Tag Archives: government

Index of BBN’s USAID revelations, from 2011 to 2023!

Blind Bat News has been making revelations about the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) since 2011.  This is a fraction of the taxpayer funded shenanigans during that time.

December 2023: USAID ‘humanitarian supplies’ supposedly being delivered to Gaza via U.S. Air Force.

Denton Program Failure 2023:USAID gave Guatemala nuclear ‘sources’ (Cobalt-60)?

End of Cold War to Ukraine Crisis: Those decades when U.S. taxpayers supplied Russia with USAID!

Pland-emic, 2023: USAID delivers Bill Gates funded COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (aka COVAX)!

Ilyushin ‘Candid’: USAID uses Russian aircraft!


Pland-emic, 2022: USAID distributes Pfizer mRNA vax around the world!

Hunger Games, 2021: African organizations accuse the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and other donors, of destroying agriculture through out the African continent under the guise of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa!

Denton Program Failure, 2021: Canadian Fire Trucks, U.S. Air Force, Central America, USAID!

Hunger Games, 2019: As the food insecurity in U.S. state of Florida refuses to go away, another USAF C-130J loaded with USAID food, and other supplies, took off from Florida for Columbia. Information from USAID stated that in February at least enough food for 10-thousand people has been shipped to rebel Venezuelan distribution operations in Columbia!

2016: South Africa accuses Obama Regime’s USAID of coup attempt!

USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA).

Nigeria admits to shadow government, receives millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars every year through the terrorist organization USAID!

Afghanistan, 11 – 15 February 2015: USAID spends more big bucks on vague ‘women’s’ programs!

Afghanistan, 01 – 05 February 2015: USAID spends another $33-million tax dollars!

Afghanistan, 26 – 31 January 2015:  USAID admits to $2-billion scam!

Afghanistan, 12 – 16 December 2014: More USAID taxpayer rip-offs, proving it was all about the oil! 

Afghanistan, 01 – 05 December 2014:  Proof USAID is a Global drug dealer!

Afghanistan, 17-20 October 2014: The terror group known as United States Agency for International Development (USAID) pledged an additional $216-million for women’s programs in Afghanistan.  USAID officials claim another $200-million is coming from donations, yet mainstreamer U.S. news media reports say it isn’t enough!

Afghanistan, 05 – 08 July 2014: The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) paid for the growing, picking and shipping of 22.5 metric tons of  Afghan pomegranates to Russia.  It’s a U.S. taxpayer funded operation called Commercial Horticulture and Marketing Program (CHAMP).   U.S. taxpayers have also helped Afghan farmers ship grapes to India and United Arab Emirates, the most recent shipment weighed in at 170 metric tons!  The U.S. taxpayer funded program paid for a cold storage process to allow Afghan growers to ship their agricultural produce outside their country.

Afghanistan, 06-10 April 2014:  More proof USAID is money laundering!

Afghanistan, 01-05 April 2014: SIGAR (Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction) accuses USAID of corruption: “USAID kept this information from Congress and the American people. As a former federal prosecutor and congressional investigator, to me it begs the questions: What were they trying to hide, and why?-John Sopko

Liberia ebola outbreak, 2014: It was revealed that burial teams (who’re supposedly under the direction of the terror group USAID) have not been cremating the dead, instead have been using mass graves or taking bribes to allow families to dispose of the contaminated bodies in their own fashion!

2013: USAID a covert terrorist organization?

Afghanistan; 21-23 January 2013: More free money (your tax money) from World Bank & USAID!

Afghanistan; 08 Aug – 11 Aug2012:  In Kunar Province, a USAID official was assassinated.

2011: While Obama bombs Libya, he sends USAID ‘humanitarian’ team to North Korea!

2011: “…the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has provided over $28 billion in economic and development assistance to Egypt since 1975.”

BSU joins forces with USACE, it’s about water!

“This system has lost its channel-forming flows. Without seasonal inundation, we’re seeing a decline in riparian vegetation like black cottonwood forests and an overall loss of biodiversity.”-Marve Griffith, USACE Walla Walla District

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Boise state University (BSU) are joining forces to tackle the dying Barber Pool Conservation Area (BPCA), which is part of the Boise River system.

The claim is that the BPCA has lost its ‘natural seasonal inundation’ due to the never ending Boise Metro Area construction of buildings and infrastructure upstream. Also, non-regulated human traffic through the BPCA: “Right now, it’s a warren of little trails. If we establish good, maintained pathways, people will use them, and it’ll reduce erosion and protect wildlife.”-Alan Crockett, local taxpayer

The result is that Barber Pool is not recharging, and that plant and animal biodiversity is rapidly disappearing.  The project is not only about restoring the Barber Pool area, but, by expanding the wetland it could also lower the current level of the floodplain.

On 20NOV2024, the USACE and BSU conducted a ‘Public Scoping’ meeting at the Barber Park Education and Events Center, a fancy way a saying they collected comments about the project from concerned taxpaying citizens.

USACE video report by Marcy Sanchez:

The efforts to restore the BPCA are part of the decades old (Cold War era) National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

USACE Barber Pool project.

2024: Idaho wants to shutdown 500-thousand acres of farmland?

2023: Just revealed, Idaho got $26million in federal funding for clean-er water?

North Trail: Cherry Springs, Idaho, March 2024 Thawing

The Cherry Springs Nature Area is part of the larger multi-state Caribou-Targhee National Forest (Idaho, Montana, Utah & Wyoming), and is located in the Westside Ranger District of Southeastern Idaho.  It is two miles of hiking trails, a north trail and a south trail.

On 22MAR2024, my middle daughter Aryssa, along with my dog Struppi (and I) took a hike through the thawing Cherry Springs Nature Area.

There was a heavy-wet snow storm a few weeks prior, causing power poles and trees across the region to snap, the final spur of the North Trail was blocked by downed trees:



‘Zombie Alert’ is for real: U.S. government shenanigans, May 2018

Incomplete (i-e ‘Tip of the Iceberg’) list of U.S. Federal/State/Local Government self-destruct revelations for May 2018:

Tax Foundation: Average Per Capita Property Taxes: How Does Your State Compare?

New York Times: Federal Tax Cuts Leave States in a Bind

CNBC: Here’s how the new federal tax law may impact you

ALABAMA: Lowest local tax collections per capita in the U.S. 

ALASKA Analysis by state officials finds that requiring people who receive Medicaid to work won’t save the state government money, and police continue to investigate one of their own for rape.

Legislature bans smoking in bars, restaurants 

State lawmakers ask for support from other U.S. states to fight Canadian mining ops

ARIZONA: Gov-na gives teachers a taxpayer funded raise

The most politically corrupt state in nation?

ARKANSAS:  Lawsuit says judaeo-christian-islamic Ten Commandments display at the Arkansas state Capitol violates 1st Amendment

Governor’s son arrested on DWI charge

$377-thousand USD taxpayer funded grant for cyber security program linking a high school with Little Rock Air Force Base 

Gov-na Asa and the Corruption State

Work requirement OK’d for Arkansas’ Medicaid expansion

CALIFORNIA: Proof the Golden State’s economy sucks as Democrat state senators wants to nearly triple taxpayer funding for the ever expanding number of low income people

Neo-Nazi Senate candidate kicked out of California Republican Party

Marijuana tax cut could be in jeopardy as revenue lags behind

Federal taxpayer funded USA (U.S. Army) contractor DynCorp issued a layoff WARN for its Fort Irwin NTC operations, 27 jobs gone by the end of July. Federal taxpayer funded USAF (U.S. Air Force) contractor Unisys issued a layoff WARN for its ops at Edwards Air Force Base, 90 jobs gone by mid-July.  Federal taxpayer funded USAF contractor JT3 issued a shutdown WARN of its ops at Edwards Air Force Base, 746 jobs gone by mid-July!

California cop tied to Mexican Mafia and Armenian organized crime

He Paid for His Mentos. Then an Officer Pulled a Gun on Him.

COLORADO: Gov-na signs bills improving state’s immigrant driver’s license program

Failed state employee payroll plan ends up costing state taxpayers $5-million USD!

CONNECTICUT: A man arrested for holding up a “cops ahead” sign near a police checkpoint

Gov-na signs bump-stock gun ban

A former Connecticut Gov-na released from federal custody

Connecticut Joins Effort to Overturn Electoral College

DELAWARE: State Department of Health and Social Services warning of new killer heroin 

State Department of Justice revealed that more than 200-thousand residents had their facebook data stolen

FLORIDA: Miami police officer relieved of duty after a video showed him kicking a suspect in the head

Gov-na takes part in controversial embassy opening in Jerusalem 

Federal government lies about record low rate of unemployment?

Florida ban on smokable medical marijuana ruled unconstitutional

Florida gets $19-million federal taxpayer dollars for elections-cybersecurity

Palm Beach accidentally sends real ‘zombie alert’ to residents 

GEORGIA: New law changes how you can drive

Gubernatorial Candidate Points Gun at Teen “who’s interested in one of my daughters”

Gov-na signs bill to tax online sales

GUAM: The territorial government issued an additional $2-million USD in tax refunds

3-month tax amnesty begins

Gubernatorial candidates discuss Guam decolonization

Guam hit with Agent Orange?

Gov-na claims there are no H2B immigrant workers on the island

HAWAII:  Residents scrambling for masks the government says won’t protect them from deadly VOG

Hawaii Gets An ‘F’ For Its Transparency On State Government Spending

Hawaii first state to ban sunscreen (what happened to blaming Global Warming for coral reef deaths?)

Volcano eruption puts $5M dent in Hawaii tourism industry

IDAHO: Aircraft maintenance contractor PKL Services issued a shutdown WARN for their taxpayer funded ops at Mountain Home Air Force Base, 103 jobs gone by July!

The super-expensive (for taxpayers), heated governor’s race you aren’t paying attention to

Taxpayers forced to pay transgender women’s attorney fees

Who’s behind that printed voter guide in your mailbox, and who really paid for it?

 What the Fastest Growth in the U.S. Means for Idaho Politics

Rape kit testing backlogged in Idaho state labs

ILLINOIS:  Chicagomag.com: The Illinois Taxes No One Wants to Talk About

Gov-na issues amendatory veto on gun bill

State lawmakers trying to license Illinois gun stores

Illinois needs term limits to protect the people 

INDIANA: Teacher credited with disarming student in Indiana school shooting

Poverty protesters lock themselves to gates at gov-na’s mansion

5 quirky highlights from gov-na’s taxpayer funded trip to Europe 

IOWA:  Female Police Officer Arrested After Alleged Domestic Abuse

Gov-na signs largest tax cut in state’s history 

Iowa Constitution bars new fetal heartbeat abortion law

Three women accuse governor candidate of sex crimes

Gov-na signs Bill Intended to Curb Opioid Overdose Deaths

KANSAS:  Police handcuff driver over ‘vegetation’

13000 state employees may soon get taxpayer funded raises

Gov-na Helps Former Criminals Seeking State taxpayer funded Jobs

Three Things To Know About The State Of Cannabis In Kansas

Kansas approves religious veto on LGBT adoptions

Gov-na gives religious groups access to taxpayer funded welfare programs, even if the religious groups discriminate!

Attorneys press for $1.5-Billion USD more from state taxpayers for schools

Data is so bad on taxpayer funded healthcare (KanCare) that legislative auditors can’t tell if it’s working

KENTUCKY: The gov-na suddenly sold-off many of his out-of state properties in 2017, how much does he still own?

Gov-na and lawmakers take taxpayer funded business trip to Asian Continent

LOUISIANA:  Lawmakers want more taxpayer funding

Louisiana Senate committee’s ‘pretend budget’ meant to calm fears

Tens of thousands of Medicaid recipients could face eviction

Ban on abortions after 15 weeks signed into law

79 new state laws

Louisiana may expand use of prison labor to taxpayer funded construction projects

MAINE: Recreational marijuana is now legal in Maine – sort of. 

How ranked-choice voting is changing Maine campaign strategy

Maine’s taxpayer funded Office of Child and Family Services (OCFS) “failed to follow policies and procedures” in one of two horrific child abuse cases.

MARYLAND: Gov-na plans to sign ‘free’ (100% taxpayer funded) community college bill into law


Maryland becomes 11th state to ban ‘gay conversion therapy’ for minors

Taxpayer funded E-ZPass toll road transponders now ‘free

MASSACHUSETTS: Taunton Police admit Wrong person may have been arrested in stabbing case

ICE agents halt controversial practice of office arrests

State taxpayers funding 800-Megawatt foreign built Offshore Wind Farm!

State taxpayers to give $1.8-billion USD to residential property developers!

MICHIGAN:  Detroit police chief blasts judge in case of man who allegedly cut tether

Flint, Islam and fixing the damn roads.

New Michigan law makes recounts tougher for election losers

State taxpayers continue to get screwed over deal that benefits foreign food company, at local water user’s expense! 

Flint water declared safe, residents say bullshit!

State taxpayers forced to spend $50-million USD on Soo Locks

State taxpayers forced to welcome 150-200 Chinese officials & business executives

Fire marshal says state ignored mandated inspections for 40 years, in past 18 months firefighters battled 1,245 building fires!

MINNESOTA: The state Department of Corrections canceled its contract with food service contractor Trinity Services Group, 279 jobs affected by the end of July!

Minnesota cops can legally have sex with people in custody.

The 2018 session of the Minnesota Legislature was a failure.

Taxpayers forced to spend $1.5-billion USD on infrastructure

Government and private industry motor vehicle registrars demanding that taxpayers fork over millions in ‘rescue funding’ to keep Department of Motor Vehicles ops rolling!

MISSISSIPPI: Baby born at taxpayer funded abortion clinic

Two counties sue state, claim governor can’t close bridges

After eight years Mississippi is still the hungriest state

Despite having the highest rate of food insecurity, federal taxpayers are giving Mississippi $4.5-million USD for election cybersecurity

MISSOURI: FBI investigates gov-na’s ‘associates’

Court Examines gov-na’s Cellphone In Criminal Case

State House committee subpoenas embattled governor

Missouri May Be First State To Get Serious About The Definition Of Meat

MONTANA:  Montana is the first state to enact its own net neutrality rules

Montana deploys chatbot fleet, eliminating thousands of support calls

Outside money flows for Montana’s U.S. senate slot

Taxpayer funded prison hospital has new policies after ‘perceived emergency situation.’

NEBRASKA: Fast moving developments on Nebraska’s death penalty

Gov’na boasts of Japanese investments

Independent wanna-be politicians have little chance of getting on election ballots due to state law

Watchdog discovers lobbyists spent $17-million USD bribing state politicians

NEVADA:  Federal Nuclear Dumping Stirs Statewide Resentment

Nevada Attorney General Rails Against California Laws

Clark County School District announces $68-Million USD deficit due to arbitration agreements, including paying teachers more money  

Taxpayers/utility customers to fund $15-million worth of electric car charging stations

NEW HAMPSHIRE:  Police Arrested a Man for Criticizing Them on the Internet

Highest taxpayer funding rate in the U.S. for college, yet also has the highest in-state tuition rate as well 

Federal taxpayers funding state Syringe Services Programs for addicts, under the guise of infrastructure development!

When a fee becomes a tax

Partially taxpayer funded (through state Office of Planning) Regional Economic Development Center creates loan program for immigrants/refugees (officially called New Americans)

NEW JERSEY:  Fourth Paterson cop arrested by FBI, this time over beating of suicidal hospital patient

School funding shell game negatively affects low-income districts

NEW MEXICO: Call center contractor Convergys eliminating about 1-hundred jobs in Albuquerque due to the expiration of a contract, local news media revealed that Convergys received almost $200-thousand USD in taxpayer funded incentives to create 1-hundred jobs last year!

State Supreme Court reconsidering its ban on the use of taxpayer funds for textbooks in private schools

State taxpayers forced to increase Funding for State Pre-K Program

Data shows increased federal taxpayer funding for New Mexico schools is not improving academic performance

Lottery funded scholarships for New Mexico college students increasing, mainly because of declining enrollments

NEW YORK: Schenectady police officer charged with DWI, after crashing his car near police HQ

Prior Arrests, Yet Still Hired as NYC Correction Officers

Federal taxpayers forced to pay for job training for Two New York Organizations 

NORTH CAROLINA: State government finds an extra $600-million taxpayer dollars?

“Pork” proliferates in the 2018-19 budget

Does the Lottery actually fund education?

NORTH DAKOTA: State tax revenues from oil/gas up 25% due to higher oil prices

OHIO: School Districts Struggle to Cover Lost Transportation Funding

Some Ohio districts miss out on taxpayer funding for construction

Ohio’s school-funding system was bad in 1997; it’s still bad today

Do you know how your schools are funded, gymnastics 

OKLAHOMA: Oklahoma approves religious veto on LGBT adoptions

Is education funding crisis self-inflicted?

Can medical marijuana save education

OREGON: Earthquake alert funding and southern Oregon

Oregon receives $1-million USD taxpayer funded grant for endangered species study

Federal taxpayers fund efforts to stop Sudden Oak Death

PENNSYLVANIA: York City Police officer arrested for alleged domestic assault

York City school district is most underfunded per student

PUERTO RICO:  Hurricane Maria Death Toll Could Exceed 4000

Puerto Rico Enters a New Age of Austerity

Inside the Federal Response to Maria: “Is This Really the Best FEMA Can Do?”

FEMA funding running out for hundreds

Universities Get Just a Fraction of Storm Aid

FCC approves additional taxpayer funding for Puerto Rico 

Puerto Rico Is a ‘Geopolitical Black Hole’

The Skilled Worker Exodus

RHODE ISLAND: Providence Mayor spends the most on election campaigns

State taxpayer funding for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to be restored

Privatizing Providence Water will hurt Rhode Island ratepayers

SOUTH CAROLINA: Accusations of murder, hypocrisy and playing God in state budget debate on abortion

South Carolina wants more federal taxpayer funding for election security

SOUTH DAKOTA:  The state gets only $500-thousand federal taxpayer dollars per year to provide federally mandated protection for endangered species.

Court ruling could mean legal sports wagering headed to South Dakota

South Dakota Secretary of Agriculture resigns after only one year 

South Dakota’s K-12 education leader quits after only six months

TENNESSEE:  900 ‘free’ (taxpayer funded) pre-K classrooms

$9.7-million USD taxpayer funding for attorneys to represent poor residents in court

Illegal immigrant ‘Sanctuary cities’ now illegal in Tennessee

TEXAS: Cop arrested in death of brother, a Harris County sheriff’s deputy

El Paso Police officer raped woman while responding to police call

activist jailed for his Facebook posts reveals secret FBI surveillance on ‘identity extremists’

State Supreme Court sides with short-term renters

Texas ranks 36th nationally in per-student education spending.

“It is shameful that Texas continues to pour millions of taxpayer dollars into fake women’s health centers that operate with no accountability or oversight. In shutting down licensed abortion clinics and instead legitimizing crisis pregnancy centers, Texas officials have made it clear that they do not truly care about the health and safety of pregnant Texans.”Alexa Garcia-Ditta, NARAL Pro-Choice Texas

The federal government took $41,000 from this Texan at a Houston airport six months ago. They never gave it back.

UTAH: A wannabe spy got a job at Utah government agency to send documents to Russia

404 new Utah laws take effect!

Feds give Utah three years to bring ozone pollution down

Facebook gets $150-million taxpayer funded incentives to build a massive data center in Utah

VERMONT: Calling All Remote Employees: Vermont Will Pay You to Move There

U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS: FCC Announces Additional taxpayer Funding to Help Virgin Islands

VIRGINIA:  Taxpayer funded University of Mary Washington’s newspaper budget was slashed from $13,765 to just $100.

Virginia counties beg for transportation improvement funds

State taxpayers forced to pay record level $154-million USD for the Metro rail system in Virginia, Maryland and D.C.

The state Tobacco Commission claims it will spend 6-million tobacco settlement dollars on creating small businesses, jobs and education

WASHINGTON:  Bellingham Police officer fired after arrest for allegations of beating two men

Bernie Sanders says Seattle based Amazon paid no federal income tax in 2017

WASHINGTON DC: Investigation reveals federal agencies fail at cybersecurity

White House Cracks Down on Unions with Executive Orders

Federal Employees Face Cuts To Retirement Benefits And Pay Freezes

WEST VIRGINIA: HUD wants to know why West Virginia suspended flood recovery

Revealed that West Virginia politicians sat on federal taxpayer funded flood relief for months before releasing it

West Virginia Pursues FCC Mobile Broadband taxpayer Funding

West Virginia wants federal taxpayer funding to fight opioids

West Virginia Super PACs covered up massive out-o-state donations

WISCONSIN: Milwaukee Cop Suspended After Violent Arrest Caught on Video

22 schools get taxpayer funded ‘fab lab’ technology grants

Local governments create their own vehicle taxes to fund road repairs, due to lack of state level funding

WYOMING: University of Wyoming gets 9.77-million federal tax dollars for carbon storage

Yellowstone-Area Grizzly Bears to Be Hunted for First Time in Decades

Politicians want to create taxpayer funded trust to supposedly update and maintain the election system

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Government Shenanigans, April 2018:“BULLSHIT!”


ObamaCare ACA death spiral, May 2018:“…WILL CREATE DEATHS. THIS WILL KILL PEOPLE. PEOPLE WILL DIE BECAUSE OF THIS.” (even doctors are canceling their insurance)

Dumbing Down U.S.A., May 2018:“MORALE HAS NEVER BEEN LOWER.”

Eminent domain killing Mom-n-Pops! : U.S. government shenanigans, January 2017

Incomplete list (due to internet access problems, come on why won’t anybody donate to BlindBatNews?) of U.S. Federal/State/Local Government self-destruct announcements for January 2017:

California:  The Chico Fire Department eliminated five jobs due to the taxpayer funded FEMA awarded SAFER grant running out.  In San Diego, tax-sucking General Dynamics owned National Steel & Shipbuilding suddenly laid off 844 people, blaming the U.S. Navy!  In Santa Ana, GKN Aerospace ChemTronics laying off 15 employees by the end of February, despite getting a state taxpayer funded $10-million USD tax-break for being energy efficient!

Colorado: After 30 years Boulder Map Gallery shutting down by March, the owner blaming increased use of digital maps by his two largest clients, the federal government and an unnamed corporation, for declining hard copy map sales.  Chemical weapons incinerator Bechtel to layoff 30 people at the U.S. Army’s Pueblo Chemicals Depot.  It’s blamed on both Bechtel’s delay in getting their automated system up and running, and the U.S. Army taxpayer funding cutbacks. In all, Bechtel administrators say they have to find a way to cut $8-million from their budget!

Illinois: Glenview Public Library laid off ten people because the local taxpayers could not afford another local property tax hike.

Massachusetts: Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority began its promised elimination of thousands of jobs due to lack of taxpayer funding, 25 laid off as part of the first round of cuts!

New Jersey: The British empire based christian Salvation Army shutdown its Newark Family Thrift store due to crashing sales.  City administrators are worried as the thrift store helped fund local social programs.

New Mexico: In Albuquerque, Hey Johnny shutdown their brick-n-mortar store, the owner blamed the Albuquerque Rapid Transit project for literally driving away potential customers from the Nob Hill area.

 New York:  Nassau Regional Off-Track Betting warning of mass layoffs after only 20 employees accepted early retirement bribes. The agency blames decreased revenues and increased debt.   In New Hartford, after more than 30 years Tracy’s Hallmark store shutting down by the end of February, the owner blamed competition and the new minimum wage hike.    After 30 years Pets NYC-Metro Pets shutdown, the owner Gene King bitched about a common problem saying “In a nutshell, the rent is not affordable”, as well as jacked up costs of pet supplies and local taxes.

Oregon: The Jackson County Health & Human Services warned of as many as 2-hundred layoffs, mainly mental healthcare workers, supposedly because of a contract dispute!

Texas:  San Antonio furniture maker KLN Manufacturing shutting down, 40 jobs lost by the end of February. The company focused on taxpayer funded sales to government agencies, as well as universities and hospitals.

Washington:  In Keyport, U.S. tax-sucking British empire based BAE Systems eliminating 59 jobs by the end of March.

West Virginia: The city of Huntington laid off 24 employees due to crashing tax revenues, which have created a $4.6-million USD budget shortfall!

Wisconsin:  In Portage, local government jerks shutdown and stole the property of 33 years old Gruber Automotive auto shop, using ’eminent domain’ as the excuse!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Government Shenanigans December 2016: “…GIVE US SOME BREATHING ROOM…”

ObamaCare-ACA Death Spiral, January 2017:  “A STREAMLINING OF OPERATIONS.”

Dumbing Down U.S.A., January 2017: “I’M SCARED….FOR A BAD REASON!”

U.S. Retail/Banking/Service Sector collapse, January 2017: “I DON’T SLEEP AT NIGHT, IT’S KILLING ME” 10,000+ jobs killed due to MASSIVE MACY’S MELTDOWN?

Government Incompetence: Mafia Medicare deadline nears, but applications aren’t getting through, if you don’t sign up when you turn 65 you’ll pay for it!

“Some people had difficulty accessing the [Medicare] online enrollment center. Others have not had calls returned due to high call volume.”-Bill Deal, Idaho Department of Insurance

Midnight (00:00 hours) December 8 is the deadline for the elderly getting Medicare applications in, yet many are not going through.  Idaho officials are reporting that phone in enrollments are overwhelming their system.  For those people they will now have until December 10 to enroll.

“We’re seeing various people who delayed enrollment into Medicare for various reasons.”-Frederic Riccardi, Medicare Rights Center

And if you don’t think you need to sign up for Medicare, even though you’ve just turned 65, you’re going to pay for it later on.  Medicare actually penalizes you for not signing up when you become 65 years old.

For those people who enroll in Medicare after their 65th birthday, the government will increase your Medicare premiums by 10% for each year you delay enrollment!

If you’re still a “current” employee, then you don’t need to, but the instant you lose your job you better do it. And you can’t trust Social Security officials to tell you, or even the Medicare handbook, as one man learned the hard way: “On my last day of work, I went to the Social Security office, asking for some guidance.”  “I’ve never had a problem, until I tried to sign up for Medicare.” -Robert Joseph

Joseph lost his job after he turned 65.  Because of bad advise from a local Texas Social Security official, and because he misinterpreted instructions in a Medicare handbook, he waited 18 months after losing his job to enroll.  Now he’s paying a higher monthly premium because of those 18 months he waited!

Medicare is not ‘free’.  You pay for it with the FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) taxes that are taken out of your paycheck.  Then you pay again when you enroll at the age of 65, in the form of Medicare insurance premiums.  And guess what?  You still have to pay out of your pocket for some of your medical care!  Sounds like the Mob is runin’ da joint!

OWS, What Economic Recovery? U.S. houses burning down, and people dying, direct result of local government budget cuts and insurance policies! More reason to get rid of government and the insurance industry!

“To me, it’s not an issue. To me it’s like car insurance. If you have a car, you pay insurance. If you want protection, you pay the price.”-Benny McGuire, Obion County Mayor

If you listen to Mayor McGuire’s statement it sure sounds like extortion.

For the second time this year, Tennessee firefighters stood by and watched a families home burn to the ground. The latest fire burned down a home on December 5.  When Obion County firefighters arrived they were ordered not to put out the fire, because the family had not paid a $75 firefighting fee!

Homeowner, Vicky Bell, told KFVS TV that she and most of her neighbors have not paid the fee because they were told they are ineligible for firefighting service anyway, because they don’t have home insurance!

Back on October 4, another Tennessee home burned to the ground for the same reason.  But this time the home owner offered to pay right then and there. The fire didn’t even start in the home!  The firefighters refused, and the home burned down killing three dogs and a cat!

“They coulda’ been saved if they put water on it. But they didn’t do it!”-Gene Cranick, watched pets burned alive

Some Tea Party ass holes think this is they way things should be done. Bull Shit!  I’ve been in Third World Countries and that’s the way it’s done there.  So you Tea Party ass holes want the United States to revert to Third World status?  Don’t worry, I think you’ll get your wish for freakin’ Xmas!

As previously stated, even if the home owners could afford the extortion fee of $75 , if they did not have insurance, which most home owners don’t have once they reach a certain point on making their mortgage payments (or they’ve paid off their home) because they can’t afford the insurance, they do not qualify to pay the extortion fee!!!

By the way, this is why you should not call a firefighter, EMT or cop, a hero.  Hero’s don’t require payment!!!

Oh, now I’ll get to the guy who died why public servants literally stood by and wrung their hands.

“I thought it was kind of weird that they weren’t going out to bring the guy in, you know, he was out there, his head was above water, he was looking at everybody, there was plenty of time for them to react.”-Perry Smith, witness

On May 30, a distraught man drowned after treading water for more than an hour.  It happened in daylight, on Alameda Beach in California, in front of dozens of people, including emergency personnel.  The beach goers all thought the paid emergency personnel were going to take care of it, they were wrong, and many are shocked: “It’s horrible. How can we let that happen? How can our emergency personnel allow that to happen? I don’t get it, I don’t understand it.”-Gary Barlow, witness

The Coast Guard said they didn’t have a boat that could reach him where he was, and their helicopters were busy!  Police said it’s not their job: “We’re not trained to go into the water, obviously the type of gear that we have on, we don’t have the type of equipment that you would use to go into the water.”-Joe McNiff, Alameda Police Department

What about firefighters?  “…I would have to stay within our policies and procedures because that’s what’s required by our department to do.”– Ricci Zombeck, Alameda Fire Division Chief

Those policies don’t allow firefighters to go into the water.  In fact, it was a woman, a civilian, a true hero, who went in, albeit too late (the man died), and recovered the body.  The taxpayer paid emergency personnel were not even going to recover the body!

The ‘hero’ division fire chief admitted they should have done something, and “…that we’re going to evaluate our response protocols.”

The next day it was revealed that the city had quietly stopped funding their water rescue program, back in 2009, in an attempt to save the city some money.  On top of that the city’s firefighters were ordered to stay out of the water.

To prove the point that paid emergency personnel are not heros, here’s what the interim fire chief of Alameda had to say: “I know that yesterday, those crews, it was killing them to stand on those shores and not be able to do anything. But under the circumstance and because of the policy, they really didn’t have a choice.”-Michael D’Orazi, Interim Fire Chief

Notice; “…because of the policy…”.  The ultimate concern of emergency personnel is not violating their policies (for cops it’s a different story, so many of them violate their own policies all the time, but in a bad way)!

I had a lot of bad experiences with emergency personnel, and cops, and this was decades back when the economy was good!  So pardon me if I seem upset!

For you Tea Party ass holes who’d like to see the U.S. turn into a Third World Country, there’s a saying that should be applied to you: “Git a rope.”

However, if people can’t work together and overthrow their oppressive governments and corporations, and create a better system, then let Anarchy reign!!!

The Beast Emerging? Russia says CELAC one more step to a one world government, wheat being sperated from the chaff

On December 3, all Latin American and Caribbean countries came together under CELAC (Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños, or Community of Latin American and Caribbean States).

The United States and Canada were intentionally left out.  China has expressed support for CELAC, and so has Russia.

However, in the official Russian statement there is an ominous mention of a one world government: The rise of the new system-forming integration structure proceeds in line with the formation of a polycentric world and the strengthening of the role of regions in the system of global governance, which meets the interests of the entire international community.”

The push for global dominance is an ancient one, but it is not the goal of only one group. There are several elite groups in our global societies that are pushing to take over the world (why do you think there’s so many wars throughout history?).

Obviously the formation of a new economic order in the Americas, one that excludes the U.S. and Canada, is a sign of the ‘wheat being separated from the chaff’.  Do you know which camp you’re in (because for most of us powerless ‘commoners’ we really don’t have much choice)?

United Police Kingdom: England’s August riots blamed on Bobbie Brutality

A study to find out the main causes for the August 2011 riots that hit several locations in England, revealed a surprise. Economic factors were not the number one reason, police brutality was!

The London School of Economics, along with the Guardian newspaper, conducted a study called Reading the Riots. 85% of those surveyed blamed the riots on the British Bobbies, saying the police hold themselves about the law.

The biggest complaint against the police is the constant detentions and harassment of lower class people, who’re never charged with any crime. Then comes the beatings and shootings by police.  Over the decades hundreds of civilians have been killed by Bobbies.

The August riots were started because the Bobbies shot and killed an unarmed father while he sat in the back of a taxi.  The cops claimed he shot first, and that a shootout took place. However, the dumb cops committed the act on a crowded street, and many witnesses countered the police claims. An independent investigation concluded that the Bobbies shot and killed the man without provocation!

On the first night of what started out as peaceful protests, the Bobbies singled out a teenaged girl because she was berating them for killing the man. They beat her. Video of the beating was posted on the internet.  Their beating of the girl is what started the riots.

To be sure, economics was also a factor in the August riots. For young Brits they were upset over the ending of a public allowance for children who stay in grade school, and, the tripling of college tuition.  The Reading the Riots study discovered that it was the older Brits who rioted over police brutality.  Many said they want vengeance for decades of repression at the hands of the Bobbies!

And it’s not over, four out of five respondents say more riots are coming for the United Police Kingdom!

By the way, violent protest does work. It forces the Elites to spend money fighting a war on the home front.  After all, they ain’t gonna spend that money on helping create jobs, and that’s what makes them Elites, they don’t want to spend their money (so much for trickle down economics).

Government Incompetence in the United Police States of America: TSA bullies strip search 85 year old, ban pregnant woman with studded purse!

“I was on the phone all the way to Orlando trying to figure out what was going on with her. It was terrifying. I don’t ever want to go through it again.”-Tami Gibbs, mother of TSA victim

Despite promises of improved, and more respectable security screenings, the Transportation  Security Administration continues to behave like a bully.  In one case they forced an 85 year old woman to strip, and banned a pregnant 17 year old from boarding the plane because of the design on her her purse!

“It’s my style. It’s camouflage. It has an old western gun on it…She was like, ‘This is a federal offense because it’s in the shape of a gun.’ I’m like, ‘But it’s a design on a purse. How is it a federal offense?'”-Vanessa Gibbs, banned because of purse design

Gibbs says she was told by TSA officials, in Norfolk, Virginia, she could not get on the plane with her studded purse, because it also has the image of a revolver.  They claim a federal law says you can not have anything that represents weapons on an airliner. In Gibbs’ case the TSA officials called her purse a ‘replica weapon’!  Doesn’t that violate our right to Freedom of Expression?

In another recent case, 85 year old Lenore Zimmerman said she was called a terrorist: “I walk with a walker. I really look like a terrorist. I am tiny. I weigh 110 pounds, 107 without clothes, and I am strip searched.”

The strip search took place at the JFK airport.  Zimmerman says they forced her to strip search because she refused to go through scanners with her defibrillator.

She says she asked to be patted down instead, but the TSA officer refused.  During the search her walker hit her leg and caused bleeding. Medics were called.

TSA officials are flat denying they strip searched her: “While we regret that the passenger feels she had an unpleasant screening experience, TSA does not include strip searches as part of our security protocols and one was not conducted in this case.”

It’s interesting that the TSA makes that claim because it seems to be a common offense reported by TSA victims.