Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of main-stream-news links about global immigrant/border operations affecting the United States taxpayers, November 2019.

Smithsonian Natural Museum of the American Indian explains why Native Americans refuse to recognize the official Thanksgiving Holiday: European Immigrants (also see WHY ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE BAD: THANKSGIVING, CHRISTIANITY’S OPEN HUNTING SEASON ON NATIVE AMERICANS!)
Revealed; former Democrat President Bill Clinton ordered mass incarceration of immigrants, victims demand apology, Clinton’s now claim to have no memory of it
United Nations official admits he made a mistake regarding immigrant children in U.S. detention, data used was from the Obama administration, not current Trump administration (which shows child detentions are actually lower than during the Obama regime)
There’s a push by southern border states to get Mexican immigrants living in colonies on the U.S. side to take part in the Census, because it means more federal tax dollars for those border states
Mexican immigrant to lead U.S. Catholic bishops
More proof U.S. dollars are being siphoned away by immigrants! Filipinos in the U.S. prove to be biggest supporters of Philippines’ economy, sending 32-billion U.S. dollars back to their Filipino homes in 2018! That’s $32-billion that could’ve been spent in the United States!
How many undocumented immigrants are in the United States and who are they?
Federal judge grants DACA stay, temporarily
Despite claims that illegal immigrants are coming to the U.S. for a better life, and that they boost the U.S. economy, a Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry article says children of undocumented parents in America are more likely to suffer from poverty and reliance on taxpayer funded social services!
While families in the U.S. struggle with food insecurity, it was revealed that at the end of October the USAF delivered enough rice to feed 500-thousand people, in Honduras! It was delivered on a C-17 Globemaster-3 assigned to the 62nd Airlift Wing, out of Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington.
While ObamaCare (ACA) has failed in the United States, the U.S. Navy spent U.S. taxes providing medical care to the people of Haiti, 10NOV2019.
ALABAMA: University of Alabama now has an Illegal People course (AMS 300)
ALASKA: FBI claims crimes against illegals in Alaska doubled, police need more tax funding to cope
ARIZONA: After helping illegal migrants in the Arizona desert, an activist was charged with a felony. Now, he’s been acquitted.
More than 200 undocumented immigrants surrender to border agents
Tucson Counts illegal immigrant Sanctuary City Vote, Mohave County declares Itself Gun ‘Sanctuary’
Contractors working for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers continue construction of border wall near Yuma.
CALIFORNIA: A retired cop explains, using help from a professor of military history, why California is a failed-state and now there is a massive exodus of retired government employees!
Why is there currently not a single statewide Republican officeholder? Masses of Republican voters fleeing the pro-illegal immigrant state!
Okies disappearing, replaced by Latino migrants
Illegal Koreans find safe haven in non-profit clinics
University of California favors illegal students
San Jose State favors illegal students
UC San Francisco favors illegal students
California DMV makes money selling data of citizens and illegals
COLORADO: DMVs in five more communities will allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses and ID cards
Colorado University Anschutz favors illegal students
Man pleads guilty to ripping-off his illegal employees
Colorado bans both illegal and legal immigrants from voting
CONNECTICUT: Illegal woman claims ICE sexually assaulted her
More proof this could end up in a civil war as University of Connecticut students, as well as state residents, split over DACA
DELAWARE: ‘I want the Norman Rockwell America back’: In Delaware, the land of Biden, evidence of strong Trump support
FLORIDA: State prison guards given authority to work with ICE
GUAM: Unemployed/pregnant migrant worker shot while walking home, police say it’s a random shooting
HAWAII: Yet more proof immigrants are a burden on taxpayers; “Unfortunately, the related costs of FAS [Freely Associated States] migrants residing in Hawai‘i, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands and Samoa have ballooned far beyond the assistance provided by our federal government, and the affected jurisdictions can no longer reasonably be expected to bear the burden of this federal responsibility.”-Ed Case, U.S. Representative for Hawaii
IDAHO: Preston Police kill knife wielding migrant farm worker.
More proof the city of Boise has been favoring ‘refugees’ as it was revealed taxpayer funded health and human services contractor Jannus, along with the Idaho Office for Refugees, provides training, resources and land for refugees who want to grow produce to feed their families or to sell to the community!
Idahoans finally getting pissed at skyrocketing domestic migrants from California!
Idaho farmers praise new bill that would increase the number of migrant farm workers.
Anti-Trump and pro leftist-liberal books disappearing from Idaho libraries?
ILLINOIS: “By applying as a student from Illinois and meeting specific criteria, undocumented students may be eligible for the in-state tuition rate.”
Chicago declared most immigrant friendly city in United States
INDIANA: Upper court rules lower courts must decide child custody cases involving illegal immigrants
Hi-tech engineering school now favors illegal students
IOWA: Non-profits favor illegal immigrants
KANSAS: Dodge City addicted to illegals, record population growth due to importation of immigrants
KENTUCKY: Public grade schools have specialized classes for immigrants
University of Kansas School of Social Welfare leading a program to expand the use of immigrant farm workers in research
LOUISIANA: Whistleblower injured in Hard Rock hotel collapse deported to Honduras (the main stream news media is missing the point that the construction company was employing illegal workers)
MAINE: Portland confirms arrival of migrants from Africa, expects more
17 illegals captured, they came into the U.S. legally with work visas but violated the work visa rules and were ordered to leave in August, they refused
MARYLAND: Montgomery County releases yet another illegal accused of child molestation
After releasing numerous illegals accused of rape, pro-illegal Montgomery County (which called ICE a terrorist organization) claims it will now cooperate with ICE
Illegal immigrant suing state Department of Natural Resources after he was arrested for illegally cutting down a tree
More than a dozen federal, state and local agencies in the Sector Maryland-National Capital Region continue to inspect trucks and shipping containers at the Port of Baltimore. The inspections also include checking that the truck drives are legally allowed to work in the U.S.
MASSACHUSETTS: Video of part of the ICE operation, in Boston, that captured 19 illegal immigrant drug dealers:
MICHIGAN: More than 250 illegals arrested at fake college
Don’t blame Trump, revealed; ICE’s fake college sting ops against illegals was ordered by Barack Obama!
U.S. Border Patrol personnel assaulted while trying to arrest illegal immigrant
MINNESOTA: 71% increase in back-log of immigration court cases
Woman arrested for scam in which she helped illegals get visas by claiming their ‘original’ documents were stolen
Construction contractor pleads guilty to running human trafficking operation
Immigrants, both legal and illegal, being blamed for Minnesota’s out of control population increase
MISSISSIPPI: Revealed; the majority of the hundreds of illegals captured in a work place raid back in August were using the stolen I-Ds of U.S. citizens
Here’s more from a different news source; “…47 of the 119 indicted undocumented immigrants have pled guilty, with a number of others indicating their intent to plead guilty. Of those who have already pled guilty, 26 admitted to fraudulently using the Social Security Number of an American citizen. 21 of the undocumented workers have pled guilty to unlawfully reentering the United States after having been previously deported or removed.”
MONTANA: 19 illegals captured
Four human trafficking suspects captured
Local TV news reports on 100+ years of illegal immigrants and drug smuggling, from Canada
NEBRASKA: Couple sentenced to ten years in federal prison for ripping-off illegal workers by virtually enslaving them in permanent debt
Frustrated citizen students leave anti-illegal notes on windshields at pro-illegal University of Nebraska
NEVADA: Nevada State College helps illegals get around student loan applications
Federal court rulings, conflicting county and city laws, are overwhelming Las Vegas cops when it comes to the homeless people and illegal immigrants
NEW JERSEY: In Blue New Jersey, a Conservative Backlash on Immigration
NEW YORK: Taxpayer funded Long Island-NYC company in trouble for lying about where its hi-tech gear for the U.S. military was made. Aventura Technologies claimed the $20-million worth of items were made in the United States, but in reality they were made in China and included items that could be used to spy on the U.S. military.
Illegal immigrant charged with second-degree vehicular manslaughter (having a drivers’ license wouldn’t have stopped it)
County Clerks Revolt Over Drivers’ Licenses for Undocumented Immigrants!
Cuban immigrant gets 14 years in prison for extorting illegals
NORTH CAROLINA: Sheriffs Attack ICE to Hide the Failures of Sanctuary Policies
Walmart and Publix addicted to xmas trees and wreaths made by immigrant workers
OHIO: Foster homes hope to make money by housing illegal immigrant children
More proof migrant workers are about making money for farmers; university officials explain that the new Federal rules for migrant farm workers mean farmers can hire more and pay them less
OREGON: Undocumented immigrant, who ‘killed an 81-year-old woman in an illegal street race’ fled to Mexico after jail staff refused to comply with orders from ICE and released him
PUERTO RICO: Coast Guard Repatriates 13 Dominican Migrants, Ends Search for 3 Others Who Are Missing
Coast Guard Repatriates 23 Migrants to the Dominican Republic
U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Customs and Border Protection and Dominican Republic Navy air and surface units interdicted 52 migrants
PENNSYLVANIA: Undocumented immigrant charged in hit-and-run death of Vietnam veteran
Boss of for-profit private prison, which makes part of its taxpayer funded money off illegal immigrants, accused of abuse of power
State’s illegal immigrant worker population, in rural areas, is exploding to at least 170-thousand
State now requires construction companies to use federal E-verify system to weed out illegals
SOUTH CAROLINA: Nearly 7-thousand illegal college students using taxpayer supported higher education
Couple accused of kidnapping girl from Nicaragua
TENNESSEE: Metro Nashville Council favors the city’s estimated 31-thousand illegal immigrants
TEXAS: 43 illegals found armed with guns and hiding in a Laredo house
Laredo woman hired through Instagram to smuggle illegal immigrants
Plano company investigated by federal authorities for continuing to employ illegal workers after previously being caught and fined for it
Two illegal immigrants captured after scamming people across four states
San Antonio man wanted for sneaking undocumented immigrants into the U.S.
Over the past year, student enrollment at Cactus Elementary has surged from 300 to 400 children. The majority are from Guatemala.
Illegal immigrant wanted for murder in Mexico captured in the pro-illegal Mormon controlled Utah
VERMONT: Vermont DMV makes money selling data of citizens and illegals
VIRGINIA: Exploding illegal population blamed on the ‘Californication’ of Virginia with help from CIA, GEICO, U.S. Army
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) opened the new Angel Watch Center in Fairfax. It was built to deal with the growing number of cases of immigrant child sex trafficking, an 18% increase since 2018!
WASHINGTON: ICE says lack of cooperation by pro-illegal King County led to Seattle man’s murder
Father of slain teen says he might still be alive if King Co. notified ICE sooner
WISCONSIN: Struggling dairy farms addicted to cheap immigrant labor

WYOMING: New contractor run ICE facility closer to reality
Immigrant invasion U.S.A., October 2019: “THESE DRUNKS WILL RUN OVER YOUR CHILDREN”