Tag Archives: idaho

More Economic Decline: Idaho Christian Republican rips off taxpayers then gives flippant explanation!

02 February 2014 (18:56 UTC-07 Tango 01 February)/01 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1435/13 Bahman 1392/03 Bing-Yin (1st month) 4712

“We stand behind my report and my auditors’ conclusions.”-April Renfro, Certified Public Accountant for Idaho’s Legislative Audits Division

The latest audit of the Idaho State Treasurer’s Office revealed widespread abuse of state taxpayer funds.  The Office has been headed by Republican Christian Ron Crane since 1998!

Legislative auditors discovered that Crane oversaw the loss of $10.6-million USD in bad investments of taxpayer money! Auditors expect the loss to climb to $27-million!  The long overdue investigation is late to the game, because such claims of huge loses came as early as 2008!

The investigation says Crane ignored state laws meant to reduce financial risks!  Crane is currently playing around with $2.9-billion in state funds!

Of course Crane denies everything, and even questioned the state auditors’ competency saying they “…second guess our decision by using ‘hindsight’…”

And this guy keeps getting re-elected!  Like George Carlin said, “You voted them in. You caused the problem.” 

Influenza: H1N1 kills woman in three days. More prison deaths! Caused by vitamin D deficiency? H1N1 hits Thailand! H1N1 targeting diabetics?

01 February 2014 (03:12 UTC-07 Tango)/30 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/12 Bahman 1392/02 Bing-Yin (1st month) 4712

Researchers say they are closer to identifying the specific protein that allows influenza to maintain more than one ‘shape’ at the same time and to rapidly evolve. They are suspecting “specific residues in matrix protein 1”.

Claims that not enough people in the United States are not getting the flu shot are bogus, because there is no official tracking of people who go to for-profit pharmacies or clinics to get vaccinated! Adults in the United States are not issued with vaccination record books.

When you read the following, note that most flu cases are in warmer regions, not in colder regions.  More proof that influenza is not a cold weather bug.

Canada: Is there a influenza news blackout? Not much flu news is coming out of the Great White North ever since shortages of vaccines were reported.

European Union: The ECDC reports that 32% of samples from 27 member countries have tested positive for influenza. Scotland, Sweden, Spain, Portugal, Greece and Bulgaria reporting that H1N1 is the dominate version.  The ECDC is also warning of outbreaks in European controlled areas of the Caribbean.  An outbreak on Saint Martin is “expanding”.  There’s an outbreak on Dominica.

Mexico:  Ministry of Health officials say the number of H1N1 deaths have hit 195, and have confirmed 1965 infections! That’s a big jump from the week prior. But officials are not willing to call it an epidemic, yet, they say it depends on what happens in the next five weeks.

Thailand: A Thai soldier has died from H1N1 (swine flu). Thai health officials are criticizing news media for falsely reporting that he died from a bird flu. At least one other Thailander is confirmed sick with H1N1.

United Kingdom: Doctor Robert Edgar Hope-Simpson believes there is a connection between people who get sick with influenza and a lack of vitamin D.  It’s based on the idea that the northern hemisphere gets less sunlight during the flu season.  However, the standard dose of 400 IU of vitamin D does not prevent wintertime immunity deficiencies, so more might be needed.  Hope-Simpson points out that people who live in the far north have a heavy fish diet, meaning they eat a lot of vitamin D which could explain lower flu cases.  He also says people with darker skin are more susceptible to getting sick because they have naturally lower levels of vitamin D.

Alaska, U.S.A.: The Alaska Department of Health announced the third H1N1 death for the Last Frontier state. The 49 years old man did not get sick in Alaska, rather he got sick while visiting his wife and kids in much warmer Arizona!  His mother found him dead in his bathroom in his Alaska home.

Arizona, U.S.A.: Yuma County (one of the warmest, actually hottest places in the U.S.) reports a child has died from H1N1.  The have confirmed 72 cases of flu in the sparsely populated county.

California,U.S.A.: On 31 January 2014, state health officials reported 147 deaths involving people under the age of 65!  Compared to the same time last flu season there were only 14 deaths involving people under the age of 65!  In Sacramento, a local TV saleswoman described as healthy by co-workers, was killed within three days by H1N1.  Co-workers say she’d actually been “feeling” sick for about two weeks, then went into the hospital and three days later was dead.   San Louis Obispo County Jail reports their first H1N1 death.  It’s also the first H1N1 death for the entire county.  The 35 years old prisoner’s death was officially the result of “…respiratory failure due to septic shock as a consequence of influenza A and staphylococcus.”  Also, in the same county the Ocean View Elementary School reports a “serious” case of H1N1, but refused to give anymore details. In San Diego, a city councilman reported that his “relatively healthy” brother died from H1N1.  The councilman’s brother lived in Pennsylvania.  San Diego County health officials reported eight new deaths in the past week, for a total of 20 so far. Santa Clara County reports two more deaths.

Idaho, U.S.A.: Southwest District Health offering reduced price flu shots for only $12 USD, on 04 February. (that’s right all you people in other countries who get ‘free’ flu shots, we have to pay for them up front). Southeastern Idaho Public Health reports increasing cases of influenza.

Indiana, U.S.A.: 30 deaths so far.

Kansas, U.S.A.: Another flu related death, this time in Sedgwick County.  Reports say a man got sick and died just two days later.  Doctor Maggie Hagen said this season’s influenza is hitting people who “normally” don’t get sick, adding “That means that influenza season will not end soon……..take precautions…”

Louisiana, U.S.A.: So far total influenza deaths have hit 49, since October 2013.

Michigan, U.S.A.: A city of Riverview employee survived a H1N1 infection that gave him a broken foot!  The man credits getting a flu shot for saving his life, but blames H1N1 for the broken foot.  He says he was so sick that when he got out of bed he collapsed, falling on his foot wrong and breaking it! Also, a retired reporter died from H1N1. He was going to be flown to a hospital but his oxygen levels crashed preventing the medevac.

New Mexico, U.S.A.: Department of Health reports 5th person to be killed by H1N1.

North Carolina, U.S.A.: State officials report 11 deaths last week!

Ohio, U.S.A.: A Phillipsburg firefighter died from H1N1. He had to be put into a coma, and for awhile it looked like he was recovering.

Oklahoma, U.S.A.: Five new deaths for a total of 25.  800 hospitalizations.

Oregon, U.S.A.: Health Authority FluBites claims the number of flu cases are going down.

South Carolina, U.S.A.: Eight new flu deaths for a total of 49. 25-thousand cases, more than 13-hundred hospitalizations!

Texas, U.S.A.: In Arlington, a woman made an unexpected recovery just one day before doctors expected her to die: “Doctors said a day later it would’ve been too late, because then I would have turned septic.”-Julie Shelley

The day before Xmas, Shelley was diagnosed with pneumonia and bronchitis, and hospitalized.  Turned out those conditions were caused by H1N1.  Hidalgo County Health Department reports 79 cases of H1N1, and 15 deaths.  County health officials say they are seeing a trend of people with diabetes being hit hardest by H1N1.  Denton County Health Department a 6th flu death.  Dallas County Health and Human Services reports two more flu deaths, and a third possible flu death.  Tarrant County reports its 8th flu death.

Washington DC, U.S.A.: City officials explained that trash pick up is being delayed because many garbage collectors are out sick with flu.

Exceptional Failed State: The Hell of ObamaCare Lies! Secret court documents reveal plan by Idaho hospital and Blue Cross to jack up costs by 60%! Reveals Idaho insurance payments higher than national average!

30 January 2014 (09:22 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/10 Bahman 1392/30 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

“By 2012, Saint Luke’s had three of the top five highest paid hospitals, and its top hospital was receiving reimbursements 21% higher than the average Idaho hospital.”-statement made during secret federal court trial

A federal judge ruled that Boise’s Saint Luke’s Regional Medical Center violated antitrust laws when it took over the Nampa’s Saltzer Medical Group.  On top of that, the now public court documents show the takeover was part of a sinister plan by the ‘Christian’ Saint Luke’s to jack up health care costs by as much as 60%!

The scam was revealed by a lawsuit filed against Saint Luke’s by Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center, and the Federal Trade Commission.

The secret trial revealed that Saint Luke’s had been advised by consultants (from health insurance company Blue Cross) that if they killed off Saltzer Medical Group, thereby forcing many Idahoans in the area to go to Saint Luke’s, they could increase their billing rates.

The trial was kept secret at the request of Saint Luke’s and Blue Cross.  Both Saint Luke’s and Blue Cross begged the court keep the details of the trial secret once the trial concluded, but U.S. District Judge B. Lynn Winmill ignored that request and “unsealed” the court documents!

The trial also revealed that for some reason Blue Cross pays Idaho hospitals and doctors much more than the national average: “Across the United States, the average commercial insurance plan pays about 120% of what Medicare pays. For overnight hospital stays in Idaho, (Blue Cross) pays between 150% to 200% more than Medicare pays. For outpatient hospital services, (Blue Cross) pays 300% more than Medicare. For routine office visits, (Blue Cross) pays 140% more than other commercial plans.”

Blue Cross and Saint Luke’s have appealed the ruling.

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013

Exceptional Failed State: Idaho news media misleads public on unemployment! Is it all part of your ‘elected’ officials’ plan to justify ending unemployment assistance?

28 January 2014 (17:00 UTC-07 Tango)/26 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/08 Bahman 1392/28 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

For the past few days Idaho news media have been painting a rosy picture, saying Idaho’s unemployment rate dropped by one percent.  And some even went as far as declaring the bad local economy dead!

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that Idaho’s unemployment rate for December fell to 5.7%.   Some Idaho news sources must’ve got hit with complaints about their initial interpretation of the unemployment rate, because some local news sources went on to admit, in later reports, that December’s jobs were almost all temporary end of year holiday hires.

(An east Idaho TV station actually re-edited their initial report.  The initial report had Idaho Department of Labor employee, Will Jensen, saying the unemployment rate went down because “more people found work and there was an increase in people filing for first time unemployment benefits”.  A seeming have your cake and eat it too scenario.  The new version of their report, which is now on their website, not only edits out that comment, but also points out the temporaryness of December’s jobs.)

Here’s a reality check:  The ‘official’ unemployment rate reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the one that the news media and politicians love to point to, is called U-3.  This stat does not include everybody who is unemployed or underemployed.  The stat that tries to included all the unemployed (usually meaning those not getting unemployment assistance and those who quit looking for a job) and underemployed (meaning those working part time when they should be enjoying retirement or those working part time but needing full time hours/pay) is called U-6.

For Idaho, at the end of the 3rd quarter 2013 the U-3 rate was 6.9%, hence why so many ignorant Gem State news sources were virtually declaring the bad economy over when December’s U-3 rate came in at 5.7%.  But what about the U-6 rate?

At the end of 3rd quarter 2013, Idaho’s U-6 rate was at 13.2%!  The U-6 rate for December has not been published, yet.

‘Elected’ Idaho politicians in Washington DC are calling for a halt in an emergency extension of federal unemployment assistance.  They claim it will cost “taxpayers” (keep reading to see who those taxpayers really are) $6-billion USD if it passes.

The unemployment system in Idaho (aka Idaho Job Service) is actually paid for by employers, who’re charged a tax based on how many successful (that’s the key) unemployment claims are made against them.  Some companies even end up getting a tax rebate!

This creates an incentive for companies to lie about the person filing for first time unemployment claim.  In 2011, a PBS program, called Need to Know, reported on the growing problem of TPAs (third party administrators) working to deny unemployment benefits for those who qualify.  Many unemployment  benefits are being denied because the employers are falsely claiming the employee was fired, when they were actually laid off.  Or, in the case of wrongful firings, the TPAs are appealing those cases, even when it is obviously the fault of the employer.

Now realize that federal unemployment assistance is also paid for by unAmerican Corporate America, not employees or individuals paying their individual income tax!  Now you know the real reason Idaho politicians (who actually work for unAmerican Corporate America, the real “taxpayers” they are talking about) want to kill unemployment compensation!

People should be out in the streets with torches and pitchforks!  UnAmerican Corporate America created the mess, and they continue to find new ways to weasel their way out of paying for it, and your ‘elected’ officials are their lapdogs!

Exceptional Failed State: The Hell of ObamaCare Lies! Boise TV station misleads public on Your Health Idaho enrollments! No evidence of “new” enrollees!

24 January 2014 (20:16 UTC-07 Tango 23 January 2013)/22 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/04 Bahman 1392/24 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

KBOI in Boise, Idaho, misled viewers when they reported that 20-thousand Idahoans signed up for Obama Care through the Your Health Idaho exchange.  What they failed to mention is that state Obama Care officials admitted they really don’t have hard and fast numbers!

In an Associated Press report, Your Health Idaho chairman Stephen Weeg, from Pocatello, admitted that most of the 20-thousand reported as “signed up under Obama Care” were probably people already on Medicaid/Medicare!  As far as how many new enrollees there were Wegg revealed that Obama Care is not set up to distinguish between people who were already getting government medical help and people who are new to the system: “We’d love to have that data…..we’ll have to figure out if there’s a way we can collect that information.”

The Associated Press report goes on to say that Idaho insurers admitted that most of the people paying for insurance under Obama Care already had insurance prior to Obama Care!

Boise’s KBOI also reported that Your Health Idaho director, Amy Dowd, told Idaho lawmakers that she doesn’t think the federally mandated exchange will require state funding to operate.  But the Associated Press report says she admitted she’s not really sure about that : “We don’t know how much it will cost to run our call center. We don’t know how renewals will go….”

Amy Dowd is still under fire for awarding a no bid contract to a former Your Health Idaho board member. The corrupt governor even approved the contract even though it violated state law.

Influenza: H1N1 hits Vietnam! Yet another study links vaccine with Narcolepsy! County health officials say Vaccine has 40% failure rate! Over the counter meds spreading the flu?

23 January 2014 (08:08 UTC-07 Tango)/21 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/03 Bahman 1392/23 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

Ontario, Canada: Researchers at McMaster University have discovered that widespread use of off the shelf/over the counter non-prescription cold medication is actually spreading influenza: “When they have flu, people often take medication that reduces their fever. No one likes to feel miserable, but it turns out that our comfort might be at the cost of infecting others. Because fever can actually help lower the amount of virus in a sick person’s body and reduce the chance of transmitting disease to others, taking drugs that reduce fever can increase transmission.”-David Earn

Seoul, Korea: A former California native died from H1N1.  The 32 years old English teacher died just 24 hours after phoning friends and family in the Golden State, to tell them she was sick.  The Sacramento family needs financial help to bring her body home for burial. 

Stockholm, Sweden: Researchers at the Karolinska Institute say the vaccine specifically for H1N1 causes narcolepsy.

Alabama, U.S.A.: Doctors at University of Alabama are resorting to an extreme treatment to fight H1N1.  It’s known as ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation).  It involves a machine that bypasses your heart and lungs in order to provide oxygen to your body.  It’s considered a last resort treatment.   H1N1 kills by depriving your body of oxygen, if you’re sick and you have trouble breathing and feel tired (caused by lack of oxygen) get to a hospital fast.

Arkansas, U.S.A.: Department of Health reports a total of 24 flu deaths.

Arizona, U.S.A.: State health officials report a 50% increase in flu cases in the past week.  If you have signs of H1N1, shortness of breath and tired from lack of oxygen, there’s a reason you need to get to the hospital fast: “If someone seeks medical attention and gets on an anti-viral medication within the first 48 hours, we can usually truncate the illness and mitigate the symptoms. After 48 hours, the medicine doesn’t usually work.”-Kurt Solem, Scottsdale Healthcare

California, U.S.A.: Sacramento County reports a total of 14 flu deaths. Madera County reports their first H1N1 death.  Santa Barbara County reports a 20 years old woman died of flu, but they’re not sure yet which version of flu.  Officials have confirmed three people sick with H1N1.  Fresno County reports four new deaths. Contra Costa County reports three new deaths.  San Francisco County reports one death. San Mateo County reports one new death.  Sonoma County reports one death. In San Diego, Scripps announced that at all their five hospitals visitors will be screened for flu before they can visit loved ones. Visitors who test positive for flu will be turned away. Many hospitals across California are restricting visitation. Doctors are advising that people start wearing masks.  Flu season now considered worst in past five years.

Connecticut, U.S.A.: Westport Weston Health District out of vaccines.  This contradicts the main streamer news media constantly harping that not not enough people are getting the flu shot.

Florida, U.S.A.: A flu death at Memorial Regional Hospital in Hollywood, and a flu death at University Hospital in Tamarac.

Idaho, U.S.A.: Kootenai Health, in Coeur d’Alene, had to turn people away due to overcrowding: “At one point we were short of critical care beds and running short of ventilators for life support.”-Walt Fairfax, Chief Medical Officer

Kansas, U.S.A.: Sedgwick County health officials report continued increase in influenza cases, despite the fact that about 40% of the residents have been vaccinated.  Officials now say the vaccine is only 60% effective.

Kentucky, U.S.A.: Veterinarians from the University of Kentucky are warning that the use of NSAIDs pain killers will interfere with influenza vaccines! The warning concerns horses being given flu shots, and pain killers.  The NSAID could prevent the horse from developing anti-bodies to the flu vaccine.  If this could be a problem for horses, what about humans?

Nevada, U.S.A.:  State health officials report nine flu deaths so far, more than the number of flu deaths at the same time last year.

North Carolina, U.S.A.: Alamance County reports their first flu death, a child.  So far 28 people have died from influenza in the Old North State.

North Dakota, U.S.A.:  Sanford Hospital in Bismark is asking children to stay away: “Since we’re in the peak season we need to protect our patients. It seems to be a little more aggressive in the middle-aged patients than in the past so it’s our responsibility to protect those that we can and those are the patients housed in our institution here.”-Anthony Tello

Ohio, U.S.A.:  A 29 years old man became the 5th person to die from H1N1 in Lucas County.  The father of the man said they took him to an urgent care center, where doctors told him his son did not need to be hospitalized because “he is young, he’ll bounce back”.  He was sent home, only to get worse.  He went to hospital when he could hardly breath.  He died of double pneumonia.  It was only a matter of a few days from the time he got sick to when he died.  H1N1 kills by depriving your body of oxygen, if you’re sick and you have trouble breathing and feel tired (caused by lack of oxygen) get to a hospital fast.

Oregon, U.S.A.: A woman in her 50s is in a medically induced coma at OHSU.  Her boyfriend said it hit her hard, going into pneumonia shortly after going to the hospital. Her breathing was reduced to 10%! Doctors said her only chance for recovery was to be put into a coma.  H1N1 kills by depriving your body of oxygen, if you’re sick and you have trouble breathing and feel tired (caused by lack of oxygen) get to a hospital fast.

Tennessee, U.S.A.: Vanderbilt University Medical Center reports 17 influenza deaths.  Metro Health Department out of vaccines (this shows you that a lot of people are getting the flu shot).

Texas, U.S.A.: Local news reports say many health clinics have run out of vaccine.  Pharmacies are reporting they have plenty of shots, however several people interviewed by local TV news reported that they tried to get a shot at a retail pharmacy a couple of weeks ago and were told they were out of stock.

Washington, U.S.A.: Four Spokane hospitals had to turn people away due to overcrowding.

Hanoi, Vietnam: 41 students from Tri Duc High School were hospitalized with H1N1.  Health officials say most have recovered but a few are still sick with fever.

Idaho call center shutting down, or just more of the same BS game by Center Partners?

23 January 2014 (04:47 UTC-07 Tango)/21 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/03 Bahman 1392/23 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

“Awesome products extremely bad job. Management sucks and the people your trying to help take things overboard crying about there gaming systems. It’s almost a pointless job.”Customer Support Technician (Former Employee), Idaho Falls – January 20, 2014

“I wouldn’t recommend anyone working for this corporation.”-Inbound Sales Associate (Former Employee), Fort Collins, CO – January 2, 2014

Local east Idaho news reporting that Center Partners’ call center in Idaho Falls has told employees they will be losing their jobs.

Unnamed employees immediately called local news sources after they were ordered by Center Partners not to talk to the news media.  The layoffs begin now and run through to the end of March, because word is the place is shutting down by 31 March.  Apparently the company is consolidating operations.

Center Partners refuses to respond to local news media inquiries. But you can find plenty of bad comments from former employees on the internet.

“….I joked with a coworker during training saying, 'I like it here to an extent, but it seems that it's just a bunch of uneducated Idahoans vying for the few semi-decent paying jobs that are here.' We laughed of course, but I didn't realize how true it was until after I finished training.
I also think this is where the unprofessionalism and nepotism come into play. Perhaps if some of the supervisors or managers had experience with other work environments the site would have a more professional tone. But it doesn't. And I think it's particularly unprofessional and UNETHICAL to have a married couple be management level employees, both employed at the same site, and working in the same project.
SCEA Tier One Agent (Former Employee) Idaho Falls, ID

The Colorado based company touts itself as being a top contracted call center operator, first going into business in 1997.  It has operations in Colorado, Idaho and Washington.

There is little info about the company out there.  The company contracts with major corporations to handle calls from their customers.  Center Partners say they specialize in the following “customer touchpoints”:  Inbound/Outbound calling, Chat, Email, Social and @Home.

“I have worked at multiple call centers in different cities, and I have NEVER encountered a call floor as loud as theirs in Idaho Falls. It’s not the agents that are loud, it’s the trainers and the managers and the helpers who REFUSE TO BE QUIET while they are on the floor. It’s the Trainers and their buddies who carry on full-blown non-work-related conversations (gossip) behind the agents who are trying to deal with (for the most part) upset consumers. The agents need back-up who understand the need for a quiet work area. Consumers who call in deserve to have the full attention of the agent they are speaking with, not one who is constantly distracted by the people that wander the floor.”-CUSTOMER SERVICE AGENT (Former Employee), Idaho Falls, ID – December 5, 2013

“I worked for this company for over 2 years….Management…were extremely egotistical, and socialized only with each other…..Benefits are overpriced and a joke….Some employees and management were clearly inebriated at work, and some were known convicted felons…….”-Sales Representative (Former Employee), Liberty Lake, Washington – December 3, 2013

Basically most Center Partners employees report, on internet employer rating sites, the same news that you hear from employees of other call centers; overall it’s a lousy job.

In 2013, Center Partners began laying off and shutting down it’s few call centers, or so it said.  In July 2013 the company announced it would layoff 578 employees in Washington, and 600 employees in Colorado.  Company officials blamed “changing business needs”.

At that point they were not sure what they would do with their Idaho operations.

In August 2013, it was revealed that Center Partners lost their contract with Capital One.  That contract apparently covered the pay for 42% of the company’s employees.

Then, suddenly in October 2013 Center Partners said not only were they not shutting down their Washington operation, but they would hire almost the same amount of staff they were going to fire!  Company officials credited “internal restructuring”.  It turns out that many employees had left the Washington office anyway!  The company also admitted they were still cutting management jobs.

Also in October 2013, Center Partners reported that thanks to “…efforts to reposition people internally…” they were actually going to add 400 jobs in Colorado, instead of layoff 600.  That’s a clear sign of inefficiency and incompetence when on one hand you say you have to kill 600 jobs, then magically on the other hand with some simply repositioning of employees you can suddenly add 400 jobs?  Oh but wait, it turns out that many employees in Colorado had already left as well.

It’s interesting that employees quit simply because they heard they were going to be laid off.  A local Spokane, Washington-Coeur d’Alene, Idaho TV station did interview management for the call center there and they confirmed that many employees quit just because they heard there would be layoffs.  So what this means is the company didn’t really create any new jobs they’re just replacing the people that quit.

The company also says they got new contracts, but didn’t specify.

It sounds like what’s happening is Center Partners is using the threat of impending layoffs to scare some unwanted employees away.  It’s an old trick, if you have a number of employees who’ve been with you long enough to pester you for a raise and benefits or a promotion, you lay them off for whatever reason.  And under Idaho’s Right to Work you over laws an employer is not required to give a reason for laying you off.  And by the way, In Idaho if an employer times their layoffs just right then they can get out of paying unemployment assistance!  They just need to make sure the employees never worked over a certain amount of hours, or never went over a certain amount of pay under Idaho Department Of Labor’s “reporting period”, and the laid off employees don’t get any unemployment assistance!  I know, it’s happened to me.

More Economic Decline: Idaho’s Coldwater Creek shuts down first store in 2014! As leases expire stores will close! Warning from NASDAQ!

20 January 2014 (11:38 UTC-07 Tango)/18 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/30 Dey 1392/20 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

The Sandpoint based women’s clothing retailer Coldwater Creek is shutting down a store in the NorthPark Mall in Davenport, Iowa.   It’s all part of their plans to layoff at least 100 employees in 2014.

In December 2013, company officials stated they had shutdown 50 stores since 2011.  They also said they are adopting the Sears Holdings plan of action, as leases expire stores will close: “the actual number and timing of planned store closures depends on a number of factors that cannot be predicted, including among other things the future performance of our individual stores and negotiations with our landlords-Third Quarter of Fiscal 2013 Operating Results

NASDAQ has given Coldwater Creek until 01 July 2014 to get its stock price back above $1 USD per share, or the company will be de-listed from the stock exchange.  Being de-listed will allow stock holders to buy and sell Coldwater Creek shares anywhere, not just the NASDAQ.  It could be possible to buy a share for less than one penny!

Company officials also said they are halting all quarterly “guidance” until their financial situation becomes more “predictable”.   That’s funny, because it is very predictable, as in 13 consecutive quarterly losses!  I predict sales will continue to go down.


Exceptional Failed State: ObamaCare Layoffs 2013, part 3!

Incomplete list of publicized healthcare layoffs and closings 01-15 May 2013:

Regence Blue Cross/Blue Shield health insurance laid off 55 people across Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and Utah (some reports said 56).

Medtronic ended about 230 jobs!

The merger of U.S. Analogic with Canadian Ultrasonix Medical resulted in 140 people losing their jobs in Colorado and Vancouver!

The labs of Astellas’ OSI Pharmaceuticals subsidiary at the Broad Hollow Business Park in Farmingdale, New York, and of the Perseid Therapeutics subsidiary in Redwood City, California, closed.  At least 200 jobs lost!

California: The not for profit doctor and hospital network known as Sutter Health announced 169 people lost their jobs! 54 employees at the Porterville Developmental Center laid off.  Dignity Health laid off 150 employees in Sacramento, and 300 in Stockton!

Florida: Liberty Medical Supply laid off 211 employees!  Liberty Medical already laid off 260 employees in January, then went bankrupt in February!

Indiana:  Eli Lilly, announced drastic cuts.  At least 1624 people lost their jobs!  Orthopedic products maker Zimmer laid off at least 50 employees.  Company officials blame it on that damned Affordable Health Care Act (Obama/Romney Care), which created a new federal medical device tax. Warner Transitional Services shut down and laid off 112 people!

Kentucky: Hospice of the Bluegrass got rid of 16 jobs.  They blame it on cuts to Medicare and Medicaid no thanks to Obama/Romney Care (Affordable Health Care).  Kentucky Spirit Health Plan laid off all its 145 employees!  The company focused on providing Medicare covered care for children.  Company officials say the drastic cuts to Medicare funding by the Affordable Health Care Act (Obama/Romney Care) forced them to shut down because the new Medicare payments don’t cover the basic costs of operations!

Louisiana: Schumacher Group shut down its Patient Financial Management Services, 41 people laid off.   Blame Obama/Romney Care (Affordable Care Act).

Massachusetts: Blood management systems provider Haemonetics, shut down operations in Braintree. 320 jobs lost!  New England Baptist Hospital in Boston laid off 12 managers.

Minnesota: 79 people lost their jobs with Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings.

Missouri:  Liberty Hospital laid off 129 employees!

New Mexico:  The Gila Regional Medical Center converted 70 full time jobs to part time only.  The hospital has also stopped the $40 million expansion project, postponed a new health information software system and shut down its Home Health Services in Luna County as well as Home Health’s D&E wavier and Helping Hands programs in Grant County!  Hospital officials blame it on the increase in uninsured customers who can’t pay and the Affordable Health Care Act (Obama/Romney Care) which drastically reduces Medicare and Medicaid payments.

New York: Arnot Health laid off 22 employees at Saint Joseph’s Hospital.  They shut down a surgical unit.  Ulster County warned employees at the Golden Hill nursing home that layoffs were coming. The Malone Veterans Affairs clinic closed down.  And 22 people laid off by MVP Health Care: “The health care marketplace is changing rapidly, and MVP must constantly adapt….”   Saint James Mercy Hospital cut 50 positions: “SJMH is continuing to experience significant declines in patient volumes, patient days and revenues, as well as reduced state and federal reimbursement and we cannot continue to support our current operation under these conditions.”-Mary LaRowe, Saint James Mercy Health System

Ohio: Mercy Hospital eliminated 18 jobs.

Pennsylvania:  In Sellersville, Israel based Teva Pharmaceutical shutting down its research and manufacturing facility by 2017.  472 employees affected!

Rhode Island:  Westerly Hospital eliminated 45 jobs.

Tennessee: Pfizer operations in Bristol laid off 25 employees.

Texas:  Galt Medical shutting down their Garland factory over the next two years.  139 people unemployed!  Galt specializes in medical devices, which are going to be hit with a massive tax under the Obama/Romney Affordable Health Care Act!

 Washington: The Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital laid off 19 employees.

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013

ObamaCare layoffs 2013, part 2!

 ObamaCare layoffs 2013, part 1:

Influenza: H1N1 epidemic now official! More pregnant women going down! More evidence vaccines can make you sick!

20 January 2014 (21:15 UTC-07 Tango 19 January 2013)/18 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1435/30 Dey 1392/20 Gui-Chou (12th month) 4711

Alberta, Canada: Health Services reporting 10 deaths and 22-hundred confirmed influenza cases.  Don’t blame it on people not getting the flu shot, the province is now rationing their remaining flu shots for children who need a second dose, and for an even bigger outbreak.

New Brunswick, Canada: Health officials report four flu deaths, 300 confirmed flu cases, 50 hospitalizations.  Health officials admitted they do not know how many people have been vaccinated versus those who haven’t been.

Saskatchewan, Canada:  Health Ministry officials report 12 deaths, but they’re not 100% sure if they are flu related.  797 confirmed influenza cases since October. Vaccines are being rationed to children under five years of age, pregnant women and people in ‘high risk groups’.  100-thousand nasal vaccines are expected from the United States.

Mexico: Health Ministry reports 32 deaths from influenza, and 556 confirmed cases (468 confirmed H1N1).  30 of those who died did so from the H1N1 version of flu.  They died within six days of getting infected.  Officials say at least 800-thousand people have been vaccinated.

Spain: The number of H1N1 hospitalizations have jumped to 279, and 11 people have died.  Just a few days ago it was around 43 hospitalizations with two deaths.

The U.S. CDC has declared the influenza an epidemic in the United States.  Interested in becoming an influenza spy?  Apply now for the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS).      At least 20 children have died from H1N1 (the CDC does not track adult deaths from influenza).

Arkansas, U.S.A.:  A 29 years old Fort Smith woman is in critical condition with H1N1.  She went down fast, only a matter of days from first symptoms to a medically induced coma.  She was 20 weeks pregnant but lost the baby.  Family members say her body automatically delivered the baby, in response to the infection.

California, U.S.A.:  State health officials report spike in deaths.  Current deaths are almost at the number of all Golden State influenza deaths for all of the 2012-13 flu season.

Idaho, U.S.A.:  Department of Health and Welfare declared the influenza outbreak to be at “widespread” level.  H1N1 is the dominate strain.

Illinois, U.S.A.: McLean County reports two influenza deaths.  One of the men who died was confirmed infected with H1N1.

Iowa, U.S.A.: Department of Public Health reports a child died from H1N1.  They refuse to give the age or sex, or name of the victim.  They also said there were several adult deaths that could’ve been caused by influenza.

Louisiana, U.S.A.:  An 18 years old senior at Oak Hill High School, in Rapides Parish, died from H1N1.  His family says he was hit hard, laying still in his bed, then a few days later he died.

Michigan, U.S.A.: “This year what is concerning is the unusual number of young, previously healthy adults getting sick, needing to be put on life support, and dying from H1N1.”-Matthew Davis, Michigan Department of Community Health

Montana, U.S.A.:  Department of Health and Human Services reports 19-hundred influenza cases, 150 hospitalizations and three deaths since the start of the 2013-14 flu season in October.  Realize that Montana is a sparsely populated state, and you can see their number of cases are relatively high.

Ohio, U.S.A.:  Toledo-Lucas County health officials are warning that they could see record H1N1 deaths this flu season. Seven deaths in the Buckeye State so far.

Texas, U.S.A.: In Denton, a 46 years old mother of two is now in a coma with H1N1.  Doctors say they were forced to induce the coma, to try and save her.

Researchers from Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that their study shows that giving children the flu shot along with the pneumococcal shot can make them sick: “Parents should be made aware that their child might develop a fever following simultaneous influenza and pneumococcal vaccinations…….For the small group of children who must avoid fever, these findings provide important information….”-Melissa Stockwell, Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons