Incomplete list of links to news articles concerning climate change events during the days of 01 to 08 of the Gregorian month of February 2020.
Some scientists blame extreme temperature changes for the decline of the wooly bumblebee
Ocean currents getting faster, due to faster winds
Thawing permafrost will speed warming
ARGENTINA: Hottest day ever?
AUSTRALIA: Charcoal and beef usually means BBQ, but something from 3-hundred BC might reduce methane produced by feeding cattle; Biochar
Despite regulations supposedly limiting industry pollution, it’s revealed the government actually approved increased industrial emissions!
BRAZIL: Discovered; the lumber industry is so aggressive it’s now cutting down trees during the rainy season!
CANADA: Quake strikes Atlantic coast
FRANCE: Cities are filling with trash
GREECE: 4.7 quake
INDIA: 5.1 quake
ISRAEL: Earthquake near Haifa
ITALY: Old solar panels meant to be recycled were instead shipped to parts of the Middle East and Africa
KOSOVO: European Union spends U.S.$83-million for filters to fight air pollution coming from electricity factory
SERBIA: Considered Europe’s most polluted country
SOUTH AFRICA: Shrubs can stop climate change?
UNITED KINGDOM: British taxpayers funding African fossil fuel projects worth U.S.$750-million
So much for environment saving wind turbines, it’s estimated that this year alone at least 8-thousand wind turbine blades will be thrown into municipal trash dumps! What’s more, the blades are supposed to last 20 years but most are thrown away after only ten! They can’t be recycled!
The final ‘shell’ emplacement had been delayed by unusually high water levels, but now that water levels have dropped the U.S.$1.22-billion Kentucky Lock Addition Project can continue. Ten ‘shells’ were needed to build the new lock addition in dry conditions. Reports say that since December 2019 the level of the Tennessee River was over-topping the nine shells already in place, each shell is 31-feet/9-meters high.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers spending at least U.S.$16-million to repair a breach in the Buffalo North Breakwater, which was caused by the Halloween Night Storm last year.

Altus Air Force Base is experimenting with a new cheaper way to clean-up its ground water, called a ‘bio-wall’ (‘bioreactors’ filled with locally sourced micro-organisms):
“The purpose of the bio wall is to degrade the manmade contaminates currently found in the groundwater and break them down into naturally found elements. The bio walls act like a big water filter that is 30 feet underground. As the water flows through the wall, we are purifying it from the potentially harmful chemicals that were put in the ground a long time ago.”-Mary Bitney, Altus AFB Remedial Project Manager
Virginia; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers awarded a U.S.$23.7-million contract to Florida based contractor to rebuild the eroded beach at NASA’s Wallops Island Flight Facility on Virginia’s Eastern Shore, including construction of breakwaters using 1.3-million cubic yards of sand.
Climate Change, 26-31 January 2020: OCEANS SINK AS THE LANDS FLOOD
Written by: Hutchins AAron on February 10, 2020.