Incomplete (i-e ‘Tip of the Iceberg’) list of U.S. Federal/State/Local Government self-destruct revelations for April 2018:

Alabama: The state Department of Public Health discovered that immigrant girls under the age of 15, in Montgomery, are getting taxpayer funded abortions: “When a 13-year-old child–with non-English speaking parents–is given an abortion, without a third-party counselor and no suspicion of sexual abuse and no report, we know Montgomery needs new leadership.”-Scott Dawson, christian gubernatorial candidate
According to one political candidate most crime in the city of Mobile can be blamed on a small group of families: “In Mobile, it’s something like, 1,700 families generate 80% of the crime. We know who those families are.”–Bill Hightower, gubernatorial candidate, 18APR2018
Seattle Times: Corruption case: Alabama lawmaker, 2 others plead not guilty
Chattanooga Times Free Press: ‘It smells like death’: Alabama endures New York City ‘poop train’
Slate Magazine: It’s Confederate Memorial Day in Alabama
Alaska: You might have heard that residents get income subsidies from the oil industry, but did you know most of it ends up back in the hands of state government (even though there is no income tax in Alaska), and that greedy state lawmakers are trying to find ways to squeeze even more out of residents?
Seattle Times: 2 Alaska salmon fishermen charged with killing Steller sea lions, and interfering with federal investigations
Arizona: The governor exempted coal fired power-plants from paying state sales taxes. The irony is that the Navajo Generating Station, in Page, is scheduled to shutdown in 2019 anyway, meaning Arizona is losing about $12-million in tax revenues until then!
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says the epicenter for a growing e. coli epidemic is lettuce farms in Yuma, Arizona.
Arkansas: NWAOnline: $42M in state aid to fix up Arkansas schools
Arkansas Online: Ecclesia College awarded state taxpayer funded grants before it even applied for those grants!
Defense rests for ex-Arkansas legislator accused of fraud
Man claiming to being paid by taxpayers to hunt for Big Foot arrested on child porn charges
California: After almost 50 years, and more than 50 rapes and at least 12 murders it turns out The Golden State Killer was at one time a taxpayer funded cop! Not only that, but it took police using unethical, and possibly court challenge-able (because it possibly violates California’s own Online Privacy Protection law), use of DNA and ancestry data to catch the killer cop. The suspect killer was also in trouble as a cop, losing his taxpayer funded police job in 1979 after being caught shoplifting.
Homeless crisis in Los Angeles County as desperate officials offer to pay homeowners to take in homeless people!
Washington Post: California limits National Guard’s border mission
KPBS: More local governments in California are resisting the state’s immigrant sanctuary policy
Washington Times: Californians defy Gov’na with nearly 1 million signatures to repeal gas tax
Colorado: The gov’na approved a $28.9-billion USD taxpayer funded spending bill, claiming it’s the result of a booming economy and federal-level taxpayer funded ‘reforms’. Money will supposedly be spent on schools, roads and the state employee taxpayer funded retirement system. The Colorado Petroleum Council could be getting what it wants; an increase the number of oil and gas wells, as well as forcing “nonconsenting owners” to give up access to their mineral rights, it’s known as the ‘pooling statute’.
Connecticut: State taxpayers could be being forced to pay University of Connecticut student-teachers a new contract worth $15.4-million USD.
State taxpayers forced to pay for a five years plan to bailout the city of Hartford, despite the Municipal Accountability Review Board saying the bailout plan will fail by the third year: “The City of Hartford should be immediately classified as a Tier IV and should re-look at going into bankruptcy.”-Bart C. Shuldman
Florida: Defense contractor Lockheed-Martin eliminating 2-hundred jobs at its Sikorsky factory in Jupiter, which builds Black Hawk helicopters for the taxpayers of the British empire member Canada! The Crestview Police Department arrested a U.S. Army 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) soldier for the murder of his estranged wife. Cops used dead man’s finger in attempt to unlock his phone
Georgia: It’s been revealed that Newnan Police got nearly $1-million worth of taxpayer funded military equipment from the U.S. Department of Defense, half-a-million of which was classified as “non-lethal”.
Chattanooga Times Free Press: Georgia city won’t share police shooting video
Guam: After telling territorial government employees they would be furloughed, supposedly due to unpaid taxes going back to 2016, the gov’na suddenly reversed course due to cutting $30-million USD from the general fund budget and because of a sudden approval of immigrant work visas! The gov’na also said it was possible that up to $25-million in tax refunds could be issued.
Hawaii: The federal government is suing defunct Sandwich Isles Communications in an attempt to recover 128-million taxpayer dollars, loaned to the company through the U.S. Department of Agriculture to provide phone service to rural areas.
Idaho: It’s been revealed that Gov’na Butch Otter pardoned a convicted drug felon, back in February, only now was it made public. The Gov’na said it was because the convict successfully obtained a doctorate degree while on parole. A former state representative was removed from the May primary elections because she is now living in a new district, Idaho law says you must reside for at least a year in your legislative district before you can run for election. The greedy leaders of Boise are spending taxpayer funding on a new propaganda operation called Livability Ambassadors Program where “selected community members” will tour selected city sites and then “will be expected to share their experiences….through social media”. Owyhee County Sheriff’s Department warning that a man is going around claiming he’s an undercover cop, already four people have been victimized.
Illinois: The city of Harvey is on the verge of bankruptcy, already laid off police and firefighters after $1.4-million in tax revenues were blocked by the Cook County Circuit Court. The state Appellate Court overturned the Cook County Court’s ruling. Harvey is in the debt hole by as much as $7-million USD, and that’s just for its employee retirement fund! Did you know that Cook County charges a tax on vehicles bought outside of the county? Lead contamination found in the city of Chicago‘s tap water, three out of every ten residences contaminated. A vehicle sharing program has been suspended in a Chicago ward, primarily because of the construction of the Obama Presidential Library. The gov’na is spending tax dollars traveling to Germany and Poland, supposedly in an attempt to increase tourism from those countries. Taxpayers being forced to pay for 5G cell phone service installation, this after the state increased income tax rates last year. The Illinois Pharmacy Association says ObamaCare-ACA insurance companies are paying the more than 5-hundred independent pharmacies less than what it actually costs them to buy the drugs at wholesale, and that ObamaCare-ACA ‘benefits managers’ (like CVS) are actually favoring the big corporate pharmacies: “It’s kind of a predatory market practice and misuse of state tax dollars.”-Garth Reynolds, Illinois Pharmacists Association
Indiana: The gov’na announced he’s going on taxpayer funded trips to Europe and Israel, supposedly in an attempt to increase economic development. British empire Commonwealth member India based InfoTech (IT) contractor InfoSys getting at least $101.8-million in state and local taxpayer incentives to build a massive training and data center at now vacant terminal of the Indianapolis International Airport, the ecstatic gov’na Eric Holcomb referred to the bribery by saying “This is a powerful partnership. It’s going to change the way we do business.” You know your capitalist economy is a lie when taxpayers are forced to shell-out millions of dollars to create jobs (isn’t that communism?). By the way most of the news media in Indiana failed to mention how much the InfoSys deal was costing taxpayers, one source even lied and said such info wasn’t available, however, news sources outside the state had the taxpayer rape data.
Iowa: An ‘ally’ of the gov’na now accused of sexual harassment, the gov’na swears she didn’t know. The Iowa Pharmacy Association says ObamaCare-ACA insurance companies are paying independent pharmacies less than what it actually costs them to buy the drugs at wholesale, and that ObamaCare-ACA ‘benefits managers’ like CVS are actually favoring the big corporate pharmacies. And in response to a statement by a CVS Caremark spokesperson about price adjustments, Representative John Forbes, who is also a pharmacist, actually said “Bullshit!”
Kansas: State legislators claim they can spend more money on education because they’ve jacked-up future tax collections by $540-million USD between now and June 2019! However, the state Supreme Court says the proposed $4-billion in education funding still isn’t enough! Politicians started jacking up state taxes in 2017. Three men convicted in federal court of planning to blow up a ‘refugee’ apartment complex in Garden City. The small city of 27-thousand people is known as a “meatpacking town” and apparently the ‘refugees’ are being brought in as cheap labor at the meat packaging plant at the expense of federal taxpayers. The influx of ‘refugees’ and immigrants began at the end of 2013 under the Obama regime. Even an NPR report from December 2013 suggested the use of immigrants and ‘refugees’ by unAmerican corporate America is intentional saying “…many plants have moved to rural Midwestern towns, which have seen a huge influx of immigrants as a result.”, as well as “Garden City’s refugee and immigrant population is expected to grow, as Tyson continues recruiting more workers.” The 2013 NPR report also revealed that by using immigrants and ‘refugees’ that “requests for food stamps are up 230 percent”!
Kentucky: Massive drug addiction and resulting deaths causing requests for autopsies to skyrocket 26% since 2013, and the state does not have the funding to deal with it. As a result the gov’na suggested moving Medical Examiner’s Office pathologists from direct state employment to indirect employment through universities, which would come with a pay raise but would also mean those pathologists would lose their state employee retirement accounts. Perhaps it’s actually a covert plan to save the state’s troubled employee retirement system? The state Department of Education is recommending direct state control of Jefferson County Public Schools, after a year long audit revealed local ignorance regarding how to use funding for the school district, among other major problems.
Kentucky Career Center: Kentucky issued 30% more Workforce Opportunity Tax Credits to employers in fiscal year 2017
Louisiana: Taxpayers might be raped of $1.5-billion (yes, ‘Billion’) in state and local tax incentives for convincing a plastics company from Taiwan, called Formosa Petrochemicals, to set up shop in Saint James!
Maine: Seattle Times: Police thought they’d seized heroin, but it was cremated human remains
Maryland: Baltimore based executive vehicle rental company AutoFlex officially protested the cancellation of its federal taxpayer funded contract with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
The Washington Post: Montgomery County economy is stagnant, and leaders are ignoring job creation
Maryland rakes in millions of dollars from toll fines and penalties
Maryland flunks freedom of speech
Massachusetts: Providing body cameras for Boston cops will cost taxpayers $2-million USD in 2019. At one time Boston was known for its rebellion against unfair taxes, now there’s a new push to create taxes that target specific income groups.
Michigan: A state judge ruled it’s unconstitutional to use taxpayer money to fund private schools, this after state ‘christian’ lawmakers gave 5-million tax dollars to religious schools in the past two years! Taxpayers of Michigan will be forced to help fund a British empire United Kingdom based study on driverless cars!
Minnesota: Texas based Enbridge Energy spent $5-million USD bribing, I mean lobbying state politicians in 2017, making it the most costly state lobbying effort since 2007. A now former FBI counter-terrorism agent, from Minnesota, pled guilty to leaking classified government documents to the mainstream ‘fake’ news media.
Mississippi: More proof the criminal justice system is about making money as “Current Mississippi law requires an inmate to pay a monthly $55 fee when he or she is paroled…” It’s been revealed that Japan based Toyota is getting even more taxpayer funded incentives to re-tool its Blue Springs Corolla factory, yet how much has not been revealed. One of the taxpayer funded incentives rewards Toyota for paying employees more than $41-thousand USD per year. Past state and local taxpayer funding for Toyota amounted to $325-million. If the only way you can create ‘private sector’ jobs is with taxpayer funding then your capitalist/corporate economic system has failed.
Missouri: The gov’na is now charged with felony computer tampering regarding the theft of a charity list from his own charity organization, The Mission Continues.
Montana: One of the biggest recycling operations in the state, Aware Incorporated, shutting down ops in Butte due to the crashing prices of recycled materials and crashing state taxpayer funded subsidies for recycling companies.
Nebraska: A new law was created to protect state taxpayers from an ‘inadvertent’ increase in state taxes, which supposedly could be caused by the Trump Tax Reforms of 2017. Another new law ensures “that gun control extremists won’t have access” to gun owner’s personal information.
Nevada: Atlantic Richfield, owner of the former Anaconda copper mine-now a federal SuperFund site, suddenly halted home delivery of bottled water to the Yerington Paiute Tribe: “I believe that this dismissive, arrogant act means to punish us by cutting off our water in an attempt to pressure us to stop fighting for our legal rights.”-Laurie Thom, Tribal Chairman
Las Vegas Sun: 20 ways legal marijuana has affected Nevada
New Hampshire: Taxpayers funding BirdsEyeView Aerobatics of Andover with $1.8-million USD for a measly 50 airborne drones to help the U.S. Department of the Interior fight ever increasing wildfires.
New Jersey: A new law automatically registers people to vote when they get a drivers license or I-D card. The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says New Jersey has the highest rate of autism in their latest survey. U.S. Senator Robert Menendez ordered to pay-back ‘gifts’ he got from a doctor whom he actively promoted by using his position as a U.S. senator.
New Mexico: Albuquerque now requires federal immigration agents to get a warrant before entering the city! State taxpayers have been funding up to 75% of job training for call center employees, already the state has set aside as much as $9-million USD for this year’s call center job training! On top of that, taxpayer funded subsidies for job training for all industries is at $13.7-million! One of the biggest recipients of call center training subsidies is Ohio based Convergys, who has already laid off 258 New Mexicans so far this year! To prove that the U.S. is now run by communists, the state Legislative Finance Committee justified the spending of working class taxes to create working class jobs as a way of “…creating well-paying opportunities for a skilled labor force that in turn bolsters the state’s average income and incentivizes workers to stay.”
New York: Yet another reason that more and more people are leaving NYC as the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge is now considered the most expensive toll bridge in the United States. State taxpayers being forced to create a new Medicaid Doula (Greek for ‘servant’) system in an attempt to stop the unusually high maternal mortality rate among ‘black’ women.
North Carolina: The paranoid gov’na wants taxpayers to fork-over an additional $130-million USD for school building safety improvements and to hire hundreds of additional school nurses, psychologists and police officers.
North Dakota: The gov’na ordered state agencies to prep for major taxpayer funding cuts, caused by a reduction in budget funding of $1.7-million USD as a result of crashing petroleum industry activity.
Ohio: The Ohio Pharmacy Association says ObamaCare-ACA insurance companies are paying independent pharmacies less than what it actually costs them to buy the drugs at wholesale, and that ObamaCare-ACA ‘benefits managers’ are actually favoring the big corporate pharmacies like CVS, who just happens to be the subcontracted pharmacy benefit manager. As a result, 165 independent pharmacies in Ohio have gone out-of-business in the past two years! Taxpayers funding a new law to study why Ohio courts have been reluctant to upload criminal records to the anti-gun National Instant Criminal Background Check System.
Oklahoma: A new law changes the way people convicted of drug crimes, including repeat offenders, are treated by the state’s criminal justice system. But don’t think it’s for ‘humanitarian’ reasons, the state prison system is overcrowded with drug crime offenders and if something isn’t done to reduce the prison population then it’s expected that taxpayers would have to fork-over more than $1.2-billion USD to build new prisons over the next ten years.
Oregon: The state is being overwhelmed with data concerning its legalized ganja program. By law the 1-thousand-8-hundred licensed Mary-Jane dealers have to input data everyday into the state Cannabis Tracking System, the result is that state law enforcers can’t deal with the data!
Pennsylvania: A failed political candidate and assistant vice president of Villanova University shot and killed by the wife of her lover, after getting caught: “You had a man who was married who was having an affair with this other woman. The wife knew about it, and this was a calculated, planned attack.”-Police Superintendent William Colarulo
Puerto Rico: The Columbian: US mainland politicians wooing Puerto Ricans who fled storm
BuzzFeed News: Puerto Rico Wants To Send Thousands Of Inmates To Private for-profit Prisons on mainland U.S.
Rhode Island: Despite ongoing problems, the state Health & Human Services is extending a contract for a vendor responsible for the ‘UHIP debacle’. The Unified Health Infrastructure Project for low income people is also known as RI Bridges, and is meant to ascertain a person’s eligibility for SNAP, cash assistance and/or Medicaid. Contractor Deloitte Consulting has so far failed to get the $492-million taxpayer funded UHIP system to work, but is getting the contract extension because it claims to continue working on UHIP for free.
South Carolina: The State: SC guards who take bribes, deal drugs in prison get off easy
NBCNews: Shortage of guards eyed after South Carolina prison riot
South Carolina Corrections employees charged in prison contraband
New York Post: Inmates in South Carolina prison riot bled to death
USA Today: “While South Carolina’s prison system now ranks among the country’s cheapest for taxpayers, it’s also become one of the deadliest…”
South Dakota: Three First Nations tribes want direct control over the federally run Sioux San Hospital in Rapid City, saying the taxpayer funded U.S. Indian Health Service is a failure: “…as we all know and have seen for several years, they have failed to do that at the cost of lives and at the cost of healthcare for our people.”-Jerilyn Church, Great Plains Tribal Chairmen’s Health Board
Tennessee: A new law will require healthy adults with no children to work in order to qualify for Medicaid, never-mind that already an estimated 180-thousand working (employed) Tennesseans should, but don’t, qualify for ObamaCare-ACA Medicaid!
Texas: The police chief of New Boston could be fired for the ‘F-5’ termination of a police officer. City leaders say the firing was not justified, but the police chief indicated the officer lied to him. Texas law requires a written reason for being fired, the city says the police chief didn’t give one. The police chief also accused the city attorney of lying saying “Lying on a government document is a crime and you should know that being the city attorney.”
Utah: State taxpayers forced to fork-over $650-million USD for a new prison west of Salt Lake City International Airport.
Vermont: According to The Washington Post, Vermont is so lacking in working aged adults that the state government has launched a program to hire tourists! A taxpayer subsidized program to bring cell phone service to 26 towns is in trouble because the Massachusetts based contractor, Vanu-CoverageCo, is out of money. It’s also blamed on connectivity problems with AT&T, and on unspecified problems with taxpayer funded Public Service Department. What happened to the old landline system?
Virginia: The state Supreme Court revived the idea that scanning vehicle license plates could be a violation of personal information, and as such could affect every law enforcement agency in the state.
Washington: Despite openly anti-2nd Amendment cities like Seattle, pro-gunners held rallies across The Evergreen State.
Washington DC: It’s been revealed that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has detained U.S. citizens for weeks, and even years, simply because agents refused to accept the fact they were detaining U.S. citizens!
The U.S. Department of the Interior requesting Congress to consider forcing you to pay for access to taxpayer funded U.S. Geological Survey data!
New York Times: IRS Website Crashes on Tax Day as Millions Tried to File Returns
US Must Keep DACA and Accept New Applications, DC Judge Rules
West Virginia: The West Virginia National Guard is now assigned to mentor the military of Qatar, but don’t think it’s about national security, it’s about the oil: “This new partnership will benefit West Virginia as we learn from their extensive natural gas and energy infrastructure programs.”-David McKinley, U.S. Representative
Wisconsin: Two former University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh administrators face felony charges regarding an ongoing financial scandal surrounding several construction projects.
Milwaukee Business Journal: 5 new laws that will impact Wisconsin’s housing market in 2018
Wyoming: Cody Regional Health is offering an opioid addiction treatment, the only problem is that it uses an opioid as part of the treatment. Officials with the hospital wouldn’t say what the opioid was, but claims it “doesn’t make them high.”
WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification
Government Shenanigans, March 2018: “THEY GOT IT WRONG.”
ObamaCare ACA death spiral, April 2018:“NEW NORMAL”
Dumbing Down U.S.A., April 2018:“THIS IS SOMETHING UNEXPECTED”