A small gang of hogs, sporty choppers, and even an Italian spy posing as a Harley, infiltrated the South Wing of the Pine Ridge Mall, in Chubbuck, Idaho, during its inaugural indoor Winter/New Year automobile show.
Videos by me.
Bopper Chopper:
Wanted Hog:
AMF Aermacchi ‘Sportster’ Z90:
Police Hog:
Pine Ridge Mall, inaugural indoor Winter/New Year car show: SOUTH WING!
Due to some instigation (possibly by a secret society of conspiratorial automotive Sith Lords posing as Jedi Masters), the Pine Ridge Mall in Chubbuck, Idaho, held its inaugural indoor Winter/New Year automobile show.
Pine Ridge Mall Inaugural Indoor Winter/New Year Car Show:North Wing!
Due to some instigation (possibly by a secret society of conspiratorial automotive Sith Lords posing as Jedi Masters), the Pine Ridge Mall in Chubbuck, Idaho, held its inaugural indoor Winter/New Year automobile show.
It was the weekend of January 13th & 14th, 2024. Video by me:
Due to some instigation (possibly by a secret society of conspiratorial automotive enthusiasts), the Pine Ridge Mall in Chubbuck, Idaho, held its inaugural indoor Winter/New Year automobile show. It was the weekend of January 13th & 14th, 2024.
One of the possible conspirators, practicing his Jedi Mind Tricks on some mall-goers!
This 1979 Chevy L82 Corvette has appeared at many Chubbuck Days car shows, the first time I saw it was in 2010. It took part in the return of the car show at the 12AUG2023 Chubbuck Days, in Cotant Park, Chubbuck, Idaho.
I’ve been attending Chubbuck Days since 1998, the previous Chubbuck Days car show was in 2016, with much reduced participation and many of the vehicles being for sale.
After 2016, the so-called neighborhood improvement projects blocked access to Cotant Park, along with the park’s playground and tennis courts being ripped-up and replaced by a parking lot (also, the substitute park chosen for Chubbuck Days was too small to accommodate a car show), with the projects completed just in time for the ‘Pland-emic’ Paranoia which resulted in the cancelation of all local public events.
I’ve been attending Chubbuck Days since 1998, the previous Chubbuck Days car show was in 2016, with much reduced participation and many of the vehicles being for sale.
Ford T-Bucket at this year’s (11-12AUG2023) Chubbuck Days:
After 2016, the so-called neighborhood improvement projects blocked access to Cotant Park, along with the park’s playground and tennis courts being ripped-up and replaced by a parking lot (also, the substitute park chosen for Chubbuck Days was too small to accommodate a car show), with the projects completed just in time for the ‘Pland-emic’ Paranoia which resulted in the cancelation of all local public events.
The automobile show was free to the public, proceeds from food vender sales, and raffle ticket sales, went to help SAC. Just to let you know how much the help is needed, in 2022 the Pocatello SAC served more than 22-thousand meals to local old people.
Here is a sampling of the vehicles that were there (click on each image to make them bigger):
Walk around video of the show, which was supported by many local business sponsors, most of the video has no audio as they were blaring copyrighted music at the event:
Helicopter ride forced down in neighboring Chase Park, due to too many passengers for the little ‘copter! (note the dejected riders walking away from their ride)
13 October 2022 (12:23-UTC-07 Tango 06) 21 Mehr 1401/17 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1444/18 Geng-Xu 4720/13 октября 2022 года
It has been established that there are not many good paying, steady, long term jobs spread across The Gem State, and that there isn’t a lot of available land for private ownership, resulting in a low population, and that there has been plenty of house construction since the end of the 1990s. In other words, sparse population due to lack of decent long term jobs (90% of the population growth has been in the Boise Metro Area), and decades of house building actually resulting in a glut of houses. Yet, housing rental prices and purchase prices are too high. This is the excuse that local municipalities and property developers are using to justify the approval, and acceleration, of massive residential construction projects.
For proof here is a list of links to articles (just the tip of the iceberg) proclaiming new housing projects, and reporting on housing cost problems, across Idaho, from the past month:
Ada County area real estate agent says the number of actual available units are flat despite all the construction, and predicts inventory will actually go down, which means rents and prices will stay high. Reveals a disturbing trend that was insignificant before 2008 and is also the cause of high prices; residential Institutional Buyers, aka Investors/Speculators, who outbid families trying to buy a home: