Category Archives: Idaho

Pocatello Charlotte Fire still burning! 66 homes now destroyed! Residents not allowed to return until Sunday, maybe. New 10 Mile Fire east of McCammon

“It’s a long ways from being out, even though we don’t see big 40 foot flames.”-Brian Blad, Mayor of Pocatello

Click on the pics to make them bigger.

Smokey night Charlotte Fire 

Smokey night for Pocatello & Chubbuck. Charlotte Fire still burning.

29 June 2012, at 00:00 hours dozens of fires still burning on the hills where homes were ravaged, at the south end of Pocatello, Idaho.  Associated Press reporting more than 1,000 people evacuated.

The winds have calmed down, but have also shifted northwest, smoke filtering slowly a few miles northwest into the city of Chubbuck overnight.

South end of Pocatello, dozens of fires still burning at 00:00 hours 29 June 2012. Bright light at top of pic is the full Moon.

Weather forecasts predict calm winds for the rest of Friday, good news for firefighters.  Air temperatures expected to get into the 90s Fahrenheit (30s Celsius).

Camera not good enough to take pics at night, and I couldn’t get close enough ’cause of the police road blocks.  By 23:30 hours, 28 June 2012, U.S. Bureau of Land Management said about 1,038 acres burned with no containment (reports of burned acreage conflict, National Interagency Fire Center, based 236 miles away in Boise, says 450 acres. another report out of Boise said 20% containment).   As many as 700 homes threatened, at least 20 known destroyed.

The fire is dubbed Charlotte Fire (starting near Charlotte Road in the Mink Creek area), and local fire officials say the big concern now are downed power lines.

Portneuf Medical Center enacted their emergency plan, and reported two trauma cases, but unknown if connected to the fire.

Evacuees were told to go to Century High School or Idaho State University.  Pets were being taken to Pocatello Animal Shelter.  Livestock taken to Bannock County Fairgrounds.

Local businesses have been offering help to evacuees and firefighters. Officials suspect the fire was human caused.

Pocatello burning! Evacuations!

Pocatello burning! Evacuations! Southeast Idaho burning! Bannock County bans fireworks, declares state of emergency!

Click on pics to make them bigger. Pics by me.


East Idaho Gamma Ray detector update: Conflicting readings on 16 June 2012, as high as 26 μR/h! More proof of Fukushima?

On 25 May 2012, I posted how the public display on the Big Lost River IEMP station, in eastern Idaho, was not working.  Now it is, and it’s showing 10 more micro Roentgens per hour than what is being posted on the website.

Big Lost River IEMP Gamma display, 16 June 2012

On 16 June 2012, the display was showing between 24 and 27 μR/h!  I watched for ten minutes and it never went lower than 24 μR/h.  I checked the website and discovered that it was reporting gamma levels of 15.2 μR/h.

Why the big difference?

For perspective, 9.8 μR/h is considered “less than typical”.  The ghost city of Pripyat, which was contaminated by Chernobyl in the 1980s, is still showing gamma levels as high as 66 μR/h!

The Big Lost River IEMP is located in an area of eastern Idaho that has been used for nuclear experiments ever since World War 2.  Are these high(?) gamma levels the result of decades of experiments (still ongoing right now), or is it because of the ongoing disaster at Fukushima Daiichi in Japan?

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 10 June – 14 June. U.S./NATO deaths pass 2000 since the U.S. led occupation began. Doctor behind school girl poisonings! More proof it’s about the oil! More proof the drug war is a failure! Accused war criminal considered for Attorney General!

14 June 2012

International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said one U.S. led occupation personnel was killed by Mujahideen on 13 June, in southern Afghanistan.

The U.S. Pentagon confirmed that it was a U.S. Marine, from Minnesota, that was killed on 13 June.

The British Ministry of Defence also confirms one of their soldiers was killed by a grenade, also on 13 June.

This brings the 2012 death toll of U.S. led occupying forces to more than 200. Since the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan at least 2,000 U.S. forces have been killed.  418 British soldiers have been killed.

In Kunar Province, a suicide bomber attacked a U.S. occupation air base.  At least five people were killed.

In Jowzjan Province, an explosion wounded at least 11 people. It happened near the home of a local electoral boss.

The Ministry of Defense for Afghanistan reports that 11 of their troops were wounded in attacks by Mujahideen. The attacks took place in Kunar, Ghazni and Kandahar provinces.

ISAF claims they killed a “leader”, and a Mujahideen in Kandahar Province.  Another “leader” was captured in Helmand Province.

13 June 2012

In Baghlan Province, at least two people were killed, five wounded, in tribal disputes.

In Paktiya Province, a huge explosion left one person killed, at least 20 people wounded. It happened near the Kabul Bank.

12 June 2012

U.S. Marine General John Allen order an end to air strikes on houses!  This comes after wide spread protests over the continued killing of civilians by U.S. troops.

Iran announced the capture of 137 kilograms (302 pounds) of drugs in the past 80 days, a 176% increase in illegal drugs coming from Afghanistan, compared with the same time last year!   Many of the drug traffickers arrested are citizens of Azerbaijan Republic.

In Wardak Province, five civilians were killed when they drove over a mine.

ISAF announced that three U.S. led occupation personnel were killed by an explosion in southern Afghanistan.

Controversial Afghan General, Abdul Rashid Dostum (who receives support from the U.S.), is being investigated for interfering in the development of the oil fields in northern Afghanistan.  The main oil fields of Afghanistan are located in Faryab and Sar-e-Pul provinces. Preliminary reports estimate the area has almost 87 million barrels of petroleum.

Dostum is also being considered for Attorney General of Afghanistan, despite being involved with the murder of hundreds of “Taliban” prisoners in 2001 (known as the Dasht-i-Leili massacre).

In Kunar Province, two tribal elders were assassinated. Mujahideen say the elders were spying for the Afghan police.

The Interior Ministry of Afghanistan claims 30 Mujahideen were killed in battles in Baghlan, Kandahar, Zabul, Logar and Ghazni provinces.

In Balkh Province, two people were killed, and five wounded, by a suicide bomber riding a motorcycle.

U.S. Army Lieutenant General James L. Terry, assumed command of ISAF.

11 June 2012

In Logar Province, the residents closed down all schools in protest of the continued killings of civilians by U.S. troops.  The latest incident involved a U.S. air strike on a house that was full of wedding guests, 18 were killed.

In Baghlan Province, 3500 hectares (8,648.6 acres) of opium fields were destroyed.  It took ten days.

The Ministry of Defense for Afghanistan reports that three of their troops were killed, 12 wounded, in battles with Mujahideen.  The attacks took place in Helmand, Kunar and Maidan Wardak provinces.

In Kunar Province, the local government intelligence boss was assassinated. They don’t know who did it.

In Sar-e-Pul Province, at least four people were killed when they drove over a mine.

In Kunduz Province, three people were killed after a house blew up.

10 June 2012

A Pakistani female doctor was arrested in connection with the recent poisonings at girls’ schools.  11 other suspects have been arrested as well.

In Kandahar Province, an Idaho National Guardsman was severely wounded when he stepped on a mine. He’s expected to be sent to Germany for treatment.  According to relatives living in Pocatello, Idaho, he lost his legs, suffered a fractured pelvis, a broken arm, internal injuries and lost a couple of fingers.  His brother recently returned from occupation duty in Iraq and Kuwait.

The Interior Ministry of Afghanistan claims 33 Mujahideen were killed by Afghan police, in battles Kabul, Laghman, Parwan, Helmand, Uruzgan and Farah provinces.




What Economic Recovery? Solar company Hoku Corporation stock value less than 20 cents! Do Not Trade warning issued!

On 8 June 2012, the value of Hoku Corporation stock settled at 15 cents per share, after hitting 20 cents that morning.  Some stock trading media outlets issued a Do Not Trade warning for Hoku (NASDAQ: HOKU).

Hoku Corp owns failed Hoku Materials in Pocatello, Idaho.  Hoku Corp is a subsidiary of Tianwei New Energy Holdings, which is an affiliate of China South Industries Group Corporation (CSGC).

Ever since the end of May, Hoku stock has been struggling to get above 20 cents. Wikinvest says Hoku’s 52 week average is only 7 cents per share!  At last check, 13 June 2012, Hoku Corp was trading between 16 and 17 cents per share.


Government Evil: 45th Anniversary of Israeli attack on U.S. Navy. Approved by U.S. government! U.S. veterans call it a War Crime. Proof that your government will create 9/11 incidents in the name of Israel, to justify taking Muslim lands!

“If the Israelis had succeeded to sink the Liberty the next part of the operation would have gone into effect, mainly the dropping of nuclear bombs on Cairo and Alexandria Egypt. The plan was to sink the ship and blame it on Egypt in one of the most treacherous and terrible false flag operations of all time.”-J. Bruce Campbell, Veterans Today

What J. Bruce Campbell is talking about is an official U.S./Israeli operation called Cyanide.  Campbell made his statements in a phone interview from Idaho, with Iranian media.  He based his statements on data in the book Operation Cyanide: Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III.

On 8 June 1967, the Israeli air force attacked the unarmed USS Liberty.  34 U.S. personnel were killed, 173 wounded.  The captain of the ship called for help but the U.S. government refused!!!

On 8 June 2005, the survivors of that attack filed a Report of War Crimes in accordance with U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Law of War.  The DoD “…unilaterally waived its obligation under the Department of Defense Law of War Program by refusing to investigate the allegations contained in the War Crimes Report.”USS Liberty Veterans Association

Campbell went on to state: “We kind of blame Israel for running the U.S. military and making us attack Iraq and Afghanistan and other ‘Moslim enemies’ of Israel….It was to do with creating great Israel, a greater Israel….taking over much of the Middle East and putting it under Israeli control. The issue is….it is [about] getting millions of Moslims killed, thousands of Americans killed to [justifiably] kill millions of the Moslims.”

Idaho suicide rate 4th highest in United States! Christian/Protestant Work Ethic to Blame! Government cutbacks to blame!!! Idaho National Guard demands suicide hotline!!!

“Idaho consistently ranks in the top 10 states for our suicide rate, but the ranking of four is higher than we’ve experienced.”-Kathie Garrett, Idaho Council on Suicide Prevention

The Suicide Prevention Action Network (SPAN), says the U.S. state of Idaho has the 4th highest rate of suicide in the whole country, according to the most recent stats available (2009).

In a report published in March 2012, SPAN said there was a 15% increase in Idahoans killing themselves, between 2008 and 2010!

Suicide is the number two reason for death of Idahoans, aged 15 to 34!

Between 2006 and 2010, 81% of suicides in Idaho were by men!

In 2011, 15.4% of Idaho teenagers considered killing themselves!

SPAN did not list any reasoning for the increase in Idaho suicides.

According to the American Association of Suicidology, there are 19.7 suicides per 100,000 Idahoans.  The average for the whole U.S. is 12 per 100,000.

The top ten U.S. states for suicide are Montana, Alaska, Wyoming, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, Oregon, Arizona and Utah.

Regional mental health workers say that the Pacific northwest, of the United States, has a strong stigma against people getting help, and people are looked down on if they are unemployed.  This is part of the Christian/Protestant Work Ethic described by Max Weber.

Also, this Christian/Protestant Work Ethic probably influenced Idaho law makers when they shut down the last suicide prevention hotline at the end of 2006.  By the way, note that suicides jumped when that happened!  In 2008 Idaho was ranked 6th in the country for suicide, then jumped to 4th just one year later!

