Category Archives: Idaho

Chrome in the Dome, 2025!

In 1970 (Cold War), the first in the U.S. fully enclosed colligate sports arena opened; the ASISU (Associated Students of Idaho State University) Minidome.

In 1988 (Cold War), the name was changed to Holt Arena to honor the athletic director who pushed for the creation of the Minidome.

In January 2024 the name was officially changed, again, to ICCU (Idaho Central Credit Union) Dome, due to the arena’s recent refreshment being funded mostly by the financial institution.  However, the signage on the arena wasn’t changed until later in the year.

On the 7th-8th of March 2025, Idaho State University (ISU)-College of Technology Automotive Program held its yearly ‘Chrome in the Dome’ car show.

Cold Friday afternoon, waiting for the car show to open, 07MAR2025:

A tale of two Chargers, Dodge that is, 07MAR2025:

Goldilocks said “This rice burner is too long, and this rice burner is too little!”:

2024: Motorcycles at the Chrome in the Dome

I had a challenging time getting into this Challenger, but I still want it (somebody buy it for me, please):

A couple of Hot Rods:

Dr. Pepper & Rutbeer Ford pickups:

Chevy 350 powered 1968 Toyota Land Cruiser:

Hippie-Dippie van and electric King-mobile:

A couple of tri-five princes of Bel-Air:

One hundred and eleven years old 1914 Ford Touring survivor:

1971 AMC Javelin SST (Super Sonic Transport? No, Super Sports Touring):

1950 Plymouth Deluxe:

‘Proud’ Fiero with a fiery V8:

Chevy Super Mod:

Cabin Over Engine:

A super Nova called Mayhem:

Awards were issued, even to the little ones:

The hundred and one years old ‘Depot Hack’ needed some help.

Time to head ’em up and move ’em out, even the little ones:

For more of my Chrome Dome videos check out my ‘Cars Showing Off’ playlist on my YouTube channel (and subscribe!):

2024: Part-5 Chrome in the Dome

Pocatello Model Railroad & Historical Society, open house 15FEB2025.

On a cold, blustery, snowy day, the Pocatello Model Railroad and Historical Society held another Open House.  On 15FEB2025, non-club members could come in from the cold and watch some neat displays come to life.  Hopefully the club, which also helps to preserve a very important part of Pocatello’s history, which many local railroad hating officials seem to want to bury (I’ve noted elsewhere that a major cause of the demise of the local economy is due to public officials making a decision that ultimately killed thousands of local Union Pacific jobs), will gain more members, or better yet, raise some much needed cash.

Always under construction.

Anybody remember their display in the old Pocatello Mall? Pocatello Model Railroad and Historical Society’s current location needs a new roof. My blustery video report:

East Idaho News, March 2024: “The railroad went to Chief Pocatello to get permission to lay their tracks through here. The Chief asked (what was in it for them) if they donated land. The railroad said, ‘Anytime you or your braves want to ride the train, we’ll let you ride it for free.’ That’s what it took to get the tracks through here.”-Larry Gilbreath, President of the Model Railroad and Historical Society

The ‘Big Room’.

Tax revolt? Some of my video from the Big Room:

Pocatello Model Railroad and Historical Society is funded with membership fees and donations.  The club was started by Union Pacific railroad employees, and other fans of mini-trains.

Alas! No more passenger service.

More Big Room video:

If you missed the 15FEB2025 open house, no worries, since the end of the fake-news Pland-emic (which temporarily shutdown the club) they are usually open to the public every third Saturday of each month, from 10:00 to 14:00 hours.

Some of my video of the Middle Room:

They have a working telegraph, and you can try it out!

The Small Room:

You can see more of my PMRHS videos on my YouTube channel: Aaron Hutchins

Follow PHMRS here:

KPVI, April 2023:

KIFI, PMRHS reopens after the Pland-emic, February 2022:

Idaho State Journal, 2010: Model train enthusiasts attend PMRHS event Did UP’s Big Boy run through Pocatello?

Idaho economy:

Anybody wanna buy a hobby store?

