Tag Archives: crime

SAL, MISO & Coronavirus beer?: Climate Change, 23-29 February 2020

Incomplete list of links to news articles concerning climate change events during the days of 23 to 29 of the Gregorian month of February 2020.

For those who think U.S. President Trump is anti-climate change they should realize that he is the Commander in Chief of the U.S. military and the U.S. military is ramping up climate change studies and preparations.  President Trump is not ‘anti-climate change’, he just doesn’t agree with the leftist-liberal explanation for the cause of climate change.  Please note all the U.S. military climate change operations listed below.

  Over the Atlantic Ocean the U.S. Navy (USN) is paying close attention to the Saharan Air Layer (SAL).  The SAL can move 14-million-metric-tons (tonnes) of dust from Africa to the Caribbean every year, and with climate change it’s expected to get worse!  The USN has joined with NOAA, NASA, and the National Weather Service to establish a ‘baseline’ in order to study health affects of the massive dust transfer and to create an early warning system for people in and around the Caribbean area.

Europe bracing for Saharan dust storm

The USN recently concluded data collection for their study of Monsoon Intra-Seasonal Oscillations (MISO) in the Indian Ocean.  Researchers from University of Notre Dame, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, and National Aquatic Research and Resources Agency in Sri Lanka, also took part.  The purpose is to better predict rapidly changing weather patterns affecting the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, and South China Sea.

ISRAEL:  Local news media says that-which-cannot-be-named (aka god) is punishing Africa with climate change

NORWAY: On 24 February, NATO forces conducted a bomb search in a smoke filled house during the extreme cold weather training event known as Exercise Cold Response.

  Also during Exercise Cold Response, NATO personnel conducted an ice dive, 25 February, to train for port damage repair, and hydrographic surveying in an extreme cold weather/ice environment.

SOUTH AFRICA:  Gauteng floods – Johannesburg plunged underwater 

TURKEY: Reports people in Turkey killed by quake in Iran

UNITED KINGDOM: Heathrow Airport Runway Plan Blocked Over Climate Commitments

UNITED STATES:  Apparently the Goldsboro Police, in North Carolina, believe that future flooding is going to become so powerful that they need an MRAP to conduct flood rescues:

 Quake hits Kentucky

 Climate lawsuits are breaking new legal ground

  U.S. military prepping for climate change to impact military bases.

  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers began taking snowpack samples in North Dakota, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Measuring snowpack allows officials to estimate the amount of water runoff/flooding  when the snow melts.

  The US Army Corps of Engineers plans to increase releases from Gavins Point Dam in order to “…provide the greatest amount of flood risk reduction across the basin.”  The dam affects areas of Nebraska and South Dakota.

New Hampshire Army National Guard flew to Alaska to take part in an extreme cold weather contamination training event.  Note the Corona(virus) beer bottles.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced that after years of upgrades to the Center Hill Lake Dam the lake is soon to return to ‘normal’ operations, and will allow the Nashville District to handle additional water flows into the reservoir.

Climate Change, 16-22 February 2020: SAINT ELMO STRIKES SKY HOPPER KERMIT!


The world Panics over CoViD-19, yet Influenza is still king killer!

Incomplete list of links to news reports about viral outbreaks during the days of 26 to 29 of the Gregorian month of February 2020.

CoViD-19=CoronaVirus Disease 2019

Vaccine makers, who have produced proven-to-be-failure flu shots for the past two seasons, are already prepping for next flu season

Poland, Vietnam, India, Taiwan and Bulgaria report bird flu outbreaks

ARGENTINA:  More concerned about Dengue virus outbreak than CoViD-19

CANADA: The province of Alberta boasts of injecting almost 1.4-million flu shots (almost 100-thousand more than the previous flu season) yet also reports 6-thousand-809 confirmed infections and 32 deaths!

CHILE: Dengue virus type 2 (DenV 2) outbreak on Easter Island confirmed

GERMANY: Officials say it’s O-K to eat eggs and bird meat despite H5N8 outbreak

INDIA:  Officials say it’s O-K to eat eggs and birds despite bird flu outbreak

Uttar Pradesh police (known as Provincial Armed Constabulary, or PAC) hit hard by H1N1 swine flu, 17 infections and six deaths within 48 hours!

Supreme court judges hit with swine flu

Visiting court judge from Kenya hit with swine flu 

Davanagere District Health reports seven new H1N1 Influenza-A infections, denies deaths 

Punjab Province reporting human deaths from swine flu, hospitals are preparing for infections involving CoViD-19

INDONESIA: Man misdiagnosed with CoViD-19, ended up dying of H1N1 influenza!

IRAN: President Trump allows sanctions waiver due to CoViD-19 outbreak 

KOREA: U.S. Army Korea publishes totally naive video saying all you have to do to “Kill the Virus” is to wipe down your desk and computer:

MEXICO: Two CoViD-19 infections confirmed

Arizona group travels to socialized-healthcare-mandatory-vaccination Mexico to help non-Mexican migrants get vaccinations

Week 9 of Mexico’s influenza updates says 4-thousand-715 confirmed infections, 240 deaths, the majority being from H1N1 swine flu in the state of Baja California

NIGERIA: First CoViD-19 infection

118 Lassa virus deaths, 17% kill rate!

PAKISTAN: Government finally reveals more than 53-thousand Dengue infections, 95 deaths

PARAGUAY:  34 Dengue virus deaths

PERU: 40-thousand homes in San Martín region being fumigated, 8-thousand Dengue virus infections 

UNITED STATES: Confirmed, 26 cases of mumps at Colorado ski resort  (reports don’t say if the employees are foreign migrant workers, most employees of the U.S. hospitality industry are foreign migrant workers)

Three mumps cases in McClean County, Illinois

Cortland County, New York, reports mumps infection

Six San Diego State University students infected with mumps

29-million influenza infections

If bird flu is of no concern why did the USDA launch a campaign called Defend the Flock?

Arkansas reports 65 influenza ‘related’ deaths, school districts across the state shutdown!

Bird flu warning for Iowa

Bird flu warning for Indiana

County in liberal-pro-vaccine California reports 11 people killed by H1N1 swine flu!

Doctors put Oregon woman into a coma in a desperate attempt to treat her influenza infection!

Revealed; Pro-vaccine Doctor in Ohio dies from influenza, yes he was vaccinated!

Ohio governor says we have to fight influenza before we can fight CoViD-19

Pro-vaccine governor of New York admits record number of flu infections!

A federal whistleblower might have revealed what I call an Operation Jupiter ( A SMALL PART OF A LARGER MILITARY OPERATION SPREADING DISEASE AT A HOSPITAL NEAR YOU!), saying that that the U.S. Health and Human Services inadvertently(?) spread the deadly COVID-19 outbreak inside U.S. borders by breaking established medical protocols regarding healthcare workers and quarantined patients!

U.S. FDA creates new policy for CoViD-19 testing

President Trump considers near-martial-law Defense Production Act (DPA) to fight pandemic, could threaten taxpayer funded contractors

Alabama’s FEMA CoViD-19 quarantine camp used to be a U.S. Army chemical weapons base!

Pennsylvania schools adopt FEMA plan for disease outbreak

Wisconsin health official say they’re prepping for CoViD-19, but warn that this season’s influenza is worse

Liberal pro-vaccine Washington state reports first U.S. CoViD-19 death

SAUDI ARABIA:  Poultry market shutdown over bird flu fears


U.S. CDC admits this season’s Vaccine is barely 45% effective, also admits that last season’s flu shot was a failure!  Pro-vaccine British government reveals 700% increase in measles cases is due to failed vaccine!

CoViD-19, Airmobile!: Why masks, covering your mouth and hand washing will not protect you.

“This is First of the Ninth, Air Cav son….airmobile!”-Colonel Kilgore, Apocalypse Now

29 February 2020 / 00:39 (UTC-07 Tango 06) 10 Esfand 1398/05 Rajab 1441/07 Wu-Yin(2nd) 4718

I was in a department store in eastern Idaho, looking at face masks.  I already knew that surgical masks are actually designed to protect a person who is being operated on from the germs in the doctors’ and nurses’ breath, and are not designed to do the reverse.  I wanted to check out the hardware section’s dust/paint masks and was surprised to find most of them were gone.  However, when I checked the labels on those remaining I discovered in the fine print that these masks not only won’t protect you from germs, they don’t even protect you from the harmful chemicals used in paints/glues or created in a construction environment; the small print on all the remaining masks stated “not for use in a NON-HARMFUL environment” (and NON-HARMFUL was in all-caps on the labels).  Basically the bottom-of-the-line industrial dust masks are primarily designed to ‘protect’ you from the smell of the chemicals you are using, but not the toxins.

