Born in the U.S.A. to citizen parents, yet still illegal?: Immigrant Invasion U.S.A., 16-22 February 2020

Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of main-stream-news links about global immigrant/border operations affecting the United States taxpayers, days of 16 to 22 of Gregorian February 2020.

ARIZONA: A gang-banger deported multiple times was caught entering the U.S. again, and deported again

In the Tucson sector armed human smugglers were captured

In the Yuma sector, two female citizens were captured with illegal guns (serial numbers altered) trying to go through the border checkpoint

Also in the Yuma sector, several illegals captured including one that had been convicted of murder in Wisconsin

CALIFORNIA: Eight people captured attempting to smuggle humans north of Coronado State Beach.

FLORIDA: ICE rescues child under threat from illegal from Guatemala


GUAM: Taiwanese tourists accused of human smuggling

MASSACHUSETTS: Cambridge orders cops not to arrest illegals driving without drivers’ license

MICHIGAN: City of Wyoming refuses to support drivers’ licenses for illegals

U.S. border cops find human brain inside Canadian postal truck at border checkpoint

MINNESOTAWoman born and raised in the U.S., by U.S. citizens, considered illegal because her parents never got an official birth certificate

NEVADA: Argentinian pleads guilty to child sex crimes

NEW JERSEY: Illegal activists win drivers’ licensing

NEW YORK: ICE arrests illegal from Jamaica who has been released seven times by local courts

Governor refuses to hand over drivers’ license info to U.S. Homeland Security

NORTH DAKOTA: U.S. Customs and Border Protection will hold a Global Entry Enrollment workshop

OHIO: ICE prisoner kills his-self

OREGON: ICE serves 5 immigration subpoenas for criminal alien information from local law enforcement

Residents in the eastern part of the state fed up with the liberal state government, want Idaho politicians to represent them!

Award winning, yet illegal, teacher could be deported

PENNSYLVANIAPhilly cops release known illegal from Jamaica, ICE promptly arrests him

An example of fear mongering by the news media:  Illegal immigrant arrested after dropping her child off at school, however, ICE reported that she was detained near her home, not arrested at the school, and she was released


A day after the U.S. Coast Guard gave up their search for people reported missing, an abandoned fishing boat was found, 19FEB2020.  Human smuggling is a major problem in the area.

RHODE ISLAND: Local study finds that 70% of residents are confused about what data can be collected in the upcoming U.S. Census

TEXAS:  State cops chased down a stolen car out of Tennessee, turns out it was driven by a citizen using the car to traffic two illegal immigrants

  More than $18-million worth of drugs captured at the Pharr International Bridge cargo facility

A 9-1-1 call from a woman claiming to be held against her will reveals human smuggling ‘stash house’ in Laredo. 37 people rescued. 

Border Patrol reports list of Presidents Day weekend captures

UTAH: A ‘christian’ pastor, who is also an illegal immigrant who works at a youth rec-center, arrested for child sex crimes that allegedly took place in the church over the past three years

State Attorney General admits there are many illegals in the state from Polynesian countries, holds public ceremony telling the illegals not to be afraid of the cops!

Immigrant Invasion U.S.A., 09-15 February 2020: BORDER COPS REPORT RECORD NUMBER OF…FLOWERS?