02 July 2023 (12:40-UTC-07 Tango 06) 11 Tir 1402/13 Dhu l-Hijja 1444/15 Ji-Wei 4721/02 июль 2023 года
Every year, units from the Regular Army (active duty U.S. Army [USA]), Army Reserve, and National Guard, spend time on the Corpus Christi Army Depot in Texas, learning the latest in rotary wing aircraft maintenance. This year, they are learning about the new ‘V’ variant of the old UH-60 Black Hawk, even though the ‘V’ upgrade program suffered setbacks.

The first UH-60V delivered to a U.S. unit overseas, on Wiesbaden Airfield, NATO-Germany, 04JUN2023. USA photo by Staff Sergeant Todd Strobel.
Despite the setbacks, by June 2023, upgraded UH-60Vs began to be deployed to bases in the European Union. Northrop Grumman states that the ‘V’ upgrade replaces the old UH-60L cockpit “with a fully open, digital and integrated avionics suite”.
Kentucky Army National Guard Lieutenant Colonel Daniel S. Cooper gives the official explanation of why Ecuador currently has UH-60 Black Hawk maintenance crews in Kentucky. There is no mention of the recent Black Hawk crashes. Video interview by Sergeant First Class Benjamin Crane, 29JUN2023:
Video (by Sergeant First Class Benjamin Crane) of Ecuadorian UH-60 Black Hawk maintenance crews’ visit to Kentucky, 29JUN2023:
Some UH-60 (and other rotary wing aircraft) maintenance is performed at the Eastern Army National Guard Aviation Training Site, on Muir Army Airfield in Pennsylvania. Video by Erik Sandbakken, 05JUN2023:
JapanTimes, May 2023: Engine Problems Linked to Fatal Black Hawk Crash.

Georgia Army National Guard HH-60M gets a 40-hour preventive maintenance check on Inezgane Airfield, Morocco, during African Lion 2023. Photo by Sergeant Cameron Boyd, 31MAY2023.
The Defense Post, May 2023: The U.S. Army grounded all pilots not involved in critical missions until they complete required training, after four helicopters crashes.

‘Pumped’ UH-60 helicopter repairers with the Connecticut Army National Guard, tear into a hydraulic pilot assist module during a maintenance competition at the 1109th Theater Aviation Support Maintenance Group, Groton, Connecticut, 21APR2023. Photo by Sergeant Matthew Lucibello.
GAO (Government Accountability Office), April 2023: “Army and Air National Guard reported 298 helicopter accidents during non-combat flight operations from fiscal years 2012 through 2021… …their respective flight safety training programs can be improved.”
Army Times, April 2023: Army investigators confirm collision led to double Black Hawk crash.
Military.com, April 2023: Renewed Scrutiny of Black Hawk Safety Record.

In March 2023, during wargame Cobra Gold, the Washington Army National Guard conducted joint UH-60 maintenance with the Royal Thai Army, in the Kingdom of Thailand.
Associated Press, February 2023: Black Hawk pilots killed in Alabama crash were experienced.

This is the Arizona Army National Guard’s Western Arizona Army National Guard Aviation Training Site, where they teach how to repair the UH-60L/M Black Hawk. Photo by Sergeant First Class Brian A. Barbour, 24FEB2023.
In 2022, using the ‘Pland-emic supply shortages’ as an excuse, the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) began something called ‘additive manufacturing’. Additive manufacturing is an industry phrase referring to the use of 3D printing to create your own parts. This December 2022 DLA video report (by Nutan Chada) is about creating 3D printed fuel elbows for the UH-60:

Assigned to the Texas Army National Guard on Camp Buehring, Kuwait, a Black Hawk maintainer from New York torques a nut on the pitch control rod of a UH-60M. Photo by Specialist Jason Lo, 06SEP2022.
Reuters, September 2022: Afghan government blames technical problem for fatal crash of U.S. made Black Hawk.
Bangkok Post, July 2022: Engine problems blamed for Royal Thai Army Black Hawk crash.
Gulf News, July 2022: 14 people dead after Mexican Navy Black Hawk crashes into airport.
The Salt Lake Tribune, February 2022: Two UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters crashed during a “training accident” near the Mineral Basin area.
Vehicle I-D, 2022: IDAHO GETS NEW UH-60M
Government Shenanigans, 2020: UH-60 FOR AFGHANISTAN, KILLED-OFF BY THE MIL 17?
2017: Missouri Army National Guard UH-60L LOOSES WINDSHIELD AT NTC!