Tag Archives: fema

The world Panics over CoViD-19, yet Influenza is still king killer!

Incomplete list of links to news reports about viral outbreaks during the days of 26 to 29 of the Gregorian month of February 2020.

CoViD-19=CoronaVirus Disease 2019

Vaccine makers, who have produced proven-to-be-failure flu shots for the past two seasons, are already prepping for next flu season

Poland, Vietnam, India, Taiwan and Bulgaria report bird flu outbreaks

ARGENTINA:  More concerned about Dengue virus outbreak than CoViD-19

CANADA: The province of Alberta boasts of injecting almost 1.4-million flu shots (almost 100-thousand more than the previous flu season) yet also reports 6-thousand-809 confirmed infections and 32 deaths!

CHILE: Dengue virus type 2 (DenV 2) outbreak on Easter Island confirmed

GERMANY: Officials say it’s O-K to eat eggs and bird meat despite H5N8 outbreak

INDIA:  Officials say it’s O-K to eat eggs and birds despite bird flu outbreak

Uttar Pradesh police (known as Provincial Armed Constabulary, or PAC) hit hard by H1N1 swine flu, 17 infections and six deaths within 48 hours!

Supreme court judges hit with swine flu

Visiting court judge from Kenya hit with swine flu 

Davanagere District Health reports seven new H1N1 Influenza-A infections, denies deaths 

Punjab Province reporting human deaths from swine flu, hospitals are preparing for infections involving CoViD-19

INDONESIA: Man misdiagnosed with CoViD-19, ended up dying of H1N1 influenza!

IRAN: President Trump allows sanctions waiver due to CoViD-19 outbreak 

KOREA: U.S. Army Korea publishes totally naive video saying all you have to do to “Kill the Virus” is to wipe down your desk and computer:

MEXICO: Two CoViD-19 infections confirmed

Arizona group travels to socialized-healthcare-mandatory-vaccination Mexico to help non-Mexican migrants get vaccinations

Week 9 of Mexico’s influenza updates says 4-thousand-715 confirmed infections, 240 deaths, the majority being from H1N1 swine flu in the state of Baja California

NIGERIA: First CoViD-19 infection

118 Lassa virus deaths, 17% kill rate!

PAKISTAN: Government finally reveals more than 53-thousand Dengue infections, 95 deaths

PARAGUAY:  34 Dengue virus deaths

PERU: 40-thousand homes in San Martín region being fumigated, 8-thousand Dengue virus infections 

UNITED STATES: Confirmed, 26 cases of mumps at Colorado ski resort  (reports don’t say if the employees are foreign migrant workers, most employees of the U.S. hospitality industry are foreign migrant workers)

Three mumps cases in McClean County, Illinois

Cortland County, New York, reports mumps infection

Six San Diego State University students infected with mumps

29-million influenza infections

If bird flu is of no concern why did the USDA launch a campaign called Defend the Flock?

Arkansas reports 65 influenza ‘related’ deaths, school districts across the state shutdown!

Bird flu warning for Iowa

Bird flu warning for Indiana

County in liberal-pro-vaccine California reports 11 people killed by H1N1 swine flu!

Doctors put Oregon woman into a coma in a desperate attempt to treat her influenza infection!

Revealed; Pro-vaccine Doctor in Ohio dies from influenza, yes he was vaccinated!

Ohio governor says we have to fight influenza before we can fight CoViD-19

Pro-vaccine governor of New York admits record number of flu infections!

A federal whistleblower might have revealed what I call an Operation Jupiter ( A SMALL PART OF A LARGER MILITARY OPERATION SPREADING DISEASE AT A HOSPITAL NEAR YOU!), saying that that the U.S. Health and Human Services inadvertently(?) spread the deadly COVID-19 outbreak inside U.S. borders by breaking established medical protocols regarding healthcare workers and quarantined patients!

U.S. FDA creates new policy for CoViD-19 testing

President Trump considers near-martial-law Defense Production Act (DPA) to fight pandemic, could threaten taxpayer funded contractors

Alabama’s FEMA CoViD-19 quarantine camp used to be a U.S. Army chemical weapons base!

Pennsylvania schools adopt FEMA plan for disease outbreak

Wisconsin health official say they’re prepping for CoViD-19, but warn that this season’s influenza is worse

Liberal pro-vaccine Washington state reports first U.S. CoViD-19 death

SAUDI ARABIA:  Poultry market shutdown over bird flu fears


U.S. CDC admits this season’s Vaccine is barely 45% effective, also admits that last season’s flu shot was a failure!  Pro-vaccine British government reveals 700% increase in measles cases is due to failed vaccine!

Failed state: New York deploys its militia to save Puerto Rico!

15 January 2020 (11:55 UTC-07 Tango 06) 25 Dey 1398/19 Jumada l-Ula 1441/21 Yi-Chou 4717

The state of New York activated it’s National Guard, not in response to natural disasters in The Empire State, but to response to the recent earthquakes in Puerto Rico.

New York’s 105th Airlift Wing preps pallets of equipment for flight to Puerto Rico, 13JAN2020.

There are a lot of political reasons for this, like the fact that most Puerto Ricans escaping their natural disaster ravaged island end up in New York (more than one million so far).  Another reason is that apparently New York’s governor sees an opportunity to advance his political career (President of the U.S.?).  Governor Andrew Cuomo is in Pureto Rico right now, his seventh public relations trip since Hurricane Maria in 2017, you’d think he was the governor of Puerto Rico!

Cuomo ordered 115 of New York’s National Guard personnel to deploy to Puerto Rico for three months, despite that fact that New York’s National Guard is also deploying to the Middle East!

Cuomo, April 2018, one of his many taxpayer funded trips to a place he supposedly doesn’t govern.

It should be noted that at the end of 2018, Syracuse.com reported that for some reason Cuomo’s own staff have no idea how much New York state taxpayers are being forced to spend helping Puerto Rico since Hurricane Maria!

12JAN2020, New York’s 105th Airlift Wing personnel hitch a large generator to a dump-truck, to be flown to Puerto Rico.

According to Stars and Stripes, Puerto Rico has 650 of its own National Guard personnel working full time building tent cities for now homeless Puerto Ricans.  As of 13JAN2020, they’ve distributed more than 72-thousand bottles of water and 30-thousand meals.

It should be a sign of failed state-ism when the governor of a state can spend his constituent’s state tax-dollars helping an area of the country that the national government should be dealing with.

Failed State: A state/country whose political/economic system has become so weak that the government is no longer in control.




Outbreaks & Recalls: U.S. Food Crisis, August 2018

Incomplete list of announced United States food supply shutdowns, outbreaks and recalls for the month of August, 2018:

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

CBS News: More Americans struggling to buy food, especially those with kids

In Korea (south) the U.S. Air Force’s 51st Fighter Wing has started a Food First! program to help with its Drug Demand Reduction operations.  It’s partly based on studies that show that so-called health food supplements don’t actually work in people who are considered healthy: “The program highlights the importance of good nutrition, hydration, rest and recovery, and physical activity in the development and maintenance of good health as opposed to relying on supplements such as multivitamins and protein shakes.”-Lisa Roof, 51st MDG Health Promotion Coordinator

NationalPublicRadio: Your Kitchen Spices Can Harbor Salmonella

What Sparked An E. Coli Outbreak In Lettuce?

Healthline: Is Pork the New Chicken When It Comes to Drug-Resistant Salmonella?

CNN: Avoid these foods due to outbreaks and recalls

AgWeb: Farm Real Estate Value Averaging $3140/Acre for 2018

ALABAMA: “If all things go well….and the NASS report holds true Alabama farmers expect to set new yield records for corn, cotton, peanuts and soybeans in 2018.”

Local farm industry surging, saving bankrupt mom-n-pop stores?

Alabama woman hospitalized sues Pepperidge Farms-Goldfish crackers over salmonella 

6 current food-borne illness outbreaks

Video of members of the 117th Air Refueling Wing, Air National Guard, delivering donated food to a homeless shelter:

ALASKA: “Alaska Berries is the only certified Alaska Grown winery in the state.”

“…limits have increased for coho salmon to four per day and eight in possession. Fishing is very good in most locations.”

Kenai River closing to sockeye salmon fishing

A Dwindling Catch Has Alaskans Uneasy

Total Salmon Catch Tops 80 Million Fish

ARKANSAS: farmers facing big crop losses from heavy rains

New “gift” funded rice research center to open

C&H’s owners propose new hog operation near Arkansas River

Tiny Worms Bug Arkansas’s Soybean Farmers

ARIZONA: 500 Arizona farmers Could Upend Drought Plan for all of the southwest U.S.

Western Growers opposes Arizona energy initiative

Arizona may have to cut back on water use in 2020

Farmers need fast answers on cause of E. coli in romaine lettuce

CALIFORNIA: Kings Fish House ‘temporarily’ shutting down its restaurant in Carlsbad, 86 jobs gone by October.  Oxnard Lemon Company issued a layoff WARN for its operations in Oxnard, 155 jobs gone right after Halloween!

Farmers Protest California Water Plan Aimed to Save Salmon

New Groundwater Law Means Big Changes

Southeast U.S. cotton farmers shown how Californians do it

Toxic pesticides found at most illegal California pot farms

Marijuana farms Destroyed By Wildfires

COLORADO: Salmonella Linked to Arapahoe County Fair/4-H event

Cargill Recalls 25000 Pounds of potentially E. coli – tainted Ground Beef

USAA reports 8000 claims from hailstorm

Large hail kills several animals and injures 14 people

‘Farming in the Forest’

Sugar beets making a comeback

CONNECTICUT: Edible Arrangements issued a WARN, 125 jobs in Wallingford gone right after Xmas!

Farm Aid concert scheduled to help save dairy farmers

Award winning dairy farm uses robots

One of the Country’s Oldest Tobacco Farms is Switching to Booze

DELAWARE: Delaware Gets Disaster Designation by Agriculture Officials

West Nile Virus confirmed in two Delaware horses

FLORIDA: Publix recalls ground beef products sold in Florida for possible E. coli 

20th annual Southern Peanut Growers Conference reports 80% of the world’s human population will live in urban areas by 2040, so who will grow the food?

Food fight divides growers in Florida and West Coast

Florida’s red tide takes a mounting toll. And it’s not just on the fish.

Animal sacrifices made on illegal slaughter farm 

Animal protection groups proved that 145 Florida farms were abusing animals, resulting in shutdown of those farms.

The Top 7 Challenges for Small Farms in Florida

GEORGIA: Mayfield Dairy Farms conducting final shutdown of their ops in Braselton, 108 jobs gone starting mid-September!  The dairy actually began shutting down operations in 2011, due to the not-so-recovered economy.

Georgia farms ‘rock solid’ despite weather, trade war

Former U.S. President, and peanut farmer, Jimmy Carter shuns riches and lives modestly in his hometown

HAWAII: ‘Little Buggers’ Are Taking A Big Bite Out Of Hawaii’s Macadamia Crop

Repeated natural disasters pummel Hawaii’s farms

Official FEMA video explaining how it helps prep for natural disasters:

IDAHO:  man sickened by E. coli sues Idaho distributor

“Investigations into livestock deaths in Idaho blamed on wolves don’t have to be made public, the U.S. government says.”

‘Donated’ Sandpoint orchard is site of new University of Idaho organic center

Robots in Idaho dairy farms

Boise using goats as organic lawnmowers?

ILLINOIS:  Aramark lost its food service contract with University of Chicago Ingalls Memorial Hospital and UoC Medical Center, 369 jobs gone right after Halloween!  Shop ‘n Save Warehouse Foods issued a WARN for its Collinsville location, 60 jobs gone by the end of September.

Did Illinois Farmers lie to the USDA on Their August Surveys?

In 2018, grain farms will barely break even

INDIANA: Herd of bison escape from Indiana farm

‘Powered by Poo’: How One of the World’s Biggest Dairies Finds Energy in the Unlikeliest of Places

IOWA: US Foods issued a shutdown WARN for its Sioux City location, 30 jobs gone by September.  

Molly Tibbetts murder case reveals secret of Iowa farms; reliance on illegal immigrants

It’s Harder to Bring Home the Bacon

New U.S.-Mexico trade deal could save Iowa farmers

KANSAS: Millions on the table: The potential of industrial hemp in Kansas

Building the Mecca of Heritage Poultry in Kansas

KENTUCKY: A ham just sold for $2.8 million in Kentucky

In Kentucky, Farmers Find Hemp May Be More Profitable Than Tobacco

MAINE: Shortage of farmhands causes farmers to lose crops

Missouri pork farmers breathe new life into an old Maine dairy farm

Maine dairy farm embraces technology

man who overdosed sues salmon farm for failing to call 9-1-1

MARYLAND: County Seeks to Block Oyster Farm Growth

Maryland, Delaware corn lags

MASSACHUSETTS: dairy farm determined to stay viable

How crops, trees are weathering the rain

Northboro seeks halt to composting at Santo Anza’s farm

A Pioneering Massachusetts Program Helps Low-Income Residents Eat Healthier and Supports Local Farmers

MICHIGAN: Kenco issued a shutdown WARN for its Country Market store in Dexter, 49 jobs gone by November.

farmer’s controlled burn smolders underground weeks later

drought strains farmers

soybean farmer worried about Chinese tariff hikes

$510 million in dairy facilities coming to mid-Michigan

MINNESOTA:  Farmers’ feelings on tariffs mixed

Big Minnesota pork producer ‘surprised’ by immigration raids

Minnesota farmers trying to save Gulf of Mexico shrimpers

MISSISSIPPI: chicken farmers demand less government regulation

soybean farmers blame racism for faulty seeds

MISSOURI: 34 Sickened in Salmonella Outbreak

Drought causes Farmers Market to close

Drought takes toll on crops, cattle

Metro farmers begging state parks for emergency drought help

NEBRASKA:  ICE raid targeting employers and more than 100 workers rocks a small Nebraska town

Late season hail wipes out some crops in central Nebraska

Who pays to maintain your irrigation system?

After farming Nebraska for 150 years one farm family fled the state due to ever increasing taxation.

NEVADA: Local food advocates work to bring more urban farms to Northern Nevada

Is the Farming Future of Las Vegas Indoors?

Hemp Industry Grows In Nevada

1st Year of Nevada Marijuana Sales Smokes Expectations

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Federal taxpayers give 15 New Hampshire farm ops $2.8-million USD

Upper Valley Berry Farmers on High Alert for Dreaded Fruit Fly

Couple Running ‘Animal Rescue’ Facing 44 Animal Cruelty Charges

NEW JERSEY:  Switzerland based Nestlé eliminating 175 jobs in Kearny by October!

210-acre farm one step closer to growing medical ganja

NEW MEXICO: After 13 years in Las Cruces, Toucan Market shutting down, the owners blame crashing sales caused by new competitors.

Groundwater Diversion Plan Rejected as ‘Water Speculation’

Chinese tariffs spur concern for pecan growers

NEW YORK:  Bankrupt, Amherst based Tops Friendly Markets announced it is shutting down at least ten grocery stores due to them not making enough money to pay the rent, 492 jobs lost right after Thanksgiving (according to official WARN)!  The grocery chain is reported to have $720-million USD of debt.  In Rochester, Johnny’s Irish Pub shutting down in September after 21 years, so the owner can ‘move on’.  Without warning British empire based Compass Group-Chartwells lost its food service contract with College of Mount Saint Vincent, 43 jobs suddenly gone.

NORTH CAROLINA: Nuisance lawsuits now threaten all farmers

NORTH DAKOTA: North Dakota farmers struggle with toxic byproduct of the oil industry boom

The case of the mystery photographers caught trespassing in farm fields: Big Brother state Ag officials admit their employees have been spying on farmers!

Aggressive Weed Found in North Dakota for the First Time

OHIO:  The problem of people without food is so bad that the U.S. Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime and the Defense Supply Center Columbus is working on its ninth year supporting the Mid-Ohio Food Bank, and that’s only to fight the food crisis affecting 183-thousand-750 children and 89-thousand-250 old people just in the Columbus area!  But wait, don’t think this is a totally taxpayer funded effort, according to official Department of Defense sources the employees who work the ‘Feds Feed Families’ (FFF) operation are doing so voluntarily.   In Hamilton, Andy’s Restaurant shutdown after 62 years.  Riesbeck’s Food Market shutdown its Wintersville location, saying the store is so old it’s not worth it to upgrade it or to continue paying rent on it, 60 jobs gone.

agri-tourism immunity law extends to many farm-based activities

OKLAHOMA: USAF Jet Crashes Into A Farm

Four counties designated as primary natural disaster areas

Local man charged with “defrauding local farmers by providing migrant workers with improper legal status and allegedly charging fake immigration and transportation fees” 

Thousands of chickens Found Dead, Beaten, Gassed

OREGON:  Court rules that dairy farm can continue its troubled wastewater ops

Pot Growers Now Must Notify state government About Harvests

PENNSYLVANIA:  farmers poised to bring back hemp, once a state staple

Oversupply threatens dairy industry

‘Monsoon’ delays projects, swells peaches 

3 men accused of sexually abusing farm animals

PUERTO RICO: how hurricane Maria actually helped small farms

yet,  Coffee, banana and orange farmers say they “lost everything”

Rescued dogs taken from Puerto Rico to Virginia 

RHODE ISLAND: Rhode Island Sued Over Truck Tolls

SOUTH CAROLINA: ‘Poor man’s meat’ may find home on South Carolina farms

As first crop of SC hemp nears harvest, scores of farmers line up

Neighbors want to stop mega-farms from guzzling water. 

Thousands of soybean farmers face big financial losses 

SOUTH DAKOTA:  South Dakota kids can legally stay home at any age, and for farmers, it’s better that way

Pheasant counts up for 2018, still below long-term average

TENNESSEE: Wheat farmers need to ‘break mold’ for weed control

Rescued farm animals finally at home

The good, bad, and ugly of farming with precision technologies

Legal Hemp Crops Pose Problems For Law Enforcement

TEXAS:  farmers see new source of green in legal hemp

Texas agriculture touted as innovative, diverse

rice farmers experiencing bumper 2018

Trade “aid” leaves behind wounded corn farmers

West Texas Vineyards Blasted By Herbicide Drift From Nearby Cotton farms

UTAH:  Thieves target small family farm, steal unusual items

Growing Population Could Threaten Cherry Production

farmers share fruits of their labor with wildfire evacuees

Farmers band together to battle fire

Algae-related toxin found in Jordan River

Drought Forces Hard Choices 

Frequent dog attacks imperil livestock

VIRGINIA: brewery, farm help each other out

farmers, vintners lament record-breaking rain

peanuts bear heavy thrips damage, other challenges

Poultry vs. tourism comment ‘a slap in the face’

WASHINGTON: production looking good for Washington wheat despite uncertain markets

‘Crops go unharvested and animals go uncared for.’ 

The  burden of making Washington king of the cherry

Dairy industry struggling

Garbage from booming marijuana industry clogs gutters

Washington DC: New Native American farm fund to distribute $266 million

E. coli strain from retail poultry may cause urinary tract infections

Trump is giving farmers a $6 billion bailout 

August USDA Reports Confirm Too Much of Everything

“A whopping 15.6 million American households experienced at least some food insecurity…”

WEST VIRGINIA:  Kroger shutting down its grocery store in Smithers, 59 jobs gone in October due to “low financial returns”.

Farming Project Doesn’t Go as Planned

Taxpayer funded Program pays Farmers to Conserve Flood-Prone Land

Schools and farmers warn about new foreign-owned stone wool factory

WISCONSIN:  With only one day’s official WARN warning, PF Chang’s shutdown its Middleton restaurant, 36 jobs suddenly gone.

More than 4% of Wisconsin Dairy Farms Call It Quits in 2018—So Far

New taxpayer funded Crop Insurance Program May Benefit Dairy Farmers

WYOMING:  Where’s The Beef? Wyoming Ranchers Bet On Blockchain

Man trampled to death by bull 


Pacific Ring of Fire: Volcanoes true cause of arctic ice melt! Sunscreen true cause of coral reef die off?

08JUL2018 /21:55 UTC-07 Tango 06  (18 Tir 1397/25 Shawwal 1439/26 Ji-Wei 4716)

More proof you can’t blame man made air pollution on Global Warming-Climate Change for coral reef deaths:  In November 2015 the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) warned Skincare Chemical Threatens Coral Reefs.

Time.com, in 2015, said Sunscreen Killing Reefs.

In February 2018, the Sweden based International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) revealed the impacts of sunscreens on coral reefs.

In April 2018 National Geographic reported Sunscreen, Clothing, And Other Coral Reef-Safe Alternatives.

At the end of June, 2018, Mother Nature News said Why your sunscreen is bad for coral reefs.

And for more proof you can’t blame man made air pollution on Global Warming-Climate Change glacier melt-off, recent discoveries reveal that polar ice sheets are actually melting due to volcanic activity. In August 2017 The Guardian reported Scientists discover 91 volcanoes below Antarctic ice sheet.

In October 2017 The Weather Channel reported Volcanic Eruptions May Be Rapidly Melting Arctic Ice Sheets.

In June 2018, the Independent reported Active volcano discovered beneath Antarctic ice sheet could be contributing to rapidly melting glacier.

Now onto the most recent volcanic/seismic activity around the Pacific Ring of Fire.

Which Ring of Fire Volcano is next to blow?

A group of microbes found in a highly acidic, hot, mineral-rich volcanic lake in Central America may give us clues about life on ancient Mars.

Volcanoes from Space: 50 Breathtaking Astronaut and Satellite Photos

Latin America’s Top Most Dangerous Volcanoes

Volcanic activity worldwide 8 Jul 2018

CANADA: Seismologist warns peers to be careful about what they tell the news media!

Red flag over tsunami warning system

expected powerful earthquake with thousands of victims

CHILE: Minor earthquake – Antofagasta

Volcanic complex in Chile’s south could erupt within days

ECUADOR: Mag. 3.8 earthquake – NEAR COAST OF ECUADOR

Galapagos’ Sierra Negra volcano eruption triggers evacuation

Reventador ash and eruption

GUATEMALA: Survivors of deadly Fuego Volcano begging United States for Temporary Protected Status, or TPS.

Are the Central American Volcanoes Waking Up?

INDONESIA: Krakatau erupts

Ritual sacrifice draws crowds to Indonesia volcano

Moderate earthquake – Southern Sumatra

Third earthquake in 2018 in Lebak: Is Jakarta ready for megathrust quake?

Dukono spews ash

Earthquake jolts Indonesia’s Bali after Mount Agung erupts

JAPAN: Strong 6.0 earthquake rocks Tokyo

Government Map Forecasts Likely Future Japanese Earthquakes

Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Tokyo, eruption of Ebeko

Shinmoedake volcano erupts

Death toll climbs after 6.1 temblor strikes Osaka

MEXICO: Moderate earthquake – Off Coast Of Chiapas

Magnitude 6.0 quake strikes off Jalisco coast

NEW ZEALAND:  Taranaki probably the volcano most at risk of large eruption

A Māori view of the rising volcanic activity

PERU: Sabancaya Volcanic Ash Advisory

Moderate earthquake – Central Peru

RUSSIA: Earthquake HITS volcanic Kamchatka Peninsula

Mag. 5.1 earthquake – Southeastern Siberia

Video, Russian ice lava:

UNITED STATES:  The U.S. has over 160 active volcanoes. 

Alaska: Volcano Mount Cleveland Could Erupt Soon

California: 4.6 earthquake shakes California-Nevada state line

Earthquake Rattles San Bernardino County

Beyond lava and ash: Stanford geologists explain what makes volcanoes dangerous

Geologists detail likely site of San Andreas Fault’s next major quake

Scientists Fear ‘Slow Earthquakes’ Will Lead To The Next Big California Quake

Salton Sea Could be Ground Zero for Next Big California Earthquake

A Seismic Change in Predicting How Earthquakes Will Shake Tall Buildings

Hawaii:  In July, Hawaii became first U.S. state to ban sunscreen.

Scientists defy ‘force of nature’ to unlock secrets of Hawaii volcano

Volcanoes and DNA

Volcano evacuees suffering ‘shelter fatigue’

American Land in Pacific Grows Bigger

Idaho: Yet more unexplained Minor earthquakes in Soda Springs

Nevada: 3rd most earthquake-active state in U.S.

Oregon: Earthquake Simulation Reveals Dangers

City mayor doubts Oregon State University computer Cascadia Event models

Cascadia Event training, Warrenton, Oregon, June 2018

Despite doubts by a city mayor, Oregon’s National Guard conducted a small Cascadia Event exercise during June. Dubbed Pathfinder-Minuteman refresher training it revealed that the biggest problem for emergency responders is communication between different groups: “The biggest part of all of this training is team communication. I watched other teams struggle because of communication issues…”-Allison Journey, volunteer taking part in the training for the first time

Small earthquake off  coast becomes fifth to strike since April

Earthquake alert funding and southern Oregon

Washington: Yet another Cascadia Event FEMA drill planned, including Idaho and Oregon 

Tsunami from Cascadia Event would reach Bellingham in 90 minutes!

Future 9.0 Cascadia Event could produce 5.5-meter (18 feet) deep tsunami

Skagit County gets new maps for tsunami planning

Wyoming: Strange things are happening here

Canadians who walked on Yellowstone hot spring die

Yellowstone’s normally dormant Steamboat Geyser erupts 11th time in 2018

After first poo-pooing eruptions, scientists are finally concerned over Steamboat Geyser’s sudden re-awakening

Yellowstone’s magma chamber is more powerful than we knew

Yellowstone super-volcano warning as heat build-up stronger than first reported



Maria: Militarization of Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands

25 OCT 2017 (05:28 UTC-07 Tango 06)  03 Aban 1396/04 Safar 1439/06 Geng-Xu (9th month) 4715

“We’re here for the win, and the win is providing the best assistance we can to the people of Puerto Rico and to help rebuild their lives, rebuild their communities and help them to move on to a brighter, happier day.”-Sergeant First Class Jeremiah Canter, U.S. Army

“We worked 14 days straight on Hurricane Katrina (a decade ago on the U.S. Gulf Coast). That was hard. This is far harder. This is us.”-Senior Master Sergeant Raul Vidal, 198th Airlift Squadron, Puerto Rico Air National Guard

What all the whiners about there not being enough federal government response to the massive hurricane damage in Puerto Rico don’t realize is they’ve inadvertently opened the door to massive militarization of the island territory.

Taxpayer funded contractors repair a bridge in Toa Baja, Puerto Rico, 24 OCT 2017

Despite what the U.S. mainstream (fake) news reporting a ‘lack of response’ there is a massive military operation taking place all over Puerto Rico, and to a smaller extent on U.S. Virgin Islands.  The military is even using the U.S. Postal Service!

Army North/FEMA Joint Force Land Component Command post in San Juan

While FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) is officially in charge of responding to the hurricane damage, it’s actually U.S. Army North (a component of U.S. Northern Command) who’s in charge. However, the Department of Defense claims Army North is there to “support FEMA”.

U.S. Army North, U.S. Army Reserve and National Guard units deliver drinking water in Lares, 10 OCT 2017

U.S. Air Force cybersecurity personnel work to restore radio and cell phone communications

Damaged cell phone tower

Even the U.S. Air Force (USAF) admits U.S. Army North is in charge: “We’re working with a bunch of different mission partners out here like FEMA, and Army North. It has been a lot of coordination and figuring things out as we go.”-Captain Ryan Headrick, 85th Engineering and Installation Squadron-38th Cyberspace Engineering Installation Group-68th Cyberspace Wing, USAF

U.S. Army’s 14th Combat Support Hospital-44th Medical Brigade set up a hospital in Humacao

The USA (U.S. Army) set up field hospitals: “All of the destruction has been really, really damaging to our efforts here. Imagine trying to set up a modern technology hospital with Civil War communication methods.”-Major Manuel Menendez, attached to 14th Combat Support Hospital, USA

Reverse Osmosis Water Purification delivery in Fortuna

USA water purification units are using massive 11-thousand liter (3-thousand gallon) Reverse Osmosis Water Purification systems to turn plentiful ocean salt water into fresh drinking water.   It’s then pumped into the 7-thousand liter (2-thousand gallon) water tanks of M977 Tactical Trucks for delivery: “We’ve been getting extremely positive feedback from the community. Just knowing that I’m helping has been very rewarding.”-Specialist Wade Scamehorn, 127th Quartermaster Company-3rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command

U.S. Army active and reserve soldiers set up water purification systems near Guajataca Lake, 09 OCT 2017

A Red Horse C-17 delivers a second Disaster Relief Beddown System, 10 OCT 2017

The Ohio National Guard’s 200th Red Horse (engineers) Squadron deployed to Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin islands.  The Red Horse has the ability to deploy anywhere in the world within 72 hours.

Video, Montana Air National Guard’s 219th Red Horse Squadron building tent city, 19 OCT 2017:

Nevada’s High Roller Aerial Porters loading U.S. Postal Trucks for deliveries of supplies, the trucks still carry an old USPS slogan “We Deliver For You”

Nevada Air National Guard’s 152nd Logistics Readiness Squadron High Roller Aerial Porters arrived on 04 OCT 2017.  Since then they’ve worked twelve-hour shifts and processed way more than 884.6 short tons (U.S. tons) of cargo, including cell phone towers and 40 fully loaded semi-trucks.

FBI agents team up with Army Reservists to deliver food in Adjuntas, 11 OCT 2017

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is in on the act, joining USA reservists to help deliver food: “We are using our own law enforcement vehicles, which aren’t really conducive to carrying large payloads, so we coordinate with them to bring as much aide to the people.”-Special Agent Phillip Irizarry, from New York

Sergent Ashley Green, with the 393rd Combat Sustainment Support Battalion-166th Regional Support Group-1st Mission Support Command, revealed why the Army Reserve teamed up with the FBI: “They have the good intelligence; we aren’t just going around not knowing where to go.”

Taxpayer funded fuel truck delivers diesel to a hospital in Cayey, 10 OCT 2017

Defense Logistics Agency, FEMA, Task Force Americas, the Foster Fuels Team and the Puerto Rican Police Department work to  provide more than 113-thousand liters (30-thousand gallons) of diesel fuel everyday, to power generators across the island: “I never imagined that I could come back to my hometown and do disaster relief. This has been the most meaningful mission in my whole Navy career, up to this point. I’m thankful that I’m able to use my background, in the military, to assist, not just people that are in need, but my town; my island.”-Lieutenant Commander Jose Varjs, deputy commander Task Force Americas Puerto Rico, U.S. Navy

Taxpayer funded truck delivers taxpayer funded generator

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineer is one of the many federal agencies working to restore electrical power, so far more than 270 industrial generators have been deployed, and hundreds more are being shipped in for Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands: “Ideally, we shoot for 25 generator installs per day. Realistically, if we can get between 15 and 20 installations per day, we’re doing well.”-B.J. Parkey

USN and Hospital Menonita personnel evac patients to the hospital ship Comfort, 06 OCT 2017

The U.S. Navy (USN) hospital ship has already responded to generator failures at local hospitals: “We are a mobile platform that can respond to the greatest area of need or act as a strut to help the Puerto Rican health system.”-Captain Kevin Buckley, commander USNS Comfort

USNS Comfort (T-AH 20)

U.S. Customs and Border Protection has been making food and water deliveries to remote locations using UH-60 Blackhawks

NGO American Red Cross conducting recon ops to remote locations

Even the non-governmental organization American Red Cross has been conducting reconnaissance missions in remote rugged terrain, at the request of FEMA/Army North: “We had a mass distribution for the people of Lares yesterday. They had 250 to 500 families who picked up water, snacks and meals.”-USA Lieutenant Colonel (retired) Tom Corrigan,  current volunteer for the Red Cross in Puerto Rico

Indiana Air National Guard deploys security forces, 23 OCT 2017

On 23 OCT 2017, the Indiana Air National Guard’s 181st Intelligence Wing-181st Security Forces Squadron deployed, for the purpose of providing airfield security and protection of personnel and resources in Puerto Rico, suggesting there’s a growing security problem.

New York military police deployed to Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands

New York Army National Guard’s 442nd Military Police Company deployed 118 MPs to support Puerto Rican police and National Guard MPs to maintain order on the island.   Another 97 New York MPs are patrolling the U.S. Virgin Islands, 77 on Saint Thomas and 20 military cops on Saint Croix.   All those military cops are on top of the more than 6-hundred New York militia-personnel deployed around 29 SEP 2017.

Video of Alaska, Connecticut, Nevada, Puerto Rico and Wisconsin Air National Guard delivering 18 pallets of U.S. mail:

Also around 29 SEP 2017, the Mississippi National Guard deployed more than 2-hundred Soldiers and Airmen to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin islands.  The Louisiana National Guard deployed more than 3-hundred personnel.   South Carolina National Guard deployed about 150 engineers.  The Pennsylvania National Guard deployed two Chinook helicopters and their crews.

Puerto Rico National Guard loads up a Blackhawk with food and water

The Illinois Air National Guard sent a special communications unit: “We are bringing laptops, phones, radios and even webcams for video teleconferencing. We can allow the rescue teams to coordinate in real time through video and voice calls. We’re also bringing extra laptops to set up an internet café. We hope to allow people to contact families and friends to let them know they’re safe.”-Staff Sergeant Helmut Woodberry, 126th Communications Flight

Video, newbie Puerto Rico National Guardsman’s baptism by hurricane:

Compromised Guajataca Dam, 23 OCT 2017

Georgia Army National Guard has been delivering supplies via helicopter to shore up the damaged Guajataca Dam.  North Carolina Army National Guard personnel have been cleaning up the Escuela de la Comunidad Matilde Rivera Amadeo.

