Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of main-stream-news links about global immigrant/border operations affecting the United States taxpayers, third week of Gregorian January 2020.
124 illegals were flown from Tucson to Guadalajara, Mexico, as part of the Interior Repatriation Initiative (IRI). The first such IRI deportation for 2020.
City of Adelanto, already home to a GEO run massive fortress-like immigrant prison called Adelanto Dentention Facility West, will see ICE processing center expanded
Next door to Adelanto is Victorville, with its massive fortress-like federal prison called FCI Victorville Medium 1
Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of main-stream-news links about global immigrant/border operations affecting the United States taxpayers, November 2019.
While families in the U.S. struggle with food insecurity, it was revealed that at the end of October the USAF delivered enough rice to feed 500-thousand people, in Honduras! It was delivered on a C-17 Globemaster-3 assigned to the 62nd Airlift Wing, out of Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington.
While ObamaCare (ACA) has failed in the United States, the U.S. Navy spent U.S. taxes providing medical care to the people of Haiti, 10NOV2019.
More than a dozen federal, state and local agencies in the Sector Maryland-National Capital Region continue to inspect trucks and shipping containers at the Port of Baltimore. The inspections also include checking that the truck drives are legally allowed to work in the U.S.
MASSACHUSETTS: Video of part of the ICE operation, in Boston, that captured 19 illegal immigrant drug dealers:
Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of main-stream-news links about global immigrant/border operations affecting the United States taxpayers, August 2019.
22AUG2019, first border wall panel goes up near Calexico, as part of the 15 miles long El Centro project.
13AUG2019, U.S. Coast Guard captures 1-thousand-3-hundred pounds of illegal marijuana near Catalina Island, being smuggled into The Golden State despite the fact that marijuana is now legal there.
United States Border Patrol Acting San Diego Sector Chief Kathleen Scudder announces the completion of 14 miles of new border wall construction in San Ysidro.
01AUG2019, U.S. Coast Guard, and U.S. Customs & Border Protection, captures captured 67 packages of illegal drugs, along with seven illegal immigrants and one smuggler.
Pew Research Center estimates that as of 2016 more than 100-illegals call Oregon their temporary home, and that’s a decrease from the previous ten years!
In Brownsville, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) conducted ‘Family Unit Removal’ of illegals from Guatemala. Since mid-July, Guatemala and the United States have implemented a new process to more expeditiously remove illegals. This enhanced cooperation results in reduced lengths of stays in custody for Guatemalan citizens.
Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of global immigrant/border operations affecting the United States taxpayers, May 2019.
During the week of 13 May, U.S. tax dollars were spent conducting the ‘Securing our Borders against Traveling Terrorists’ symposium in the resort town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. It was touted as the first collaborative global counterterrorism alumni workshop.
Here’s an official U.S. Army Corps (pronounced -core-, not -corps-) of Engineers video proving the border wall construction started under the Obama regime, not Trump! In the video it’s stated the military was asked to help build a border wall (called Border Barrier Project) starting in “fiscal 2017”. Fiscal 2017 began in July 2016 while Barack Obama was President:
Incomplete list of global immigrant/border operations affecting the United States taxpayers, March 2019.
Israel: U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham inspects U.S. taxpayer funded Israeli border wall ops surrounding Gaza, 10MAR2019.
Jordan:California’s Army National Guard trained for border ops alongside Jordanian troops at the ‘Peace Operations Training Center’. This is a pic from the graduation ceremony on 14MAR2019.
Kuwait:Even U.S. Army personnel stationed at Camp Arifjan are being prepared for border patrol by taking the Customs Border Clearance Agent Course. These Soldiers are class #1903.
Uzbekistan:The U.S. Army sold four recon RQ-11B Raven drones to the Central Asian country, supposedly for $23-million USD. The drones will be used in the fight to stop illegal immigration and drug trafficking.
The U.S. Coast Guard says this human trafficking boat (captured near Pompano Beach) held 23 people from various countries including China, Guyana and Haiti.
Incomplete list of off-shoring of U.S. jobs, and immigrant labor increases, since Donald Trump began his job as President of the United States on 20 JAN 2017.
“Companies are not going to leave the United States anymore without consequences. Not going to happen.”-Donald Trump, December 2016
December:CD International Enterprises, a company focused on doing business with China and the U.S., is now chapter 7 bankrupt dead and being liquidated.
Connecticut based corporate ‘relocation’ service company Cartus asking U.S. employees to voluntarily quit as it “aligns its global workforce with business realities.”
British empire New Zealand owned virtual reality company 8i eliminated at least 30 jobs in California, essentially admitting that the virtual reality ‘market’ is too hard to figure out.
Noble Americas Corporation laid off at least 67 people in Texas and 84 people Connecticut after Xmas, due to the company’s sale to Switzerland based Vitol.
Alstom Signaling eliminating 86 jobs in New York by July 2018, probably due to its take-over by Deutschland based Siemens.
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts laid off 90 HQ employees in North Carolina, as part of a plan to move operations overseas.
British empire Canada based SunOpta shutting down its ‘organic’ food roasting ops in North Dakota, 35 jobs gone by July 2018 due to consolidation operations.
Switzerland based Nestlé issued a layoff WARN, 55 people in California jobless by February 2018.
This time blame Obama and Bush Jr! According to the Pew Research Center, from 2005 to 2015 there was a 25% increase in the number of immigrants coming from Central American countries.
Evil government identification (ID) computer systems designer France owned, yet U.S. taxpayer funded, MorphoTrust USA (OT-Morpho) issued a shutdown WARN for one of its Illinois locations, 74 jobs gone in February 2018.
Automotive interior parts maker FuturiS shutting down a factory in Tennessee, 140 jobs gone after Xmas possibly due to being taken over by Ireland based competitor Adient!
Dart Container Corporation shutting down a factory in Georgia, 160 jobs gone by 2019 as production is shifted to the British empire’s Canada!
Switzerland based measurement instruments makerMettler-Toledo announced at least69 layoffs at its Ohio Hi-Speed factory, starting July 2018. The Hi-Speed factory will be shutdown by January 2019, in connection to moving production to new factories in Lutz, Florida, and a third new factory for Changzhou, China.
In Missouri, Switzerland based ABB shutting down its electrical transformer factory, 120 jobs gone!
China based Yanfeng Automotive Interiors issued a mass layoff WARN, 345 jobs in Michigan gone starting at the end of January 2018, due to lack of orders!
Japan owned tire maker Bridgestone issued a shutdown WARN for a re-tread operation in California, 65 jobs gone after Xmas.
Deutschland based electrical engineering giant Siemens announced it will eliminate 6-thousand-9-hundred jobs globally, including 1-thousand-8-hundred jobs in the United States! Administrators blame “The power generation industry is experiencing disruption of unprecedented scope and speed. Renewables are putting other forms of power generation under increasing pressure.”
Microsoft increased the number of jobs being eliminated at its Oregon Surface Hub operations to 125! Microsoft is eventually shutting down its Oregon Surface Hub ops and moving most of the work to China.
British empire United Kingdom owned, U.S. taxpayer funded, Luxfer Magtech halting its manufacture of U.S. Department of Defense Meal Ready to Eat ‘flameless’ ration heaters at its factory in New York, 60 jobs gone by February 2018.
France based food service contractor Sodexo issued a WARN, 30 people in Ohio jobless right after Xmas.
After 28 years in Idaho, it was revealed that restaurant Taquiera La Costa suddenly shutdown because the immigrant owner failed to become a legal resident/citizen and had to move back to Mexico. He swears he’ll be back when his ‘paperwork’ is approved.
British empire Canada basedSaputo announced the shutdown of its Wisconsin cheese factory, 126 jobs gone by May 2018!
The evil Carlyle Group owned, and now schizophrenic,Pharmaceutical Product Development (PPD)laid off 12 InfoTech employees, and is laying off an undisclosed number of HR employees, as part of off-shoring of jobs to an unnamed European location, while at the same time claims to be hiring “hundreds” of new employees (apparently off-shore).
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) says many violent gangs in the U.S. today are actually foreign insurgents (illegal immigrants), such as MS-13.
Also in Indiana, the final round of mass layoffs was announced at the very Carrier factory Donald Trump boasted of ‘saving’. In January 2018, about 215 additional employees will become unemployed! Trump claimed to have prevented the jobs from going to Mexico by giving Carrier a $7-million USD taxpayer funded deal, however, Carrier employees say U.S. jobs are not being saved: “Trump came in there to the factory last December and blew smoke up our asses! He wasn’t gonna save those jobs.”-Brenda Darlene Battle
Farmers in North Carolina revealed their addiction to cheap slave-wage migrant labor from Mexicoby suing the Democrat governor and state Administrative Office of Courts over the new Farm Act of 2017 (Senate Bill 615). Apparently farmers were deducting ‘union dues’ from migrant workers’ paychecks and supposedly the new pro-migrant worker law will stop that.
In Pennsylvania, the new Mexico based owner of Pittsburgh Glass Works announced it will shutdown the 130 years old Creighton factory in East Deer and consolidate production to Mexico, affecting nearly 2-hundred U.S. jobs! Mexico based Vitro bought Pittsburgh Glass Works, this year, for $310-million USD, however, the official reason for the shutdown is a “combination of difficult realities” .
The liberal-left-wing news media made a big deal about India’s tractor company Mahindra’s plan to open a small factory in Detroit, Michigan. The reality is that at best about 2-hundred new jobs would be created, and there are two good reasons why the Indian company decided to set up shop in the U.S.; corporate tax breaks at U.S. taxpayer expense, and growing doubts about the current NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) situation, which could affect Mahindra’s factories in Canada and Mexico.
Paradise Papers: “An investigative report this week by The New York Times, based on a leak of offshore financial records known as the Paradise Papers, revealed that dozens of wealthy [U.S.] college endowments use Caribbean islands as offshore tax havens for their investments.”
October: Idaho taxpayer funded France based public transportation contractor Transdev-Valley Regional Transit-ValleyRideissued a WARN, 102 Boise jobs gone in November!
British empire based Too Big to Jail RBS (Royal bank of Scotland) 43 jobs in Connecticut right before Xmas.
In California, South Africa based Swissport notified state employment officials that it is ending airport operations in Los Angeles and San Francisco, 348 jobs gone in December! France based clothier Louis Vuitton shutting down its store in Hollywood, right after Xmas. St. John’s Knits issued another WARN, 72 California jobs outsourced to Mexico (on top of the 130 jobs already lost to Mexico during Summer). Electric car maker Tesla suddenly laid off as many as 7-hundred Californians for lack of performance, or is it part of Tesla’s plan to focus on production in China? Finland based Nokia issued a layoff WARN for its California operation, 72 jobs gone a few days before Xmas.France owned Schneider Electric eliminating 15 jobs in California, right before Xmas. California wildfires reveal more than 50-thousand illegal immigrants living in Napa and Sonoma counties, yet U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement says they won’t be deported! It’s been revealed that San Francisco based Too Big to Jail Wells Fargo’s massive layoffs of U.S. employees is part of a plan to shift banking jobs to Philippines! TheCharlotteObserver: Wells Fargo seeks overseas call center workers as it slashes US jobs
Unnamed employees revealedRockwell Collins plans to offshore at least 130 North Carolina jobs to the Philippines, it might be connected to the pending sale of Rockwell Collins to United Technologies!
Italy based eyewear maker/distributor Luxottica Retail North America issued a mass layoff WARN, 208 jobs in Tennessee gone right after Xmas!
In West Virginia, Italy owned plastics maker M&G Polymers now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.
Germany ownedAkustica issued a shutdown WARN for its Pennsylvania location, 54 jobs gone by October 2018.
Japan owned but Switzerland based Metalor Technologies issued a shutdown WARN for its Pennsylvania location, 121 jobs gone right after Xmas!
Japan owned Oak-Mitsui issued a layoff WARN for 20 people in New York.
Netherlands owned Chicago Bridge & Iron (CB&I) suddenly laid off 90 people in Louisiana, blaming a variety of things including Hurricane Harvey.
Brazil owned poultry processorPilgrim’s Pride shutting down its new factory in Luverne, 2-hundred jobs gone between Thanksgiving and Xmas, due to Pilgrim’s Pride’s takeover of competitor GNP in January!
Meggitt Aircraft Braking Systems eliminating 55 jobs in Ohio as part of its plan to move jobs to Mexico.
U.S. Paper Converters shutting down its Wisconsin operations, 52 jobs gone by New Years due to state officials bringing in foreign operations with taxpayer money: “For the third time in less than two months, the Paper Valley has been hit hard. At a time when the state is set to spend billions to lure a foreign company, our heritage and core industries are being gutted without explanation or without concern from our state leadership. This is not just about the loss of fifty jobs, but fifty families, men, women and children being thrust into difficult times and during the holiday season. It is high time we focus our time, resources and money on Wisconsin industry and Wisconsin jobs. Paper is our heritage, and it must be our future.”-Tom Nelson, Outagamie County Executive
U.S. Congress is considering a tax bill that would reward corporations for sending jobs offshore, “Ending taxation of offshore profits would give multinational corporations an incentive to send jobs offshore, thereby lowering U.S. wages. It would also be a giant loophole for corporations to use accounting gimmicks to move their profits to tax havens, resulting in the loss of billions of dollars in tax revenue for the United States.”–100 GROUPS OPPOSING A TERRITORIAL TAX SYSTEM
Two ‘dreamers’ caught in separate incidents running human trafficking operations! They were smuggling people from Mexico and Brazil into the United States. U.S. Customs and Border Protection press release;Laredo Sector Border Patrol Agents Arrest Juvenile Smugglers
Pennsylvania based clothier David’s Bridalrevealed plans to shutdown U.S. stores and open new stores in Canada.
September:Pioneer Metal Finishing shutting down its ops in Oshkosh, 52 jobs gone due to consolidation of operations to other U.S. and Mexican factories.
August: General Electric (GE) shutting down its electronic board factory in New York, 145 jobs being affected by GE’s plan to off-shore production to China! Fuel station operator Sunoco suddenly laid off 94 HQ employees, and many hundreds more employees will become unemployed as Sunoco sold its fuel station ops to Japan owned 7-Eleven!
July: Donald Trump’s favorite HVAC company Carrier going through with mass layoffs, 630 people will become jobless between now and the end of the year, due to Carrier shifting the jobs to Mexico! Brooklyn-NYC based Vice Media laid off 60 people as part of its plan to focus on international markets.
June: Despite the boasts/threats from Donald Trump, home improvement retailer Lowes is eliminating 120 Info-Tech jobs in North Carolina, those jobs are being off-shored to India! In Texas, after 110 years R.H. Lackner’s Fine Jewelry shutdown, the owners blaming everything including “violence” from “Mexico”.
May: Despite earlier threats by Donald Trump, HVAC company Carrier suddenly began eliminating 3-hundred jobs! Carrier also warned that more layoffs will take place later in the year as work is shifted to Mexico! In Colorado, after 40 years Turley’s Kitchen shutdown due to the owners being unable to hire competent immigrant employees, (and being unable to find a buyer for the iconic ‘health food’ restaurant). Despite record levels of legal immigration into the U.S., the owners say it’s gotten harder to find people who’re willing to do things like wash dishes!
April: Colorado based Ciber is now bankrupt busted and being sold-off to a French company.
CBS 60 Minutes reveals U.S. companies (including Disney) forcing U.S. employees to train their migrant replacements:
March: Wisconsin based farm vehicle parts maker Rexnord shutting down its Indiana bearings factory and moving more than 3-hundred jobs to Mexico by the end of the year, despite threats by Donald Trump! Massachusetts based Liberty Mutual eliminating 360 Info-Tech jobs across two U.S. states as part of a massive plan to “….hire 25,000 people worldwide.”
U.S. Senators from Idaho Jim RischandMike Crapo, along with David Perdue of Georgia, reintroduced a bill that would make labor strikes at U.S. ports illegal, for the benefit of foreign companies: “By qualifying the ‘slowdown’ tactic as an unfair labor practice, this bill will ensure businesses can continue to import and export their goods…..:”
February: Georgia based video game maker Kiz Studios confirmed it suddenly eliminated jobs, but refused to say how many. Administrators said it was to restructure “…three of our gaming studios in order to focus on our new Global Services practice.”
U.S. FEDERAL/STATE/LOCAL GOVERNMENT LAYOFFS JUNE 2016 : “WE’RE NOT TAKING CARE OF OUR OWN PEOPLE, THAT’S BULLSHIT!” as it’s been revealed that a taxpayer funded scholarship program known as DACA funds college education for ILLEGAL immigrants! Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton proudly and openly supports it! DACA is in addition to any other financial aid: “I was able to get scholarships and grants through DACA.”-Clara Kim, Korean student at elitist Azusa Pacific University in California who admitted to Hillary Clinton that she was in the U.S. illegally, Hillary Clinton then ‘applauded’ Kim’s efforts, it was caught on video by CBSLos Angeles.