05 November 2022 (02:18-UTC-07 Tango 06) 14 Aban 1401/10 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1444/12 Xin-Hai 4720/05 ноября 2022 года
After two lawsuits, in 2020 and 2021, Doctor Shiva Ayyadurai, who is also a politician from Massachusetts, not only proved that social media and e-commerce was working with governments to shut-down free speech, but he revealed how they do it!
Dr. Shiva understands the interweb, he is credited with creating email!
Now, Dr. Shiva questions Elon Musk’s take-over of Twitter, because Pierre Morad Omidyar is considered a ‘colleague’ of Musk!
It starts with something called Backdoor Portals, created by the social media tech giants themselves, then turned over to government agents who use the portals to spy on you.
They use five published manuals called Playbooks, first created in the United Kingdom, where the spy program was first tried out on British residents, then revised and update by U.S. university Harvard.
03 November 2022 (13:08-UTC-07 Tango 06) 12 Aban 1401/08 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1444/10 Xin-Hai 4720/03 ноября 2022 года
Photo via Yemen Press Agency, 02NOV2022.
The Yemen Press Agency reported on 02NOV2022, that the recently (and suddenly) appointed governor of oil and natural gas rich Hadramawt Governorate, Mabkhout bin Mubarak Maree Yaslam bin Madi, was paid a visit by a delegation of U.S. military personnel (who did not wear any identifying insignia or name plates on their uniforms, as can bee seen in the photos, Yemen news media referred to one of the personnel as ‘Major Kevin’). Their non-named source inside the provincial government said it was an “acceleration” of pressure tactics by the NATO members United States, United Kingdom and France, to force the puppet government in Yemen to sell its petroleum resources only to Western-NATO buyers.
One of these guys is supposed to be Mabkhout bin Madi. Photo via Yemen Press Agency, 02NOV2022.
This is apparently part of U.S. President Joseph Robinette Biden Junior’s plan to help NATO Europe with obtaining cheap natural gas, as a result of the Ukraine Crisis.
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) now controls the most important oil port in Yemen, the Dhabba Oil Terminal, which is on the coast of Hadramawt Governorate!
A LNG (natural gas) tanker ship at the Dhabba Oil Terminal, Yemen.
On 21OCT2022, many news sources reported that Saudi-led air forces attacked an area near the Dhabba Oil Terminal in Hadramawt Governorate. The claim was that rebels were trying to steal the oil. Hadramawt Governorate is the largest province in Yemen, but is no where near rebel held territory, it is in the eastern part of the country next door to Al Mahrah Governorate, which has also been taken over by the militaries of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and UAE.
Mabkhout bin Mubarak Maree Yaslam bin Madi (aka Mabkhout bin Madi) was suddenly appointed governor of Hadramawt Governorate at the beginning of August 2022. He was not elected. It was part of several appointments to important provincial positions throughout Yemen made by the new U.S.-Saudi puppet government in the capital city of Sanaa.
27 October 2022 (02:00-UTC-07 Tango 06) 05 Aban 1401/01 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1444/03 Geng-Xu (10th month) 4720/27 октября 2022 года
“The government, in response to the fears of Bolivian families about the risk of a shortage of strategic food for the population, as a preventive measure… in order to ensure food security and sovereignty, temporarily suspends the export of the following products: soybean, soybean meal, whole grain soybean flour, sugar, oil and beef.”-Néstor Huanca, Ministry of Productive Development and Plural Economy
20 October 2022 (08:20-UTC-07 Tango 06) 28 Mehr 1401/24 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1444/25 Geng-Xu 4720/20 октября 2022 года
For the first time ever, the United Nations (UN) has joined forces with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), in the Southwest Asian (Middle East) Kingdom of Jordan, to prepare for possible nuclear attack on oil industry infrastructure!
NATO image, Jordanian Petroleum Refinery, 11SEP2022.
NATO image, Jordanian Petroleum Refinery, 11SEP2022.
The NATO side of the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) training is through NATO’s Defence (British empire spelling) and Related Security Capacity Building Initiative. According to NATO, this CBRN training was initiated three years ago, at the request of the King of Jordan. Bora Önen, NATO Defence and Related Security Capacity Building team leader, explains:
The war game scenario involved a nuclear ‘dirty bomb’ being unleashed on an oil refinery. Khan Jahier, policy officer with NATO’s Enablement and Resilience Section, Defence Policy and Planning Division:
Ulrik P. Ahnfeldt-Mollerup, with the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), explains why the UN joined with NATO for the CBRN training in Jordan, and it involves the old False Flag standby; religious extremists:
NATO image, Jordanian Petroleum Refinery, 11SEP2022.
Interestingly, the NATO/UN conducted the CBRN training on September 11th, 2022. Official NATO Channel videos of CBRN training at Jordanian Petroleum Refinery in Zarqa Governorate:
13 October 2022 (12:23-UTC-07 Tango 06) 21 Mehr 1401/17 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1444/18 Geng-Xu 4720/13 октября 2022 года
It has been established that there are not many good paying, steady, long term jobs spread across The Gem State, and that there isn’t a lot of available land for private ownership, resulting in a low population, and that there has been plenty of house construction since the end of the 1990s. In other words, sparse population due to lack of decent long term jobs (90% of the population growth has been in the Boise Metro Area), and decades of house building actually resulting in a glut of houses. Yet, housing rental prices and purchase prices are too high. This is the excuse that local municipalities and property developers are using to justify the approval, and acceleration, of massive residential construction projects.
For proof here is a list of links to articles (just the tip of the iceberg) proclaiming new housing projects, and reporting on housing cost problems, across Idaho, from the past month:
Ada County area real estate agent says the number of actual available units are flat despite all the construction, and predicts inventory will actually go down, which means rents and prices will stay high. Reveals a disturbing trend that was insignificant before 2008 and is also the cause of high prices; residential Institutional Buyers, aka Investors/Speculators, who outbid families trying to buy a home:
13 October 2022 (01:46-UTC-07 Tango 06) 21 Mehr 1401/17 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1444/18 Geng-Xu 4720/13 октября 2022 года
Idaho’s reign as a top destination for domestic migrants (U.S. citizens leaving their states for The Gem State) was short lived, and is now reversing; more people leaving than coming in!
I’ve documented how for decades the entrenched, arrogant, leaders of Idaho boasted of how things were booming in Idaho, using domestic migration as one of their proofs. They claimed that one reason for the influx of domestic migrants, was that Idaho was full of good paying jobs. Anybody that has lived in Idaho for as long as I have knew that was a bold face lie! I have experienced what I call revolving door employment for almost 20 years as employer after employer downsized or halted operations altogether! If it wasn’t for the fact that my property is paid for, I would have been forced to move a long time ago. (I am not here for the money, I love the climate and the space, which apparently is what many recent newbies to Idaho don’t like)
Here’s another wake up call for our fearless leaders: There was only a slight uptick in Idaho’s overall population, from 2010 to 2020. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the sparse population of the geographically large state of Idaho went from 1.8-million to only 1.9-million, despite a decade of ‘leaders’ telling us that the population was booming. The overwhelming majority of that population growth took place in the Boise Metro Area (Treasure Valley, Southwestern Idaho region).
Here’s another reality check: More than 61% of land in Idaho is owned by the federal government. Less than 30% of available land is privately held. So, in reality the relatively small population is partly due to lack of available privately owned land. There is also the fact that one of President Joseph Robinette Biden Junior’s first executive orders (America the Beautiful Initiative, or 30×30 order) makes it even harder to make land available in Idaho:
The state government owns land, and has been selling it off, not just to make more land available, but it has become a major revenue source for the state government (which might explain its mysterious budget surplus).
Then there’s the fact that rich people from other states (Texas) are buying up private property and then using it to block access to public lands:
By 2020, moving company trackers had ranked Idaho as the number three destination, but now, just two years later an Atlanta, Georgia, moving assistance company reports that Idaho has dropped to 20th position, and the region of Eastern Idaho is experiencing a mass exodus!
While the Move Buddha report admits that people are changing their minds about moving to Idaho, the author still says Idaho is “The Place to Go”! Move Buddha reports that the Eastern Idaho city of Rexburg, home to the Brigham Young University-Idaho, is bleeding residents, and blames it on lack of jobs. According to Move Buddha’s “in-to-out” formula, for every 49 people moving into Rexburg, 1-hundered are leaving! In Rexburg’s next door city of Idaho Falls, once the economic darling of Eastern Idaho, there are now 1-hundred people leaving for every 95 moving in!
But even the top five cities that people still want to move to are on the decline, with Southwestern Idaho’s Eagle leading the pack with a 56% decrease in Move Buddha’s “in-to-out ratio”.
