After three years restaurant Roadworthy suddenly shutdown

nonprofits face eviction from taxpayer-owned farmland

Residents Urged To Check Plants For Invasive Lanternfly

MICHIGAN:  ‘Taste’ and nutrition company Kerry issued a shutdown WARN for its factory in Kentwood, 107 jobs gone by the end of April!

Tom’s Food Markets shutdown its 36 years old location south of Grand Travis Resort

D&W Fresh Market sutting down its location in Portage, 50 jobs gone in March

A place used by local school bowling teams, Candlelite Bowling and Banquet Center, suddenly shutdown after five decades with no reason given 

Seventh Day Adventist founded food giant Kellogg laying off 67 people at its Battle Creek HQ, and another 12 corporate jobs elsewhere, as part of its globalization plans

Two men sentenced to prison time for conspiring to commit bank fraud and making false statements to attain loans and crop insurance for Decatur based Stamp Farms

A $30 million eel-fish farm in Michigan?

MINNESOTA: ‘Senior Dinning’ service Morrison Community Living issued WARNs for several locations, more than 250 jobs threatened by the end of April!

After six years Crave Burger shutdown

MISSISSIPPI: Taxpayer funded vaccines equal bigger catfish?

MISSOURI: After nearly 90 years of serving food in the River Market, Cascone’s Grill shutdown

For the first time in more than 100 years, there’s no grocery / convenience store in Thornfield, following the closing of the Heriford Store due to no longer being feasible (despite being the last food store in the area)!

 The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City warned that farm incomes would likely have a weak start in 2019

MONTANA: Five Loaves Coffee House & Bakery shutdown after 14 years

6500 Montanan farmers sign up for $14 million in taxpayer funded tariff relief payments

NEBRASKA:  After more than 60 years Conroy’s Family Bakery shutdown 

Asian jumping worm poses future threat

loan delinquencies highest in 9 years

Man Killed by Bull While Checking Cattle

NEVADA:  Farmers challenge new ‘water market’

Strangles disease killing horses

NEW HAMPSHIRE:  Local ‘organic’ Farmers Frustrated by Recent USDA Labeling Decisions

Labor Shortage, Climate Change  Challenges

NEW JERSEY:  Belgium owned Anheuser-Busch issued a WARN for its Jersey City sales ops, 80 jobs gone by the end of April.

Why North Carolinian boats are fishing off New Jersey’s coast

NEW MEXICO: Local dairies now ground zero for PFAS contamination by the USAF

Air Force pollution forces dairy to kill 4-thousand cows!

NEW YORK:  Raul’s Candy Store shutdown after 40 years 

Purchase based Pepsi announced massive layoffs and factory shutdowns as part of a plan to “leverage new technology and business models.”

Restaurant Black Forest Adler shutdown after seven years, the owner blaming it on “Long hours, employee turnover, equipment failures, wage hikes … and little time for a personal life.”

Farmworkers in leftist-liberal socialist taxpayer funded New York are excluded from labor protections!

Local ag economy faces low profits, big risks

NORTH CAROLINA: Restaurant chain owner Monica Eats now chapter 11 bankrupt busted 

That trendy CBD product in your smoothie is still illegal in North Carolina

NC State Study: Aquaculture Does Little, if Anything, to Conserve Wild Fisheries

NORTH DAKOTA:  Senator misleads with her claim of record number of bankruptcies in ‘farm country’

State House passes bill that expands the strange ‘family’ corporate farm law

State Senate passes revised trespassing bill

State law’s definition of ‘farmer’ makes it almost impossible for farmers to get a tax exemption

OHIO:  Actual Brewing now bankrupt dead after losing $558-thousand in 2018, due to low sales

Without warning grocery giant Kroger shutdown a bakery in Columbus (known as the Columbus Bakery) saying it was not worth upgrading the equipment, supposedly the now jobless 405 employees (according to the official WARN) will get 60 days severance

After more than 43 years the Golden Dawn grocery store shutdown, the owners refused to comment 

Farm Bureau members are disappointed with the results of the LEBOR vote

OKLAHOMA: Reasor’s Grocery shutting down a store in Broken Arrow, despite efforts by city leaders to keep it open

Popular Oklahoma City restaurant Chelino’s shutdown after 25 years

New chicken farming rules 

OREGON:  BridgePort Brewing, at one point Portland’s preeminent brewery, announced it will immediately halt brewing operations and shutdown in early March, due to crashing sales 

Bill would allow Oregon farmland to be rezoned along border with Idaho

Organic farms want taxpayer support

PENNSYLVANIA:  The owners of La Trattoria suddenly halted the renovations to their restaurant and quit to focus on another business

After eight years Redhound Grille suddenly shutdown, the owner blaming increasing competition and lack of people who want to work a crappy restaurant job

After 13 years restaurant Nine-on-Nine shutdown, local news media say restaurant shutdowns are now the norm

Mexico based Bimbo Bakeries shutting down operations in West Hazelton, 157 jobs gone by September due to consolidation ops!

Mosteller’s Seafood shutdown

Dairy Price Plateau

PUERTO RICO:  Chef José Andrés fights for an independent Agricultural Sector

1.4 million Puerto Ricans will face food aid cuts

Midwest states Look to Puerto Rico for Workers

RHODE ISLAND:  Criminal Probe of Slaughterhouse Sought After Cows Shot and stabbed Multiple Times

Rhode Island farmland has the highest national average cost per acre at $13,800

SOUTH CAROLINA:  Lincoln Park Bar and Grill suddenly shutdown

State House removes hemp lid

SOUTH DAKOTA: foreclosure case could involve more than 31-thousand head of cattle

TENNESSEE: After only a year Taco Garage shutdown

After 44 years the Gold Rush Bar shutdown due to expenses going through the roof

Top ten agriculture plants in Tennessee

TEXAS: Boiler Nine Bar + Grill shutdown due to not being able to pay management fees

Virtual kitchen Blue Apron shutting down its distribution center in Arlington, more than 450 jobs affected by April, due to crashing online orders!

Grocery giant Kroger shutdown its 59 years old store in Denison, 60 jobs affected

Taylor Farms Recalls Chicken Products Due To wrong labels

UTAH: Newcastle chicken disease found in Utah home

Controversy over water reform rules

VERMONT: Renewable energy growing among animals and crops

tiered system of fees imposed on hemp growers

VIRGINIA: About 25 Navy and Air Force culinary students, instructors and support staff lent their skills to the lunchtime feeding operation at The Hope Center, with the goal of easing hunger and financial stress for less-fortunate citizens: “This is the first time since I’ve been down here that we’ve had the military come down in a volunteer capacity to cook.”-Scott Fisher, executive director The Hope Center

After only one year Smokey T’s Southern Kitchen shutdown

Ledo Pizza suddenly shutdown its Short Pump location

Virginia Diner Shoppe shutdown its Richmond-Carytown location, not willing to renew the lease 

WASHINGTON:  Food service company HMS Host issued a mass-layoff WARN for its ops at SeaTac, 202 jobs gone by the end of March!   Legacy Fruit Packers suddenly shutdown its ops in Wapato, 199 jobs instantly gone! Also in Wapato, Valley Fruit suddenly shutdown, 1-thousand and nine jobs instantly gone!  In Seleh, Larson Orchard Management suddenly shutdown, 807 jobs instantly gone!  Last year the above fruit growing/packing companies were sued by H-2A immigrant workers (Larson Orchard settles lawsuit with H-2A workers), as a result the above affected fruit growing/packing farms were forced to shutdown and sell-out (confirms purchase of Washington fruit companies) to several companies, including a company partly owned by billionaire Bill Gates!

Washington DC: U.S. farm debt soars: “Farm debt has been rising more rapidly over the last five years, increasing by 30% since 2013 – up from $315 billion to $409 billion, according to USDA data, and up from $385 billion in just the last year, to levels seen in the 1980s.”-Sonny Perdue, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture 

Area farm production decline threatens food security for DC residents: “Our production is declining in things like apples, chicken, pork, tomatoes, potatoes.”-Lindsay Smith, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments

Dairy farmers get more taxpayer funded help under new farm bill

WEST VIRGINIA: State Department of Agriculture employees get into a physical fight

WISCONSIN:  After 27 years an Aldi grocery store suddenly shutdown, shoppers told local news media they were tired of stores they rely-on for food shutting down

Dairy farmers are in crisis

A volunteer with the Fort McCoy Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers group helps distribute food 4FEB2019, at the Oasis Church in Tomah.

WYOMING: Earliest known seed-eating perching bird originated in Wyoming

Bison learn to avoid hunters

Highway shutdown due to badly behaving bison

Wyoming ranch manager goes missing in Canada


mULTI-aGENCY sUPER sURGE: U.S. government shenanigans, January 2019

Incomplete (literally the ‘Tip of the Iceberg’) list of United States Federal/State/Local Government self-destruct revelations for January 2019:

Prison Industrial Complex

United Van Lines moving company reported the top five states people are fleeing are New Jersey, Illinois, Connecticut, New York and Kansas.

Military Times: military spouses could receive potentially thousands of dollars in state tax refunds

ALABAMA: Paying out SNAP (food stamps) a month early

Trump is right? Democrats Faked Online Push to Outlaw Alcohol in Alabama Race

State Department of Corrections wants 20% increase in pay and to hire 5-hundred more prison guards

While we would hope committing crimes and “doing really dumb things” are always a bad idea, members of the Priceville Police Department want residents to know such shenanigans are cancelled

ARIZONA: Pima County Department of Transportation hit 36 workers with layoffs after cash strapped taxpayers rejected a $430 million construction package

 SNAP benefits to be issued early

Why People Are Flocking From California to Arizona

ARKANSAS: University of Arkansas Medical Sciences center Had $29M Deficit, Used Restricted Funds

Public-housing contracts expire; tenants risk rent increases, loss of homes 

The Faulkner County Quorum Court improperly used $350,000 in restricted taxpayer funds that were meant to support the 20th Judicial Circuit public defender’s office

CALIFORNIA: Hawthorne based taxpayer (NASA) funded Space X eliminating 7-hundred jobs!

Several Fairfield Police personnel disciplined for sex ‘crimes’ 

Elite LAPD unit disproportionately stopped black drivers

video of alleged assault of a veteran by Vallejo cop

three Pomona Police Department cops facing federal criminal charges

‘Red’ county sheriffs decry sanctuary laws after crime spree, cop killing

Nevada City sets up ‘goat fund me’ page to fight wildfires

COLORADO: Map shows Colorado police shootings so far this year, note that the overwhelming majority of shootings by cops are in the metro area along Interstate 25

CONNECTICUT: Has Among the Lowest Growth in the Nation

GEORGIA: New laws that went into effect

IDAHO: University of Idaho professor placed on leave after speaking out

University of Idaho will cut $5 million

STEM Action Center downplays $1M funding gap

federal taxpayer funding to assist statewide charter schools

ILLINOIS: More than 250 new state laws take effect

Barack Obama’s buddy Mayor Rahm Emanuel spent an incredible amount of taxpayer money on big corporations to encourage economic development. However, entire swaths of the city have seen little return on investments made with their tax dollars: “Development that does not address displacement is not development, it is whitewashing our neighborhoods and our communities.”-Amisha Patel, Grassroots Collaborative 

Community groups try to slow down taxpayer raping $5 billion Lincoln Yards development

Des Plaines Moves Forward With Oakton Corridor Tax Increment Financing

DeKalb council approves Tax Incremental Funding audit, HUD money amendment

Property owners forced to pay for Shorewood Towne Center project

The city of Woodstock’s property owner raping Tax Increment Financing fund ended the fiscal year in the red!

Springfield City Council sent a message to developers who ask for large amounts of Tax Increment Financing: the risk is on you

Property owners forced to fund rebuild of failing Granada Theatre

INDIANA: Greenfield to rape property owners with Tax Incremental Financing for infrastructure projects, including one for a Chinese company!

MARYLAND: A former Baltimore cop has published a book detailing the level of crimes committed by cops, including fake drug busts, ‘disappearing’ drugs from police evidence lockers, just to name a few: “I learned about cops burglarizing houses and transporting stolen antiques in a paddy wagon. I’d seen cops sleeping and drinking on the job. I lost trust in fellow officers I had respected who were accepting bribes – even one who was my academy instructor. After two and a half years, I knew I had to get out of there!”James I. Cabezas, who helped convict state lawmakers, city councilmen and, famously, a Baltimore mayor

(Reminds me of a cop crime while I was working in the News Department of KYMA, in Arizona, in 1995.  Store owners in a shopping plaza were reporting massive thefts, they were taking place overnight even though the shop owners were paying the city of Yuma to have cops patrol the plaza.  Yep it was a cop!  The dumb cop that was committing the crime didn’t stop to realize that it’d be easy to finger him because the thefts took place only on his watch.  Other cops staked out the plaza on his watch and caught him red handed.)

MICHIGAN:  Traverse City Downtown Development Authority to further explore the possibility of expanding downtown’s Tax Increment Financing

MISSISSIPPI: Should it be this easy for Mississippi police to take your property?

Cops on Leave After Man’s Death from Head Injury

MISSOURI:  Department of Corrections announces plan to consolidate prisons, blaming it on the biggest taxpayer funded pay raise for prison guards in the state’s history

Demand for transparency after Pleasant Hill jail death

NEBRASKA: court system lacks the funds to establish mental health courts

Operation Jupiter: U.S. Department of Defense spending $11-million in tax funding for development of drug therapies to protect military service members from the effects of radiation exposure

NEVADA: New laws lift tampon tax, restore some voting rights

Department of Energy secretly shipped plutonium from South Carolina to Nevada

Nevada Army National Guard ends lease of Camp Stead after 50 years.  The land is owned by the city of Reno and was leased at one dollar per year, but don’t think it saved state taxpayers any money.  Official reports say the state Military Department spent millions of tax-dollars, including $4-million in just the past ten years, upgrading the property.  The lease was allowed to expire because the property is part of the Reno-Tahoe Airport, and the Federal Aviation Administration says the land must be used for airport operations.

NEW HAMPSHIRE: He Disparaged the Police on Facebook. So They Arrested Him.

criminal investigation of Salem deputy chief

NEW MEXICO: Leftist liberal state rated worst for raising a family

NEW YORK: a private investigator, who used to be a cop, now fights for people accused of crimes because he knows first-hand that the justice system is bull-shit!

More proof New York is anti-American; New gun-control laws in New York: Find out what is planned six years after the SAFE Act

For proof how paranoid NYC is, taxpayer dollars being spent on having New York Army National Guard conduct Operation Empire Shield “…patrolling through Penn during a Multi-Agency Super Surge, a mission where multiple law enforcement agencies have a very strong show of Force and work in a Unified, collaborative Effort to share intelligence, best practices, relevant information in a Unified effort to detect, deter and defeat terrorism.”

OHIO:  City of Barberton warning of massive layoffs due to the loss $1.5 million in state government funding, the continued rising costs of day-to-day operations, the loss of $1.3 million in income tax revenue as private sector employer Babcock & Wilcox relocates its 600 employees to Akron later this year, and carry over of last-year’s $800,000 deficit!

Commercial property owner fails to pay taxes, Painesville City seizes property, now taxpaying residents of Painesville being forced to pay for it!

Property owners within a five square miles area of Dublin being forced to pay for new Bridge Park development

OREGON: The local taxpayer owned former Sgt. Jerome F. Sears U.S. Army Reserve Center building was to be remodeled into Portland’s new Cascadia Event crisis center (Bureau of Emergency Management response center), but nine years later nothing is being done because, according to local news media, exalted city leaders can’t still decided which emergency response unit will use it, how to rebuild it or how to fund it! 

Man shot by Portland police was legally blind, suffered from paranoia

PENNSYLVANIA: cops still abandon drivers on side of the road, in violation of ‘Live Stop’ policy

PUERTO RICO: A Wave of Daytime Killings Has People on Edge

DC Democrats Favoring illegal aliens over U.S. Citizens from Puerto Rico

SOUTH CAROLINA: again ranked among the worst states to raise a family

TEXAS:  Waco City to force property owners to pay $1.6 million in Tax Incremental Financing to develop competing residential and commercial business properties!

UTAH: Once a national model, Utah struggles with homelessness

State Employees Receive taxpayer funded Transportation and a $500 Cash Bonus to travel to Mexico to buy drugs

VERMONT: Retired sex crimes cop is himself arrested for sex crimes

VIRGINIA:  State lawmakers are playing chicken with a deadline that could leave state taxpayers in the dark about how to file their state taxes

WASHINGTON: New laws in effect

Washington DC: Senate unanimously passes taxpayer raping funding bill to reopen government 

WISCONSIN: Property owners in La Crosse forced to fund the building of new North Side apartments

U.S. government shenanigans, December 2018: “THEY ARE LETTING THE INMATES KILL EACH OTHER”

Immigrant invasion, U.S.A., January 2019: “STOP INCENTIVIZING ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION”!

Dumbing Down the U.S.A., January 2019: “IT’S OVERWHELMING.”

Drugs, the American Way, January 2019: ‘DEATH PARTY’

ObamaCare ACA death spiral, January 2019: “MARKET DEMANDS”

“market demands”: ObamaCare death spiral, January 2019

Incomplete (tip-o-the-iceberg) list of healthcare related layoffs, shutdowns, crimes and taxpayer ripoffs in January 2019:

In Poland, the U.S. Army’s 64th Medical Detachment Veterinary Service Support, 30th Medical Brigade, conducted inspections of food storage areas for NATO operations.

USAID funded (and built by USN SeaBees) Ali Oune Medical Clinic, in Djibouti, opened on 31JAN2019.

U.S. tax dollars spent providing medical care in Honduras, one of the countries flooding the U.S. with illegal immigrants.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

ARIZONA: Nurse arrested in rape of woman who BECAME PREGNANT WHILE IN A COMA

ARKANSAS: Mental health provider Youth Home in Little Rock announced that 31 of its team members will be laid off

CALIFORNIA: British empire Cayman Islands based Theravance Biopharma issued layoff WARNs, 50 people jobless by March.   God powerless to stop the wildfire from shutting down Adventist Health Feather River, in Paradise, 1-thousand-331 jobs lost (supposedly temporarily)!  In San Jose, Verity Health System issued a layoff WARN, 20 jobs gone in March.  However, and also in San Jose, Verity Medical Foundation issued a shutdown WARN, 2-hundred jobs gone by the end of March!  Germany owned bio-tech company Roche-Genentech issued a layoff WARN for South San Francisco, 67 people jobless by the end of March.

San Francisco based health-tech start-up uBiome cuts more than 50 jobs

California reaches nearly $1M settlement with Aetna over HIV data breach

COLORADO: British/Swedish empire drugs maker AstraZeneca is laying off more than 200 employees!

FLORIDA: Molina Healthcare issued layoff WARNs, 43 jobs gone by April.

 Heart of Florida Health Center suddenly cuts 24 jobs

IDAHO: New Report Blasts the taxpayer funded Southwest Idaho Treatment Center

lawsuit to overturn voter-passed Medicaid expansion

BVA to acquire Saltzer Medical Group

ILLINOIS: PharMEDium issued a layoff WARN for its ops in Lake Forest, 41 jobs gone in March.  Decatur Living Facility issued a shutdown WARN, 90 jobs gone starting in March.

 Israel based Teva Pays $135M to Settle Illinois Medicaid Drug Price scam

INDIANA: Vibra Hospital to Lay Off 120!

IOWA: Genesis Health System issued a WARN, 196 people jobless by the end of June! Mahaska Health issued a WARN, 55 people jobless by the end of May.

LOUISIANA: Destrehan Pharmacy closing after more than 50 years in business

MARYLAND: At Aberdeen Proving Ground, the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command Edgewood Chemical Biological Center signed a taxpayer funded deal with tech startup TrekReader, to create a pocket-sized instrument that will provide military personnel, silly-vilian first responders, and even school nurses, with the ability to detect biological and chemical warfare agents.  (you gotta wounder what’s coming if the Army thinks even school nurses will need something like that)

Rite Aid in Mondawmin Mall shutting down

Union Hospital laying off 32 employees, many of whom were senior management-level staff, due to a failed merger bid

MASSACHUSETTS: Selecta Biosciences lays off staff as R&D cash crunch looms

MICHIGAN: God powerless to stop Trinity Health from issuing a shutdown WARN for its continuing care ops at the Huron Woods Facility, 119 jobs gone by the end of April!

Spectrum Health rejects woman’s heart transplant because she lacks a “secure financial plan”

MISSOURI: Troubled psychiatric hospital will close doors, layoff 129!

NEW JERSEY:  As a result of a 2017 Congressional mandate, the U.S. Army joined forces with Cooper University Health Care Center in order to improve readiness for deployment to combat zones, and to find new military doctors: “As far as U.S. Army Medical Recruiting is concerned, this is the future of army medicine; our health care soldiers have this great opportunity to be professionally trained in civilian medicine which will ultimately provide better care for the soldiers in the field.”-Captain Blake Corbitt

Capital Health issued a WARN, 103 jobs in Trenton gone by March!

Angel Medical Systems files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy

NEW YORK:  Physician assistants who join the New York Army National Guard will get $60,000 up front to repay college loans and a $25,000 annual bonus for four years.

Saint Lawrence Health issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Ogdensburg, 72 jobs affected.  Morrison Healthcare Food and Nutrition Services issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Erie Medical Center, 172 jobs affected! Independence Care System issued a shutdown WARN for its ops across NYC, about 3-hundred jobs affected! Senior Rehab Solutions-Norwegian Home and Health Center issued a layoff WARN, 22 jobs gone in February.  CareConnect Insurance issued a shutdown WARN for its location in East Hills, 46 jobs affected.  That Which Cannot be Named powerless to stop Metropolitan Jewish Home Care from issuing a layoff WARN, 112 jobs affected!

Surgeon charged with assault, strangulation after choking nurse with elastic cord at Nassau University Medical Center

PENNSYLVANIA: Germany owned Bayer Closing Pittsburgh Site, Nearly 600 Jobs Eliminated!

UPMC Pinnacle will close its hospital in Lancaster and layoff 505 employeesUPMC Pinnacle also shutting down its ops in Lititz.

RHODE ISLAND: Emergency room doctors under investigation, essentially for incompetence

SOUTH CAROLINA: Palmetto Health eliminates 140 positions!

Tennessee based Community Health Systems plans to sell all of its hospitals in South Carolina

TENNESSEE: PharMEDium to layoff at least 225 employees due to failing U.S. FDA inspections!

Cumberland River Hospital shutting down, 146 jobs gone by 07:00 hours, 01MAR2019!

TEXAS: Texas Health Resources, one of the largest health systems in North Texas, is laying off hundreds of workers due to “market demands”!

UTAH: University of Utah doctor killed in murder-suicide

Public Employees Receive taxpayer funded Transportation and a $500 Cash Bonus to Purchase drugs in Mexico

VERMONT: once one of the states with lowest uninsured rates now experiencing increase in uninsured as out-of-pocket costs climb

VIRGINIA: Signify Health issued a shutdown WARN for its home healthcare ops in Dallas, 132 jobs gone in March!

WASHINGTON: Bellevue based Amazon is selling software that mines patient health records

WISCONSIN: Pepin Health and Rehab issued a shutdown WARN, 54 jobs gone by the end of March.  God powerless to stop Unison-Interfaith Older Adult Programs from suddenly eliminating 53 jobs due to the “sudden and unexpected loss of contracts”.


‘death party’: Drugs, the American Way, January 2019

Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg, seriously this isn’t the half-of-it!) list of U.S. drug related crimes and oddities for the month of January 2019:

South China Morning Post: Mexico’s new president declares ‘drug war’ over

The Guardian:Mexico’s murder rate broke new record in 2018 as drug war drags on

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Second Class Logan C. Kellums, 29JAN2019.

Off the coast of Yemen, in the Gulf of Aden, the USN captured  4,700 kilograms of hashish, 24JAN2019.

USN photo by Mass Communication Specialist Second Class Logan C. Kellums, 29JAN2019.

It was the second Gulf of Aden hash capture, by the USN, in the past four weeks. The hash boat crew were allowed to sail away after the drugs were confiscated.

U.S. Coast Guard photo, 04JAN2019.

U.S. Coast Guard came across this drug ‘fast boat’, somewhere in the Pacific, 04JAN2019.

New York Times: Former Mexican President and Barack Obama buddy, Enrique Peña Nieto, accepted $100-million bribe from drug lord

U.S. counties where doctors got more meals, trips and consulting fees from opioid makers had higher overdose deaths involving prescription opioids

U.S. News & World Report: Drug Overdose Deaths Skyrocket Among Women

Many Addiction Centers Lack Anti-Opioid Meds

Journal of the American Medical Association: Medical marketing increased substantially….especially DTC (Direct To Consumer) advertising for drugs…only two countries allow DTC drug advertising, New Zealand and United States

ALABAMA: Student busted with guns and drugs on High School campus

man arrested for trading teen girl for drugs

Knives, drugs, more found in Marshall County Jail crackdown

ALASKA:  Federal taxpayers giving Juneau Police Department $2.5-million, the police admitted the drugs war is all about making money for the cops: “Those interdictions are now our bread and butter, whether that’s postal or on the airlines or through the ferry.”-Jeremy Weske, JPD drug unit

Woman indicted for bringing meth, heroin on flight to Juneau

What do drugs in Alaska have to do with President Trump’s ‘border crisis’?

ARIZONA: Nogales border officers make record 254-pound fentanyl bust

Meth, cocaine, heroin: Most gets smuggled through ports of entry.

16 arrested across Pima, Cochise counties

U.S. Marine Corps photo by Corporal Sabrina Candiaflores, 22JAN2019.

In Yuma, the USMC tried to convince high school students not to get intoxicated by having them play fun games with vision impairing ‘beer goggles’ on, 22JAN2019.

ARKANSAS: 8 Pounds Of Meth In Washington County

3 pounds of meth found in apartment

Nine arrested 

Co-founder of youth outreach program confesses to federal drug and gun charges

CALIFORNIA: For proof how commonplace drug smuggling has become in the leftist liberal Blue State; dumb repeat offender drug traffickers get arrested for a traffic violation, then while in jail openly reveal their latest major drug trafficking op!

Australian and U.S. cops capture record-setting 1.7 tons of meth worth $1.29 billion

mass drug overdose killed one person and sent more than a dozen to hospitals

new phase of opioid epidemic

New Opioid Laws

Despite an opioid crisis, most ERs don’t offer addiction treatment 

Californians so addicted to prescription drugs that veterinarians must counsel pet owners on pet drugs

San Francisco — where drug addicts outnumber high school students

COLORADO:  Lawmakers so addicted to prescription drugs they want to directly import cheapo foreign made stuff

Despite ganja being legal in the state, cops raid 50 ‘blackmarket’ marijuana growers…since 2014 at least 350 illegal mary-jane growers have been raided by police

Again, despite legalized marijuana, prison population is expected to skyrocket due to drug crimes

Police report record number of cops shot while doing their job, it coincides with an increase in property crimes, specifically stolen vehicles, and if you look at the map of cop shootings you’ll notice it’s along a metro-area drugs trafficking corridor  (so much for legalized marijuana)

CONNECTICUT:  U.S. Postal Service captures 60 packages of cocaine shipped to Connecticut from Puerto Rico

A defense lawyer for a police sergeant accused of running a drug factory out of his home, has withdrawn a request to exclude the public and the press from the courtroom

judge dismisses opioid lawsuits against drug makers

Doctor pleads guilty in compound medicine case 

DELAWARE: Teacher With History of Alcohol Arrests Faces DUI Sentencing

131 drug incidents in one week!

Two men busted for attempting to sneak drugs into Delco prison

Opioid Overdoses Up In 2018

CIVIL FORFEITURE, the real reason local governments love illegal drugs: Despite being acquitted of drug crimes, court decides to keep the more than $13-thousand dollars in cash the thieving cops took from the man, because he can’t prove it’s his cash!

FLORIDA: For the second year in a row, cruise ship passengers arrested on drug charges

man says 3 syringes found in his butt aren’t his

Police dog exposed to ecstasy powder 

Cocaine making a deadly comeback

USCG photo by Petty Officer Third Class Brandon Murray, 31JAN2019.

31JAN2019, five miles east of Haulover Inlet, a Coast Guard ‘smallboat’ intercepts a fishing boat that turned out to be hauling about 130 pounds of cocaine.

USCG District 7 Photo, 07JAN2019.

07JAN2019, at U.S. Coast Guard Station Fort Lauderdale, personnel test seven kilograms of cocaine captured by Homeland Security Investigations, and Customs and Border Protection agents. The drug smugglers were also smuggling illegal immigrants.

GEORGIA: Evidence eaten after teacher allegedly gave students marijuana

26 suspects arrested

15 arrested in $3.5M meth ring bust

Truck carrying $10M worth of liquid meth busted at repair shop

Doctor’s husband accused of prescribing drugs in wife’s name while she’s sitting in jail

Two mothers accused of selling drugs near elementary school

$1M of narcotics from shipping container 

local ‘Smoke shops’ selling illegal drugs to teens

GUAM: Drugs found in Postal Service priority mail packages

HAWAII: Marijuana use in workplace increased

Hawaii County Police Department reveals a few details of massive cop crimes involving drugs and other things, so far seven cops suspended, one forced into early retirement, two fired! Cop crimes include stealing drugs from evidence locker, assault of a juvenile suspect, and falsifying traffic tickets.

6 things to know about new flu drug Xofluza

IDAHO: man admits to eating cocaine while being chased by police

drug lab explodes inside Idaho Falls residence

Idaho Falls juvenile arrested with 500 doses of LSD, marijuana

Fourth state level prison cop pleads guilty to smuggling drugs into prison

Judge orders partial release of state prison lethal injection documents

Journalism professor banned from University of Idaho for allegedly admitting to using meth and threatening  access to guns

Example of why first time drug offenders SHOULD NOT make a plea deal in Idaho; harsher sentencing!

new DUI law requires first-time offenders to install ignition locking devices

ILLINOIS: Madison County Sees Record 109 Drug Overdose Deaths in 2018

Mayor, State Senator jailed on drug charge

Food-truck gun deal leads to Chicago drug case

Drugs company executive gave Illinois doctor lap dance while promoting drug

INDIANA: a rural Indiana town descends into drug addiction

10 indicted in drug running between Indiana and Mexico

Death doctor run out of Tennessee for causing deadly overdoses, is now working in Indiana

infants suffering from drug crisis

IOWA: Mayor, and her husband, caught with 18 marijuana plants during search for shooting suspect

Meth, cocaine overdoses rise

Iowa’s growing dependence on China for pharmaceutical drugs

Faulty muffler leads to drug arrests

KANSAS: parents arrested after child tests positive for meth

CVS pharmacist, husband charged with prescription drug crimes

Johnson County mom is accused of hosting parties where minors were served alcohol

KENTUCKY: teacher at party where juveniles admitted to drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana

The fall of a Kentucky-Mexico drug gang

Grandpa says he sold meth to save son from Mexican cartel

Fatal drug overdose leads to a bartender facing federal drug charges

Connecticut based drugs maker Purdue appeals order to unseal OxyContin records to Kentucky Supreme Court

 man had 2 ounces of meth ‘stuffed inside his butt crack’

LOUISIANA: ‘star agent’ for the federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) now on trial for essentially ‘faking’ drug busts, after three-year investigation that has roiled the federal law enforcement community

Undercover bust: 168 arrests!

Pharmacist fatally shoots robber at drug store

MAINE:  Police seize drugs and cash at Oxford hotel

Residents now turning to gun ownership to protect themselves from druggies: “He was standing on our porch and kept yelling for help. The only thing that separated us was the glass on the front door. In my 35 years, I never felt the need to own a gun to protect my family until we moved to Presque Isle. I guarantee that if he had broken the glass on that front door, there would have been shots fired.”-Jonathan Guerrette, complaining to city councilors, interestingly the deputy police chief admitted they’ve known about the druggie problem in certain neighborhoods ‘for many years’ yet gave a plethora of excuses why nobody was arrested, supposedly the state law enforcement is going to get involved  

Death leads to discovery of meth lab

MARYLAND:  Washington County sees sharp increase in drug, alcohol deaths

Baltimore to No Longer Prosecute Marijuana Possession Cases

More Than 300 Bags Of Heroin, Cocaine & Meth Found In Car

MASSACHUSETTS: What does 2019 have in store for marijuana

Fentanyl-laced cocaine, not heroin, is now the biggest overdose threat

Suspect was operating ‘very significant’ drug ring while out on $200K bail

Leftist Liberal Mayors Visit Safe Injection Sites in British empire Canada

New Yorkers head to western Massachusetts to buy pot legally

MICHIGAN: Excessive social media use is comparable to drug addiction

Michigan lists pain drug Gabapentin as controlled substance

Life of high-tech savant cut short by drugs

Recreational marijuana is legal, but Lansing’s largest employers don’t allow it

More employees than ever test positive for marijuana

More than half of Michigan medical marijuana users admit to driving while high

Macomb County had 380 drug-related deaths in 2017, in desperation local government agencies are now ‘deputized’ under a new federal government program called FANTOM (Federal Anti Narcotics Team Of Macomb)

MINNESOTA:  man allegedly holds drug-fueled ‘death party’ for wife

Man dies of opioids at experimental homeless shelter

Dakota County drug bust nets 45 pounds of meth, 15 kilos of cocaine

MISSISSIPPI: 8 arrested 

CIVIL FORFEITURE, the real reason local governments love illegal drugs: Should it be this easy for Mississippi police to take property?

State Highway Patrol Admits: Police officers high on duty or test positive for drugs

Retired pharmacists arrested for operating an illegal pharmacy out of his flower shop

MISSOURI: Shoes, package of cookies lead to drug bust at taxpayer subsidized Amtrak station

Two homicides linked to $8.5 million meth trafficking ring 

Seven fugitives captured during drugs sweep

Cops Find Stolen ATV, Gun, Meth And Dead Bald Eagle 

MONTANA:4 died in due to fentanyl disguised as less-dangerous drugs

man, daughter accused of running ‘dark web’ drug operation

Woman says meth testing patch gives false positives (it wouldn’t be the first time a drug test was faulty)

In the sparsely populated state a new report says even more taxpayer funded drug treatment centers are needed

NEBRASKA: Busted Omaha drug operation sounds like fiction, except it wasn’t

DEA captures 4,737 pounds of marijuana, 83 pounds of methamphetamine and 27 pounds of heroin over six months

Drug-dealing cases against CBD oil shop owners

Killing was the result of ‘Attempted robbery of a drug dealer’

Woman dealt heroin, meth from home where she ran daycare

NEW HAMPSHIRE: One dead, two in critical condition after taking drugs

NEW JERSEY:  Local cops fail drug tests!

Medical marijuana can now be used to treat opioid addiction

NEW MEXICO: 15 lbs. of meth and 2,000 fentanyl pills smuggled by ‘family business’

U.S. Border Patrol captures 115 illegal immigrants with marijuana 

Drug addiction so bad there is now a new museum dedicated to drug abuse

NEW YORK: Syracuse University football wide receiver arrested along with 14 others as part of a federal drug bust

“Highly organized drug delivery service” netted about $50,000 weekly in drug addicted NYC

Legal drugs Middlemen Got Big Markup in New York

NORTH CAROLINA: 27 arrested in Bladen County

Illegal immigrants, including MS-13 gang member, charged in 2 kilo drug bust

USCG photo by Petty Officer Second Class Corinne Zilnicki, 08JAN2019.

Off North Carolina’s coast, on board an HC-130 Hercules, U.S. Coast Guard personnel operate radar and cameras to detect suspicious boats.

NORTH DAKOTA: drug raid in Fargo, in connection to heroin O-Ds across two counties

Burleigh County cop gets prison time for stealing drugs

OHIO: The Union County Drug Free Coalition honored the Ohio National Guard Counterdrug Task Force as the 2019 Community Champion Award: “We are grateful to the Ohio National Guard for their commitment to the health and safety of families in Union County.”-Rich Baird, superintendent of North Union Schools and chair of the Union County Drug Free Coalition

Overdose deaths falling throughout Ohio, but not in Franklin County

nightclub owner pleads guilty to drug crimes

Drug-fueled wave of kids taken from homes peaks 

OKLAHOMA: Police find 18000 pounds of suspected pot during traffic stop

Sheriff frustrated with relaxed drug laws

24 serving life without parole for drug trafficking

new emergency rules for medical marijuana

OREGON: Operation Wildfire

Man with criminal history, including running one of the largest drug gangs in the state, continues to commit crimes yet is released from jail, all charges dropped

PENNSYLVANIA: Drug deaths are rising in Coal Country and treatment is hard to come by

77 suspects arrested 

PUERTO RICO: FBI says there’s a “crisis of violence” in Puerto Rico

USCG photo by Ricardo Castrodad, 30JAN2019.

29JAN2019, U.S. Coast Guard captures 2-hundred pounds of cocaine off the coast of Arecibo.

RHODE ISLAND: Illegal immigrant gets 9 years in prison for major drug trafficking ring

Suspended Firefighter admitted to Police He Was Doing Cocaine

SOUTH CAROLINA: Clemson University football players suspended for failing drug test

64 suspects charged, many still wanted, in Spartanburg County

Doctors and cops come out in opposition to legalized marijuana, calls it “the most dangerous drug” in the U.S.

CIVIL FORFEITURE, the real reason local governments love illegal drugs: seizing vehicles in drug cases. Mistakes still happen.

SOUTH DAKOTA: chief justice calls for reform in handling of drug cases

Multi-state drugs gang tries to rip-off Mexican cartel?

South Dakota charges ingestion of drugs separately from possession, meaning someone can be charged with a crime if a blood or urine test comes back positive for marijuana or other drugs.

Wisconsin woman driving rental car from Colorado says South Dakota cop unlawfully captured the suitcase full of drugs in the car

grandmother faces felony child abuse, drug charges

TENNESSEE: Head Start teacher arrested after she brought meth to school

12 Arrested On Drug Charges In Franklin County

Thousands of fake Viagra, Cialis pills confiscated 

New opioid laws

State cop assigned to protect governor was on prescription painkillers, repeatedly fell asleep on job…..supervisors knew about his problem with prescription medication, and that his “pattern of behavior was allowed to continue for months without any knowledge of the THP command staff”

TEXAS: Cops invade home, shoot and kill military veteran husband and his wife, several cops wounded,  (next it’ll be revealed that one of the invading cops has a documented history of lying about drug raids, and apparently it’ll be three months after the cop invasion before investigators even search the crime scene for evidence, evidence that will counter the official police version of the story)

A six month multi-agency investigation resulted in nine people being arrested for piddly amounts of drugs

UTAH: Illegal immigrant drug smuggler has been deported eight times, caught yet again

Defense attorney who smuggling drugs into prison, sentenced: “I never dreamed in a million years that I would be an addict.”-Tony Miles

387 drug dealers arrested in Operation Rio Grande

Two drug busts in one day yield combined $2 million worth of meth and cocaine

Public Employees Receive taxpayer funded Transportation and a $500 Cash Bonus to Purchase drugs in Mexico

U.S. Virgin Islands: New governor signs bill legalizing medical marijuana

Virgin Islands was source of heroin shipped to Michigan

VIRGINIA: drug case against actress involved in Me Too Movement

dozens of arrests after hundreds of indictments

WASHINGTON: Sodo District; drugs and RVs

overdose spike in north Seattle

drug and alcohol counselor arrested for selling drugs

‘christian’ university student, accused of murder, in more trouble after being caught doing drugs in the courtroom 

Washington DC:   millions of dollars’ worth of heroin seized 

Bureau of Labor Statistics: Workplace drug overdoses increasing

WEST VIRGINIA:  teacher accused of giving alcohol to teens

 teacher jailed after allegedly soliciting drugs

A 7th Special Forces Group soldier and a West Virginia National Guard Special Forces soldier pled guilty to trying to smuggle marijuana from Columbia 

WISCONSIN: ERs fight drugs with drugs

Shopko owes drugs supplier $67-million

woman convicted of smuggling drugs into prison

WYOMING: Restaurants accused of ‘laundering’ drug money