Starting in 1991, Dapco Hobbies used to be the main supplier for model railroaders in the Pocatello/Chubbuck area.

In a nearly abandoned Pocatello rail car repair shop, a father and son team are trying to combine machining techniques and artistry to create ‘bulletproof’ family photos?

Chubbuck: JCPenney; the final domino falls at the Pine Ridge Mall, now under 4th ownership!

Pocatello: Big Lots! failure, par-for-the-course.

U.S. economy, 2016-17:  Model railroad hobby demise?

U.S. economy 2014: Model Power, a major internet model railroad retailer, is being killed off by Too Big to Jail banks!

JCPenney; the final domino falls at the Pine Ridge Mall, Chubbuck mall now under 4th ownership!

I can confirm that we have been working with Kohl’s to backfill the space that was the former home of the C-A-L Ranch store on the southern side of the mall property next to Hobby Lobby…  …Everything north of the old C-A-L Ranch to where Planet Fitness is located in the former Herbergers would be demolished…”-Joshua Simon of SimonCRE, May 2024

The beleaguered Pine Ridge Mall, in the small Idaho city of Chubbuck, now under a new, fourth, owner: Scottsdale, Arizona, based SimonCRE, which just had their demolition plans approved by the City of Chubbuck.

Are they aware of what is underneath the property?:

The lie (starting in the early 2000s) that commercial property developers/REITs, and local officials, propagated:

According to the local newspaper, SimonCRE will begin demolishing the 1980s era mall, replacing it with free-standing businesses, as well as a Target store and a Kohl’s (aka the mall will be repurposed as an ‘outdoor shopping venue’). Supposedly the demolition begins in 2025, a completion date has not been determined, but the last surviving anchor store (also one of the first in the mall) JCPenney is shutting down, apparently by the month of May 2025.

No more indoor car shows, and what happened to ZCMI?:

Some newer buildings at the ‘mall’ will not be torn down because they are technically, and legally by contract, not part of the original mall structure. That includes Hobby Lobby (new built under the 3rd owner), C-A-L Ranch and Big Deal Outlet (both occupying the old Shopko building, which was never part of the original mall), and the Gem Prep charter school located in the old Sears building (which was added onto the mall in 1999 when Sears moved from the dead Pocatello Mall to the Pine Ridge Mall, the Pocatello Mall was replaced by a new expanded Fred Meyer).

A little history tour, and the true beginnings of the demise:

Some of the businesses inside the soon to be executed mall will move to new locations.  Contrary to local news reports, Dillard’s was not one of the original anchor stores at the mall, it was a short lived replacement for the original two story Utah based, Brigham Young founded, anchor called ZCMI. Zion’s Co-operative Mercantile Institution was considered the first ‘department store’ in the United States, even though when it was founded Utah was still a territory and not a state.  At the end of 1999, the ZCMI brand was sold-off and thus began a rapid confusing succession of owners and name changes, to include Dillard’s in 2001 and Macy’s in 2005-06.

What about the old Shopko/new C-A-L Ranch & Big Deal Outlet?:

2019: No more Idaho ShopKo? There never was a Shopko in Pocatello (it was in Chubbuck)!

As I’ve chronicled elsewhere, 1999-2007 are pivotal years for the U.S. retail market which directly impacted U.S. shopping malls.  And this brings me to another point; for decades the ‘industry’ has been blaming the way the U.S. consumer shops for the radical changes the ‘industry’ made to brick-n-mortar operations. The truth is that online shopping has remained relatively steady over the decades, even during the pland-emic the expected rush of shoppers to the inter-web failed to materialize.  The majority of shoppers still want to see and feel what they are buying and prefer brick-n-mortar stores.  The misinformation postulated by the ‘industry’ was, and still is, a push by corporations, investors/REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts) to greatly increase their profit margins by massively cutting labor costs by shifting to online operations only.  Those exalted ones have backed off their plan because operating huge online stores has proven to require just as many costly humans in warehousing and delivery, and expensive robots as well.

More history tour, what about the old Sears?:


Moved from Pocatello to Chubbuck in 1999, this Sears is finally dead!

Finally it’s official, Chubbuck/Pine Ridge Mall Sears going down! 

2013: Chubbuck/Pine Ridge Mall Sears was already dead!

The Pine Ridge Mall is officially dead and will supposedly be gone sometime this year, leaving only one of the original three malls in the area; the Westwood Mall in Pocatello (which has been so radically remodeled it no longer has a semblance of the 1970s era mall it once was, with its wall-to-wall carpeting and big indoor fountain). However, in 2016 the City of Pocatello rezoned the Westwood Mall for a planned demolition and building of residential apartments.  Eventually there will be no malls at all in the Pocatello/Chubbuck area.

Here’s what happened to the old Sears:

Even more history:

What happened to the short lived, but popular, Spencer’s? Blame the City of Chubbuck:

What happened to the beloved KB Toys? Blame Mitt Romney co-founded Bain Capital:

2011: Mitt Romney co-founded Bain Capital, which has been destroying jobs since 1984, destroyed retail jobs in Chubbuck, Idaho! Demise of KB Toys connected to Toys “R” Us!

What happened to JJ North’s, the clinic, and racing events:

Pocatello, Idaho, Big Lots! failure:Par-for-the-course, for U.S. national & local economies.

2024: Early Halloween, Trunk or Treat at the Pine Ridge Mall!

First ever (legal) Drift Car event, at the Pine Ridge Mall!

Inaugural(?) Summer AutoFest, Pine Ridge Mall, Idaho.

Inaugural(?) Pine Ridge Mall Spring Auto-Fest!

Inaugural(?) indoor Winter/New Year Car Show!

2018:  Pine Ridge Mall loses yet another anchor store! Lazy ‘Experts’ continue to blame online sales!

2013: Who is the new 3rd owner of Chubbuck’s Pine Ridge Mall? It’s not the ‘family’ company you think it is! GGP connection?

East Idaho’s Pine Ridge Mall, in Chubbuck, sells for paltry $9 million!

Pine Ridge quietly put up to be auctioned off in November! Merry Xmas!

East Idaho’s Grand Teton Mall, in Idaho Falls, for sale! GGP dumping malls en masse!

Big Lots! failure: Par-for-the-course, for U.S. national & local economies.

Some independent local Eastern Idaho news outlets reported, in October 2024, that the Pocatello Big-Lots! was being shutdown.  That’s 14 years of overpriced ‘resale’ merchandise, having opened the Pocatello location (in the Foothill Plaza Shopping Center) at the end of October 2010.

Photo by AAron B. Hutchins, early October 2010.

I say ‘overpriced’ because a couple of months after opening, in 2010, I checked out the new store and was shocked to find their prices to be higher than the same items sold in the Chubbuck WalMart and the Kroger owned Pocatello Fred Meyer! That was the first and last time I ‘shopped’ at the Pocatello Big-Lots!

Here is video (during a windy day) of my tirade about the closure of the Pocatello Big-Lots!, 08FEB2025:

Big-Lots! is a ‘reseller’, other wise known as a discount retail chain store, reselling products that the main stream-first run retail stores couldn’t sell.  In Ohio, in 1967, the business started out as Consolidated Stores.  Consolidated made investments into such troubled operations as Delorean Motor Company, CVS Pharmacy, Pic-N-Save and KB Toys (just naming a few among other troubled investments).  In 2001 Consolidated became Big Lots! In 2005 Big Lots! shutdown 170 stores. In 2023, Big Lots! shutdown 52 stores and announced plans to shutdown dozens of stores in 2024. In October 2024 Big Lots! filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, and local news sources in Idaho reported that the Pocatello Big Lots! had made the latest hit list for shutdown. In December 2024 the Pocatello Big Lots! was closed permanently, on top of that Big Lots! announced that all stores would be shutdown or sold-off in 2025.

On 08FEB2025, in an attempt to take back control of their economy, the local population conducted a one day farmers market in the former Pocatello Big Lots! location.  Maybe a massive Motorsports Complex (click this link to donate) will save our local economy:

I’ve been following/reporting on the local economy for more than a decade:

2021: Idaho housing costs “literally mathematically impossible”! Killing Idaho’s economy! Get ready for the crash-n-burn!

2020-2021: Several restaurant chains used the pland-emic as an excuse to shutdown (without warning) locations in Pocatello, and other parts of Idaho!


2018: Idaho’s economic destruction “CLOSED INDEFINITELY”!

2017: The truth about Chubbuck’s gentrification.


Idaho Governor declares local economy has “RISEN FROM THE ASHES”!

2015: Taxpayer funded ‘BUY IDAHO’ program IS a BIG FAIL!

Hoku-Gate, PaveGate now Amy’s-Gate!

2013: Heinz pulls stake, Warren Buffett abandons Pocatello, Idaho! Happy New Year!

The Chubbuck & Pocatello BRIDGE TO NOWHERE?

Pocatello’s Old Fred Meyer & Albertsons on Yellowstone Ave, did not close down in the 1990s.

2011: Construction companies say Idaho city driving down the economy with their outrageous construction fees. Is Pocatello violating state law?

2010: After getting bookoo local taxpayer subsidies, U.S. BASED HOKU TURNING TO CHINA TO HELP FINISH POCATELLO, IDAHO, SILICON FACTORY!

Task Force-DC: Massive National Guard mobilization for the U.S. Capital City!

Since the beginning of January 2025, Air & Army National Guard units have been pouring into the U.S. Capital of Washington-District of Columbia (DC).  Never mind all the other government security organizations who are also deploying there.  This is just a little bit of what the National Guard is doing.

New York National Guard in-process for Joint Task Force-District of Columbia (JTF-DC) at the DC Armory, Washington DC. Photo via Sergeant First Class Steven Eaton, 18JAN2025.

As many as 8-thousand militia personnel, from at least 40 states, deployed to Washington DC for Joint Task Force District of Columbia (JTF-DC), as part of the 60th Presidential Inauguration.

On 18JAN2025, Idaho based 116th Cavalry Brigade Combat Team (wearing ‘Snake River Brigade’ patch) gets sworn in as deputies, along with other Guard units from other states. I edited from a video via Technical Sergeant Missy Sterling:

Connecticut National Guard discuss preparations for assigned Joint Task Force-District of Columbia (JTF-DC), 17JAN2025. Photo via Private First Class Emmanuel Gibson.

On 17JAN2025, Virginia Army National Guard used buses and HMMWV to deploy to Washington DC, video via Staff Sergeant Marc Heaton:

17JAN2025, about 1-hundred Oklahoma National Guard personnel deployed for the 60th Presidential Inauguration. Video interviews, via Matthew Hilborn, explains why:

On 17JAN2025, a Kentucky Air National Guard C-130 delivered Idaho Army National Guard personnel to Joint Base Andrews, in Maryland.  About 350 Idahoans deployed.  Video via Technical Sergeant Andrew Enriquez:

District of Columbia Army National Guard inspect their dress uniforms as part of the 60th Presidential Inauguration. Photo via Staff Sergeant Simone Sampson.

On 17JAN2025, Tennessee Air National Guard Security Police and Army National Guard Military Police deployed, video interviews via Sergeant Olivia Gum:

National Guard board a C-17 Globemaster-3, Photo by Sergeant N.W. Huertas, 16JAN2025. About 500 Florida militia personnel will take part in JTF-DC.

On 16JAN2025, Maryland Army National Guard personnel reported for duty in the DC Armory, video via Thomas Lamb:

Pennsylvania Army National Guard gets food from the USO, after arriving for JTF-DC, 16JAN2025. Photo via Sergeant First Class Shane Smith.

Massachusetts Army National Guard helps to in-process other Guard units, in the DC Armory, 16JAN2025. Photo via Staff Sergeant Tyrone Williams.