There is still massive housing construction going on in Idaho, all across the state, it has been going on since the late 1990s. Housing developers and politicians have always claimed it is because the population is booming, and it is necessary to keep housing costs down. That is interesting, because homes prices/values skyrocketed, anyway. Just this year, Bannock County jacked up the value of my property to where they now consider it worth four times what I paid in 1997, despite the massive home construction that is still going on around my neighborhood! In 1997, my neighborhood was surrounded on the south and west sides by farm fields. By 1999, the farm land was sold and huge housing tracts were under construction. This never let up, year after year the city slowly moved westward, annexing County territory, farm land being sold-off and new housing development taking its place. The claim was that the population and economy is booming, yet starting in 2001, I witnessed, experienced and documented the economic destruction in my part of Bannock County, and it has never recovered.
Prices for homes are finally ticking down in Idaho, but don’t blame the Pandemic, the massive focus on property development, that was never justified, is to blame. Now, the mass exodus that is beginning to take place will push Idaho’s housing market into the Pit of Hell.
In this report, which chronicles the destruction of iconic Green T, the mayor of Chubbuck boasts it’s “…the beginning of some real good things coming in.”:POPEYES QUIETLY SHUTS DOWN FOUR IDAHO RESTAURANTS!
“ESG is often celebrated as the new and improved form of capitalism, a movement of sorts…. …While some have a meaningful effect on environmental, social, and governance issues, we learned that others are ineffective if not downright misleading to consumers and investors.”-Reed Watson, Director of the Hayek Center and Professor of Practice in Economics
Apparently the U.S. Federal Reserve is joining the globalist by launching a ‘pilot program’ involving the Too Big to Fail/Jail Banks of the United States; North Carolina based (but California funded) Bank of America, New York City based Citigroup, New York City based Goldman Sachs, New York City based JPMorgan Chase, New York City based JPMorgan Chase, and California founded/based Wells Fargo.
The Hayek Center’s conference revealed that ESG is not just about climate, but a person’s gender (The Impact of a Principles-Based Approach to Director Gender Diversity Policy, which concluded that such policies are working), how information about ESG affects people’s shopping habits (Consumer response to ESG news: evidence from supermarket goods, which concluded that any impact of ESG upon consumers is temporary), the effects of such things as carbon taxes and ESG Ratings on industrial polluters (Sustainability or Greenwashing: Evidence from the Asset Market for Industrial Pollution, which concluded that such policies did nothing to reduce pollution), the effects of ESG funding on ‘proxy voting’, and finally, ESG is becoming a convenient excuse for underperforming executives.
Brian Kim reveals who the ‘mystery buyer’ is, driving up stock markets, it’s the same organization over seeing the destruction of your ‘free market system’; your leftist-liberal controlled government!
On 23AUG2022, the U.S. Army released a video begging soldiers to voluntarily transfer to Republic of Korea (South Korea). The request coincides with the 72nd Anniversary of the U.S. Army’s deployment to Korea, but back then U.S. citizens were forced into the military (drafted, ask your grand parents or great grand parents), or sent to prison for refusing (ask Cassius Clay-Muhammad Ali about that).
U.S. 8th Army video, produced by Specialist Diana Rose Faulve, written by Sergeant Major Andrew Kosterman, presenting reasons why you should move to Korea:
During the first week of August 2022, a haggard looking Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, spent time in Korea, as part of a her Indo-Pacific tour. U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sergeant Dwane R. Young.
Traditional home buyers, families wanting to have a place of their own, have been overwhelmingly outbid by Limited Liability Companies (LLC), speculators and even criminal money launderers, for at least a decade. It is these profit seeking/money laundering operations that have driven-up housing costs, not traditional market forces. It seems that local, state and federal politicians are fine with that. Especially local politicians because a top source of tax & fee revenues for local governments is real estate.
U.S. tax schemes benefit LLCs:
Traditional investors, like Warren Buffet, do not like the idea of putting their money into real estate, yet there is a new game in town involving LLCs that are buying-up homes across the U.S., turning those homes into high dollar rentals:
Using U.S. real estate is so prolific that a company called CRES Real Estate Errors and Omissions Insurance has published a guide explaining how to identify and report real estate transactions that are possibly foreign money laundering schemes.
It is not just the U.S. that is suffering Housing Hooliganism, Canada news outlet Global News shows you the detailed global money laundering web created by organized criminals from Communist China, who are snatching up homes in British Colombia: