“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”-George Orwell (aka Eric Arthur Blair)
Disappearing Students Syndrome (DSS): A phrase created by me to describe a phenomenon taking place across the United States, affecting both privately and publicly funded schools, from Kindergarten all the way through University levels.
Incomplete (Tip-o-the-Iceberg) list of publicly announced education related layoffs, shutdowns and crimes, December 2018:
Teachers Quit Jobs at Highest Rate on Record
Controversy Over Parents Who Eat Lunch With Their Children at School
In 19 States, It’s Still Legal to Spank Children in Public Schools
South Dakota and Iowa add gun safety class to junior high school course list
ALABAMA: Birmingham based for-profit Education Corporation of America suddenly shutdown all Brightwood College campuses across the U.S., due to having its accreditation revoked by the U.S. Department of Education.
Education Corporation of America also shutting down Virginia College campuses nationwide
State taxpayer funded education budget to hit $7-billion USD in 2020!
Is it because Alabama high schools newest varsity sport is video games?
Yet virtual schools face lack of online access in rural areas
Some Alabama schools look more like factories
Birmingham City Schools employees to get $500 bonus
Photos from inside earthquake-damaged schools

National Guard pic of Houston Junior High School library
After earthquake, two schools close for the year
ARIZONA: Teachers who talk politics in class could be fired if state lawmaker’s bill passes
Two teachers fined, disciplined for political advocacy
Teacher allegedly breaks ‘special needs’ student’s elbow
ARKANSAS: Teacher Retirement System’s payoff period shrinks
Gun-Carrying Teachers Becoming More Common in Arkansas
Charter school teacher gives 9-year-old a concussion
CALIFORNIA: Brightwood College Permanently Closes 3 San Diego Campuses
School Where Student With Autism Died Violated State Regulations
COLORADO: Art Institute Of Colorado Shutters
163 Colorado schools in need of improvement
High School evacuated on same day as planned student walkout
CONNECTICUT: Increase in ‘minority’ teachers not keeping pace with influx of immigrants
teacher fired over medical marijuana card
teacher accused of assaulting 3 cops!
Charter school cash spent on elections
Reduced state workforce is impacting education
School Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent Placed on Leave for ‘misconduct’
DELAWARE: Student bullied because his name is Trump
State seeks to create more charter school seats with federal tax dollars
Teacher with history of alcohol arrests pleads guilty
wrestling coach fired after claims he pulled gun on student
FLORIDA: school massacre panel recommends arming teachers with concealed weapons
school shooting: New video shows ‘blunders’
teacher arrested after professing love for 13-year-old student
teacher arrested for false criminal report
students charged with threatening teacher
State education commissioner resigns
GEORGIA: Federal Title I taxpayer funding for Georgia schools drops by $3 million
promised teacher pay raise comes with hidden costs
teacher jailed on sex assault charges
Teacher allegedly steals $750 violin from elementary student
teacher pleads guilty to sexually abusing 4 students
GUAM: Parents demand removal of student who allegedly threatened to “shoot up” school
HAWAII: The Fight Against student Flight At Junior High Schools
Preschoolers served Pine-Sol instead of apple juice!!!
gender bias lawsuit against Hawaii Department of Education
Want To Teach In Hawaii? The Job Often Comes With A Big Pay Cut
Hawaii spending tax dollars on new database to track taxpayer funded school repair backlog!
IDAHO: It was revealed that the FBI is investigating School District 401 (aka Teton School District) because 784-thousand tax dollars somehow ended up in a ‘fraudulent’ account. The money was supposed to go to a construction contractor as part of a state bond issue. The business manager for School District 401 was “removed” and contracted accountants are now handling school funds.
University of Idaho falls below 5% target for reserves
Mormon owned BYU-Idaho’s teacher program fails to meet state requirements
Charter commission investigating two Blackfoot schools
Man charged with five sex crimes was a teaching assistant in higher education
Dumb-ass Idahoans are taxing themselves a record additional $202-million for schools that don’t work (despite decades of increasing taxpayer funding)
ILLINOIS: Just a lot of hype about teachers going on strike
INDIANA: Dumb school officials finally know how many thousands of students attend online public schools
Carmel High School explodes then burns
IOWA: teacher arrested, accused of being drunk at school
Iowa Sees Drop in Teacher-Librarians
teacher under investigation after classroom incident
Iowa City Schools predicts fewer teachers due to fewer students next school year
Waukee taxpayers demand local school officials be fired after state audit
12-year-old boy who allegedly tried to shoot teacher will be tried as adult
KANSAS: teacher arrested for trafficking meth
Additional charges filed against teacher
Audit finds special ed is indeed underfunded in Kansas
How much do Wichita teachers and administrators make? Here’s a list.
