Tag Archives: elites

Boise State welcomes Brave New World Order with Neo-Fascist-Nazi makeover! Come burn books at the feet of the all powerful -B- megalith!

27 October 2015 (02:36 UTC-07 Tango 01)/05 Aban 1394/13 Muharram 1437/15 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

All hail the mighty BSU, Bull-Sh…. I mean Boise State University, Idaho!  They just spent an untold amount of money destroying creative art work and precious student parking to create and obvious ode to fascism.

All hail and begin the book burning! We don’t need no stinking books in University! Especially ’cause they cost so much.

Mussolini sports complex built between 1928 and 1938.

Watch out, the almighty B is watching you!

Somewhere in 1930s Germany.

High brow education now occupied by low brow propagandists!

Occupied Palestine (Israel) today!

And for you conspiracy fans check out Google Maps at coordinates 43.603345 – 116.204953 to see a definite geometric pattern, surrounding the new monolithic B, that’s only visible from the sky (the heavens?).

Screen Shot 2015-10-26 at 17.01.32

The monolith B is the silver bar casting the shadow within the symbolic circle.

Ooops, is that a Freudian slip Georgie boy?


Economic Martial Law U.S.A.: Federal Reserve admits their efforts to save the economy makes the rich richer, and everyone else poor!

06 September 2014 (15:55 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Dhu l-Qa’da 1435/15 Shahrivar 1393/13 Gui-You 4712

“Families at the bottom of the income distribution saw continued substantial declines in average real incomes between 2010 and 2013, continuing the trend observed between the 2007 and 2010 surveys.”-2013 Survey of Consumer Finances

Every three years the privately Jewish run U.S. central bank known as Federal Reserve releases data called Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF).  Their latest survey has them admitting that all their efforts to save the U.S. economy, since 2007, has only resulted in making the rich richer and everybody else poor.

The SCF says overall ‘mean (average) income’ went up 4%, but when you look at income using the ‘median’ method it actually dropped 5%.

The Federal Reserve calls making the rich richer “income concentration”.  This means the majority of money being made is going to a small elite, specifically to the top 10% of “families”:   “…all but the highest quintile saw declines in median income between 2010 and 2013, with second and third quintiles seeing the largest declines (7 percent and 6 percent, respectively).  Median income increased 2 percent for the top income decile.  Mean income declined strongly for the bottom two quintiles and barely budged for those between the 40th and 90th percentiles, whereas the mean income of the top decile increased 10 percent between 2010 and 2013.”

“Families in the middle to uppermiddle parts (between the 40th and 90th percentiles) of the income distribution saw little change in average real incomes between 2010 and 2013 and thus have failed to recover the losses experienced between 2007 and 2010.    Only families at the very top of the income distribution saw widespread income gains between 2010 and 2013, although mean and median incomes were still below 2007 levels.”

“Overall, between 2010 and 2013 there was little movement in median and mean net worth, as the median fell a modest 2 percent and the mean increased slightly…..families at the bottom of the income distribution saw continued substantial declines in real net worth between 2010 and 2013, while those in the top half saw, on average, modest gains.  Ownership rates of housing and businesses fell substantially between 2010 and 2013.   Retirement plan participation in 2013 continued on the downward trajectory observed between the 2007 and 2010 surveys for families in the bottom half of the income distribution.  Participation rebounded slightly for upper-middle income families, but it did not move back to the levels observed in 2007……decrease in stock ownership rates was most pronounced for the bottom half of the income distribution.  The decrease in ownership rates for housing and corporate equity holdings was concentrated in the bottom and upper-middle parts of the income distribution, though the decrease in business ownership was concentrated among higher-income families.”

The Federal Reserve has noted a new trend involving education; instead of seeing a high school diploma as increasing your income, it is now seen as reducing the amount of pay you might lose, compared to somebody with no high school diploma.  Apparently having a college degree is still the best way to attain income security: “The median income of households with a high school diploma or less fell between 6 and 9 percent, whereas the mean income of those without a high school diploma fell much more than that of those who graduated from high school (a 17 percent decline versus a 2 percent decline).  The median income of those with some college decreased 11 percent, whereas the median income of those with a college degree increased 1 percent.  Mean income for those with a college degree increased 5 percent.”

Overall, the net worth of the average U.S. citizen is down: “…the median net worth of all families fell a modest 2 percent…..mean net worth was effectively unchanged….the 2010 SCF showed dramatic decreases in median and mean net worth in the 2007–10 period….driven by the boom and bust in house and other asset prices. The bust, in particular, had a disproportionate effect on families in the middle of the net worth distribution, whose wealth portfolio is dominated by housing.

….Families with higher levels of usual income reported greater levels of net worth…..Median net worth decreased between 2010 and 2013 for most usual income groups, falling between 10 and 17 percent….Those in the lowest usual income quintile saw small decreases in median net worth (12 percent,….), but they also saw the largest proportional decrease in mean net worth (21 percent,….).  Households in the second and third quintile of usual income saw large declines in median net worth (10 percent and 17 percent, respectively),….The fourth income quintile was the only group that experienced increases in both median and mean net worth: 16 percent for median net worth and 14 percent for mean net worth.

Those without a high school diploma saw no change in median net worth between 2010 and 2013, but their mean net worth fell 9 percent. Those with high school diplomas or some college both saw 14 percent declines in median net worth; the former saw a 15 percent decline in mean net worth, while those with some college had 9 percent higher mean net worth in 2013.  Median net worth increased 5 percent for those with college degrees, while their mean net worth declined 2 percent.”

Western New Year & Christianity nothing more than continuation of ancient Grain King sacrifice ritual!

01 January 2014 (04:34 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Safar 1435/11 Dey 1392/01 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

The western new year has arrived.  A common graphical depiction is that of old Father Time turning things over to a baby New Year.  This is nothing more than the most ancient Grain King sacrifice ritual.

Thousands of years ago small agricultural societies would actually sacrifice their king (today we would call those ancient kings, village elders), then bury him as a piece of grain to ensure a good crop for the New Year.  A new young king was appointed for the rest of the year.

Meat eating societies also had a similar ritual.  The Japanese Ainu would make offerings to the head of the bear they killed, in fact the dead bear’s head sat at the head of the tribe’s feast hall.  North American’s would worship the salmon and buffalo.  The myths basically say the people were starving, then god, or a god, would appear and offer to sacrifice itself in order to save the people. In return the people had to honor and remember the god.

The Americans also had a Grain King myth about Maize.  A people were starving, god appeared in the form of a man and told the virgin princess to cut off his head and bury it.  The buried head instantly grew into a life saving corn stalk that provided enough grain to feed the people!

In Meso America, one story says the Earth was being destroyed tortuously.  A god felt sorry for the Humans on the Earth and offered to sacrifice itself to save them.  The Sun became the everlasting symbol of the god’s blood covenant to bring salvation to the Humans.  However (there’s always a catch), in return the Humans had to remember and rejuvenate that god, typically with Human blood.

Around the World the honoring of such god sacrifice took many forms from simple dance rituals or prayers, to animal/human sacrifice.  (remember the story of Cain and Able; god wasn’t impressed with the farmer brother who offered the sacrifice of his crops, god was pleased only with the animal sacrifice of the hunter/herder brother: “The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor.”-Genesis 4:4-5 New International Version)

It is also interesting to note that the more densely populated a society was, the more likely they believed in such religious crap!  This is why the Middle East is the considered the birth place of the World’s biggest religions.  Thousands of years ago the Middle East (Fertile Crescent) was literally the New York City of the ancient World.

The western New Year is based on the Catholic created Gregorian calendar system.  It is a solar calender, and to be sure there were other solar calender systems before it came along.  The Gregorian system modified the Julian system in Gregorian year 1582, 15-hundred years after Jesus of Nazareth died (this is one of many reasons why today’s western Christian holiday celebrations are incorrect, like Jesus being born in December when the Bible clearly states his parents went to Jerusalem/Al Quds for the census, which took place during summer).

The Bible is clever in that whom ever came up with it knew how to combine the agricultural and meat eater sacrifice rituals, to trick as many people as possible.  Jesus of Nazareth became the god that saves the starving people by sacrificing himself.

This motif appears in several different versions in the Bible’s New Testament:  Jesus feeds a crap load of people with only a few fish (meat eaters) and few loaves of bread (Grain King).  Jesus turns water into wine (Grain King).  Jesus commands his followers to “drink my blood” and “eat my flesh”!

Holy cannibalism Batman! This is a clear human sacrifice motif.  And don’t think human sacrifice didn’t place at the Temple of David (aka Second Temple, before that, Temple of Solomon/First Temple), it did!   The Romans destroyed the Temple in the approximate Gregorian year 70AD (about 76 years after Jesus was born, he was actually born about the year 7BC), even Titus Flavius Josephus (a Jewish-Roman scholar) implies the destruction of the Temple was god’s punishment for past evils: “…for that House, God had for certain long ago doomed it to the fire; and now that fatal day was come…”-The Wars of the Jews 6.4.5 249-253  (now realize the fundamentalist Jews want to bring back the Temple and all its ancient bloody rituals)

The Bible wasn’t written until several hundred years after Jesus of Nazareth died!  The compilations of the New (Christian) Testament began in the 4th Century after his death.  The compilations of the Old (Hebrew) Testament began even later in the 9th Century AD!  Whomever was behind the creation of the Bible was genius, because not only does Jesus cover the bloody sacrifice ritual by commanding his followers to eat and drink him, but it combines both Grain King and meat eater motifs: The wine and bread represent the Grain King, but they in turn represent the meat (blood and flesh) of Jesus! (Cain and Abel united!)

(the Bible has been re-edited and translated many times since its creation, with dozens of version available, which might explain why so many ‘christians’ disagree with each other, as they did before the Bible was compiled)

When are the commoner masses going to wake up to this elitist control freak scam? Happy New Year!

False Flag Bio-War? Corn syrup + GMO corn crops + Pesticides = Honey Bee Colony Collapse! Human collapse next!

26 May 2013 (19:54 UTC-07 Tango 25 May 2013)/16 Rajab 1434/05 Khordad 1391/17 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

“This is the biggest general threat to our food supply!”-Kevin Hackett, USDA’s bee and pollination program

“There is no question that neonicotinoids put a huge stress on the survival of honey bees in the environment.  The evidence is clear that imidacloprid is likely the culprit for Colony Collapse Disorder via a very unique mechanism that has not been reported until our study.”-Chensheng Lu, HSPH

Several studies have revealed direct links between high fructose corn syrup, GMO (genetically modified organism) crops and increased pesticide use with the massive death and disappearance of honey bees.   On 24 May 2013 the European Union (EU) banned the use of three pesticides based on such studies.

The EU ban begins in December and will last two years, before being reviewed.

On 02 January 2013, Poland banned the use of Monsanto’s GMO MON 810 maize (corn) and BASF’s Amflora strain of potato, after Polish beekeepers claimed a direct link between the genetically enhanced pesticide laden seeds and the collapse of honey bees.

A report published in May 2013 concluded that GMO/pesticides are affecting other pollinators, not just bees.  The study indicated that the European Union was about to ban such pesticides based on their own studies.

In September 2012, another study says GMO/pesticides are destroying bees’ ability to navigate.

In April 2012, the Harvard School of Public Health proved that pesticide laced corn syrup is killing bees.  The unknowing culprits here are the beekeepers themselves.  Honey farmers want all the honey for sale, and feed the bees high fructose corn syrup in its place.  Here’s the rub; prior to 2004 the corn syrup did not contain pesticides.  How’d it get there?  In 2004-05 U.S. maize crops began being sprayed with a new pesticide. It turns out the pesticide stays in the corn even after harvest and is showing up in the corn syrup (this also means that we humans are eating it as well). The Harvard study concluded that it only takes 20 parts per billion of neonicotinoid pesticides to kill off a bee colony within six months!

A study published online in March 2012 revealed that the GMO crops use a neonicotinoid toxin that disables an insects homing abilities, which explains why so many bees never get back to their hives.

Another study showed that even low doses of neonicotinoid pesticides is harmful to bees.

In February 2012, a study said that even dust coming from the GMO seeds could kill bees.

There are dozens and dozens of studies around the World which say the GMO/pesticide corporations are responsible for declining crop production as well as killing off the insect pollinators necessary for food production, yet those very corporations continue to deny that such studies exist!

In 2007 USDA official, Kevin Hackett, said what those corporations are doing is the biggest threat to our survival that we face, but you won’t find those corporations on the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s terrorist list!

“If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years of life left.”-Albert Einstein

Evil Elites & What Economic Recovery? Bank of England says Royal events bankrupting British taxpayers! Proof the Elites are the true Welfare bums!

March 27, 2012, the Bank of England’s governor, Mervyn King, warned the U.K. House of Lords that upcoming celebrations for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee could bankrupt the kingdom.

King said the celebrations come at the worst time, an economic recession. He also pointed out that it was the expense of last year’s Royal Wedding that actually killed any hope of economic recovery!

The anti-Royal Family group, Republic, revealed that every year it costs U.K. taxpayers 202 million pounds (about $326 million USD) to support the Evil Elite Royals, and that’s not counting their taxpayer funded Royal celebrations!

This proves that the Royal elites are an economic burden, not benefit, upon the people!!!  They are nothing but ultimate welfare parasites!


Lessons for the Occupy Movement from the Egyptian January 2011 Revolution: #1; Peaceful Protest does not Work!!!

“We will not be silenced! Whether you’re a Christian, Muslim or Atheist you will get back your goddamn rights!  We will have our rights, one way or another! We will never be silent!”-Egyptian revolutionary

Peaceful protest does not work.  If you take certain U.S. university Political Science courses on revolutionary countries, or history of terrorism courses, you’ll learn of studies that show that peaceful protests always fail.  Most of these U.S. university courses are aimed at students who want to be public administrators, or law enforcers.  Why?  Because the courses teach them how to keep “the people” down!

“I am six months pregnant! I’m ready to die with my child so Egypt would live!”-Egyptian Revolutionary

Was the Egyptian January 2011 Revolution peaceful?  Hell no!  Not only were the police, and pro-Mubarak thugs, violent, but protestors finally fought back. Egyptian protestors used rocks, sticks, trash can lids and even their own bodies, to fight against guns and bombs.

If you want proof just watch videos of the Battle for Qasr al-Nil Bridge, in which police hit protestors with rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannons, even when they were praying, and then repeatedly rammed their armored vans into the crowds.  Watch the violent reaction of the protestors, attacking the armored vans with their bare hands, lifeless bodies being carried away, finally taking the Bridge!

If that’s not enough, watch the many videos from Tahrir Square, in which protestors and police (backed up by pro-Mubarak thugs), spent days in a back and forth of violence!

I watched the January Revolution from day one, many days not getting any sleep because I did not want to miss anything (and I was in communication with some revolutionaries via the internet).  Despite the myth that it was peaceful, it was not.  The protestors definitely started out peaceful, and that’s just what those in power want.

Studies have shown that those in power will violently suppress even the most peaceful protests, because it works!  If they get resistance, they will increase the violence they use on the protestors.  However, the same studies show that the power elite have a short window of time to successfully put down a revolution.  If protestors can withstand the violent crackdown, and even fight back, it will weaken the power elite.  The longer the people can resist attempts by elites to put them down, the weaker the elites get!

As the elites grow weak that is not the time to back off and make concessions. Again, that’s what the elites want. The Egyptians pushed and pushed, and the elites (well, Mubarak anyway) finally fell.

The peaceful U.S. Civil Rights protests of the early 1960s is not what got the Civil Rights laws passed.  It was the violent revolutions of black Americans before and after Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated, that forced the white Americans to give in!

Research the insurgencies (race riots) in Watts 1965, Jersey City 1964, Elizabeth 1964, New York/Harlem/Rochester 1964, Dixmoor/Chicago 1964, Philadelphia 1964, Cleveland 1966, Benton Harbor 1966 (put down by Mitt Romney’s father George Romney), Tampa 1967, Buffalo 1967, Newark 1967, Detroit 1967, Plainfield 1967, Cairo 1967, Washington DC 1968, Baltimore 1968 (caused by King Jr’s assassination), Chicago 1968 (caused by King Jr’s assassination), Kansas City 1968 (caused by King Jr’s assassination), Louisville 1968 (caused by King Jr’s assassination).  It was those violent uprisings, and others into the early 1970s, which scared the crap out of the white power elite, and they caved and passed Civil Rights laws.  Also, research the creation of the Black Panthers and MOVE.

And don’t get me started on Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, he was no peace lover!  He just knew how to manipulate.  The Hindus presented themselves to the British as obedient sheep, to the point of doing nothing while the Red Coats beat, shot and stabbed them.  Yet the Hindus were attacking Muslims, provoking Muslims to fight, and then the Hindus would tell the British ‘you see you can’t trust those violent Muslims, give us control of India’.

By the way look what happened to Gandhi’s peace loving wife; assassinated by her own body guards after she ordered the killing of Muslims and the destruction of a Sikh temple!

When I was taking video/film production classes at Allan Hancock College, in Santa Maria, California (back in the early 1990s), I attended a journalism seminar.  At the seminar I listened to a lecture by a retired lobbyist.  The guy spent a couple of decades lobbying elected officials at the state capitol in Sacramento.  He said: “The only way you get action out of elected officials is with money or violence.”

He went on to explain that in his years at the state capitol the only time the politicians truly listened to “the people” was when they had money to offer, or were rioting in the street!  He stressed that those people who peacefully demonstrated were essentially blown off by the elected officials.

Most elitist politicians rationalize that if an issue isn’t bad enough to get people causing violence in the street, then it must not be an issue at all!

“I would rather die with pride than live without it!”-slogan used by Egyptian Revolutionaries

The point is, peaceful protest is a myth created by the power elite to fool the masses.  The only time real change is ever made in societies is through violence.  By the way, that’s how the United States of America came into being!

More to follow…..

More proof the Occupy movement is right: When cost of living is included almost 50% of Americans are poor, yet the top 10% got big pay raises in 2010 and their employers lied about it

According to corporate research firm Global Market Insight (GMI), Corporate America’s CEOs got big raises in 2010, even though many companies did not perform well!

The CEOs of the top 500 companies got as much as a 36.5% increase in pay. The next 3,000 U.S. corporations gave their CEOs a pay raise averaging 27%!  Researchers with GMI said they were surprised, and considered the pay increases way out of line with the poor performance of many of the companies.

This news comes at the same time the U.S. Census Bureau is unofficially calling almost half of the population of the United States poor!

SPM rates were higher than official poverty rates in 2010, overall and for most groups”-Brookings/Census Bureau Meeting on Improved Poverty Measurment, November 7, 2011

The new poverty statistics take into account “nondiscretionary” cost of living expenses such as income taxes, child care, health care, commuting to work, etc.  When cost of living is factored in it raises the official number of poor people in the U.S.

The “official” poverty surveys consider before tax income only!  This means the “official” poverty numbers have been way off for decades.  However, the Census Bureau says the new SPM poverty numbers “Will not replace the official poverty measure” and “Will not be used for resource allocation or program eligibility”!

The new SPM numbers also include some types of welfare benefits a family might be getting, plus child support, and yet even with that data the number of poor people still went higher than the “official” poverty numbers.  This is more evidence of how inaccurate the “official” count is, and how rampant poverty is in the U.S.!

The new data was released on November 7, 2011, yet I don’t recall any mainstream U.S. media reporting it. The data covers the year 2010 only, it’s called Supplemental Poverty Measure: 2010 (SPM).

When using the SPM (aka Improved Poverty Measure) a big jump in the number of poor people were found in the age group of 18 to 64 year olds.  But the biggest jump in poverty was found in the age group of people 65 years or older.

If I read the Census Bureau graphs correctly (and if I understood the Bureaus’ explanations of how they figured it), when you add the “official” poverty numbers to the new SPM numbers you get 146.4 million people who are poor  (49.1 million “officially” poor + 97.3 million SPM poor).  Even if you go by just the new SPM data that’s nearly 100 million poor people in the U.S.

Officially there are 312 million people in the United States.

Back to Corporate America’s big pay raises for their CEOs.

The top earning CEO in 2010 was John Hammergen of McKesson Corporation, getting $145 million, not counting his stock options or retirement benefits!  According to GMI, McKesson has essentially lied about how much they paid Hammergen.  They reported they paid Hammergen only (hmph, ‘only’) $46.1 million.

GMI researchers said McKesson refused to explain the difference.  GMI says Hammergen not only got $145 million in pay, he got $112 million in stock options, a retirement plan worth $13.5 million, and, if he ever got fired his severance package is worth $469 million! For getting fired!!! And the right wing neo-conservative ass holes complain about the average unemployed worker being on unemployment pittance (it certainly is not a “benefit”)!!!

Just like it says in HR 1905, we are slaves!


Occupy America: People, including war veteran, shot and killed at protests

On November 10, in two separate incidents, two people were shot and killed during protests on the east and west coasts of the United States.

On the west coast, in Oakland, California, what appears to be a gang shooting took the life of a man who might have used the protest to try an hide from his killers.  Occupy Oakland demonstrators claim the man was not part of the protest.

On the east coast, in Burlington, Vermont, a 35 year old War on Terror veteran shot and killed himself as a form of protest.  Occupy Burlington demonstrators say the man told them of the government’s failure to help him with a condition he developed due to his military service: “This person has clearly needed more help than we were capable of giving him here at this park.”Emily Reynolds, University of Vermont student

Back in Oakland, paranoid city officials are ignorantly blaming the possible gang shooting on the Occupy protestors: “I have been very vocal on the fact that this cannot continue. I think fear has become a reality. They should pack up and leave, if not, we should take whatever action is necessary.”Ignacio De La Fuente, Oakland City Councilman

In Burlington, the veteran’s protest by suicide has encouraged more people to openly protest.  It’s also encouraged the Burlington police to get violent: “We’re dealing with a large group of people. We have stuff available. We have to.”-Andi Higbee, Deputy Police Chief

Burlington media says up until the veteran’s suicide local officials had been tolerant of the Occupy protest.  That has changed, and the mayor of Burlington is even using the suicide to mount an anti-gun campaign: “We need to reflect on guns in Vermont.”-Bob Kiss, Burlington mayor

Ron Paul might consider leaving the Republican Party, republican Elites trying to run him out of town

“I’m running for president in the Republican party, I’m doing very well. And last time they wondered about it, but, you know the whole thing is, is boy the people are really frustrated. You go to New Hampshire there are more Independents than Republicans or Democrats.”-Ron Paul

There was a time that U.S. presidential candidate Ron Paul was a member of the Libertarian Party, now he’s a Republican, but that could change.

Last week Paul told Fox News that he would not rule out running as an Independent, just that he had “…no intention of doing that.”

However, I think that if Paul continues to win republican straw polls, which are then misreported by the main stream media, and then other republican candidates get endorsed instead, then he should really consider leaving the republican party.  It’s looking more and more like the elites of the republican party don’t want Paul to spoil their fun.


Class War: U.S. government office proves that the Elites have been waging economic war on the rest of us

“The share of income going to higher-income households rose, while the share going to lower-income households fell.”-CBO Trends in the Distribution of Household Income Between 1979 and 2007

The U.S. Congressional Budget Office released data that showed the top 1% of the population saw their incomes jump 275% over 28 years: “For the 1 percent of the population with the highest income, average real after-tax household income grew by 275 percent between 1979 and 2007.”

The next highest income earners, the top 19% of the population (not counting the top 1%), saw their incomes go up 65%, “…much faster than
it did for the remaining 80 percent of the population…”.

As you go down the income ladder, the majority of workers (which are at the bottom of the scale) actually saw their income drop 2% to 3%: All other groups saw their shares decline by 2 to 3 percentage points.”

This latest data backs up earlier reports from the Internal Revenue Service.  In a 2007 report, the IRS said that incomes for the majority of the U.S. population had actually been dropping since 1986!  They used tax filings to compile their data.

What’s been happening is that the elites have been waging a class war to suck up most of the money in our our economic system.  The top 1% are not trickle downers, they are money hoarders!