On the U.S. Virgin Islands it’s called Operation Island Restore, begun after Hurricane Irma and extended because of Maria, so far involving more than 19-thousand militia personnel from 37 U.S. states.

Video, U.S. Virgin Islands National Guard cleanup Saint Croix schools:

What I’ve mentioned here is only the tip of the iceberg.


Maria: FEMA, National Guard, Coast Guard, et al prep for Puerto Rico!

Hurricane Maria smashed the tiny island of Dominica and steam rolling for already devastated Virgin Islands and the financially bankrupt U.S. territory of Puerto Rico!

While the U.S. government is deploying new rescue teams it is also temporarily halting current Hurricane Irma recovery efforts in the area due to Hurricane Maria.

Video, USAF’s 821st Contingency Response Group deploy from California to Florida in preparation for Hurricane Maria:

Video, U.S. Marines CH-53 Stallion leaving Muñiz Air National Guard Base in Carolina, Puerto Rico, 18 SEP 2017:

Video, FEMA, state National Guard and federal military rescue units deploy from Homestead, Florida, for Puerto Rico. The video was shot while Maria was cat 1:

Video, USS Kearsarge  evacuating non-rescue U.S. military personnel from Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands, 17 SEP 2017:

Video, U.S. Coast Guard preps to evacuate Hurricane Irma recovery crews from already devastated U.S. Virgin Islands due to Hurricane Maria:

Irma: Rescue ‘choppers staged for aftermath

Aviation Training Center Mobile, Alabama, 10 SEP 2017

Video, U.S. Coast Guard helicopters staged at Aviation Training Center Mobile, Alabama, 10 SEP 2017:

Video, U.S. Army Chinooks and Blackhawks staged at Camp Shelby Joint Forces Training Center in Mississippi, 09 SEP 2017:

Other aircraft were sent to Mississippi Air National Guard’s Key Field and the Combat Readiness Training Center – Battlefield Airman Center in Gulfport.

USMC V-22 Ospreys staging at Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Belle Chasse, Louisiana, 10 SEP 2017

Video, USCG aircraft from Air Station Clearwater, Florida, sent to Air Station New Orleans, Louisiana, 09 SEP 2017:



Harvey: U.S. Army North in command

“We are prepared to help the State of Texas and FEMA with saving lives. So far they have done a great job responding to the needs of the people, but the weather isn’t breaking so we will stay vigilant and increase our posture to assist as needed.”-Lieutenant General Jeffrey S. Buchanan

U.S. Army North (ArNorth) Fifth Army conducts 24 hours operations monitoring of Harvey at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.

ArNorth works with local, state and federal agencies in a coordinated response to support civil authorities and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Task Force 51, Army North (ArNorth), Fort Sam Houston, preps a mobile communication truck to provide support to civilian rescue operations

Oregon shooting: Proof of False Flag as TV anchors immediately push for anti-gun laws!

01 October 2015 (13:35 UTC-07 Tango 01)/09 Mehr 1394/17 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/19 Bing-Xu 4713

Local TV news now showing massive response by local and state agencies (including Search & Rescue) pouring onto the Umpqua Community College campus, which is locked down.  This is strange because twitter reports said the shooter was arrested by cops, and local TV news anchors said that was two hours ago.

TV news reports say massive response by helicopters including Life Flight and REACH Air Medical.  Local TV news anchors are now stressing anti-gun mantras, if students had guns (like here in Idaho) the shooter would’ve been taken down before 20 victims had been shot.

Cop being interviewed by local TV anchors said FEMA has been pushing schools to train up students in how to be afraid under a program call Run, Hide, Fight.

Shooting actually happened two hours prior to me writing this post, apparently the shooter was arrested right away, yet the area is still under lockdown with more ‘law enforcers’ arriving on scene.  Cop interviewed basically said this is the new normal.

mass lockdown of neighborhoods, dozens killed, why no video or pics?

U.S. Food Crisis, June 2015: “…there’s not a light at the end of the tunnel anymore.” Grocery stores & Restaurants playing the Sears Holdings game! Farmers using the internet to spread H5N2!

Incomplete list of announced United States food supply shutdowns for the month of June, 2015: Many food suppliers/distributors are consolidating operations and killing jobs due to the collapsing grocery store and restaurant industries, as well as rising costs of food production, and spread of disease.

A recently published study in Mexico says H5N2 has been present in that country for the past 15 years.  One of the conclusions of the controlled study (involving the intentional infection of chickens and ducks with the 2007 strain of H5N2) was that domestic Peking ducks seem to be carriers of the virus, showing no signs of infection.   Also, duck embryos are more susceptible to infection than chicken embryos.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture confirms more than 49-million poultry have been terminated due to infection or exposure to H5N2 influenza virus!  The USDA is now allowing eggs to be shipped in from some European countries, after the American Bakers Association stated they’re being forced “…to shut down lines or shut down production altogether…Or two, find a substitute for eggs.”  The USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service admitted that they don’t know how poultry, and now wild birds, are getting sick: “…cannot…associate HPAI transmission with one factor or group of factors in a statistically significant way at this time……a likely cause….sharing of equipment between an infected and noninfected farm, employees moving between infected and noninfected farms, lack of cleaning and disinfection of vehicles moving between farms, and reports of rodents or small wild birds inside poultry houses….” 

The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a warning saying the H5N2 outbreak “may increase the likelihood of human infection in the United States”.

Chinese border administrators reporting that frozen meat as old as 40 years is being smuggled into their country through the new U.S. ally Vietnam.  Chinese administrators did not openly blame the United States, but pointed out that some of the meat was sold by websites claiming that the meat is coming from the U.S.   China banned U.S. beef in 2003 due to mad cow disease outbreaks.  Border agents told news media it was easy to find the illegal meat (including beef, pork & poultry): “It was too smelly. A truck full of it. I almost threw up when the door opened.”– Zhang Tao

Arkansas: Switzerland based Nestlé laid off 75 people at its Gerber Fort Smith baby food factory.  Administrators claim its because they switched to using plastic baby food containers.

Arizona: Five Coco’s Bakery Restaurants shutdown; one in Sun City and four in Phoenix! Coco’s was sold to a competitor.  In Phoenix yet another restaurant shutdown, this time Kincaid’s Classic American Dining closing in July after 14 years. The owners blamed years of city construction work which put their sales into a death spiral by blocking customer access to their establishment.   In Scottsdale, the Bamboo Club shutdown as well as Frasher’s Steakhouse and Lounge (it’s supposedly moving to Phoenix).  Also in Scottsdale, after 19 years restaurant Los Olivos shutdown its Sonora Village Shopping Center, due to the new property owner. The shopping center was sold for $2-million USD, and the new owner signed a new lease with an as yet undisclosed tenant to move into the Los Olivos space.  In Arcadia, the Milagro Grill shutdown.   In Tucson, after 13 years the Chantilly Tea Room and Gift Boutique shutdown. The owner is hoping the sale of the building will get her enough cash to open a new establishment.  State Department of Agriculture investigating reports that chicken, quail and partridge eggs in Pinal, Mohave, Santa Cruz and Yavapai counties tested positive for H5N2. State inspectors blame ignorant farmers and the internet for the spread of H5N2 to The Grand Canyon State: “Bird enthusiasts and breeders who are shopping on the Internet need to take care when ordering. These birds and eggs came from a state where avian influenza is rampant, responsible for the loss of millions of turkeys and hens. If you are importing birds or eggs into the state, check the list of states with avian influenza, and do not bring birds or eggs from them to protect your flock and others.”-Perry Durham, state veterinarian

California: Due to the ongoing drought, the state Water Resources Control Board is drastically cutting access to water for Golden State farmers. The latest water cuts affect 300-thousand acres (121-thousand hectares) of farmland!   Los Angeles County has banned the planting of new grape vineyards, and the expansion of existing vineyards, in the Santa Monica Mountains North Area. County administrators blame the drought.   In Los Angeles, King Meat issued a shutdown WARN for August, 227 jobs lost!  In Harbor City, Flying Food Group issued a layoff WARN for August, 121 jobs lost!  Great Harvest Bread shutdown its 11 years old Folsom store.  In San Francisco, after six years Wexler’s upscale BBQ restaurant shutting down and being sold-off. The owner said the timing is right to get out and spend more time with his family.  Staying in San Francisco, Starbucks announced it is shutting down its recently acquired La Boulange bakery operations, which includes 23 stores! Starbucks also announced it will shutdown its San Francisco Evolution Fresh juice store.  After three years 4505 Meats Butcher Shop shutting down in July, it’s blamed on problems with the company’s commissary kitchen which directly impacts the butcher shop.  Sandwich shop Giordano Brothers shutdown their 11 years old North Beach location. Administrators say the lease expired and the location just isn’t big enough.  In Chatsworth, Warren Buffet owned Heinz food processor announced they’re shutting down in July, 144 jobs lost!   Rio Mesa shutting down two farms in July, one in Santa Paula the other in Somis, 135 jobs lost! In Reedely, fruit packer Ito Packing Company issued a shutdown WARN for July, 197 jobs lost! Kroger announced it will shutdown its Mission Hills Ralph’s grocery store in July, 70 jobs lost.  In Newport Beach, after 25 years restaurant Jackshrimp shutdown.  The owner did not renew the lease and implied he was being pushed out by greedy property developers.  In Costa Mesa, after 18 years restaurant Pinot Provence shutdown.  Recently the city of Fresno learned it would lose at least two Vons grocery stores, now Save Mart announced it to is shutting down.  They will shutdown before the end of the month, and company administrators claim all 62 employees will be moved to other Save Marts (which doesn’t make sense because Save Mart will then have a lot of redundant employees).  Officially administrators blame competition (really, with Vons getting outta town?), but it turns out that Save Mart owns the property, where they’re closing down their Clinton and Blackstone avenues grocery store, and they’ve decided to play the Sears Holdings game and make more money by leasing  it out to their ‘competition’!  In West Sacramento, Raley’s shutdown their Mack Road grocery store saying “We made several operational changes in an effort to help the struggling store. We modified the store hours…and implemented several cost-control measures in order to drive sales. Unfortunately, these efforts have been unsuccessful in increasing the store’s performance.”  Albertsons-Safeway issued yet another WARN saying eight more employees will be let go from Safeway‘s Pleasanton HQ, in August.  In San Diego, after 19 years the Great News Cookware Store and Cooking School shutting down by July.   After 36 years, the owners of popular Lunch Bag Deli say their landlord is forcing them to shutdown. They say they got a 26 day eviction notice with no explanation. An employee of the real estate company that manages the property would only say, to local news media, that the lease was up and they didn’t want to renew.  In Turlock, the owner of Ann’s Fish and Chips reports that the greedy landlord has forced her to go elsewhere, due to jacking up the rent. The restaurant must shutdown by the 4th of July.   Food producer Genreal Mills confirmed their Lodi factory will shutdown by the end of the year, 430 jobs lost! This is not part of General Mills’ recent announcement that they’re culling 7-hundred more jobs, the Lodi shutdown was planned in 2014! Administrators of the city of Lodi say the General Mills shutdown will impact other businesses, netting more than 1-thousand 2-hundred jobs lost for the city!

Colorado: In Denver, the owners of two years old Session Kitchen say they must shutdown in July. Despite rave reviews sales were never high enough to cover costs of operations.

Florida:  Upscale grocer Epicure Gourmet Market & Cafe shutdown its one and a half years old Coral Gables store. Local news said employees reported that maybe 50 customers visit the store per day.  Miami-Dade based Burger King canceled their contract with Irish meat supplier Silvercrest Foods because they were using horse meat instead of cow! Customers in Ireland are now facing a Whopper of a burger shortage, at least until Burger King can find a new Irish meat supplier.  Despite this latest beef scandal taking place in Ireland, the Clearwater Burger King on US19 and Sunset Point Road shutdown for failing health inspections. In Tampa, the Tampa Tap Room shutdown for 30 health code violations. The Paradise Biryani Pointe shutdown for 41 health code violations.   In Fort Walton Beach, after 40 years Mama Rosa’s Pizza shutdown and for sale despite the owners claim that business is good. The owners said they’re moving to Georgia.  In Orlando, award winning Wolfie’s Pizzamia shutting down next month. The landlord signed a new lease with a gourmet dessert restaurant.   In Largo, Thai Basil Westbay restaurant shutdown, yet again, by health inspectors. News reports say the restaurant has been accused of recurring problems with roaches, rodents, ants and improper food temperatures.  After three years Korean restaurant OTC shutdown, the owner says he wants to try something new.   In Fort Lauderdale, after 25 years the pissed-off owners of Thai restaurant Sukhothai announced it will shutdown at a time of their choosing, they blame the lack of economic recovery for not being able to break even: “My heart is broken. Not only will I lose my business, I will miss my customers.”-Susie Komolsane, co-owner

Georgia: After six years the Little Wine Shop shutdown.

Hawaii: After 49 years the owner of two iconic restaurants is shutting them down due to health problems. The restaurant Kenny’s will shutdown by 05 July, and Kenny’s Express will shutdown 04 July.

Idaho:  Twice in one week masses of pollenating bees escaped after the trucks transporting them crashed.  Near Coeur d’Alene about 2-million bees were lost after the trailer tipped over. Apparently those bees were on their way to Montana farms.  On state highway 33, near the nuclear INL site, 20-million bees heading to North Dakota farms were lost when the truck and trailer tipped over while trying to avoid hitting a car.  One news report says firefighters killed the bees with foam.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) declared Clark and Jefferson counties drought disaster areas.  There are now 15 Idaho counties qualifying for drought disaster loan assistance programs.  Last month the state Department of Agriculture denied H5N2 was in The Gem State (at least since January when the last flock of infected chickens were killed off), but now they’ve banned ducks and other waterbirds from county fairs.  KPVI reports that Franklin County farmers, who rely on irrigation, are struggling with invasive mussels.  The foreign quagga mussels are clogging the irrigation pipes, cutting off precious water for the crops (Idaho is in the grips of a 15 years long drought).  Franklin County, working with state ag administrators, has begun boat inspection at local reservoirs.  In southwestern Idaho, state health and wildlife administrators are warning of the plague as many dead voles and ground squirrels have tested positive for Yersinia pestis bacteria, so far one human and one dog are being treated for the disease.  More trouble for southeast Idaho wheat growers.  The University of Idaho reports that a difficult to diagnose blight called Leaf Spot is reducing wheat yields by 10%.  Leaf Spot prevents the plants from absorbing nutrients. UoI ag experts working in Arbon Valley say most farmers do not know about it, and when they see crop damage they assume it’s a fungus and spray fungicides, instead they should treat the soil with chloride.  In Boise, the Chili’s restaurant on West Franklin Road (near Boise Towne Square mall) shutting down. The Montana based franchise owner says they are getting outta Boise and moving to Nampa.  The Boise Co-Op voluntarily shutdown after 30 people tested positive for salmonella after eating food from the store’s delicatessen.  State inspectors said the grocery store has not violated any health codes.

Illinois: In Pilsen, after six years restaurant Nightwood shutting down in July.  Another food bank going down, this time in Cahokia, and this time it’s purely political. Christina Walker, director of the Cahokia Community Basket, says they’re being shutdown because they opposed the election of the current mayor, but admitted “I’ve not been given a reason. I spoke with Curtis McCall yesterday in his office personally and asked why am I being put on administrative leave and the purpose of us vacating the building and he told me ‘Due to future litigation I cannot comment at this time.’” The food bank feeds 1-thousand 2-hundred people every month!  Local news reports say representatives of other food banks told them that somebody was making threatening phone calls to them, implying they were with the Cahokia Community Basket.   After 65 years the Indiana Harbor Dairy Queen shutdown. City administrators said the Dairy Queen corporation demanded the franchise owners pay to upgrade the restaurant, but the franchise owners didn’t have the money.  The owner of Eric’s Restaurant gave up and shutdown after he lost his booze license: “He is closed and is thinking about keeping it closed and moving to a different location because he’s completely worn out.”-Hal Jennings, attorney

Indiana: Bloomingfoods Co-op is eliminating an undisclosed number of jobs, blaming a 20% crash in sales on “competition”.   But is the real reason because employees tried to unionize?  Proof the economy is only getting worse; Lafayette Transitional Housing Center shutting down their meal service. Operators say they are “overcrowded” and have decided to focus their service only on providing a place to live for people who’re homeless. Operators say they are working to find a charity who can take over their meal service. Over the past few years Lafayette Transitional Housing Center has become the largest food provider in a 16-county region!  The Oliver Winery Downtown, restaurant Max’s Place, and restaurant El Norteño all shutdown in Bloomington’s town square. It’s blamed on massive competition for “entertainment dollars”.

Iowa: The state Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship reports the 75th outbreak of H5N2.  So far 29-million poultry infected, all turkeys and 26.3-million laying chickens have been terminated as a result!  State ‘lawmakers’ say more than 1-thousand 5-hundred jobs will be lost by August if the H5N2 outbreak doesn’t stop, and they’re asking the Obama regime to declare affected counties as FEMA disaster areas!  In Mason City, after 30 years the Bonanza steak restaurant shutdown. The property owner swears another restaurant is moving in.   In Cedar Rapids, Smuggler’s Warf Big Bam Boo Bar shutdown. The owner blames crashing business for causing him to lose his booze license and for preventing him from paying rent, plus health problems: “I am 60 years old, got some health issues, and couldn’t take it anymore.”-Al Zindrick

Williamsburg based Kinze Manufacturing has become the latest farm equipment maker to go down. Months after cutting work hours to 30 hours per week (in-line with avoiding ObamaCare mandated benefits, but of course they didn’t say that) administrators announced they must eliminate 215 jobs across the U.S.! Employees say administrators gave them no warning (which is typical and I’m still amazed how many sheeple workers in the U.S. are shocked that their employers can kill their jobs without warning). As with other farm equipment makers, it’s blamed on crashing sales: “Despite our efforts, the current demand does not support our present staffing level.”-Kinze Manufacturing news release

Kansas: The state Department of Agriculture has banned poultry shows at county fairs, due to H5N2.  In Topeka, after more than 40 years the owners of Grover’s Smokehouse announced they must shutdown in July, due to the landlord kicking them out. It sounds like the property has been sold to some evil property developers.

Kentucky: After eight years the owner of My Old Kentucky Homebrew announced he’s shutting it down in July.  State Health Department is shutting down three Women’s Infant & Children offices, 12 jobs lost. Administrators blame lack of taxpayer funding and lack of people signing up for the measly $40 per month in food assistance.  Price Less IGA shutdown one of their Bowling Green grocery stores. The store was only two years old, and local news reports say administrators refused to explain the shutdown.

Louisiana: In New Orleans, Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville shutdown. News reports say it’s being replaced with B.B. King’s Blue Club.  You could say “nothing lost”, but a lot of money is going to be spent on nothing gained either, the new food-night club venue is supposedly going to do the same thing the old venue did.  The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries shutdown shrimp harvest in most inshore areas “…to protect these developing shrimp and provide opportunity for growth to larger and more marketable sizes.”

Main: In Bath, after 57 years Gilmore Seafood shutting down at the beginning of July. The owner said he was made an offer he couldn’t refuse by a property developer, allowing him to retire.

Maryland:   US Foods shutting down its Anne Arundel County distribution warehouse, 350 jobs lost! Because of the bad economy US Foods is consolidating ops “serving the Washington DC metropolitan area”.

Massachusetts:  In Springfield, non-profit New England Farm Workers Council laid off 40 people due to loss of state taxpayer funding.

Michigan: The new owner of Hiller’s Market grocery stores, Kroger, announced that Hiller’s stores in Ann Arbor, Plymouth and South Lyon will shutdown immediately! Hiller’s stores in West Bloomfield and Northville have already been shutdown!  In Detroit, three baby wild geese tested positive for H5N2, making Michigan the 21st state to be hit by bird flu.   Recently voted the second best coffee shop in Saginaw County, three years old ThunderBrew Coffee Company shutdown.  Co-owner Dan Propp blamed crashing sales and Too Big to Jail banks who refused to debt finance their operation, his wife Elizabeth would only say “We tried, and if you don’t try, you never know. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you don’t win. Dan and I have poured our heart, soul, and life into building ThunderBrew. We are thankful for all of the support we have received over the last 3 years. We’ve had a lot of ups and downs….”  In Ferndale, restaurant Torino suddenly shutdown. The owners claim that Health Department rules do not allow them to serve the type of food they offer where they are located: “This week we were visited by the Health Department and together we have determined that it is no longer possible to continue serving a menu of our caliber due to the current size of our facility.”

Minnesota:  Like your Cheerios, Yoplait and Progresso? Minneapolis based food maker General Mills announced 725 jobs eliminated globally! Administrators continue to blame crashing sales and say the restructuring, known as Project Catalyst, will continue into 2017 (showing you how little faith in any ‘recovery’ General Mills has). In the past 12+ months General Mills has shutdown two dough factories, and with the latest job culling announcement, eliminated at least 2,125 food producing jobs!   The state Board of Animal Health reported the 40th H5N2 outbreak to hit the same county, which also happens to be the country’s largest turkey producing county of Kandiyohi.   In Bloomington, after more than 30 years the owners of Cub Foods grocery store announced it will shutdown by the end of July.   Owner Niemann Foods stated “This is the last Cub Foods operated by NFI, and with our lease expiring, we decided to retire the format…”, 75 jobs lost.   Minnetonka based food processor Cargill laid off 45 more IT (information technology) employees, blaming the not recovered economy.  In Saint Paul, the Four Inns diner shutdown after 45 years.  The operators blamed crashing sales on fast food joints and lunch trucks.  Also in Saint Paul, iconic Italian American Romolo’s drive in restaurant shutdown.  The owners said “it’s kind of complicated” but they’ve been forced to sell the property.  The Upper Saint Anthony Falls Lock and Dam shutdown in an effort to stop the spread of invasive carp.  After less than one year beer seller Four Firkins shutdown. The owner blames competition and new anti-beer laws.  The Saint Louis Park Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar & Grill shutdown without warning. A now unemployed server who didn’t know her employer shutdown told local news media “They didn’t pay their liquor taxes, we ran out of beer and liquor last weekend, and I was here Monday working and nobody has told me anything.” Across the country Toby Keith’s have been shutting down without warning since 2014.

Mississippi: The Mississippi Department of Marine Resources shutting down shrimp harvest on the Intracoastal Waterway, due to catches being under the legal size minimum of 68 per pound.  Shrimpers agree with the shutdown because they aren’t getting very much money for their catches.  Piccadilly Cafeteria in Edgewater Mall shutdown. The manager of the mall would only say “This is part of a bigger plan.”

Missouri: After only two years the Edwardsville Robust Wine Bar shutdown. The owners said they have plans to expand but their Edwardsville location was actually preventing that.

Montana: In Helena, a kitchen fire has permanently shutdown Louie’s Casa Diego restaurant. The owner says the cost to repair the damage is too high, especially after his insurance provider claimed they never got any of his premium payments: “I’ve put in a lot of money and I’m strapped now. So I can’t get no farther.”-Luis Lopez

Nebraska: H5N2 causing mass layoffs at Michael Foods Egg Products. The food factory is shutting down and more than 1-hundred people will be “temporarily” unemployed!  The Knolls golf, tennis and swimming Country Club & Restaurant shutting down in November. Locals claim a lot of people use the facility, but the owners say otherwise. Membership crashed to only 70 at the beginning of the year.

New Jersey: Stop & Shop announced they’re shutting down their Manalapan grocery store in July, 80 jobs affected. A local grocery store analyst says profits for food stores has become “very, very, tight”. Another analyst blames the grocery store shutdowns on ShopRite, who is now “dominating the supermarket landscape in New Jersey.”  The Route 33 Foodtown grocery store shutting down. Local news reports say company administrators refused to explain, but a local grocery store analyst said there was too much competition. In Long Branch, after 85 years pizza joint Tony’s Tomato Pies shutdown. The owner said they never recovered after Hurricane Sandy: “Basically, times have changed after 85 years….after Sandy a lot of businesses got hit hard.”-Gina Chiafullo

New York: In Buffalo, restaurant Nektar Ambrosia shutdown, the immigrant owner sold the building and is moving back to economically failed Greece rather than stay in the United States!  In Albany, after 35 years the owner of Dean’s Natural Foods announced it will shutdown in July, more than 20 jobs lost.  Nirvana Spring Water now chapter 11 bankrupt busted and shutting down their Oneida County bottling factory, 70 jobs lost by September.  The company owes millions of dollars to the New York Business Development Corporation.  Eight years old bakery Sherry Lynn’s Gluten Free shutdown.  The owners blamed “struggles keeping this store open”.  In NYC, restaurant Ouest shutdown due to the greedy landlord jacking up the rent. The New York Times said one loyal customer was so upset she said “I feel there’s no reason to stay in New York anymore.” After almost 50 years the Candle Bar shutting down due to the fact the owner has sold off the building.  In Canandaigua, news reports say Wade’s Market Center will shutdown, 133 grocery jobs lost!  The property was sold-off without warning. Local residents say they will now have to drive 20 miles to shop for food.   Food service company Sodexo issued yet another shutdown WARN, this time they lost their contract with Colgate University, 99 jobs lost by July.  Durso Lefferts Boulevard Foods issued a WARN saying they’re shutting down their Richmond Hill grocery store in September, 83 jobs lost. They blame crashing sales.

North Carolina: In Raleigh, after five years Natty Green’s Pub & Brewing shutting down by August because of its greedy landlord. Apparently the landlord suddenly backed out of a recent lease agreement and jacked up the rent so high that the pub owners can’t pay! The pub owners say on their last day of operations all sales will go to the employees. In Durham, Gregoria’s Cuban Steakhouse being shutdown and replaced.  In Washington, after 24 years The Moss House bed & breakfast shutdown. It has been sold to a buyer that will make it their private residence. In Elkin, Heaven’s Scent Restaurant shutting down, the owners would only say that “…our journey is coming to an end…”. They will continue catering, but only until the end of the year.  In Mount Airy, after 25 years Pandowdy restaurant shutdown and sold-off.  After 58 years restaurant Bonnie Kay Seafood shutdown in Greensboro. The owners blamed the rising cost of food: “Basically it’s economics, trying to maintain a model of a seafood camp which means bringing a lot of people, putting a lot of food on the plate at a reasonable price; with seafood that’s getting harder and harder to do.”-Tina Oliver, co-owner

North Dakota: In the U.S. state of North Dakota bacillus anthracis (anthrax) has hit the cattle industry. The state Department of Agriculture blames unusually abundant rain. In 2005, anthrax killed more than 1-thousand cattle, bison, horses, sheep, llamas and farmed deer and elk.

Ohio: State Fair administrators have banned poultry competitions due to H5N2.   After 17 years Medina Steak & Seafood shutdown. The owner blames competition.  Nightly Business Report stated that Columbus based chain restaurant Bob Evans is now playing the Sears Holdings game; becoming a real estate investment trust (REIT) to sell their restaurants and then rent them back!   In Lyndhurst, after less than four years high priced cookware store Le Creuset announced it is shutting down in July.   In Coshocton, the Cheez-Kake Bake Shop shutdown. The owner is selling his assets and moving to Florida.  Jamboree Foods shutting down their Pierpoint grocery store by the end of the week: “It’s just getting to the point where all the Wal-Marts and drug stores kept nickel and diming us. It finally got to the point where it’s time. It’s hard. I’m not going to be able to retire, I’m just going to close the store. My whole life savings is tied into the store!”-Dan Swift, owner

Oregon: The owner of the 5 years old gluten free Dallas Health & Vitality Center says she’s shutting down by the end of the month. She says for the amount of work she puts into the business, and the amount of time lost with her family, she gets very little out of it. In other words it’s not worth it anymore.  In Portland, after 36 years Martinotti’s Cafe & Deli was killed off by the greedy landlord jacking up the rent: “Rent has raised considerably! It’s more than what’s doable for us which is why we aren’t staying.”– Martina Martinotti, granddaughter of owner

In Hillsboro, after 80 years the Hank’s Thriftway grocery store shutting down, after a surprise announcement: “Starting Monday June 15th, we will be open short hours 10am to 7pm to liquidate the inventory. During this time we will be offering a 25% discount on all items other than lottery, money orders and postage stamps. All sales will be final and we will not be able to accept checks.”

Pennsylvania: In Hazelton, after less than ten years Heritage Fresh Food grocery store shutting down once everything is sold off, administrators saying they can no longer compete.  In Philadelphia, Joe Varalli’s Italian seafood restaurant shutdown by property developers. Perch Pub shutting down in Spring 2016, due to property developers. Mama Angelina’s Pizza also shutting down. The building that houses all those eateries was sold to property developers who want to tear it down. Simply Shabu Chinese hot pot restaurant shutdown, fans blamed its location. The Wawa sandwich joint & fuel station shutdown their 11th and Arch Street store due to “circumstances beyond our control”.   Chiarella’s Ristorante shutdown. The owner said “We’re not closing because we want to close” the greedy landlord was “pushing” them out.  In Garfield, after five years restaurant Salt of the Earth to shutdown in August. The owners are going to focus on their other business, architecture.  In Lower Township, the Mount Hill Tavern shutdown and up for sale. The owners implied it was too much work for what they got in return.   In Kingston, after 24 years the Pizza Mill restaurant shutdown: “We’re moving onto other things. We want to have some time with our families and do some traveling and catch up on lost time.”-Mark Cardone, co-owner

Lancaster based chocolate maker Hershey Company (Hershey’s) announced it will eliminate at least 3-hundred jobs by the end of 2015! Administrators would not give details, but implied they don’t see any economic recovery taking place: “Removing cost and complexity from our business will make us more flexible to quickly react to changing consumer and competitive marketplace trends.”-John Bilbrey, CEO

After 89 years (surviving the Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) The Red Rose restaurant shutdown: “Life is too short! We only have so many good years left and by the grace of God, we think we have enough resources to retire and what we want to do is just enjoy whatever years with have left with each other and our family.”-Nick Flouras

South Carolina: The South Carolina State Fair is banning most bird events due to H5N2.

Tennessee: Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams joins Blue Bell Creameries in shutting down all their stores due to listeria contamination! Jeni’s has halted the grand opening of their latest store, because their ice cream has tested positive a second time for listeria.

Texas: San Antonio based  Whataburger temporarily reduced its breakfast menu offerings, due to the H5N2 outbreak killing off the egg supply, for about three weeks.  The iconic fast food joint was able to find a new supply of eggs, however I did not read where their new egg supply is coming from.  In San Antonio, Arcade Midtown Kitchen shutdown so the owner could pursue other interests.  In Austin, Freddie’s Place restaurant being shutdown, the property was sold to another restaurant.  Gary Shelton, the owner of the Sack & Save grocery store on Interstate 35E, says “We stuck it out as long as we could, but there’s not a light at the end of the tunnel anymore.” Sack & Save will shutdown on 27 June, due to the landlord-owner selling the property to the University of North Texas for $6.25-million (almost three times the appraised value!).   After ten years Yum Yum Cha Cafe shutdown in Houston because of the greedy landlord.  After 24 years Martin’s Berry Patch shutdown: “It’s just gotten to be too much work and me and my wife’s health hasn’t been too good. I’m really going to miss the people. Berry pickers are the best people out there.”-Jack Martin

Virginia: In Chester, after 27 years the Weekend Brewer shutdown, the owners retired.  In Staunton, a sign on the ABC booze store on Greenville Avenue said it was shutting down, however, when the property managers were approached by news media they said  “They’re negotiating.”   The Entenmann’s Bakery Outlet, on Peters Creek and Brandon in Roanoke, shutdown with no explanation.  The iconic Virginia Beach 66 years old Oceanfront Dairy Queen shutting down due to greedy property developers.  Property developers forced, I mean convinced family owners to sell it to them.  It will be torn down in September to make room for two big hotel developments.  In Norfolk, decades old O’Sullivan’s Wharf restaurant suddenly shutdown.  The owners would only say “Friends, family, customers, neighbors it is with a heavy heart we announce that today will be our final day open for business.”

Washington:  In Seattle, after 39 years restaurant Charlie’s shutdown. The owners have been trying to sell it since 2010.

Wisconsin: Aglio Ristorante in Janesville shutdown. It sounds like the property owner kicked them out in favor of another business.  The state vetrenarian has banned the movement of poultry and pet birds across the state, due to H5N2, the order is in effect until December.  Kodiak Jack’s Steak and Seafood Restaurant bankrupt busted and being evicted!  In Mequon, the Centennial Bar & Grille shutdown, it was sold to Sobelman’s Pub & Grill.  Golden County Foods revealed it went chapter 11 bankrupt busted back in May, and has been sold-off, threatening 432 jobs: “As a condition to the sale to Monogram, the company is required to terminate all employees’ employment with the company immediately prior to the closing of the sale…”-Tina Check, Golden County Foods

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Major insurance company says prepare for World War over Food! 

11 June 2015: Idaho wheat unfit for human consumption?!

10 June 2015: Albertsons Safeway shuts down forgotten Island store! Hospitals take over Safeway stores! 

U.S. Food Crisis May 2015: “they treat you like a piece of trash!”