Tag Archives: news

Iran & Cuba join forces to counter Hillary Clinton’s U.S. media war

“In line with the imperialistic interests of the U.S. and Europe, the American and European media outlets don’t reflect the exact reality of what happens in our nations.”-Ramin Mehman-Parast, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman

Recently Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asked Congress to spend more money on increasing pro-U.S. international media organizations.  She said the U.S. was losing out to foreign media.

Now the Iranians, and Cubans, have joined the international media war, by joining forces.

Besides wanting to show their side of the story, in Latin America, the Iranians say they need a more trustworthy source of Latin American news than the U.S. media.  

Iran claims U.S. and Israel smuggling Crack & Meth into Iran from Afghanistan

Iranian investigator Majid Abhari, says he has proof that drugs being brought into Iran, through Afghanistan, are being run by the CIA and Mossad.  He has some convincing evidence.

First, traditionally opium, and marijuana/hash, were the drugs that came through.  Now, Iranian drug police are confiscating morphine, crack and meth.  Those drugs are considered “western” drugs and are not normally used by addicts in the region.

Second, Iranian police have discovered that transactions connected to the “western” drugs are being made with credit cards.  Traditional drug dealers operate “cash only” businesses.

Iran claims to be the most active anti-drug enforcers in the world.  Last year they seized 85% of the world’s illegal opium.  In the past five years Iran has spent $50 million to fight drug trafficking from just Afghanistan.  Iran also claims thousands of their anti-drug police have been killed.

Iranian police say drug trafficking from Afghanistan has jumped 40 times higher after the U.S. invaded .  According to the UN, Afghan opium production was at 185 metric tons (204 U.S. tons) per year, before the U.S. invaded.  The United Nations says opium production is now at 3,400 tons (3748 U.S. tons) per year (in 2007 it hit a record of 8,200 metric tons [9039 U.S. tons]).

Iran should know how the CIA and Mossad operates, after all, during the reign of the pro-U.S. Shah the CIA, and Mossad, trained Iran’s intelligence agencies (especially the infamous SAVAK).