Wyoming National Guard takes part in riot control training, in preparation for Joint Task Force-District of Columbia, 15JAN2025. Photo via Staff Sergeant Cesar Rivas.

On 15JAN2025, Virgin Islands deployed Army National Guard personnel to the upcoming 60th Presidential Inauguration. Video via Technical Sergeant Andrew Enriquez:

I edited together videos via Vincent De Groot and Technical Sergeant Adam Welch; on 15JAN2025, Iowa deployed Air National Guard medics to the upcoming 60th Presidential Inauguration:

South Carolina Army National Guard board busses bound for Washington DC, 15JAN2025. Photo via Sergeant Duran Jones.

On 15JAN2025, Alaska National Guard C-17 Globmaster-3 delivered National Guard militia personnel from Puerto Rico, I edited video via Staff Sergeant Natalie Filzen:

I edited down a long video (via Staff Sergeant Katherine M. Jacobus); on 15JAN2025, about 140 Illinois Air National Guard Security Police and Army National Guard Military Police deployed, they explain why:

06JAN2025: Militarizing the Police: Army Guard deputized as Capitol Police!

Suddenly, The Fog, then just as quick it was gone!

On the eve of the Julian Christmas/New Years, an inversion suddenly descended upon Cotant Park, in Chubbuck, Idaho.

The air was still, it was eerily quiet, not even the road noise from nearby Interstates 15 and 86 could be heard.

The air temperature was between -4 and -3 degrees Celsius, but it felt warm.

Then suddenly, and unfortunately for me, just after midnight as I started taking photos the west wind blew in, sweeping the fog from the park.  If you want the weather to change around here, just wait five minutes, or drive five miles.

Where’s John Carpenter when you need him?:

USACE & Boise: It’s about water, again!

BSU joins forces with USACE, it’s about water!

“This system has lost its channel-forming flows. Without seasonal inundation, we’re seeing a decline in riparian vegetation like black cottonwood forests and an overall loss of biodiversity.”-Marve Griffith, USACE Walla Walla District

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Boise state University (BSU) are joining forces to tackle the dying Barber Pool Conservation Area (BPCA), which is part of the Boise River system.

The claim is that the BPCA has lost its ‘natural seasonal inundation’ due to the never ending Boise Metro Area construction of buildings and infrastructure upstream. Also, non-regulated human traffic through the BPCA: “Right now, it’s a warren of little trails. If we establish good, maintained pathways, people will use them, and it’ll reduce erosion and protect wildlife.”-Alan Crockett, local taxpayer

The result is that Barber Pool is not recharging, and that plant and animal biodiversity is rapidly disappearing.  The project is not only about restoring the Barber Pool area, but, by expanding the wetland it could also lower the current level of the floodplain.

On 20NOV2024, the USACE and BSU conducted a ‘Public Scoping’ meeting at the Barber Park Education and Events Center, a fancy way a saying they collected comments about the project from concerned taxpaying citizens.

USACE video report by Marcy Sanchez:

The efforts to restore the BPCA are part of the decades old (Cold War era) National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

USACE Barber Pool project.

2024: Idaho wants to shutdown 500-thousand acres of farmland?

2023: Just revealed, Idaho got $26million in federal funding for clean-er water?

Syrian Collapse: North Dakota B-52s and Idaho F-15Es over Syria, Truman strike group arrives!

On the 16th of December 2024, Pentagon officials announced that airstrikes had been launched against religious extremists in Syria.

F/A-18F Super Hornet, Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 11, launches from Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75).

Pentagon officials also announced that the USS Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group (HSTCSG) arrived on a non-disclosed station in the U.S. Central Command (CentCom) ‘area of responsibility’, on 14DEC2024.

Idaho’s 389th Fighter Squadron ‘Thunderbolts’ F-15E somewhere over the Middle East.

Idaho’s Mountain Home Air Force Base (AFB) 389th Fighter Squadron ‘Thunderbolts’ F-15E Strike Eagles are currently patrolling the Central Command area of responsibility (Middle East).

Idaho’s 389th Fighter Squadron ‘Thunderbolts’ F-15E somewhere over the Middle East.

B-52H somewhere over the Middle East.

Video by Technical Sergeant Philip Bryant, recorded 08DEC2024 (Middle East time, 07DEC2024 U.S. time), showing launch of North Dakota’s Minot AFB 23rd Bomb Squadron B-52H Stratofortresses (MT tail code, red stripe on tail) from a non-disclosed location in the “CentCom area of responsibility”:

Syrian Collapse: U.S. Bradley IFVs on hi-alert after prisoner release!

Idaho F-15E Strike Eagles, 2023: Bold Tigers invade Japan?

Yankee Lady, the last take-off? Does anybody know what is going on?

In June 2024, the Yankee Air Museum (now called Michigan Flight Museum) sold the Boeing Flying Fortress B-17G “Yankee Lady” to a secret buyer; they refused to say who it was, or where its new home would be.

The evening of 20OCT2024, Pocatello Airport.

According to Air Classics’ Facebook page, Yankee Lady is heading to Chino, California, to be taken apart and shipped-off to Avspecs in New Zealand.

20OCT2024, Pocatello Airport.

During the afternoon of 20OCT2024, Yankee Lady flew over my head while I was mowing the lawn in my backyard, in Chubbuck, Idaho.  It was heading towards the Pocatello Airport (which is actually not in the City of Pocatello), and now so was I.

My video from the evening of 20OCT2024:

I can only assume that the new owner(s) of Yankee Lady were on their way to California.

21OCT2024, Pocatello Airport, Idaho.

Even though there was no local news media announcement about the bomber’s visit the Yankee Lady did have an audience, consisting of the KPIH airport’s Aviation Center‘s employees, the U.S. Forest Service-BLM fire crews, and looky-loos from the Idaho State University’s Aviation Maintenance Technology school.

21OCT2024, Pocatello Airport, Idaho.

Typical windy day in Southeast Idaho:

21OCT2024, Pocatello Airport, Idaho.

According to Air Classics, once Yankee Lady gets a thorough rebuild by Avspecs Limited it is supposed to end up back in the U.S. of A.  It should be noted that Avspecs also has operations in California, so is Yankee Lady actually going to Kiwi-land, or just the land of fruits-n-nuts?


Ready for take-off! 21OCT2024, Pocatello Airport, Idaho.

Start your engines:

21OCT2024, taking off for destinations not known:

On the night of 21OCT2024, I was informed the bomber had landed at the Redmond Municipal Airport, in Oregon.

More B-17 stuff:

U.S. Army Air Force crewmen stand next to a Soviet soldier, the day after the German airstrike.

Germany destroys B-17 bombers in Ukraine!

My recurring encounters with Sentimental Journey: 1986-2021

How to paint your 1:1 scale B-17 Memphis Belle with ‘period correct’ paint

Smoke ’em if you got ’em: First ever (legal) Drift Car event, at the Mall!

The Pine Ridge Mall in Chubbuck, Idaho, hosted three SCCA autocross events this year, and for an encore hosted an Inaugural Drift Car event.

Work began on the evening of 04OCT2024, establishing the area of the parking lot that would be used.  Formula Drift-Rudy Hansen, Apex Idaho, Pocatello Car Club, and a host of others, helped make the inaugural smoke show possible.

The cleanest that part of the parking lot has been in decades!

They were still prepping the parking lot the next morning.

Waiting in the wings, 05OCT2024:

Plenty of seating, at a safe distance.

Warming up (teasing) the spectators who were straggling in:

Too bad they didn’t drift this patriotic van.

The pros show you how:

It’s amazing how cars sliding around light poles can hold people’s attention for several hours. One more time:

The event ran most of the day.  For a fee you could view the action from danger-close in the ‘restricted area’, and for another fee you could take a ride (of your life).  Going by the size of the spectator crowd (which was bigger than any of the SCCA autocross events) I suspect (hope) they’ll be a Second Annual Drift Car Show, in 2025.

At the Mall: Early Halloween, Trunk or Treat