Tag Archives: idaho

Exceptional Failed State: Albertsons shutting down 26 stores by February!

17 January 2014 (10:41 UTC-07 Tango)/15 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/27 Dey 1392/17 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

The downward spiral of what was once Idaho based Albertsons grocery stores continues.  In January 2013 evil Cerberus Capital Management became sole owner of Albertsons.  14 stores were shut down in 2013.

It’s just been announced that another 26 stores will shutdown by the end of February 2014!

One store in Arizona, 11 stores in California, two in Nevada, one in New Mexico, two in Oregon, five in Washington.  As well as two Acme Markets in Pennsylvania, and two Shaw’s in Massachusetts.

Alberstons is playing the same game as Sears Holdings: As leases expire they shut-em-down!

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013

More Fukushima Fallout: U.S. Navy forced to investigate personnel suffering Thyroid Cancer! TEPCo demands victims pay back compensation! Homeland Security conducts False Flag radiation surveys! Scientists asking for your help! Idaho turns your smart phone into CellRad!

16 January 2014 (02:17 UTC-07 Tango)/14 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/26 Dey 1392/16 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) says it will conduct medical surveys of at least 71 U.S. military personnel suffering from radiation sickness, as a result of the 2011 Operation Tomodachi.  At least 51 personnel report thyroid cancer.

But wait, the DoD isn’t doing this willingly!  It took an act of Congress to kick the DoD in the ass.  The U.S. House of Representatives mandated the radiation checks as part of the new government spending bill.

Three years later Tokyo Electric Power Company continues to refuse to compensate anymore victims of their nuclear disaster.  TEPCo has rejected the latest arbitrated compensation deal with 180 people in Iwate Prefecture.  TEPCo says the deal is vague.

TEPCo is also demanding that families of employees, who were evacuated because of the March 2011 nuclear explosions, to pay back their compensation!

The national government of Japan has approved TEPCo’s new ten year business plan, but one prefectural governor absolutely refuses.  The governor of Niigata, Izumida Hirohiko, said he will not allow TEPCo to re-start their nuke plant in his prefecture because they’ve proven to be incompetant at Fukushima Daiichi.

Izumida also blamed Too Big to Jail banks and investors: “Shareholders and banks have not taken responsibility, and it is a ridiculous plan from a safety standpoint.”

By the way, TEPCo’s Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear complex in Niigata Prefecture is the World’s largest!

TEPCo’s ten year plan includes a name change because, company officials admit, customers are now bias against them.  It also funds decommissioning of the disaster reactors with money meant for compensating victims, which explains why TEPCo suddenly is refusing to compensate anymore victims, and is actually demanding those already compensated pay them back! “I was surprised when I heard  from an official of the industry ministry’s Agency for Natural Resources and Energy at the end of last year.  Compensation and decommissioning are two different worlds!”-Yamana Hajimu, decommissioning division

TEPCo also said it will raise electricity rates for Japanese, and TEPCo officials blame it on the new higher taxes in Japan. TEPCo also warns they will probably raise rates several times this year!

California assemblyman, Bob Wieckowski, wants the Department of Public Health to start publicizing radiation data concerning the Golden State’s beaches: “I think a lot of people’s questions can be answered if the department would conduct a study or post the results of other studies and monitoring that are already completed…..”

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security revealed it will begin airborne radiation checks, on the U.S. east coast.   Helicopters from the National Nuclear Security Administration will take air samples around Baltimore, Maryland.  Homeland Security claims the operation is about protecting the U.S. from future nuclear attack!

Officials from the National Nuclear Security Administration admit that in order to determine if radiation contamination is happening, they need to establish “original background” radiation levels. Government officials also said the heliborne air sampling will take place several times a year for several years!

If you live on the west coast of North America, scientists with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution are asking for your help: “We already have dozens of seawater samples from the coast of Japan out to the middle of the Pacific, but now we need new samples, from up and down the West Coast of North America and across the Pacific.”-Ken Buesseler

The problem is funding, and Woods Hole scientists hope people will raise the funds necessary for the project.  In return anybody, or group, who provides $550 to $600 USD will get a 20 liter sample collecting kit (which also covers the cost of shipping).  For more info contact ourradioactiveocean.org

Researchers at the Idaho National Laboratory (a major nuclear research facility) have come up with a smart phone App that turns your phone’s camera into a gamma ray dosimeter!  It’s called CellRad.

ObamaCare Hell: FEMA says almost 60% of Idaho’s firefighters screwed over by Affordable Health Care! An ObamaCare backdoor tax increase revealed!

15 January 2014 (22:45 UTC-07 Tango 14 January 2013)/13 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/25 Dey 1392/15 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

“…about $300 per employee per month to insure them…….If we are forced to provide these insurance benefits I think you will see a lot of fire departments out of business.”Bryan Grover, Central Fire District, Rigby, Idaho

FEMA’s own U.S. Fire Administration says 57.8% of Idaho’s fire fighting operations are considered “volunteer”.  Under Obama Care even volunteer fire departments have to start paying for insurance.

A couple of weeks ago some main stream U.S. news sources reported that the IRS (the ones who’ll be fining those they believe are in violation of Obama Care at the end of the year) gave volunteer fire departments an exemption.  But that’s not true, the ‘exemption’ was only a suggestion on the IRS blog, it still has not been ‘implemented’: “We are going to need to wait and read the final implementing regulations very closely before we can 100% declare victory.”-David Finger, National Volunteer Fire Council

If the exemption is not implemented then not only could there be less fire fighters on hand, but your local taxes will jack up 35%!

But Idaho’s volunteer firefighters are not the ones who’ll be hardest hit, 92.7% of Nebraska’s fire departments are considered volunteer!

Influenza: Two more prisoners die from H1N1! More U.S. prisoners sick! More grade school kids sick! Canadians say H1N1 kill rate higher than expected! Shutting down banks? Idaho hospital says stay out!

14 January 2014 (15:28 UTC-07 Tango)/12 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/24 Dey 1392/14 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

As of today, at least 27 Canadians have died from H1N1, despite millions of vaccinations across the Great White North. Pharmacies continue to report lack of vaccines.  The Canadian Medical Association Journal is reporting increasing concern over H1N1 infections. Specifically health officials are concerned with the kill rate: “There are more deaths than what we expect for the regular H1N1 influenza.”-Pierre Lebel, McGill University Health Centre

New Brunswick, Canada: A woman described as “in her midlife” became the 27th Canadian to die from H1N1.

Singapore: Despite what is happening in North America, Ministry of Health officials are telling people there’s nothing to worry about.  Now, two Citibank employees in Singapore are confirmed sick with H1N1.  Eight other employees are sick and being tested: “We have informed all employees on the precautions they should take and have distributed face masks and antiseptic wipes to all staff sitting on the same floor as those who are affected.”-Citibank statement to local news media

Alabama, U.S.A.: The Decatur Morgan Hospital reports four influenza related deaths.  They’re not sure what type of flu the patients had.  They are isolating all people hospitalized with flu symptoms.

Arkansas, U.S.A.: A women’s prison has cancelled all visitation after a inmate died, possibly from H1N1.  At least two of the other 899 prisoners are confirmed sick with flu.  Prison officials claim they’ve called in more medical staff.

California, U.S.A.: In Fresno, the 61 years old County Jail prisoner who was sent to hospital with H1N1 last week, has died. Prison officials admit that three inmates have been placed into an isolation “pod” because they have H1N1, at least nine other inmates (8 men, 1 woman) are sick, possibly with H1N1. Kings County reports a new death.  Merced County reports a new death. Sonoma County reporting an H1N1 death. Santa Clara county reports two new deaths, and 13 new “severe” cases. San Mateo county reports one death.  State health officials told California news media they expect the death toll to increase by Friday.  As far as how many people died who did not get a flu shot, officials have admitted that only two of seven confirmed H1N1 deaths did not get the flu shot.  Health officials said they weren’t sure about the others.

Connecticut, U.S.A.: The Department of Public Health says there are more than 683 flu cases, and they expect it to get worse.

Idaho, U.S.A.:  A second man has died from H1N1 in the Gem State.  He lived in Bonner County.  The first Idahoan to die this flu season lived in Twin Falls County.  In Bannock County, the Portneuf Medical Center is asking people sick with mild flu symptoms to stay away (see below).

Illinois, U.S.A.: Hospitals in Chicago are asking people to stay away, unless they have severe symptoms (see below).   Loyola University Medical Center reporting at least 147 cases, 31 in the past week.

Indiana, U.S.A.:  Allen County Sheriff’s Department reporting county prisoners are being made to wear masks.  News sources say there is an outbreak of influenza in the prison, but county officials will not confirm the reports.  Unnamed county health officials reported they had given prison officials kits to test prisoners for flu.  Prisoners are also being vaccinated (which is a total waste if there’s already an outbreak).

Iowa, U.S.A.: Department of Health reports a healthy child died from flu.  They are also investigating the deaths of “several adults”.

Louisiana, U.S.A.: After an eight years old girl died from H1N1 last week, school officials today revealed that at least two other students have H1N1.  Two girls have been allowed back in school after a doctor said they were better.  School officials say janitors are doing “extra” disinfecting.

Mississippi, U.S.A.: Jackson County reports 13 new hospitalizations for H1N1.   The Jackson County Medical Care hospital is now closed to visitors and new patients.

Montana, U.S.A.: State health officials report at least 101 hospitalizations as of 04 January.

North Carolina, U.S.A.:  Health officials are reporting that the first infant to die in their state this flu season, did so yesterday.  This brings the state’s flu death toll to 22, the majority being young and middle aged adults.

Texas, U.S.A.: In Dallas, a pregnant woman lost her unborn child to an influenza infection. She’s hospitalized at Baylor Specialty Hospital.  She can barely talk and has been sick since before Xmas.  State health officials are begging people to get the flu shot.

Utah, U.S.A.: In the past week three people died of flu.  So far five people have died this flu season.

Washington, U.S.A.: The Spokane Regional Health District reports that a woman with other health problems has died from flu.  Currently there are 135 people hospitalized with flu in the Spokane area.  Last year at the same time there were only 31 flu hospitalizations.

Many hospitals are telling sick people to stay away.  What they mean is that if you don’t have severe influenza symptoms stay away, because you’ll just spread the virus in the hospital.  Severe flu symptoms include the usual fever, coughing, aches, plus dehydration and difficulty breathing.  Especially difficulty breathing because that’s how H1N1 kills you.  Hospitals will isolate anyone with severe symptoms to try and keep the virus from spreading.

Anybody notice that H1N1 is targeting adults in their child bearing/rearing years?

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 26-29 December 2013: Crime rate increases under U.S. occupation! Idahoan killed! Afghan woman bitch slaps cop in public!!! Contractor sniped! National Guard gives away taxpayer paid for equipment!

Helmand Province: In Nad-e-Ali District, a motorcycle bomb exploded.  Two people wounded.  General Peter Wall, of the Red Coat Bilderberg British empire Army, said he expects the Mujahideen to take control of the province after 2014. Also, a U.S citizen and former Virginia cop, working for security contractor Pax Mondial (subcontractor for Black & Veatch), was sniped and killed while jogging.

Herat Province: In Shindand District, one border cop was killed, three others wounded when their vehicle ran over a landmine.

Kabul Province: Near Camp Phoenix, a car bomb impacted a U.S.-NATO-ISAF convoy, killing two Slovak-ISAF personnel and one U.S. Air Force Captain from Sandpoint, Idaho. At least nine Afghans were wounded.  Mujahideen say that 16 military vehicles were damaged or destroyed in the attack.  In Kabul City, police say the crime rate has skyrocketed under U.S. occupation.  Police held a press conference to report a record 100 kidnapping, robberies and murder cases in the past month.  More than 200 people have been arrested.  The cops blame it on people from other parts of Afghanistan flooding into the U.S. occupied capital city to look for jobs.  And what was that about Afghan women being oppressed?  Female politician, Human Sultani, publicly bitch slapped a male cop in front of the Pakistani Embassy! Reports say there is video of the incident.  Back to Camp Phoenix, the Army National Guard’s 1st Battalion, 294th Infantry Regiment, from the U.S. territory of Guam, gave away more than 120 pairs of boots to the Afghan National Army!  Don’t those Guam guys know that U.S. taxpayers are already giving the ANA billions in cash and material?

Kandahar Province: In Spin Boldak District, police report a explosion killed one child and wounded another.   The cops gave no further explanation.  In Maiwand District, a mini-bus ran over a landmine, killing two people and wounding at least seven.  In Ghorak District, reports that cops turned Mujahideen attacked and killed seven government personnel.  No comment from government officials.

Uruzgan Province: In Dehrawod District, reports that U.S. led Afghan government forces killed a mentally retarded man.  The man had a habit of wandering the desert at night, which caused the government forces to suspect him of planting bombs.  Also, a man claims he shot down a small U.S.-NATO-ISAF recon drone.  He says he recovered the UAV.

The U.S. Army’s 96th Transportation Company, 49th Transportation Battalion, 4th Sustainment Brigade, 13th Sustainment Command, deployed to Afghanistan from Fort Hood, Texas.

The U.S. National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) is predicting that the Mujahideen will take control of many parts of Afghanistan by 2017.

The United Nations praise Angelia Jolie for her role as High Commissioner for Refugees Special Envoy for girls education.

Iran has opened up its Chabahar Port for Afghan shipping companies.  Afghan shipping companies will use it to make shipping runs to India.  The port is located between the Indian Ocean and Oman Sea.

Pakistan claims a rocket fired from Afghanistan’s Nangarahar Province, killed a Pakistani man in Hashim village of Bajaur tribal region.

Exceptional Failed State: U.S. job losses & store closings 02 October 2013. More ObamaCare trouble! Hundreds of jobs lost!

Incomplete list of announced closings and layoffs:

International news source, Thompson Reuters, warned of layoffs in the United States.

Video game maker Sega laid off an undisclosed amount of employees in the United States.

Alabama: In Jasper, the Christian god couldn’t stop non-profit Missions Unlimited from shutting down their thrift store.  Their main office is moving to Prattville.

Arizona: In Phoenix, Second Hand Rose antiques shutdown.

California: In Modesto, Save Mart grocery store shutdown. The family owners blamed it on the bad economy.  In Stockton, decades old La Maison women’s clothing store shutdown.  The owner blamed the bad economy.

Connecticut: In Brookfield, Germany based Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics closing down over the next two years.  256 jobs lost!  The company is consolidating its medical diagnostic device factories, possibly due to the new Obama Care tax on medical devices.

Georgia: Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital warned of more layoffs, on top of the 33 management personnel rendered unemployed! Hospital officials blamed it on Georgia refusing to expand medicaid payments under Obama Care.  In Albany, a Piggly Wiggly grocery store shutdown.  The company finally went bankrupt.  50 jobs lost.

Idaho: In Nampa, Farm and City Supply shutdown.  “There’s not enough sales to make it work right now. It’s been a struggle the whole time!”-Carl Woodburn, owner

Indiana: The Indiana University Hospital laid off another 100 people! That’s on top of the previously announced 800 layoffs!  It’s blamed on reduced reimbursements as a result of Obama Care.

Michigan: In Warren, Too Big to Jail Asset Acceptance laid off 73 people.

Minnesota: In Avon, Aunt Annie’s Quilts shutdown.

Kansas: Complete Landscaping Systems now bankrupt. Company owners blame it on the loss of a major contract with Too Big to Jail Bank of America.

New Jersey: Legal drug pusher, Warner Chilcott, laid off 88 employees.  It’s blamed on the takeover by Actavis.

New York: In Schenectady, tax sucker General Electric (GE) laid off 200 people!  This despite a $2.7-billion USD deal with Algeria!

North Carolina: Lenoir Memorial Hospital warned of layoffs if enough employees don’t voluntarily quit!  Officials blame it on North Carolina refusing to expand medicaid payments under Obama Care.  Locopops gourmet frozen treats shutdown several outlets statewide! Company officials said the economy is forcing them to change their marketing model.

Pennsylvania: In King of Prussia, Synergetics medical device maker shutdown. 24 jobs lost.  It’s consolidating production, possibly because of the new Obama Care tax.  In Montgomery Township, Pizzeria UNO Grill shutdown.

Tennessee: Legal drug maker GTx laid off 53 employees.  It’s having trouble with its lung cancer drug Enobosarm.

Texas: In Beaumont, PaceSetter Lounge shutdown.

Vermont: Tax sucker Dynapower laid off 33 workers.  It’s blamed on military spending cuts.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) doesn’t count the hundreds of layoffs involving less than 50 people each, in its mass layoff reports. It also doesn’t count all the little ‘mom & pop’ businesses that shut down.

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013

Influenza H1N1: Suddenly, more people dying, more people on life support! H1N1 killing healthy people! Hundreds flooding ERs! Mass immunizations fail in Canada? Medical incompetence kills boy! Government study says vaccines making people sick!

04 January 2014 (02:44 UTC-07 Tango)/02 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/14 Dey 1392/04 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

Back in August 2013, a study was released that warned that influenza vaccinations can cause severe infection known as enhanced respiratory disease.  The study was conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and published in the journal Science Translational Medicine.  Basically your immune system turns against you and works with the H1N1 virus: “…..cross-reactive anti-HA2 antibodies enhanced pH1N1 infection of Madin-Darby canine kidney cells by promoting virus membrane fusion activity. The enhanced fusion activity correlated with lung pathology in pigs. This study suggests a role for fusion-enhancing anti-HA2 antibodies….” –Vaccine-Induced Anti-HA2 Antibodies Promote Virus Fusion and Enhance Influenza Virus Respiratory Disease.

Despite the USDA study and the BC, Canada, study (see below) health officials in both Canada and the United States are pushing people to get flu vaccines!

California, U.S.A.:  In Santa Clara County, a 41 years old woman died from H1N1.  She died on 23 December, but only now is it being reported.  State health officials insist the number of flu cases in the Golden State, so far, are considered “normal”.

Georgia, U.S.A.: Department of Health reports four deaths.

Idaho, U.S.A.: Department of Health and Welfare says a man died from H1N1 “related illness”.

Indiana, U.S.A.: At least four people have died.

Michigan, U.S.A.: University of Michigan Health System reporting that a dozen adults and children are on life support in their hospital.  University hospital officials say the people had no prior health problems and have been hit hard by H1N1.  University officials are also reporting that hospital ERs are being flooded with hundreds of people sick with H1N1!   Michigan Department of Community Health reports that three adults and one infant are the latest people to die from H1N1.  Health officials are asking people to start wearing masks! State health official, Matt Davis, warned that “These deaths are among previously healthy individuals. This is not the group that the public usually thinks about as being susceptible to serious illness with influenza.”

Minnesota, U.S.A.:  Department of Health reporting 71 hospitalizations, double the number from the previous week.

Nebraska, U.S.A.: Lab tests say 98% of cases are H1N1.

New Mexico, U.S.A.: UNM Hospital reporting its first H1N1 case of 2014.  The University hospital saw 12 H1N1 cases in December 2013.

Oregon, U.S.A: A five years old boy died from H1N1.  He got sick a few days before Xmas.  The parents first though it was whooping cough because of the sound of his coughs.  Local hospital officials thought the boy was well enough to be sent home.  On Xmas day he collapsed and stopped breathing.  Local hospital officials told the family they could not handle his case, he was transferred to Portland.  He died in Portland because his brain went too long without oxygen.

A Lincoln, Oregon, family also says their 53 years old sister died of H1N1 after being admitted to the Adventist Medical Center.  Officials with the Adventist Medical Center, as well as other Oregon health officials, are reporting skyrocketing H1N1 cases.

Texas, U.S.A.:  Hidalgo County Health and Human Services reports six new deaths. Denton County Health Department reporting 265 confirmed cases by the end of December.  Saint Joseph Hospital reporting that nurses are getting sick.

Utah, U.S.A.: At least 237 people hospitalized, two people died.  One family talked about how their mother kept getting worse even with all the doctor prescribed treatments, until she had to be hospitalized.

Washington, U.S.A.: A Thurston County man died from flu infection. He was the second person in the Evergreen State to die from this season’s flu.

Almost every U.S. state reporting increasing cases of H1N1, the same can be said for Canada.

Alberta, Canada:  Five people are now dead, with 965 confirmed H1N1 cases. 270 people hospitalized, health officials declaring Alberta under an H1N1 outbreak.  This despite their mass immunizations program.  Health clinics in Calgary City are reporting hours long lines of people wanting to get the flu shot!  Health officials claim one in five Albertans have been vaccinated. The Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton closed one ward, due to an outbreak.

British Columbia, Canada:  BC Centre for Disease Control reminding people of a study conducted during the 2009 Swine Flu pandemic.  That study concluded that people who got the H1N1 vaccine were almost guaranteed to get sick!  The study was dismissed by Bilderberg (Bill Gates) controlled international vaccination organizations. A second study was done using ferrets, and it backs up the 2009 BC-CDC study. The British Columbia studies concluded the same thing as the USDA study; basically the H1N1 vaccine is adversely affecting your anti-bodies’ ability to fight off the H1N1 virus.

Ontario, Canada: Toronto Public Health reports two deaths.  Three other people are confirmed to have died in the province.  York Region public health confirms 14 cases.  The Regional Municipality of Peel confirms the majority of flu cases are H1N1.  The Middlesex-London Health Unit reporting that a third of infected people being hospitalized.

Saskatchewan, Canada: In the Prairie Province, H1N1 is being blamed for three deaths.  So far, 161 confirmed cases, seven people hospitalized.  Prince Albert Parkland Health Region confirms 18 cases.

Western New Year & Christianity nothing more than continuation of ancient Grain King sacrifice ritual!

01 January 2014 (04:34 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Safar 1435/11 Dey 1392/01 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

The western new year has arrived.  A common graphical depiction is that of old Father Time turning things over to a baby New Year.  This is nothing more than the most ancient Grain King sacrifice ritual.

Thousands of years ago small agricultural societies would actually sacrifice their king (today we would call those ancient kings, village elders), then bury him as a piece of grain to ensure a good crop for the New Year.  A new young king was appointed for the rest of the year.

Meat eating societies also had a similar ritual.  The Japanese Ainu would make offerings to the head of the bear they killed, in fact the dead bear’s head sat at the head of the tribe’s feast hall.  North American’s would worship the salmon and buffalo.  The myths basically say the people were starving, then god, or a god, would appear and offer to sacrifice itself in order to save the people. In return the people had to honor and remember the god.

The Americans also had a Grain King myth about Maize.  A people were starving, god appeared in the form of a man and told the virgin princess to cut off his head and bury it.  The buried head instantly grew into a life saving corn stalk that provided enough grain to feed the people!

In Meso America, one story says the Earth was being destroyed tortuously.  A god felt sorry for the Humans on the Earth and offered to sacrifice itself to save them.  The Sun became the everlasting symbol of the god’s blood covenant to bring salvation to the Humans.  However (there’s always a catch), in return the Humans had to remember and rejuvenate that god, typically with Human blood.

Around the World the honoring of such god sacrifice took many forms from simple dance rituals or prayers, to animal/human sacrifice.  (remember the story of Cain and Able; god wasn’t impressed with the farmer brother who offered the sacrifice of his crops, god was pleased only with the animal sacrifice of the hunter/herder brother: “The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor.”-Genesis 4:4-5 New International Version)

It is also interesting to note that the more densely populated a society was, the more likely they believed in such religious crap!  This is why the Middle East is the considered the birth place of the World’s biggest religions.  Thousands of years ago the Middle East (Fertile Crescent) was literally the New York City of the ancient World.

The western New Year is based on the Catholic created Gregorian calendar system.  It is a solar calender, and to be sure there were other solar calender systems before it came along.  The Gregorian system modified the Julian system in Gregorian year 1582, 15-hundred years after Jesus of Nazareth died (this is one of many reasons why today’s western Christian holiday celebrations are incorrect, like Jesus being born in December when the Bible clearly states his parents went to Jerusalem/Al Quds for the census, which took place during summer).

The Bible is clever in that whom ever came up with it knew how to combine the agricultural and meat eater sacrifice rituals, to trick as many people as possible.  Jesus of Nazareth became the god that saves the starving people by sacrificing himself.

This motif appears in several different versions in the Bible’s New Testament:  Jesus feeds a crap load of people with only a few fish (meat eaters) and few loaves of bread (Grain King).  Jesus turns water into wine (Grain King).  Jesus commands his followers to “drink my blood” and “eat my flesh”!

Holy cannibalism Batman! This is a clear human sacrifice motif.  And don’t think human sacrifice didn’t place at the Temple of David (aka Second Temple, before that, Temple of Solomon/First Temple), it did!   The Romans destroyed the Temple in the approximate Gregorian year 70AD (about 76 years after Jesus was born, he was actually born about the year 7BC), even Titus Flavius Josephus (a Jewish-Roman scholar) implies the destruction of the Temple was god’s punishment for past evils: “…for that House, God had for certain long ago doomed it to the fire; and now that fatal day was come…”-The Wars of the Jews 6.4.5 249-253  (now realize the fundamentalist Jews want to bring back the Temple and all its ancient bloody rituals)

The Bible wasn’t written until several hundred years after Jesus of Nazareth died!  The compilations of the New (Christian) Testament began in the 4th Century after his death.  The compilations of the Old (Hebrew) Testament began even later in the 9th Century AD!  Whomever was behind the creation of the Bible was genius, because not only does Jesus cover the bloody sacrifice ritual by commanding his followers to eat and drink him, but it combines both Grain King and meat eater motifs: The wine and bread represent the Grain King, but they in turn represent the meat (blood and flesh) of Jesus! (Cain and Abel united!)

(the Bible has been re-edited and translated many times since its creation, with dozens of version available, which might explain why so many ‘christians’ disagree with each other, as they did before the Bible was compiled)

When are the commoner masses going to wake up to this elitist control freak scam? Happy New Year!

More Fukushima Fallout: Record radiation levels, global radiation wave bigger than all nuke weapons testing combined!!! Surge in cancer rates!

22 December 2013 (15:18 UTC-07 Tango)/18 Safar 1435/01 Dey 1392/20 Jia-Zi (11th month) 4711

“The rate at which children in Fukushima prefecture have developed thyroid cancer can be called frequent, because it is several times to several tens of times higher.”-Tsuda Toshihide, Okayama University

It has been revealed that 59 people living in Fukushima Prefecture have thyroid cancer.  They were all younger than 18 years of age when the nuke disaster began in 2011.  Compare that to medical records that show between 1975 to 2008 the average yearly thyroid cancer rate, for all of Japan, was 11 in every one million Japanese!

Children and young adults in their early 20s, and pregnant women, are Canaries In The Coal Mine when it comes to radiation contamination, because growing bodies absorb more radiation than people who are no longer growing: “It is known that radioactive iodine is linked to thyroid cancer. Through the intake of food, people may absorb and accumulate it inside glands.”-Choi Kin, former president of the Hong Kong Medical Association

Radiation caused cancer rates are probably much higher in Japan.  Arnold Gunderson, a former nuclear industry executive and engineer with more than 30 years of experience, told KBOO radio in Oregon, U.S.A., that Japanese doctors are being ordered not to declare any unusual illnesses as being related to radiation: “We’re seeing Japanese doctors not being able to tell their patients that the illnesses they’re experiencing are radiation induced….”  

Japan’s Environment Ministry has blasted Tokyo Electric Power Company for dragging out the nuclear disaster of Fukushima Daiichi, for three years now.  Specifically they are referring to the decontamination of contaminated areas and towns around the GE designed disaster reactors.  It was promised they would be cleaned up by March 2014, but it’s painfully clear that’s not going to happen.

The main problem remains the fact that Japan does not have sufficient nuclear waste storage sites, due to the fact that political and corporate officials in Japan thought anything like this couldn’t happen.  But, even the U.S. is not prepared for a similar situation: “Even for the U.S. nuclear industry, such a cleanup and decommissioning would be a great challenge.”-Akira Tokuhiro, Professor of nuke engineering with University of Idaho, U.S.A., at their Idaho Falls Center

Another problem is continued high level radiation emissions from  Fukushima Daiichi.

Within the past day, TEPCo workers recorded record levels of beta type radiation coming from Reactor 2; 1.9 million becquerels per liter!  Since November, Reactor 2 has been emitting higher and higher levels of deadly beta radiation.

On top of that, TEPCo admits radiation in the air is so high that when it rains it floods the ground with contamination.  Today they discovered that one of the concrete liners/barriers, under one of several nuke waste water storage tank farms, is leaking contaminated rain water.  They believe the joins in the concrete liner have eroded, the water pouring out is not from any of the tanks, but from rain water that gets contaminated as it falls and collects in the liner/barrier.  How contaminated?  Throwaway workers say they detected 93 becquerels per liter of strontium 90 in the rain water that is still in the barrier.

International researchers are now desperately warning of massive global radiation contamination, because of Fukushima Daiichi.

“Fukushima Daiichi has been allowed to get out of control……The amount of radiation that went into the Pacific from largely French [nuke weapons] tests, but also American tests, is smaller than what is going into the Pacific now from Fukushima Daiichi…….Fukushima Daiichi’s plume that’s heading towards the west coast of the United States is about 10 times more radiation in that wave, as it comes toward the west coast of the United States, than what we had already done from bomb testing.”-Arnold Gunderson, former nuclear industry executive and engineer interviewed on KBOO radio in Oregon, U.S.A., on 08 November 2013

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts, U.S.A., has published a graphic which shows the radiation coming from Fukushima Daiichi is far higher than any of the man made radiation created by the nuke weapons testing in the 1960s, and the 1989 Chernobyl disaster combined!

The U.S. government conducted airborne radiation sampling off the west coast of the U.S., in 2012, but has refused to publish the results claiming national security issues!

Unpaid contractor is winning bidder for abandoned Hoku Materials factory, again! 1-thousand jobs on the way, by a company with questionable history?

18 December 2013 (18:12 UTC-07 Tango 17 December 2013)/14 Safar 1435/27 Azar 1392/16 Jia-Zi (11th month) 4711

After a federal court judge ruled the November auction of the massive, and unused, Hoku Materials factory in Pocatello, Idaho, illegal, JH Kelly wins again.

This time JH Kelly bid $8.3 million, which is still a paltry sum when you realize the polysilicon factory is said to be worth about $700-million (but then again, JH Kelly is the one owed the money for building it). Reports say this time the federal bankruptcy court approved the auction.  However, JH Kelly has 72 hours to pay up.

There are reports by a local east Idaho TV news program (KIFI) that a local silica mining operation has made a deal to operate the factory.  Officials with Idaho based Arco Hills Silica Company (AHSC), and Nevada based JCF Funding, claim as many as one thousand jobs will be created!

However, back in August JH Kelly’s attorney said this about AHSC and JCF Funding: “It just seems difficult to conceive these people are serious if they haven’t made a written offer and haven’t engaged capable counsel.  The first thing a bankruptcy judge asks is: ‘Show me the money.’”-Ford Elsaesser

JH Kelly is also the biggest creditor to the bankrupt Hoku Materials factory, and they want their money.

There are some scandals with Arco Hills Silica Company; back in June a former CEO pled guilty to wire fraud, involving the theft of $5-million.

Also, there is court documents showing AHSC was sued by Beco Construction Company.  A “Judgment By Default” for more than $30-thousand was levied against Arco Hills Silica Company in 2004, and renewed in 2009.

“Arco Hills Silica Company is the exclusive mining and manufacturing Company for one of the world’s largest and most pure silica deposits in the world. It is presently in the early stages of development of these assets with anticipation that production will begin during 2011. This company is also actively in beginning construction on a major silicon processing plant, solar panel manufacturing and research facility and various polysilicon plants all to be located in Southeastern Idaho.”-AHSC company statement