Tag Archives: idaho

Idaho militia preps firefighters for climate change disasters!

07APR2018 (02:12 UTC-07 Tango 06)  18 Farvardin 1397/21 Rajab 1439/22 Bing-Chen 4716

“It’s easier to train a fire fighter that has swift water training to ride on the hoist than it is to train an Army hoist operator to become swift water qualified.”-Mike Barbero, Boise firefighter and Army National Guard pilot

Idaho Army National Guard photo by Captain Robert Taylor, 03APR2018.

The Idaho Army National Guard spent the first week of April conducting joint rescue training with the city of Boise’s fire department.  The helicopter hoist training event was the result of a February 2017 rescue of a man stranded by flooding in the town of Weiser, in which the National Guard and Boise Fire Department cooperated.

That 2017 rescue revealed the Boise Fire Department dive/swift water rescue team did not have helicopter hoist training and as a result National Guard personnel conducted the hoist rescue.

Idaho Army National Guard photo by Captain Robert Taylor, 03APR2018.

“This joint training that the Guard provides Boise Fire with is highly specialized and it provides the unique opportunity to learn techniques that could save a life. This training solidifies what we need to know to be successful in helicopter rescue scenarios.”-Paul Roberts, Boise Fire Department



“a reflection of the changing demographics”: Dumbing Down U.S.A., March 2018

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”-George Orwell (aka Eric Arthur Blair)

 Disappearing Students Syndrome (DSS): A phrase created by me to describe a phenomenon taking place across the United States, affecting both privately and publicly funded schools, from Kindergarten all the way through University levels.

Incomplete (Tip-o-the-Iceberg) list of publicly announced education related layoffs, shutdowns and education crimes, March 2018:

Alabama: Montgomery Public School warning employees that as many as 2-hundred jobs will be eliminated, unless they can sell-off Georgia Washington Middle School in order to settle a lawsuit brought by the Alabama Education Association (which claims Montgomery Public School doesn’t know how to handle taxpayer funding)!  A Huffman High School junior charged with manslaughter and illegal possession of a pistol. 

Alaska: Juneau School District slashed its 2018-19 budget by $3.5-million USD, but is hoping for a miracle increase in state and local taxpayer funding.  Mass shooting generation; “I live in Alaska, and we prepare more for a school shooting than we do for an earthquake. In Alaska, where the oft-quoted statistic is that there’s a rumble in the ground every three minutes, we’re more worried about getting shot at in our place of learning. We practice barricading the doors. We practice running for our lives. We practice how to fight back. We’re training for combat, training for what to do when bullets come flying.”-Ariana O’Harra

Arizona: Thornydale Elementary School in danger of being shutdown in June 2019 due to eight years of crashing enrollments.

Arkansas: Vilonia School District suing a 15 years old special education student for posting a social media pic of him holding a gun, and allegedly claiming that he wanted to kill just so he could spend his life in prison, he’s been suspended. Greenbrier Public Schools used corporal punishment on three students who took part in the anti-2nd Amendment demonstrations.

California: Despite The Golden State’s anti-2nd Amendment laws California schools got more than $1-million USD in funding from the National Rifle Association (NRA), from 2010 to 2016!   San Marcos School District eliminating 74 jobs and begging teachers to retire early, blaming declining taxpayer funding which is forcing the district to reduce its budget by $21-million USD.  Valley Center-Pauma Unified School District warned 30 teachers of layoffs ‘as a precaution’ (if not enough teachers retire or quit). In Laguna Hills, Allied Business Schools eliminating 71 jobs by mid-May. Coachella Valley Unified School District eliminating 169 jobs due to being $10.4-million USD in the hole now, and a forecasted $24-million in the hole by 2019-20: “Even with slightly improved state revenue projections due to the acceleration of funding under the Local Control Funding Formula, significant increases in expenses coupled with declining enrollment have contributed to a budget deficit that must be addressed now to maintain fiscal solvency.”-Erik Lee

Colorado: School District 27J has applied to have its school week reduced to four days, partly because they can’t give teachers raises and mainly because teachers are tired of using their own time to prepare classes.  Colorado schools districts making an error that many other districts across the U.S. are making; overestimating student enrollments.  However, the state Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights has resulted in a surplus of taxpayer funding and lawmakers are fighting over it.

Connecticut: God powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ Saint Francis-Saint Hedwig Catholic School in Naugatuck, apparently the religious school turned away from god and towards government funding: “The decision followed a month-long dialogue with local government leaders….which failed to yield workable solutions to the schools’s financial struggles….”-Archdiocese of Hartford

Florida: Durham School Services eliminating 283 jobs statewide by the end of June!  A teacher at the 90% ‘white’ Crystal River Middle School resigned after she hosted what’s being called a ‘white nationalist podcast’, allegedly saying her years as a social studies teacher proved to her that some homo sapiens have lower IQs than others. The jailed Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooter is getting fan mail.  Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School now requires students to wear transparent backpacks. Taxpayers are being forced to shell-out $100-thousand USD for security upgrades for Midway Independent School District.

Georgia: After only seven years Savannah Law School suddenly sold-off and shutting down over the next five years, ironically students filed a lawsuit against the school claiming the sell-off and shutdown is purely for the profit of Savannah’s parent school John Marshall Law School.

Hawaii: Students walked out of class, not to protest the 2nd Amendment, but to protest their schools flying the state flag beneath the U.S. flag.    After critics challenged taxpayer funded public schools to buy locally grown fresh food, students at Mililani High School got to eat some traditional Hawaiian imu: “We cooked it all night. We pulled it at about 4:30 in the morning and that was pork shoulder and a little Hawaiian salt.”-Greg Christian, Beyond Green Sustainable Food Partners

Idaho:  A PE teacher for School District 1 was caught by a sting operation; cops pretended to be a mom and daughter offering child sex, the PE teacher went for it and got arrested.  In the Mormon dominated ‘home’ of Napoleon Dynamite a Preston Junior High biology teacher is accused by some parents of feeding a live puppy to a snapping turtle.  Inadequate local news reports implied that students failed to feed the turtle, as part of a way of earning extra grade credits, yet apparently those very students are leading a movement in support of the biology teacher.  A former student even posted this ‘supportive’ statement; “Time to show our support for the man that taught us science in a new way…”  However, the teacher got into trouble with the state Fish and Game because snapping turtles are invasive specie in Idaho, meaning they’re illegal to have in Idaho.  Fish and Game took the snapper away and killed it.   An Idaho Falls math teacher described the nationwide student anti-2nd Amendment ‘walkouts’ as “…not really a student-led event. There are political groups who have a cause and they have been targeting students through social media and telling them they need to walk out at a certain time of day during the school day.”  She also stated students were too dumb to handle such a politically charged event as an anti-2nd Amendment walkout: “I do not know any if any of my students’ brains are going to be able to learn anything in math for that hour. They won’t be able to focus for the rest of the day because that’s all they’ll be thinking about.”-Julie Duffield, School District 91

 Illinois: In Mattoon, after 38 years Book Nook shutting down by the end of April, local news media reported that at one time the owner had six Book Nook stores.  North Shore School District 112 warning 65 employees of layoffs by mid-April, due to declining taxpayer funding as a result of three years of crashing student enrollments.  After 121 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) Yerkes Observatory shutting down in October, the property being sold-off by the destitute University of Chicago.  In Gary, 79 years old Wirt-Emerson School of Visual and Performing Arts shutting down due to declining enrollments and unpredictable taxpayer funding.  Illinois Central School Bus issued a “permanent” shutdown WARN for its Pontiac ops, 51 jobs gone by the end of June.  Community School District 300 eliminating 15 jobs despite claiming an increase in enrollment.


Indiana: High school students in Madison are killing themselves, and it’s being kept a secret.  A teacher at New Middletown Elementary School hit with 36 counts of child molestation over a three years period.

Iowa: A new law requires teachers to take action if they think a student is going to kill themselves.  Iowa City based standardized testing company ACT eliminating 1-hundred jobs due to “organizational realignment”!

Kansas: A taxpayer funded study says improving state grade schools will cost taxpayers an additional $2-billion USD per year!

Kentucky:  Hundreds of teachers staged a ‘sick-out’, forcing eight school districts to shutdown schools, over surprise retirement ‘reforms’ which creates a hybrid plan that allows the state government to keep 15% of retirement investment fund gains/profits!

Louisiana: Cursive writing returning to schools, and lawmakers approved the idea of bulletproof backpacks, however, there’s still not enough taxpayer funding for public education.

Maine: A now former Bangor High School basketball coach pled guilty to driving while intoxicated.

Maryland: A Great Mills High School student shot his girlfriend and another student before killing himself.  His girlfriend later died. Initially a school cop was praised for stopping the shooter, but an autopsy says the shooter shot himself in the head before the cop took his shot.  Maryland already has a law banning anybody under 21 years of age from possessing a gun.

Massachusetts: Chicopee Public Schools warning that 1-hundred jobs could be axed, and ‘low enrollment classes’ will be eliminated, due to being short $3.2-million USD!   God powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ 115 years old (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) Saint Mary’s High School in Westfield, due to “demographics and a long term decision”.

Michigan: Former dean of the College of Osteopathic Medicine at Michigan State University arrested and charged with sex crimes.  Cambridge Isanti School District warned of 60 layoffs, date to be determined.  North Branch School District warned of 47 layoffs, date to be determined.  Minneapolis Public Schools eliminating 2-hundred jobs by the end of June!

Minnesota: The number of high school students taking part in shooting/gun clubs is increasing despite the anti-2nd Amendment movement. The California cliff crash that involves LGBT parents and six adopted children (now all presumed dead) started in Minnesota where the children attended school. School/court records show at least one of the six children was beaten by the parents.

Mississippi: In Natchez, after 18 years Turning Pages Books shutting down by the end of May, the owner saying 2007 was the last year the store made a profit.

Missouri: God powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ 76 years old Saint Clare Catholic School, current student enrollment is down to just 38 students.  God powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ Our Lady of Mercy Regional School in Cutchogue, students will have to attend Saint Isidore School in Riverhead which will have its name changed to Saint John Paul II Regional School.

Montana: Reports of gunshots at Big Sky High School were the result of a school cop shooting at a student.   Police claim the student jumped into his car and tried to run the school cop down.  A judge ordered the release of court records concerning a rape case at University of Montana.

Nebraska: God’s own Grand Island Catholic High School teaches students how to use guns, because it builds character. 

Nevada: A paranoid parent is paying for a major security system for Washoe County School District.  Also, the paranoid state gov’na signed an executive order creating a school police task force.

New Hampshire: The Manchester School District reported they arrested a student for making threats against a school using social media, local news media reported it was the third such arrest, statewide, in the past month.   High school student from Hanover says “There was a walkout at my school last week. It was meant to honor the students who died in the school shooting in Florida, but it was also about protesting firearms. I didn’t join in. I feel horrible about the kids who were killed or hurt, but firearms aren’t the problem — people are.”-Dakota Hanchett

New Jersey: Taxpayer funded, yet apparently under the influence of the AME Church, Essex County College laid off 34 people, due to a 25% drop in enrollments over the past five years.

New Mexico: Liberal leftist Everybody Votes trying to get 15-thousand high school seniors to vote their way.  A judge ordered a mental evaluation for a 12 years Marshall Junior High student who took a pellet gun to school and allegedly made threats.

New York:  God powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ Bishop McGann-Mercy High School in Riverhead due to only 55 students enrolling for the freshman year.  Saint Isidore School, also in Riverhead, shutting down by mid-June, 20 jobs lost. In Cutchogue, Our Lady of Mercy Regional School shutting down, 22 jobs gone by mid-June.

North Carolina:  The Washington Times reports that four out of 115 school districts have armed school cops at every school.

North Dakota:  Bomb threats being made against schools are now thought to be coming from robo-calling computers in a foreign land. The superintendent of Richland 44 School District under suspicion of homosexual misconduct, he’s currently on paid leave.

Ohio: Taxpayer funded Carpe Diem Preparatory Academy in College Hill shutting down, due to the state Board of Education declaring that Cincinnati Public Schools cannot sponsor a charter school.  In Poland, Dobbins Elementary shutting down in an effort to ‘right size’ the school district according to declining enrollments and taxpayer funding.

Oklahoma: Teachers from 172 school districts threatening to go on strike in April due to low pay.  It’s not just teachers who need more money, Hunger Free Oklahoma reports that only 58% of students eligible for free and reduced-price meals ate breakfast at school.  State Bureau of Investigation investigating claims that a Washington Public Schools student was bullied and sexually harassed for 18 months, with school officials calling it ‘accidental touching’.  The state’s efforts to save medical schools might be getting it into trouble with federal Medicaid, records show that $140-million USD has been spent trying to prop up failing medical schools/doctors who treat Medicaid patients.

Oregon: A teacher at Ockley Green Junior High placed on leave after taking part in a protest of increasing cases of police killing civilians.

Pennsylvania: Scranton School Board eliminating 74 jobs and jacking up local taxes by 3%, and is considering getting a loan to fill a $4-million USD budget hole!  God powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ Our Lady Help of Christians School in east Allentown due to the fact that there are now only 71 students enrolled.

Puerto Rico: Gov’na Ricardo Rosselló wants to shutdown more than 3-hundred public schools, mainly because of crashing enrollments; as of January more than 22-thousand public school students left the island territory since the hurricanes!

Rhode Island: God powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ 54 years old Saint Piux X Regional Academy, administrators said crashing enrollments are “a reflection of the changing demographics”.

South Carolina:  The sister of the man who shot-up a church in 2015 was arrested for bringing pepper spray, a knife and ganja to A.C. Flora High School. The school principal also went on a propaganda spree against the girl by claiming the girl posted a “hateful message” on social media concerning the nationwide anti-2nd Amendment demonstrations.  A Teacher of the Year at Myrtle Beach High School now facing charges of assaulting a student for passing notes.

South Dakota: Warner Elementary School happy about being able to buy 17 ukuleles, not with taxpayer funding but with a donation from an unnamed Texan. South Dakota grade school teachers getting a 1.7% pay raise, pushing the average salary to more than $49-thousand per year. However, students attending college/university will have to pay 3% more in tuition and fees.

Tennessee: Metro Nashville Public Schools laying off an undisclosed number of people, reassigning other employees, and canceling programs due to being in the hole by $7.5-million USD! Amazingly school board members swear they don’t know where the $7.5-million went and asked for a special audit to find out.  In Maryville, Peak Technical Institute suddenly sold-off its commercial truck driving and unexploded ordnance (UXO) disposal training programs and is shutting down, in connection to the sell-off of trucking company Vanquish Logistics.

Texas: Houston Independent School District eliminating 7-hundred jobs due to being a massive $115-million USD in the hole!  God powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ 106 years old (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) Central Catholic Elementary School in Corpus Christi, current enrollment is only 60 students.

Utah: A student at Pine View High School arrested for bringing a homemade bomb to school, and is suspected of vandalizing another school with Islamic State (DAIISH) graffiti.  Lawmakers want to spend a record $36-million tax dollars to deal with an expected increase in enrollment of more than 7-thousand new students.  Lawmakers also requiring sex ed to teach the evils of porno and teach student show to say ‘no’ to sex (known as ‘refusal skills’).

Vermont: Less than half of grade schools have phone systems that can interact with the 9-1-1 system, despite taxpayer funding to update the system. The potentially deadly discrepancy was discovered during a training event in 2013. The state Secretary of Education suddenly resigned just before she was to make the final decision regarding the Act 46 school district consolidation program.

Virginia: Tidewater Community College begging employees over 60 to retire early, and is laying off an undisclosed number of people due to being $6-million USD in the hole following a 35% crash in enrollments!

Washington: Amazon owned online education software maker TenMarks “…will no longer be available after the 2018-2019 school year.”  Kent School District eliminating 136 jobs (on top of the 45 job cuts announced last month) due to being in the hole $7-million USD!  District administrators admitted the massive deficit is their fault after they wrongly thought student enrollments were going up, which resulted in the hiring of more staff, and even the increase of some salaries, that now can’t be justified!

Washington DC: San Diego Free Press:The Awful Plight of Washington DC Schools Reveals the Failure of reforms

Washington Post: DC Public Schools taking over all-girls charter school in Southeast

West Virginia: Lawmakers gave public grade school teachers a 5% raise, after a statewide strike shutdown schools. Students will now have to attend classes during Spring Break and Summer, to make up for the shutdown.
Wisconsin: An 11 years old girl died in the Meyer Junior High (officially called by the British empire term ‘Middle School’) in River Falls, the only info given to news media was that the girl was “unresponsive”.   Then at River Falls High School a student was arrested for posting on social media “a questionable comment” which included pics of a gun. Even though police ‘judged’ the social media post as not credible, they still arrested the student for disorderly behavior.  CBS58: Oconomowoc High School…  …More than 150 people went to the hospital feeling ill with five of those people testing positive for high levels of carbon monoxide.”
Wyoming: Uinta County School District #1 approved the use of guns by teachers.  Last year state lawmakers delegated the authority of allowing teachers to have guns in schools to local school districts.

Dumbing Down U.S.A., February 2018: “PORCH MONKEY”

America Spread Thin: South Asia, March 2018

U.S. operations in South Asia are directed by PacCom (U.S. Pacific Command).

Exercise Shanti Doot 4 in Bangladesh is a United Nations ‘peacekeeping’ pre-deployment training involving more than 30 countries.  I guess the UN is expecting a lot of wars, I mean peacekeeping ops in the area.

Official video explainer, Idaho National Guard Exercise Shanti Doot 4:

Idaho Army National Guard Sergeant Amber Demott helps train medics in Bangladesh as part of Exercise Shanti Doot, 04MAR2018

Video of Bangladeshi, Cambodian, Sri Lankan, and Nepalese personnel taking part in Shanti Doot 4:

“We are going to have to stop being the policemen of the world.”-Donald Trump, August 2015 interview with Hugh Hewitt


Stop Your Bitchin’: Idaho woman commands 1st female combat team!

In 2018, it was revealed that in 2013 the Idaho Army National Guard because the first to have all female UH-60 helicopter crews, operating inside Afghanistan as part of Task Force Shadow.

“When we first arrived in Afghanistan, the task force was already established and halfway through its rotation. We were like a puzzle piece replacing the Utah Army National Guard. When the 101st arrived to assume the mission from the 82nd, we had been in country for four months and went from being the newbies to the subject matter experts for the new task force.”-Major Nicole Washington recalling her 2012-13 Afghan adventure, when she was known as Captain Nicole Smith

All female Task Force Shadow team, 14JAN2013, Afghanistan. Idaho Army National Guard photo by Captain Robert Taylor. Back row: Nicole Smith, Jackie Keel, Sarah Kitson and Jocelyn Wilk. Front Row: Delia Baldwin, Carlane Birch, Corinth Barrett and Janica Hanover.

(the photographer was a man, sorry you feministas)

This happened in January 2013, but for some reason the story wasn’t released to the public until March 2018, perhaps because ‘traditionalists’ would consider it a true sign that America is Spread Thin.

Alpha Company-1-168th General Support Aviation Battalion-Idaho Army National Guard deployed to Afghanistan in 2012, it was commanded by Captain Nicole Smith (now Major Nicole Washington) and its was a first for The Gem State militia.

The company flew UH-60A/L Black Hawks.  On 14JAN2013, two Black Hawks with all female crews took off on a Task Force Shadow mission. It was a first for Task Force Shadow: “It was an honor to participate in that mission, not just because it was all females, but because of what it meant to be able to have the freedom to do so. To have that crew combination of all women flying a combat mission in a land where some of the local women aren’t allowed to drive or even sit in the front seat of a car, much less fly a helicopter… it was the unspoken message behind the mission that meant so much to all of us.”-Major Nicole Washington recalling her Afghan adventure, when she was known as Captain Nicole Smith

Gov’na Butch Otter named the Alpha Company-1-168th General Support Aviation Battalion the outstanding unit of the year upon their return to Idaho in 2013.

“Everyone had a great attitude. Everyone worked hard and long hours for the success of the company. There were no egos, just a desire to see the company succeed and for everyone to come home safe, and we did it together”-Major Nicole Washington

It wasn’t the first time Nicole Smith/Washington was in Afghanistan, she deployed in 2007 with Idaho’s 1-183d Aviation Battalion’s AH-64 Apache gunships.



“we are losing customers everyday” More than 11-thousand jobs killed!: U.S. Food Crisis, March 2018

Incomplete list of announced United States food supply shutdowns for the month of March, 2018: Many food suppliers/distributors are consolidating operations and killing jobs due to the collapsing grocery store and restaurant industries, as well as rising costs of food production, spread of disease and extreme weather.

Many individual farmers are suffering from low prices caused by oversupply.  Oversupply can be caused by overproduction, but I believe there’s another factor creating the oversupply situation; more and more consumers are buying less food because they have less money.  Domestic demand could be falling because the U.S. economy, for working class people, has not recovered.

Alaska: In Juneau, vegan food truck Happy Camper shutdown.  State Department of Fish and Game  is warning that more wild sheep and goats are being found with mycoplasma ovipneumonia (a respiratory bacteria).

Arizona: In Tucson, after about 25 years cafe Chocolate Iguana being kicked out by the building’s new owner, who just happens to be connected to a competing coffee shop chain.

Arkansas: The evil Monsanto’s lawsuit against the Arkansas Plant Board has been dismissed.  Tyson Foods suddenly laid off 150 people in Van Buren due to “changes in production needs”!  Flying Burrito shutdown its 15 years old Fayetteville restaurant, without giving a reason. Also in Fayetteville, CV’s Family Foods shutting down when the inventory is gone, blaming it on competition from a new Walmart Neighborhood Market. In Humnoke, flooding farm fields required a response by the National Guard:

California: After 45 years Bracken Bird Farm suddenly shutdown blaming five years of low sales, but the recent theft of some parrots was the final straw.  In Santa Barbara, after 34 years Max’s Restaurant and Cucina shutdown blaming a bad economy coupled with wildfires and mudslides.  In Lafayette, after five years Rustic Tavern shutdown due to a dispute over the lease.  La Brea Bakery shutting down its distribution center in Vernon, 109 jobs gone by the end of April!  San Diego based brewery Green Flash announced it halted distribution to an additional ten U.S. states, in January Green Flash laid off 15% of its employees and halted ops in 32 states.   Boyd Coffee Company shutting down its San Diego ops in May.  In Fresno, after 18 years Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory suddenly shutdown due to losing the lease.  In Long Beach, after at least three decades Paradise Bar & Restaurant shutdown.  In Napa, after 71 years Vallerga’s Market shutdown, the owner saying “The grocery industry has changed. It’s a very competitive industry and Napa does have a lot of grocery stores.”  Claim Jumper issued a shutdown WARN for its restaurant in Temecula, 77 jobs gone by mid-May.  Raley’s Supermarkets issued a temporary shutdown WARN for its Windsor location, 63 jobs gone by June. Switzerland owned Nestlé continues killing California jobs, this time it was revealed that 89 jobs were eliminated in February. Switzerland owned ARYZTA shutting down its Los Angeles ops, 109 jobs gone by the end of April!  Seneca Foods issued a shutdown WARN for its massive ops in Modesto, 1-thousand-975 jobs gone by September!  Yet another reason for not living in The Golden State; Proposition 65 forces business to tell you that coffee causes cancer.  The Cheesecake Factory issued a shutdown WARN for its Palo Alto location, 140 jobs gone by the end of May!  Texas based Claim Jumper issued a shutdown WARN for its Temecula restaurant, 77 jobs gone by the end of May.

Colorado:  Even though marijuana is legal in The Centennial State,  firefighters found an illegal ganja farm while fighting a wildfire in El Paso County.  The state’s largest producer of meat products, JBC Agricultural Management-Crystal River Meats, chapter 11 bankrupt busted due to a cattle purchase deal that went bad last year.

Connecticut: “Falling milk prices have hit farmers in my state hard….  …farm milk prices are forecasted to drop in 2018, and Connecticut’s already struggling dairy farmers would be in dire straits without immediate federal action.”Chris Murphy, U.S. senator

Florida: Jacksonville based Southeastern Grocers/BI-LO/ Harveys/ Winn-Dixie/Fresco y Más now chapter 11 bankrupt busted and shutting down 94 stores, potentially more than 8-thousand jobs lost!  In October 2017, an anonymous Southeastern Grocers employee posted on glassdoor.com “We are losing customers everyday.”  Don’t forget that Winn-Dixie has been killing jobs for several years now.  H.I. Development eliminating 88 jobs at Miami International Airport by June.

Georgia: Farmers expressing concerns over what they call ‘dumping’ of crops onto the U.S. Market by Canada and Mexico, due to NAFTA.  This is another cause of oversupply.

Hawaii: In a confusing situation, a restaurant customer complained of finding bug parts in their lettuce, the restaurant said the lettuce came from an aquaponics farm, state Health Department decided to shutdown all aquaponics farms, then suddenly reversed its decision.

Idaho: Sandpoint based supplement maker Thorne issued a layoff WARN, 136 jobs gone by the end of April!   A Texas billionaire is behind the recent changes to The Gem State’s farm trespass law.   West of Hidden Springs, residents are upset over plans to sell 1-thousand acres (404 hectares) of farmland to people who want to build almost 2-thousand houses.  A federal judge ruled that the federal government illegally quarantined potato farms, some farmers went out of business as a result.  Despite that the state Farm Bureau still boasts that more potatoes are grown in Idaho than in any other state.

Illinois: In Champaign, Wedge Tequila Bar and Grill shutdown after a weeks notice. In Chicago, popular Cemitas Puebla suddenly shutdown its Hyde Park location, so the owners can focus on a new project.  In Collinsville, after more than 40 years, after two years attempting to sell it, The Sandwich Shop shutdown, the owners saying “We’ve all decided it’s been enough.”

Indiana: In New Albanay, the popular Feast BBQ suddenly shutdown, not because of lack of sales but because “Feast BBQ outgrew our space in New Albany the day we opened the doors……We have been faced with the challenge of operating a restaurant in too small of a space, with nowhere to expand…..”  In Indianapolis, after 18 years Santorini Greek Kitchen, the owners blaming health problems “beyond their control.”

Iowa:  “The added costs due to our county regulations have put some of our new business ideas on hold as we had to shift our focus to regulatory compliance rather than enhancing our business endeavors.”-Jenny Quiner, urban farmer

Kansas: In Valley Center, after 50 years Leeker’s Family Foods shutting down in April due to the greedy landlord.

Kentucky: In Louisville, after 72 years Dundee Candy Shop has been sold to competitor Sweet Spot Candy Shop, who plans on consolidating the Dundee brand within its own shop (the original Dundee Candy Shop will shutdown in April).

Louisiana: In Monroe, Restaurant Sage suddenly shutdown after a little more than ten years, the owners didn’t say why.

Maine: In Portland, Big J’s Chicken Shack shutdown due to being ‘bought-out’ in that location, the owners of the Big J’s brand say they’re looking for new locations.

Maryland: Humane Society of Wicomico County reports efforts to rescue more than 32 horses from a Quantico farm, where more than 24 horses were found dead.  The dire situation was revealed by a local TV station, which aired video of the dead horses rotting on the farmland.

Massachusetts: Seekonk Police arrested two people for stealing chickens and ducks, the cops followed a trail of feathers to a vehicle filled with poultry, and the two suspects.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture reports that from 2007 to 2012 the area lost 50 farms (mainly family farms). 

Michigan: With only a few days warning Cold Stone Creamery shutdown its Grand Blanc location, eight jobs suddenly gone due to lack of sales. Coca Cola shutting down its distribution center in Port Huron, 25 jobs affected by consolidation ops.  An article by Marketplace reveals that the hugely successful urban farm projects operated by poor people in Detroit are becoming a threat to traditional/industrial farming.

Minnesota: In Minneapolis, Kings Wine Bar shutdown due to the owners getting an offer for the property they couldn’t refuse.  Rainbow Foods shutdown its Richfield store with only a week-long notice blaming crashed sales on “competitive changes and two summers of road construction.”  Buffalo Wild Wings suddenly laid off 132 people at its HQ in Minneapolis (Golden Valley), due to being taken over by Arby’s!

Mississippi: Cooper Restaurants shutting down its ten years old Ruth’s Chris Steak House in Ridgeland, “due to changing market dynamics.”

Missouri: USDA reports H7N1 (bird flu) on a turkey farm in Jasper County, it is now quarantined.  U.S. Department of Commerce data shows low personal incomes in The Show Me State might have contributed to a 72% decline in agricultural income in 2017.

Montana: State taxpayers are now the owners of a farm after the State Land Board spent the most money ever ($11-million USD) buying the Angela Farm. The opioid problem has farmers on edge: “If you would have told me a year ago that it was a problem, I would have said no, but when you start looking at the numbers and we’ve actually had instances of people we know that have been involved with some problems with opioid addictions.”– John Youngberg, Montana Farm Bureau Federation

“…opioids can spell disaster for a farm family and ranch family so we’re trying our best to educate and communicate the ways we can help if you are addicted to it.”-Alan Merrill, Montana Farmers Union

Nebraska: The University of Nebraska at Lincoln’s (UNL) Ag Economics Department discovered that 77% of ‘farmers’ said they were concerned about making enough money, 45% said they expect their incomes to decline.  And that survey had nothing to do with the possibility of tariffs on dealing with China. Communist China (People’s Republic of China) is threatening to impose tariffs on pork products coming from the United States, which is scaring the poop out of Nebraska’s pig farmers: “We know that most of our pork that is variety meats, such as the hearts, the livers, and things we don’t eat here in the United States, 82% of that goes outside the United States and that’s incredibly important for us as pork producers to have a market for that and a lot of that goes to the country of China.”-Terry O’Neel

Nevada: University of Nevada has split-off 104 acres (42 hectares) of its Main Station Farm land to be sold for ‘unit development’, because the university needs money for ‘capital improvement projects’.  Administrators claim the remaining farmland will be maintained. Minimum bid for a 40 acres (16 hectares) parcel is $20-million USD.

New Mexico:  USDA reporting that chile crop acreage declined by 12% in 2017, and has been declining for the past ten years.  It’s blamed on drought and on competition from the more profitable pecan, but that might change if China imposes tariffs on pecans.

New York: Grocery store Stop & Shop shutting down its Hempstead location, 1-hundred jobs gone by mid-June due to “under-performing” sales!  In Syracuse, J. Ryan’s Pub forced to shutdown when the lease was suddenly “terminated”.   In NYC, after six years North End Grill shutting down by Xmas, local news media reported the restaurant has suffered from complaints of inappropriate behavior by management towards employees.  After 50 years New Beer Distributors shutting down due to “a lot” of reasons, including a doubling of rent and increased taxes.  After 116 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) Glaser’s Bake Shop shutting down in July.  In Liverpool, after 22 years Bruegger’s Bagels suddenly shutdown.Last year the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that U.S. farmers lead the country in suicides, by more than twice that of veterans!  It’s blamed mainly on the fact that individual farmers never truly ‘get-ahead’ financially.  This year New York dairy cooperatives are issuing suicide letters with the milk payments!

North Carolina: Loco for Coco is halting its more than ten years old brick-n-mortar chocolate shop ops and selling online only.

North Dakota:  Farmers are fretting over a possible trade war with China, as it could kill-off their $1.5-billion USD soybean sales to that communist country.

Ohio:  In Leroy, about a dozen 4-H animals were killed in a barn fire.  A tractor was destroyed as well as feed for surviving animals.  In Dayton, Buffalo Wild Wings shutting down its restaurant on North Main Street “later in 2018”, but swears they’re opening a new restaurant in another location. Buffalo Wild Wings also shutting down its location in West Carrollton , “later in 2018”.

Oregon: Boyd’s Coffee Company shutting down “Due to the asset purchase acquisition of Boyd’s by Farmer Bros.”, at least 76 employees in Portland and Eugene unemployed between April and October 2018.   On 16MAR2018, beef processor Bartel’s Packing suddenly went out of business leaving 142 people suddenly jobless!  Bartel’s administrators said that after the “unexpected loss of one of our largest customers”, and a failed attempt to sell the business, debts came due and there was no money to pay them.

Pennsylvania: In Pittsburgh, after 16 years of free drinks for students Qdoba restaurant suddenly shutdown, without warning, due to a corporate decision. After 71 years McGinnis Sisters Special Food Stores shutting down its last two stores, in Monroeville and Brentwood, the owners saying “…at the end of the day, there was just too much pressure. We couldn’t keep up.”  Specialty Bakers suddenly shutdown its Lititz location, 102 jobs gone!  Riverbend Foods issued a shutdown WARN for its Pittsburgh location, 512 jobs gone in May!

Rhode Island: After getting taxpayer incentives in 2015, Ireland based food producer Greencore broke its promise and is shutting down its North Kingstown factory, hundreds of jobs gone!  One of it’s major clients is Amazon.

  South Carolina: The growth of mega-farms is creating concerns over the groundwater supply.  The $44-billion USD aqua-farming/mari-culture industry is going down, but not because of declining sales, it’s because of over harvesting resulting in strict federal regulations which are killing jobs for commercial fisher-people.

Tennessee: Panera Bread suddenly shutdown its Oxmoor Center location. For those who buy their food from a store prices are actually good for them, but bad for farmers:  “It’s a difficult time for agriculture in Tennessee. We’re in a transitional period in Tennessee with prices. It could be better, and I sure hope it gets better soon. Nationally, we have 150,000 too many cattle producing milk. This oversupply happens from time to time, and it’s not good for farmers. They are severely hurting right now. We’re also down in beef prices, grain prices, almost everything. It’s not looking good at the moment.”-Julius Johnson, state Department of Agriculture Commissioner

Texas: The state Farm Bureau confirms that farm oversupply is dropping prices in grocery stores, specifically for meat and dairy.  This oversupply is happening despite that fact that 61% of Texas is in a drought and parts of east Texas are flooding!   Iola Food Market suddenly shutdown, it was reported by residents to local news media, the news media was unable to get a comment from the store owner.

Virginia: In Leesburg, music-BBQ venue Smokehouse Live shutting down. Ornery Beer Company shutdown its Woodbridge public house (pub) because the landlord was “unwilling to work with us to reduce the size or our rent”.  California based Green Flash brewery shutdown its Virginia Beach location just six months after opening, 43 jobs gone.   Supervalu owned Farm Fresh issued a massive shutdown WARN for 38 stores (21 of which are currently for sale), easily more than 3-thousand jobs gone by mid-May!

Washington: Twin Cities Foods issued a shutdown WARN for its Stanwoods ‘rabbit food’ (frozen veggies) factory, 92 jobs gone by mid-May due to a new factory being built in Pasco.   State leaders have banned fish farming.

Washington DC:  Greedy city officials sold-off massive amounts of land for a massive gentrification project, which will result in the destruction of the popular K Street Urban Farm project in 2019.

Wisconsin: In Madison, after 14 years the Silly Yak bakery shutdown, the owner saying “it’s just become harder and harder to source ingredients for gluten free”.  In Manitowoc, after 20 years Capone’s Pub & Grill suddenly shutdown.  In Milwaukee, restaurants Wolf Peach, and Supper shutdown because the property owner suddenly sold-off the buildings. In Edgerton, Craving Burgers shutdown after three years, supposedly being replaced in April by Craving Tacos. Foremost Farms selling-off its operations in Rothschild, 110 jobs gone in May!  In Barron County, a father and son were killed when a silo collapsed on them.  A Washington County deer farm is under quarantine after a dead deer tested positive for chronic wasting disease (CWD, mad-cow).  The deer was found dead from what appeared to be wounds from a fight with other deer, but testing revealed CWD. This also resulted in the quarantine of a deer farm 2-hundred miles away in Bayfield County, because 24 deer from the Washington County deer farm were transferred to the farm in Bayfield County.  So far none of the Bayfield deer have tested positive for CWD.  Small scale dairy producers in Wisconsin are being hurt by Texas mega-farms.

Wyoming: In Cheyenne, after five years Steamboat’s Steak & Smokehouse being kicked out by the landlord, who found a new tenant willing to pay higher rent. Popular Steamboat’s is looking for a new location.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification


Zombies are for real! “The fentanyl…is enough to kill everyone…several times over.”: Drugs, the American Way, March 2018

Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of U.S. drugs related crimes and oddities for the month of March 2018.

“If we don’t get tough on the drug dealers, we are wasting our time. And that toughness includes the death penalty.”-President Donald Trump, Manchester, New Hampshire

“What makes construction so vulnerable to this epidemic is the physical nature of the work. Injury rates are 77% higher in construction than other occupations, and the financial incentive to get back to work before their bodies are healed is leading many down a path that can ultimately lead to abuse and even death.”-Jill Manzo, Midwest Economic Policy Institute

Visit Marijuana Business Daily to find out the latest in legalized MaryJane.

TheFix: “…the drug crisis costing the U.S. economy $1 trillion since 2001.” 

It’s now painfully obvious that the President Reagan imposed, police administered, taxpayer funded DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program not only didn’t work but in some cases actually increased drug use, based on a review of dozens of studies going back to 1991.  

2017 saw a steep decline in the number of drug crime exonerations (people wrongfully convicted of drug crimes and sent to prison, then found to be innocent afterwards).

Gummy Bears are being used to turn your children into literal zombies.  They’re being laced with THC, Melatonin (which is legal in the U.S. but illegal in many other countries) and deadly Flakka.

Alabama: Eufaula Police and state Department of Corrections now conducting random drug searches of Eufaula City Schools.

 “We’re not here to see how many people we can lock up. Our goal must be to see how we can make people feel safe.”-U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, during speech to National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives in Birmingham, 23MAR2018

Alaska: Anchorage Police reported that an addict tried to buy drugs from a dealer who apparently decided to rob the addict of his cash. Also, Anchorage Police reported three separate shootings during one weekend leaving one man dead, three people wounded, believed to be in connection to illegal drugs.  In Sitka, a couple had their children kidnapped, and then the husband was pistol whipped, the wife shot in both legs by what police are calling drug gang “enforcers” from California and New Mexico: “Their sole purpose here, in our town of Sitka, based on what I’m gathering during the course of this investigation, is that they’ve come here to create hate and discontent, and to intimidate local people who live here, and to work as the muscle behind the drug trade.”-Lieutenant Lance Ewers, Sitka Police

Arizona: U.S. Customs and Border Protection (aka Border Patrol) captured 135 pounds (61 kilograms) of ganja, and arrested two teenagers in Nogales.  At the San Luis crossing, a U.S. citizen was captured with more than eight pounds (3.6 kilograms) of meth strapped to his body. Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office captured a Texas resident who was driving a car filled with nearly 50 pounds of cocaine and more than 27 pounds of marijuana.

Arkansas: A now former Jacksonville cop is facing charges of stealing drugs from police evidence lockers and illegal drug possession, he claims it was because of back-pain caused by a work injury.  U.S. DEA and FBI arrested ten people in Benton and Washington counties, accused of dealing heroin, cocaine and meth. In Little Rock, a drug dealer was attacked by prospective buyers, he told police they put a bag over his head and beat him with a shotgun.

KTAL: Hempstead and Nevada Counties crack down on illegal drugs

California: Visalia cops arrested three people; a man and a woman with criminal records  were in possession of illegal guns (so much for California’s gun bans) and methamphetamine (a third suspect was given a simple ticket for suspicion of possession of drugs), in a separate case the third arrest involved a man who broke probation and is accused of selling meth.  In Santa Rosa, a man with a criminal history was arrested for illegal possession of a pistol, narcotics and meth.

Video of U.S. Coast Guard capture of ‘stealth’ drug boat:


Colorado: Parker Police personnel hospitalized after exposure to what was thought to be fentanyl, but turned out it was cocaine and meth.

The Denver Post: Colorado cited this drug rehab center operator 50 times in 3 years and it’s still in business.

Connecticut: In Wallingford a woman crashed her vehicle, police found 570 bags of heroin in the vehicle.

Delaware: State police found 3-thousand-127 bags of heroin in a house, two people arrested and their money confiscated by the cops. 

Florida: Sarasota police arrested a man after he attacked them by punching, kicking and biting them, he was high on spice (synthetic marijuana).

Fox News: Florida’s 2016 ‘Officer of the Year‘ arrested after feces, guns, drugs allegedly found in his ‘disgusting’ home

Ocala: When it comes to opioid-related deaths, Marion has the dubious distinction of being near the statistical top among Florida counties

Government Technology: A Florida Drug Case Could Set Precedent for Facial Recognition

Georgia:  University of Georgia football associate equipment manager arrested for spying on people and possessing marijuana.
Hawaii:Hawaii Police Department cop (now on leave without pay) suspected of stealing cocaine and hashish from the evidence room.  The investigation began in 2017, the Hawaii County Office of the Prosecuting Attorney refused to handle the case due to “conflicts of interest”Kauai Police arrested a man and woman for possession of meth and marijuana.
Hawaii News Now: The reemergence of crack
Idaho: NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard), once again snobby residents of Pocatello are shitting themselves over a proposed (and much needed) drug rehab center. This isn’t the first time. As usual the reasons given against a drug rehab center are property values and public safety.   Local news media reported that the nearest drug rehab is a several hours drive, on the west side of the state in Boise.  Speaking of drug crimes and Pocatello, over a three days period Pocatello cops arrested several people for possession of meth, heroine and prescription painkillers (that weren’t prescribed to the individual).  The arrests were the result of police responding to ‘disturbances’, traffic hazards and even a car crash.   Also, a passenger in a car was arrested as a result of a warrant, Pocatello police say when they went through his backpack they found meth, heroin and a scale. Still in Pocatello, a man pled guilty to distributing opioids which resulted in death, he’ll be sentenced in July, and for those snobberies in Pocatello rallying against a drug rehab center the federal judge handling the case stated “Our nation is in the midst of an opioid epidemic and Idaho is not immune from it.”  In the city of Idaho Falls, three homes targeted for drug busts, eight people arrested along with their stash of 30 pounds of ganja, guns, cars, and $47-thousand USD in cash (of course law enforcers get to keep assets for resale, but not for long, see below).  Staying in Idaho Falls, a missing iPhone resulted in a marijuana bust, police say the owner of the iPhone was able to track it to a home and when police entered they found two adults allegedly with more than a pound (more than half a kilo) of ganja.  Also, a man wanted on six warrants was captured after a high-speed chase, one of the charges is possession of drug ‘paraphernalia’.  In another case, police say a suspect was on drugs when he charged and pepper sprayed a cop before being shot.  Still in Idaho Falls, to show you how addicted Idahoans are to prescription opioids, local news media freaked out about a national shortage of the doctor issued killer and went running to Eastern Idaho Medical Center to find out if there was any opioids available, an official explained “There is a nationwide shortage of injectable opioid medication…….The pills are available but the IV form is not.”  (to find out why there’s a shortage of injectable opioids read MARIA: MOTHER EARTH SAYS ‘NO MORE DRUGS FOR YOU, HUMANS!’) An alleged drug smuggler couldn’t handle the snowy roads in Fremont County, and crashed his car.  Sheriff’s deputies found more than ten pounds of marijuana and methamphetamine in the car.   Idaho hiding execution data as University of Idaho professor is suing the state Department of Correction for refusing to make public (by law) its use of execution drugs.  An Idaho judge ruled that murder suspects can be forced to take drugs against their will in an apparent attempt to avoid the suspects claiming they’re mentally unstable, after another judge previously ruled the suspect mentally incompetent.  The state Supreme Court threw out the conviction of a woman accused of possession of meth, because it was revealed the prosecutors never proved the ‘substance’ found with the woman was indeed meth!   Boise police say a man they arrested for being a ‘peeping tom’ also had meth. Some state lawmakers want to ease up on Idaho’s tough illegal drug laws.

The Spokesman-Review: Otter signs unanimously-passed civil forfeiture reform bill into law

Illinois:  Porch Pirate Search Warrant Turns Up Accused Meth Dealer.  A family is suing the pharmaceutical industry for their child being born addicted to opioids, yet they also admitted the mom was addicted to illegal heroin  Midwest Economic Policy Institutes says 164 Illinois construction workers died from opioid overdoses in 2015!  In Decatur, police claim a drug bust (that happened almost a year ago) led to the arrest of a drug dealer who turned out to be ‘out on bond’ from a recent illegal use of a gun charge.

Indiana:  Midwest Economic Policy Institutes says 83 Indiana construction workers died from opioid overdoses in 2015!  Zombies are for real, and they’re being created with KD (marijuana, tobacco, or spice sprayed with insecticide): “Their movements are slow and lethargic, a lot of drooling and a loss of function. We find them with their clothes off, eating the grass, pulling dirt out of the ground and trying to put it in their mouth….  We find people passed out with it still in their hand. That is how fast it has an effect on them…… for some reason they are willing to do because we get the same people using over and over again…..We send them off to the hospital to get checked out and within two hours they may be back out there on the street doing it again. We have had the same person multiple times in one day.”-Captain Chris Major, Indianapolis Fire Department

Iowa:  Midwest Economic Policy Institutes says 32 Iowa construction workers died from opioid overdoses in 2015!  In Iowa City, a man was stopped for driving too fast, police say his car was loaded with marijuana, cannabis oil, marijuana edibles, marijuana wax, ‘suspected’ meth, prescription drugs and all the equipment used in selling it.  In Council Bluffs, police arrest mother who would do drugs, threaten children with knives.

Kansas:  Apparently Geary County Sheriff’s personnel and Junction City cops have been pulling over drivers for the sole purpose of accusing them of running drugs.

KWCH: 43 people arrested in Ford County drug bust

Kentucky: Trussville police arrested a man and woman for trafficking methamphetamine, pills and marijuana.  State police say drugs caused the death of a woman found behind the Swan Pond Baptist Church. In Graves County, complaints led to the arrest of two parents, the police bust revealed large amounts of synthetic drugs and Hydrocodone.   State Police crime lab shows the number of samples testing positive for meth more than doubled from 2015 to 2017.  In Richmond, police found a man barely dressed, standing in the street armed with knives and yelling. After being detained police found Suboxone and what looked like meth.  The man claimed he thought what he had was aspirin, and cocaine that he claimed he found in a trash can.

Louisiana: From March 21 to 24, across the state 20 people were arrested/charged with some type of drug crime.  In Baton Rouge, police accuse a 49 years old man of killing his 76 years old girlfriend after he smoked synthetic marijuana (mojo).  He claims god spoke to him and told him to kill her.  In March, a Vietnamese-American pled guilty in federal court to trafficking more than 1-thousand kilos (2,205 pounds) of marijuana.  He and his girlfriend were arrested last year after police intercepted a shipment coming from California.

Maine: Lewiston police arrested an immigrant in possession of crack cocaine and $1-thousand-4-hundred USD in cash.

Maryland:  A mom spending 30 years in prison for the 2015 death of her baby, due to her heroin addiction, the father spending 15 years for failing to seek medical help for the child.  An autopsy showed the child was starved, then beaten to death.  Naval Support Activity Bethesda (NSAB) Interfaith Center is set to start hosting a weekly Alcoholics Anonymous group, in an attempt to stop skyrocketing addictions.  NSAB Chaplain Christilene Whalen said “It was a decision that was easy to make.”

Massachusetts: In a case involving a ‘lifelong drug dealer’, the U.S. Attorneys Office says some people are being forced into drug dealing through indebtedness.  In Lawrence, a multi-agency investigation resulted in the arrest of a mother-son drug dealing team, accused of selling heroin, fentanyl and cocaine.  After numerous complaints of drug dealing and child sex crimes, a Scituate man was finally arrested.

Michigan Midwest Economic Policy Institutes says 160 Michigan construction workers died from opioid overdoses in 2015!

Minnesota:  Midwest Economic Policy Institutes says 54 Minnesota construction workers died from opioid overdoses in 2015!  National Guard Staff Sergeant Benjamin Kroll recognized by law enforcement for his part in the new war on drugs: “In 2016 I saw an exponential amount of overdoses taking place within Hennepin County and I wanted to see if those occurrences would have any links to anything that would happen in 2017. So in January of 2017 I started mapping everything that happened throughout the year in Hennepin County and as I did it, I started seeing patterns and trends in certain areas that got the attention of a lot of our partners.”

Mississippi:  Former Hattiesburg police officer sentenced to 5 years in federal prison for drugs A man with a criminal history was arrested for drug dealing after a massive investigation by multiple federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. Local news media speculated that more arrests were pending due to the fact that just about every federal law enforcement agency, including Postal Inspectors, are involved in the investigation.  The Lumberton Police Chief suspended with pay after video was posted showing him supposedly smoking marijuana.

Missouri: Talk about deadly police incompetence resulting in a drug bust; three cops were responding to a 9-1-1 call, but were sent to the wrong address which turned out to be a meth house, one cop was killed, two wounded as a result.   Was the 9-1-1 dispatcher on drugs?

Montana: State crime lab chemist charged with stealing meth! He was turned in by his brother-in-law, prosecutors used the suspect’s Fitbit to prove he was using meth.  A now former Fort Peck Tribal cop confessed to stealing cash and drugs from the evidence room.  He was caught on security cam, police say his actions also compromised investigations into more than 24 other cases.  Missoula Police made four drug arrests in two hours, suspects with warrants and in possession of meth.

Montana Standard: The building housing Butte’s new taxpayer funded $42-thousand USD drugs incinerator caught fire 

Nebraska:  A stupid woman thought she could sell marijuana on social media, of course the police responded to her advertisement.  In Lincoln County two men circling neighborhoods with their car, and flashing the headlights, were stopped by police who accuse them of illegal possession of a pistol, and meth.  In Buffalo County, an adult male and a juvenile male were arrested and accused of illegal possession of a pistol, cocaine, marijuana, psilocybin mushrooms and THC concentrate.

Nevada: In Las Vegas, a shoot-out at an apartment was apparently the result of a man looking to buy drugs.  The potential drug buyer was killed by the resident, who was wounded while apparently defending his family from the irate drug buyer.  A man arrested in Reno for selling meth, guns and stolen property is also wanted in California for murder.  A ‘house of ill repute’ had its license suspended in Elko, after a bartender was arrested for selling meth in the brothel.

New Hampshire: In Swanzey, a multi-agency drug bust went down, at least two people arrested, one of the suspects jumped out a window before being caught, police say they found heroin/fentanyl and crack-cocaine.  In Groveton, a woman is facing drug dealing charges after her alleged buyer ODed and died right in the suspected dealer’s home.   A now fired Manchester undercover police detective created a backlash as many drug crimes convictions/cases are now being reviewed and even dropped.  The undercover cop was involved in heroin/fentanyl investigations and now many of the cases he worked on are under suspicion.  The only public info about his firing is that he was fired for “misconduct”.  So far 35 pending cases have been dropped and 34 convictions are under review.  Perhaps the cop’s misconduct is that he was setting innocent people up for drug crimes. 

New Jersey:  31 charged in drug ring in 2 states, foreign country.  In the past four years a pro-medical marijuana user has questioned law enforcers from at least 70 departments about the state medical marijuana law and found the majority of cops don’t even know about the law.  Little Egg Harbor police arrested six people; two arrested for possession of meth after a vehicle stop, the other four were arrested after a search of a house revealed heroin, MDMA, meth, prescription drugs and marijuana.

New Mexico: A stupid woman tried to get out of jail by telling police she had a doctor’s prescription for meth (methamphetamine).  You can have a prescription for amphetamine, but not illegal methamphetamine.  The state Children, Youth and Families Department (CYFD) now allowing cops to spy on family data in the CYFD system due to increased cases of child abuse  connected to drug use.  CYFD created a Law Enforcement Portal that cops can access anytime.

KRQE News 13: Kid gets caught hiding drugs for mom during traffic stop

New York: Police claim they’ve taken down the largest drug gang in Suffolk County; six people arrested, four illegal pistols captured, $362-thousand USD in cash, 3-thousand-250 grams of cocaine, 475 grams of heroin, 4-hundred grams of crack.  A New York City policewoman (NYPD) pled not guilty to using drugs, exclaiming “I do not do drugs.”  She claims she failed a drug test because of the chemicals used on her hair weave.  Another NYPD cop-woman accused of operating her own drug house and illegal gun selling in Bronx, she and her boyfriend were busted by state and federal cops who found heroin, cash and illegal guns.  DEA says the arrest of the NYPD cop was in connection to a larger drug/gun running gang that extends from New York to Mexico.

North Carolina:  Drexel Elementary locked down during drug bust near the school, seven people arrested for trafficking meth.  In Carter County, 15 people arrested, 63 people indicted as a result of a multi-agency/multi-state investigation. Police captured heroin, meth, Suboxone, cash and even a Harley Davidson.   A stupid Whiteville woman got caught trying to sell drugs during her DWI trial, during a courtroom break she went out to the parking lot and sold Suboxone to an undercover cop!   For proof government is the source of drugs, the state Attorney General announced a ‘take back’ event called Safe Kids NC Operation Medicine Drop.  You can only ‘take back’ something if you are the original source/owner of that something.  

North Dakota: In Fargo, some burglars robbed a drug house and even though they left a trail of marijuana baggies (apparently to where their car was parked) police haven’t found them.  For proof police are the source of drugs, 5-hundred pounds of prescription drugs were collected in Grand Forks on “Take Back Day”You can only ‘take back’ something if you are the original source/owner of that something.  

West Fargo Pioneer: Word of ND’s immunity in overdose cases getting out slowly

Ohio:  Midwest Economic Policy Institutes says 380 Ohio construction workers died from opioid overdoses in 2015!  Three Texans arrested for trying to mail $1-million USD worth of fentanyl, from Ohio to Texas.  After numerous complaints, Akron police arrested two men and captured fentanyl.  At a Vigo County rest area a man was arrested for possession of marijuana, meth, heroin, Suboxone and illegal possession of a pistol.  About seven months after a drug bust went down an Ohio State Highway Patrol trooper is now fired after it was discovered he was laundering drug money.  According to the U.S. Attorney the state cop “…used his position as a law enforcement officer to provide…information, intervene in criminal cases…..provide…..ballistic vests and….alibi….” to protect drug dealers.  In mid-March a major fentanyl bust went down: “The fentanyl seized last night is enough to kill everyone in Toledo several times over.”-Justin Herdman, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio 


Oklahoma:  Centerton Police arrested three people and say they captured drugs and illegal guns, during a traffic stop. After a ‘tip’ Oklahoma City Police arrested two women and a man, all accused of illegal possession of guns, and three pounds of meth, an abused (starved) dog was found in the garage.  A multi-state-federal investigation resulted in 12 people being indicted for drug crimes, mainly in Adair County, going back to 2014.    She was arrested last year and confessed to possession of heroin, methamphetamine and prescription drugs, but finally a now former Holmes Park Elementary School teacher had her teaching certification revoked.  Reports say she was caught when she posted on social media how she was using heroin and selling taxpayer school property to fund her habit. 

Oregon: Police across the state have stopped conducting field testing of suspected narcotics over fears of potentially fatal  fentanyl exposure.  After a shooting in Portland, and a tip from a prisoner, the owner of Cash or Collateral Entertainment is wanted for illegal possession of guns, $150-thousand USD in unexplained cash and more than 1-thousand prescription pills, all kept at numerous locations across the state.  It was also revealed that the owner of Cash or Collateral Entertainment had been under federal police surveillance since 2016. 

Pennsylvania: In Logan, police arrested a man who stole a gun and then used it as cash to buy an as yet to be identified drug (heroin?).  Police were alerted after the owner of the pistol reported it stolen, and then the strung-out druggie called emergency medical services for help and confessed he had stolen the pistol to buy drugs.  Reading police busted a drug gang that had racked up an estimated $20-million USD in drug sales in the past year.  Police had the gang under surveillance, but made their bust after overhearing plans by the gang leader to intentionally kill people. 15 gang bangers arrested: “They were getting ready, they were starting to roll and we stopped them before they got really moving. They had no thought, no qualms about committing murder or killing someone that was in their way.”-Reading Police Chief Andres Dominguez


Rhode Island: A doctor now serving 51 months in federal prison for accepting bribes from the pharmaceutical industry to push opioid drugs on unsuspecting patients. The doctor, and specific drugs companies, are now being sued by the victims.

South Carolina:  In Berkeley County 25 people arrested for drugs in just one day.  Police captured cocaine, heroin, fentanyl, marijuana, methamphetamine, hydrocodone, alprazolam, ecstasy & suboxone strips, and two stolen cars and two stolen guns.  The Paid Family gang indicted for trafficking marijuana allegedly from U.S. Army personnel at Fort Lewis in Washington state! 

The Post and Courier: Fifth Circuit Solicitor Dan Johnson shifted $10,000 from his office’s drug seizure account to a credit card he used for travel and hotels in South America

South Dakota: The Sioux Falls Police Chief told the city council that methamphetamine and opioid use is fueling an increase in violent crime, and said marijuana was being used to ‘gateway’ people to potentially deadly meth.

U.S. News & World Report: Spike in Pine Ridge Reservation Homicides Tied to Meth

Tennessee: A fight at a South Knoxville pawn shop resulted in police raiding a house where they say they found a marijuana growing op, along with other illegal things like meth, counterfeit money, and guns (the guns being illegal because the suspect has a criminal history).  The fight at the pawn shop was the result of employees refusing to sell the suspect a gun.  In Nashville, 40 pounds of marijuana found in luggage on  an Alaska Airlines plane.


Texas: In Austin, a man stopped for driving intoxicated was arrested after cops found a stolen pistol, marijuana and meth in the car.  In College Station, a man was arrested and accused of selling LSD, MDMA, THC concentrate, marijuana and prescription drugs.  In Seguin, city police and the U.S. DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) busted 16 people for selling drugs, the city police chief said the drug-gang was providing “…large financial support for prison gangs, so the likelihood that they are related to the Mexican Mafia and/or other prison gangs is very strong.”  The American Enterprise Institute estimates that the opioid crisis is costing Texas taxpayers $706 USD per person!  A man videoed a Central Texas Adult Day Care bus driver smoking meth while driving the bus: “I was pissed, so I called the Round Rock police…!”   

Utah: When police went to a restaurant, in Price, to eat they discovered something else was on the menu; they observed people known to them as drug dealers working outside the establishment.  In fact, it became clear that a drug deal was going down right in front of the cops-on-break. One man was arrested in possession of heroin and meth, another man arrested in possession of meth. But wait, there’s more!  The cops were suspicious that this was the tip of the iceberg and search warrants for multi-counties were obtained and resulted in the capture of more drugs and the arrests of two more people.  In Saint George, a mom breastfed her baby after she took heroin, the baby stopped breathing, the baby was hospitalized, the arrested mom kept her stash in the baby’s diaper bag.  It turns out that the biggest drug trafficking bust in Utah’s history (so far), back in 2016, was the result of a gang out of British empire controlled Canada (THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND IS A DRUG DEALER, U.K. BANK REGULATOR SAYS SO!).  The 2016 drug bust in Utah resulted in five people in Canada arrested this month.  

Vermont: The health department says in 2017 there were 104 deadly drug overdoses; 93 of them involved a prescription opioid.  State Police came across a pregnant woman injecting heroin at the Springfield Park and Ride.  A now former Royalton Police officer who stole heroin from a police evidence locker for a woman he was dating, changed his not guilty plea to guilty. 

Virginia: After an eight month multi-state-federal investigation 44 people charged with cash/gun/drug crimes, in connection to heroin trafficking out of New York.  A now former Hampton Police officer, and Medal of Valor recipient, was arrested in Idaho in connection to drug gang operating in a Hampton fitness center. 

Washington: Moses Lake Police Department found an ounce of methamphetamine, half an ounce of heroin, and over 100 prescription pills in a house.  Of course they took (by law) two vehicles and $3-thousand USD in cash for themselves.  Port Gamble S’Klallam, Suquamish and the Jamestown S’Klallam tribes suing the pharmaceutical industry (including Israel’s Teva) saying they were overrun with opioids.

Washington DC:  The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) wants the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) to hire 100-thousand more people for the sole purpose of inspecting packages for illegal drugs.   A Veterans Affairs study reported that opioids are no better than acetaminophen (tylenol) or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDS, aka ibuprofen, aleve, etc) drugs at treating pain! In fact, after a year on opioids patients reported an increase in pain!

West Virginia: After a two year multi-state investigation police searched more than a dozen properties, seizing 12.5 kilos of cocaine, 11 illegal guns, more than $100,000 in cash, and nine suspects indicted; five of them Mexican citizens, two citizens of El Salvador.

Wisconsin:  U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports a 109% increase in opioid overdose cases pouring into Wisconsin hospitals, from July 2016 to September 2017.  More than 8-hundred people died from opioid overdose in 2016.  Midwest Economic Policy Institutes says 92 Wisconsin construction workers died from opioid overdoses in 2015, costing the state’s economy $524-million USD!  In La Crosse, three people arrested and accused of selling cocaine, heroine, marijuana, and meth.  One of the men arrested has drugs-crime records back to 2006.  An Eau Claire woman is facing charges of forcing two children to have sex with adults in exchange for drugs. The ‘trafficked’ children were also shot-up with meth hundreds of times, allegedly this crime went on for nine years before being discovered! 

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Three totes full of medication stolen from a delivery van in Kmart parking lot

Wyoming: In Jackson a woman was found face down at table in a bar.  It turns out she was the victim of the Date Rape Drug benzodiazepine and opiates.  Police say she was lucky that another bar customer got suspicious and called for help.  In sparsely populated Teton County, Saint john’s Medical Center reported three opioid deaths, so far: “As a practicing physician here, I’d never seen heroin here until about two years ago. I was so shocked that I even sent a note to the county attorney and law enforcement because I was really stunned to see it.”-Brent Blue, county coroner

U.S. ally Philippines: Philippine police kill 13 drug suspects in daylong raids







Idaho Air Militia preps civilians for climate change disaster!

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Becky Vanshur, 02MAR2018.

Idaho Air National Guard’s 124th Air Support Operations Squadron conducted a climate change training mission, for the first time involving silly-vilians!

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Becky Vanshur, 02MAR2018.

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Becky Vanshur, 02MAR2018.

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Becky Vanshur, 02MAR2018.

During the first week of March, 2018, UH-72 Lakota Rescue Helicopters plucked ‘victims’ from the mountains around Cascade, Idaho.

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Becky Vanshur, 02MAR2018.

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Becky Vanshur, 02MAR2018.


It was part of survival training, including for the first time local civilian rescue teams.

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Becky Vanshur, 01MAR2018.





Idaho Militia provides its own cell service, to survive cyber attacks & coming climate change disaster?

19MAR2018  (15:52 UTC-07 Tango 06)  28 Esfand 1396/02 Rajab 1439/03 (second month) Yi-Mao 4716

Idaho’s Army National Guard and the state Military Division’s Public Safety Communications and Information Technology Division are creating a ‘long term’ microwave radio system across six regions within The Gem State.

Idaho Army National Guard photo by Second Lieutenant Crystal Farris.

“The current network has been out there for a while and is at a point in its lifecycle where it needs to be replaced. We are providing engineering and analysis for what should be replaced and how we can improve data consistency and reliability for that infrastructure to remain working at an optimal level.”-Ben Call, communications and InfoTech services branch chief

The new system is meant to provided faster service and protect state government communications from cyber attacks. It will serve the Idaho Army National Guard, Idaho State Police, Idaho Fish and Game, and the Idaho State Courts System.  It should also be more secure during natural disasters because it does not use ‘public’ cell systems: “With our support they have equipment that comes in via the microwave network instead of the public network that would not be affected by an outage. So it is our hope and intent that our system would stay up and be available in an emergency even if the regular system dies.”-Ben Call



“unprecedented brick and mortar retail disruption”: U.S. retail/banking/service sector collapse, February 2018

Incomplete list of U.S. retail/banking/service sector job loss WARNings and store shutdowns made or announced in February 2018:

British empire United Kingdom based luxury clothier Charlotte Olympia now chapter 11 bankrupt busted in the United States, blaming an “unprecedented brick and mortar retail disruption” affecting its stores in California, Nevada and New York.  But don’t blame online sales because there is an Official Charlotte Olympia Online Store.

Germany based Deutsche Bank suddenly began eliminating hundreds of jobs globally, including jobs in the United States, as part of a plan to impose ‘cost discipline’ due to crashing revenues.

Arizona: In Phoenix, antique store/vendor rental space Zinnias shutdown.

 California: In Modesto, after 23 years Buy Right shutdown for its second and possibly final time, and for the second time it’s because a greedy landlord kicked them out, this time the owners of the popular thrift store did not say they were looking for a new location. Local Modesto news media reported a sudden increase in landlords jacking up rent.  Prudential-Jackson National Life Insurance laid off 161 people in El Segundo, admitting the layoff was planned back in August 2017!  Los Angeles based retailer of those dumb-ass looking wide leg jeans, JNCO Jeans, shutting down all nationwide ops when the inventory is gone (the company actually died several years ago, but some idiot tried rebooting it in 2017). In San Diego, after 125 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) iconic Jessop Jewelers shutdown.  In San Francisco, after 28 years Costumes on Haight shutting down in March, the new manager blames increased operating costs.  Calexico JCPenney shutting down by mid-May.  WP Payroll Management issued a shutdown WARN for its Los Angeles location, 113 jobs gone by May!  The Ritz-Carlton issued a temporary shutdown WARN for its Truckee location, 236 jobs gone mid-April!  In Anaheim, Gateway One Lending and Finance eliminating 24 jobs by April.  In the City of Industry, Artistree laying off 104 people by April!  What automotive industry recovery? Car dealer Infiniti of Riverside issued a shutdown WARN, 25 jobs gone by the end of March.   What housing market recovery?  Apartment manager Irvine Company suddenly laid off 63 employees, and reclassified 17 positions according to news reports (their official WARN says 80 jobs gone), as part of its plan to refine “long-term apartment communities”.

Colorado:  Prudential-Jackson National Life Insurance shutting down its 20 years old tech center in Denver, 370 jobs gone! 

Florida:  In Tampa, Prudential-Jackson National Life Insurance eliminating 41 jobs mid-March.  In Saint Petersburg, Transamerica Life Insurance eliminating 465 jobs by mid-April!

Georgia: In Macon, after 40 years Chi-chester’s Gifts shutdown due to crashing sales.

Idaho: After 40 years the owners of the two Porter’s Crafts & Frames stores (in Rexburg and Idaho Falls) forced to retire due to health problems, they’re trying to get a friend from New Jersey to buy the Rexburg property, the stores are shutting down when the inventory is gone.

Illinois: Lord & Taylor shutdown its clothing store in the Oakbrook Center, and is shutting down its store in Westfield Old Orchard Mall in April.  Sandburg Mall JCPenney shutting down by mid-May.  In Geneva, after ten years Antiques on State shutting down in April, due to crashing sales.  Chapter 11 bankrupt Bon-Ton shutting down six of its Carson’s stores and one Bergner’s, in total 4-hundred jobs gone by May!  In Normal, after 47 years Guitar World shutdown, the owner saying even music lessons have been affected by the internet: “We went from over 105 lessons when we came here nine years ago, to 30 or less. So I mean, the market is changing, the people who are doing this have changed. So it’s what you have to do with all online, God bless the internet.”-Jim Bland

Indiana: Walmart issued a shutdown WARN for its store in Rushville, 95 jobs gone by mid-April.  Chapter 11 bankrupt Bon-Ton shutting down five of its Carson’s stores, in total 306 jobs gone by the end of April!

Iowa: Chapter 11 bankrupt Bon-Ton shutting down two of its Younkers stores.  Too Big to Jail Goldman Sachs issued a shutdown WARN for its Cedar Rapids office, 39 jobs gone by May.  Also in Cedar Rapids, Transamerica Life Insurance eliminating 863 jobs by mid-April!   What housing market recovery?  In Des Moines, Nationwide-Mortgage eliminating 54 jobs by April.

Kentucky: Chapter 11 bankrupt Bon-Ton shutting down the Elder Beerman store in Paducah.  Also in Paducah, New York & Company Outlet shutdown.

Maryland:  Chapter 11 bankrupt Bon-Ton shutting down its store in Hagerstown.  In Baltimore, Transamerica Life Insurance eliminating 55 jobs by mid-April.

Massachusetts: Clothier Artwear shutting down in March, the owner stated “Retailers have been hit hard this year. I can’t predict what 2018 will bring and so I have decided that I cannot keep the store open any longer.”

Michigan:Chapter 11 bankrupt Bon-Ton shutting down the Elder Beerman store in Adrian, a Younkers in Marquette and a Carson’s in Benton Harbor (Bon-Ton did not indicate how many jobs lost in its official WARN).

Minnesota: Eagan based Sun Country Airlines suddenly eliminated 350 ground crew jobs by outsourcing them to a cheapo contractor, Sun Country workers had one week to beg the contractor to hire them (at less pay and probably no benefits, for the same work)!  Viking Plaza JCPenney shutting down by mid-May.  Chapter 11 bankrupt Bon-Ton shutting down the Herberger’s Clearance Center store in Maplewood, 20 jobs gone in April.  In West Duluth, after 35 years Video Vision shutdown.  Toys R Us issued a shutdown WARN for its store in Roseville, 30 jobs gone in April.

Missouri: Hampton Village Plaza JCPenney shutting down by mid-May.

Montana: In Billings, Big Bear Sports Center is now officially dead.  It’s been shutdown since November because a man drove his SUV into the store, then began trading gunshots with police.  Police used tear-gas, and water and gas lines in the store were damaged, the suspect was killed.  The store owners were hoping to repair the store but apparently it’s not going to happen.

New Hampshire: Chapter 11 bankrupt Bon-Ton shutting down its store in Concord.

New Jersey: Hotel operator Wyndham Worldwide Operations eliminating 134 jobs in Parsippany, mid-April! Walmart shutting down its Route 22 Readington (Branchburg) store, 149 jobs gone by mid-April, due to “financial performance”!  Chapter 11 bankrupt Bon-Ton shutting down its store in Phillipsburg.  Garden State Plaza JCPenney shutting down by mid-May.  After more than 30 years the family owned gun shop known for supporting local charities, Sportsman’s Rendezvous, shutdown, the family is moving to Florida.   After 27 years, and three location changes, The Big Little Railroad Shop shutdown due to the sudden collapse of the sale of the store: “I had been working with someone for at least a year-and-a-half who was going to purchase the store. I’d work two days, he’d work three and vice versa, and all of the sudden on Memorial Day, he just walked out of here.”-Jen Lush, co-owner

New Mexico: Gertrude Zachary shutdown its antique store In Albuquerque, but the owners claim a new type of store will take its place.

New York: NYC based Barnes & Noble eliminating an undisclosed number of cashiers and digital product associates, due to crashing sales.  Chapter 11 bankrupt Bon-Ton shutting down its stores in Massena, Watertown and Queensbury.  In Brooklyn, Horseman Antiques shutting down due to the building being sold-off for $18-million USD.  Toys R Us-Babies R Us issued shutdown WARNs for six stores, at least 285 jobs gone between mid-March and mid-April!  Sterling National Bank issued mass-layoff WARN for multiple locations, at least 140 jobs lost between April and Xmas!  California based GAP shutting down its Banana Republic corporate operations in NYC,  112 jobs lost due to consolidation ops back to California!

North Carolina: Charlotte based Japanese Toyota NASCAR driving BK Racing now chapter 11 bankrupt busted due to $8-million USD of debt. Charlotte based retailer Belk suddenly laid off 58 managers across the U.S.  In Durham, sexist female boutique Liberation Threads shutdown after a year, the owners saying “…as we move into 2018, there’s a sea change happening.” 

Ohio: Non-profit tenant advocate Cleveland Tenants Organization shutdown due to lack of funding.   In Greenville, after 25 years Club 7 Sports up for sale, the owners want to retire.  Knox Village Square JCPenney shutting down by mid-May.  In Columbus, after more than 40 years Romanoff’s Classic Tuxedos shutting down.  Chapter 11 bankrupt Bon-Ton shutting down its Elder Beerman store in Defiance, 41 jobs gone.  In Cleveland Heights, after 27 years toy and joke store Big Fun shutting down when the inventory is gone, the owner bemoaned “I call Amazon our kryptonite…. they need to shop local.”

Oklahoma:  Washington Park Mall JCPenney shutting down by mid-May.

Oregon: Nordstrom shutting down its 37 years old store in the Salem Center Mall, 130 jobs gone by April!

Pennsylvania: In Narberth, after 105 years (surviving The Great Depression and several recessions) Ricklin’s Hardware shutdown so the owners can retire.   Janitorial service company Compass Group eliminating six jobs in April.  Chapter 11 bankrupt Bon-Ton shutting down eight of its stores!  Macy’s issued a shutdown WARN for its Homestead store, 94 jobs gone by mid-April.  Limerick Furniture and Mattress shutting down its store in the Fairgrounds Square Mall, due to increased competition and increased operating costs.  After 40 years, Dave Phillips Music & Sound shutdown its Allentown location blaming internet shopping.  In Exton, Transamerica Life Insurance outsourcing 192 jobs by mid-April!  Administrators claim in-house employees were offered jobs with the contractor at the same pay, having personally experienced outsourcing of some of my past jobs I find that hard to believe.

South Carolina: What housing market recovery?  Created out of the 2008 financial meltdown Movement Mortgage suddenly laid off 75 people, administrators blamed the sudden layoffs on ‘improvements’ to their lending process.

Texas: In Houston, after 16 years music venue Walter’s Downtown suddenly shutdown.

Utah: Chapter 11 bankrupt Bon-Ton shutting down its Herberger’s store in Logan.

Vermont: Chapter 11 bankrupt Bon-Ton shutting down its store in South Burlington.

Virginia: Clothier PacSun shutting down its store in the River Ridge Mall, in May.  Chapter 11 bankrupt Bon-Ton shutting down its Elder Beerman store in Vienna.

Washington:Cascade Mall JCPenney shutting down by mid-May.

West Virginia: Shoe seller Finish Line shutting down its store in the Charleston Town Center.   Speaking of Charleston Town Center, it is now under control of a real estate group after the original owners defaulted on a $100-million USD loan.

Wisconsin: Prudential-Jackson National Life Insurance laid off an additional 23 employees in Appleton.   In Manitowoc, after 67 years LLoyd’s Photo & Digital shutdown, the owner lamenting “…our bread and butter was prints.”  Chapter 11 bankrupt Bon-Ton shutting down six of its Younkers stores, two Boston Stores and an Elder Beerman! In Mequon, after 27 years Xenia Gallery shutting down in March.

Wyoming: in Cheyenne, after 49 years City News and Pipe Shop shutdown, the owners say the crash in magazine and newspaper sales is a final sign that it’s time to retire.  In Casper, Seconds on First Street shutdown after 16 years of consignments.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification





Dumbing Down the U.S.A., February 2018:“PORCH MONKEY”


U.S. government shenanigans, February 2018: “I NEED TO PAY HIGHER TAXES.”


ObamaCare ACA death spiral, February 2018: “WE ARE IN VERY CHALLENGING TIMES.”


Mountain Home AFB, Idaho, update

14MAR2018  (02:52 UTC-07 Tango 06)  23 Esfand 1396/26 Jumada t-Tania 1439/27 Yi-Mao 4716

Currently personnel with USAF 455th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron (home base Mountain Home, Idaho) are deployed to Bagram, Afghanistan.

But while they’re away the rest of the gang on Mountain Home AFB got a visit from the top brass of the 12th Air Force and Air Forces Southern Command, 06-09MAR2018:

Also during the week of 06MAR2018, the U.S. Marines invaded Mountain Home.

U.S. Marine Corps UH-1Y, Mountain Home AFB, Idaho

Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron (HMLA) 269 flew north to Idaho, supposedly for cold weather training (ain’t been too cold here lately).

U.S. Marine AH-1W Super Cobras, Mountain Home AFB, Idaho