“One, if by land, and two, if by sea”-Paul Revere’s Ride by Henry W. Longfellow
Welcome to borderland hell under the U.S. President, highly incomplete (just the tip of the iceberg) list of videos and links to news/government agency reports for June 2022:
Between 01-07JUN2022, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) conducted Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) called Operation Cross Check. More than 1-hundred illegals were captured (which is nothing compared to the thousands captured during previous year’s Cross Check operations), most have convictions for crimes including, but not limited to, aggravated assault with a gun, robbery, burglary, kidnapping, hit and run, drug trafficking, and child molestation. Operation Cross Check has been conducted yearly since 2011. ICE video by Charles Reed:
The U.S. Coast Guard District 7 PADET captured 23 illegals from Cuba, they were handed over to the Bahamas on 03JUN2022:
USCG District 7 (Air Station Clearwater) video of a boat overloaded with illegals from Haiti, approximately 16 miles from Great Inagua, Bahamas, 12JUN2022:
New York Times reports, in a round-a-bout way, that the number of potential DACA students (aka Dreamers) is only increasing! Blames it on massive increase in illegals graduating high schools across the U.S.!
Somewhere in The Caribbean Sea (for an unknown reason the USCG did not want to give an exact location), the USCG surrounds a boat overloaded with illegals from Haiti, 24JUN2022.
25JUN2022, immigrant posts video of passage into Canada via the United States:

Illegals boarding the Navy of the Dominican Republic patrol boat Aldebarán. USCG District 7 PADET photo, 26JUN2022.
On 26JUN2022, the USCG handed over 11 illegals to the Navy of the Dominican Republic, near Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.
On 28JUN2022, for some reason the President of Mexico felt he had to issue an apology regarding the mass-murder of illegals, by Mexican human smugglers, in a truck in Texas:
U.S. taxpayers are now being raped to fund heat stress ‘Go-Bag’ kits being handed out to illegals in Arizona’s Tucson Sector! It is part of a 90 days study to make Border Patrol’s mission more ‘humanitarian’, eventually the Go-Bags will be issued across the U.S. southern land border.
Tucson Sector Border Patrol reports 2-thousand-1-hundred-and-92 ‘rescues’ in the month of May! On 09JUN2022, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP, aka Border Patrol) issued a warning to illegals. The warning was about Mother Nature, and a 90 day ‘scale-up’ of border patrol operations, also, new taxpayer funded heat survival kits will be used to ‘rescue’ illegals. Video was edited for time reasons:
U.S. CBP captured 68 illegals, 58 of which are children!
CALIFORNIA: California will offer health insurance to all undocumented immigrants (as many as 700-thousand illegals!)
On 10JUN2022, citizens (what the USCG calls ‘good Samaritans’) reported a homemade boat (what the USCG calls a “rustic vessel”) about 7 miles south of Key West. The USCG says the illegals onboard are from Cuba, and claims they were returned on 14JUN2022.
Between 01JUN2022 and 12JUN2022, the USCG District 7 reported capturing at least 52 illegals from Cuba, who were using various forms of rustic vessels. The USCG claims they were returned on 14JUN2022.
On 12JUN2022, ‘good Samaritans’ reported an obvious illegal’s boat, 13 miles south of Marquesas Key. The USCG says the illegals are from Cuba, and claims they were returned on 17JUN2022.
A good Samaritan reported a rustic vessel filled with people, on 17JUN2022. The USCG captured the boat about 22 miles south of Big Pine Key. The illegals from Cuba were sent back home on 19JUN2022, along with other captured Cubans totaling 45.
On 20JUN2022, the USCG captured yet more illegals from Cuba, about 68 miles south of Key West. The USCG photo purports to show the return of 89 illegals to Cuba, on 23JUN2022.
On 25JUN2022, the USCG captured this rustic vessel about five miles south of Marquesas Key. The illegals were returned to Cuba, on 27JUN2022, as part of a larger group of 106!
Coast Guard Station Islamorada video of USCG and CBP interception of a boat overloaded with illegals from Haiti, about 40 miles southeast of Islamorada, 25JUN2022. The USCG claims 98 illegals were returned to Haiti on 29JUN2022:
MASSACHUSETTS: State Senate & House override Governor’s veto of driver’s licenses for illegals bill! Illegals now legally able to drive.
MICHIGAN: 29JUN2022, Fox 2
Detroit shows you the problems of patrolling the border with Canada; weapons & human smuggling, CBP operations along Mexican border distracts from problems along Canadian border. CBP says “It’s not just a mom and a pop….trying to come across….it’s organized.”:
The USCG says this boat was filled with 56 illegals from Dominican Republic, they were captured near Mona Island, 17JUN2022, and handed over to the Navy of the Dominican Republic the next day.
58 illegals from Dominican Republic and Haiti were captured near Desecheo Island, 27JUN2022. They were returned to the Dominican Republic the next day.
In Houston, on 07JUN2022, Coast Guard Sector Houston-Galveston, Homeland Security Investigations Houston (HSI), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Houston and Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Houston established a new Joint Intelligence and Operations Coordination Center to support Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana.
On 09JUN2022, USCG-Air Station Corpus Christi videoed Mexicans illegally fishing in U.S. water. A total of two illegal fishing boats, and six people, from Mexico were captured:
On 15JUN2022, El Paso Sector Border Patrol Chief Patrol Agent in Charge Gloria Chavez joined with Mexican Consul General in El Paso Mauricio Ibarra Ponce de Leon, to issue a warning to anybody trying to cross from Mexico into the United States. Video by Greg L. Davis:
Reuters, 28JUN2022: Two Mexicans charged after death of 51 migrants in sweltering Texas truck
KXAN San Antonio, 29JUN2022: Death toll now at 53
MySanAntonio, 29JUN2022: Mexicans are ‘cloning’ U.S. Department of Transportation truck identifications, operating trucks inside the U.S. illegally!
29JUN2022, Texas Governor says Texas will now expand its own border crossing checkpoint operations, blames Biden for mass-deaths of illegals:
KENS 5 San Antonio, 30JUN2022:
Washington DC: Supreme Court allows Biden to end Trump era Migrant Protection Protocols (aka Remain in Mexico policy)