Tag Archives: idaho

“Bullshit!”: U.S. government shenanigans, April 2018

Incomplete (i-e ‘Tip of the Iceberg’) list of U.S. Federal/State/Local Government self-destruct revelations for April 2018:

Alabama: The state Department of Public Health discovered that immigrant girls under the age of 15, in Montgomery, are getting taxpayer funded abortions: “When a 13-year-old child–with non-English speaking parents–is given an abortion, without a third-party counselor and no suspicion of sexual abuse and no report, we know Montgomery needs new leadership.”-Scott Dawson, christian gubernatorial candidate

According to one political candidate most crime in the city of Mobile can be blamed on a small group of families: “In Mobile, it’s something like, 1,700 families generate 80% of the crime. We know who those families are.”Bill Hightower, gubernatorial candidate, 18APR2018

Seattle Times: Corruption case: Alabama lawmaker, 2 others plead not guilty

Chattanooga Times Free Press: ‘It smells like death’: Alabama endures New York City ‘poop train’

Slate Magazine: It’s Confederate Memorial Day in Alabama

Alaska: You might have heard that residents get income subsidies from the oil industry, but did you know most of it ends up back in the hands of state government (even though there is no income tax in Alaska), and that greedy state lawmakers are trying to find ways to squeeze even more out of residents? 

Seattle Times: 2 Alaska salmon fishermen charged with killing Steller sea lions, and interfering with federal investigations

Arizona: The governor exempted coal fired power-plants from paying state sales taxes. The irony is that the Navajo Generating Station, in Page, is scheduled to shutdown in 2019 anyway, meaning Arizona is losing about $12-million in tax revenues until then!   

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says the epicenter for a growing e. coli epidemic is lettuce farms in Yuma, Arizona.

Arkansas:  NWAOnline: $42M in state aid to fix up Arkansas schools

Arkansas Online: Ecclesia College awarded state taxpayer funded grants before it even applied for those grants!  

Defense rests for ex-Arkansas legislator accused of fraud

Man claiming to being paid by taxpayers to hunt for Big Foot arrested on child porn charges

California: After almost 50 years, and more than 50 rapes and at least 12 murders it turns out The Golden State Killer was at one time a taxpayer funded cop!  Not only that, but it took police using unethical, and possibly court challenge-able (because it possibly violates California’s own Online Privacy Protection law), use of DNA and ancestry data to catch the killer cop.  The suspect killer was also in trouble as a cop, losing his taxpayer funded police job in 1979 after being caught shoplifting.

Homeless crisis in Los Angeles County as desperate officials offer to pay homeowners to take in homeless people!

Washington Post: California limits National Guard’s border mission

KPBS: More local governments in California are resisting the state’s immigrant sanctuary policy

Washington Times: Californians defy Gov’na with nearly 1 million signatures to repeal gas tax

Colorado:  The gov’na approved a $28.9-billion USD taxpayer funded spending bill, claiming it’s the result of a booming economy and federal-level taxpayer funded ‘reforms’.    Money will supposedly be spent on schools, roads and the state employee taxpayer funded retirement system.    The Colorado Petroleum Council could be getting what it wants; an increase the number of oil and gas wells, as well as forcing “nonconsenting owners” to give up access to their mineral rights, it’s known as the ‘pooling statute’. 

Connecticut: State taxpayers could be being forced to pay University of Connecticut student-teachers a new contract worth $15.4-million USD.    

State taxpayers forced to pay for a five years plan to bailout the city of Hartford, despite the Municipal Accountability Review Board saying the bailout plan will fail by the third year: “The City of Hartford should be immediately classified as a Tier IV and should re-look at going into bankruptcy.”-Bart C. Shuldman

Florida: Defense contractor Lockheed-Martin eliminating 2-hundred jobs at its Sikorsky factory in Jupiter, which builds Black Hawk helicopters for the taxpayers of the British empire member Canada!   The Crestview Police Department arrested a U.S. Army 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) soldier for the murder of his estranged wife.

Tampabay.com: Cops used dead man’s finger in attempt to unlock his phone

Georgia:  It’s been revealed that Newnan Police got nearly $1-million worth of taxpayer funded military equipment from the U.S. Department of Defense, half-a-million of which was classified as “non-lethal”

Chattanooga Times Free Press: Georgia city won’t share police shooting video

Guam: After telling territorial government employees they would be furloughed, supposedly due to unpaid taxes going back to 2016, the gov’na suddenly reversed course due to cutting $30-million USD from the general fund budget and because of a sudden approval of immigrant work visas!  The gov’na also said it was possible that up to $25-million in tax refunds could be issued.

Hawaii:  The federal government is suing defunct Sandwich Isles Communications in an attempt to recover 128-million taxpayer dollars, loaned to the company through the U.S. Department of Agriculture to provide phone service to rural areas.

Idaho: It’s been revealed that Gov’na Butch Otter pardoned a convicted drug felon, back in February, only now was it made public.  The Gov’na said it was because the convict successfully obtained a doctorate degree while on parole.  A former state representative was removed from the May primary elections because she is now living in a new district, Idaho law says you must reside for at least a year in your legislative district before you can run for election.  The greedy leaders of Boise are spending taxpayer funding on a new propaganda operation called Livability Ambassadors Program where “selected community members” will tour selected city sites and then “will be expected to share their experiences….through social media”.   Owyhee County Sheriff’s Department warning that a man is going around claiming he’s an undercover cop, already four people have been victimized.

Illinois: The city of Harvey is on the verge of bankruptcy, already laid off police and firefighters after $1.4-million in tax revenues were blocked by the Cook County Circuit Court.  The state Appellate Court overturned the Cook County Court’s ruling. Harvey is in the debt hole by as much as $7-million USD, and that’s just for its employee retirement fund! Did you know that Cook County charges a tax on vehicles bought outside of the county?   Lead contamination found in the city of Chicago‘s tap water, three out of every ten residences contaminated.   A vehicle sharing program has been suspended in a Chicago ward, primarily because of the construction of the Obama Presidential Library.   The gov’na is spending tax dollars traveling to Germany and Poland, supposedly in an attempt to increase tourism from those countries.  Taxpayers being forced to pay for 5G cell phone service installation, this after the state increased income tax rates last year.  The Illinois Pharmacy Association says ObamaCare-ACA insurance companies are paying the more than 5-hundred independent pharmacies less than what it actually costs them to buy the drugs at wholesale, and that ObamaCare-ACA ‘benefits managers’ (like CVS) are actually favoring the big corporate pharmacies: “It’s kind of a predatory market practice and misuse of state tax dollars.”-Garth Reynolds, Illinois Pharmacists Association

Indiana:  The gov’na announced he’s going on taxpayer funded trips to Europe and Israel, supposedly in an attempt to increase economic development.  British empire Commonwealth member India based InfoTech (IT) contractor InfoSys getting at least $101.8-million in state and local taxpayer incentives to build a massive training and data center at now vacant terminal of the Indianapolis International Airport, the ecstatic gov’na Eric Holcomb referred to the bribery by saying “This is a powerful partnership. It’s going to change the way we do business.”  You know your capitalist economy is a lie when taxpayers are forced to shell-out millions of dollars to create jobs (isn’t that communism?).  By the way most of the news media in Indiana failed to mention how much the InfoSys deal was costing taxpayers, one source even lied and said such info wasn’t available, however, news sources outside the state had the taxpayer rape data.

Iowa:  An ‘ally’ of the gov’na now accused of sexual harassment, the gov’na swears she didn’t know. The Iowa Pharmacy Association says ObamaCare-ACA insurance companies are paying  independent pharmacies less than what it actually costs them to buy the drugs at wholesale, and that ObamaCare-ACA ‘benefits managers’ like CVS are actually favoring the big corporate pharmacies.  And in response to a statement by a CVS Caremark spokesperson about price adjustments, Representative John Forbes, who is also a pharmacist, actually said “Bullshit!”

Kansas:  State legislators claim they can spend more money on education because they’ve jacked-up future tax collections by $540-million USD between now and June 2019!  However, the state Supreme Court says the proposed $4-billion in education funding still isn’t enough!  Politicians started jacking up state taxes in 2017.   Three men convicted in federal court of planning to blow up a ‘refugee’ apartment complex in Garden City.  The small city of 27-thousand people is known as a “meatpacking town” and apparently the ‘refugees’ are being brought in as cheap labor at the meat packaging plant at the expense of federal taxpayers.  The influx of ‘refugees’ and immigrants began at the end of 2013 under the Obama regime.  Even an NPR report from December 2013 suggested the use of immigrants and ‘refugees’ by unAmerican corporate America is intentional saying “…many plants have moved to rural Midwestern towns, which have seen a huge influx of immigrants as a result.”,  as well as “Garden City’s refugee and immigrant population is expected to grow, as Tyson continues recruiting more workers.”  The 2013 NPR report also revealed that by using immigrants and ‘refugees’ that “requests for food stamps are up 230 percent”

Kentucky: Massive drug addiction and resulting deaths causing requests for autopsies to skyrocket 26% since 2013, and the state does not have the funding to deal with it.  As a result the gov’na suggested moving Medical Examiner’s Office pathologists from direct state employment to indirect employment through universities, which would come with a pay raise but would also mean those pathologists would lose their state employee retirement accounts. Perhaps it’s actually a covert plan to save the state’s troubled employee retirement system?   The state Department of Education is recommending direct state control of Jefferson County Public Schools, after a year long audit revealed local ignorance regarding how to use funding for the school district, among other major problems.

Kentucky Career Center: Kentucky issued 30% more Workforce Opportunity Tax Credits to employers in fiscal year 2017​​

Louisiana:  Taxpayers might be raped of $1.5-billion (yes, ‘Billion’) in state and local tax incentives for convincing a plastics company from Taiwan, called Formosa Petrochemicals, to set up shop in Saint James!

Maine: Seattle Times: Police thought they’d seized heroin, but it was cremated human remains

Maryland: Baltimore based executive vehicle rental company AutoFlex officially protested the cancellation of its federal taxpayer funded contract with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. 

The Washington Post: Montgomery County economy is stagnant, and leaders are ignoring job creation

Maryland rakes in millions of dollars from toll fines and penalties

Maryland flunks freedom of speech

Massachusetts: Providing body cameras for Boston cops will cost taxpayers $2-million USD in 2019.  At one time Boston was known for its rebellion against unfair taxes, now there’s a new push to create taxes that target specific income groups. 

Michigan:  A state judge ruled it’s unconstitutional to use taxpayer money to fund private schools, this after state ‘christian’ lawmakers gave 5-million tax dollars to religious schools in the past two years!  Taxpayers of Michigan will be forced to help fund a British empire United Kingdom based study on driverless cars! 

Minnesota:  Texas based Enbridge Energy spent $5-million USD bribing, I mean lobbying state politicians in 2017, making it the most costly state lobbying effort since 2007.  A now former FBI counter-terrorism agent, from Minnesota, pled guilty to leaking classified government documents to the mainstream ‘fake’ news media. 

Mississippi: More proof the criminal justice system is about making money as “Current Mississippi law requires an inmate to pay a monthly $55 fee when he or she is paroled…”  It’s been revealed that Japan based Toyota is getting even more taxpayer funded incentives to re-tool its Blue Springs Corolla factory, yet how much has not been revealed.  One of the taxpayer funded incentives rewards Toyota for paying employees more than $41-thousand USD per year.  Past state and local taxpayer funding for Toyota amounted to $325-million.  If the only way you can create ‘private sector’ jobs is with taxpayer funding then your capitalist/corporate economic system has failed.

Missouri: The gov’na is now charged with felony computer tampering regarding the theft of a charity list from his own charity organization, The Mission Continues.

Montana:  One of the biggest recycling operations in the state, Aware Incorporated, shutting down ops in Butte due to the crashing prices of recycled materials and crashing state taxpayer funded subsidies for recycling companies.  

Nebraska: A new law was created to protect state taxpayers from an ‘inadvertent’ increase in state taxes, which supposedly could be caused by the Trump Tax Reforms of 2017.   Another new law ensures “that gun control extremists won’t have access” to gun owner’s personal information.

Nevada:  Atlantic Richfield, owner of the former Anaconda copper mine-now a federal SuperFund site, suddenly halted home delivery of bottled water to the Yerington Paiute Tribe: “I believe that this dismissive, arrogant act means to punish us by cutting off our water in an attempt to pressure us to stop fighting for our legal rights.”-Laurie Thom, Tribal Chairman

Las Vegas Sun: 20 ways legal marijuana has affected Nevada

New Hampshire:  Taxpayers funding BirdsEyeView Aerobatics of Andover with $1.8-million USD for a measly 50 airborne drones to help the U.S. Department of the Interior fight ever increasing wildfires.

New Jersey:  A new law automatically registers people to vote when they get a drivers license or I-D card.  The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says New Jersey has the highest rate of autism in their latest survey.   U.S. Senator Robert Menendez ordered to pay-back ‘gifts’ he got from a doctor whom he actively promoted by using his position as a U.S. senator.  

New Mexico: Albuquerque now requires federal immigration agents to get a warrant before entering the cityState taxpayers have been funding up to 75% of job training for call center employees, already the state has set aside as much as $9-million USD for this year’s call center job training!  On top of that, taxpayer funded subsidies for job training for all industries is at $13.7-million!  One of the biggest recipients of call center training subsidies is Ohio based Convergys, who has already laid off 258 New Mexicans so far this year!  To prove that the U.S. is now run by communists, the state Legislative Finance Committee justified the spending of working class taxes to create working class jobs as a way of “…creating well-paying opportunities for a skilled labor force that in turn bolsters the state’s average income and incentivizes workers to stay.”

New York:  Yet another reason that more and more people are leaving NYC as the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge is now considered the most expensive toll bridge in the United States.  State taxpayers being forced to create a new Medicaid Doula (Greek for ‘servant’) system in an attempt to stop the unusually high maternal mortality rate among ‘black’ women.

North Carolina: The paranoid gov’na wants taxpayers to fork-over an additional $130-million USD for school building safety improvements and to hire hundreds of additional school nurses, psychologists and police officers.

North Dakota: The gov’na ordered state agencies to prep for major taxpayer funding cuts, caused by a reduction in budget funding of $1.7-million USD as a result of crashing petroleum industry activity.

Ohio: The Ohio Pharmacy Association says ObamaCare-ACA insurance companies are paying  independent pharmacies less than what it actually costs them to buy the drugs at wholesale, and that ObamaCare-ACA ‘benefits managers’ are actually favoring the big corporate pharmacies like CVS, who just happens to be the subcontracted pharmacy benefit manager.  As a result, 165 independent pharmacies in Ohio have gone out-of-business in the past two years!   Taxpayers funding a new law to study why Ohio courts have been reluctant to upload criminal records to the anti-gun National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

Oklahoma: A new law changes the way people convicted of drug crimes, including repeat offenders, are treated by the state’s criminal justice system.  But don’t think it’s for ‘humanitarian’ reasons, the state prison system is overcrowded with drug crime offenders and if something isn’t done to reduce the prison population then it’s expected that taxpayers would have to fork-over more than $1.2-billion USD to build new prisons over the next ten years.

Oregon: The state is being overwhelmed with data concerning its legalized ganja program.  By law the 1-thousand-8-hundred licensed Mary-Jane dealers have to input data everyday into the state Cannabis Tracking System, the result is that state law enforcers can’t deal with the data!

Pennsylvania: A failed political candidate and assistant vice president of Villanova University shot and killed by the wife of her lover, after getting caught: “You had a man who was married who was having an affair with this other woman. The wife knew about it, and this was a calculated, planned attack.”-Police Superintendent William Colarulo

Puerto Rico: The Columbian: US mainland politicians wooing Puerto Ricans who fled storm

BuzzFeed News: Puerto Rico Wants To Send Thousands Of Inmates To Private for-profit Prisons on mainland U.S.

Rhode Island: Despite ongoing problems, the state Health & Human Services is extending a contract for a vendor responsible for the ‘UHIP debacle’.  The Unified Health Infrastructure Project for low income people is also known as RI Bridges, and is meant to ascertain a person’s eligibility for SNAP, cash assistance and/or Medicaid.  Contractor Deloitte Consulting has so far failed to get the $492-million taxpayer funded UHIP system to work, but is getting the contract extension because it claims to continue working on UHIP for free.

South Carolina: The State: SC guards who take bribes, deal drugs in prison get off easy

NBCNews: Shortage of guards eyed after South Carolina prison riot 

South Carolina Corrections employees charged in prison contraband

New York Post: Inmates in South Carolina prison riot bled to death

USA Today: “While South Carolina’s prison system now ranks among the country’s cheapest for taxpayers, it’s also become one of the deadliest…”

South Dakota:  Three First Nations tribes want direct control over the federally run Sioux San Hospital in Rapid City, saying the taxpayer funded U.S. Indian Health Service is a failure: “…as we all know and have seen for several years, they have failed to do that at the cost of lives and at the cost of healthcare for our people.”-Jerilyn Church, Great Plains Tribal Chairmen’s Health Board

Tennessee: A new law will require healthy adults with no children to work in order to qualify for Medicaid, never-mind that already an estimated 180-thousand working (employed) Tennesseans should, but don’t, qualify for ObamaCare-ACA Medicaid!

Texas: The police chief of New Boston could be fired for the ‘F-5’ termination of a police officer.  City leaders say the firing was not justified, but the police chief indicated the officer lied to him.  Texas law requires a written reason for being fired, the city says the police chief didn’t give one.  The police chief also accused the city attorney of lying saying “Lying on a government document is a crime and you should know that being the city attorney.”

Utah: State taxpayers forced to fork-over $650-million USD for a new prison west of Salt Lake City International Airport.

Vermont: According to The Washington Post, Vermont is so lacking in working aged adults that the state government has launched a program to hire tourists!   A taxpayer subsidized program to bring cell phone service to 26 towns is in trouble because the Massachusetts based contractor,  Vanu-CoverageCo, is out of money.  It’s also blamed on connectivity problems with AT&T, and on unspecified problems with taxpayer funded Public Service Department.  What happened to the old landline system?

Virginia:  The state Supreme Court revived the idea that scanning vehicle license plates could be a violation of personal information, and as such could affect every law enforcement agency in the state.

Washington: Despite openly anti-2nd Amendment cities like Seattle, pro-gunners held rallies across The Evergreen State.

Washington DC: It’s been revealed that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has detained U.S. citizens for weeks, and even years, simply because agents refused to accept the fact they were detaining U.S. citizens!  

The U.S. Department of the Interior requesting Congress to consider forcing you to pay for access to taxpayer funded U.S. Geological Survey data! 

New York Times: IRS Website Crashes on Tax Day as Millions Tried to File Returns

US Must Keep DACA and Accept New Applications, DC Judge Rules

West Virginia: The West Virginia National Guard is now assigned to mentor the military of Qatar, but don’t think it’s about national security, it’s about the oil: “This new partnership will benefit West Virginia as we learn from their extensive natural gas and energy infrastructure programs.”-David McKinley, U.S. Representative

Wisconsin: Two former University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh administrators face felony charges regarding an ongoing financial scandal surrounding several construction projects.

Milwaukee Business Journal: 5 new laws that will impact Wisconsin’s housing market in 2018

Wyoming:  Cody Regional Health is offering an opioid addiction treatment, the only problem is that it uses an opioid as part of the treatment.  Officials with the hospital wouldn’t say what the opioid was, but claims it “doesn’t make them high.”

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Government Shenanigans, March 2018: “THEY GOT IT WRONG.”


ObamaCare ACA death spiral, April 2018:“NEW NORMAL”

Dumbing Down U.S.A., April 2018:“THIS IS SOMETHING UNEXPECTED”


“new normal”: ObamaCare ACA death spiral, April 2018

Incomplete (tip-o-the-iceberg) list of healthcare related layoffs, shutdowns and crimes in April 2018:

A study by Crowe Horwath says for-profit insurance companies take 30 days longer to reimburse a healthcare provider than taxpayer funded Medicare.  

According to The Economist it cost the royal family of England less money to give birth than it does the average ‘commoner’ family in the United States!  

Fidelity Investments says Americans about to retire need at least $280-thousand USD to cover healthcare expenses, a 75% increase since 2002 (so much for Obamacare).

The Commonwealth Fund accuses the U.S. healthcare industry of being the world’s 7th largest producer of CO2.

The New England Journal of Medicine reports that only 37% of doctor quality of care standards are to be considered valid! 

Two studies warn that even after ‘reprocessing’ 71% of endoscopes still infected by active bacteria.

Operator of 11 ObamaCare-ACA call centers General Dynamics Information Technology now accused of shorting its employees of $100-million USD in taxpayer funded paychecks! 

According to a study by Verizon the healthcare industry is the only industry were cybersecurity threats by ‘insiders’ outnumber outside cybersecurity threats! 

JPMorgan Chase Institute reporting that more and more Americans who get tax refunds are using their refunds on healthcare, despite ObamaCare-ACA.

Possible cause of increased STDs as Quest Diagnostics reports 1 in 4 doctors ignore STD testing guidelines if the female patient has no symptoms. 

PayScale says females working as medical assistants make more money than male medical assistants. 

Medscape Physician Compensation Report says ‘black’ doctors make and average of $50-thousand per year less than ‘white’ doctors!

The Association of American Medical Colleges estimates that the United States could be short 121-thousand doctors by 2030!

More than 80% of Chief Nursing Officers say they can’t find qualified nurses. 

Becker’s Hospital Review reports an unusually high number of hospital executives are quitting their jobs.

Non-profit Shriners Hospital for Children shutting down inpatient care service at many of its 22 hospitals around the U.S.!  It’s blamed on lack of donations and ObamaCare-ACA drastically cutting back on reimbursements for inpatient care.  Administrators for Shriners said their only other option was to start shutting down hospitals!

Arizona: Phoenix based Banner Health fined $18-million USD for filing fake taxpayer funded Medicare claims.

California: Symantec is warning of a new computer virus primarily targeting the healthcare industry; Orangeworm is infecting internet connected X-Ray, MRI and other medical devices as part of an operation to steal your data (Symantec first noticed it in 2015).  Healthcare tech company Theranos issued a layoff WARN for its Newark operations, 105 jobs gone by mid-June It’s in connection to the fact the company was accused of frauding investors regarding a new hi-tech way of testing blood donations, which turned out didn’t really work the way it was advertised.   At one time Theranos employed 8-hundred people. Molina Healthcare finally notified state employment officials that it laid off 79 Californians in March.  Texas based Concentra suddenly laid off 177 people in Valencia!  Pacific Alliance Medical Center, which shutdown in December, finally notified state employment officials of how many people lost their jobs; 739!  In Long Beach, Community Medical Center issued a shutdown WARN, 353 jobs gone by July!  San Diego based Biotheranostics paying $2-million USD fine for frauding taxpayer funded Medicare.  The FBI raided the home of now former CEO of Tulare Regional Medical Center, who is suspected of all kinds of fraud ops while at the hospital.  It’s been revealed that a woman was charged $792 for a mandatory ambulance evacuation during a possible dam break in 2017!  Memorial Medical Center fined only $71-thousand for causing the 2016 death of a female patient by giving the woman 25 times the standard dose of blood thinner, which caused the woman to bleed to death internally!  The state Attorney General has ordered Mission Community Hospital, Emanuel Medical Center, and University of Southern California Verdugo Hills Hospital to fork over millions of dollars for failing to follow the state’s charity care rules!  Kaiser Permanente San Jose Medical Center in trouble for sending home a 90 years old patient with kidney failure in a taxi, without notifying the family.  Goleta based medical device maker Inogen revealed that data of 30-thousand of its customers has been stolen, I mean improperly accessed!  The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education took away Kern Medical’s surgery residency program’s accreditation.  In Los Angeles, Avalon Villa Care Center accused of dumping a diabetic patient at homeless shelter, without his insulin!  Facebook halted its hospital patient data collection ops due to the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Colorado: Saint Mary-Corwin Medical Center laying off 3-hundred people, but then says that it’ll hire back most of them!  Non-profit Boulder Community Health suddenly laid off 25 people, due to rising costs, declining admissions, falling reimbursements and increased competition.  Centura Health’s Longmont United Hospital eliminating less than 30 jobs due to a variety of reasons.   Memorial Regional Health outsourcing 24 billing/coding jobs.  A now former medical assistant at Kaiser Hospital, in Union City, charged with sex crimes against patients.  God’s own Porter Adventist Hospital admitted that an infection control breach, which potentially exposed 5-thousand-8-hundred patients, was caused by human error.  The state Department of Public Health and Environment has confirmed that several of Porter Adventist Hospital’s patients have become infected as a result of the breach.  CovenantCare at Home shutting down, 67 jobs gone in May.  Sky Ridge Medical Center charged a new mom more than $1-thousand USD for circumcising her newborn daughter!

Connecticut: Birmingham Health Center issued a shutdown WARN, but did not say how many people would lose their jobs in June.  Police locked down MidState Medical Center after a man came in covered in a white powder, which turned out to be baking soda.

Florida: In Pinellas Park, Transitions Optical eliminating 12 jobs by June.  An employee of a Sunshine State based medical supplier surrendered after getting caught stealing, and then selling on ebay, $231-thousand USD worth of medical supplies.  It was his own employer who caught him after somebody noticed the stolen goods on ebay. Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital drastically cut back on surgeries after a baby was discharged with a suture needle in its heart!  Tennessee based Community Health Systems selling-off its Munroe Regional Medical Center to god’s own Adventist Health System.

Georgia: Chestatee Regional Hospital shutting down, 2-hundred jobs gone by the end of July due to being sold!  Taxpayers forced to pay for out-of-pocket expenses of 600-thousand employees affected by the contract lapse between Piedmont Healthcare and Blue Cross/Blue Shield!  Georgia Bone & Joint, Southern Bone & Joint aka Summit Orthopaedic Surgery Center, Southern Crescent Anesthesiology, PC (SCA), Sentry Anesthesia Management, and David LaGuardia hit with $3.2-million USD federal fine for bribes to guaranty business and filing fake Medicare claims for drugs bought outside the United States.

Idaho: In Sandpoint, ‘Supplements and At-Home Health Tests’ maker Thorne Research laid off 136 people!  In Caldwell, West Valley Medical Center revealed to have the most teaching hospital rules violations in the U.S., from 2014 to 2017!   The National Health Security Preparedness Index says The Gem State is among 21 states that are the least prepped for a social health emergency.  Benewah Community Hospital discovered that its main cause of recent lost revenue was the new Cerner billing software program!  Parts of the Saint Luke’s Magic Valley Medical Center lost electrical power for an hour, supposedly because of a bird getting tangled in power lines.

Illinois: The doctor owner of Palos Medical Care charged with charging $1-million USD worth of fake treatments to insurance companies and taxpayer funded Medicare.  It’s been revealed that taxpayer funded DeKalb County Rehab and Nursing Center was fined $25-thousand USD for causing a patient to fall and break their leg.  UnityPoint Health revealed it got hacked, resulting in 16-thousand patient records being stolen!  State Healthcare and Family Services has banned Blue Cross/Blue Shield from enrolling any new customers into Medicaid due to ‘noncompliance’.  A now former doctor with the taxpayer funded Cook County Health and Hospitals System accused of spending more than 248-thousand tax dollars on unauthorized expenses for personal items (like a piano and radar detector)!  University of Illinois Hospital wants to shutdown its physical therapy ops.  NorthShore University HealthSystem sued for collecting employee fingerprints without consent.

Indiana: A Ball State University study says 95% of mental health providers are failing patients in rural areas.  Anthem reported a 30% increase in profit, despite losing 1-million ObamaCare-ACA customers! The insurance company claims the profit is a result of cost cutting.  Miller’s Health System suddenly shutdown its short-term rehab unit due to lack of customers.

Iowa: Genesis Health System suddenly laid off 48 people, blaming “shrinking reimbursements and escalating costs” that have thwarted “cost-saving measures in recent years”.

Kansas: The federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) halted payments to Blue Valley Hospital, the hospital is now suing.

Kentucky: Mountain Manor Nursing Home bankrupt busted due to fines imposed by Medicare and Medicaid services, declining patient volume and undisclosed deficiencies discovered during a state inspection.  KentuckyOne Health selling its Saint Joseph Martin hospital and four clinics to Appalachian Regional Healthcare.

Louisiana: Lafayette General Health notified 8-hundred employees of potential layoffs due to lack of state-level taxpayer funding!

Maryland: MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center shutting down its pediatric inpatient and emergency room units due to a 40% drop in customers.

Massachusetts:  So many people are sick that a study found that in order for the state funded RomneyCare system (prototype for the national ObamaCare system) to provide enough nurses for adequate care taxpayers would have to cough-up an additional $1.31-billion USD, plus another $900-million every year after that!  Lowell General Hospital suddenly laid off 29 people due to lack of money.  Lahey Hospital & Medical Center revealed it fired an employee for secretly video recording co-workers in the toilet room.  UMass Memorial Health Care System shutting down its Plumley Village Health Services, in Worcester, because it serves profit eating low income zombies on Medicaid: “We’re sorry for the people impacted by this, but really, this is the right decision for the organization.”-Eric Dickson, CEO

Michigan: Aspirus Crystal Falls Clinic suddenly shutdown its dialysis operations, blaming a sudden crash in customers.  Sturgis Hospital shutting down three urgent care clinics primarily because of a lack of ObamaCare-ACA reimbursements.  In Lake City, after 26 years Jerry’s Pharmacy shutdown due to ‘economic realities’.  Mental health provider New Center Community Services issued a shutdown WARN, 66 jobs gone due to “unforeseen business circumstances”.  Six employees of god’s own Providence Christian Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center suing because they’re mad that patients are being allowed to request ‘white’ caregivers only.  As proof there are too many people addicted to the healthcare industry, automobile maker Ford has launched a GoRide non-emergency medical transportation service covering about 322 square kilometers (2-hundred square miles) of Michigan, to stress this is for regular non-emergency medical appointments. 

Minnesota: UnitedHealth Group admitted its CEO makes 298 times more than its median employee!  Illinois based medical device maker Vyaire Medical shutting down its factory in Plymouth, 50 jobs gone.  The Mayo Clinic is bribing 4-hundred transcriptionists to voluntarily quit (buyouts)!

Mississippi: A Saint Dominic Hospital employee arrested for stealing and selling patient’s financial information.  University of Mississippi Medical Center got caught by local news media in overcharging for treatment of children.   Southwest Mississippi Regional Medical Center eliminating 1-hundred jobs due to ObamaCare funding cuts and the cost of being forced to upgrade the hospital to federal standards!  A judge has ordered a 25% cut in retirement pay for retired employees of the Singing River Health System, in a desperate attempt to keep the retirement fund from going bust!  The state Supreme Court ruled that federal Medicaid ripped off Mississippi hospitals to the tune of $2-million in unpaid reimbursements!  The U.S. Burden of Disease Collaborators says The Magnolia State has the lowest life expectancy in the country.

Missouri: CoxHealth-Cox South Hospital admitted it gave a patient the wrong blood type! Local news media says hospital admin refuses to answer questions about the patient’s condition.   State investigators are trying to find out why there’s been a surge in air-ambulance billing.   The family of a boy injured on a camping trip charged $32-thousand USD for the air-ambulance ride, because Anthem-Blue Cross/Blue Shield said the ambulance service was out-of-network!

Montana: Community Medical Center suddenly laid off 16 people due to state-level cuts for people on taxpayer funded Medicaid.  Kalispell Regional Healthcare suddenly laid off about 40 people due to reduced taxpayer funded reimbursements.

Nebraska: Community Healthcare System warns of shutdown if it can’t come up with $800-thousand USD to pay for ObamaCare-ACA mandated upgrades.  Mary Lanning Hospital paying more than $600-thousand USD for fake Medicare claims.

Nevada:  Community Triage Center under threat of shutdown due to taxpayer funding disputes with the state Health and Human Services, the city of Las Vegas, other government entities, as well as funding disputes with Las Vegas hospitals.  WalletHub declared The Silver State to be the worst state for children’s healthcare.

New Hampshire: Cigna eliminating 50 jobs at its Hooksett credentialing office.

New Jersey:  Arizona based medical device maker MedPlast shutting down its factory in West Berlin, 67 jobs lost by the end of June.  Lakewood Pathology Associates-Inform Diagnostics issued a WARN, 117 jobs gone by June!  Personal Touch Home Care issued several WARNs, 181 jobs gone by mid-May!  West-Ward Pharmaceuticals eliminating 38 jobs by July.  Virtua Medical Group paying more than $400-thousand USD as a result of making patient records publicly available online.

New Mexico: New Mexico Heart Institute canceled its contract with god’s own Presbyterian Health Plan, affecting 3-thousand patients!

New York: CCS Oncology and Healthcare now chapter 11 bankrupt busted due to “substantial debt” and the fact that the FBI ‘raided’ the company.  Easter Seals issued a shutdown WARN for four of its Intermediate Care Facilities, 78 jobs gone by mid-July. Association for Neurologically Impaired Brain Injured Children issued a layoff WARN for its ops in Oakland Gardens, at least 25 jobs gone by the end of June.  Phoenix House Foundation issued a layoff WARN for its addiction treatment ops in Brooklyn-NYC, 30 jobs gone between July and the end of September. MZL Home Care Agency halting ops in Brooklyn-NYC, 1-thousand-535 jobs gone by mid-July due to operations being sold to a competitor! Aspire of WNY issued a layoff WARN for its Buffalo and Lakewood locations, 61 jobs gone by the end of June.   Community Services for the Developmentally Disabled issued a layoff WARN for its Buffalo location, 31 jobs gone by the end of June.  A North Shore University Hospital nurse arrested for stealing $34-thousand USD worth of medical devices.  NYC Health + Hospitals lost a laptop containing data for 595 patients.  NYC Fire Department paramedic arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting a patient.

North Carolina: A now former employee of Mission Hospital accused of stealing $104-thousand USD from her former employer.  Atrium Health suddenly shutdown two clinics supposedly due to lack of employees.

Ohio: Philips Medical Systems issued a layoff WARN, 79 jobs gone by the end of June.  Prescription drugs manager Express Scripts issued a shutdown WARN for its Columbus ops, 456 jobs gone by mid-June!  A civil-trial jury awarded a 77 years old doctor $28-million USD after he was fired from the Cleveland Clinic Head & Neck Institute because of his age.

Oregon: Providence Saint Vincent Medical Center warning that one of its nurses came to work sick with TB.   The hospital offering free tuberculosis testing as a result.

Pennsylvania:  Allegheny Health Network suddenly laid off 75 people, despite claims that the company is growing.  Penn State Health-Milton S. Hershey Medical Center apologized to 2-thousand-1-hundred patients after refusing to treat people with multiple sclerosis, claiming they didn’t have enough employees to do so!  A woman was arrested after stealing a credit card from a patient in the Excela Health Westmoreland Hospital, and racking up $4-thousand USD in charges.  Bloomberg reports that the CEO of Universal Health Services was paid 541 times more than the average Universal Health Services employee.  God’s own UPMC Presbyterian notified 4-thousand-7-hundred patients that an employee came to work infected with TB between October 2017 and February 2018!  The employee is on leave.  UPMC Mercy South Side Outpatient Center warning of shutdown due to the hospital needing at least $10-million in repairs.  It’s been revealed that the now dead doctor-owner of Pelicci Pain Relief Center ripped-off the worker compensation insurance program and his estate must now pay a federal fine of $625-thousand.  Jefferson Health announced plans to reduce the number of its hospital beds by 4-hundred, blaming it on a decline in need for inpatient care.  Children’s Institute of Pittsburgh shutdown its inpatient rehab hospital, about 90 jobs gone.  For proof that having insurance doesn’t pay; a family went to the hospital but forgot their Aetna insurance card, the family’s initial out-of-pocket cost of the visit was $821, but after they brought in their Aetna card their out-of-pocket cost jumped to  $1-thousand-214: “I wanted to go back and ask if I could pretend I didn’t have insurance anymore.”-Annette Alexander

South Carolina: Roper Hospital  being sued for actually making 27 patients sick with non-tuberculosis mycobacteria.  There is a connection, all those made sick had gone in for breast cancer treatment.  AnMed Health shutting down two of its retail pharmacy ops.

Tennessee: Ballad Health suddenly laid off 150 people and shutdown 49 vacant jobs, claiming the positions were redundant!  But wait, at the same time schizophrenic Ballad Health admin claim they are hiring for 7-hundred positions! A man who dressed as Spider-Man, to wash the windows at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital, sentenced to 105 years in prison for child porn.   The CEO of Brentwood based Quorum Health got a big raise, to a total compensation of $3-million USD in 2017, despite the fact that Quorum Health has been laying off employees and selling-off assets supposedly due to lack of money (claiming tens of millions of dollars in losses every year).  However, the poor CEO defended his pay by saying that last year he didn’t get a bonus, claiming that his 2017 compensation was 34% less than in 2016.  Oh boo-hoo!

Texas: To show you how screwed up your taxpayer funded state health regulators are, the state Health and Human Services Commission fired an employee for violating HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) rules, then violated the rules itself by mailing the now former employee a box of patient’s personal records!  God’s own Seton Medical Center Austin forcing pregnant female patients to ‘agree’ to pay for fetal burials if they miscarry.  For-profit BlueCross BlueShield telling some Texans that they’ll have to pay for 100% of non-emergency ‘out-of-network’ hospital visits.  Baylor Scott & White McLane Children’s Hospital reports they fired a doctor after finding child porn on his computer.  Dallas based Tenet Healthcare says it’s hurting so much for nurses that its offering a $25-thousand sign-on bonus (maybe Tenet shouldn’t have laid off so many people?).  College Station Medical Center shutting down its labor and delivery unit in July.  A now former nurse with Louis and Peaches Owen Heart Hospital and Christus Mother Frances Hospital charged with intentionally killing a patient, and leaving at least two other patients in vegetative states. Texas Health Resources revealed that about 4-thousand patients had their data stolen by a ‘unauthorized third party’.  A now former Parkland Memorial Hospital employee pled guilty to stealing patient data of Dallas County prisoners. Huntsville Memorial Hospital suddenly shutdown its emergency room ops in an effort to reduce expenses.

Washington: Grays Harbor Community Hospital District suddenly laid off 60 people,  in March it laid off 31 people as well as layoffs in January.  Some full time employees were reduced to part time hours. Other employees are being asked to retire early or go on voluntary furlough. Local news media called it the “new normal” for healthcare.  University of Washington Medical Center shutting down its inpatient psychiatric unit.

Washington DC: Another sure sign the prescription drug industry is a mafioso scam; at the National Business Group on Health‘s conference the national drug supply chain was described as “convoluted” and “expensive”.  Senator Ron Wyden (from Oregon) says 20 major healthcare companies will get a total of $100-billion USD in tax benefits over the next decade due to the Trump Tax Law.   The U.S. FDA finally admitting there’s a problem with medical devices by unveiling The Medical Device Safety Action Plan.  The mayor of DC wants to spend taxpayer dollars to replace the United Medical Center with a hospital half its size.  A lawsuit against MedStar Washington Hospital Center alleges that never ending infections of patients (which directly caused the death of at least one patient) is the result of unresolved ‘black water’ sewage leakage in the operating rooms.

West Virginia: Mylan Pharmaceuticals suddenly laid off more than 4-hundred people in Morgantown, saying the drugs factory “needed to be rightsized”!  A now former employee of WVU Medicine University Healthcare-Berkeley Medical Center fined $22-thousand USD for stealing patient data.  It’s been revealed that a nurse who worked for four months at the Eastbrook Center was actually an impostor: “… the leadership of Eastbrook became aware that a woman with a history of deceptive behavior had posed as a registered nurse using another person’s license number.”

Wisconsin: God’s own Sacred Heart Hospital and Saint Joseph’s Hospital both warning of massive layoffs saying “The healthcare industry continues to experience a shift in the way people utilize health care services nationwide. High deductible insurance plans are causing many people to postpone care…”   Mmmm, isn’t that what ObamaCare-ACA was trying to avoid?  A nurse at Waukesha Memorial Hospital accused of stealing more than $2-thousand USD from a patient.   Wheaton Franciscan-Saint Joseph Hospital shutting down surgical and inpatient care in low-income neighborhood, due to lack of revenues.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

ObamaCare (ACA) death spiral March 2018: “HEALTHCARE IS A TAPEWORM”

“accelerated the closing of unprofitable stores”: Sears Kmart death spiral, May 2018

“The stores are slowly closing and where am I going to go shopping. I don’t want to shop online.-Loretta Olsen, pissed off loyal Kmart shopper in Minnesota

“We have been strategically and aggressively evaluating our store space and productivity, and have accelerated the closing of unprofitable stores.”-Howard Riefs, Sears Holdings

After losing $424-million USD in its first quarter of 2018, Sears Holdings announced 72 additional shutdowns by Summer, but that’s not all as those shutdowns are part of a new list which “identified approximately 100 non-profitable stores”, so potentially a total of 1-hundred additional stores will shutdown “as needed and as warranted.”

Just to remind you, in the 12 months leading up to February 2018, 303 Kmart and 123 Sears stores were shutdown and 50-thousand jobs killed!  Five years ago there were about 2-thousand Sears and Kmart stores, now there are less than 9-hundred.

USAToday: Sears gets $425M boost from Citi credit card deal 

CNBC: 125 years later, Sears looks a lot different

TheStreet: All the Warning Signs of a Company Nearing the End

CNNMoney: Sears moves to sell Kenmore

Hardware Retailing: Former Sears Brand Now Available at Lowe’s

KFSN: So much for California’s anti-gun laws as Kmart employee stabbed at Visalia store dies from his injuries

Visalia Times-Delta: Typical for leftist liberal California as Accused Kmart killer paroled 8 times before stabbing security guard

Arizona: Phoenix Sears on North  Metro Parkway West.

California: City of Industry Puente Hills Mall Sears, 51 jobs gone by September.  Ridgecrest Kmart. In Mid City West (‘subregion’ of Los Angeles), the Jewish controlled owner of the Town & Country Shopping Center, ARBA Group, revealed plans to tear down an active Kmart, along with other retail operations like a grocery store, pharmacy and a bank.  ARBA Group also revealed that the active Kmart long term lease expired last year and that Sears Holdings has no plans to sign a new long term lease, so they want to go through with a massive gentrification project which will result in a 380 family apartment complex mixed with a new shopping center inside a 26 story tower! A detailed local news report stated that Mid City West leaders, as well as residents, were “stunned” at the scale of the redevelopment. However, ARBA Group originally planned for a tower that could hold 8-hundred families: “It’s a mash up of a downtown high rise building with a Woodland Hills-style shopping mall plunked into the middle of a dense, urban neighborhood.”-John Nahas, Recency Centers (one of the development ‘partners’ for the project)

Los Angeles Times revealed that Sears Holdings created Seritage Growth Properties is spending $60-million USD to redevelop the recently shuttered Santa Monica Sears into more brick-n-mortar spaces.  Seritage is also spending $97-million redeveloping a San Diego Sears location into more spaces for brick-n-mortar stores.   Sacramento Business Journal revealed the Roseville Sears is going to be redeveloped with $20-million to make more brick-n-mortar spaces.   As Blind Bat News said back in 2012, the brick-n-mortar shutdowns are not because of internet competition, its “ALL PART OF Real Estate Investment Trust PLAN TO CHANGE THE WAY YOU SHOP, AND THEY BLAME YOU THE SHOPPER!

Colorado: Arvada Kmart.

Delaware: Local news media reporting the Dover Sears store is shutting down by mid-August, the Sears Auto Center will remain open.  After the Dover Sears store shuts down there will be only one Sears store in The First State.

Florida: Sanford Sears and Tampa Citrus Park Town Center Sears.  Tampa Kmart on East Busch Boulevard. Sears Town Mall store in Titusville shutting down in June 2018, a WARN indicating how many people will lose their jobs has yet to be made public.  The new owner of the University Mall Sears (RD Management) confirmed it will be shutdown.

Georgia: Three Sears operations in Atlanta, Morrow and Duluth.  In Alpharetta, the North Point Mall Sears shutting down.

Hawaii: Lihue Kmart.  After 24 years the Kailua-Kona Kmart shutting down in August, 2018.  No more Kmarts left in Hawaii.

Idaho:  State taxpayers forced to pay to turn a vacant Sears building into a charter K through 12 school in City of Chubbuck/Bannock County (school district 25)! Gem Prep Pocatello announced it plans on moving into the Chubbuck Sears building by 2019, a public hearing is scheduled in June at Chubbuck City Hall.   The state Department of Education says “Charter schools do not charge tuition. They receive state funding similar to school districts, however they do not receive additional funds from public levies or bonds.”  Nampa BigKmart shutting down in August.

Illinois: Four Sears ops in Aurora, Gurnee, Springfield and Vernon Hills.  Rockford Kmart. The Quincy Sears Auto Center shutting down immediately, and then after 90 years (90 years in Quincy, 40 years at the Quincy Mall) the Quincy Sears store shutting down, at least 23 remaining jobs gone by mid-August 2018.  The owner of the Quincy Mall, Cullinan Property, called bullshit on Sears Holdings’ reason for the store shutdown saying “the Quincy Mall Sears has been a well-performing store”.

Indiana: Three Sears ops in Indianapolis, Muncie and Lafayette (Tippecanoe Mall Sears), by September.  The Mishawaka Sears at University Park Mall going on the auction block on 22May2018. Taxpayers of Saint John being raped of more than $5-million USD for a commercial redevelopment project that will include a vacant Kmart, some residents are pissed saying “Why don’t we just build the buildings for them?”   A property developer has signed a lease with the owner of the vacant Bloomington Kmart property.  The developer wants to build a massive hotel complex and admittedly wants to ‘get the community involved’ in the deal (taxpayer funding?). City officials have not been officially informed of the project. 

Iowa: Davenport Sears (42 jobs gone by September). Des Moines Kmart (60 jobs gone by September) on Hubbell Avenue. Taxpayers being forced to turn a vacant Dubuque Kmart into a new Veterans Affairs clinic. 

Kansas: Topeka Sears.

Kentucky: Elizabethtown Sears shutting down, no official date was mentioned in the email received by a local newspaper, but the closing sale is to start at the end of the month and run for up to 10 weeks.

Louisiana: Alexandria Mall Sears.  Local news reports say the manager of the Lake Charles Kmart revealed it is shutting down.

Massachusetts: Peabody (68 jobs gone by September) and Springfield Sears. 

Michigan: Four Sears ops in Dearborn (66 jobs lost), Flint, Sterling Heights (68 jobs lost) and Traverse City.

Minnesota: Duluth Kmart on North Central Avenue, 40 jobs gone by September. Brooklyn Center (50 jobs gone) and Duluth Miller Hill Mall (45 jobs gone) Sears. 

Mississippi: Hattiesburg Sears.

Missouri: Chesterfield and Saint Louis South County Center Way Sears.

Montana: Billings Sears.

New Jersey: Three Sears ops in Burlington, Lawrenceville and Ocean. Passaic/Clifton Kmart (103 jobs gone by September).  Elmwood Park Kmart shutting down by the end of July, 2018. After 39 years the Somerset Kmart shutting down by the end of July 2018.  Jersey City Kmart shutting down sometime during Summer.

New Mexico:  Albuquerque Kmart on Carlisle Avenue and Sears on Coors Bypass North West.

New York:  De Witt/Syracuse Sears (45 jobs gone by September).  West Babylon Kmart (85 jobs gone by September) and Rosedale Kmart (99 jobs gone by September). 46 years old Wheatfield/Niagara Falls Sears shutting down, at least 42 jobs gone by mid-August 2018.

North Carolina: The owners of the Waynesville Sears Hometown Store announced it will shutdown by July (not part of Sears Holdings official shutdown list).

North Dakota: Grand Forks Sears.

Ohio: Lima and Strongsville Sears.

Oregon: Portland Kmart on North East Sandy Boulevard. 

Pennsylvania: Latrobe Kmart. Pittsburgh/South Hills Sears and Pittsburgh Sears on Robinson Center Drive.

South Carolina: Anderson and Spartanburg Sears. Sears store and Auto Center shutting down in the Citadel Mall in West Ashley (Charleston), between June and August 2018.  The investor-owners of Citadel Mall just bought the Sears space for $7.55-million USD: “We feel like the Sears parcel is the last piece of the puzzle we need to implement our master plan.”-Richard Davis, one of the investor-owners

South Dakota: Sioux Falls Empire Mall Sears. 

Tennessee: Knoxville Sears on Knoxville Center Drive.

Texas: Four Sears ops in Cedar Park, Denton, Lewisville and Fort Worth on Green Oaks Road.  Laredo Kmart. In Tyler rumors that the Broadway Square Mall Sears is going away, this after it was revealed the Sears store is going to be torn down.  The owner of the mall, Simon Property Group, submitted plans for demolition, replacing the Sears building with smaller retail spaces and no sign of the Sears remaining. The Planning Manager for Tyler would only say “…we support re-development on that site, it’s good that they’re actually doing some re-development for the site and for the city.”  In San Antonio, the Park North Shopping Center Sears.  Simon Property Group, owner of Broadway Square Mall in Tyler, announced it wants to tear down the active Sears store and Auto Center and create at least two separate retail spaces.  Local news reports claim the city council has the final say.   Simon Property Group indicated they already have a “new tenant” lined up, Sears Holdings refused to comment.

Vermont: After 39 years the Bennington Kmart shutting down in August 2018.

Virginia: Sears store and Auto Center shutting down at the Danville Mall, between June and August 2018.

Washington: Tacoma Sears on South Steele Street.  Los Angeles Times revealed that Sears Holdings created Seritage Growth Properties is spending millions of dollars redeveloping the Redmond Sears into more spaces for brick-n-mortar stores.

Wyoming: The Laramie Kmart shutting down in August 2018.  A convoluted commercial transaction that will result in no new job creation and increased vacant properties going down in a place called Sheridan.  Natural gas products company EMIT Technologies quietly purchased the vacant Kmart, officially to consolidate all its manufacturing operations into one building.  They imply they’re willing to spend their own money improving the property, even working with city public works and parks departments to ‘make it right’.  The city still has to approve rezoning plans, but a lot of money will be spent with no new jobs being created and leaving several commercial/manufacturing locations vacated and up-for-sale.  

Home Textiles Today: Sears, Kmart now leasing mattresses online

Investorplace.com: The End Game for Sears Holding Corp Has Begun


“this is something unexpected”: Dumbing Down the U.S.A., April 2018

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”-George Orwell (aka Eric Arthur Blair)

 Disappearing Students Syndrome (DSS): A phrase created by me to describe a phenomenon taking place across the United States, affecting both privately and publicly funded schools, from Kindergarten all the way through University levels.

Washington Post: Ten problems teachers did not have to deal with a decade ago

A BBC report reveals some U.S. teachers can’t read or write, they got through school by becoming great cheaters and bullshit artists!  “I was a teacher for 17 years, but I couldn’t read or write”

Incomplete (Tip-o-the-Iceberg) list of publicly announced education related layoffs, shutdowns and education crimes, April 2018:

Alabama: Pickens County High School being shutdown due to lack of students, however, some parents told local news media that other high schools in the area are actually overcrowded.

Arizona: Pima Community College eliminating 70 jobs by October and another 23 jobs by 2020.  Last year the college killed 1-hundred jobs!  It’s being blamed on a 35% crash in enrollments and the total loss of state level taxpayer funding.  The college has raised tuition fees.  Taxpayer funded teachers went on strike.   azcentral: “…about 730 Arizona educators left each year between 2014 and 2016, with California accounting for more than half of the defections. That migration was a nearly 37 percent increase from the eight preceding years, which saw an average of 534 educators leave Arizona for neighboring states each year, Census data shows.”

Arkansas: A Fayetteville Public Schools art teacher resigned after being arrested for intoxication, police say they found an illegal form of Ritalin in her car.  A now former Booneville teacher pled not guilty to recording girls in a school locker room.

California: An El Rancho High School history and government teacher was fired after school officials claim they found pics of naked women on his computer.  Who needs school shooters when you have teachers? A teacher (who is also a reserve policeman) with Monterey Peninsula Unified School District resigned after a big time fail teaching a ‘administration of justice’ gun safety class. The teacher/cop failed his own course by accidentally shooting off his gun in class!  Who needs guns when you have acid?   La Cumbre Junior High School was evacuated after a teacher burned herself with sulfuric acid and had to be hospitalized, school officials will not reveal the details of the incident.  Charter school Options For Youth issued layoff WARNs for three locations, 103 jobs gone by the end of June!

Colorado: Taxpayer funded teachers went on strike.

Connecticut: Montville High School substitute teacher accused of organizing a ‘fight club’ in which students beat each other up as other students recorded video of it. The Bridgeport Education Association announced they can’t afford to hire substitute teachers, starting in May.  The Stratford Education Association notified 59 teachers that they’re now unemployed.  The family of a teenager is suing school officials and mental health counselors for not reporting years of sex crimes by a teacher’s aide at Wooster Middle School, the sex crimes began in 2013 and were actually discovered by the teacher aide’s husband in 2015, the teacher’s aide was sentenced to only 18 months in prison in January this year.   Two former teachers at privately funded Greenwich Country Day School accused of sex crimes with students that went on for decades.  One of the former teachers is dead, the other denies the charges.    It’s been revealed that the biggest cost increase for taxpayer funded teachers is the state Teacher Retirement System, which has skyrocketed 145% in the past ten years, and the fact it’s being funded with debt! 

Florida:  The Lee County Sheriff’s Office arrested a teacher from god’s own Evangelical Christian School for having sex with a student, according to a notice posted by the school “…a female Upper School teacher admitted to sexual misconduct with a student.”  A teacher of the year charged with assaulting a student at Brookside Middle School, the teacher says he was trying to remove a student behaving suspiciously, but a school cop stated that security camera video shows the teacher attacking the student without any provocation by the student. It should be noted that official Sarasota County school policy does allow teachers to physically confront students if the teacher thinks there is a threat from the student.  Who needs school shooters when you have teachers? A Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School teacher accidentally left his loaded gun in a Deerfield Beach Pier toilet facility, police say an intoxicated person grabbed the gun and accidentally fired it.

Georgia: A 23 years old Harlem High School teacher on trial for having sex with a 19 years old student, Georgia laws basically states that as long as a person is a student in grade school they are considered a juvenile regardless of their age.  A now former teacher/cheer-leading coach at Northwest Whitfield High School arrested for possession of illegal opioids and having sex with students.   Three years after he went missing, the body of a Douglas County school teacher was found by children near I-20, police suspect a violent crime.  Who needs school shooters when you have teachers? A Dalton High School teacher indicted for firing off his gun in class.  The incident actually happened back in February, news reports claim the teacher fired a warning shot because students were trying to break into his classroom.

Hawaii: Nobody wants to work in paradise? The Aloha State facing a teacher shortage, so much so that a new Hawaii Teacher Stipend Program is being started, as well as plans to pay the college education of anybody who wants to be a teacher in Hawaii.

Idaho: After only 20 years of operation, non-profit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southeast Idaho shutting down due to lack of taxpayer funding and low local donations.  It was revealed that the New Plymouth Superintendent accused of being a bully was offered $400-thousand USD to resign.  He did resign on 25APR2018, but get this, not only did he take the $400-thousand, he’s also being paid $1-thousand-5-hundred per month as an adviser to the school district!!!   Once again, Idaho school districts report teacher shortages despite decent pay.  In fact, School District 93 is so desperate for substitute teachers that they’re offering free lunches as a bonus (that shows you how bad it is here in eastern Idaho): “We’ve decided that if you will come substitute in the Bonneville School District, we’ll treat you to lunch. So free lunch for every substitute every day that they’re here on us. How about that?”Charles Shackett, interviewed by KIFI

Illinois: After 17 years Bookworm Bookstore, in Carbondale, shutdown after a failed attempt to sell it.

Indiana: Public school teachers in this state can’t go on strike because it is illegal for taxpayer funded employees to do so. It’s just one of the many reasons the state is suffering from a teacher shortage.  Another reason is that the state’s licensing test is so tough that it has a high failure rate: “You hear horror stories and it got me thinking. I just spent 4 ½ years going through college and heard no one can pass the licensing test, and I was like, would I even be able to get a job? I don’t have the money to take the test a bunch of times, so I just decided to skip all that and go to Ohio where I’d only have to take it once.”-Alyssa Nobbe

Iowa: Parents are upset that a former teacher, convicted in the late 1990s of recording female students changing clothes, has just been allowed to volunteer with a school spelling bee program.   Taxpayer funded employees, like public school teachers, are not allowed to go on strike in Iowa.

Kansas: Pittsburg State University eliminating 19 jobs due to lack of taxpayer funding in response to lack of enrollments.  A music teacher at Caldwell Elementary facing possible criminal charges after video shows her lifting and shaking a six years old student by the neck.

Kentucky: Non-profit Richmond Child Care Center shutting down “Due to the increased cost of operations that have escalated at a rate that can’t be equaled through reasonable adjustments in tuition…”

Louisiana:  State Department of Education warning of teacher shortages as the number of people completing teacher preparation programs has steadily dropped since 2010.  The state Senate approved plans to allow taxpayer funded teachers to conduct ‘christian’ prayers in taxpayer funded schools.  A Hope Academy teacher,  and a teacher’s aide, fired after they were caught making fun of an autistic boy.  Hope Academy promotes itself as a school that specializes in students with learning problems.  The state’s Industrial Tax Exemption Program reduces property taxes for industries, which reduces funding for schools.

Maine: A now former Gardiner Area High School teacher accused of sex crimes with a 16 years old who is not a student at the school.  A pro-2nd Amendment high school teacher so concerned about retribution from anti-2nd Amendment teachers and students that he would talk to local news media only if his identity was concealed.

Maryland: Project Baltimore revealed that 131 teachers in the city are making at least $100-thousand USD per year, and that the starting pay for a new teacher is $45-thousand which is above the median income for people living in Baltimore. Despite that data many local news media are pushing for teachers to get even more money.  Montgomery County police accuse a former public school teacher of having sex on campus with a Rockville High School student, back in the 1980s, that teacher is now working at the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School.

Massachusetts: God powerless to stop the June shutdown of ‘his’ 61 years old Marian High School due to lack of students. Students have started a social media fundraising operation, hoping to raise enough money to keep the school open.

Michigan: After 26 years Aunt Agatha’s Mystery Bookshop shutting down by the end of August, due to expanding gentrification of the Ann Arbor area.  A five years old boy had his mouth taped shut and his school lunch thrown in the trash by a Crestwood School District substitute teacher’s assistant (who doesn’t deserve a penny of her taxpayer funded paycheck).  But wait there’s more! The taxpayer funded preschool program is being run out of the Cherry Hill Baptist Church, and that other substitute teachers have been violent with students, one even tried to bribe a student not to tell by giving him a bracelet.   

Minnesota: “We’ve had teachers leaving for years, and now it’s getting so bad students are leaving, too.”Brian Davis, teacher

Mississippi: A now former Forrest County ‘white’ female teacher accused of sex crimes and of running off with a teenaged ‘black’ male student, they’re still missing.

Montana: A now former teacher serving more than ten years in federal prison, and then the rest of his life under supervision, after pleading guilty to child pornography, news media did not report which school the teacher worked at.

Nebraska:  The results of unchecked immigrants and refugees is that more than 120 main languages are now spoken by families in The Cornhusker State, and school officials now want to get rid of ‘whitey’ teachers and replace them with teachers of ‘color’.   Four schools in Nebraska City were locked down on the same day due to two separate threats of shootings, after frightening students to near death police finally determined the threats were not credible, in fact some additional threats were phoned in from the very schools that were locked down.

Nevada:  9-hundred teachers face losing their jobs because they don’t have required ‘family engagement’ college courses now required by state law.

New Hampshire: Timberlane School District eliminated about 30 jobs due to lack of state-level taxpayer funding, and indirectly to the opioid crisis.

New Jersey: A teacher at Rising Star Academy arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement because his visa expired, he claims he will be killed if he is deported back to Egypt.  It’s been revealed that in 2017 at least 76 teachers had their license to teach revoked, for various reasons. 

New Mexico:  The West Las Vegas School Board considering making it mandatory for school employees and student athletes to be tested for drugs, including prescription drugs: “In light of the recent events of what’s happened at schools, I think that anybody, or any teacher, any administrator who may be using a prescription medication or may be using narcotics, poses a safety threat to the school.”-Ambrosio Castellano, board member

New York:  Fairport Central School District warning 51 employees that their jobs could go away, due to a 2% per year decline in enrollments, which is expected to continue to 2025.  Yonkers Public Schools eliminating 211 jobs due to being short $48-million USD, the district is also raising taxes on property owners!  Camden Central School District shutting down Annsville Elementary School due to being short $1.5-million.  The Mandell School issued a shutdown WARN for its preschool on Christopher Street in NYC, 58 jobs gone by the end of June.  In Brooklyn-NYC, New Hope Academy Charter School issued a shutdown WARN, 42 jobs gone by the end of June.  Also in Brooklyn-NYC, Invictus Preparatory Charter School issued a shutdown WARN, 45 jobs gone by the end of June.  CAMBA issued shutdown WARN for its high school-to-work program, 34 jobs gone by the end of June (if they can’t win a new contract). School bus contractor First Student issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Pinebush, 166 jobs gone by the end of June!  Conduent Education Services issued a fourth phase shutdown WARN for its Utica operations, 183 jobs gone once the shutdown is complete!

North Carolina: Pitt Community College suddenly laid off 14 people due to a surprise 5% drop in enrollments: “…this is something unexpected for Pitt Community College because over the years we’ve had a steady increase in enrollment.”-Dennis Massey, president of PCC

North Dakota: One room schools still exist in The Peace Garden State.  A teacher at god’s own Saint Joseph Catholic School, in Williston, arrested last month for sex crimes, hit with even more charges of sex crimes this month.  He is now accused of having sex with at least five girls. He was also a coach with Williston Public School District.

Ohio: A Trotwood High School teacher facing unemployment because she took 50 students on an unapproved taxpayer funded trip to a college.  A now former substitute teacher sentenced to five years probation for getting caught having sex with two Kettering Fairmont High School students in local retail and apartment parking lots.  A teacher at Willow Creek Positive Education Program arrested for sex crimes.  Madison Local School District allowing teachers to carry guns in class.

Oklahoma:  Teachers declared victory with their nine days long walk -out, even though the state legislature approved pay raises before the teachers went on strike.

Oregon: Portland Public Schools eliminating 35 jobs due to a budget gap.

Pennsylvania:  Hand Middle School teacher suspended without pay for making students pancakes while they took state mandated tests, he was told making pancakes was an act of distraction during test taking. Millcreek Township School District armed 5-hundred teachers with small baseball bat-like truncheons. Who needs school shooters when you have teachers?  Lebanon Middle School teacher charged with having a gun on school property, after a janitor ratted him out.

Puerto Rico:  283 schools being shutdown due to the fact that thousands of children fled the island territory because of the bad local economy, made worse by two hurricane strikes.

South Carolina:  The state Board of Education reports a 75% increase in teacher crimes since 2011, many involving misconduct with students.  

South Dakota: In one of the U.S. states with the lowest teacher pay rates, state law prohibits teacher strikes.

Tennessee: A Dyersburg City Schools teacher charged with sex crimes, the teacher turned himself in when he heard he was under investigation.

Texas: Houston Independent School District eliminating as many as 250 jobs due to being short $115-million USD for the 2018-19 school year!

Utah: A supposedly popular Endeavor Hall Charter School teacher was suddenly arrested for homosexual crimes with students, the school’s principal said there were “….no red flags, nothing to indicate that he shouldn’t be hired.”

Vermont: A music and theater director at god’s own Rice Memorial High School (and former Mater Christi School teacher) arrested and accused of taking ‘surreptitious’ pics of female teenagers.

Virginia: Tidewater Community College eliminating 22 additional jobs, after eliminating jobs two months ago, due to a 28% crash in enrollments.

Washington: A now former Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences teacher pled guilty to child porn.  A new lawsuit accuses Grant Elementary School of failing to stop sexual abuse of students by other students.  A Grant Elementary School teacher was fired in 2014 for failing to stop sex crimes by students, but she claims the real reason she was fired is because she is ‘black’.  A Mead High School teacher under investigation for sex crimes, which supposedly took place last year.

Wisconsin: Glenwood City High School teacher arrested for having an online ‘relationship’ with a 15 years old in Missouri.
Wyoming:  Federal-level taxpayers are funding a free cybersecurity class through the University of Wyoming’s Department of Computer Science, the classes will be held in July at two GenCyber camps.


America Spread Thin: North America, April 2018

These are just a few of the military operations happening across the North American region for the Gregorian month of April, 2018.

Canada: USS Pearl Harbor arrived in Victoria, British Columbia 12APR2018.  Commander Ben Miller stated “This visit helps to demonstrate the continuing commitment the U.S. has to our long-standing and important relationship with Canada……   the port visit gives the crew of Pearl Harbor a chance for some rest and relaxation…”  That taxpayer funded R&R includes visits to the Craigdarroch Castle, British Columbia Parliament buildings, Butchart Gardens, Fisherman’s Warf Park and the Fisgard Lighthouse.

El Salvador: Video previewing operation Beyond the Horizon scheduled for May, in which lots of U.S. tax dollars will be spent on El Salvador. The video shows U.S. taxpayer funded activities from previous Beyond the Horizon operations:

Guatemala: U.S. Naval Forces Southern Command/U.S. 4th Fleet conducting operation Continuing Promise 2018, spending your tax dollars not just on military training engagements, but on medical, dental, and veterinary help for silly-vilians.

Taxpayer funded USAF delivered a fire truck and ambulance to Tecpan, Guatemala, 20APR2018, as part of the evil USAID (United States Agency for International Development) Denton Program.  Supposedly the vehicles were paid for by religious organization Mission of Love Foundation.  As of March 2018, ‘christian’ Mission of Love Foundation, via USAID’s taxpayer funded Denton Program, has conducted 60 ‘missions’ to Guatemala: “We work on five continents with an all-volunteer force….. With a group of volunteers, the Denton Program and the Air Force together are making this possible for those in need. I couldn’t do it alone. I am just a facilitator.”-Kathleen Price, Mission of Love Foundation

Haiti: On 07APR2018, the U.S. Coast Guard captured and repatriated about 50 migrants from Haiti.

Mexico: Leaders of the Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional met with U.S. Army North (Fifth Army) as well as Arizona, New Mexico and Texas National Guards, along with U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, in Tucson, Arizona: “We not only have the huge responsibility as customs and border protection, we need this to be a team effort with U.S. Army North, Deptartment of Defense, Mexico and other agencies. By coming together we are able to exponentially provide security and safety for citizens in Mexico and the U.S.”-Juventino F. Pacheco, Assistant Chief Patrol Agent, Foreign Operations Branch, Tucson Sector Border Patrol  (THE WALL IS GOING UP, U.S. TAXPAYERS ARE FUNDING IT!)

United States:

So much for ObamaCare, operation Arctic Care involves U.S. regular forces, Alaska National Guard and British empire Canadian military forces providing taxpayer funded medical help to ‘underserved regions’ of Alaska.

Video of USAF C-17 leaving Alaska after delivering taxpayer funded medical supplies:

 Arizona Air National Guard Airmen listen to border deployment briefing, 09APR2018.

Your tax dollars at work as Sesame Street videographers visit Channel Islands Air National Guard station in California, 06APR2018.

Alabama Army National Guard fire mortar rounds at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, 07APR2018.

Florida National Guard DISCOVERS MAJOR CAUSE of slow deployment of disaster relief supplies, NEW PREPS FOR HURRICANES!

U.S. Coast Guard delivers the Flame of Hope for Hawaiian Special Olympics, 18APR2018.

U.S. Army off-loads food for climate change victims in Kauai, 17APR2018.

The U.S. Coast Guard assisted local emergency responders in Hanalei Bay area of Kauai, Hawaii, after a thunderstorm caused landslides and flooding.  Video of flooding:

Hawaii Businesses Are Making Billions Off The Military

This is not a CBRN drill, on 11APR2018 several nuke waste drums exploded at the U.S. Navy’s Idaho National Laboratory. Initially it was reported as one drum, but a week later it was revealed that at least three more drums exploded.  The nuke waste is said to have come to Idaho from Rocky Flats Plant in  Colorado, in the 1960s.  Contractor Fluor Idaho stated that the decades old waste had just been re-packed into 55-gallon drums the morning of the explosions. The latest nuke waste explosions are significant because the explosions at New Mexico’s WIPP (in 2014) might have involved nuke waste packaged at the Idaho National Laboratory.




Video of Vibrant Response zombie apocalypse preps in Indiana, note the pathetic Fix it Jesus sign at the end:

Maryland Army National Guard takes part in Vibrant Response, CBRN exercise in Indiana, 12APR2018.

Video of Guardian Response 2018, Indiana:


U.S. Coast Guard responds to toxic dielectric oil leak in Mystic River, Massachusetts, 14APR2018.

Members of Michigan National Guard and U.S. Virgin Islands National Guard train at Camp McCain, Mississippi, 06APR2018.

Toys used at Camp McCain, Mississippi, for yearly hurricane disaster training.

Water sampling at Battle Creek Air National Guard Base, Michigan, due to possible contamination from Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA), Perfluorooctane Sulfanate (PFOS), and two compounds found in aqueous film forming foam (AFFF): “We want to test as a precaution, in order to determine if there is need for any further environmental investigation.”-Melanie Brown, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality

U.S. Coast Guard underwater drone (ROV) examined damage caused to American Transmission Company hi-voltage cables in the Straits of Mackinac, Michigan.  Local news media reported two cables were cut when the anchor of a boat got caught in them.  Electric underwater cables use toxic oil for insulation, the damage caused about 6-hundred gallons of dielectric oil to leak into The Great Lakes.

New Mexico Army National Guard coordinate with U.S. Border Patrol at El Paso Sector Intelligence Operations Center, 07APR2018.

Official New Mexico Air National Guard Red Horse & SOW FTX video:


580 personnel from New York and New Jersey National Guard units took part in FEMA Region-2 CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear) training in New York and Connecticut, during the second weekend of April.

Active shooter training at the New York State Preparedness Center, in Oriskany, 18APR2018.

Ravenna Army Ammunition Plant (RVAAP) Environmental Restoration team recognized for helping to turn a former ammo factory into the new Camp Ravenna Joint Military Training Center in Ohio.

Video, USAF A-10C Thunderbolt-2 pulls 540 over Ohio River during Thunder over Louisville, Kentucky, 21APR2018:

Video report, Oklahoma National Guard responds to record level wildfires:

Army National Guard is being used as a guinea pig for the new Human Resources, Pay and Talent Management software system, to be phased in over the next 360 days.  The Pennsylvania Army National Guard will be the first to try it out: “We’re going to be the first organization in the DoD [Department of Defense],  maybe the Federal government, that will have HR on their mobile device. This is going to be the largest HR system in the world … the largest roll-out of Oracle systems for all Soldiers.”-Colonel Darby McNulty, Project Manager for the Integrated Personnel and Pay System

On 21APR2018, the Pennsylvania Army National Guard conducted Safety Stand-down 2018, apparently over growing concerns about the safety and survival of personnel: “What we do is inherently risky and we send our condolences to those personally affected by the recent tragic incidents in our military aviation community.”-Chief Warrant Officer 5 Joe Sandbakken

Georgia Air National Guard’s 202 Engineering Installation Squadron deployed to Puerto Rico‘s Muñiz Air National Guard Base to restore, protect and sustain vital communications equipment.  It’s part of several planned deployments: “I was here working on a project before last year’s hurricanes hit and enjoyed it, so I wanted to come back and help the community get back in order.”-Staff Sergeant Wilson Gardner

Official Army Reserve video report on the never ending hurricane recovery in Puerto Rico (see also MILITARIZATION OF PUERTO RICO & VIRGIN ISLANDS), and Viper Command transition:

Militarizing police as South Carolina Army National Guard and Army Reserve Officers Training Corps conducted terrorist training with South Carolina police at the Moncks Corner Armory in Moncks Corner, South Carolina, 11APR2018: “Ten years ago, we never would have thought to do a mission like this.”-Chief Warrant Officer 3 Will Sirmon, South Carolina Army National Guard’s Aviation Brigade

U.S. Coast Guard captured illegally caught fish, and several Mexican fishermen, off the coast of Texas, 11APR2018.  They were illegally fishing in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone.

Texas National Guard scans the shores of the Rio Grande River in Starr County, Texas, 10APR2018.

National Guard personnel muster to patrol the border at Del Rio Sector, Texas, as part of Operation Guardian Support, 20APR2018.

U.S. Coast Guard responds to oil pipeline fire near Port O’Connor, Texas, 17APR2018:






“The thieves are….more bold.”: U.S. retail/banking/service sector collapse, March 2018

Incomplete list of U.S. retail/banking/service sector job loss WARNings and store shutdowns made or announced in March 2018:

Bermuda based Signet Jewelers shutting down 2-hundred Kay Jewelers, Zales and Jared The Galleria of Jewelry stores in malls across the U.S.

Alaska: Blockbuster shutting down its North Pole video store in April.  Thrift store Juneau Treasures shutdown due to skyrocketing crime, the owner blames local police for failing to do anything (even with his security camera video of the crimes) and the state’s new lax criminal laws: “The thieves are becoming more and more bold. They’re coming in groups of three and four and they’re intimidating my staff!”-Mark Dundore

 California: In Los Angeles, after 25 years Meltdown Comics shutdown.  In Santa Rosa, after 126 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) furniture store Pedersen’s shutting down in 2019, the owners saying “We are choosing to go out on our terms and our timing, rather than wait for a death, health event or financial stress to force a closing.” Santa Barbara based The Walking Company Holdings chapter 11 bankrupt busted for the second time in ten years, due to not being able to pay its shoe suppliers.  After 140 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) men’s clothier Bachrach now bankrupt and dead.  Jonathan Louis Furniture issued a shutdown WARN for its Gardena location, 1-hundred jobs gone by mid-May!  Bankrupt Toys R Us issued shutdown WARNs for four locations, more than 4-hundred jobs gone by  mid-May! What automotive industry recovery?  Melody Toyota issued a shutdown WARN for its San Bruno location, 52 jobs gone by June.

Connecticut: In Enfield, after about four decades Crown Furniture shutdown, blaming competition from both online and brick-n-mortar.  In Brookfield, after eight years LJ Edwards Furniture and Design Studio shutdown.

Florida: Xtra Airways eliminating 167 jobs in May, as it is put up for sale! Gibraltar Bank & Trust eliminating 124 jobs due to being taken over by Louisiana based IberiaBank!

Hawaii: After five years Lanikai General Store shutdown.

Idaho: In Boise, Tai Pan Trading shutdown.  After two years in Idaho Falls, home decor store Tai Pan Trading shutting down when the inventory is gone, inventory from shutdown stores in Boise and Utah is being transferred to Idaho Falls for clearance.  Also in Idaho Falls, after 18 years supporter of the proven to be a failure DARE program (in some cases actually increased drug use nationwideDr. Slaughter’s shutting down in April.

Illinois: In Clarendon Hills, after 40 years Ebenezer’s Gift House (formerly The Christmas Closet) shutting down.  Hoffman Estates based junk jewelry chain Claire’s now chapter 11 bankrupt busted. Lillstreet Art Center bankrupt busted due to a lawsuit by a website designer. What housing market recovery? Chicago based mortgage company Guaranteed Rate suddenly laid off 180 people across the U.S., due to crashing mortgage approvals!  Alpine Shop shutting down its O’Fallon location in April.  Bankrupt Toys R Us issued shutdown WARNs for its distribution and regional offices, 180 jobs gone by mid-May!

Indiana: Mitt Romney co-founded wunderkind Staples shutting down its store in Fort Wayne.  In Anderson, after 53 years Mounds Mall is now dead.

Iowa: In Iowa City, after 34 years University Camera shutting down, the frustrated co-owner said “Black Friday was a non-event for us. In October, I looked at the books and we did one-third of the business we need to stay afloat. That’s when I turned to my wife and said, ‘It’s time.’…  …. walk away from it and we’re done!”  Children’s Place shutting down their Mall of the Bluffs store by mid-April.

Louisiana: Kids party/activity store Slinkee’s shutdown after more than ten years.

Maine: Freeport based LL Bean said 2017 holiday sales sucked so much they canceled bonuses and eliminated a net 4-hundred jobs! Too Big to Jail Bank of America suddenly laid off 30 people in Belfast, even though it is advertising to hire.

Maryland:  Princeton Sports shutting down its 36 years old Columbia location.

Massachusetts: In Marblehead, after 25 years Chet’s Video and Candy Shoppe shutdown. In New Bedford, after 62 years Fairhaven True Value Hardware shutdown.  In Framingham, after 49 years Walter Dyer Is Leather shutting down when the inventory is gone, the owners blame many things including crashing sales.

Michigan: Envoy Air halting ops at Detroit Metro Airport, 114 jobs gone by mid-May!

Minnesota: In Minneapolis, boutique Local Motion shutting down in April.  After 54 years Fabric and Textile Warehouse shutting down when the inventory is gone.  Bankrupt Toys R Us issued shutdown WARNs for five locations, at least 2-hundred jobs gone by the end of June!

Missouri: Saint Louis based online ‘investment’ Scottrade killing as many as 1-thousand jobs due to selling out to competitor TD Ameritrade for $4-billion USD!

Nebraska: Two former Super 8 Motel managers, who are also immigrants, sentenced to a year in federal prison and deportation after being convicted of enslaving and abusing their own relatives. 

Nevada: In Reno, toy store Happy Happy Joy Joy shutdown due to a death in the family.

New Jersey: In Hackensack, after 68 years Kazimir’s Pets shutting down in April.  Wayne based chapter 11 bankrupt busted Toys R Us shutting down all stores in United Kingdom, 735 stores in the United States being liquidated, Canadian stores up for sale.  Massive Toys R Us layoff WARNs issued; at least 1-thousand-6-hundred New Jersey jobs gone by mid-May!

New York:  Value City Furniture shutting down its store in Clay, 25 jobs gone by mid-April.  NYC based Foot Locker shutting down 110 stores in 2018, after shutting down 147 in 2017.  Bankrupt Toys R Us issued shutdown WARNs for eight locations, about 4-hundred jobs gone! 

Ohio: Lakewood record store Wax Bodega shutdown, apparently because of a greedy landlord because the owners said they are looking for a new location. Cincinnati based retailer Macy’s killed more jobs, this time an undisclosed number of human resource employees, apparently in addition to the 5-thousand job cuts announced earlier this year.  After more than 50 years Keith Saddle Shop shutting down when the inventory is gone.   New Albany based clothier Abercrombie & Fitch shutting down 60 stores across the U.S., due to continued crashing sales.  Since 2010 Abercrombie & Fitch shutdown 4-hundred stores.  In Canton, after 62 years Capestrain Jewelers shutting down, the building is for sale.

Oregon: In Portland, after 13 years Knit Purl shutting down when the inventory is gone.

South Carolina: Too Big to Jail California based Wells Fargo shutting down its money center in Greenville, 6-hundred jobs gone over the next 12 months!  In Florence, after 48 years Norman’s Gun Exchange shutdown because the owners wanted to retire.

Tennessee: In Nashville, Third Man Records suddenly laid off seven people.  Bankrupt iconic Gibson Guitar began eliminating dozens of jobs.  In Greeneville, after 29 years Paintin’ Place-Benjamin Moore Paint store shutdown after the owners got an offer for the property they couldn’t refuse.  After more than 80 years the Springfield Cinema shutdown.

Texas: Michaels owned, Irving based, Aaron Brothers shutting down all 94 stores, nearly 6-thousand jobs gone by the end of July!  The brand Aaron Brothers will now be used in Michaels stores in the custom framing section.   In Austin, after 38 years The Light Bulb Shop shutdown because the owners didn’t want to strangle “it to death slowly”.  Rent-a-Center eliminating 250 jobs at its Plano HQ!  Plano based retailer JCPenney suddenly eliminated 360 jobs across the country! In Burkburnett, after 27 years Hayes General Store, Hayes Hardware, and Hayes TV Repair  suddenly shutdown due to no more money (apparently employees were given final paychecks).

Utah: In Orem, home decor store Tai Pan Trading shutdown, reports say the Orem location, and the two Idaho locations, are the last of the Tai Pan Trading stores.  Loopnet.com lists several former Tai Pan Trading locations as now for sale. 

Virginia:  In Roanoke insurance company Allstate suddenly laid off employees and refused to say how many.

West Virginia: SunTrust Bank shutting down its remaining five branch offices in the state.

Wisconsin: JCPenney killing 520 warehouse jobs in Wauwatosa, starting in June!  In Manitowoc, after 67 years Lloyd’s Photo & Digital shutdown.  Bankrupt Toys R Us issued shutdown WARNs for eight locations, 326 jobs gone by mid-May!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification







U.S. government shenanigans, March 2018:“THEY GOT IT WRONG.”


ObamaCare ACA death spiral, March 2018: “HEALTHCARE IS A TAPEWORM”


Idaho Militia Top Guns

18APR2018 (02:01 UTC-07 Tango 06)  29 Farvardin 1397/02 Sha’ban 1439/03 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4716

The Idaho Air and Army National Guard recognized for top performance, again.

Idaho Army National Guard’s 1-204th Regional Training Institute (Armor) battalion received a score of 100% on its accreditation inspection: “The overall success of the battalion, including the accreditation results, is a direct reflection of the professionalism and dedication of the non-commissioned officers within this organization.”-Lieutenant Colonel Russel Des Jardins

The unit trains personnel from National Guard, Reserve and Regular Army units from across the U.S.  The 1-204th training battalion is experiencing a 20% increase in graduations, compared to last year.

The 124th Fighter Wing at Gowen Field, in Boise, selected to receive the 2016 Meritorious Unit Award, for their deployment to Turkey (TURKEY LOCKS-DOWN U.S. LED NATO BASE! HALTS IDAHO AIRSTRIKES AGAINST ISLAMIC STATE!): “There can be no greater recognition for a combat organization than that given for exceptional performance in direct combat with the enemy for both engaged and supporting warriors.”-Colonel Tim Donnellan

“While deployed the Airmen of the 124th Fighter Wing flawlessly executed more than 1,700 combat sorties providing two of the largest strikes on the enemy’s oil production and transportation resulting in a 50 percent revenue loss. They also led the Qayyarah-West airstrip repair, an estimated 180-day project, which our members were able to complete in only three weeks. Their recovery of this airstrip was key to support the Mosul Offensive. While 50 percent of the wing was deployed, members serving at home provided continuity through flawless execution of financial resources, domestic operations, and trained coalition soldiers through six major joint exercises.”-2016 Meritorious Unit Award



America Spread Thin: West Pacific, March 2018

“We are going to have to stop being the policemen of the world.”-Donald Trump, August 2015 interview with Hugh Hewitt

Video, U.S. Marines assist with Cyclone Marcus clean-up in Australia, 22MAR2018:

Department of Defense video update on activities with Indonesia and Japan, 20MAR2018:

U.S. Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 4 Seabees building a school addition in Indonesia, under the gaze of students, 30MAR2018

Video, U.S. tax dollars at work supporting Pacific Partnership 2018 event at Teaching Farm University Dehasen near Bengkulu, Indonesia, 31MAR2018:

News media get U.S. taxpayer funded ride on MV-22B in Okinawa, Japan, 09MAR2018, after a series of V-22 crashes and other incidents

Intimidating Japanese news media with U.S. flags aboard MV-22B Osprey in Okinawa

Senator Elizabeth Warren visits U.S. Fleet Activities Yokosuka, Japan, 27MAR2018

Department of Defense video, Iwo Jima and Korea:

Video of military personnel volunteering to make bread for Korean orphans:

Osan Girl Scouts of Osan Air Base donated almost 200 boxes of cookies to Seongju, Korea, 13MAR2018

A very sexist video about U.S. female military personnel in the Pacific:

Official opening ceremony for Pacific Partnership 2018, off the island of Yap, aboard USNS Brunswick, 20MAR2018

Since 2006, 22 partner nations around the globe have participated in Pacific Partnership providing medical/veterinary care and completing nearly 2-hundred engineering projects throughout the region.

At the end of march, the U.S. Army deployed animal care specialists to the island of Yap, Federated States of Micronesia: “There are no practicing veterinarians in Yap. The U.S. Army is the only branch of service with clinical veterinarians, and we are honored to be here in Yap working side-by-side with local professionals.”-Captain Adam Boe

“YAPS [Yap Animal Protection Society] consists of nearly twenty volunteers dedicated to bringing veterinarians from nearby countries through donations and fundraising campaigns.”-Captain Trevor Tenney

Video U.S. Navy hospital ship Bikini Atoll, Micronesia, 20MAR2018:

Aircrew Survival Equipmentman 1st Class Lisa Braulik, from Old Town, Idaho, aboard USS Bonhomme Richard in the Philippine Sea, 28MAR2018

USAF Band U.S. Embassy Celebration of Friendship with Kingdom of Thailand, 23MAR2018

Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) recovery team Quang Nam Province, Vietnam, 25MAR2018

Video of USS Carl Vinson flying the Vietnamese flag, 06MAR2018, it was the first time in more than 40 years that a U.S. aircraft carrier was in Vietnam:


“They got it wrong.”: U.S. government shenanigans, March 2018

Incomplete (i-e ‘Tip of the Iceberg’) list of U.S. Federal/State/Local Government self-destruct revelations for March 2018:

Alabama: British empire based, yet U.S. taxpayer funded, BAE Systems shutting down its naval yard ops in Mobile, 170 jobs gone in June due to lack of work!  WalletHub says high earners in The Yellowhammer State benefit more from the new federal tax code than high earners in other states.     AL.com:Birmingham police officer charged with 2 felony crimes
AL.com:Alabama sheriffs commonly keep prison food money for themselves, could now face federal investigation

Alaska: American Civil Liberties Union suing Palmer Police for wrongfully detaining an immigrant working as a security guard.

Arizona: A panel of federal judges ruled that a man who said Phoenix police “beat the crap out of” him is legally permitted to pursue a lawsuit against the department.

Arkansas: A former state representative, and now former county judge (and church minister), accused of taking $100-thousand USD in bribes from a now indicted lobbyist, the scheme involved a Missouri based healthcare provider and the Saint James United Methodist Church.

California:  Los Angeles Times: It’s deceptively called the Healthy Homes and Schools Act, and it’s a taxpayer ripoff

Riverside mayor sues his own city over the city manager’s contract

California courts paid at least $500,000 to resolve sex harassment suits against judges and employees

Compton mismanaged, overspent taxpayer funds, state audit finds

Los Alamitos wants nothing to do with California’s ‘sanctuary state’ laws. Will it start a new resistance?

Las Vegas Sun: Orange County to join fight against California sanctuary law

Curbed San Francisco: SF lawmaker wants to block tax breaks for companies helping build border wall

Delaware: Did Police in Delaware Shoot and Kill a Man in a Wheelchair?

Florida: A taxpayer funded pedestrian bridge, built for Florida International University/City of Sweetwater, collapsed just hours after an engineer complained of cracks, killing at least six people.

Mental health records revealed that in 2016 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School officials, and a sheriff’s deputy, wanted the student who would shoot-up the school in 2018 forcibly committed for psychiatric evaluation!  Despite the ‘future’ shooter’s repeated threats of harm against people, including himself, Henderson Behavioral Health deemed he “did not meet criteria for further assessment.”  In other words, all the safeguards in the ‘system’ failed because of a decision of a counselor!  In response the weak-willed govn’a gave Florida cops more authority to steal your guns under the Baker Act. 

North Country Public Radio: Taxpayer funded MacDill Air Force Base popular vacation spot for taxpayer funded retirees

Georgia:  A now former police officer/CivilAirPatrol commander convicted of child molestation.  Due to an expected 46% increase in Alzheimer’s cases, all law enforcement agencies are being trained up in handling people with the condition. 

Hawaii: Maui Police Department faces sex discrimination lawsuit

Idaho:  The Coeur d’Alene Tribe denying claims that they are intimidating voters over a proposed ballot initiative to legalize ‘instant’ betting on horse races.   After years of operating in the ‘black’, an audit for Blackfoot revealed that the city has suddenly and mysteriously run out of money for the general fund, the mayor imposing a halt to discretionary spending until the problem is figured out: “If you go back about six or seven maybe eight years, there was plenty of money to carry over from year to year……we’re not going to have the carry over next year…. …any spending of a discretionary nature, I want them to talk to me or our city treasurer.”Marc Carroll

Illinois:  A federal discrimination lawsuit has alleged “systematic discrimination” against women who seek positions in Chicago’s Special Functions Division.  The city of Aurora is being sued by seven cops, they say an official sent their addresses, phone numbers and other personnel records to a gang leader they helped put behind bars. 

Indiana: WISH-TV revealed how much tax dollars the city of Muncie spends fighting lawsuits.  The city of South Bend facing a lawsuit alleging one police officer illegally wiretapped other cops!   For some reason, outraged cops, the ones who were secretly recorded, are demanding that the phone conversations not be released to the public.

Iowa: Des Moines police officer with history of trouble sued again. Government contractor General Dynamics conducting another mass-layoff at its InfoTech call center in Coralville, 150 jobs gone due to a change in the federal contract!

Kansas: Big sport events mean big taxpayer spending as 2-hundred police were called up to patrol the city of Lawrence for a Final Four university basketball game. Local news media reported that the last time Lawrence was the site of Final Four games, in 2012, taxpayers unknowingly forked-out $180-thousand USD, mostly for police patrols.   

Kentucky: A man driving around pretending to be a cop, and pulling people over, shot and killed a real off-duty cop.

Louisiana: The Pelican State is about to have its federal Gulf of Mexico oil royalties drastically cut, no thanks to president Donald Trump for slashing royalty rates in the 77-million-acre lease sale of offshore oil and gas drilling rights.

Maine: Internet service was so bad on ‘the islands’ that 120 residents paid for their own upgrades, but now the U.S. Department of Agriculture wants to spend 1.3-million tax dollars reimbursing residents under a federal grant program: “To get grant money, you have to get broadband speeds and a solution that will last decades.”-Malcolm Fernald, Cranberry Isles

Maryland: The town of Seat Pleasant is being sued by local business owners because the city leaders jacked up property taxes by as much as 800%!  Montgomery County Police officer was arrested on a series of theft charges for allegedly stealing from a Germantown Walmart!

Massachusetts: An Indian Orchard man is suing three police officers in federal court, alleging one of the officers grabbed his genitals, then another joined in and beat and stomped him, during a traffic stop.  A now former deputy state treasurer for Delaware, who resigned in disgrace after criminal use of her state taxpayer funded credit card, is facing criminal drug distribution charges in Massachusetts, along with her son.

Michigan:  A lawsuit says Eastpointe police erased 9-1-1 dispatch recordings and other evidence after being notified that all records should be preserved.

Minnesota: Eight months after shooting to death an Australian immigrant, a Minneapolis cop turned himself in to face charges of manslaughter.  The law enforcer’s victim had called 9-1-1 to report a possible rape.  Both police personnel who responded to the call say they were surprised when a woman suddenly appeared at their car door, both cops pulled their guns, one shot, both claim they were fearing for their lives (the police ‘get out of jail card’).  The woman at their cop car door was the one who called 9-1-1.

Mississippi: A Jackson man is accusing the Flowood Police Department in a federal lawsuit for allegedly allowing a police dog to maul him three times while he was in their custody.

Missouri: More proof the real reason cops give you tickets is to make money.  Kansas City cops have been writing fewer tickets and that has the City Manager pissed after a $6-million USD drop in ticket revenues: “So what we’re seeing is, not only a decline in the number of tickets but a decline in the corresponding revenue that are used to support city operations.-Troy Schulte

Montana: Idaho based mining company Hecla facing more than $30-million USD in clean-up cost as a result of abandoned and polluted mines in The Treasure State. However, Hecla administrators declared the threat by the state of Montana as unfair, because the state is talking about mines that were operated by other companies (specifically a company called Pegasus) that were once led by Hecla’s current CEO: “It’s a far stretch to say a 126-year-old company is ineligible to mine in Montana for the actions of another company that it has no relation with. They got it wrong.”-Luke Russell, VP Hecla

Nebraska: Lincoln County Detention Center prisoner died of unknown reasons after being taken to a hospital.  Seward and York County sheriffs warning people of a cop impersonator pulling people over as they drive to work.

Nevada: A now former Las Vegas cop faces the death penalty for raping and killing a woman in 1997, he was found out when the rape kit was finally sent for testing in 2016!  This case has revealed that there are nearly 6-thousand-5-hundred untested rape kits in southern Nevada!  It was also revealed that Las Vegas hospitals are releasing mental illness patients too soon, and on top of that it’s been discovered that many of the group homes they’re sent to are not licensed or are unsanitary. 

New Hampshire: The state’s new marijuana law has reduced marijuana case backlog by 2-thousand! The law decriminalized the possession of small amounts of ganja.  The state Attorney General investigating two Claremont Police officers for falsifying police reports.

New Jersey: A city resident has filed a federal lawsuit accusing members of the Paterson Police Department of beating him outside the municipal public safety headquarters two years ago after a dispute over a complaint. 

New Mexico: Albuquerque hit with wave of violence and deaths that could be related to skyrocketing drug use. There was no connection between the four people that died over four days; one was homeless, two others apparently died in fights, one person was shot. In one case a suspect vehicle has Mexican license plates. 

New York:   New York Times: When Bail Feels…..Like Extortion

Police Officer Is Charged With Lying About Finding a Gun

Testilying’ by Police: A Stubborn Problem

Promotions……for Officers Accused of Lying

North Carolina: Democrats accuse Republicans of shifting $58-million USD from a job development program to funding a natural gas pipeline. The gas is coming from fracking ops in Pennsylvania and West Virginia.

North Dakota: Grand Forks Herald: Active shooter training stymied by lack of funds for Grand Forks police

West Fargo Pioneer: Former LaMoure police chief enters Alford plea to sexual abuse charges

KFGO: North Dakota to ask feds for money for pipeline protest cost

Ohio: University of Cincinnati has agreed to pay $344-thousand USD in back wages and legal fees to a police officer who was fired after he shot and killed a driver, the federal government is now investigating the 2015 shooting.  It’s been revealed that FBI agents used dead people’s fingers to unlock smart phones at Ohio State University. 

Oklahoma: A 23 years old woman found dead in Muskogee County Jail, investigation underway.  A Rogers County Court Clerk facing charges of counterfeiting after she used a fake twenty dollar bill to buy drinks at a Sonic. Apparently another clerk found the fake money in the county’s petty cash and showed it to the clerk-accused, who then went out and allegedly tried to spend it, and then deposit it. A sure way to help a suicidal person get themselves killed is to call the police. At least two separate investigations into police shooting a suicidal person are underway; in Lone Grove police shot (several times) and wounded a man after they got a call that a man was talking about suicide, police say they shot him because he was holding a gun.  In Stillwater, police responding to a suicidal person call shot and killed the suicidal man, they claim that he pointed a gun and a knife at them.

Oregon: City of Bend paying $800-thousand USD to a family of a man killed by police.  An attorney who lives in Washington, but his office is in Portland, was arrested this month for shooting at a competing Portland law firm back in December.  Police in Washington raided the attorney’s home on the day of his arrest in Oregon, and found a sophisticated meth lab. 

Pennsylvania: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit has given a woman a second chance to bring a claim alleging that the way Nazareth Borough Police Department deals with mentally ill people not only violates the Americans with Disabilities Act, but caused her boyfriend to kill himself.

Rhode Island: A Providence cop was fired for stealing bundles of coupons and arrested on suspicion of illegally using a taxpayer funded gas card.

South Carolina: The North Charleston Police Chief led an anti-gun demonstration, under the guise of Stop the Violence, but the Restoration Holiness Church Pastor is more realistic saying “Guns do not kill people. The bullet does not have a name unless you let it out of that chamber. … We need to get our young men off the streets.”  Not only are state taxpayers being forced to give corporations huge tax breaks, but county level taxpayers are getting raped! 46 of the state’s 59 counties have handed out $220-million USD in tax breaks to big businesses! 

South Dakota:  It was revealed that a woman died of alcohol withdrawal symptoms while in a state mental hospital in Yankton, as a result of established procedure not being followed.  Local newspaper investigations show a history of a high rate of employee turnover and that the taxpayer funded hospital is not accredited. Staying in Yankton, the American Civil Liberties Union accuses the police department of excessive use of force when dealing with the public, complaints of police brutality include a cop who was also a South Dakota Army National Guard Soldier of the Year.

Tennessee: The state Board of Claims unanimously voted to pay a man $1-million USD, for being wrongly imprisoned since 1978!  He was convicted of rape and burglary, but in 2008 DNA testing proved he wasn’t at the crime scene, he wasn’t released until 2009.

Texas: A lawsuit filed in Tarrant County district court accuses a Fort Worth police officer of a “clearly racially motivated attack” on a man while working private security at a hospital. Red River Army Depot laying off 6-hundred people due to a massive reduction in work hours (not enough work)!

Utah: New lawsuit describes now-Rep. John Curtis, and other Provo officials, as ignoring complaints of police chief’s sexual misconduct

Vermont: A study by University of Vermont says cops target ‘black’ and ‘brown’ skinned people more than ‘white’ skinners.  Elitist ski resort Hermitage failed to make $17-million in loan payments and owes $1-million in back due taxes.

Virginia: The city of Alexandria imposing a new Airbnb tax of  8.5% and a $1 per night charge.  At the state level, if the govn’a signs into law HB 1204 then local governments will lose millions of dollars in property tax revenues, to the benefit of golf courses!

Washington:  KUOW:  The tax rate on distilled liquor in Washington state is $32.50 per gallon. That’s 10 times more than California, and its the highest in the U.S., which is why it’s killing business in Washington.

Washington DC: It’s been revealed that you the taxpayer continue to pay for those new fangled electric cars that are catching fire, crashing and now killing people.  

CNN: Defense Department charged nearly $140,000 at Trump branded properties

West Virginia: Money generated from license fees and excise taxes on guns, ammunition and angling equipment provide about 60% of the funding for state wildlife agencies. Crashing numbers of hunters, and more anti-gun laws, threatens current funding for wildlife conservation, meaning taxpayers will be the new target.

Wisconsin: Family of man shot by Green Bay Police files federal lawsuit.

Wyoming: What construction industry recovery? The town of Jackson issued a 180 days construction moratorium due to  new stricter Teton County level employee housing rules, town leaders want new construction project applications to be filed after the new housing rules go into effect.  The new county housing rules will cost construction companies more money. 

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Government Shenanigans, February 2018: “I NEED TO PAY HIGHER TAXES.”


ObamaCare ACA death spiral, March 2018: “HEALTHCARE IS A TAPEWORM”


Idaho shows A-10C Pride with City Nose Art

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Technical Sergeant John Winn, Lewiston-Nez Perce Regional Airport A-10C pride ceremony, 23SEP2015.

During uncertain times when the Obama regime was wanting to kill all A-10C Thunderbolt-2s, the Idaho Air National Guard dedicated A-10s to the cities of Kuna, Lewiston and Eagle.

Pride of Eagle unveiling, 29JAN2016. Idaho Air National Guard photo by Technical Sergeant Joshua C. Allmaras.

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Technical Sergeant Joshua C. Allmaras, 29JAN2016.

29JAN2016, unveiling of the Pride of Kuna. Idaho Air National Guard photo by Technical Sergeant Joshua C. Allmaras.

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Technical Sergeant Joshua C. Allmaras, 29JAN2016.

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Technical Sergeant Joshua C. Allmaras, 29JAN2016.

Unveiling of Lewiston A-10C. Idaho Air National Guard photo by Technical Sergeant John Winn, 23SEP2015.

Dedication at Lewiston-Nez Perce Regional Airport. Idaho Air National Guard photo by Technical Sergeant John Winn, 23SEP2015.

Even the Lewiston police had to get involved. Idaho Air National Guard photo by Technical Sergeant John Winn, 23SEP2015.

Even the firefighters love A-10Cs? Idaho Air National Guard photo by Technical Sergeant John Winn, 23SEP2015.

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Technical Sergeant John Winn, 23SEP2015.

The city nose art is on the right/starboard side, only.

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Technical Sergeant John Winn, 23SEP2015.