A study by Idaho State University, here in Bannock County, said that if a suicide hotline was re-established it would get an average of 5,000 calls per year!

Even the Idaho National Guard has been demanding the return of a suicide hotline, after all citizen soldiers & airmen returning from the never ending War on Terror have a high rate of suicide.

Incompetent state law makers realized their mistake and agreed to bring back such a phone help line.  The problem is that the state doesn’t have the money to fully fund such a program, so it must be co-funded with donations!

The re-opening of a suicide call center came a step closer when it was revealed, in April/March, that enough funding had been raised to run a suicide prevention help line for 18 months.  Also, the hotline center will be based on the Idaho National Guard’s Gowen Field.

All that’s needed now is official national certification of the program, and the training of volunteers to take the calls.  Until then all calls will go to an Oregon center, the phone number is 1-800-273-TALK.

The Oregon call center says it’s getting at least 10 calls per day from Idaho.

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 04 June – 07 June. U.S. kills dozens of civilians, again! U.S. finally admits Mujahideen are more agressive this year! Idaho Guardsman shot. NATO signs exit deal.

7 June 2012

“There’s been an increase in the attacks.”-Leon Panetta, U.S. Secretary of Defense

After threatening Pakistan, U.S. Defense Secretary, Leon Panetta, arrived in Kabul to discuss the increased violence in Afghanistan (proving that recent reports that violence was down are wrong).  If you’ve been following my posts, it’s obvious the violence has increased.

Panetta admitted, in a round-a-bout way, that the U.S. is clueless in Afghanistan, by saying his impromptu visit to Afghanistan was “…to get a sense of just exactly what are the Taliban doing.”

In classic U.S. trickery, Panetta said that while attacks were up, they were still down, compared to other years of occupation!  Some regional news sources point out that the U.S. is also behind the increase in violence as more civilians have been killed by occupying forces.

Afghan President, Hamid Karzai, is condemning yet another U.S. led occupying force attack, that left at least 18 civilians dead.  Karzai was on a trip to China, but cut the trip short to return to Afghanistan.

The airstrike, possibly by UAV, took place in Logar Province on the morning of 6 June 2012.

In Maidan Wardak Province, a member of the Afghan Parliament was attacked.  Local reports say his convoy was ambushed as he headed to Kabul.  At least four of his body guards were wounded.

6 June 2012

Idaho National Guard reporting that one of their citizen soldiers was wounded while riding in a Black Hawk helicopter.  He was shot (on 3 June) by Mujahideen on the ground.  Sergeant Albert Vieth was flown to Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington State for further treatment.

Idaho Army National Guard’s 1-168 General Support Aviation Battalion was sent to Afghanistan on 19 May.

Another U.S. led occupying forces helicopter has gone down.  International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) confirmed: “Two International Security Assistance Force service members died following a helicopter crash in eastern Afghanistan today.”

In Logar Province, a U.S. occupying forces airstrike killed at least 18 civilians.  Afghan government officials, and occupying forces claim 25 Mujahideen killed, however, local security officials claim most of those killed were civilians.  A house belonging to a tribal elder was blown up by the airstrike.

It  was possibly a drone strike, as ISAF refers to it as a “precision airstrike”.

In Kandahar Province, a massive suicide bombing left as many as 23 people killed, and 50 wounded. The target of the bomber was the U.S. controlled Kandahar air port.  Some regional reports say occupying troops make up some of the dead.

In Faryab Province, another suicide bombing left as many as eight people dead.  It was reported by the Afghan government’s 303 Pamir Security Command.

In Kapisa Province, at least six cops were killed, and two wounded after Mujahideen attacked a checkpoint.

ISAF reports yet another “facilitator” captured, in Takhar Province.  Another “leader” captured in Kandahar Province.

5 June 2012

In Ghazni Province, two civilians were wounded, one killed after they drove over a mine.