I was also looking at air conditioning (cooling and/or heating) filters for your home.  Yes, there are house filters designed to capture viruses and bacteria, some even coming with electronic devices that wire-lessly connect to your smart phone to let you know when to change the filter,  but I had an epiphany about home air treatment filters that renders them ‘too little too late’.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (aka CDC) states that surgical masks should be used only as a “last resort”, when no other masks are available.  ‘Masks’ that are rated for protecting the wearer from airmobile microbes are known officially as respirators.

In the U.S. such respirators have a NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) rating.   Currently the only respirators rated to filter out the coronavirus (specifically SARS-CoViD) are those rated N-95.

The N in N-95 means Not resistant to oil.

Even knowing which respirator will work, the CDC and United Nation’s World Health Organization say that only healthcare workers dealing with infected people need to wear a respirator.  This is because infected people who end up in a hospital, or in quarantine, are in a confined, somewhat controllable, environment with close contact to other people. Hospitals are the worst place to be if you’re trying to avoid getting sick.

Those of us in the general public are in an open environment that really can’t be controlled, and when you are dealing with an airmobile disease, like CoViD-19 and influenza, there’s very little you can do.  For proof of that, for this season’s influenza the U.S. vaccine has been given a 45% effectiveness rating, meaning that the majority of people who got this year’s flu shot could still get sick.  There’s no vaccine for CoViD-19.

Even with hand washing, covering your mouth when you cough, all that is malarkey because it takes only one microscopic virus to make it inside your body to infect you. It’s estimated that one sneeze can expel 100-thousand infection-ous particles!  Sneezes are so powerful that putting your hand over your mouth, or burying your mouth in your elbow will not stop all those particles from spreading.

Even without sneezing, a 2013 study showed that regular breathing actually expels more germs than sneezing or coughing (perhaps that ‘s the only justifiable reason people should be wearing masks), it even called into doubt the concept of hand washing when dealing with airmobile germs.  In 2018, the  University of Maryland released a short video explaining how the study was done, and the results: (the audio on the video might not work, but there are captions)

This brings me to those more costly home air conditioning filters claiming to remove germs.  Your air conditioning (cooling and/or heating) system does not run all the time (unless you can afford to have it running all the time), and if you have a sick guest (whether they know they are sick or not, as is proving the case with CoViD-19) most likely they will have filled your living room with germs that you then breath in before your air conditioning system turns on.

Also, your air conditioning system cannot instantly suck the infected air through the filter, it takes several tens of minutes to fully circulate the air (depending on the size of your house/apartment).   This is why I call reliance on home air conditioning filters too-little-too-late.

NIOSH filter list


Born in the U.S.A. to citizen parents, yet still illegal?: Immigrant Invasion U.S.A., 16-22 February 2020

Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of main-stream-news links about global immigrant/border operations affecting the United States taxpayers, days of 16 to 22 of Gregorian February 2020.

ARIZONA: A gang-banger deported multiple times was caught entering the U.S. again, and deported again

In the Tucson sector armed human smugglers were captured

In the Yuma sector, two female citizens were captured with illegal guns (serial numbers altered) trying to go through the border checkpoint

Also in the Yuma sector, several illegals captured including one that had been convicted of murder in Wisconsin

CALIFORNIA: Eight people captured attempting to smuggle humans north of Coronado State Beach.

FLORIDA: ICE rescues child under threat from illegal from Guatemala


GUAM: Taiwanese tourists accused of human smuggling

MASSACHUSETTS: Cambridge orders cops not to arrest illegals driving without drivers’ license

MICHIGAN: City of Wyoming refuses to support drivers’ licenses for illegals

U.S. border cops find human brain inside Canadian postal truck at border checkpoint

MINNESOTAWoman born and raised in the U.S., by U.S. citizens, considered illegal because her parents never got an official birth certificate

NEVADA: Argentinian pleads guilty to child sex crimes

NEW JERSEY: Illegal activists win drivers’ licensing

NEW YORK: ICE arrests illegal from Jamaica who has been released seven times by local courts

Governor refuses to hand over drivers’ license info to U.S. Homeland Security

NORTH DAKOTA: U.S. Customs and Border Protection will hold a Global Entry Enrollment workshop

OHIO: ICE prisoner kills his-self

OREGON: ICE serves 5 immigration subpoenas for criminal alien information from local law enforcement

Residents in the eastern part of the state fed up with the liberal state government, want Idaho politicians to represent them!

Award winning, yet illegal, teacher could be deported

PENNSYLVANIAPhilly cops release known illegal from Jamaica, ICE promptly arrests him

An example of fear mongering by the news media:  Illegal immigrant arrested after dropping her child off at school, however, ICE reported that she was detained near her home, not arrested at the school, and she was released


A day after the U.S. Coast Guard gave up their search for people reported missing, an abandoned fishing boat was found, 19FEB2020.  Human smuggling is a major problem in the area.

RHODE ISLAND: Local study finds that 70% of residents are confused about what data can be collected in the upcoming U.S. Census

TEXAS:  State cops chased down a stolen car out of Tennessee, turns out it was driven by a citizen using the car to traffic two illegal immigrants

  More than $18-million worth of drugs captured at the Pharr International Bridge cargo facility

A 9-1-1 call from a woman claiming to be held against her will reveals human smuggling ‘stash house’ in Laredo. 37 people rescued. 

Border Patrol reports list of Presidents Day weekend captures

UTAH: A ‘christian’ pastor, who is also an illegal immigrant who works at a youth rec-center, arrested for child sex crimes that allegedly took place in the church over the past three years

State Attorney General admits there are many illegals in the state from Polynesian countries, holds public ceremony telling the illegals not to be afraid of the cops!

Immigrant Invasion U.S.A., 09-15 February 2020: BORDER COPS REPORT RECORD NUMBER OF…FLOWERS?

Operation Jupiter: U.S. soldier infected, U.S. bases prepping for evacuations!

26 February 2020 / 02:53 (UTC-07 Tango 06) 07 Esfand 1398/02 Rajab 1441/04 Wu-Yin(2nd) 4718

“We have developed plans to screen all personnel including but not limited to crew, visitors, civilians, contractors, and new check-ins gaining access to units and platforms. These additional screening requirements will include newly gained personnel and those returning from leave.”-Lieutenant Joe Keiley, U.S. Navy 7th Fleet

CoViD-19=CoronaVirus Disease 2019

Decontamination efforts in Daegu.

U.S. Forces Korea contamination risk level is now at ‘high’.  An active duty U.S. Army soldier in Republic of Korea (RoK, south Korea) is infected with CoViD-19.  He is based at Camp Carroll which is near Daegu, which is ground zero for RoK’s CoViD-19 outbreak.  It should also be noted that the outbreak is directly linked to a Korean ‘christian’ group.  Local government officials are now calling religious gatherings “super spreader events”,  and the U.S. Army (USA) quarantined soldiers who attended the church!  (It should be noted that while the USA says the soldiers are ‘self quarantined’, it was done under orders which means it was not voluntary)

The infected soldier also visited Camp Walker.

The infected 23 years old unnamed U.S. soldier is reportedly quarantined to his off-base residence.  But that’s not all, a 61 years old widow of a former U.S. soldier is also infected.  Both the infected soldier from Camp Carroll, and the widow, recently visited Camp Walker, which is now in the process of CoViD-19 screenings.

U.S. military personnel in Korea are also ordered into ‘self quarantine’ upon returning from trips to China.

Grade schools (Department of Defense Education Activity) for the children of U.S. military personnel are being shutdown, not just in Korea but around the world.

Korea is not the only place the U.S. military is prepped for outbreak: “We’re anticipating an increase in the number of cases reported in Germany.”-General Tod Wolters, U.S. Air Force (USAF)

USAF General Tod Wolters is also NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander in Europe.  He told the U.S. Congress that ‘preparations’ were already underway for the U.S. military in Europe, due to the outbreak in Italy.

U.S. Army Europe has already shutdown grade schools and recreation centers for U.S. military families in Italy.

The U.S. military allows personnel and their dependents to voluntarily evacuate bases, at their own expense, but if a Military Evacuation Declaration is given then all expenses are covered.

Defense Finance Accounting Service (DFAS) evacuation claims processing

If the military tells you you’re being moved to a ‘safe haven’ then it’s expected to be temporary.  If it’s referred to as a ‘designated location’ then it will be permanent.

Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) evacuation/safe haven guidance

Going Viral, 23-25 February 2020: “A STRANGE, ABSURD SITUATION.”



“A strange, absurd situation.”: Going Viral, 23-25 February 2020

Incomplete list of links to news reports about viral outbreaks during the days of 23 to 25 of the Gregorian month of February 2020.

CoViD-19=CoronaVirus Disease 2019

Jumping the Gun: San Francisco declares medical-martial-law despite no CoViD-19 infections

Spain reveals that hotel with 1-thousand guests is now locked down due to CoViD-19!

Doctors in Korea (south) being forced to respond to CoViD-19 outbreak in Daegu: “There are many uncomfortable things, but we’re in a helpless situation. So, I’m just working considering the situation. I will do my best.”-unnamed public health doctor ‘volunteered’ to go to Daegu 

Japanese government warns, they have only two weeks to contain CoViD-19!

Japanese doctors being accused of being germ spreaders

Hong Kong extends school shutdowns to mid-April

Sanctions suffering Iran struggles, 16 people die from CoViD-19, disputes reports of 50 dead

Wall Street crashes 1-thousand points (3rd worst drop in Dow Jones history), blamed on CoViD-19 hitting Iran and locking down Italy!

CoViD-19 rages in Italy, Iran, Japan, Korea (south)

What it’s like in Italy’s quarantine Red Zone: “A strange, absurd situation.”

You can be infected with, and spread, CoViD-19 without being ‘sick’

CoViD-19, 2.3% kill rate

Minnesota authorities warn residents to prep for CoViD-19

Trump wants U.S.$2.5-billion to fight CoViD-19

Child influenza deaths in U.S. 2nd highest on record!

Hawaii warns residents of influenza epidemic

North Carolina reports 90 deaths due to complications from influenza

Kentucky 66 influenza deaths


Climate Change, 16-22 February 2020: SAINT ELMO STRIKES SKY HOPPER KERMIT!

Saint Elmo strikes Sky Hopper Kermit!: Climate Change 16-22 February 2020

Incomplete list of links to news articles concerning climate change events during the days of 16 to 22 of the Gregorian month of February 2020.

What are climate zones?

Extreme weather is the cause of most human migration

The irony of being a climate refugee; refugee settlements are even more vulnerable to extreme weather 

Child brides as a way of surviving climate change?


Rare weather phenomenon Saint Elmo’s Fire ‘captured’ by hurricane hunter Sky Hopper Kermit in North Atlantic:

CHINA: 5.0 quake hits Tibet

5.1 quake hits Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

GERMANY: Tesla committing tree genocide in name of building gigafactory!

INDIA:  Climate refugees surge amid floods, droughts

KAZAKHSTAN: Promises U.S.$638-million to fight unstoppable climate change

MEXICO: Farmers adapt to climate change by changing crops

RUSSIA:   Pre-historic bird found in Siberia proves climate change is normal: “These remains are of great interest to paleontology since they enable a better understanding of the impact of climate change …”

SOUTH AFRICA: WX alerts issued for severe storms across the country

Three people killed in freak storm

SPAIN: TSUNAMI could rock Andalucia ‘as soon as TOMORROW’ as government prepares emergency plan

UNITED STATES: If President Trump is so anti-climate change why did he authorize Department of Commerce’s NOAA (National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration) to triple  computing capacity, storage space, and interconnect speed of its Weather and Climate Operational Supercomputing System? 

NOAA also reported that despite climate change fear mongers, the U.S. fishing industry is reeling in higher numbers of fish!

 Ice Volcanoes on Great Lakes

Alabama; Fort Morgan residents fed up with illegal dumping, trash piles along road

Florida; Saint Augustine tries out solar powered trash/recycling cans

Tallahassee jacks up curbside recycling rates

Indiana; Town of Lapel wants to jack-up trash/recycling fees by 24%

Maryland; Gaithersburg jacks-up recycling fees 20%

Massachusetts;  City of Greenfield jacks-up trash collection fees

Michigan; The state experienced an 8.5% increase in trash piling up in landfills, here’s a list of where it’s coming from and just how much money the state is actually making from collecting trash

Minnesota; State inspectors report that more and more trash, human waste, and even fish that were caught, are being left on the ice by people going ice fishing, it all ends up in the water

Recycling center burns for days, sending toxic smoke into the air

Mississippi; After the Pearl River flood, mountains of trash

New York; City of Troy will attempt to stop illegal trash dumping with security cameras

Ohio; Despite competitive bidding on trash hauling contract, residents of Dayton will still pay more

Pennsylvania; Logistics company wants state-mandated curbside recycling program to stop accepting plastics, basically it costs more to transport plastics than what the plastics are worth!

Are Lehigh Valley towns actually recycling or have local programs quietly ended?

Increase in roadside trash being blamed on trash hauling companies?

Texas; Rice University finds way to turn worthless trash into money making graphene

City of Austin rejects trash collect contract, could refuse (reject) refuse (trash) service to local taxpayers

Washington DC; FEMA warns citizens to prep for catastrophic disasters now

Climate Change, 09-15 February 2020: CAPITALISM KILLS RECYCLING?

Pacific Ring  of Fire, 16-22 February 2020: FIRST DEATHS CAUSED BY FRACKING!

Border cops report record number of…flowers?: Immigrant Invasion U.S.A., 09-15 February 2020

Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of main-stream-news links about global immigrant/border operations affecting the United States taxpayers, days of 09 to 15 of Gregorian February 2020.

Yet another study blames climate change for social unrest and mass migration

U.S. Customs and Border Protection warning of massive stolen vehicle operations that export the stolen cars through the Ports of New York/Newark to African countries.

ALABAMA: Illegal immigrant has victory in court

ARIZONA: Man and woman sentenced to prison for people smuggling and for holding a person, who needed medical help, against their will

Near Tucson, Border Patrol captures five illegals and a citizen

As of 14FEB2020, 1-thousand illegals have been deported to Mexico

Border Patrol cops working an immigrant checkpoint in the Yuma Sector recover a stolen car being driven by citizens.

CALIFORNIA: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) served four immigration subpoenas on the San Diego County Sheriff’s Office

Federal grand jury indicts three top administrators of Philippines ‘christian’ church in human smuggling scheme and defrauding the immigration system

Near El Centro, Border Patrol captured a tractor-trailer with 26 illegals in it.

Border Patrol captured three illegals who then confessed to leaving one of their own to die on a mountain, more U.S. tax dollars were spent rescuing the abandoned illegal.

At the Calexico Station, Border Patrol captured a man sneaking back into the U.S., he had been previously convicted of sex crimes and deported.

Near the Cuyapaipe Indian Reservation three illegals were killed by exposure to extreme weather.

Stop buying your Valentines flowers from other countries!!!  San Diego sector Customs and Border Protection reports increased numbers of people trying to bring in potted flowers/plants from Mexico, which is illegal.  Only cut flowers are allowed and still must be inspected for insects and diseases. 

In San Diego, 10FEB2020, U.S. Coast Guard off-loaded 20-thousand pounds of cocaine captured at sea.

CONNECTICUT: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) served three immigration subpoenas to the State of Connecticut

DELAWARE: Yet another school district considers creating policies to favor illegals

FLORIDA:  Stop buying your Valentines flowers from other countries!!!    Customs and Border Protection reports that their Miami International Airport operation inspected the most imported flowers ever; more than 1-billion cut stems! 

By the way BlindBatNews wants to remind you that 2019 was a record year as well; report with video VALENTINES HELL: BUYING FLOWERS FROM OVERSEAS IS A NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT!

GUAM: Again it’s about the money; local news media reveal that Guam (and Hawaii) is being paid by U.S. taxpayers to take in migrants from other Pacific island countries.  A proposal to save taxpayers money would cut $4-million from Guam’s Compacts of Free Association revenues!  (apparently Hawaii spends 187-million of your tax dollars on migrant services every year)

GEORGIA: A citizen is fighting to bring his wife back from Mexico, no she wasn’t deported, she voluntarily left in protest of U.S. government!  Now her U.S. citizen son is dying from cancer.

HAWAII:  In federal court, Singapore based Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement pled guilty to knowingly dumping pollution into U.S. waters and will pay a fine of $1-million-750-thousand.  It is considered the largest fine ever in the District of Hawaii.

IDAHO: Ada County (the Californicated metro area of Idaho) Sheriff’s office quitting the immigration hold refund program

INDIANA:  More proof it’s about making money for corporations as federal court rules meat factory knowingly employing illegals is not violating wage laws by paying them much less than citizens!

LOUISIANA: State Attorney General claims to be anti-illegal immigration, but labor unions reveal he hires mainly foreigners!

