Tag Archives: occupy

New Madrid 7.7 Seismic Event, massive National Guard deployment!

“In a domestic operation situation it don’t matter if it’s the Air or the Army, the public needs us to come as one team with one fight and to help relieve whatever situation is going on.”-Major General Tommy Baker,  Deputy Adjutant General of the Tennessee National Guard

Mass-casualty training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.

From the end of May 2019, thru the beginning of June 2019, the U.S. military held a multi-state (Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee) National Guard/local responder exercise called Shaken Fury, in preps for a major New Madrid Seismic Zone event.

Pulling bodies from the rubble, Millington, Tennessee.

44 Georgia Air Guard medical response personnel drove into Tennessee to lend a hand.

Preparing to fuel a KC-135 transport at McGhee Tyson Air National Guard Base, Tennessee.

Official video explainer of operation Shaken Fury 2019. What if a 7.7 quake hit the mid-western U.S.? (with overly dramatic music):

One of the things Guard personnel trained for was reacting without any prior notice (called a ‘no-notice’ response). The main purpose of Shaken Fury was to identify potential problem areas for local disaster response.

Missouri Guard personnel trying to break through the rubble of what was once a building at Mozingo Outdoor Education and Recreation Area.

Official video report of Tennessee National Guard mass casualty evac on C-17 Globemaster:

The training involved anything from being able to deploy large transport aircraft to martial law crowd control of ‘zombie’ quake victims.

Armored vehicles prepped for martial law crowd control at Camp McCain, Mississippi.

Official Mississippi National Guard video report explaining their version of martial law crowd control:

Simulated roof-top rescue, obviously they expect homes to fall victims to liquifaction.

It should be noted that the U.S. government, through Department of Homeland Security, pushed for the Shaken Fury training as part of a FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) policy called Emergency Support Function 14-Long-Term Community Recovery: “Understanding how disruptions cascade across infrastructure, and the role of private industry in responding and stabilizing our systems, is particularly important in major disasters such as the one we are exercising in Shaken Fury. This cross-sector understanding is what CISA aims to provide through the newly established Emergency Support Function number 14.”-Brian Harrell, Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)

Georgia National Guard dealing with ‘zombie’ survivors at the Memphis Fire Department Training Center, Tennessee.

Pacific Ring of Fire, June 2019: “UN DESPICHE TOTAL” (a total wipe-out)



Big Bang star supports the National Guard on international USO tour

First stop on a whirlwind six day USO (United Service Organizations) tour; Kosovo.  Actress and real neuroscientist Mayim Bialik (Big Bang Theory); singer Laura Bryna; comedian Anjelah Johnson; Nia Franklin (2019 Ms. America); actress Toni Trucks (Seal Team); The Voice champ Cassadee Pope; and former UFC champion Quinton ‘Rampage’ Jackson are traveling across Europe, Africa and the Middle East to boost the moral of state National Guard personnel.

In Kosovo, 04JUL2019.

Stare-down with Quinton ‘Rampage’ Jackson.

Miss America 2019 Nia Franklin.

Justin Eason.

Anjelah Johnson and Laura Bryna.

Toni Trucks (in the blue and white shirt) takes a push-up challenge.

Cassadee Pope tries on an anti-bomb suit.

Did you forget your lines?

Mayim Bialik

The six day USO tour will hit six countries, the celebrities on the tour are unpaid volunteers, as are the overwhelming majority of USO workers.  The USO is officially a non-profit charity with more than 2-hundred locations around the world.

Human trafficking Israelis caught scamming U.S. taxpayers!: U.S. immigrant invasion, June 2019

Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of main-stream-news links about global immigrant/border operations affecting the United States taxpayers, June 2019.

Mexico’s south hit as border tightened

Mexicans don’t want Central American immigrants either

Mexico and El Salvador signed a agreement that includes $30 million for El Salvador, amid increased pressure from the United States to slow a surge of migrants toward the U.S. border.

Canada now leads the world in refugee resettlement, surpassing the U.S.

Bank of America said it would stop issuing loans to private prison and immigration detention companies, following similar declarations by JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo.

Loan companies focus on skeptical immigrants


ALABAMA:   human smuggling operation intercepted in north Alabama

car dealership offers customers gun, bible, and flag to celebrate July 4th

ALASKA: Climate Change Migrants & the warning from Foreboding Ghost Village

ARIZONA:   pro-migrant activist’s arrest has Good Samaritans spooked

Hung jury split 8-4 on charges against border-aid worker 

Child’s body found in desert thought to be from India

New taxpayer funded temp-housing designed to hold 5-hundred illegals, Yuma, 26JUN2019.

New taxpayer funded washing machines at the new temp-housing, Yuma, 26JUN2019.

Video of heli-rescue of unconscious man who was abandoned to die by human traffickers, near Tucson, 05JUN2019:

Video of illegals caught going under the old wall, San Luis, 04JUN2019:

Video of 134 illegals caught near Sasabe, 04JUN2019:

CALIFORNIA: Pro-Clinton federal judge used a technicality to halt the deportation of an illegal immigrant who was arrested while working at a San Diego printer ink cartridge factory, despite the fact the immigrant admitted he was in the country illegally

Christian University Supporting Refugee Businesses

Illegal immigrants to get taxpayer funded health care

.…..at a potential cost of $1 billion to taxpayers

Trump immigration sweeps 140 in Southern California

California couple abused Guatemalan immigrants (including children)

desert town sees surge in illegals

California’s illegals-friendly policies aren’t helping the housing crisis

City of Richmond suspends police automated license plate scanner ops for fear it could reveal illegals to ICE!

First panels of new wall up at Calexico crossing, 20JUN2019.

COLORADO: immigrant community is in panic mode

Fewer illegals are living in Colorado

County sheriff is working with ICE, in violation of state law?

CONNECTICUT: Illegals ‘rights’ groups say damage already done

State ‘lawmakers’ ramp up threats against local cops who help ICE

 FLORIDA: U.S. Supreme Court makes confusing/complicated ruling concerning an immigrant student who got kicked out of Florida Institute of Technology, lost his visa status and then went and rented a gun! 

GEORGIA: Fort Benning could be used to house 5,000 immigrant children

Legal immigrant professor from China pisses-off leftist-liberals by saying “I am against political correctness. I speak truth to power in class and my students learn about the financial drain of illegal immigration on the economy and the high crime rates of illegal immigrants. My students are ‘woke’ and are overwhelmingly against illegal immigration after taking my class.”

GUAM: Machete attack reveals migrant workers with criminal records are never deported: “What is he still doing out here on Guam? Because he wasn’t born here on Guam. He’s 19 years old, arrested 17 times…”-Melissa Savares, mayor of Dededo

HAWAII: Honolulu To become ‘Sanctuary City’?

IDAHO:  ‘I’ve just booked a foreign born’

Idaho could lose $13M if U.S. Supreme Court allows 2020 census citizenship question (that’s how many immigrants make up Idaho’s supposed growing population, and it’s the real reason lawmakers in most states are against the citizenship question)

ILLINOIS: Bans private taxpayer funded for-profit immigrant prisons

Governor Signs Trio Of Bills To Protect Immigrants

Why Are citizens Leaving Illinois in Droves?

INDIANA: It’s admitted, Indiana using immigrants to off-set mass exodus of citizens!

IOWA: “Iowa dominates the U.S. pork industry. At the labor level—the people who actually perform the work—I would guess at least 80% of them are immigrants.”-Dermot Hayes, Iowa State University 

City attorneys offer free legal assistance in citizenship clinic

KANSAS: Illegal charged with drug crimes has prior U.S. criminal/deportation record

KENTUCKY: New study reveals that immigrants in Northern Kentucky earned nearly $430 million and paid over $116 million in taxes (proving the real reason why your lawmakers are pro-immigrant and anti-citizen)

LOUISIANA:  doesn’t have enough immigration judges to properly cover the swelling amount of cases

MAINE: How one of the oldest/whitest anti-slave states got addicted to black slave-wage immigrants

MARYLAND: Israeli immigrant sentenced to six months in federal prison for her part in trafficking and housing illegal immigrants from Israel and France in Baltimore, at U.S. taxpayer expense!  Federal prosecutors said is was a $5-million scam to profit off more than 1-hundred illegals!

MASSACHUSETTS:  illegal immigrant population spikes by 60-thousand, more than any other state!

MICHIGAN:  Illegal Immigrant Wanted For Child Sex Crimes Arrested In Detroit

2nd highest rate of ICE arrests

MINNESOTA: Union workers and immigrants both accuse sub-contractors for a taxpayer subsidized massive construction project of workplace abuse and wage theft 

MISSISSIPPI:  illegal alien convicted of raping a 12-year-old girl sentenced to 20 years

MISSOURI:  Detained for years in a local jail, illegal immigrant finally released and reunited with children

NEBRASKA: More proof why your ‘elected’ lawmakers love immigrants;  an estimated 150,000 immigrants living in Nebraska spent $2.9 billion and paid $344 million in state and local taxes.

Despite having a state birth certificate, man deported to Brazil

NEVADA: “Fidel Lopez is an illegal alien from Mexico. His crime makes him subhuman in my book. He raped his girlfriend’s small dog — so many times and so violently, the dog died from the trauma. Can you even imagine the last moments of that dog’s life?”

NEW JERSEY: New Jersey joined New York and California in providing taxpayer-funded legal aid for illegal immigrants

Dumb-ass 13 years old citizen arrested for accusing another boy of being an illegal immigrant and then beating the boy’s mom. Turns out the ‘illegal immigrant’ boy is also a U.S. citizen!

NEW MEXICO: Trump withholds taxpayer funded crime fighting grant money for illegal friendly Albuquerque, city leaders counter by declaring that suddenly crime is down in their corrupt city!

NEW YORK: County Clerks Uncertain Over New License Law For illegals

MS-13 gang member/illegal immigrant sentenced 

NORTH CAROLINA: Sheriffs’ Association now supports mandate to help ICE

Immigrants sue hotel: “This is a moment where immigrants are saying, ‘Fuck you, I’m tired of eating shit.’”

NORTH DAKOTA: North Dakota takes first place for per-person increase in illegal immigrants

OHIO:  Illegal workers in Ohio who are injured on the job would have to declare their citizenship status before filing a claim

OKLAHOMA:  Fort Sill considered for new illegals camp

OREGON:  illegal alien was sentenced to just 12 years in prison after killing a young couple in a drunk driving crash

PUERTO RICO: U.S. Coast Guard captured and returned 44 illegals to Dominican Republic (you know, the country where U.S. tourists are mysteriously dying), 28JUN209.

U.S. Coast Guard captures 24 illegals from Dominican Republic, 10JUN2019.  18 were returned to the Dominican navy, the rest are in U.S. custody.

PENNSYLVANIA:  For cops who want to round up illegal immigrants, Pennsylvania is a free-for-all

RHODE ISLAND:  This Food Delivery Startup Hires only Immigrants

TEXAS:  Taxpayers in the city of Dallas forced to shell-out $100-thousand for legal services for illegals!

Drownings in West Texas canals are rising 

 Video of Border Patrol trying to revive a Honduran boy who drowned in the Rio Grande, 25JUN2019:

Things are so bad on the Texas/Mexico border that visiting Mississippi gov’na Phil Bryant, and Mississippi Army National Guard  Major General Janson D. Boyles, had to cover their faces while on an inspection of National Guard border ops, 18JUN2019.  According to official sources the Mississippi National Guard has helped stop more than 2-thousand pounds of illegal drugs from coming into Texas.

Video of capture of 50 illegals near Los Ebanos, 13JUN2019:

UTAH: Utah now is home to 110-thousand illegal immigrants, up by 10-thousand

VERMONT:  State Supreme Court passes the buck to federal courts regarding illegal immigrant children

3 farm-workers detained

Illegal migrants from Mexico captured trying to enter the U.S. through Canada!

VIRGINIA:  Legal Immigrants Have To Work 10 Years To Qualify For state run Medicaid

WASHINGTON:  Fewer refugees settling in Washington state

Sheriff refuses to follow pro-illegals state lawmaker policies, sides with ICE

Washington DC: Taxpayers forced to buy 2.2 million diapers for illegals

United States Census Bureau statistics revealed that nearly 300-thousand ‘anchor babies’ – children born to illegal aliens in the U.S. per year

New Trump policies could deport some active duty troops

Citizenship denials are higher for military applicants compared to civilians

Trump grants permanent residence status to more than 1-thousand immigrant workers in the U.S. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands  (how many of you even heard of the place?)

Trump Hits Pause On Mass Deportations

acting head of U.S. Customs and Border Protection resigns

WISCONSIN: Los Lecheros- Immigrants in the Dairy Industry

Senator’s factual data backing up President Trump’s border emergency declaration is proven to be correct!

WYOMING: ACLU Wyoming Seeking Volunteers To Help illegals

‘Concentration Camp’ Feud Grows Between Wyoming and New York 

U.S. immigrant invasion, May 2019: ‘TRAVELING TERRORISTS’

“un despiche total”: Pacific Ring of Fire, June 2019

Incomplete list of seismic/natural disaster reports from around the Pacific Ring of Fire, June 2019.  Not only is quake and volcano activity ramping up around the Pacific Ring of Fire, it’s ramping up around the planet.

4,700-Years-Old Rock Art May Show An Erupting Volcano

Photos of the Tallest Volcano on Every Continent

Scientists Narrow Link Between Tides and Earthquakes

AUSTRALIA:  How Qantas and other airlines decide whether to fly near volcanoes

‘expert’ warns a deadly underground volcanic eruption could strike urban Australia at any moment 

James Cook University (JCU) held a Health and Humanitarian Action in Emergencies (HHAE) course as part of a global disaster coordination plan, during the first week of June 2019.  The concept for HHAE was originally developed by the Center for Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance from Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, United States, and JCU’s College of Health of Public Health, Medical and Veterinary Sciences.

BOLIVIA: Canadian company admits to Fracking in the jungle

CANADA: How to make earthquake insurance sexy

High school in British Columbia gets $77-million CAD for seismic upgrades

$44-million CAD worth of seismic upgrades for BC elementary school 

CHILE: Light mag. 4.5 – Coquimbo

Video of Sand Moving Like Water 

Moderate mag. 5.3 – Near Central Coast 

Magnitude-6.4 earthquake

CHINA:  Sichuan earthquake death toll rises to 12, with 134 injured

China rejects claims fracking caused Sichuan quake

Magnitude 3.1 quake rocks northeastern Taiwan

Magnitude 5.6 quake rocks southeastern Taiwan

COSTA RICA:  Quake in Costa Rica was ‘un despiche total’ (a total disaster)

EL SALVADOR: 4.7 magnitude quake

FIJI:  5.0 quake 27 June

4.9 quake 23 June

4.9 quake 22 June

GUATEMALA: Search for dead continues a year after volcano eruption

HONDURAS: U.S. Marines arrive at Soto Cano Air Base, 05JUN2019, officially for ‘security’ ops (Honduras is one of the countries flooding the U.S. with illegals), but their secondary mission is to be on ‘standby’ for natural disaster response.

INDONESIA:  Krakatau: violent phreatomagmatic explosion 

Sinabung spews ash 55000ft

4.7 quake – 221km W of Abepura

JAPAN:  6.4 quake, west coast of Honshu

Get ready for the coming Monster Nankai Quake

U.S. Marine wearing gas mask during humanitarian assistance training at Marine Corps (pronounced -core-) Air Station Iwakuni, 10JUN2019.

KOREA: 3.8 quake

MEXICO: 4.5 earthquake – Offshore Chiapas

5.6-magnitude quake hits Puerto Madero

 Popocatépetl has erupted

NEW CALEDONIA:  4.7 earthquake – 95km ESE of Tadine

NEW ZEALAND: 6.4 magnitude quake has struck off the Kermadec Islands

4.9 – 27 June 2019 

4.2 earthquake shakes Blenheim, Wellington

PANAMA:  Fresh quake as green alert remains

6.3 quake reported near La Esperanza

PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Second volcano erupts

Thousands flee erupting Papua New Guinea volcano

PERU: earthquake triggers partial $60mn cat bond pay-out

PHILIPPINES: Magnitude 5 quake strikes in water off Bohol, Leyte

RUSSIA:  4.1 – Komandorskiye Ostrova Region

6.4 quake Kamchatka

Raikoke volcano erupts after almost 100 years

This article was published just days before the Raikoke eruption: Is a long-dormant Russian volcano waking up? 

This article was published more than a week before the Raikoke eruption: Russian volcano could cause Pompeii-scale destruction, scientist warns

TIMOR-LESTE:  Quake of magnitude 7.5 shakes East Timor

TONGA: 5 quake, 23 June

6.1 earthquake registered near Kingdom of Tonga


Alaska;  recorded more than 55,000 earthquakes in 2018, which was a new record

California;  Quake warning system expanding across SoCal

More than 1,000 quakes rumbled for nearly a month––but few people actually noticed.

Magnitude 5.6 Strikes North Coast 

Quake Shakes Inland Empire

Third earthquake hits Humboldt County in two-day span

 Another ‘test’ ShakeAlert Sent to Phones in San Diego

Anniversary of The 1925 Santa Barbara earthquake

Colorado;  Human-wastewater treatment ops caused 4.3 earthquake that was felt in Utah

Boulder County suspends new seismic testing permits

Hawaii;   Volcano Victims Asked To Return Disaster Relief Funds

 Rift Zones Of Kilauea Examined

 “GPS stations and tiltmeters at the Kīlauea summit have recorded deformation consistent with slow magma accumulation within the shallow portion of the Kīlauea summit magma system”

Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief was the main topic at the Pacific Amphibious Leaders Symposium (PALS) on Marine Corps Base Hawaii, 06JUN2019.

Nevada; Scientists monitoring swarm of 60 small quakes north of Reno

Oregon; State agency that studies quakes could be abolished!

‘lawmakers’ repeal tsunami zone building law

Cluster of off-shore quakes

03JUN2019, USAF Personnel from Little Rock AFB, Arkansas, and Yokota, Japan, traveled all the way to Oregon to take part in the now yearly Cascadia Airlift exercise, as part of Oregon National Guard’s preps for the coming Cascadia Subduction Zone event.

Military does dry run for Cascadia earthquake response

Video of U.S. Navy conducting hovercraft (LCAC-Landing Craft, Air Cushioned) ops on Sunset Beach, as part of preps for the coming Cascadia Subduction Zone event (as part of Defense Support of Civil Authorities-DSCA):

Utah; State Department of Public Safety predicts a 43% likelihood of a magnitude 6.75 earthquake

Washington; Whatcom County gets shaken

Wyoming;  Yellowstone Eruption would send Europe back to the DARK AGES

Steamboat Geyser speeding up eruption cycle

National park rocked by 81 earthquakes

VANUATU: 5.2 earthquake – Santa Cruz Islands


“we are beating a dead horse!”: U.S. food crisis, January 2019

Incomplete list of announced United States food supply shutdowns, emergencies, outbreaks and recalls for the month of January, 2019:

Farm fatalities on the rise: Ag industry ranked most hazardous in the U.S.

“Ag-gag laws” hide the cruelty of factory farms from the public.

U.S. Army food inspection specialists check expiration dates of food in Poland, 29JAN2019, as part of anti-Russia NATO ops.

Near the island of Fiji, U.S. Coast Guard personnel join with Canadian counterparts, as well as the Western Central Pacific Fisheries Commission, to enforce international fishing laws.  In the pic a Coast Guard ‘small boat’ approaches a suspected illegal fishing boat, 25JAN2019.

Blue C Sushi suddenly shutdown restaurants in California and Washington, without warning all employees now jobless

How 300 Years of Urbanization and Farming Transformed the Planet

Farms, More Productive Than Ever, Are Poisoning Drinking Water

Polar vortex strikes U.S. farm belt

Judge temporarily block’s Trump imposed wage increase for foreign farm workers, as lawsuit reveals 400% increase in H-2A foreign workers!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

ALABAMA: HEMP PROGRAM: Farmers with interest urged to apply

Mad cow testing halted by government shutdown

Alabama company recalls hot sausages due to metal bits

ALASKA: Taxpayer funded program aims to cultivate specialty crops

Experimental Farm survives government ups and downs

ARKANSAS: Hemp firm partners with university researchers to develop cannabis

5 migrant workers claim mistreatment on Arkansas farm

Honey farmer blames popular herbicide for killing honey production, saying the herbicide caused “…the destruction of the pollinating plants that bees need.”

ARIZONA: Shot in the Dark Café shutdown due to “gentrification of …the surrounding area” indicated by a “400% rent hike”!

Canadian farm robot tested in Arizona

Drought plan fight between farms and cities escalates

Experimental hops farm attempts year-round grow

CALIFORNIA: France based food service contractor Sodexo issued a shutdown WARN for ops in Los Angeles, 59 jobs gone by the end of March.  Tokyo Table issued a shutdown WARN for its Alhambra restaurant, 33 jobs gone by mid-March.

Lucca Ravioli shutdown after 94 years, no reason given

San Francisco based online meal-delivery Munchery suddenly ceased to exist

British empire Canada based McCain Foods shutting down its factory in Colton, 1-hundred jobs gone!

Almanac Beer shutdown San Francisco taproom

After 40 years Harry’s Hofbrau shutdown 

Yankee Pier seafood restaurant shutting down after almost 11 years: “It wasn’t about quality and service, it was about sales and rent.”-Steve Sarrell, manager

Could California produce soon cost you more?

CONNECTICUT: Brew Makers Want More Flexibility 

‘Frost Quakes’ Cause Explosive Sounds

DELAWARE: Abbot’s Grill shutdown after nine years, due to not being able to renew the lease due to increasing competition

Code Purple Declared As Bitterly Cold Temperatures, Sub-Zero Wind Chills Arrive

Man arrested for poaching deer

FLORIDA:  France based food service contractor Sodexo issued a WARN for ops in Miami, 149 jobs gone by the end of March!  Food service contractor Aramark issued a WARN for its ops at Raymond James Stadium, 919 jobs affected in February!

Taxpayer funded Director of Cannabis position created

State ag commissioner sworn-in on Hebrew holy book

GEORGIA:  After 42 years Rainbow Natural Foods shutting down in February after failed attempts to sell the grocery store, due to local building codes

After 12 years, Fiddler’s Seafood Southside suddenly shutdown its Hodgson Memorial Drive location.

Brazil muscles-in on local farming ops, due to locals being desperate for jobs

For more proof that farmers are actually taxpayer funded welfare recipients; peanut industry halted after government shutdown

GUAM: Five arrested for allegedly keeping endangered green sea turtles

Coconut drink taxed, outlawed, now threatened by rhino beetle

New study blames U.S. occupation of the island for massive food insecurity.  After World War Two the U.S. Navy evicted natives from their farms and villages, now as much as 95% of the island’s food comes from other countries.  It’s estimated that the current U.S. occupation has resulted in the natives having only five to 10 days food supply in an emergency! 

HAWAII: The U.S. Coast Guard was called to rescue a sick employee of a Vanuatu registered tuna boat.  It was reported that the tuna boat crewman had been sick for days and was getting worse, Coast Guard personnel determined hospitalization was needed and airlifted him to Kauai.

Kauai dairy farm scrapped

Bee parasites also affect bee eaters

Taxpayer funded specialty crop funding

IDAHO:  East Idaho potato growers barely breaking even

farmers see production increase, revenue decrease (welcome to the reality of the commodity market)

Vineyards recover from snow-mageddon

State of the art gravitational irrigation system 

ILLINOIS: Tavern at the Park issued a shutdown WARN, 80 jobs gone in March due to being sold.  O’Charlie’s issued a shutdown WARN, 60 jobs gone by April.

Restaurant Michael being shutdown to make room for two smaller restaurants

Tuscany restaurant closing Oak Brook location after 25 years

Cerar’s Barnstormer Steakhouse and Catering suddenly shutdown, the owner saying “Due to circumstances beyond my control, I have to close….The future is uncertain…”

New farming method in yet another attempt to reduce nitrogen pollution (I guess all the other attempts failed? How about just stop using oil industry chemicals?)

INDIANA: After less than 2 years Crispy Bird suddenly shutdown

Dairy Producers Facing Another Year of Change 

Rising Interest Rates and Strong Dollar Will Make 2019 Another Tough Year for Farmers

IOWA: Iowa ‘ag gag’ law ruled unconstitutional

KANSAS:  Chick-fil-A shutdown its West Ridge Mall location with only a two weeks notice

Farm incomes down 60%!

Focus on GMO soybeans to increase yield

KENTUCKY:  State Ag commissioner orders facebook to stop deleting hemp companies

LOUISIANA: Breaux Mart suddenly shutdown a grocery store in Gretna

Invasive plant is threatening, again

Tariffs force farmers to leave soybeans in fields to rot

MAINE: After nine years, The Roost suddenly shutdown its Orono restaurant.

No let up in fight against salmon farm

Maine hemp ops benefit British empire Canadian company

MARYLAND: Starbucks shutting down its Tollgate Marketplace cafe, no reason given

For more proof farmers are taxpayer funded welfare recipients; farmers waiting for promised soybean subsidies

MASSACHUSETTS: West Bridgewater based Shaw’s shutting down four grocery stores

After 192 years, iconic Durgin Park shutdown “due to declining revenues and expenses that keep growing”

After 60 years Santoro’s Sub-Villa shutting down

MICHIGAN: Mr. B’s Food & Spirits shutdown after 40 years

Taxpayer funded help for local wineries

MINNESOTA: Bakers Square and Perkins restaurants finally notified state unemployment officials of that they both eliminated jobs in Rochester.

Pet food recalled after state health department finds salmonella in a human

Almost half-a-million more pigs

MISSOURI: TreeHouse Foods closing Saint Louis office, 170 jobs gone!

Saint Louis based grocer Save-A-Lot suddenly laid off 1-hundred corporate level employees!

Popular chain McArthur’s Bakery shutdown two brick-n-mortar locations and will focus on new internet sales

Tyson Foods, Inc. Recalls Chicken Nugget Products

Missouri’s new labeling law criminalizing ‘meat’ 

NEBRASKA: After 22 years Millard Roadhouse suddenly shutdown, no reason given

Dodge County says no to large Costco poultry farm

Taxpayer funded UNL’s College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources‘ relatively new Undergraduate Scholarship Program targets foreign students

NEVADA: For the past eight years Nevada Air National Guard’s High Rollers have helped with the Evelyn Mount Food Distribution both at Thanksgiving and Xmas, but not anymore: “They came in and showed leadership in coordinating everything from organizing food distribution lines, helping to direct parking and made sure all the lines of customers stayed calm with no incidences. I couldn’t have done it without them…..”-Evelyn Mount, who has had to halt her food donation ops at the urging of her family and doctors

controversial water market approved

snowpacks in the Great Basin appear to be transitioning from seasonal, with a predictable amount and melt rate, to ‘ephemeral’, or short-lived, which are less predictable and only last up to 60 days: “Small temperature changes can lead to large ecological changes. More intermittent snowpacks means water flow is more difficult to predict. We might not get as much water into the ground, throwing off the timing of water for plant root systems, reducing our supply and use, and even affecting businesses such as tourism.”-Rose Petersky, Hydrology Graduate Student 

Taxpayer sponsored horse rustling? Illegal round up of publicly owned horses for slaughter might also have taken privately owned horses, according to lawsuit against Nevada Agriculture, Native Americans, and a Utah company that’s been in trouble before. The lawsuit says most of the horses were not part of tribal reservation herds but were on federal public land and included privately owned horses which were herded into Utah from Nevada:“We respect the sovereignty of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe for activities that occur on their nation’s lands. However, the roundup of the Palomino Valley horses occurred on private lands outside the reservation, involving trespass, taking of private horses and violations of state law. We are bringing this suit on behalf of the residents whose property rights have been violated and the wild horses who have lived peacefully in Palomino Valley for years.”Suzanne Roy, whose own horse was rounded up

Federal Judge Bars Slaughter of Horse taken during taxpayer funded Tribal Roundup

NEW HAMPSHIRE: The Wine’ing Butcher shutting down its Bedford location, owner blames market saturation and skyrocketing rent: “We had the best holiday season we ever had, but I can’t make a decision based on one month, especially since I don’t know what Trader Joe’s will bring. I really can’t afford to sign another five-year lease with an increase…”-Rob Smith

900 Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria shutting down yet another location, blamed on lack of employees willing to work in the crappy restaurant industry

Rescued horses being rescued again after non-profit animal rescue farm begs for food donations

NEW JERSEY: Allied Beverage issued WARNs for two locations, 108 jobs gone by March!  Switzerland based Nestlé issued a WARN for its ops in Florham Park, 62 jobs gone by April.  Winberie’s Restaurant and Bar suddenly eliminates 43 jobs.

Carlo’s Bake Shop shuts down two brick-n-mortar locations due to not being able to renew the leases

the dawn of a new hard cider era

NEW MEXICO: Bakery La Fiesta shutting down after 13 years: “We’re doing paperwork and on Monday my husband is showing me the numbers and I’m like, ‘Oh, my God there’s no way.’ There is no way, we are beating a dead horse!”-Gina Ortega, referring to crashing sales caused by a taxpayer funded road ‘improvement’ project that’s been ongoing for the past year

Micro-farming network plans expansion

NEW YORK: Centerplate issued shutdown WARNs for several New York Racing Association locations, about 6-hundred jobs affected by loss of contract!  Restaurant Dos Caminos issued shutdown WARN, 1-hundred jobs gone due to not being able to renew the lease!  After 18 years, Nirchi’s On The Avenue shutting down in favor of yet another pizza joint.

After 37 years Pelham Bay Diner suddenly shutdown, the owner blames market saturation (too many new restaurants)

Papa Jakes Saloon/Pop’s Sports Bar and Grill shutdown

Save-A-Lot suddenly shutdown its grocery store in Norwich

Justin’s Grill in East Syracuse shutdown after almost 18 years

After less than two years in Mount Kisco, Siegel Bros. Marketplace suddenly shutdown

The Italian Grill in downtown Paducah merging with a competing pizza joint to save money

Despite boasting it has more than 245 job openings, non-dairy products maker Rich’s (Rich Products) suddenly laid off 19 people

NORTH CAROLINA: After 56 years Bill Ellis Barbecue shutdown suddenly, 55 jobs gone: “Against all obstacles, we fought the good fight, but realized it’s time.”-Tanya Neville

Now bankrupt busted Gigi’s Cupcakes shutting down its Cameron Village location

The Race to Relearn Hemp Farming

NORTH DAKOTA: Ag groups, hunting groups face off over trespassing bill

State and County agencies sue city over anti-pig law

OHIO: Pennsylvania based Eat’n Park closing all its Ohio restaurants, 2-hundred jobs lost!

After 63 years the owners of Hathaway’s Diner are threatening to shutdown because of high rent

Giant Eagle shutting down its grocery store in Willoughby Hills

Quarter Barrel Brewery & Pub shutdown two locations in Oxford and Hamilton

OKLAHOMA: After 20 years Goldie’s Patio Grill shutdown without warning 

State Ag Secretary suddenly resigns 

Poultry rules still in place

OREGON: Lost Valley Farm issued a shutdown WARN, 75 dairy jobs gone by April.

State files objection to Lost Valley Farm sale

Widmer Brothers closes North Portland pub

Elmer’s shutdown its 17 years old Klamath Falls restaurant, 30 jobs gone due to ‘multiple economic factors’.

New rules for Oregon Agricultural Heritage Program

PENNSYLVANIA: France based food service contractor Sodexo issued a shutdown WARN for ops in Philadelphia, 59 jobs gone by the end of March.  The owner of the ShopRite grocery store in Haverford  issued a shutdown WARN, 109 jobs affected by March!

Belko Foods closing Waynesburg store: “We just haven’t been able to make it profitable enough to keep it open.”-Larry Krupko, owner

Oakshire Mushroom Farm now bankrupt due to losing its biggest customer Costco, and the difference in value between the Canadian and U.S. dollars 

Switzerland based Nestlé shutting down its Breinigsville call center, 72 jobs lost

ACME shutting down its grocery store in Gladwyne because they now have too many stores in the area

PUERTO RICO: How a cockfighting ban could affect Puerto Rico’s struggling economy

British empire Canada based hemp company taking advantage of U.S. government inaction in Puerto Rico

RHODE ISLAND:  Brown University criticized for using live pigs in medical training

dairy farms vanishing after 4-year crash in milk prices

SOUTH CAROLINA:  Louisiana and Mississippi ban sweet potatoes from South Carolina

SOUTH DAKOTA: Shrimp farming coming to land-locked South Dakota

The South Dakota Air National Guard’s 114th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Weapons Element has joined the ever growing war on hunger in the U.S.A.: “For our first year we feel like we had a good start…..Even though the donation may seem small…”-Technical Sergeant Karl Hoskins

TENNESSEE: World Market shutting down its Hendersonville location due to not being able to renew the lease

TEXAS: North By Northwest Brewing shutting down its Austin location due to challenges brought by ongoing area construction

One of the largest employers in the Corpus Christi area, Kane Beef Processing, files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy

Sovrano’s Gatti’s pizza chain now bankrupt busted

Tennessee founded, but now Texas owned, Gigi’s Cupcakes now bankrupt busted

Eastside Cafe shutdown, to be replaced by another restaurant

 Chick-fil-A shutdown its Sunland Park Mall location with only a two weeks notice

Taylor Farms recalls chicken products due to mislabeling

UTAH: After 25 years Village Inn Restaurant shutdown due to being sold

USDA confirms virulent Newcastle disease

VERMONT: 10 percent of Vermont dairy farms closed in 2018

VIRGINIA: Perdue Foods’ fun-shaped chicken nuggets recalled due to mislabeling

WASHINGTON: The employees of the only Pizza Hut in West Seattle leaked news of a shutdown, no reason given

Washington DC: USDA clears early February food stamp disbursement due to shutdown

Cannabis stocks look set to flourish thanks to Trump

WEST VIRGINIA: State expecting $6-million in assistance from taxpayer funded USDA Emergency Food Assistance Program

WISCONSIN: Mail order/online gift gourmet food seller Figi’s suddenly halted some operations and will layoff 276 people by March!  For proof brick-n-motars are not the only companies suffering declining sales, Figi’s reps said that despite investing millions of dollars into their ops, profits keep falling. 

The Whiskey Bar shutdown, the owner saying “We have been the only tenant in this building for 10 years and knew someday this building would be razed and there will be an incredible development opportunity….” 

Applebee’s shutting down its 12 years old Wauwatosa location due to not being able to renew the lease

Sprecher’s Restaurant and Pub suddenly shutdown

After 80 years Jacobson Brothers Quality Deli and Meats shutdown all three locations

WYOMING: Western Sugar announced yet another round of layoffs, as part of its plan to shutdown ops in Torrington: “It’s like a punch to the gut for the City of Torrington. There’s no way our community can absorb 200 jobs.”-Mayor Randy Adams


‘Traveling Terrorists’: U.S. Immigrant invasion, May 2019

Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of global immigrant/border operations affecting the United States taxpayers, May 2019.

During the week of 13 May, U.S. tax dollars were spent conducting the ‘Securing our Borders against Traveling Terrorists’ symposium in the resort town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.  It was touted as the first collaborative global counterterrorism alumni workshop.

Here’s an official U.S. Army Corps (pronounced -core-, not -corps-) of Engineers video proving the border wall construction started under the Obama regime, not Trump!  In the video it’s stated the military was asked to help build a border wall (called Border Barrier Project) starting in “fiscal 2017”.  Fiscal 2017 began in July 2016 while Barack Obama was President:


Department of Defense to build temporary shelters for illegal immigrants in Arizona and Texas

Trump is now using E-Verify in his golf courses. The result: More firings of undocumented workers

Trump’s winery exposed for hiring and exploiting illegal immigrants 

ALABAMA:  Illegal immigrants arrested in human trafficking operation

ARIZONA:  Trial begins in the case of ASU teacher charged with harboring illegal immigrants

Department of Homeland Security fabrication and storage yard for border wall fencing, near Yuma, known as Arizona Primary Replacement Barrier.

Security camera video of at least 111 illegal immigrants near San Luis, 07MAY2019:

Video of alleged smuggling tunnel discovered by Mexican State Police and U.S. Border Patrol, under a parking lot in Nogales, 29MAY2019:

CALIFORNIA:  UCSF medical school graduates first illegal student in its history

California considers health care for illegal immigrants

24-thousand illegal immigrants known to be living in Ventura County

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers inspects ‘Normandy’ vehicle barrier near El Centro.

CONNECTICUT:  State senate passes bill restricting cooperation with ICE

 FLORIDA: sheriffs sign on to help ICE catch illegal immigrants

IDAHO: ISU president says vandalism on campus targeted foreign students

Yet again, migrant farm workers contaminated with unknown chemical

Town of Wilder built by migrant farm workers, originally created by USDA taxpayer funding

ILLINOIS:  ICE arrests DACA student, and her parents, local churches and news media supports the illegals

MASSACHUSETTS:  judge indicted for allegedly helping illegal immigrant

Elitist ‘christian’ founded Harvard University holds first ever illegal immigrant graduation 

MICHIGAN: Michigan farm’s use of E-Verify in question after two illegal employees killed coworker

MISSISSIPPI:  Illegal immigrant arrested for driving intoxicated and running over a child on a bike 

MISSOURI: State funding budget intends to block taxpayer funded education for illegal immigrants 

NEW YORK: More than 230 undocumented immigrants transferred to NYC-area jails

ICE arrests illegal immigrants in 10 Long Island communities

OREGON: considering granting driving privileges to illegal immigrants

TEXAS:  02MAY2019, U.S. Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 670 migrants illegally crossing the border in three separate groups in less than 24 hours.

Taxpayer dollars spent on temporary ‘processing’ shelters for illegal immigrants near the town of Donna.

Officials from U.S. Department of Defense, and Homeland Security, inspect National Guard personnel serving on border patrol duty, 11MAY2019.

Security camera video showing more than 1-thousand illegal immigrants crossing into the U.S. near El Paso, 29MAY2019:

Border Patrol Says More Than 1,000 Migrants in Texas Is Largest It Has Encountered

Washington DC: USDA admits fewer and fewer illegals are coming to the U.S. to work on farms, creating a farm worker crisis (see also Migrant farm workers say Organic Farms are a worker’s Hell on Earth)

President Trump announces tariffs on Mexico over immigration

Trump’s new immigration plan emphasizes skills and education 

House Hearing Grows Heated Over Migrant Children’s Deaths

HUD Secretary Ben Carson defends plan to evict illegal immigrants from taxpayer funded housing 

U.S. President demands legal immigrants reimburse the government for welfare programs

The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 made it a federal crime for non-citizens to vote in national elections and classified any unlawful voting by non-citizens (in local, state, and national elections) as a deportable offense.

U.S. immigrant invasion, April 2019: HIGH ON HUMAN TRAFFICKING?

mULTI-aGENCY sUPER sURGE: U.S. government shenanigans, January 2019

Incomplete (literally the ‘Tip of the Iceberg’) list of United States Federal/State/Local Government self-destruct revelations for January 2019:

Prison Industrial Complex

United Van Lines moving company reported the top five states people are fleeing are New Jersey, Illinois, Connecticut, New York and Kansas.

Military Times: military spouses could receive potentially thousands of dollars in state tax refunds

ALABAMA: Paying out SNAP (food stamps) a month early

Trump is right? Democrats Faked Online Push to Outlaw Alcohol in Alabama Race

State Department of Corrections wants 20% increase in pay and to hire 5-hundred more prison guards

While we would hope committing crimes and “doing really dumb things” are always a bad idea, members of the Priceville Police Department want residents to know such shenanigans are cancelled

ARIZONA: Pima County Department of Transportation hit 36 workers with layoffs after cash strapped taxpayers rejected a $430 million construction package

 SNAP benefits to be issued early

Why People Are Flocking From California to Arizona

ARKANSAS: University of Arkansas Medical Sciences center Had $29M Deficit, Used Restricted Funds

Public-housing contracts expire; tenants risk rent increases, loss of homes 

The Faulkner County Quorum Court improperly used $350,000 in restricted taxpayer funds that were meant to support the 20th Judicial Circuit public defender’s office

CALIFORNIA: Hawthorne based taxpayer (NASA) funded Space X eliminating 7-hundred jobs!

Several Fairfield Police personnel disciplined for sex ‘crimes’ 

Elite LAPD unit disproportionately stopped black drivers

video of alleged assault of a veteran by Vallejo cop

three Pomona Police Department cops facing federal criminal charges

‘Red’ county sheriffs decry sanctuary laws after crime spree, cop killing

Nevada City sets up ‘goat fund me’ page to fight wildfires

COLORADO: Map shows Colorado police shootings so far this year, note that the overwhelming majority of shootings by cops are in the metro area along Interstate 25

CONNECTICUT: Has Among the Lowest Growth in the Nation

GEORGIA: New laws that went into effect

IDAHO: University of Idaho professor placed on leave after speaking out

University of Idaho will cut $5 million

STEM Action Center downplays $1M funding gap

federal taxpayer funding to assist statewide charter schools

ILLINOIS: More than 250 new state laws take effect

Barack Obama’s buddy Mayor Rahm Emanuel spent an incredible amount of taxpayer money on big corporations to encourage economic development. However, entire swaths of the city have seen little return on investments made with their tax dollars: “Development that does not address displacement is not development, it is whitewashing our neighborhoods and our communities.”-Amisha Patel, Grassroots Collaborative 

Community groups try to slow down taxpayer raping $5 billion Lincoln Yards development

Des Plaines Moves Forward With Oakton Corridor Tax Increment Financing

DeKalb council approves Tax Incremental Funding audit, HUD money amendment

Property owners forced to pay for Shorewood Towne Center project

The city of Woodstock’s property owner raping Tax Increment Financing fund ended the fiscal year in the red!

Springfield City Council sent a message to developers who ask for large amounts of Tax Increment Financing: the risk is on you

Property owners forced to fund rebuild of failing Granada Theatre

INDIANA: Greenfield to rape property owners with Tax Incremental Financing for infrastructure projects, including one for a Chinese company!

MARYLAND: A former Baltimore cop has published a book detailing the level of crimes committed by cops, including fake drug busts, ‘disappearing’ drugs from police evidence lockers, just to name a few: “I learned about cops burglarizing houses and transporting stolen antiques in a paddy wagon. I’d seen cops sleeping and drinking on the job. I lost trust in fellow officers I had respected who were accepting bribes – even one who was my academy instructor. After two and a half years, I knew I had to get out of there!”James I. Cabezas, who helped convict state lawmakers, city councilmen and, famously, a Baltimore mayor

(Reminds me of a cop crime while I was working in the News Department of KYMA, in Arizona, in 1995.  Store owners in a shopping plaza were reporting massive thefts, they were taking place overnight even though the shop owners were paying the city of Yuma to have cops patrol the plaza.  Yep it was a cop!  The dumb cop that was committing the crime didn’t stop to realize that it’d be easy to finger him because the thefts took place only on his watch.  Other cops staked out the plaza on his watch and caught him red handed.)

MICHIGAN:  Traverse City Downtown Development Authority to further explore the possibility of expanding downtown’s Tax Increment Financing

MISSISSIPPI: Should it be this easy for Mississippi police to take your property?

Cops on Leave After Man’s Death from Head Injury

MISSOURI:  Department of Corrections announces plan to consolidate prisons, blaming it on the biggest taxpayer funded pay raise for prison guards in the state’s history

Demand for transparency after Pleasant Hill jail death

NEBRASKA: court system lacks the funds to establish mental health courts

Operation Jupiter: U.S. Department of Defense spending $11-million in tax funding for development of drug therapies to protect military service members from the effects of radiation exposure

NEVADA: New laws lift tampon tax, restore some voting rights

Department of Energy secretly shipped plutonium from South Carolina to Nevada

Nevada Army National Guard ends lease of Camp Stead after 50 years.  The land is owned by the city of Reno and was leased at one dollar per year, but don’t think it saved state taxpayers any money.  Official reports say the state Military Department spent millions of tax-dollars, including $4-million in just the past ten years, upgrading the property.  The lease was allowed to expire because the property is part of the Reno-Tahoe Airport, and the Federal Aviation Administration says the land must be used for airport operations.

NEW HAMPSHIRE: He Disparaged the Police on Facebook. So They Arrested Him.

criminal investigation of Salem deputy chief

NEW MEXICO: Leftist liberal state rated worst for raising a family

NEW YORK: a private investigator, who used to be a cop, now fights for people accused of crimes because he knows first-hand that the justice system is bull-shit!

More proof New York is anti-American; New gun-control laws in New York: Find out what is planned six years after the SAFE Act

For proof how paranoid NYC is, taxpayer dollars being spent on having New York Army National Guard conduct Operation Empire Shield “…patrolling through Penn during a Multi-Agency Super Surge, a mission where multiple law enforcement agencies have a very strong show of Force and work in a Unified, collaborative Effort to share intelligence, best practices, relevant information in a Unified effort to detect, deter and defeat terrorism.”

OHIO:  City of Barberton warning of massive layoffs due to the loss $1.5 million in state government funding, the continued rising costs of day-to-day operations, the loss of $1.3 million in income tax revenue as private sector employer Babcock & Wilcox relocates its 600 employees to Akron later this year, and carry over of last-year’s $800,000 deficit!

Commercial property owner fails to pay taxes, Painesville City seizes property, now taxpaying residents of Painesville being forced to pay for it!

Property owners within a five square miles area of Dublin being forced to pay for new Bridge Park development

OREGON: The local taxpayer owned former Sgt. Jerome F. Sears U.S. Army Reserve Center building was to be remodeled into Portland’s new Cascadia Event crisis center (Bureau of Emergency Management response center), but nine years later nothing is being done because, according to local news media, exalted city leaders can’t still decided which emergency response unit will use it, how to rebuild it or how to fund it! 

Man shot by Portland police was legally blind, suffered from paranoia

PENNSYLVANIA: cops still abandon drivers on side of the road, in violation of ‘Live Stop’ policy

PUERTO RICO: A Wave of Daytime Killings Has People on Edge

DC Democrats Favoring illegal aliens over U.S. Citizens from Puerto Rico

SOUTH CAROLINA: again ranked among the worst states to raise a family

TEXAS:  Waco City to force property owners to pay $1.6 million in Tax Incremental Financing to develop competing residential and commercial business properties!

UTAH: Once a national model, Utah struggles with homelessness

State Employees Receive taxpayer funded Transportation and a $500 Cash Bonus to travel to Mexico to buy drugs

VERMONT: Retired sex crimes cop is himself arrested for sex crimes

VIRGINIA:  State lawmakers are playing chicken with a deadline that could leave state taxpayers in the dark about how to file their state taxes

WASHINGTON: New laws in effect

Washington DC: Senate unanimously passes taxpayer raping funding bill to reopen government 

WISCONSIN: Property owners in La Crosse forced to fund the building of new North Side apartments

U.S. government shenanigans, December 2018: “THEY ARE LETTING THE INMATES KILL EACH OTHER”

Immigrant invasion, U.S.A., January 2019: “STOP INCENTIVIZING ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION”!

Dumbing Down the U.S.A., January 2019: “IT’S OVERWHELMING.”

Drugs, the American Way, January 2019: ‘DEATH PARTY’

ObamaCare ACA death spiral, January 2019: “MARKET DEMANDS”

“market demands”: ObamaCare death spiral, January 2019

Incomplete (tip-o-the-iceberg) list of healthcare related layoffs, shutdowns, crimes and taxpayer ripoffs in January 2019:

In Poland, the U.S. Army’s 64th Medical Detachment Veterinary Service Support, 30th Medical Brigade, conducted inspections of food storage areas for NATO operations.

USAID funded (and built by USN SeaBees) Ali Oune Medical Clinic, in Djibouti, opened on 31JAN2019.

U.S. tax dollars spent providing medical care in Honduras, one of the countries flooding the U.S. with illegal immigrants.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

ARIZONA: Nurse arrested in rape of woman who BECAME PREGNANT WHILE IN A COMA

ARKANSAS: Mental health provider Youth Home in Little Rock announced that 31 of its team members will be laid off

CALIFORNIA: British empire Cayman Islands based Theravance Biopharma issued layoff WARNs, 50 people jobless by March.   God powerless to stop the wildfire from shutting down Adventist Health Feather River, in Paradise, 1-thousand-331 jobs lost (supposedly temporarily)!  In San Jose, Verity Health System issued a layoff WARN, 20 jobs gone in March.  However, and also in San Jose, Verity Medical Foundation issued a shutdown WARN, 2-hundred jobs gone by the end of March!  Germany owned bio-tech company Roche-Genentech issued a layoff WARN for South San Francisco, 67 people jobless by the end of March.

San Francisco based health-tech start-up uBiome cuts more than 50 jobs

California reaches nearly $1M settlement with Aetna over HIV data breach

COLORADO: British/Swedish empire drugs maker AstraZeneca is laying off more than 200 employees!

FLORIDA: Molina Healthcare issued layoff WARNs, 43 jobs gone by April.

 Heart of Florida Health Center suddenly cuts 24 jobs

IDAHO: New Report Blasts the taxpayer funded Southwest Idaho Treatment Center

lawsuit to overturn voter-passed Medicaid expansion

BVA to acquire Saltzer Medical Group

ILLINOIS: PharMEDium issued a layoff WARN for its ops in Lake Forest, 41 jobs gone in March.  Decatur Living Facility issued a shutdown WARN, 90 jobs gone starting in March.

 Israel based Teva Pays $135M to Settle Illinois Medicaid Drug Price scam

INDIANA: Vibra Hospital to Lay Off 120!

IOWA: Genesis Health System issued a WARN, 196 people jobless by the end of June! Mahaska Health issued a WARN, 55 people jobless by the end of May.

LOUISIANA: Destrehan Pharmacy closing after more than 50 years in business

MARYLAND: At Aberdeen Proving Ground, the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command Edgewood Chemical Biological Center signed a taxpayer funded deal with tech startup TrekReader, to create a pocket-sized instrument that will provide military personnel, silly-vilian first responders, and even school nurses, with the ability to detect biological and chemical warfare agents.  (you gotta wounder what’s coming if the Army thinks even school nurses will need something like that)

Rite Aid in Mondawmin Mall shutting down

Union Hospital laying off 32 employees, many of whom were senior management-level staff, due to a failed merger bid

MASSACHUSETTS: Selecta Biosciences lays off staff as R&D cash crunch looms

MICHIGAN: God powerless to stop Trinity Health from issuing a shutdown WARN for its continuing care ops at the Huron Woods Facility, 119 jobs gone by the end of April!

Spectrum Health rejects woman’s heart transplant because she lacks a “secure financial plan”

MISSOURI: Troubled psychiatric hospital will close doors, layoff 129!

NEW JERSEY:  As a result of a 2017 Congressional mandate, the U.S. Army joined forces with Cooper University Health Care Center in order to improve readiness for deployment to combat zones, and to find new military doctors: “As far as U.S. Army Medical Recruiting is concerned, this is the future of army medicine; our health care soldiers have this great opportunity to be professionally trained in civilian medicine which will ultimately provide better care for the soldiers in the field.”-Captain Blake Corbitt

Capital Health issued a WARN, 103 jobs in Trenton gone by March!

Angel Medical Systems files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy

NEW YORK:  Physician assistants who join the New York Army National Guard will get $60,000 up front to repay college loans and a $25,000 annual bonus for four years.

Saint Lawrence Health issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Ogdensburg, 72 jobs affected.  Morrison Healthcare Food and Nutrition Services issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Erie Medical Center, 172 jobs affected! Independence Care System issued a shutdown WARN for its ops across NYC, about 3-hundred jobs affected! Senior Rehab Solutions-Norwegian Home and Health Center issued a layoff WARN, 22 jobs gone in February.  CareConnect Insurance issued a shutdown WARN for its location in East Hills, 46 jobs affected.  That Which Cannot be Named powerless to stop Metropolitan Jewish Home Care from issuing a layoff WARN, 112 jobs affected!

Surgeon charged with assault, strangulation after choking nurse with elastic cord at Nassau University Medical Center

PENNSYLVANIA: Germany owned Bayer Closing Pittsburgh Site, Nearly 600 Jobs Eliminated!

UPMC Pinnacle will close its hospital in Lancaster and layoff 505 employeesUPMC Pinnacle also shutting down its ops in Lititz.

RHODE ISLAND: Emergency room doctors under investigation, essentially for incompetence

SOUTH CAROLINA: Palmetto Health eliminates 140 positions!

Tennessee based Community Health Systems plans to sell all of its hospitals in South Carolina

TENNESSEE: PharMEDium to layoff at least 225 employees due to failing U.S. FDA inspections!

Cumberland River Hospital shutting down, 146 jobs gone by 07:00 hours, 01MAR2019!

TEXAS: Texas Health Resources, one of the largest health systems in North Texas, is laying off hundreds of workers due to “market demands”!

UTAH: University of Utah doctor killed in murder-suicide

Public Employees Receive taxpayer funded Transportation and a $500 Cash Bonus to Purchase drugs in Mexico

VERMONT: once one of the states with lowest uninsured rates now experiencing increase in uninsured as out-of-pocket costs climb

VIRGINIA: Signify Health issued a shutdown WARN for its home healthcare ops in Dallas, 132 jobs gone in March!

WASHINGTON: Bellevue based Amazon is selling software that mines patient health records

WISCONSIN: Pepin Health and Rehab issued a shutdown WARN, 54 jobs gone by the end of March.  God powerless to stop Unison-Interfaith Older Adult Programs from suddenly eliminating 53 jobs due to the “sudden and unexpected loss of contracts”.


‘death party’: Drugs, the American Way, January 2019

Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg, seriously this isn’t the half-of-it!) list of U.S. drug related crimes and oddities for the month of January 2019:

South China Morning Post: Mexico’s new president declares ‘drug war’ over

The Guardian:Mexico’s murder rate broke new record in 2018 as drug war drags on

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Second Class Logan C. Kellums, 29JAN2019.

Off the coast of Yemen, in the Gulf of Aden, the USN captured  4,700 kilograms of hashish, 24JAN2019.

USN photo by Mass Communication Specialist Second Class Logan C. Kellums, 29JAN2019.

It was the second Gulf of Aden hash capture, by the USN, in the past four weeks. The hash boat crew were allowed to sail away after the drugs were confiscated.

U.S. Coast Guard photo, 04JAN2019.

U.S. Coast Guard came across this drug ‘fast boat’, somewhere in the Pacific, 04JAN2019.

New York Times: Former Mexican President and Barack Obama buddy, Enrique Peña Nieto, accepted $100-million bribe from drug lord

U.S. counties where doctors got more meals, trips and consulting fees from opioid makers had higher overdose deaths involving prescription opioids

U.S. News & World Report: Drug Overdose Deaths Skyrocket Among Women

Many Addiction Centers Lack Anti-Opioid Meds

Journal of the American Medical Association: Medical marketing increased substantially….especially DTC (Direct To Consumer) advertising for drugs…only two countries allow DTC drug advertising, New Zealand and United States

ALABAMA: Student busted with guns and drugs on High School campus

man arrested for trading teen girl for drugs

Knives, drugs, more found in Marshall County Jail crackdown

ALASKA:  Federal taxpayers giving Juneau Police Department $2.5-million, the police admitted the drugs war is all about making money for the cops: “Those interdictions are now our bread and butter, whether that’s postal or on the airlines or through the ferry.”-Jeremy Weske, JPD drug unit

Woman indicted for bringing meth, heroin on flight to Juneau

What do drugs in Alaska have to do with President Trump’s ‘border crisis’?

ARIZONA: Nogales border officers make record 254-pound fentanyl bust

Meth, cocaine, heroin: Most gets smuggled through ports of entry.

16 arrested across Pima, Cochise counties

U.S. Marine Corps photo by Corporal Sabrina Candiaflores, 22JAN2019.

In Yuma, the USMC tried to convince high school students not to get intoxicated by having them play fun games with vision impairing ‘beer goggles’ on, 22JAN2019.

ARKANSAS: 8 Pounds Of Meth In Washington County

3 pounds of meth found in apartment

Nine arrested 

Co-founder of youth outreach program confesses to federal drug and gun charges

CALIFORNIA: For proof how commonplace drug smuggling has become in the leftist liberal Blue State; dumb repeat offender drug traffickers get arrested for a traffic violation, then while in jail openly reveal their latest major drug trafficking op!

Australian and U.S. cops capture record-setting 1.7 tons of meth worth $1.29 billion

mass drug overdose killed one person and sent more than a dozen to hospitals

new phase of opioid epidemic

New Opioid Laws

Despite an opioid crisis, most ERs don’t offer addiction treatment 

Californians so addicted to prescription drugs that veterinarians must counsel pet owners on pet drugs

San Francisco — where drug addicts outnumber high school students

COLORADO:  Lawmakers so addicted to prescription drugs they want to directly import cheapo foreign made stuff

Despite ganja being legal in the state, cops raid 50 ‘blackmarket’ marijuana growers…since 2014 at least 350 illegal mary-jane growers have been raided by police

Again, despite legalized marijuana, prison population is expected to skyrocket due to drug crimes

Police report record number of cops shot while doing their job, it coincides with an increase in property crimes, specifically stolen vehicles, and if you look at the map of cop shootings you’ll notice it’s along a metro-area drugs trafficking corridor  (so much for legalized marijuana)

CONNECTICUT:  U.S. Postal Service captures 60 packages of cocaine shipped to Connecticut from Puerto Rico

A defense lawyer for a police sergeant accused of running a drug factory out of his home, has withdrawn a request to exclude the public and the press from the courtroom

judge dismisses opioid lawsuits against drug makers

Doctor pleads guilty in compound medicine case 

DELAWARE: Teacher With History of Alcohol Arrests Faces DUI Sentencing

131 drug incidents in one week!

Two men busted for attempting to sneak drugs into Delco prison

Opioid Overdoses Up In 2018

CIVIL FORFEITURE, the real reason local governments love illegal drugs: Despite being acquitted of drug crimes, court decides to keep the more than $13-thousand dollars in cash the thieving cops took from the man, because he can’t prove it’s his cash!

FLORIDA: For the second year in a row, cruise ship passengers arrested on drug charges

man says 3 syringes found in his butt aren’t his

Police dog exposed to ecstasy powder 

Cocaine making a deadly comeback

USCG photo by Petty Officer Third Class Brandon Murray, 31JAN2019.

31JAN2019, five miles east of Haulover Inlet, a Coast Guard ‘smallboat’ intercepts a fishing boat that turned out to be hauling about 130 pounds of cocaine.

USCG District 7 Photo, 07JAN2019.

07JAN2019, at U.S. Coast Guard Station Fort Lauderdale, personnel test seven kilograms of cocaine captured by Homeland Security Investigations, and Customs and Border Protection agents. The drug smugglers were also smuggling illegal immigrants.

GEORGIA: Evidence eaten after teacher allegedly gave students marijuana

26 suspects arrested

15 arrested in $3.5M meth ring bust

Truck carrying $10M worth of liquid meth busted at repair shop

Doctor’s husband accused of prescribing drugs in wife’s name while she’s sitting in jail

Two mothers accused of selling drugs near elementary school

$1M of narcotics from shipping container 

local ‘Smoke shops’ selling illegal drugs to teens

GUAM: Drugs found in Postal Service priority mail packages

HAWAII: Marijuana use in workplace increased

Hawaii County Police Department reveals a few details of massive cop crimes involving drugs and other things, so far seven cops suspended, one forced into early retirement, two fired! Cop crimes include stealing drugs from evidence locker, assault of a juvenile suspect, and falsifying traffic tickets.

6 things to know about new flu drug Xofluza

IDAHO: man admits to eating cocaine while being chased by police

drug lab explodes inside Idaho Falls residence

Idaho Falls juvenile arrested with 500 doses of LSD, marijuana

Fourth state level prison cop pleads guilty to smuggling drugs into prison

Judge orders partial release of state prison lethal injection documents

Journalism professor banned from University of Idaho for allegedly admitting to using meth and threatening  access to guns

Example of why first time drug offenders SHOULD NOT make a plea deal in Idaho; harsher sentencing!

new DUI law requires first-time offenders to install ignition locking devices

ILLINOIS: Madison County Sees Record 109 Drug Overdose Deaths in 2018

Mayor, State Senator jailed on drug charge

Food-truck gun deal leads to Chicago drug case

Drugs company executive gave Illinois doctor lap dance while promoting drug

INDIANA: a rural Indiana town descends into drug addiction

10 indicted in drug running between Indiana and Mexico

Death doctor run out of Tennessee for causing deadly overdoses, is now working in Indiana

infants suffering from drug crisis

IOWA: Mayor, and her husband, caught with 18 marijuana plants during search for shooting suspect

Meth, cocaine overdoses rise

Iowa’s growing dependence on China for pharmaceutical drugs

Faulty muffler leads to drug arrests

KANSAS: parents arrested after child tests positive for meth

CVS pharmacist, husband charged with prescription drug crimes

Johnson County mom is accused of hosting parties where minors were served alcohol

KENTUCKY: teacher at party where juveniles admitted to drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana

The fall of a Kentucky-Mexico drug gang

Grandpa says he sold meth to save son from Mexican cartel

Fatal drug overdose leads to a bartender facing federal drug charges

Connecticut based drugs maker Purdue appeals order to unseal OxyContin records to Kentucky Supreme Court

 man had 2 ounces of meth ‘stuffed inside his butt crack’

LOUISIANA: ‘star agent’ for the federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) now on trial for essentially ‘faking’ drug busts, after three-year investigation that has roiled the federal law enforcement community

Undercover bust: 168 arrests!

Pharmacist fatally shoots robber at drug store

MAINE:  Police seize drugs and cash at Oxford hotel

Residents now turning to gun ownership to protect themselves from druggies: “He was standing on our porch and kept yelling for help. The only thing that separated us was the glass on the front door. In my 35 years, I never felt the need to own a gun to protect my family until we moved to Presque Isle. I guarantee that if he had broken the glass on that front door, there would have been shots fired.”-Jonathan Guerrette, complaining to city councilors, interestingly the deputy police chief admitted they’ve known about the druggie problem in certain neighborhoods ‘for many years’ yet gave a plethora of excuses why nobody was arrested, supposedly the state law enforcement is going to get involved  

Death leads to discovery of meth lab

MARYLAND:  Washington County sees sharp increase in drug, alcohol deaths

Baltimore to No Longer Prosecute Marijuana Possession Cases

More Than 300 Bags Of Heroin, Cocaine & Meth Found In Car

MASSACHUSETTS: What does 2019 have in store for marijuana

Fentanyl-laced cocaine, not heroin, is now the biggest overdose threat

Suspect was operating ‘very significant’ drug ring while out on $200K bail

Leftist Liberal Mayors Visit Safe Injection Sites in British empire Canada

New Yorkers head to western Massachusetts to buy pot legally

MICHIGAN: Excessive social media use is comparable to drug addiction

Michigan lists pain drug Gabapentin as controlled substance

Life of high-tech savant cut short by drugs

Recreational marijuana is legal, but Lansing’s largest employers don’t allow it

More employees than ever test positive for marijuana

More than half of Michigan medical marijuana users admit to driving while high

Macomb County had 380 drug-related deaths in 2017, in desperation local government agencies are now ‘deputized’ under a new federal government program called FANTOM (Federal Anti Narcotics Team Of Macomb)

MINNESOTA:  man allegedly holds drug-fueled ‘death party’ for wife

Man dies of opioids at experimental homeless shelter

Dakota County drug bust nets 45 pounds of meth, 15 kilos of cocaine

MISSISSIPPI: 8 arrested 

CIVIL FORFEITURE, the real reason local governments love illegal drugs: Should it be this easy for Mississippi police to take property?

State Highway Patrol Admits: Police officers high on duty or test positive for drugs

Retired pharmacists arrested for operating an illegal pharmacy out of his flower shop

MISSOURI: Shoes, package of cookies lead to drug bust at taxpayer subsidized Amtrak station

Two homicides linked to $8.5 million meth trafficking ring 

Seven fugitives captured during drugs sweep

Cops Find Stolen ATV, Gun, Meth And Dead Bald Eagle 

MONTANA:4 died in due to fentanyl disguised as less-dangerous drugs

man, daughter accused of running ‘dark web’ drug operation

Woman says meth testing patch gives false positives (it wouldn’t be the first time a drug test was faulty)

In the sparsely populated state a new report says even more taxpayer funded drug treatment centers are needed

NEBRASKA: Busted Omaha drug operation sounds like fiction, except it wasn’t

DEA captures 4,737 pounds of marijuana, 83 pounds of methamphetamine and 27 pounds of heroin over six months

Drug-dealing cases against CBD oil shop owners

Killing was the result of ‘Attempted robbery of a drug dealer’

Woman dealt heroin, meth from home where she ran daycare

NEW HAMPSHIRE: One dead, two in critical condition after taking drugs

NEW JERSEY:  Local cops fail drug tests!

Medical marijuana can now be used to treat opioid addiction

NEW MEXICO: 15 lbs. of meth and 2,000 fentanyl pills smuggled by ‘family business’

U.S. Border Patrol captures 115 illegal immigrants with marijuana 

Drug addiction so bad there is now a new museum dedicated to drug abuse

NEW YORK: Syracuse University football wide receiver arrested along with 14 others as part of a federal drug bust

“Highly organized drug delivery service” netted about $50,000 weekly in drug addicted NYC

Legal drugs Middlemen Got Big Markup in New York

NORTH CAROLINA: 27 arrested in Bladen County

Illegal immigrants, including MS-13 gang member, charged in 2 kilo drug bust

USCG photo by Petty Officer Second Class Corinne Zilnicki, 08JAN2019.

Off North Carolina’s coast, on board an HC-130 Hercules, U.S. Coast Guard personnel operate radar and cameras to detect suspicious boats.

NORTH DAKOTA: drug raid in Fargo, in connection to heroin O-Ds across two counties

Burleigh County cop gets prison time for stealing drugs

OHIO: The Union County Drug Free Coalition honored the Ohio National Guard Counterdrug Task Force as the 2019 Community Champion Award: “We are grateful to the Ohio National Guard for their commitment to the health and safety of families in Union County.”-Rich Baird, superintendent of North Union Schools and chair of the Union County Drug Free Coalition

Overdose deaths falling throughout Ohio, but not in Franklin County

nightclub owner pleads guilty to drug crimes

Drug-fueled wave of kids taken from homes peaks 

OKLAHOMA: Police find 18000 pounds of suspected pot during traffic stop

Sheriff frustrated with relaxed drug laws

24 serving life without parole for drug trafficking

new emergency rules for medical marijuana

OREGON: Operation Wildfire

Man with criminal history, including running one of the largest drug gangs in the state, continues to commit crimes yet is released from jail, all charges dropped

PENNSYLVANIA: Drug deaths are rising in Coal Country and treatment is hard to come by

77 suspects arrested 

PUERTO RICO: FBI says there’s a “crisis of violence” in Puerto Rico

USCG photo by Ricardo Castrodad, 30JAN2019.

29JAN2019, U.S. Coast Guard captures 2-hundred pounds of cocaine off the coast of Arecibo.

RHODE ISLAND: Illegal immigrant gets 9 years in prison for major drug trafficking ring

Suspended Firefighter admitted to Police He Was Doing Cocaine

SOUTH CAROLINA: Clemson University football players suspended for failing drug test

64 suspects charged, many still wanted, in Spartanburg County

Doctors and cops come out in opposition to legalized marijuana, calls it “the most dangerous drug” in the U.S.

CIVIL FORFEITURE, the real reason local governments love illegal drugs: seizing vehicles in drug cases. Mistakes still happen.

SOUTH DAKOTA: chief justice calls for reform in handling of drug cases

Multi-state drugs gang tries to rip-off Mexican cartel?

South Dakota charges ingestion of drugs separately from possession, meaning someone can be charged with a crime if a blood or urine test comes back positive for marijuana or other drugs.

Wisconsin woman driving rental car from Colorado says South Dakota cop unlawfully captured the suitcase full of drugs in the car

grandmother faces felony child abuse, drug charges

TENNESSEE: Head Start teacher arrested after she brought meth to school

12 Arrested On Drug Charges In Franklin County

Thousands of fake Viagra, Cialis pills confiscated 

New opioid laws

State cop assigned to protect governor was on prescription painkillers, repeatedly fell asleep on job…..supervisors knew about his problem with prescription medication, and that his “pattern of behavior was allowed to continue for months without any knowledge of the THP command staff”

TEXAS: Cops invade home, shoot and kill military veteran husband and his wife, several cops wounded,  (next it’ll be revealed that one of the invading cops has a documented history of lying about drug raids, and apparently it’ll be three months after the cop invasion before investigators even search the crime scene for evidence, evidence that will counter the official police version of the story)

A six month multi-agency investigation resulted in nine people being arrested for piddly amounts of drugs

UTAH: Illegal immigrant drug smuggler has been deported eight times, caught yet again

Defense attorney who smuggling drugs into prison, sentenced: “I never dreamed in a million years that I would be an addict.”-Tony Miles

387 drug dealers arrested in Operation Rio Grande

Two drug busts in one day yield combined $2 million worth of meth and cocaine

Public Employees Receive taxpayer funded Transportation and a $500 Cash Bonus to Purchase drugs in Mexico

U.S. Virgin Islands: New governor signs bill legalizing medical marijuana

Virgin Islands was source of heroin shipped to Michigan

VIRGINIA: drug case against actress involved in Me Too Movement

dozens of arrests after hundreds of indictments

WASHINGTON: Sodo District; drugs and RVs

overdose spike in north Seattle

drug and alcohol counselor arrested for selling drugs

‘christian’ university student, accused of murder, in more trouble after being caught doing drugs in the courtroom 

Washington DC:   millions of dollars’ worth of heroin seized 

Bureau of Labor Statistics: Workplace drug overdoses increasing

WEST VIRGINIA:  teacher accused of giving alcohol to teens

 teacher jailed after allegedly soliciting drugs

A 7th Special Forces Group soldier and a West Virginia National Guard Special Forces soldier pled guilty to trying to smuggle marijuana from Columbia 

WISCONSIN: ERs fight drugs with drugs

Shopko owes drugs supplier $67-million

woman convicted of smuggling drugs into prison

WYOMING: Restaurants accused of ‘laundering’ drug money


Gun Ban Fail: Shooting in Australia, again! Cops knew who it was and did nothing! Academic report says studies supporting gun bans are deeply flawed!

04 June 2019 (10:38 UTC-07 Tango 06) 14 Khordad 1398/30 Ramadan 1440/02 Geng-Wu 4717

“He shot up every room in that place!”-witness talking about shooting rampage by paroled prisoner

Another witness told local news media the shooter was so calm that responding police went straight by him, yet it turns out the cops knew exactly who he was!

In near-total gun ban British empire Australia another shooting, this time it was done by a prisoner who had been released and then somehow got a shotgun!

Witnesses in the city of Darwin said the man entered a motel and began randomly shooting into the rooms, apparently demanding to see somebody by the name of Alex.  Some witnesses said the shooter was staying at the motel, but had just been kicked out.  After the shooting he ran out and sped off in a pickup-truck.  At least four people were killed.

What’s even stranger is the shooter drove himself to a police station and turned himself in!  Police knew him because he had been paroled from prison in January.

That’s not all.  There were other shootings/incidents in the Darwin area today, police are currently not willing to say they’re connected.  Somebody was killed at a place called the Buffalo Club, then another person was killed in Woolner, and then there was an incident at the Northern Territory Police headquarters!

The question is; how in a country with such strict anti-gun laws does a parolee get a gun?

For years leftist liberals have been boasting that Australia’s gun ban works, yet in 2018 researchers at University of Pennsylvania’s Leonard Davis Institute discovered that studies supporting gun-bans, enacted since the late 1990s, have an inherent flaw: “Over the period in question, societies elsewhere, including Australia, generally became safer and experienced a downward trend in gun-related homicides. So the issue was how do we disentangle the effect of Australia’s intervention to exclude the effect of the broader downward trend. A lot of studies that looked at this didn’t account for that, so much of their evidence is actually part of the larger trend rather than the actual effect of the law….  …..the bottom line is that we don’t know which parts of those…[laws]…were effective or not and that might mean that implementation of one might do little or nothing, or even two out of the three wouldn’t do much but its some combination that actually matters. That all requires more study.”-Benjamin Ukert, postdoctoral researcher