In Nuristan Province, Afghan border police claim to have killed 12 Mujahideen in an ambush.

ISAF claims two “leaders” killed by a “precision airstrike” (drone strike?), in Ghazni Province.

NATO signs exit deal with Central Asian countries.  Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan have agreed to allow NATO forces to get the hell out of Afghanistan through their territory: “These agreements will give us a range of new options and the robust and flexible transport network we need.”

4 June 2012

In Ghor Province, the local development council chief was assassinated. No one knows who did it.

In Parwan Province, a U.S./NATO occupying fuel convoy was ambushed and burned.

British Ministry of Defence says one of their soldiers was shot and killed in Helmand Province.  They say he was shot on 3 June, while on patrol.  MoD also confirmed that another Red Coat was killed in the same area on 1 June.

Afghan Interior Ministry claims 20 Mujahideen killed, six wounded and 13 captured, in battles in Nangarhar, Helmand and Maidan Wardak provinces.

In Paktiya Province, ISAF claims three Mujahideen killed by airstrike. Also, two students were killed by a mine (roadside bomb).

Afghan Defense Ministry says one of their soldiers was killed and 14 wounded in battles in Maidan Wardak, Logar, Paktia and Zabul provinces.

Afghan National Directorate for Security claim they killed a prominent Mujahideen “leader”, along with 25 Mujahideen, in Helmand Province.

What Economic Recovery? Idaho’s Hoku Materials about to be finished off by lawsuits from unpaid contractors! Lays off 100 more employees in Bannock County!

“The proceeds of the loan are insufficient to pay down current liabilities, resume construction or start commercial operations. The loan proceeds will be used to fund working capital requirements while we plan for a restructuring of our liabilities, and the liabilities of our subsidiary Hoku Materials Inc.”– Scott Paul, CEO of Hoku Corporation

At the end of May, 2012, the CEO of Hoku Corporation basically said that Hoku Materials, in Pocatello, Idaho, has ceased operations, even before it began operations!

I speculated that the 17 May decision to jack up U.S. tariffs on Chinese made solar products would be the final nail in the coffin for Hoku Materials, and it looks like I was right.

This is because Hoku turned to Chinese companies to bail them out of their financial woes.  They became a subsidiary of Tianwei New Energy Holdings, which is an affiliate of China South Industries Group Corporation (CSGC).  All their contracts are with Chinese solar product companies hoping to increase their business in the United States.

On top of that, JH Kelly, primary contractor working on the Hoku Materials project, is finally fed up with not being paid and has sued Hoku.

At the beginning of 2012 Hoku Materials laid off 20 employees (according to an Idaho State Journal report, that left around 150 employees).

In April, remaining construction work was stopped all together (due to the lawsuits).

At the end of May 2012, a local Pocatello TV station started getting phone calls from unnamed sources within the Hoku Materials factory.  The callers were reporting massive layoffs.

Hoku Materials admitted to the local TV station that they laid off another 100 employees, because of massive debts, the increased U.S. tariffs on Chinese solar products, and civil suits by JH Kelly and other contractors!  Hoku is now going through “restructuring”, which usually includes selling off assets to pay debts.

I’ve been warning since 2010 of the impending doom of Hoku Materials.  The sad thing is that officials with the city of Pocatello, as well as Bannock County officials, bent over backwards to get Hoku to build their polysilicon plant in Pocatello (that included essentially giving the land to Hoku, by allowing a tax credit equal to the value of the land). This is because truly good paying jobs have become hard to find locally (no thanks to previous city and county leaders chasing off major employers for personal/religious reasons, such as refusing to allow Union Pacific to make Pocatello their Pacific Northwest Depot!).

Now there’s an unfinished polysilicon factory, taking up space equal to 50 football fields!  To top that, the factory butts up to a residential area, a once dead end residential street is now the entry road to the defunct factory!