KENTUCKY: Adults so dumb in Kentucky that high school has to offer ‘how to be an adult’ classes to adults!
Teacher (and former Miss Kentucky) Arrested for Allegedly Sending Nude Photos to 15-Year-Old
police officers indicted for allegedly slamming teenage student
Police Investigating Abuse at Celebrated Louisiana School
Police arrest teacher accused of abusing multiple students
MAINE: ‘christian’ school teacher indicted on charges of sexually assaulting student
Maine gets $2.9M federal taxpayer funded grant for school safety
School District Sued for Years of Abuse Against Transgender Teacher
MASSACHUSETTS: Massachusetts has fastest growing public college costs in U.S.
Junior high school student attacks other student with a knife
Home-Schooling Parent Arrested In Her Home
MICHIGAN: After 27 years Common Language Bookstore shutdown
$1.3B spending deal shifts funding for schools to roads and environmental clean-ups
teacher, coach allegedly bullied students in front of classmates
‘christian’ priest/coach bullies dead high school student at funeral!
MINNESOTA: Sixth Chamber Used Books closing in March
Prison for teacher in sex abuse case
Regents approve $640,000 taxpayer funded salary for new University of Minnesota president
Over 17% of Mississippi students chronically absent
MISSOURI: Teachers blow whistle on private-run torture chamber Parkville Children’s Cottage, pics back up claims (it’s not the first time the ‘school’ has been in trouble)
Charter School Teacher Charged With More Child Sex Crimes
Vatterott College stuns Saint Louis students with sudden closure
Small, rural districts driving increase in four-day school weeks
MONTANA: On a Federal Reservation for Native Americans, Schools still Favor Whites
State Supreme Court strikes down tax credit for private schools
Not just a teacher shortage: Montana also struggles to find superintendents
sixth-grade teacher accused of sexual misconduct has license revoked
Longfellow Elementary closes it’s doors
NEBRASKA: 24 school districts rated as ‘needs improvement’
Yes, a school principal tried to ban candy canes
ACLU says Nebraska’s school cop program is actually covert ‘school to prison’ pipeline operation
‘christian’ school teacher accused of sending sex Snapchats to high school students
NEVADA: High school graduation rates hit record highs
State charter authority board says executive kept them in dark
ACLU condemns school background checks
NEW HAMPSHIRE: Teacher Arrested After Allegedly Exchanging More Than 100 Sexual Emails With Student
teacher on leave after KKK jingle
Six out of 10 High School teachers missed 10 or more days of work
National Guard Joins state Department Of Education For new war on drugs in classrooms
NEW JERSEY: school district won’t compete in events officiated by ref who forced wrestler to cut his dreadlocks
PARCC graduation requirement struck down by state court
Jewish teacher sues Saint Joseph Regional High School
teacher arrested for inappropriate contact with students
The 10,000 New Jersey Teachers Who Make $98K Or More
Was school principal, her husband, and an elementary teacher running a sex with children operation?
Is there a connection between a school shooting and an overworked teacher accused of sex crimes and ‘fixing’ grades? (the teacher was working as coach, math teacher and ethics teacher)
Revealed; Charter school gets taxpayer money for ‘non-students’
NEW YORK: Herkimer College NY closing campus children’s center
Do Children Get a Subpar Education in Yeshivas?
state officials want $2.1 billion in additional in education funding!
Asian-Americans Sue New York City Over School Desegregation Plan
School for Blind Musicians Is Being Evicted
NORTH CAROLINA: More than 2,000 teachers failed a math licensing exam!
students are missing a lot of school.
Man gets guns, backpack full of bullets into school cafeteria
NORTH DAKOTA: In an effort to increase enrollments State Board of Higher Education mulls in-state tuition for some out-of-state students
$90-million in additional taxpayer funding to shore-up higher education means cuts elsewhere
board revokes license of teacher convicted of sex crimes
Positive behavior teacher fired after child pornography charges
teacher placed on administrative leave pending investigation
OHIO: Students Must Learn Cursive, it’s the law
TPS fires teacher accused of placing student in chokehold
Private school teacher accused of breaking 10-year-old student’s hand
Ohio eases graduation rules for high school
Blanchester school board approves arming some staffers
New class created because Ohio women lack outdoors skills
OKLAHOMA: Teacher shortage: Oklahoma nearing 2,900 non-accredited teachers
Oklahoma Education Association demands additional $150-million in taxpayer funding
Why Does Oklahoma Have So Many School Districts?
Oklahoma City Public Schools agrees to pay $400,000 in federal teacher harassment lawsuit
OREGON: Teachers Claim there is a Disruptive Student Problem
$1.4 million lawsuit accuses school disciplinary coach of battering 2 additional students
sexual misconduct cast shadow over Crusaders teacher
Substitute teacher banned after making joke about principal who killed his-self
Junior and High school students to take mandatory mental health exams?
PENNSYLVANIA: What the average teacher earns in Pennsylvania
School districts can’t handle medical marijuana
Christian school fired teacher over her pregnancy
PUERTO RICO: FEMA promises more than $158-million for school ’emergency protective measures’
RHODE ISLAND: Students sue over lack of civics education
Warwick School Committee sues city, demands $4.9M taxpayer funded budget increase
Cranston School District hires debt collector to go after children who don’t pay school lunch bill
Schools report ‘totally unacceptable’
SOUTH CAROLINA: Myrtle Beach Golf Academy of America closing its doors: “One day we’re all good…….the next day it’s just over.”-Chase Collins, student
Teacher arrested for ‘playing doctor’ with student
Class sizes are ballooning amid teacher shortage crisis
Principal changed student-athlete’s grade, didn’t report harassment
student taunting teacher gets suspended
9 Charleston County schools singled out for state intervention
SOUTH DAKOTA: teacher pleads guilty to DUI while driving school vehicle
School district forces taxpayers to buy new land for new junior high
TENNESSEE: Shelby County will consider closing up to 80 Schools
Christian school teacher arrested a second time for child sex crimes
Coach accused of attempting to show sex pics to student
Music teacher suspended over suspicions of inappropriate contact with three students
High School teacher charged with statutory rape
teacher charged with meth possession
TEXAS: Austin ISD proposes closing 12 Schools
Corpus Christi’s Brightwood College campus is closing. Why?
School contractor Wouldn’t Promise Not to Boycott Israel, So they Stopped Paying Her!
UTAH: No more letter grades?
Shortage of special ed teachers
students suspended for creating social media page that lampooned school shootings!
High school teacher charged with sexual battery of students
teacher accused of killing ex-husband’s girlfriend in front of 3-year-old twins
What happened to Mormon welfare agency Deseret? teacher runs food pantry in her classroom
soon-to-be closed elementary school is the first casualty of Utah’s school ‘turnaround’ program
VERMONT: Lawsuit challenging Vermont’s education funding
teachers unions allege fraud in health benefits
forced merger lawsuit filed by 31 school boards
Police claim to have stopped student’s plan to shoot-up school
VIRGINIA: Teacher fired after refusing to use trans student’s pronouns
WASHINGTON: Are member dues pushing teachers out of union?
parents can now track their kids on school bus
Metallica donated $100,000 to Spokane Community College
schools serving up lunches made with local food
Father alleges autistic daughter abused, injured in high school
High school students struggle with addiction
WEST VIRGINIA: How low does West Virginia rank in teacher pay?
Opponents of Bible classes in taxpayer funded schools win
WISCONSIN: Wisconsin’s Biggest Education Stories Of 2018
Remains of missing Wisconsin teacher found in Slovenia
‘white’ teacher on paid leave after students recorded her using a racial slur
Teacher beaten and robbed at elementary school, allegedly by ‘black’ man
WYOMING: Forgotten pencil stops possible school shooting (student was disarmed without the ‘help’ of police, yet when police finally arrived, after the ‘incident’, the school was locked down)
Dumbing Down the U.S.A., November 2018:“ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE”