This is just a little bit of what the Utah Air & Army National Guard accomplished in August, 2023.

Camp Growl, Queensland, Australia. Utah Army National Guard photo by Sergeant Alejandro Lucero, 01AUG2023.
On 01AUG2023, while deployed to Australia, the 144th Area Support Medical Company conducted ‘blackout’ (night-time) medical operations during international wargame Talisman Sabre (22 July to 04 August).
On 06AUG2023, Utah’s 19th Special Forces Group (Airborne) militia personnel jumped from a perfectly good UH-60 Black Hawk rotary wing, into Deer Creek Reservoir near Heber City. The 19th SF Group Airborne is one of only two Army National Guard Special Forces (SF) units, the other unit is in Texas (197th Special Troops Support Company).
On Camp Williams, in Utah, the 204th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade (MEB) spent their yearly ‘summer camp’ preparing for their deployment to Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA), which is based in the Republic of Djibouti. The 204th MEB will deploy to the African continent in Spring 2024.
On 09AUG2023, the Adjutant General of the Utah National Guard greeted U.S. President Joseph Robinette Biden Junior on Roland R. Wright Air National Guard base (Salt Lake City). Biden was in Utah for a one-day ‘Campaign Reception’.
Utah’s 2nd Battalion, of the 222nd Field Artillery, pounded Michigan with their M109A6 Paladin Self Propelled Guns (SPG) during wargame Northern Strike, on Camp Grayling. Video by Staff Sergeant Daniel Garas (edited by me), 12AUG2023:
Video by Staff Sergeant Daniel Garas showing a Utah M109A6 on the move:
On 23AUG2023, a Utah Army National Guard 1st Battalion-211th Aviation Regiment AH-64 Apache rotary wing launched a AGM-114 Hellfire missile at a smoking target on Granite Peak Range, near Dugway. Video by Staff Sergeant Cambrin Bassett:
Tactical Toilets, 2022: UTAH INVADES IDAHO!?