Tag Archives: crime

“global systemic collapse”: Climate Change, 01-08 February 2020

Incomplete list of links to news articles concerning climate change events during the days of 01 to 08 of the Gregorian month of February 2020.

Some scientists blame extreme temperature changes for the decline of the wooly bumblebee

Ocean currents getting faster, due to faster winds

Thawing permafrost will speed warming

ARGENTINA: Hottest day ever?

AUSTRALIA:  Charcoal and beef usually means BBQ, but something from 3-hundred BC might reduce methane produced by feeding cattle; Biochar

Despite regulations supposedly limiting industry pollution, it’s revealed the government actually approved increased industrial emissions!

BRAZIL: Discovered; the lumber industry is so aggressive it’s now cutting down trees during the rainy season!

CANADA: Quake strikes Atlantic coast

FRANCE: Cities are filling with trash

GREECE: 4.7 quake

INDIA:  5.1 quake

ISRAEL:  Earthquake near Haifa

ITALY:  Old solar panels meant to be recycled were instead shipped to parts of the Middle East and Africa

KOSOVO: European Union spends U.S.$83-million for filters to fight air pollution coming from electricity factory

SERBIA:  Considered Europe’s most polluted country

SOUTH AFRICA: Shrubs can stop climate change?

UNITED KINGDOM: British taxpayers funding African fossil fuel projects worth U.S.$750-million


 So much for environment saving wind turbines, it’s estimated that this year alone at least 8-thousand wind turbine blades will be thrown into municipal trash dumps!   What’s more, the blades are supposed to last 20 years but most are thrown away after only ten!  They can’t be recycled!

The final ‘shell’ emplacement had been delayed by unusually high water levels, but now that water levels have dropped the U.S.$1.22-billion Kentucky Lock Addition Project can continue.  Ten ‘shells’ were needed to build the new lock addition in dry conditions.  Reports say that since December 2019 the level of the Tennessee River was over-topping the nine shells already in place, each shell is 31-feet/9-meters high.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers spending at least U.S.$16-million to repair a breach in the Buffalo North Breakwater, which was caused by the Halloween Night Storm last year.
Altus Air Force Base is experimenting with a new cheaper way to clean-up its ground water, called a ‘bio-wall’ (‘bioreactors’ filled with locally sourced micro-organisms): “The purpose of the bio wall is to degrade the manmade contaminates currently found in the groundwater and break them down into naturally found elements. The bio walls act like a big water filter that is 30 feet underground. As the water flows through the wall, we are purifying it from the potentially harmful chemicals that were put in the ground a long time ago.”-Mary Bitney, Altus AFB Remedial Project Manager
Puerto Rico; 5.0 earthquake 
Tennessee;  2.7 quake
Virginia;  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers awarded a U.S.$23.7-million contract to Florida based contractor to rebuild the eroded beach at NASA’s Wallops Island Flight Facility on Virginia’s Eastern Shore, including construction of breakwaters using 1.3-million cubic yards of sand.

Climate Change, 26-31 January 2020: OCEANS SINK AS THE LANDS FLOOD

“Haven’t got one wrong yet”: Immigrant Invasion U.S.A., 26-31 January 2020

Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of main-stream-news links about global immigrant/border operations affecting the United States taxpayers, days of 26 to 31 of Gregorian January 2020.

U.S. ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) report on nonimmigrant students in U.S.

U.S. DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) National Drug Threat Assessment

ALABAMA:  Illegal immigrants arrested for abusing toddler

ARIZONA: GoDaddy founder pays the tuition for illegals attending Arizona State University

Gang of 11 arrested for drug running

  Man sent to prison for human trafficking

The first 30-foot panel for the Yuma 10/27 project is placed at Barry M. Goldwater Range.  Yuma 10/27 will be a 31 miles ‘secondary’ wall, behind the first wall seen in the background.

CALIFORNIA:  Governor Newsom Expands taxpayer funded Health Care Coverage for Illegal Immigrants

Longest cross border tunnel yet, discovered 

FLORIDA: Illegal from United Kingdom dies in ICE custody

Illegal from Cuba dies in ICE custody

 Illegal from Cuba goes to prison for human trafficking

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE)-Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) captured more than 176-thousand counterfeit (fake) sports-related items heading to the Super Bowl, worth an estimated $123-million (MSRP, Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price).


Video, Super Bowl truck scanning:

Video, U.S. Coast Guard Super Bowl boat patrol:

GEORGIA: 31 people sentenced for arraigning false marriages to avoid immigration laws

ILLINOIS: Illinois Tech offers MAP funding to illegals

MARYLAND: State legislature overrides governor’s veto of a bill that provides in-state college tuition for illegals

MASSACHUSETTSMan wanted for wartime rape crimes in his home country, was deported by ICE

ICE deports illegal wanted for attempted murder in Brazil

MICHIGAN: MSU informs all students are eligible of its resources “regardless of immigration status.” 

MINNESOTA: Judge finds county was breaking law by holding immigrants for ICE

NEW YORK: ICE arrests illegal accused of child rape

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arrested 75 undocumented immigrants 

Illegal man wanted for drug crimes in Spain, deported 

Man sent to prison for gun running from Kosovo

Two Mexicans accused of killing a Mexican soldier and running drugs into the U.S.

OHIO:  judge uses a hunch to call ICE on undocumented defendants: “Haven’t got one wrong yet”

PENNSYLVANIA: ICE arrests illegal who has been repeatedly arrested and released by local immigrant loving law ‘enforcement’

Chester County is or is not a sanctuary county?

PUERTO RICO:  U.S. Coast Guard captures 37 illegals from Dominican Republic on 29JAN2020, bringing the one week total to 69 illegals captured.

TEXAS: Company hit with $3-million fine for knowingly hiring illegals 

Illegal from Mexico goes to prison for human trafficking

UTAH:  Illegal ‘Dreamers’ can now become attorneys in Utah

VERMONT: Second Amendment Sanctuary Movement Takes Hold, to counter illegal immigrant sanctuary cities

VIRGINIA: ICE arrests gang member wanted for crimes in El Salvador

WASHINGTON:  A legal resident, from Bosnia, going to prison for gun running

ICE, along with state and local law enforcers, arrest seven people for child sex trafficking

WYOMING: ACLU says privately run ICE prison is illegal 

Immigrant Invasion U.S.A., 19-25 January 2020: “THIS IS NOT A REQUEST, IT’S A DEMAND!”


“This is not a request, it’s a demand!”: Immigrant Invasion U.S.A., 19-25 January 2020

Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of main-stream-news links about global immigrant/border operations affecting the United States taxpayers, days of 19 to 25 of Gregorian January 2020.


Lawyers accuse government of not complying with a federal court order that protects mentally disabled immigrants in California, Arizona and Washington.



ALASKA: Idaho man fined, banned for guiding illegal Alaska hunts


ALABAMA: The refugee question in Alabama

ARIZONA: Murder convictions upheld for 2 men in border agent’s death

Deadly Vaping oils flooding across border: ‘Everyone should be concerned’

Replacing older sections of the Tucson 1 border wall (from before President Trump’s time) near Ajo, 20JAN2020.

ARKANSAS: Three law enforcement agencies participate in 287(g) program.

CALIFORNIA: Los Angeles bans for-profit privately run immigrant ‘service centers’. 



U.S. Customs and Border Protection capture a U.S. citizen whose truck’s gas tank was filled with liquid meth from Mexico. 

Hi-tech data company Palantir admits it actively searches for illegal immigrants for ICE

COLORADO:  Updated overtime protections will expand to more workers 

Colorado is losing about 2-thousand jobs due to industry shutdowns, politician Matt Soper is now begging farmers to stop hiring migrants and hire citizens, saying “at least give them a shot”!

CONNECTICUT:  Record number of illegal immigrant children arriving by themselves

FLORIDA:  ICE captures four of 12 of the illegals who washed ashore at Palm Beach

U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Air and Marine Operations partners with Miami-Dade Police Department for security ops for Super Bowl LIV in Miami, Florida.

U.S. Customs & Border Protection reveal taxpayer sucking technology used to keep Super Bowl safe

GEORGIA: Former cop threatens illegal immigrant after car accident

GUAM: The island territory is apparently having trouble with migrants from Micronesia

IDAHO:  Canyon County reimbursed for more than U.S.$43-thousand spent holding illegal migrants in jail

ILLINOIS: Hundreds of non-citizens registered to vote due to technical glitch

MAINE:  Customs and Border Protection Officer sentenced to prison for possessing child porn

MARYLAND: Illegal immigrant captured with child porn

MASSACHUSETTSIranian student deported from Boston by Customs and Border Protection despite court order

MINNESOTA:  More proof unchecked immigration is not about providing migrants a better life; now shuttered mom-n-pop drywall company owes money to dozens of illegal workers: “I’ve done other work comp fraud cases but not of this magnitude. It cheats the workers from the health care insurance they’re entitled to; second, it cheats the insurance company who is supposed to provide the coverage; and third, it cheats the companies that compete with a fraudulent corporation.”-Mike Freeman, Hennepin County Attorney

NEVADA: ICE prison guard fired for speaking his mind

NEW MEXICO: The town of Chaparral is mostly illegal immigrants, the main employer in the area is a for-profit privately run ICE prison

NEW YORK:  ICE subpoenas the city of New York: “This is not a request, it’s a demand….   …Dangerous criminals are being released every single day in New York.”-Henry Lucero, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

  ICE issues list of ‘fugitive’ illegals freed by New York City’s sanctuary city policies

A convicted felon from Kentucky, with a gun in his truck-trailer, takes wrong turn while driving through New York, ends up in Canada where the Canadian border guards allow him to turn around without checking his truck-trailer, tries to get back into the U.S. but his truck-trailer was searched because he didn’t have a passport and he was arrested for illegal possession of a gun.

Interesting that Puerto Ricans have been citizens of the U.S. since 1917, yet in The Big Apple they are still considered immigrants, even by the politicians who represent them, and the local news media!

And even more interesting, the Puerto Ricans living in The Big Apple have avoided taking part in the U.S. Census, even though since 1917 they’re considered citizens!

OHIO:  U.S. Customs and Border Protection agriculture specialists at the Port of Cincinnati intercepted 51 shipments of invasive mitten crabs

OREGON: In immigrant loving state migrant students struggle to graduate from local high schools

PENNSYLVANIA: ICE deports convicted gun runner from Kazakhstan

TENNESSEE: Illegal immigrant teenager charged with kidnapping 

TEXAS: Mexican murder suspect arrested while trying to enter the United States

16 pregnant illegals captured by ICE

U.S. citizen is building his own version of the border wall

U.S. Customs and Border Protection arrested a man at the Anzalduas International Bridge with $229,000 worth of alleged cocaine 

UTAH:  Supposedly there’s such a labor shortage in Salt Lake City that even illegal workers are getting paid $15 per hour to start!

VERMONT:  Middlebury College pledges to help illegal dairy farm workers

Washington DC: Trump immigration policies showing results, with illegal border crossings plummeting


“better off not being a citizen”: Immigrant Invasion, 12-18 January 2020

Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of main-stream-news links about global immigrant/border operations affecting the United States taxpayers, third week of Gregorian January 2020.

Mexican authorities closed a border entry point after thousands of Central American migrants tried to push their way across a bridge.

Guatemalan police accompanied by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents swept up the majority of a group of about 3-hundred migrants Thursday, loaded them on buses and took them back to the Honduran border.

Pro-illegal immigrants groups in the U.S. are going to Mexico to provide captured illegals with free legal help

Ripped-Off U.S. citizens Sue Mexican Monex for stealing Millions

ALASKA: Cops capture immigrant drug dealer

ARIZONA:  Woman goes to prison for impersonating immigration attorney and ICE agent

124 illegals were flown from Tucson to Guadalajara, Mexico, as part of the Interior Repatriation Initiative (IRI).  The first such IRI deportation for 2020.

10 years after SB1070 what happened to Arizona’s illegals?

CALIFORNIA:  “The day will come in California where you may be better off not being a citizen or having legal status to be here as well as not having a job.”-Manteca/Ripon Bulletin

 Governor plans even larger expansion of taxpayer funded healthcare for illegals, could cost more than U.S.$3.4-billion per year!

San Diego bakery shuts down after ICE audit 

City of Adelanto, already home to a GEO run massive fortress-like immigrant prison called Adelanto Dentention Facility West, will see ICE processing center expanded

Next door to Adelanto is Victorville, with its massive fortress-like federal prison called FCI Victorville Medium 1 

COLORADO: Denver officials won’t hand over information sought by ICE

 ICE subpoenas Denver law enforcement

CONNECTICUT: City of Middletown considered to have mostly illegals as residents?

FLORIDA:  Venezuelan attorney and businessman added to ICE Most Wanted List

illegal immigrant gets prison time for forcing 12 years old boy into slavery on a Florida farm


GEORGIA: Taxpayer funded public schools pushing illegal families to take part in federal Census (it’s all about getting as much federal money as possible)

HAWAII: Organization pushing illegals from Philippines to take part in federal Census (turns out Filipinos are considered a ‘majority ethnic’ group in Hawaii)

IDAHO:  Group says human trafficking is alive and well in The Gem State

Proposed bill to sell drivers’ licenses to illegals is ‘shelved’, for now

ILLINOIS:  Chicago cops to double as ‘customs agents’


IOWA:  ‘Dreamers’ Protest Against Joe Biden

LOUISIANA: Hunger Striker Nearing Death in ICE Custody

MARYLAND: Adult illegal immigrant arrested for sex with child

MASSACHUSETTSAutomatic voter registration may lead to unintended consequences

MICHIGAN: man who challenged deportation can stay, seek citizenship

MINNESOTA:   Representative Ilhan Omar under federal investigation?


NEW JERSEY: Hoboken to  become the 1st city in the state to mandate Reunification of Migrant Families

NEW MEXICO: Cops release transgender illegal immigrant with chronic illness, ICE arrests the immigrant several weeks later 

NEW YORK:  ICE issues detainer for illegal immigrant accused of murdering 92-year-old woman

Law college refuses aid for DACA students

NORTH CAROLINA:  Whole Foods continues buying food from farm known to use slave labor!

OHIO:  Franklin County Sheriff’s Office accused of releasing 29 illegals

  ICE agents have visited courthouse looking for illegals


PENNSYLVANIA: Migrant worker population increases exponentially!

It’s been revealed that a man accused of killing a woman is an illegal immigrant who has been deported in the past

TEXAS:  Federal politicians sneak chronically sick girl into U.S. for medical care

Border Wall work south of Weslaco, 13JAN2020.

UTAH:  Immigration judges in Utah made a record number of asylum decisions, mostly denials

VERMONT: Migrant Justice settles with DMV to halt information sharing with ICE

VIRGINIA: “We wouldn’t have a tobacco industry if it wasn’t for migrant labor.”-Bob Harris, Pittsylvania County farmer

WASHINGTON: Immigrants Afraid To Show Up In Court

Seattle fires cop who was openly anti-illegal immigrant

WISCONSIN: Border Patrol releases illegal immigrant for asylum hearing 


Slave Houses?: Immigrant Invasion U.S.A., 06-11 January 2020

Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of main-stream-news links about global immigrant/border operations affecting the United States taxpayers, second week of Gregorian January 2020.


Illegal immigrant appointing U.S. citizens as guardians for their children

Actress appearing in new Disney owned Freeform TV show came to the U.S. as a tourist a decade ago 

PBS Newshour Weekend: Yielding to U.S. pressure, Mexico clamps down on migrants from Africa

ARIZONA: I learned I was undocumented at 18, after trying to join the Marines. Now, I’m the subject of a musical

Business owner arrested for being an illegal from Canada

ARKANSAS:  Adoption scammers used climate change to scare people off Marshal Islands and into a human trafficking operation.

CALIFORNIA:  76-thousand children crossed into the U.S. by themselves!   California politician wants to stop a housing project for them, not because he’s against housing the child immigrants but because the tax-sucking contractor has a reputation of evil!

Meet an illegal, illegal immigrant attorney



More illegal students to get more taxpayer funded assistance under new law

Arrogant spoiled students at UC San Diego says California taxpayers aren’t doing enough for illegals!

1-thousand-6-hundred illegals in Fresno County now qualify for free (taxpayer funded) healthcare

COLORADO:  More rural DMVs issuing drivers’ licenses to illegals

CONNECTICUT: Welcoming Hartford Ordinance could block police from working with ICE 

IDAHO:  State politician is pro-drivers’ licenses for illegals

ILLINOIS:  New state law favors transgender and undocumented college students 

KENTUCKY: State Attorney General supports making Kentucky an anti-sanctuary state

MINNESOTA:  Illegal woman pleads guilty to scamming both illegals and citizens 

NEW YORK:  Unexpected result of giving drivers’ licenses to illegals, state taxpayers forced to hire 3-hundred new DMV workers!

Illegal man held in New York jail for seven months, at taxpayer expense, still no court date

OHIO:  Illegal arrested for domestic disturbance

SOUTH CAROLINA: Illegal arrested for raping six years old girl

TEXAS:  Tye City PD and U.S. Border Patrol detain undocumented smuggler, he was attempting to bring in eight illegals 

More proof undocumented immigration isn’t about giving immigrants a better life; Webb County deputies rescue illegals from slave house, vicitms said the smugglers took their money (in the thousands) and demanded even more money

U.S. Border Patrol reports discovering numerous slave/stash houses near the border, most filled with people from Central America

Woman to be sentenced for operating stash/slave houses

The U.S. Coast Guard got a new boat, a cutter called Daniel Tarr.  It’s mission is to patrol the Gulf of Mexico from Florida to Texas.

Washington DC: Border apprehensions drop again in December

Immigrant Invasion U.S.A., 01-05 January 2020: HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Happy New Year!: Immigrant Invasion U.S.A., 01-05 January 2020

Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of main-stream-news links about global immigrant/border operations affecting the United States taxpayers, first week of Gregorian January 2020.

Ever hear of the Cascadia Innovation Corridor (CIC), it’s an economic operation uniting Oregon, Washington and Canada in bringing more immigrants into the Pacific Northwest, to work in the hi-tech industry!

FLORIDA:  Miami christian event could mix pastors, politics and undocumented immigrants

U.S. Coast Guard captures illegal immigrants 25 miles southeast of Tavernier Creek, 02JAN2020.

MARYLAND:  Maryland signs onto President Trump’s new refugee resettlement program

MISSOURI:  Missouri signs onto President Trump’s new refugee resettlement program

NEW MEXICO: ICE reports French detainee died in Albuquerque hospital

NEW YORK: ICE arrests illegal after he was released from a local jail (local authorities released him even though he was accused of killing somebody in a hit and run accident)


Washington DC:  Farm organizations demand the federal government bring in more foreign farm workers

To Produce Citizenship Data, Homeland Security To Share Records With Census

U.S. Immigration Officials Deny Detaining Iranians

DHS to review state laws granting driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants

IMMIGRANT INVASION U.S.A., DECEMBER 2019: POPULATION DEATH SPIRAL, RATS LEAVING A SINKING SHIP! (includes ICE video showing immigrants knowingly enrolled in ‘fake university’ classes they never intended to take, I published this way before the main stream news media)

Trump is not the one who started programs to get local cops to cooperate with ICE, Obama did under operation ‘Secure Communities’.  Find out if it worked. 

Thanksgiving Hell: Immigrant Invasion U.S.A., November 2019

Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of main-stream-news links about global immigrant/border operations affecting the United States taxpayers, November 2019.

Smithsonian Natural Museum of the American Indian explains why Native Americans refuse to recognize the official Thanksgiving Holiday: European Immigrants  (also see WHY ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE BAD: THANKSGIVING, CHRISTIANITY’S OPEN HUNTING SEASON ON NATIVE AMERICANS!)

