Tag Archives: crime

‘Zombie Alert’ is for real: U.S. government shenanigans, May 2018

Incomplete (i-e ‘Tip of the Iceberg’) list of U.S. Federal/State/Local Government self-destruct revelations for May 2018:

Tax Foundation: Average Per Capita Property Taxes: How Does Your State Compare?

New York Times: Federal Tax Cuts Leave States in a Bind

CNBC: Here’s how the new federal tax law may impact you

ALABAMA: Lowest local tax collections per capita in the U.S. 

ALASKA Analysis by state officials finds that requiring people who receive Medicaid to work won’t save the state government money, and police continue to investigate one of their own for rape.

Legislature bans smoking in bars, restaurants 

State lawmakers ask for support from other U.S. states to fight Canadian mining ops

ARIZONA: Gov-na gives teachers a taxpayer funded raise

The most politically corrupt state in nation?

ARKANSAS:  Lawsuit says judaeo-christian-islamic Ten Commandments display at the Arkansas state Capitol violates 1st Amendment

Governor’s son arrested on DWI charge

$377-thousand USD taxpayer funded grant for cyber security program linking a high school with Little Rock Air Force Base 

Gov-na Asa and the Corruption State

Work requirement OK’d for Arkansas’ Medicaid expansion

CALIFORNIA: Proof the Golden State’s economy sucks as Democrat state senators wants to nearly triple taxpayer funding for the ever expanding number of low income people

Neo-Nazi Senate candidate kicked out of California Republican Party

Marijuana tax cut could be in jeopardy as revenue lags behind

Federal taxpayer funded USA (U.S. Army) contractor DynCorp issued a layoff WARN for its Fort Irwin NTC operations, 27 jobs gone by the end of July. Federal taxpayer funded USAF (U.S. Air Force) contractor Unisys issued a layoff WARN for its ops at Edwards Air Force Base, 90 jobs gone by mid-July.  Federal taxpayer funded USAF contractor JT3 issued a shutdown WARN of its ops at Edwards Air Force Base, 746 jobs gone by mid-July!

California cop tied to Mexican Mafia and Armenian organized crime

He Paid for His Mentos. Then an Officer Pulled a Gun on Him.

COLORADO: Gov-na signs bills improving state’s immigrant driver’s license program

Failed state employee payroll plan ends up costing state taxpayers $5-million USD!

CONNECTICUT: A man arrested for holding up a “cops ahead” sign near a police checkpoint

Gov-na signs bump-stock gun ban

A former Connecticut Gov-na released from federal custody

Connecticut Joins Effort to Overturn Electoral College

DELAWARE: State Department of Health and Social Services warning of new killer heroin 

State Department of Justice revealed that more than 200-thousand residents had their facebook data stolen

FLORIDA: Miami police officer relieved of duty after a video showed him kicking a suspect in the head

Gov-na takes part in controversial embassy opening in Jerusalem 

Federal government lies about record low rate of unemployment?

Florida ban on smokable medical marijuana ruled unconstitutional

Florida gets $19-million federal taxpayer dollars for elections-cybersecurity

Palm Beach accidentally sends real ‘zombie alert’ to residents 

GEORGIA: New law changes how you can drive

Gubernatorial Candidate Points Gun at Teen “who’s interested in one of my daughters”

Gov-na signs bill to tax online sales

GUAM: The territorial government issued an additional $2-million USD in tax refunds

3-month tax amnesty begins

Gubernatorial candidates discuss Guam decolonization

Guam hit with Agent Orange?

Gov-na claims there are no H2B immigrant workers on the island

HAWAII:  Residents scrambling for masks the government says won’t protect them from deadly VOG

Hawaii Gets An ‘F’ For Its Transparency On State Government Spending

Hawaii first state to ban sunscreen (what happened to blaming Global Warming for coral reef deaths?)

Volcano eruption puts $5M dent in Hawaii tourism industry

IDAHO: Aircraft maintenance contractor PKL Services issued a shutdown WARN for their taxpayer funded ops at Mountain Home Air Force Base, 103 jobs gone by July!

The super-expensive (for taxpayers), heated governor’s race you aren’t paying attention to

Taxpayers forced to pay transgender women’s attorney fees

Who’s behind that printed voter guide in your mailbox, and who really paid for it?

 What the Fastest Growth in the U.S. Means for Idaho Politics

Rape kit testing backlogged in Idaho state labs

ILLINOIS:  Chicagomag.com: The Illinois Taxes No One Wants to Talk About

Gov-na issues amendatory veto on gun bill

State lawmakers trying to license Illinois gun stores

Illinois needs term limits to protect the people 

INDIANA: Teacher credited with disarming student in Indiana school shooting

Poverty protesters lock themselves to gates at gov-na’s mansion

5 quirky highlights from gov-na’s taxpayer funded trip to Europe 

IOWA:  Female Police Officer Arrested After Alleged Domestic Abuse

Gov-na signs largest tax cut in state’s history 

Iowa Constitution bars new fetal heartbeat abortion law

Three women accuse governor candidate of sex crimes

Gov-na signs Bill Intended to Curb Opioid Overdose Deaths

KANSAS:  Police handcuff driver over ‘vegetation’

13000 state employees may soon get taxpayer funded raises

Gov-na Helps Former Criminals Seeking State taxpayer funded Jobs

Three Things To Know About The State Of Cannabis In Kansas

Kansas approves religious veto on LGBT adoptions

Gov-na gives religious groups access to taxpayer funded welfare programs, even if the religious groups discriminate!

Attorneys press for $1.5-Billion USD more from state taxpayers for schools

Data is so bad on taxpayer funded healthcare (KanCare) that legislative auditors can’t tell if it’s working

KENTUCKY: The gov-na suddenly sold-off many of his out-of state properties in 2017, how much does he still own?

Gov-na and lawmakers take taxpayer funded business trip to Asian Continent

LOUISIANA:  Lawmakers want more taxpayer funding

Louisiana Senate committee’s ‘pretend budget’ meant to calm fears

Tens of thousands of Medicaid recipients could face eviction

Ban on abortions after 15 weeks signed into law

79 new state laws

Louisiana may expand use of prison labor to taxpayer funded construction projects

MAINE: Recreational marijuana is now legal in Maine – sort of. 

How ranked-choice voting is changing Maine campaign strategy

Maine’s taxpayer funded Office of Child and Family Services (OCFS) “failed to follow policies and procedures” in one of two horrific child abuse cases.

MARYLAND: Gov-na plans to sign ‘free’ (100% taxpayer funded) community college bill into law


Maryland becomes 11th state to ban ‘gay conversion therapy’ for minors

Taxpayer funded E-ZPass toll road transponders now ‘free

MASSACHUSETTS: Taunton Police admit Wrong person may have been arrested in stabbing case

ICE agents halt controversial practice of office arrests

State taxpayers funding 800-Megawatt foreign built Offshore Wind Farm!

State taxpayers to give $1.8-billion USD to residential property developers!

MICHIGAN:  Detroit police chief blasts judge in case of man who allegedly cut tether

Flint, Islam and fixing the damn roads.

New Michigan law makes recounts tougher for election losers

State taxpayers continue to get screwed over deal that benefits foreign food company, at local water user’s expense! 

Flint water declared safe, residents say bullshit!

State taxpayers forced to spend $50-million USD on Soo Locks

State taxpayers forced to welcome 150-200 Chinese officials & business executives

Fire marshal says state ignored mandated inspections for 40 years, in past 18 months firefighters battled 1,245 building fires!

MINNESOTA: The state Department of Corrections canceled its contract with food service contractor Trinity Services Group, 279 jobs affected by the end of July!

Minnesota cops can legally have sex with people in custody.

The 2018 session of the Minnesota Legislature was a failure.

Taxpayers forced to spend $1.5-billion USD on infrastructure

Government and private industry motor vehicle registrars demanding that taxpayers fork over millions in ‘rescue funding’ to keep Department of Motor Vehicles ops rolling!

MISSISSIPPI: Baby born at taxpayer funded abortion clinic

Two counties sue state, claim governor can’t close bridges

After eight years Mississippi is still the hungriest state

Despite having the highest rate of food insecurity, federal taxpayers are giving Mississippi $4.5-million USD for election cybersecurity

MISSOURI: FBI investigates gov-na’s ‘associates’

Court Examines gov-na’s Cellphone In Criminal Case

State House committee subpoenas embattled governor

Missouri May Be First State To Get Serious About The Definition Of Meat

MONTANA:  Montana is the first state to enact its own net neutrality rules

Montana deploys chatbot fleet, eliminating thousands of support calls

Outside money flows for Montana’s U.S. senate slot

Taxpayer funded prison hospital has new policies after ‘perceived emergency situation.’

NEBRASKA: Fast moving developments on Nebraska’s death penalty

Gov’na boasts of Japanese investments

Independent wanna-be politicians have little chance of getting on election ballots due to state law

Watchdog discovers lobbyists spent $17-million USD bribing state politicians

NEVADA:  Federal Nuclear Dumping Stirs Statewide Resentment

Nevada Attorney General Rails Against California Laws

Clark County School District announces $68-Million USD deficit due to arbitration agreements, including paying teachers more money  

Taxpayers/utility customers to fund $15-million worth of electric car charging stations

NEW HAMPSHIRE:  Police Arrested a Man for Criticizing Them on the Internet

Highest taxpayer funding rate in the U.S. for college, yet also has the highest in-state tuition rate as well 

Federal taxpayers funding state Syringe Services Programs for addicts, under the guise of infrastructure development!

When a fee becomes a tax

Partially taxpayer funded (through state Office of Planning) Regional Economic Development Center creates loan program for immigrants/refugees (officially called New Americans)

NEW JERSEY:  Fourth Paterson cop arrested by FBI, this time over beating of suicidal hospital patient

School funding shell game negatively affects low-income districts

NEW MEXICO: Call center contractor Convergys eliminating about 1-hundred jobs in Albuquerque due to the expiration of a contract, local news media revealed that Convergys received almost $200-thousand USD in taxpayer funded incentives to create 1-hundred jobs last year!

State Supreme Court reconsidering its ban on the use of taxpayer funds for textbooks in private schools

State taxpayers forced to increase Funding for State Pre-K Program

Data shows increased federal taxpayer funding for New Mexico schools is not improving academic performance

Lottery funded scholarships for New Mexico college students increasing, mainly because of declining enrollments

NEW YORK: Schenectady police officer charged with DWI, after crashing his car near police HQ

Prior Arrests, Yet Still Hired as NYC Correction Officers

Federal taxpayers forced to pay for job training for Two New York Organizations 

NORTH CAROLINA: State government finds an extra $600-million taxpayer dollars?

“Pork” proliferates in the 2018-19 budget

Does the Lottery actually fund education?

NORTH DAKOTA: State tax revenues from oil/gas up 25% due to higher oil prices

OHIO: School Districts Struggle to Cover Lost Transportation Funding

Some Ohio districts miss out on taxpayer funding for construction

Ohio’s school-funding system was bad in 1997; it’s still bad today

Do you know how your schools are funded, gymnastics 

OKLAHOMA: Oklahoma approves religious veto on LGBT adoptions

Is education funding crisis self-inflicted?

Can medical marijuana save education

OREGON: Earthquake alert funding and southern Oregon

Oregon receives $1-million USD taxpayer funded grant for endangered species study

Federal taxpayers fund efforts to stop Sudden Oak Death

PENNSYLVANIA: York City Police officer arrested for alleged domestic assault

York City school district is most underfunded per student

PUERTO RICO:  Hurricane Maria Death Toll Could Exceed 4000

Puerto Rico Enters a New Age of Austerity

Inside the Federal Response to Maria: “Is This Really the Best FEMA Can Do?”

FEMA funding running out for hundreds

Universities Get Just a Fraction of Storm Aid

FCC approves additional taxpayer funding for Puerto Rico 

Puerto Rico Is a ‘Geopolitical Black Hole’

The Skilled Worker Exodus

RHODE ISLAND: Providence Mayor spends the most on election campaigns

State taxpayer funding for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to be restored

Privatizing Providence Water will hurt Rhode Island ratepayers

SOUTH CAROLINA: Accusations of murder, hypocrisy and playing God in state budget debate on abortion

South Carolina wants more federal taxpayer funding for election security

SOUTH DAKOTA:  The state gets only $500-thousand federal taxpayer dollars per year to provide federally mandated protection for endangered species.

Court ruling could mean legal sports wagering headed to South Dakota

South Dakota Secretary of Agriculture resigns after only one year 

South Dakota’s K-12 education leader quits after only six months

TENNESSEE:  900 ‘free’ (taxpayer funded) pre-K classrooms

$9.7-million USD taxpayer funding for attorneys to represent poor residents in court

Illegal immigrant ‘Sanctuary cities’ now illegal in Tennessee

TEXAS: Cop arrested in death of brother, a Harris County sheriff’s deputy

El Paso Police officer raped woman while responding to police call

activist jailed for his Facebook posts reveals secret FBI surveillance on ‘identity extremists’

State Supreme Court sides with short-term renters

Texas ranks 36th nationally in per-student education spending.

“It is shameful that Texas continues to pour millions of taxpayer dollars into fake women’s health centers that operate with no accountability or oversight. In shutting down licensed abortion clinics and instead legitimizing crisis pregnancy centers, Texas officials have made it clear that they do not truly care about the health and safety of pregnant Texans.”Alexa Garcia-Ditta, NARAL Pro-Choice Texas

The federal government took $41,000 from this Texan at a Houston airport six months ago. They never gave it back.

UTAH: A wannabe spy got a job at Utah government agency to send documents to Russia

404 new Utah laws take effect!

Feds give Utah three years to bring ozone pollution down

Facebook gets $150-million taxpayer funded incentives to build a massive data center in Utah

VERMONT: Calling All Remote Employees: Vermont Will Pay You to Move There

U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS: FCC Announces Additional taxpayer Funding to Help Virgin Islands

VIRGINIA:  Taxpayer funded University of Mary Washington’s newspaper budget was slashed from $13,765 to just $100.

Virginia counties beg for transportation improvement funds

State taxpayers forced to pay record level $154-million USD for the Metro rail system in Virginia, Maryland and D.C.

The state Tobacco Commission claims it will spend 6-million tobacco settlement dollars on creating small businesses, jobs and education

WASHINGTON:  Bellingham Police officer fired after arrest for allegations of beating two men

Bernie Sanders says Seattle based Amazon paid no federal income tax in 2017

WASHINGTON DC: Investigation reveals federal agencies fail at cybersecurity

White House Cracks Down on Unions with Executive Orders

Federal Employees Face Cuts To Retirement Benefits And Pay Freezes

WEST VIRGINIA: HUD wants to know why West Virginia suspended flood recovery

Revealed that West Virginia politicians sat on federal taxpayer funded flood relief for months before releasing it

West Virginia Pursues FCC Mobile Broadband taxpayer Funding

West Virginia wants federal taxpayer funding to fight opioids

West Virginia Super PACs covered up massive out-o-state donations

WISCONSIN: Milwaukee Cop Suspended After Violent Arrest Caught on Video

22 schools get taxpayer funded ‘fab lab’ technology grants

Local governments create their own vehicle taxes to fund road repairs, due to lack of state level funding

WYOMING: University of Wyoming gets 9.77-million federal tax dollars for carbon storage

Yellowstone-Area Grizzly Bears to Be Hunted for First Time in Decades

Politicians want to create taxpayer funded trust to supposedly update and maintain the election system

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Government Shenanigans, April 2018:“BULLSHIT!”


ObamaCare ACA death spiral, May 2018:“…WILL CREATE DEATHS. THIS WILL KILL PEOPLE. PEOPLE WILL DIE BECAUSE OF THIS.” (even doctors are canceling their insurance)

Dumbing Down U.S.A., May 2018:“MORALE HAS NEVER BEEN LOWER.”

“This was the slowest iceberg hit.”: Sears Kmart death spiral, July 2018

New Sears-Kmart shutdowns revealed in the month of July, 2018.

Kmarts in Australia and New Zealand are not owned by Sears Holdings, and are not connected to Sears Holdings in anyway, but big news from Down Under as Australia’s first Kmart store is now for sale! 

More proof the U.S. shutdowns are about control of commercial property as Warren Buffet loans Sears Holdings’ REIT division, Seritage Growth Properties, $2-billion USD!

Alabama: The taxpayers of Albertville taking the bull by the horns with the redevelopment of the vacant Kmart.  City leaders approved a taxpayer $4.4-million USD debt-financing bond issue to partially pay for a $36-million plan to turn the Kmart into an amusement park (recreation center)! It should be noted that residents and tourists have been paying a special Kmart redevelopment sales tax ever since July 2017, and is reportedly bringing in more money than expected.  On top of all that city leaders are still pushing for a $5-million bond issue to buy the property outright, making the taxpaying residents the official owners.

California: It’s official, the highly profitable Goleta Kmart (“The Goleta Kmart store for long has been one of the most profitable for the chain…”) shutting down, 146 jobs gone in October (to be replaced by a Target)!  Local news media said the Kmart was a profitable store because of its location near University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB), yet no reason was given for why the store was being replaced by Target, other than the Kmart lease was not renewed by Sears Holdings.  And for more proof the ‘big box’ shutdown epidemic due to online competition is bullshit, the OCRegister reported that Target opens in former Kmart in Anaheim.

Colorado: In Cañon City, the Sears Hometown Store was sold to local competitor Frank’s Appliance.  The Arvada Kmart shutting down in September, it’s the last Kmart in the Denver metro area. Local news revealed that taxpayers will be forced to help fund redevelopment of the soon to be vacant Kmart property because it sits within the Ralston Fields Urban Renewal Project Area.

Florida: New development plans for the vacant Neptune Beach Kmart still has taxpaying residents up-in-arms.  The plan still calls for apartments, hotel, parking garage, restaurants and brick-n-mortar shops (proving brick-n-mortar shut downs are not because of online shopping), it just reduces the number of apartment tenants compared to the previous plan.  Residents have launched a “If It is Too Dense, It Makes No Sense” anti-gentrification campaign. 

WJXT: Neptune Beach residents protest development at old Kmart

Illinois:  Sears Holdings suddenly laid off 2-hundred corporate level employees, no reason given (speculation is it’s because of crashing sales)! The now former employees are getting severance, which means they won’t be counted in the nation’s official unemployment roles.  In January, Sears Holdings laid off 220 people!  The city of Sterling considering burdening local taxpayers by creating a TIF (Tax Incremental Financing) district to redevelop vacant commercial property, including a vacant Kmart.

Chicago Business Journal: Illinois wrench-making company loses $6M patent fight with Sears

Chicago Tribune: Sears seeks millions from Caribbean cruise robocall settlement

Indiana: More proof Sears-Kmart shutdowns aren’t about the so-called demise of brick-n-mortar shopping as the recently vacated Bloomington Kmart is about to undergo an estimated $250-million USD make-over.  The developer says the vacated Kmart will be turned into a massive ‘pedestrian-friendly’ commercial center.  Don’t be surprised if the developer gets taxpayer funding.

Iowa: The 60 years old Des Moines Sears store and Auto Center at the Merle Hay Mall shutting down between August and October, leaving Iowa with only one Sears store, the mall’s owner told local news media it was expected saying “This was the slowest iceberg hit. We’ve been talking about it for a long time.”  The 40 years old Oelwein Kmart is shutting down, in October.

Kansas: Sears Holdings is now selling off its Overland Park service center, starting in September.

Minnesota: Twin Cities Business Magazine: The Kmart the City of Minneapolis Wishes Would Go Away

Nevada: Las Vegas Kmart on Washington Avenue shutting down by the end of September.  KLAS reported that the whole ‘big box’ shutdown epidemic due to online competition is bullshit after they interviewed local real estate agents, saying “Corporations will also pay to keep stores empty around them to cut down on the competition.”   After 27 years the Elko Kmart shutting down, local news media said the store manager confirmed it, but gave no more info.  It leaves Elko with only one ‘Big Box’ store.

New York:  The last Queens-NYC (Middle Village) Kmart shutting down, 126 jobs gone by the mid-October, the property owner told local news media the lease was still good until January 2019!

North Carolina: Sears Holdings just renewed the lease on a vacant Kmart store, in Wilmington, that was shutdown in 2017!  The sudden lease renewal put the kibosh on major redevelopment plans by GHK Cape Fear Development and Capstone Collegiate Communities.  Sears Holdings rep Howard Riefs finally admitted the ongoing shutdowns are really part of a plan to stop competition and control available commercial real estate: “Controlling good real estate, long term, at attractive market rents provides the company with many opportunities.”

Ohio:  The West Henderson Sears Hardware store shutting down by mid-August.

Oregon: Owners of the soon to be vacated Big Kmart property, in Portland’s Parkrose Heights, upset over the city’s sudden rezoning of the property (part of the city’s 2035 Comprehensive Plan) which now makes it impossible for the property owners to redevelop the land in connection with other commercial property they own nearby.   Last month a Sears Hometown owner claimed her stores were profitable even though Sears Holdings forced them to shutdown, now Sears Holdings is suing her, accusing her of processing false refunds, unauthorized bank withdrawals and stealing dozens of snowblowers.

Pennsylvania:  Century III Mall sheriff’s sale postponed for a second time

Casino eyed for Sears at York Galleria, as residents speak out against it

Texas: After only five months the Wichita Falls Sears Hometown suddenly shutdown, signage and merchandise seemingly removed in the dead of night, the landlord said the store owner still owes $11-thousand USD in rent! The city leaders of Abilene figuring out how to get local taxpayers to fork out more bucks (or cut construction costs) as the winning low bid on turning the vacant Kmart into a new police-state-ops-center (Municipal Services, Police Department, 9-1-1 Dispatch, Child Advocacy Center, Municipal Court) came in at just under $19-million USD, almost $1-million over the original taxpayer funded budget for the project.  Local news media revealed that enforcing the law in Abilene has become so problematic that police/courts need a larger building to operate out of.

Utah: Is the City of Provo forcing taxpayers to turn the vacant Sears into a new city hall?

Virginia: The still open Alexandria Sears (at the dying Landmark Mall) is about to be sold to property developer Howard Hughes.

Washington: The Kent Big-Kmart shutting down in October, so that Sears Holdings can “focus on our best stores”.

Wisconsin:    Taxpayers of Stevens Point getting royally raped of more than $3-million USD to buy several commercial properties, including a vacant Kmart! According to multiple local news reports, Stevens Point exalted leaders are also going to force taxpayers to pay an incentive of up to $2.1-million to any property developer who wants to take-on the Kmart location.  Taxpayers of Portage being forced to pay for redevelopment of the long vacant Kmart.  Exalted city leaders are creating a TIF (Tax Incremental Financing) district, and to add insult to injury they claim they have to use $20-thousand USD of existing ‘contingency’ tax funding to create the TIF!  A property developer now claims the vacant Portage Kmart could see a six-fold increase in property value!

Motley Fool: Sears Holdings Has an Expiration Date

Hartford Courant:Why Won’t Sears Help Repair Refrigerator’s Water Dispenser?

Calgary Herald: Sears Canada retirees ask court for retailer’s remaining cash

Law360: Wrench Maker Can’t Save $6M IP Verdict Against Sears

Seeking Alpha: Sears amends credit agreement, takes new loans

TCPalm: Is Sears’ cashback promotion a good deal or big risk?

Reader’s Digest: The most hated store in America, and its not Walmart

The Casual Smart: Big Money Are Not Betting On Sears Hometown

Sears Kmart death spiral, June 2018: “THEIR YEAR OF DEMISE.”

“to achieve profitability.”: U.S. hi-tech/communications breakdown, May 2018

Incomplete list of U.S. internet/high-tech/communications job destruction announcements in May 2018:

British empire United Kingdom based facebook data stealing Cambridge Analytica now bankrupt busted in the United States, due to $10-million USD of debt: “Over the past several months, Cambridge Analytica has been the subject of numerous unfounded accusations. The siege of media coverage has driven away virtually all of the company’s customers and suppliers. As a result, it has been determined that it is no longer viable to continue operating the business.”

CALIFORNIA: Deluxe Entertainment Services Group-Deluxe Digital laying off 52 people in Burbank, by the end of July.  Charter Communications suddenly laid off 66 people in Cerritos.  Data warehousing company VSolvit suddenly laid off 107 people in Ventura!  Santa Barbara based consumer electronics company Sonos suddenly laid off 96 people, despite claiming to be growing and profitable.  Japan founded DENSO Wireless Systems America issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Vista, 160 jobs gone by the end of July!  Electronic device maker AMETEK issued a shutdown WARN for its operations in Irvine, 42 jobs gone by the end of June. Symantec continues killing jobs, this time 14 people in Mountain View unemployed  in June. Also in Mountain View, data ‘protection’ company Veritas Technologies finally told state unemployment officials that it killed 54 jobs back in April.  Japan owned, Culver City based Sony Crackle suddenly laid off a dozen people “to streamline operations and increase efficiency”.  Video game maker Blind Squirrel Games laid off 13 people due to the sudden cancellation of a project.  Video game maker Daybreak Game Company issued a layoff WARN for its San Diego location, 79 jobs gone by the end of June.   Soleil Communications issued a shutdown WARN for its San Diego ops, 88 jobs gone mid-July.  Also in San Diego, Qualcomm laying off 44 people by mid-July. San Francisco based media-tech company PopSugar laid off 19 people “to achieve profitability.”  Qatar based Al Jazeera issued a shutdown WARN for its San Francisco office, 68 jobs gone by August.   Beverly Hills based Relativity Media bankrupt busted and being sold-off due to more than $500-million USD of debts generated over a two years period.  Ironically job search website Snagajob shutdown its Oakland office.   Taylor Communications issued a shutdown WARN for its Livermore location, 43 jobs gone by the end of June.  Credit.org issued a shutdown WARN for its Riverside location, 43 jobs gone by July.  NetApp issued a layoff WARN for its Sunnyvale location, 36 jobs gone in July. Online food ordering company Munchery issued a shutdown WARN for its Gardena location, 82 jobs lost in July (Munchery shuts down operations in LA, New York and Seattle).  Intel issued a layoff WARN for its Santa Clara operations, 65 jobs gone by the end of June.  Business communications company RR Donnelley issued a shutdown WARN for its San Diego and Ontario locations, 59 jobs gone in July.  ‘Content connector’ Grass Valley shutting down in July.

FLORIDA: Time shutting down its Customer Service centers, 621 jobs gone between July 2018 and March 2019!  

ILLINOIS: Allstate Print Communication Center issued a shutdown WARN for its operations in Wheeling, 220 jobs gone between May and December, due to being outsourced!

LOUISIANA:  Monroe based CenturyLink keeps killing jobs, this time around 1-thousand people will become unemployed as a result of CenturyLink’s merger with L3 Communications!

MASSACHUSETTS: Inside the ‘dehumanizing’ cost-cutting efforts by new Digital First Media ownership at the Boston Herald

Mitt Romney co-founded Framingham based, but now privately owned, Staples suddenly killed yet more corporate level jobs, 175 InfoTech employees now jobless, bringing this years corporate layoff tally to at least 2-hundred!

MINNESOTA: Best Buy shutdown its 10 years old Mall of America brick-n-mortar store.  Artesyn Embedded Tech issued a WARN, 65 jobs gone by the end of June.  Telemarketer Marketlink issued a WARN, 62 jobs gone mid-July.

NEW JERSEY: Apple shutdown one of its brick-n-mortar stores in Atlantic City, 52 jobs gone “Due to a sharp decline in tourism and visitors to the area…”  Mimeo.com issued a WARN, 116 people in Newark jobless by July!

NEW MEXICO: Call center contractor Convergys eliminating about 1-hundred jobs in Albuquerque due to the expiration of a contract, local news media revealed that Convergys received almost $200-thousand USD in taxpayer funded incentives to create 1-hundred jobs last year!

NEW YORK: Condé Nast’s American Vogue and Vanity Fair together laid off 14 people.  NYC based Viacom suddenly laid off 1-hundred people as it attempts save money while battling for control of CBS!  Software maker for the retail industry Aptos shutting down its Newburgh office, 117 jobs lost over the next 12 months!  California based human interface hardware maker Synaptics halting production at its Linden Oaks facility, 40 jobs gone by mid-July.

WRAL Tech Wire:  Feds launch age discrimination probe of IBM in making layoffs

NORTH CAROLINA: Sykes shutting down a call center in Fayetteville, 377 jobs gone in July!  Local news media said that at one point the call center employed more than 5-hundred people.

OHIO: IBM controlled Watson Health suddenly laid off at least 40 people in Cleveland, a now former employee posted online “….to close the shop, will happen in early 2019. … This round of cuts is much bigger than anyone is reporting, they cutting deep and wide, there is no recovery from this one…” 

PENNSYLVANIA: Call center contractor Ibex Global Solutions shutting down its operations in the Indiana Mall, 105 jobs lost unless a new client can be found soon!

SOUTH CAROLINA:  QS/1 suddenly laid off an undisclosed number of people, yet at the same time the healthcare software maker claims to be hiring for multiple technology positions.

UTAH: The Salt Lake Tribune laid off 64 people.  The new owner of Standard-Examiner laid off four people. 

VERMONT:  After 72 years, magazine Vermont Life is now dead.

VIRGINIA: Ironically job search website Snagajob laid off an undisclosed number of employees at its Richmond office.

WASHINGTON: Video game maker Wargaming Seattle shutting down in Redmond, 155 jobs gone by mid-July, company officials saying “Development was discontinued on May 23”! 

U.S. Tech/Communications breakdown, April 2018: “…TO THRIVE IN THE FUTURE.”

Total Gun Ban Fail: Mexico’s elections prove gun bans don’t save lives!

02JUL2018 (02:42 UTC-07 Tango 06)  11 Tir 1397/18 Shawwal 1439/19 Ji-Wei 4716

What’s happening in Mexico is proof that if you ban individual ownership of guns you make organized crime more powerful.

A ‘crisis management’ company called Etellekt reports that since Mexico’s election campaigns began at least 132 candidates and campaign workers have been assassinated by organized crime, assassinations have hit 22 of Mexico’s 31 states!  This is in a country that has a near total ban on individual ownership of guns, in fact there is only one legal gun shop in Mexico and it’s run by the military!

By wait, there’s more!  The Mexican government’s Secretaría de Gobernación admits that 2018 is the on its way to being the deadliest year for Mexicans; 4-thousand-381 homicides just in the month of May!  More than 25-thousand people murdered in 2017!  (not all killed with illegal guns, but the majority of killings were with illegal guns)

According to Mexico News Daily, three more assassinations took place at the end of June!





Mexico’s Drug War, another front in the Control through Chaos game


Total Gun Ban Fail: Mass knife attacks kill dozens in China, “taking revenge on society”!

28JUN2018 /19:38 UTC-07 Tango 06  (08 Tir 1397/15 Shawwal 1439/16 Wu-Wu 4716)

Yet again, in total gun ban China students were attacked by a man with a knife.

Three boys and a woman were attacked near Shanghai World Foreign Language Primary School, two of the boys died.

Police arrested the stabber, saying he had just moved to the area looking for a job and was “taking revenge on society”.  Not being able to find a job is the number one reason why men in China go on slashing/stabbing sprees.  Not being able to find a woman who will marry them is the number two reason.

But this wasn’t the only knife attack in Shanghai, just a week earlier another man killed two people and wounded five in the Pudong district.  He too was unemployed.

In May, another man killed nine junior high school students in Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, ten were wounded.  In this case the slasher said he was getting revenge for being bullied when he was a student at the school!

In all three cases the edge weapons users were in their late 20s.

Edged weapons attacks have become so common in Total Gun Ban China that police have published a Monty Python style video on how to survive a knife attack, can you say Run Away? (be warned, it’s hilarious):





NBCNews: 33 Dead, 130 Injured in China Knife-Wielding Spree



“Bag it, Ship it, Forget it!”: Drugs, the American Way, May 2018

Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of U.S. drugs related crimes and oddities for the month of May 2018.

“If we don’t get tough on the drug dealers, we are wasting our time. And that toughness includes the death penalty.”-President Donald Trump, Manchester, New Hampshire, 19MAR2018

United States Naval Institute News:  U.S. Navy admits at least 10 Navy SEALs were high on cocaine

Official Air National Guard video promoting the concept of prescription drug ‘Take Away’, “Bag it, Ship it, Forget it!”:

NBC: Foreign cartels embrace home-grown marijuana in pot-legal states

ALABAMA: Walker County has the highest percentage of drug deaths relating to its population.  Drug raid in Dekalb County captures 1.3-kilos (three pounds) of meth, 1.3-kilos of marijuana, 20 illegal guns, $30-thousand USD in cash and captured two men believed to be from Mexico.  Three children were also found in the home, the raid was the result of “several months” of investigations.  Tallapoosa County Narcotics Task Force conducted multiple raids, capturing 14 alleged druggies, 180-grams of synthetic marijuana, 100-grams of marijuana, several grams of methamphetamine, crack and heroin, four guns, one vehicle and $8-thousand-761 in cash.    Marshall County Drug Task Force captured more than 50 people (they had warrants for 1-hundred) in one night, Sheriff Scott Walls says it’s the biggest round-up of druggies in the past 38 years: “The majority of these arrests are crystal meth, there are heroin cases mixed in with this. We’re living in a time where that seems to be the norm, where people are selling in their communities, and we have a lot of drug abuse, and this is the first step to solving some of those problems.”

What’s sad about the above statement is that these druggie round-ups have been going on ever since the Reagan Era of the War on Drugs, and as you can see it has had no effect on the reduction of illegal drug use.   Also, local news media is publishing the names of the people captured, I mean arrested.  In the United States you’re supposed to be considered innocent until proven otherwise in court, not by police, news media or by public opinion.

ALASKA: The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy declared Alaska to be a high-intensity drug trafficking area, opening up federal level taxpayer funding to police. Federal prosecutors in Anchorage discovered a new tactic of drug dealers; intentionally getting captured.  People are intentionally getting arrested in the hopes they can smuggle into prison drugs and illegal guns.

Alaska Public Media:  Is meth back in Alaska? Or did it never leave?

KTVA: 7 accused in violent Sitka drug trafficking conspiracy

Daily News-Minor: Illegal booze, drugs smuggled into remote villages

The Marshall Project: Want to Escape a Criminal Past? Move to Alaska

ARIZONA: Merry Jane: Arizona Group Pushing to Legalize All Drugs in 2018

Reflections Recovery Center: Arizona Opioid Addiction Statistics 2018

KNXV: Two suspected north Phoenix drug dealers arrested

Arizona Daily Independent: Teens Turn To Drug Trafficking In Nogales

Arizona Daily Independent drug crime reports

AzCentral: 5 arrested on suspicion of running meth trafficking ring

DailyMiner: Kingman, Arizona & Mohave counties crime reports 

Border Patrol agent sentenced for helping smuggle drugs into Arizona

ARKANSAS: Arkansas Online: Two people found in Cleburn County park die from O-D

In 3rd big bust in weeks, 200 pounds of pot captured

KARK: Multiple Arrests Made in Year Long Drug Investigation in Prairie County

KLRT: 4 Arrests Made in Ouachita County Drug Bust

KFSM: Arkansas Highway Police Seize 340 Pounds Of Marijuana

KTHV: Arkansas ranks 3rd in nation for Spring 2018 ‘Prescription Drug Take Back Day’

The state National Guard warns in this video that even exercise supplements are ‘drugs’:

CALIFORNIA: Several state National Guard Counterdrug Task Force personnel officially became DARE officers, even though the program has been proven, multiple times, to be a failure (LiveScience: Was D.A.R.E. Effective? VOX: Why anti-drug campaigns like DARE fail  VICE: We Asked Seven Drug Addicts What They Learned from D.A.R.E.  Time: Just Say No to DARE Common Sense for Drug Policy: DARE Admits Failure).

U.S. News & World Report: Mexican Mafia Busted for Running Crime in LA County Jails

The Mercury News: Authorities arrest 85 people, seize drugs in major Orange County gang crackdown aimed at disrupting Mexican Mafia

BBC: Police find border drug tunnel from Mexico to California 

Riverside police arrest 23 in undercover drug sting

New York Times: Needle by Needle, a Heroin Crisis Grips California’s Rural North

NPR: Big Jump Seen In Number Of Inmates Prescribed Psychiatric Drugs In California

COLORADO: The Denver Post: Officials charge 37 people and seize 141 pounds of meth in drug bust spanning Colorado and two other states, The drug ring as been operating in Colorado since at least July 1, 2015

Drug trafficking reports

Drug & Booze crime reports

CONNECTICUT:  NBC: Triple killings motivated by guns, cash and drugs

Meriden Record-Journal: Local Walgreens robbed of 3-thousand pills worth $60-thousand USD

RepublicanAmerican: Police find huge drug cache in Waterbury

DELAWARE: WDEL: Joint task force makes Wilmington drug bust 

Delaware State News: drug reports

First State Update: drug crime reports

Delaware State Police: crime reports

FLORIDA:  BuzzFeedNews: U.S. Navy SEAL Smuggled 10 Kilos Of Cocaine Into Miami

Miami Herald: Florida cuts drug programs, costing hundreds of jobs

Pensacola News Journal: Santa Rosa County Sheriff captures more than 23 pounds of illegal drugs and 52 people during Operation Spring Cleaning

WJXT: Statewide, Operation Spring Cleaning captures 5-thousand people and 27-thousand pounds of drugs

TCPalm: Saint Lucie County captures guns, drugs and 17 people 

WTXL: Suwannee County sheriff announces massive drug bust

WPLG: 6 arrested, 6 others sought by Miami-Dade police in drug bust

Coast Guard Cutter Resolute off-loaded almost 0.9 tonne (1 ton) of ganja in Saint Petersburg, 08MAY2018

NavyTimes: Coast Guard unloads 6 tons of seized cocaine in Florida

At Port Everglades, Coast Guard Cutter James off-loads almost 5.4 tonnes (metric tons/6 short [U.S.] tons) on 10MAY2018, all captured in the eastern Pacific

Official USAF video in which a Security Forces Airmen reveals that they routinely catch taxpayer funded contractors bringing drugs and guns onto Hurlburt Field:

The Recovery Village: Florida’s Top 10 Counties for Drug Overdose Deaths

Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association: may 2018 patterns and trends of substance use

(remember, Guam is just a U.S. military base, mmmm, I wonder why so many drugs are shipping through Guam?)
Idaho Mountain Express: Suspect leaves meth in cop car
The Spokesman Review: drug reports
Illinois Department of Public Health: Drug Overdose Deaths – May 2018

INDIANA: RTV: Indiana is one of the worst states for drug use

WANE: 1,500 Indiana drug cases a month … and rising

WLFI: Police respond to string of overdoses 

WTTV: 15 people face federal charges in connection with drug trafficking ring that prompted Kokomo raids

The Herald Bulletin: ‘Clean Sweep’ nets 52 suspects, guns and drugs

WXIN: “‘It is loaded. Get your drugs and get out of my neighborhood!’ He pulled his gun out and when I saw the gun come out that is when I grabbed my gun. If you are stupid enough to sell it to these kids..you get what you deserve!”-gun toting grandma who challenged drug dealers who came after her for her grandson’s spice debt

IOWA: DesMoinesRegister: 20 years after the meth crisis began, Iowa’s addiction is worse than ever

Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy: Drug Trends in Iowa – May 2018

KANSAS:  The Kansas City Star: Operation Triple Beam, 200 people arrested

KENTUCKY: USA Today: Kentucky football player charged with drug trafficking

Courier Journal: Mexican drug cartels saturate Louisville with deadliest meth ever

Louisville company wins FDA approval to produce opioid withdrawal drug

WDRD: Arrests, drugs and more than $1 million in cash during Operation Safe Haven

KFVS: More than $11000 of drugs seized

WAVE: Opioids infiltrate ranks of organ donors, rendering donations unusable

LOUISIANA: U.S. News & World Report: DEA orders Louisiana pharmaceutical wholesaler Must Stop Selling Controlled Drugs 

The Advocate: Born addicted: Louisiana’s rate of newborns dependent on opioids is rising, pregnant women lack treatment options

The Times Picayune: Despite opioid crisis, Louisiana may cut drug treatment options

MAINE: Coast Guard Cutter Campbell returned to Kittery,  after capturing 5896.7 kilos (13-thousand pounds) of cocaine in the eastern Pacific.

Bangor Daily News: Drug agents bust 9 in Aroostook County trafficking ring

Central Maine:  Augusta police arrest 4 on drug charges

WABI: Center Street home drug bust in Bangor, 6 arrested

MARYLAND: WJZ-TV: Mother Arrested After 8-Month-Old Ingests Drugs

WTOP: Maryland curbs prisoner access to books, citing drug smuggling

MASSACHUSETTS: U.S. News & World Report:  13 Arrested in Bust of Major Drug Trafficking Ring

WBUR: Black Drug Users Grapple With Surging Opioid Overdose Death Rates

WWLP: 7 arrested, 3 wanted in Massachusetts drug sweep

MASS.gov: Current opioid statistics

MICHIGANMichiganLive: Michigan has 4th biggest drug problem in United States

DetroitNews: New Michigan opioid laws may mean longer prescription wait times

ClickOnDetroit: 3 pharmacists, 2 ‘recruiters,’ doctor charged in $9.6M prescription drug scheme

MINNESOTA: KIMT: 27 people arrested in Olmsted County

PostBulletin: Austin drug bust nets $100,000 worth of meth, cocaine

MPRNews: Federal taxpayer funded grant funds heroin trafficking investigations 

MISSISSIPPI: Clarion Ledger: Feds charge 11 in multi-state ‘Operation Highlife’

MSNewsNow: Marijuana, $69000 cash seized in north Jackson drug bust

WTVA: Officers seize package containing drugs in Nettleton

U.S. News & World Report: Woman Arrested, Signed for Parcel Carrying Drug

MISSOURI: News Tribune: Jefferson City woman arrested in traffic stop turned drug bust

KOAM: Three Missouri Residents Arrested For Illegal Drug Activity

Missouri Sheriff’s Association: Major Drug Operation Nets 5 Arrests 

Herald-Whig: Man dies after apparent meth overdose

MONTANA: KULR: Montana school bus provider accused of dealing meth

KXLF: Feds raid home in Deer Lodge as part of ongoing investigation

Missoulan: 48 marijuana plants found in Missoula warehouse

U.S. Food & Drug Administration: Montana Compounding Pharmacy and Wellness Center fails inspection, “which put patients at risk.” 

NEBRASKA: The Washington Post: Record drug bust finds enough fentanyl to kill 26-Million people (let’s call it chemical warfare, it’s definitely a weapon of mass destruction)

NEVADA: The Spectrum: Mesquite traffic stop turns drug bust

The Washington Post: Nebraska pushes to carry out the country’s first execution using fentanyl

NEW HAMPSHIRE:  New Hampshire Public Radio: New Hampshire’s Opioid Crisis

The New York Times: Drug Arrests at Immigration Checkpoint Violated Constitution

NEW JERSEY: NorthJersey: Drugs and prostitution: What might be next for New Jersey

LehighValleyLive: 2 arrested in P’burg police drug raid in Alpha

The Trentonian: $2 million drug bust

Guns, drugs and fatality

WPVI: NJ State Police arrest Philly duo, seize $2K in drugs

NEW MEXICO: Albuquerque Business First: New Mexico has the sixth biggest drug problem

New Mexico-Indicator Based Information System (NM-IBIS): New Mexico’s drug overdose death rate has been one of the highest in the nation for most of the last two decades

NEW YORK: A Venezuelan veterinarian is now in NYC facing federal drug charges after a 2005 drug raid in Columbus revealed the veterinarian was sewing up bags of liquid heroin inside puppies for transport to the U.S.  The so called animal doctor was finally caught in Spain in 2015.

New York Post: Drug Bust reports

The New York Times: Overdoses From ‘Dangerous Batch’

Drug Abuse and Traffic reports

You’re Not a Drug Dealer? Here’s Why the Police Might Disagree

NYPD News: Narcotics Archives

NORTH CAROLINA: WNCN: NC drug bust highlights ‘meth highway’ as I-85

KABC: 90M worth of liquid meth found in semi-truck fuel tank

KTVD: Drug, gun bust leaves police looking for suspects

WECT: Smithfield Foods employees arrested in multi-agency drug bust

NORTH DAKOTA: KFGO: Guns, drugs, cash seized from Fargo home

Reservation drug bust nets $100,000 in narcotics

KVRR: Meth Archives

Grand Forks Herald: Drug reports

OHIO: KULR: Ohio Highway Patrol makes $3.7M heroin, meth bust

Cincinnati.com: Candidates say they’ve tackled heroin crisis. But it’s getting worse

OKLAHOMA: NewsOK: Addicted Oklahoma reports

News On 6: Two Men Caught In Canadian County Drug Bust

OREGON: KOBI: drugs Archives

KDRV: Suspected Drug Den in Medford

KOIN: Man gets 17 years for Mexico-to-Oregon drug trafficking

PENNSYLVANIAPhillyNews: prosecutors are charging heroin dealers with killing their customers

KPMT: York City Police arrest 7 in connection to drug trafficking

PUERTO RICO:  U.S. Department of Justice: Seven Puerto Rico Police Officers Arrested For Corrupt Activities Including Drug Trafficking And Firearms Violations

Boston Globe: 10 charged in cocaine ring that brought drugs from Puerto Rico 

RHODE ISLAND: The Sun Chronicle: Police arrest 49 people and seize 53 illegal guns and a large quantity of drugs during Operation Patched Out

SOUTH CAROLINA: WISTV: South Congaree drug bust nets thousands in heroin

Meth, money and Mercedes seized in major drug bust

GoUpstate: Operation Rolling thunder hits University of South Carolina

The Herald: 11 arrested in York County drug raid

The Washington Post: South Carolina anti-drug police unit admits to violating 4th Amendment Rights of U.S. citizens by conducting ‘no-knock’ home invasions!

SOUTH DAKOTA: KSFY: After being busted two years ago, a drug dealer finally sentenced to 30 years in federal prison, and then ten years of probation after that

TENNESSEE: WVLT: Four arrests in ‘one of the largest’ drug busts in Harriman

Knox News: raid seizes 10000 Xanax pills, 8 pounds of pot 

Drugs land more women behind bars

TEXAS:  Times Record News: Man kidnapped, part of finger chopped off by gang members in meth ring

KRGV: Bust at Donna Home Yields Drugs, 3 Arrests

KLTV: Drug bust takes dealer who sold to both kids, adults, off street

7 arrested in drug search in Van Zandt County

Star-Telegram: 10 schemed to load drugs, weapons and explosives on aircraft at DFW Airport

Corridor News: Texas Border And Port Narcotic Seizures, Arrests And Apprehensions For The Week Of May 2 – May 8

Your tax dollars at work tearing down ‘drug houses’ in Corpus Christi.  Local elementary students were indoctrinated into the government’s latest vain attempt at looking like its fighting the War on Drugs by observing the National Guard knock-down known as Operation Crackdown, while chanting “Knock it down! Knock it down!” (as if it were some kind-o sporting event)

UTAH: KUTV: ‘This is a big one,’ feds announce Utah drug bust

KSTU: Meth ‘forgotten drug,’ seizures skyrocketing in Utah

KTVX: Flesh-eating drug may have made its way to Utah

Salt Lake Tribune: The cheap drug spice is on the rise in Salt Lake City — and it’s killing

Deseret News: New tenant arrested in large drug bust

VERMONT: CNN: Vermont law could allow state to import cheaper Canadian drugs

VIRGINIA:  WSLS: 21 people arrested in ‘Operation Blue Thunder’

WASHINGTON: KHQ: Police seize 50 pounds of meth from truck after traffic stop

The Daily News:  Three Lewis County drug busts in two weeks

CNN: Mussels from Puget Sound test positive for opioids

 Official video Coast Guard Cutter Active, home-port Port Angeles, cocaine interdiction somewhere in the eastern Pacific, 18MAY2018:


Washington DC:  Perry Center Hosts Hemispheric Forum on Efforts to Address the Opioid Crisis and Transnational Organized Crime with the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy.   Read the Official Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) crime report website.  Read official Department of Justice (DoJ) crime report website.

WEST VIRGINIA: WSAZ: police find more than $40,000 in heroin

The Herald-Dispatch: Drug firms deny role in sparking opioid epidemic in WV

WVNews: Mason County man arrested after deputies find drugs, guns

WVVA:  Monroe County indicted 19 people on 46 felony offenses

MetroNews: Two charged after drug overdose in Upshur County

Appalachia High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (AHIDTA): West Virginia drug crime reports

WISCONSIN:  Wisconsin State Journal: Madison man charged with selling heroin that killed drug purchaser

South Side drug search nets cash, drugs, gun

DoseOfReality: Native Americans in Wisconsin get $2.4-million USD to fight opioid addiction

WKBT: Wisconsin 3rd in nation with drug disposal program

WYOMING: CBSNews: U.S. Air Force admits Airmen guarding nuclear missiles in Wyoming used LSD

Idaho State Journal: Wyoming troopers seize $425000 worth of meth

DRUGS, THE AMERICAN WAY, April 2018: More proof your government/police is behind drugs; TAKE BACK DAY, as Chinese news media reveal that China is behind major California drug ops!




2012: Occupation of Afghanistan designed to raise the price of opioids

Gun Ban Fail: Maine cop has AR-15 and pistol stolen! Hundreds of police guns stolen every year!

27JUN2018 /23:30 UTC-07 Tango 06  (07 Tir 1397/14 Shawwal 1439/15 Wu-Wu 4716)

Somebody broke into a Maine State Police car and stole the 5.56mm (.223 caliber) AR-15 assault rifle and .38 caliber pistol, possibly “for cash or drugs.”  The pistol was found during an investigation into another burglary, the AR-15 is still missing.

This is not the first time a cop had his/her weapons stolen, despite stricter gun laws, and even un-Constitutional efforts to ban guns.  Hundreds, possibly thousands (because it’s rarely made public) of police guns go missing every year across the United States!

IndyStar: 2 arrested after patrol rifle stolen from Greenfield police car

New York Post: Cops recover officer’s gun stolen from Burger King bathroom

Chicago Tribune: Zion City employee uses stolen police badge to get a discount on gun

Slate: Watch Off-Duty California Police Officer Pull Gun on Man He Thought Had Stolen Mentos

WCGL: Guns stolen from evidence room of Lithonia police department

KNTV: Gilroy Police Chief’s Gun, Badge Stolen While Attending College Graduation


KNBC: Reward for Stolen Compton Police Guns Rises to $20K

North Jersey: Police officer’s gun stolen from the trunk of his car

WickedLocal: Warrant for man with stolen Atlanta police gun


NBCNews: Philly Cop Ambushed with Stolen Police Gun

KABC: Gun stolen from San Francisco police officer’s car used in gang-related homicide days later

WRC-TV:  More Than 350 Firearms Lost or Stolen From DC-Area Police Since 2011







Orlando Sentinel: Police guns stolen again from cop car

WABC: How often do police officers lose their guns


WSVN: POLICE GUNS STOLEN from North Miami Beach Police 



KFVS: Carbondale releases report on police chief’s stolen gun

Total Gun Ban Fail: School shooting in anti-gun Japan!

26JUN2018 /20:13 UTC-07 Tango 06  (06 Tir 1397/13 Shawwal 1439/14 Wu-Wu 4716)

“No one shall possess a firearm or firearms or a sword or swords.”-Japanese law, however, after a long permitting procedure a person can own a single-fire gun designed for hunting or sport-shooting (you must first own a shotgun for ten years without incident before owning a rifle)


Once again, U.S. puppet Japan’s total gun ban has failed.  This time a military veteran stabbed to death a cop, took his gun and shoots to death a school security guard.  4-hundred students hunkered down in the small Okuda Elementary School’s gym.  The military vet was then shot and wounded by police.

On Japanese state TV (NHK) stunned parents made the usual statement; “I never thought it could happen here!”  But as opposed to the United States, where owning a military grade weapon (that’s what the word ‘arms’ means) is a Constitutional Right, in Japan there is a near total gun ban (even edged weapons).

Toyama Police say the veteran had three knives in his possession, they became aware of the veteran after people called in saying a man with knives was hanging around the school.  Reports say teachers tried defending the school with broomsticks (after the security guard was killed). A woman told The Japan Times that she thought the area was safe “because there’s a police box near here.”  She never thought anybody would attack a gun armed cop with a knife.

Update: Japanese news reports suggest the veteran might have been bullied at work, by his boss.

Japan’s national police agency admitted that in 2017 there were at least 22 documented cases of guns being used in crimes.

And let’s not forget knives: Japanese blogger stabbed to death after giving lecture on how to manage online disputes



NBC: U.S. Department of Education gives $1 million emergency relief grant to Florida school after March 2018 shooting

ChicagoReporter: A new $1.3 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education to support more mental health services at 10 high schools in Chicago, due to high risk of violence.

Washington Post: College Board is accused of using school shootings to promote its Advanced Placement

Blind Bat News 2014: February 2013 Washington Post article, which reported that Chicago schools get extra money from the U.S. Department of Education to “recover” from the trauma of shootings!

God is Evil: ICE hits Hobby Lobby, returns Sumerian artifacts to Iraq!

18JUN2018 /23:26 UTC-07 Tango 06  (29 Khordad 1397/05 Shawwal 1439/06 Wu-Wu 4716)

“Such efforts are to be noted, not only do they enforce the law they serve as a sense of historic justice, and they help in the fight against criminal and terrorist networks.-Fareed Yasseen, Iraqi Ambassador to the United States

Not even a year after first getting into trouble, the co-owners of Hobby Lobby/Museum of the Bible are in trouble again.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is returning more than 3-thousand smuggled Sumerian/Babylonian/Ancient Iranian (primarily from the Ur III and Old Babylonian period, 2100-1600 BCE) artifacts to Iraq.  The tablets and cylinders were illegally acquired by the ‘christian’ owned Hobby Lobby for its new Bible Museum in Washington DC. 

On 02MAY2018 the Iraqi ambassador to the U.S. signed documents with ICE for the return of archaeological items, bought by Hobby Lobby which inadvertently(?) provided $1.6-million USD of funding for Islamic extremists.

The ‘christians’ who run Hobby Lobby tried to smuggle in the artifacts by labeling the boxes as Tile Samples.   The criminal act was discovered by  ICE Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Special Agents, in conjunction with Assistant U.S. Attorneys at United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York, investigating funding ops for DAIISH (Islamic State).  U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) intercepted the smuggled items.

Hobby Lobby must now pay a $3-million fine, plus other punitive actions.  This isn’t the first time ICE returned stolen artifacts to Iraq.

Smithsonian: Hobby Lobby’s Smuggled Artifacts May Come From Lost Sumerian City

Live Science: Lost City of Irisagrig Comes to Life in Ancient Stolen Tablets

“Morale has never been lower.”: Dumbing Down the U.S.A., May 2018

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”-George Orwell (aka Eric Arthur Blair)

 Disappearing Students Syndrome (DSS): A phrase created by me to describe a phenomenon taking place across the United States, affecting both privately and publicly funded schools, from Kindergarten all the way through University levels.

Incomplete (Tip-o-the-Iceberg) list of publicly announced education related layoffs, shutdowns and crimes, May 2018:

Alaska: So much for anti-gun (anti-2nd Amendment) efforts, Anchorage police report a student at Gruening Middle School attacked other students with a razor.  Police arrested a boy for vandalizing the Fire Lake Elementary School, the school has been targeted since March with spray paint and windows being broken.

Alabama: The voluntary Alabama Sentry Program will allow school administrators to carry guns.  A Tuscaloosa City Schools substitute teacher arrested for having sex with a student.  The teacher is actually on contract through Kelly Educational Staffing, and her last name is Lovely.

Arizona: Christians have taken over the taxpayer funded public school system and removed references to evolution, causing one high school biology teacher to quit in protest: “I was directed to make changes to adjust the wording to ‘evolution’. That was coming from levels above me, I believe, from the superintendent’s office. I turned in my resignation and said, ‘I will not be part of this.'”-Lacey Wieser

Arkansas: A man pled guilty to stalking and killing a Sheridan High School student, the reason was stupid, the victim was dating his son’s ex-girlfriend.  A Conway High School student, who is also a father, was shot to death as he got inside his car, police say there are no witnesses or evidence to go on.

California: Dedicated to preventing violence in schools, Richstone Family Center issued a layoff WARN for its Hawthorne location, 58 jobs gone mid-June.  First Student issued a shutdown WARN for its school bus ops in Los Angeles, 174 jobs gone by the end of June!  God powerless to stop ‘his’ Notre Dame de Namur University from eliminating more programs and five teaching jobs due to The Rapture, I mean what I call DSS.  Frederick K.C. Price III Christian Schools issued a shutdown WARN for a school in Los Angeles, 46 jobs gone by the end of June.   A new northern California elementary school is being named after an illegal immigrant. 

Colorado: Public schools are being boosted by a population boom and by an oil fracking boom. 

Connecticut: A Black Yale Student Was Napping, and a White Student Called the Police

Delaware: The state Department of Education revealed that 44% of students at Stubbs Elementary School were suspended last year.  A Middletown High School student arrested for threatening another student with a gun in the school toilet room.   A lawsuit claims the state Department of Education spends more taxpayer funding on students from high income families, at the expense of low income students. 

Florida:  First it was an Idaho teacher feeding a live puppy to an illegal snapping turtle (they are considered invasive specie in Idaho), now a teacher at Forest High School is accused of forcing students to drown live raccoons and opossums: “It made me sick. It made me sick to my stomach! …..took the cages, filled up large trash cans full of water, and had the children drown the raccoons in the cages inside the water, inside the trash cans!”-mother of student who said the incident was also captured on video

Georgia: Northgate High School and Canongate Elementary School locked down prison style after reports of a person with a gun  walking along a road near the schools.  Apparently no such person was ever found.

Hawaii: Schools near the Kilauea volcano shutdown by the goddess.  On Oahu, Waipahu Intermediate School locked down prison style as police searched for a ‘suspect’ that a woman reported as armed with a gun, police found no such ‘suspect’.

Idaho: Despite the fact that it is legal to carry a gun in public, without a permit, and that some teachers can have guns in school in The Gem State, the Lakeland Joint School District is spending taxpayer money on hiring armed guards.  Despite previous lawsuits that revealed that fees charged by Idaho school districts violates the state constitution, districts continue to charge fees and now another lawsuit at the federal level.   Non-profit “emergency shelter, residential care, youth and family therapy, job readiness training, adoption services,  and more for at-risk kids” Idaho Youth Ranch shutdown five of its thrift stores in Blackfoot, Boise (on Chinden Boulevard), Buhl, Emmett and Twin Falls, due to lack of sales.

Illinois: After only nine years Motherland College shutting down after the U.S. Department of Education accused it of illegal activity. High schools Belleville East and Belleville West were shutdown after a male student threatened a female student, the male student was arrested.  A school cop stopped a former student from shooting up Dixon High School by shooting and wounding the former student. Litchfield High School and Junior High was locked down after two rounds of ammo were found in a toilet room, no other info was released because it involves juveniles.  Benedictine University eliminating 32 jobs due to The Rapture, I mean what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome (enrollment dropped by about 2-hundred since 2016).

Indiana: A student used two pistols (not assault rifles) to shoot another student, and a teacher, at Noblesville West Middle School. The teacher knocked the pistols away and subdued the shooter.  Hoosier Academy issued a ‘pending’ shutdown WARN, 62 jobs gone possibly by June.

Iowa: A Linn-Mar High School nurse (who also worked for god’s own Saint Luke’s Hospital) pled not guilty to having sex with a student.  Three Waukee School District schools were placed in ‘non-emergency lock-down’ after one report of a man with guns near the schools, no such ‘man’ was found.  Fulton and Holy Ghost Elementary schools were locked down prison style because of a stand-off between police and three adults after a failed attempted traffic stop, the three adults were arrested but the incident had nothing to do with schools.  Paranoid parents unfairly forced Iowa City Community School District to fire a substitute teacher, after the parents discovered that the substitute was arrested, not convicted, on drug charges ten years ago.  On top of that the drug charges were supposed to have been expunged from arrest records in 2014.  Apparently Iowa City Community School District has a policy of rejecting applicants just for arrests, not convictions, all you unAmerican paranoid taxpayers of Iowa City Community School District can expect a lawsuit. 5th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution:  No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Kansas:  In Derby, after 20 years Blue Dragon Books shutdown due to “family issues”  State law allows teachers to have guns in school, but more powerful insurance companies are blocking teachers from doing so!

Kentucky: Jefferson County Public Schools suddenly laid off 224 people as a result of what I call DSS!  Gray’s College Bookstore shutdown after 31 years, saying “The college textbook industry has changed dramatically over the years, and there is a bunch of things coming down the road for digital delivery.  Small family-owned college stores don’t have a place.”

Maine: After only three years the privately run Portland Science Center shutdown due to lack of customers.

Maryland: Several schools in Baltimore County placed on prison lock-down after a home burglary-in-progress/shoot-out left one cop dead, and four suspects arrested. It had nothing to do with schools, entire neighborhoods were also prison locked down. Ironically one of the locked down schools is named Gunpowder.   Four Glenelg High School students charged with vandalizing the school with ‘hate’ graffiti.

Massachusetts: Paranoid Phillips Andover, Curtis Middle School and Algonquin Regional High School shutdown over various threats.  One school got an email that, after investigation, revealed it might not even have been a threat, and was meant for an out-of-state school! Another school claimed a student had a gun, but police found no such thing!  The third threat came in the form of a note found at a school, yet police said there was nothing to go on in the note, it didn’t even mention students or a specific school!

Michigan:   Van Hoosen Middle School and Rochester Adams High School shutdown after high levels of mercury was found in the drinking water. The federal EPA says 2 parts per billion (ppb) is the maximum safe level for mercury, the school’s average sampling was 56-ppb!   Allendale Public Schools canceled its planned Sex Education Advisory Board hearing, and will ‘gather more info’, due to what is being posted on facebook regarding the school system’s sex ed course.

Minnesota: Taxpayers being raped of $25-million USD to ‘improve’ school security!  A student with a history of mental illness nearly beat to death a teacher’s aid at Harrison Education Center (security camera video shows the student using his fists, no gun needed)!  The teacher’s aid was put into a hospital in critical condition, but get this, a judge released the mentally deranged student to his family because the public defender said being in jail would make the student’s mental problems worse!  A  female Lincoln Park Middle School special ed teacher allegedly confessed to sex crimes with a 15 years old student that took place almost daily over a two weeks period.  Saint Francis Schools eliminating 36 jobs in June.

Mississippi: Due to massive math teacher shortage the state Board of Education lowered the standardized test score to qualify as a math teacher.

Missouri:  The ACLU is suing Independence School District after the district labeled a student’s Craigslist joke a threat.  The 3.9 g-p-a senior, with no school history of causing problems, wrote on the ad site that Truman High School was for sale. Now he can’t graduate.

Nebraska:  Hastings Public Schools refused to allow a graduate from wearing her U.S. Army sash to graduation, even threatened her on the day of graduation: “He pulled me out of line and said, ‘I talked to you and your father and you are not to be wearing that. If I see you wearing that again, you will not receive your diploma.'”-Megan Pohlmeier  

The school system has a clothing accessory policy that basically says if the school didn’t issue it you don’t wear it.

Nevada: Bonanza High School teacher arrested for making terroristic threats 

New Hampshire: Exalted state Department of Education screwed-up on state assessment tests, and as a result cost public schools $1.5-million USD! There’s now a push to get that $1.5-million issued to 163 districts, somebody send that Department of Education back to school.

New Jersey: Union Schools warning of as many as 2-hundred layoffs due to lack of funding, possibly caused by budgetary incompetence and taxpayer ripoffs by the school board!   Cumberland County College laying off 43 people and considering merging with a competing college due to a steady decline in enrollments (what I call DSS).  A 77 years old school bus driver, with a long history of traffic violations, made an illegal u-turn on a highway, plowing into a dump truck, killing a student and a teacher, and injuring dozens.  But wait, it wasn’t the only school bus that made an illegal u-turn on Route 80, school officials admitted that two other buses also broke traffic rules because the caravan of East Brook Middle School buses missed their exit!

New Mexico:  Taxpayer funded Shiprock High School scheduled christian prayers during graduation, not only in violation of the U.S. Constitution but in violation federal Supreme Court rulings.

Jesus of Nazareth said “Render unto Caesar what is his.”  Meaning if you take part in a government funded system then you play by its rules.

New York: Excelsior College laid off 50 employees due to lack of funding. The Yonkers Board of Education decided to eliminate 251 jobs due to being short $45.3-million USD!  Conduent Education Services halting ops in Utica, 162 jobs gone by the end of the year!

North Carolina: Cape Fear Community College warned employees of layoffs because of “a projected decrease in budget, enhanced technologies and streamlined processes.”

North Dakota: Fargo Public Schools reports that at least 510 teachers and staff were injured by students in the 2017-18 school year, up by 169 from the previous school year!  District officials refused to give news media details of those injuries.  A Bismarck pharmacist already accused of terrorizing students and child porn, now facing new charges of planting hidden cameras to record school girls.

Ohio: Poland School District shutting down Dobbins Elementary School and reducing work hours for employees, in an effort to get outta a multi-million dollar deficit hole.  God powerless to stop ‘his’ own Hiram College from conducting layoffs and radical program restructuring due to The Rapture, I mean what I call DSS which has caused the school to cut $1-million USD from its budget.

Oklahoma: “Some teachers don’t even have classrooms. They keep their belongings, textbooks and supplies on carts and push them from classroom to classroom, hour to hour. I have been a traveling teacher. Like some of our fellow union members who are adjunct college professors and hold ‘office hours’ in their cars and nurses who travel from school to school, fingers crossed, hoping no one at a school across town will suffer a health crisis, it is almost impossible to be an effective educator while carting your work around.”-Melissa Smith

Oregon:  The University of Oregon apologized for blaming the death of one of its students on life-style choices. A school cop, and the North Bend High School principal, both fired for telling homosexual students they were going to burn in hell.

Pennsylvania: Durham School Services issued a shutdown WARN for its Chester Township ops, 67 jobs gone in June.  Carnegie Museum of Art/Museum of Natural History eliminating 76 jobs by July.  Norwin School District laying off eight teachers and jacking up property taxes by 3.1%, because state level taxpayer funding is no longer enough.  Keystone Central School District laid off 34 teachers due to a 10% decline in enrollments (what I call DSS).


Rhode Island: Warwick School Committee wants to layoff 71 teachers and one other employee because “Even with the closure of six schools in three years, we have a budget challenge”.

South Carolina:  Taxpayer funded teachers join state employees on strike.  A female Byrnes High School teacher was suspended, then officially retired, after claims that she failed to stop students from performing sex acts in class, on multiple occasions. The alleged sex acts were reported by another student, the teacher said when the classroom is full there are areas of the room she can’t see.

South Dakota: A religious group espousing polygamy discovered that without government issued birth certificates you can’t enroll your masses of children in taxpayer funded schools.

Tennessee: A female federal level Congress’man’ blames school shootings on porno!  

Texas:  A student, and son of an immigrant, shot-up Santa Fe High School, using a shotgun and a pistol (no assault rifles) he managed to kill ten people (possibly because of the inaction’s of police who were trained for such a shooting, at the very same school).  Friends of the shooter, and even his father, blame pervasive bullying at the school, school officials deny it.   God powerless to stop Sojourn Baptist Church from shutting down its Academy due to The Rapture, I mean low student enrollment.   San Antonio Independent School District eliminating 132 teaching jobs ostensibly to save money, however, an Army ROTC teacher said he was being laid off even though the U.S. Army pays most of his salary!  Houston Independent School District eliminating 250 jobs due to a $115-million deficit hole supposedly caused by crashing property taxes caused by Hurricane Harvey!

Utah: A teacher with Nebo School District says district officials repeatedly ignored her reports of a janitor sexually assaulting boys.  A teacher at North Sanpete High School under investigation for sexting a female student.

Vermont: Taxpayer funded schools are prepping for a population death spiral as lack of babies being born in the state set another record.

Virginia: Taxpayer funded schools use of ‘seclusion’ under scrutiny after a mentally challenged student, who can’t speak, was placed into seclusion, and Belmont Ridge Middle School couldn’t give her mother a reason why!  It was revealed because another student took a pic of the incident on an iPad, The Washington Post reports the incident is not isolated but systemic across the U.S. 

Washington DC: God’s own Catholic University of America laying off at least 35 people because of The Rapture, I mean DSS, school officials said “Morale has never been lower.”

Wisconsin: In Saint Nazianz, after 134 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) god powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ Saint Gregory Catholic School, due to The Rapture, I mean because they’ve “had declining enrollment numbers for some time”Delavan-Darien School District laying off 39 teachers and an undisclosed number of other employees, due to cash strapped taxpayers voting down a plan to spend an additional $3-million USD just for operating costs.

Dumbing Down U.S.A., April 2018: “THIS IS SOMETHING UNEXPECTED”