Tag Archives: fema

Martial Law U.S.A.: Homeland Security behind False Flag earthquake drill in Idaho? Real quake hits! International connection! Mystery power outages!

18 October 2013 (20:40 UTC-07 Tango 17 October 2013)/13 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/26 Mehr 1391/14 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

The Gem State of Idaho held its largest earthquake drill ever.  Did you hear about it?  I live in the Gem State and it was news to me.

It’s called The Great Idaho ShakeOut.  It took place at 10:17 hours on 17 October 2013.  Coincidentally a 3.6 quake hit northern Utah, along the same fault line that runs through eastern Idaho on up to the supervolcano Yellowstone, at 10:19 hours!

It is true that most quakes in Idaho take place in the eastern part of the state.  But suddenly, almost out-o-the blue it’s a major concern of the government?

If you go to The Great Idaho ShakeOut website it looks like the “annual” drill is being pushed by state agencies, but the actual instigators are the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency  and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.  They have drills for Idaho already planned for 2014 and 2015.  The website claims it was school officials who chose to hold the drill in the morning on a school day.

Local TV news reports showed kindergarteners being led out of school with their wrists tied to ropes!!!  The ShakeOut website stated that at 10:17 hours they wanted everybody in Idaho to stop what they were doing and “Drop, Cover, and Hold On [fetal position?]……and stay in this position for at least 60 seconds.“!

Reports claim between 70-thousand and 92-thousand Idahoans took part in the drill.  Small print on the website also says “You can hold your drill at any time within 2 weeks of October 17.”  Does this imply that if you conduct a quake drill outside that time period you could be arrested?

Turns out the Great ShakeOut drills are conducted all across the U.S. and even in other countries.  That’s right, FEMA and other federal agencies are conducting quake drills in Japan, Italy, New Zealand, Canada and “other countries”.   Your tax dollars at work.

At about 15:30 hours power was lost to a large area.  Idaho Power reported the outage affected the western half of the city of Chubbuck, west to the American Falls reservoir 23 miles away.  The cause was unknown.

Power came back on for me at 17:30 hours, but at 17:51 hours Idaho Power reported that power was still out in parts of Chubbuck, and they were sending crews back out to find out why.  Cause of outage still unknown.

By 20:00 hours Idaho Power reported “no outages”.  No explanation for the outage, and so far nothing mentioned by local news media.  Mmmm, on the same day as the FEMA sponsored earthquake drill.

Government Incompetence: “FEMA center closed due to weather”

“FEMA packed up and left. We don’t know where they are, so there’s nothing here but us.”-Louis Giraldi, an unpaid FEMA volunteer in an interview with DNAinfo.com

08 November 2012, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) gave up the ghost and closed down offices in New York City, blaming the weather!

DNAinfo.com has posted pics of signs that say “FEMA center closed due to weather”.  The center closings were in response to Winter Storm Athena.

Gee, the troubled U.S. Postal Service can handle a winter storm, why not FEMA?

FEMA suggests Presidential elections be canceled! Nuclear plants threatened. Who’s in charge when the President declares a disaster area?

On 29 October 2012, Federal Emergency Management Agency boss, Craig Fugate, suggested that Presidential elections be postponed, or even canceled, because of the mess caused by hurricane Sandy: “It [elections] needs to be safe and secure. This will be led by states and their election commission supervisors.”

This is because of the flooding and electrical shortages, which are also affecting several nuclear power plants: Constellation Energy Nuclear Group’s 630MW Nine Mile Point 1 nuclear reactor, in upstate New York, shut down.  Investigation ongoing as to why.  Power reductions at Exelon’s Limerick nuclear plant in Pennsylvania, and at Dominion’s Millstone plant in Connecticut. New Jersey’s Exelon’s Oyster Creek remains on alert because of flooding: “Oyster Creek is still in an alert but may be getting out of it as long as water levels continue to drop.”-Neil Sheehan, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

The NRC reporting that half a dozen nuclear plants were shut down, or have reduced power output because of the hurricane.

President Obama declared New Jersey, and New York, major disaster areas (most of the north east has been declared emergency areas).

FEMA is now in charge of the declared disaster/emergency areas. Since FEMA director, Craig Fugate, wants Presidential elections delayed or suspended, then he could probably get his wish.

Under U.S. State of Emergency laws, Congress is not needed to make such decisions.  The National Emergency Act allows such declarations to remain in effect for two years, and can be extended by Presidential decree.

In fact, the United States has been in various states of emergency since Bill Clinton’s first term as President.  Bush Jr and Obama have only expanded on those emergencies (in the name of fighting terrorism).

Now we have Hurricane Sandy wreaking havoc across the most populous part of the United States (home to a crap load of nuclear power plants), and reports that even Mitt Romney will kowtow to FEMA and Obama’s emergency declarations (some reports say Romney will reverse his anti-FEMA stance).  Sounds like the perfect political storm.

Obama ignores pleas for help from Texas Governor, FEMA out of money

“If you hit Houston with a Category 4 or 5 (hurricane), and we’ve only got a couple billion dollars in the rainy day fund, instead of going in and rebuilding and recovering, we’re talking about bankruptcy. That’s the choice that we have here.”- Rick Perry, Governor of Texas

Texas Governor Rick Perry asked President Obama for help, two weeks ago, in fighting the biggest fires in Texas history.  Obama has not responded.

FEMA is still trying to reply to the request for help from Texas.  The problem? No money!  Rachel Racusen, FEMA spokeswoman, says they’ve approved 22 grants to help local firefighting agencies, by there’s no money to fund the grants.

Maybe FEMA would have the money if our government wasn’t so happy with spending it on wars?