MAINE:  Cumberland County Sheriff clashes with ICE

MARYLAND: A few sheriffs rebel against state’s pro-immigrant anti-ICE policy

MINNESOTA: Roseau County becomes anti-immigrant pro-gun Second Amendment ‘sanctuary’

 NEBRASKA: ICE praises state leaders for their co-operation

NEW HAMPSHIRE:  State politician wants voters to use school board election to decide immigration policy?

NEW YORK:  Stop buying your Valentines flowers from other countries!!!  Customs and Border Protection reports having to inspect 40-million flowers coming through airports in The Empire State!

Federal Travel Ban will impact The Empire State’s economy

NORTH CAROLINA:  Data reveals that Obama Care (Affordable Care Act, ACA) has had no effect on improving medical services for illegals

NORTH DAKOTA:  Irish Americans are considered criminals in North Dakota?

PENNSYLVANIA: Scams against illegal immigrants are skyrocketing in the pro-illegal ‘sanctuary’ state

Resident gets prison time for people smuggling

TEXAS:  Customs and Border Protection captures record 1-thousand-543-pounds of liquid methamphetamine!

Border Patrol captures 8-thousand rounds of ammo being smuggled from U.S. into Mexico

17 illegals found inside tractor-trailer being driven by a citizen 

 Border Patrol captures armed smuggler: “Our agents are encountering armed smugglers now more than ever before.”-Raul L. Ortiz, Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent

Border Patrol now using facial recognition tech at the Progreso Port of Entry 

At Brownsville Port of Entry more than $2-million worth of illegal drugs captured, and Border agents resuscitated an unconscious citizen child.

In Star County more than $750-thousand worth of illegal drugs captured over a two hours period.

 Falcon Dam has been identified as a major national security concern and as such the U.S. Coast Guard, the International Boundary and Water Commission, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Border Patrol, Texas Department of Public Safety, and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department all agreed to jointly patrol the area during ‘elevated security situations’.

UTAH: Social service organizations warn that increased homelessness will be the result of continued unchecked immigration to Utah

Illegal immigrant, and operator of a tire shop, has his day in court after brutal attack

VIRGINIAState ‘lawmakers’ approve drivers’ licenses for 270-thousand illegals

WASHINGTON: News media investigation proves Greyhound Bus is voluntarily helping ICE capture illegals

Washington DC:   U.S. Border Patrol to send Tactical Unit officers to ‘sanctuary cities’

  At Dulles Airport, Customs and Border Protection captured a woman from South Korea who lied about how much cash she was bringing into the U.S.  Also, packages mailed from the British empire’s United Kingdom were found to be full of illegal steroids.  They were being sent to addresses in Georgia, Florida, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Virginia.

Concerning the global Swine Flu and Bird Flu epidemics, at the same airport Customs and Border Protect also captured illegal Asian pork from Vietnam being smuggled inside ramen noddle cups, as well as pet food containing dead birds from China suspected of carrying Bird Flu!  They were incinerated




Massive one day spike in deaths & infections!: Going Viral, 12-13 February 2020

Incomplete list of links to news reports about viral outbreaks during the days of 12 to 13 of the Gregorian month of February 2020.

 Vietnam locks down city of ten thousand!

Pro-vaccine study says Japan’s halt of regular HPV vaccine to cause thousands of cancer deaths

Doctor in Illinois kills his-self, leaving a confession saying he falsified patients’ vaccination records!

Doctor gives reality check about flu vaccines: “…immunity, whether from natural infection….or from the influenza vaccine, is not always long-lasting.” 

11 flu deaths in Saskatchewan, infections ten times higher than last flu season, despite free vaccines

Additional 4-million U.S. influenza infections, more than 22-million cases!

One county in Nebraska reporting more than 4-hundred new flu cases, despite vaccinations: “We have passed 5,300 cases……….Looks like a second wave to the season.”

Arkansas reports ten influenza deaths in one week

College student in New York suddenly dies from flu

Why have Hubei’s coronavirus infections risen 10-fold, deaths doubled, in one day?

One Russian patient jumped out of a Chinese hospital window to escape her quarantine and another managed to break out by disabling an electronic lock.

Hubei leaders fired by national government!

Hong Kong schools closed until mid-March

China finally considers changes to open-air meat market system

UN’s WHO extends emergency declaration for ebola hit Democratic Republic of Congo

U.S. FDA approves first-ever vaccine for Ebola prevention

Nigeria lassa fever deaths suddenly jump to 70

Fox in Maryland has rabies

Coyote, which attacked people in Pennsylvania, tested positive for rabies, two people being treated

Utah’s public health system criticized over human death from rabies, because incompetent doctors misdiagnosed the illness!

Connecticut raccoons being tested for rabies

North Carolina raccoon tests positive for rabies

Yet another raccoon in Massachusetts tests positive for rabies

Going Viral, 09-11 February 2020: THE MILITARY KNOWS!

Immigrant Invasion U.S.A. 01-08 February 2020

Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of main-stream-news links about global immigrant/border operations affecting the United States taxpayers, days of 01 to 08 of Gregorian February 2020.

Canadians getting pissed at U.S. border crackdown against Iranians, even targeting Iranians who are Canadian or U.S. citizens

ICE being blamed for a boy’s fractured skull, even though the accident took place ONE MONTH BEFORE the family was detained by ICE!  Why did the family wait until after they were detained to ask for medical help for their injured son?

ARIZONA: Border Patrol captures illegal who is also a convicted child rapist

Border Patrol captures legal resident smuggling meth

Woman captured with 67 pounds of meth inside her vehicle’s speakers

CALIFORNIA:  Judge deals blow to ICE

Border Patrol captures U.S. family trying to smuggle 51 pounds of cocaine into the U.S.

Boat used to smuggle illegals capsizes, people die 

Sex criminal from Mexico captured after crossing border into U.S.

IDAHO: Homosexual refugee’s story becomes an Apple TV show

‘California refugees’ move to Idaho for lax vaccine laws. They want lawmakers to know why

ILLINOIS: City of Chicago released a known felon from Guatemala, ICE later captured the felon at Union Station

KANSAS: After being deported four times, illegal immigrant will now spend time in prison for drug crime 

Illegal immigrant pulls out in front of racing cop SUV, which had its lights and siren on, causing major accident, but the very same illegal immigrant is now suing the city of Topeka saying it was the cop’s fault for not paying attention!

MAINE: Border Patrol captures eight illegals after a tip from local police

Border Patrol checkpoint captures man wanted for crimes in several Maine counties

Vehicle stop results in capture of woman who’s been in-country illegally for 15 years

MICHIGAN: Michigan College Access Network gets grant money to help illegal students

Local cops help Border Patrol capture ten illegals

MINNESOTA: Anti-refugee meeting scheduled at tribal college

NEBRASKA:  By 2040 there will be no ‘majority’ in Nebraska

NEW JERSEY:  115 illegals captured!

NEW YORK: ICE says illegal attacked them, they shot him in the face

Effective immediately, residents of the State of New York will no longer be eligible to apply for or renew membership in U.S. Customs and Border Protection Trusted Traveler Programs!

NORTH DAKOTA:  Recall effort for politician over refugee vote

OHIO:  ICE to stop housing immigrant detainees at private Youngstown prison

OKLAHOMA: Norman City Council drops sanctuary city idea

OREGON: Portland Public Schools superintendent pledges to protect illegal students

PENNSYLVANIA: Amazon stops selling anti-immigrant sticker after threats from state officials

PUERTO RICO: Border Patrol continues to capture counterfeit products, including fake $100 bills

Illegal wanted for double murder captured

U.S. Coast Guard captured this human smuggling boat on 03FEB2020, then sent 64 illegals from Dominican Republic back home.

The U.S. Coast Guard, along with the British empire’s Royal Navy, claim the captured 3-thousand-86 pounds of cocaine, and nine smugglers.  The drug was off-loaded in San Juan on 04FEB2020.

RHODE ISLAND:  Allows illegals to appoint citizen guardians for their children

TEXAS:  ICE deports MS-13 gang member from El Salvador

Dallas DA Office gets $460-thousand for helping ICE shutdown an illegal gambling operation based in Costa Rica

Border Patrol captures U.S. citizen along with 13 illegals

Border Patrol captures 237 pounds of illegal marijuana

Three people captured in connection to weapons smuggling

Mexican caught trying to bring gun into U.S.

Two citizens and five illegals captured

36 illegals found inside dump truck

More than two-n-a-half-million dollars worth of illegal drugs captured at Laredo Port of Entry

WASHINGTON:  Seattle City Council tangles with Indian (as in India) politics

Washington DC: In co-operation with Health and Human Services, ICE now fingerprinting teenagers

ICE tracking your cell-phone data

Immigrant Invasion U.S.A., 26-31 January 2020: “HAVEN’T GOT ONE WRONG YET”