Revealed; former Democrat President Bill Clinton ordered mass incarceration of immigrants, victims demand apology, Clinton’s now claim to have no memory of it

United Nations official admits he made a mistake regarding immigrant children in U.S. detention, data used was from the Obama administration, not current Trump administration (which shows child detentions are actually lower than during the Obama regime)

There’s a push by southern border states to get Mexican immigrants living in colonies on the U.S. side to take part in the Census, because it means more federal tax dollars for those border states

Mexican immigrant to lead U.S. Catholic bishops

More proof U.S. dollars are being siphoned away by immigrants! Filipinos in the U.S. prove to be biggest supporters of Philippines’ economy, sending 32-billion U.S. dollars back to their Filipino homes in 2018!    That’s $32-billion that could’ve been spent in the United States!

How many undocumented immigrants are in the United States and who are they?

Federal judge grants DACA stay, temporarily

Despite claims that illegal immigrants are coming to the U.S. for a better life, and that they boost the U.S. economy, a Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry article says  children of undocumented parents in America are more likely to suffer from poverty and reliance on taxpayer funded social services!

While families in the U.S. struggle with food insecurity, it was revealed that at the end of October the USAF delivered enough rice to feed 500-thousand people, in Honduras! It was delivered on a C-17 Globemaster-3 assigned to the 62nd Airlift Wing, out of Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington.

While ObamaCare (ACA) has failed in the United States, the U.S. Navy spent U.S. taxes providing medical care to the people of Haiti, 10NOV2019.

ALABAMA: University of Alabama now has an Illegal People course (AMS 300)

ALASKA: FBI claims crimes against illegals in Alaska doubled, police need more tax funding to cope

ARIZONA: After helping illegal migrants in the Arizona desert, an activist was charged with a felony. Now, he’s been acquitted.

More than 200 undocumented immigrants surrender to border agents

Tucson Counts illegal immigrant Sanctuary City Vote, Mohave County declares Itself Gun ‘Sanctuary’

Contractors working for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers continue construction of border wall near Yuma.

CALIFORNIA: A retired cop explains, using help from a professor of military history, why California is a failed-state and now there is a massive exodus of retired government employees!


Why is there currently not a single statewide Republican officeholder?  Masses of Republican voters fleeing the pro-illegal immigrant state!

Okies disappearing, replaced by Latino migrants

Illegal Koreans find safe haven in non-profit clinics

University of California favors illegal students

San Jose State favors illegal students

UC San Francisco favors illegal students

California DMV makes money selling data of citizens and illegals

COLORADO: DMVs in five more communities will allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses and ID cards

Colorado University Anschutz favors illegal students

Man pleads guilty to ripping-off his illegal employees

Colorado bans both illegal and legal immigrants from voting

CONNECTICUT:  Illegal woman claims ICE sexually assaulted her

More proof this could end up in a civil war as University of Connecticut students, as well as state residents, split over DACA

DELAWARE: ‘I want the Norman Rockwell America back’: In Delaware, the land of Biden, evidence of strong Trump support

FLORIDA:  State prison guards given authority to work with ICE

GUAM: Unemployed/pregnant migrant worker shot while walking home, police say it’s a random shooting

HAWAII:  Yet more proof immigrants are a burden on taxpayers; “Unfortunately, the related costs of FAS [Freely Associated States] migrants residing in Hawai‘i, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands and Samoa have ballooned far beyond the assistance provided by our federal government, and the affected jurisdictions can no longer reasonably be expected to bear the burden of this federal responsibility.”-Ed Case, U.S. Representative for Hawaii

IDAHO: Preston Police kill knife wielding migrant farm worker. 

More proof the city of Boise has been favoring ‘refugees’ as it was revealed taxpayer funded health and human services contractor Jannus, along with the Idaho Office for Refugees, provides training, resources and land for refugees who want to grow produce to feed their families or to sell to the community!

Idahoans finally getting pissed at skyrocketing domestic migrants from California!

Idaho farmers praise new bill that would increase the number of migrant farm workers.

Anti-Trump and pro leftist-liberal books disappearing from Idaho libraries?

ILLINOIS: “By applying as a student from Illinois and meeting specific criteria, undocumented students may be eligible for the in-state tuition rate.”

Chicago declared most immigrant friendly city in United States

INDIANA: Upper court rules lower courts must decide child custody cases involving illegal immigrants

Hi-tech engineering school now favors illegal students

IOWA: Non-profits favor illegal immigrants

KANSAS: Dodge City addicted to illegals, record population growth due to importation of immigrants

KENTUCKY: Public grade schools have specialized classes for immigrants

University of Kansas School of Social Welfare leading a program to expand the use of immigrant farm workers in research

LOUISIANA:  Whistleblower injured in Hard Rock hotel collapse deported to Honduras (the main stream news media is missing the point that the construction company was employing illegal workers)


MAINE: Portland confirms arrival of migrants from Africa, expects more

17 illegals captured, they came into the U.S. legally with work visas but violated the work visa rules and were ordered to leave in August, they refused

MARYLAND:  Montgomery County releases yet another illegal accused of child molestation

After releasing numerous illegals accused of rape, pro-illegal Montgomery County (which called ICE a terrorist organization) claims it will now cooperate with ICE

Illegal immigrant suing state Department of Natural Resources after he was arrested for illegally cutting down a tree

More than a dozen federal, state and local agencies in the Sector Maryland-National Capital Region continue to inspect trucks and shipping containers at the Port of Baltimore.  The inspections also include checking that the truck drives are legally allowed to work in the U.S.

MASSACHUSETTS: Video of part of the ICE operation, in Boston, that captured 19 illegal immigrant drug dealers:

MICHIGAN: More than 250 illegals arrested at fake college

Don’t blame Trump, revealed; ICE’s fake college sting ops against illegals was ordered by Barack Obama!

U.S. Border Patrol personnel assaulted while trying to arrest illegal immigrant

MINNESOTA: 71% increase in back-log of immigration court cases

Woman arrested for scam in which she helped illegals get visas by claiming their ‘original’ documents were stolen

Construction contractor pleads guilty to running human trafficking operation

Immigrants, both legal and illegal, being blamed for Minnesota’s out of control population increase

MISSISSIPPI: Revealed; the majority of the hundreds of illegals captured in a work place raid back in August were using the stolen I-Ds of U.S. citizens

Here’s more from a different news source; “…47 of the 119 indicted undocumented immigrants have pled guilty, with a number of others indicating their intent to plead guilty. Of those who have already pled guilty, 26 admitted to fraudulently using the Social Security Number of an American citizen. 21 of the undocumented workers have pled guilty to unlawfully reentering the United States after having been previously deported or removed.” 

MONTANA: 19 illegals captured

Four human trafficking suspects captured

Local TV news reports on 100+ years of illegal immigrants and drug smuggling, from Canada 

NEBRASKA: Couple sentenced to ten years in federal prison for ripping-off illegal workers by virtually enslaving them in permanent debt

Frustrated citizen students leave anti-illegal notes on windshields at pro-illegal University of Nebraska

NEVADA: Nevada State College helps illegals get around student loan applications

Federal court rulings, conflicting county and city laws, are overwhelming Las Vegas cops when it comes to the homeless people and illegal immigrants

NEW JERSEY:  In Blue New Jersey, a Conservative Backlash on Immigration

NEW YORK:  Taxpayer funded Long Island-NYC company in trouble for lying about where its hi-tech gear for the U.S. military was made.  Aventura Technologies claimed the $20-million worth of items were made in the United States, but in reality they were made in China and included items that could be used to spy on the U.S. military.

 Illegal immigrant charged with second-degree vehicular manslaughter (having a drivers’ license wouldn’t have stopped it)

County Clerks Revolt Over Drivers’ Licenses for Undocumented Immigrants!

Cuban immigrant gets 14 years in prison for extorting illegals

NORTH CAROLINA:  Sheriffs Attack ICE to Hide the Failures of Sanctuary Policies

Walmart and Publix addicted to xmas trees and wreaths made by  immigrant workers 

OHIO:  Foster homes hope to make money by housing illegal immigrant children

More proof migrant workers are about making money for farmers; university officials explain that the new Federal rules for migrant farm workers mean farmers can hire more and pay them less

OREGON: Undocumented immigrant, who ‘killed an 81-year-old woman in an illegal street race’ fled to Mexico after jail staff refused to comply with orders from ICE and released him

PUERTO RICO: Coast Guard Repatriates 13 Dominican Migrants, Ends Search for 3 Others Who Are Missing

Coast Guard Repatriates 23 Migrants to the Dominican Republic 

U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Customs and Border Protection and Dominican Republic Navy air and surface units interdicted 52 migrants

PENNSYLVANIA: Undocumented immigrant charged in hit-and-run death of Vietnam veteran

Boss of for-profit private prison, which makes part of its taxpayer funded money off illegal immigrants, accused of abuse of power

State’s illegal immigrant worker population, in rural areas, is exploding to at least 170-thousand

State now requires construction companies to use federal E-verify system to weed out illegals

SOUTH CAROLINA: Nearly 7-thousand illegal college students using taxpayer supported higher education

Couple accused of kidnapping girl from Nicaragua

TENNESSEE:  Metro Nashville Council favors the city’s estimated 31-thousand illegal immigrants

TEXAS:  43 illegals found armed with guns and hiding in a Laredo house 

Laredo woman hired through Instagram to smuggle illegal immigrants

  Plano company investigated by federal authorities for continuing to employ illegal workers after previously being caught and fined for it

  Two illegal immigrants captured after scamming people across four states

San Antonio man wanted for sneaking undocumented immigrants into the U.S.

Over the past year, student enrollment at Cactus Elementary has surged from 300 to 400 children. The majority are from Guatemala.


Illegal immigrant wanted for murder in Mexico captured in the pro-illegal Mormon controlled Utah

VERMONT:  Vermont DMV makes money selling data of citizens and illegals

VIRGINIA:  Exploding illegal population blamed on the ‘Californication’ of Virginia with help from CIA, GEICO, U.S. Army

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) opened the new Angel Watch Center in Fairfax.  It was built to deal with the growing number of cases of immigrant child sex trafficking, an 18% increase since 2018!

WASHINGTON: ICE says lack of cooperation by pro-illegal King County led to Seattle man’s murder

Father of slain teen says he might still be alive if King Co. notified ICE sooner

WISCONSIN: Struggling dairy farms addicted to cheap immigrant labor

WYOMING: New contractor run ICE facility closer to reality

Immigrant invasion U.S.A., October 2019: “THESE DRUNKS WILL RUN OVER YOUR CHILDREN”

Politicians spend tax money on Baka Helmets, for themselves!: Pacific Ring of Fire, November 2019

Incomplete list of links to seismic/natural disaster reports from around the Pacific Ring of Fire, November 2019.

Any body remember the Gilligan’s Island episode where the underwater telecom line washes ashore?  New study says old underwater phone lines make great earthquake detectors

AUSTRALIA:  71% increase in drowning deaths in Victoria

4.8 quake Queensland, 29NOV2019

CANADA:  South Okanagan quake

Trio of quakes hit Haida Gwaii


CHILE: 4.0 quake, 30NOV2019

4.4 quake, 30NOV2019

4.7 quake, 29NOV2019

5.1 quake border with Bolivia, 29NOV2019

CHINA:  1 killed, 4 injured as strong earthquake hits

Xiaomi is adding early earthquake warnings to MIUI phones 

COLOMBIA: Sisters split-up after Nevado de Ruiz volcano disaster reunited decades later

COSTA RICA: 5.4 quake 24NOV2019

EL SALVADOR:  U.S. military issues tidal wave warning, which turned out to be false because nothing had happened to cause a tsunami

FIJI:  5.5 quake

GUATEMALA:  4.6 quake, 30NOV2019

5.5 quake, 13NOV2019

6.3 quake strikes Puerto San Jose 

Stunning image captures rare moment ‘upward lightning’ shoots out of a volcano

INDONESIA:  4.8 quake Christmas Island

Small tsunamis detected after 7.1-magnitude quake in North Sulawesi, North Maluku

The 2018 tsunami was as high as 492 feet (150 meters)

early warning signals of Anak Krakatau volcano collapse


Baka politicians try on their new idiotic plastic Earthquake Helmets in the Diet (I calls it a Baka Helmet)

Sakurajima volcano increasing activity

Volcano erupts on Satsumaio Island

Japan’s disaster warning system is confusing foreign residents and tourists

LAOS: 6.1 quake hits near border with Thailand

MEXICO: Volcano forces Dutch flight of horses back to Europe

  M4.1 earthquake, 22NOV2019, Off Coast Of Oaxaca

  Slow recovery in Mexico City after deadly 2017 quake

NEW ZEALAND: 5.3 quake off shore

5.9 quake rattles Bay of Plenty

Poorly understood fault could produce magnitude 9 or greater quakes

Insurance disputes from the 2018 earthquake halted due to statute of limitations (meaning the insurance industry could get away with not properly compensating customers)

NICARAGUA: 4.0 quake, 30NOV2019

PAPUA NEW GUINEA: 5.4 quake off coast

PERU: 5.1 quake near Lampa

PHILIPPINES:  Philippine private sector responds to Mindanao earthquakes 

 Filipino soldiers donate the equivalent of two meals each (in cash) to help build 1-hundred temporary homes for Mindanao quake victims

4.3 hits Bukidnon Province

RUSSIA: 4.3 earthquake – Northwest Of Kuril Islands


 Satellite Shows Ash Plume From Volcano Streaking Across the Pacific

SAMOA, Independent State of:  Magnitude 5.9 quake off Apia

TONGA: Tonga gets BIGGER: Underwater volcanic eruption which lasted 18 days creates new 1300 feet island


4.1 quake, 22NOV2019 

  6.3 quake near Adak

One year after 7.1 quake, neighborhoods still not recovered 

 Railroad finally begins repairs to earthquake damaged bluff (just in time for winter)

Repairing earthquake damage to city schools will cost local taxpayers U.S.$82-million


 Humans are an unknown in state’s new earthquake warning system

 Second Day Of Quake Swarm Rattles Ventura With 70 Estimated Earthquake Events



FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) orders Hawaii National Guard to conduct Vigilant Guard disaster training with the Guam National Guard.  The training includes everything from responding to a natural disaster to responding to a weapon of mass destruction event.

Hawaii; man dies after falling down lava tube under his garden

On 18-19 November, the People’s Liberation Army of China traveled to Hawaii to take part in disaster response training with the U.S. Army.  According to military sources, this is the 15th time such ‘disaster management’ training between China and the U.S. took place.

01NOV2019, United Nations Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination Course training for Asia and the Pacific was conducted at the Navy Lodge, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam.

4.9 quake reported near Waimea

Nevada; Quake near Indian Hills

Oregon; Portland to pay $350K linked to earthquake warning sign lawsuit

In a possible round-a-bout way of training for the Cascadia Event, personnel with the state Army National Guard were deployed to Bangladesh to take part in a five days Disaster Response Exercise and Exchange (DREE).  The international training for a catastrophic earthquake is considered to be the biggest yet: “There are 20 different countries at this DREE which is great and that means just over 100 individual actual foreign participants which makes up more than 650 participants on opening day. It’s a long way from where we started and you can see the direct impact the DREE program has had over the years.”-Master Sergeant Robert Bentcliff, U.S. Army Pacific Command (USARPAC)

Utah; Earthquakes in Payson area

Washington; Grand Coulee Dam unaffected by ‘rare’ earthquake

July’s Monroe earthquake is informing plans for future danger

On 06NOV2019, U.S. Army and local EMTs conducted training in preparation for the catastrophic Cascadia Event.  The Puget Sound Federal Coordinating Center National Disaster Medical System exercise was held at Joint Base Lewis-McChord.  The training included loading mass-casualties onboard a USAF C-17 of the 446th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron (shows you how bad the military thinks it’ll be).

9 quakes hit Puget Sound region in less than a week

  3.2 earthquake hits near Snoqualmie, following a smaller quake



Pacific Ring of Fire, October 2019: “NEW NORM”

Typhoon & WMD event? FEMA deploys Hawaii National Guard to Guam!

For the second time a FEMA disaster event hit Guam.  During the last half of November 2019, Hawaii National Guard’s 93rd Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team deployed to assist Guam’s National Guard in responding to a Mass Destruction event.

In this video, emergency responders inspect a school hit by WMD, dramatic medivac of responder who got contaminated during inspection:

Guam is part of FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) Region 9, according to reports the U.S. island territory was hit by both a typhoon and a WMD terrorist attack!  Emergency responders from California, New Mexico, Alaska, and Utah also provided assistance.

Fortunately this was part of what is now standard FEMA training for National Guard units across all the FEMA Regions, called Vigilant Guard.

Official video report, Vigilant Guard 2020:

Silly-vilians should be concerned, every year since the creation of Vigilant Guard the scenarios have gotten more elaborate because the U.S. Department of Defense, and FEMA, are expecting something really big to happen.



Idaho, Kansas, Utah home bases for NASA’s FIREX-AQ!

08 November 2019 (15:40 UTC-07 Tango 06) 17 Aban 1398/10 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1441/12 Yi-Hai 4717

NASA-Armstrong DC-8 Airborne Science Laboratory sits on the east ramp of the 124th Fighter Wing, Boise, Idaho, 23JUL2019. Idaho Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Joshua C. Allmaras.

NASA’s aged and heavily modified DC-8 airliner is conducting air monitoring missions in relation to the growing wildfire danger in the western U.S.

Idaho National Guard A-10Cs in the foreground, NASA’s DC-8 FIREX-AQ takes off from Gowen Field (Boise Airport), 30JUL2019.

President Donald Trump is portrayed by the ‘main-stream’ news media as being anti-climate, yet since he became President of the United States NASA (National Aeronautics Space Administration) has seemingly increased its studies of the effects of pollution and wildfires (including prescribed burns and agricultural fires) on the atmosphere.

On 23JUL2019, NASA held an explainer day for Idaho news media, and as you can tell not many showed up. Idaho Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Joshua C. Allmaras.

The latest study is called FIREX-AQ (Fire Influence on Regional to Global Environments and Air Quality), and from 22 July thru 18 August it called Gowen Field, Idaho, its home base.

Loading computers onto a Twin Otter.

FIREX-AQ also uses Twin Otter aircraft from NOAA (National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration), as well as satellites.

NASA’s ER-2 ‘climate-spy-plane’ based in California is also used.

Prepping for Operation Ice Bridge, September 2009. NASA photo by Tom Tschida.

From 19 August to 05 September FIREX-AQ was based on Salina Regional Airport, Kansas.

The final stage of the FIREX-AQ mission will be in Utah. (Update on the Fire and Smoke Model Evaluation Experiment)

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Joshua C. Allmaras, 23JUL2019.

On 08 August, while flying out-of Idaho NASA Made a Rare Flight Right Through a Thundercloud Formed by a Wildfire.

Looking like chaff/flare dispensers these are actually Airborne-Synthetic Aperture Radar (AirSAR) antenna. NASA photo 26MAR1998.

NASA says their DC-8 flys at 42-thousand feet (12-thousand-801 meters or 12.80 kilometers) for as long as 12 hours, collecting air samples with the many antennae protruding from the fuselage.

FIREX-AQ sensors. Idaho Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Joshua C. Allmaras, 23JUL2019.

More sensors, Idaho Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Joshua C. Allmaras, 23JUL2019.

NASA DC-8 to Fly Low Over Los Angeles Basin and San Joaquin Valley

What It’s Like to Work in a Flying Smoke Laboratory

Video from 2018, NASA’s DC-8 super-particulate-sniffer in Germany:




In 2016, the NASA DC-8 was in Korea conducting high-altitude monitoring of air quality, from Osan Air Base. U.S. Air Force photo by Technical Sergeant Travis Edwards, 27APR2016.

Video explainer of NASA’s DC-8 mission over Korea: