Tag Archives: idaho

What Economic Recovery? More retail stores closing down in the United States! Local taxpayers ripped off! Clothing stores hit hard!

03 January 2013, it’s not just Sears and Kmart, many other retail stores are closing down in 2013.

Macy’s just reported they will close at least six stores.  Macy’s will close stores in California (116 jobs lost), Hawaii (91 jobs lost), Massachusetts (101 jobs lost),  Minnesota (153 jobs lost), Nevada (a Bloomingdale’s, 35 jobs lost) and Texas (138 jobs lost).

In the case of the Saint Paul, Minnesota Macy’s, taxpayers will lose $6.3 million USD.  That’s how much of a tax subsidy city leaders gave the store back in 2001.  Under the deal Macy’s did not have to pay it back as long as the store stayed open through 2012.  Well, it’s 2013, and they’re shutting it down.

Macy’s is the last major department store in the downtown Saint Paul area, meaning for the first time in 130 years there will be no major department stores in the downtown area.

Other store closings announced for 2013:

f.y.e. music store in Beverly, Massachusetts.

f.y.e. music store in Montgomery, Alabama.

Mother Nuture parenting store in Lexington, Kentucky.

Coldwater Creek women’s clothing store in Glendale, Wisconsin.

Christopher & Banks women’s clothing store in Glendale, Wisconsin. (actually closed at the end of December 2012)

Whole Foods Market organic food store in Tucson, Arizona.  But good news, it’s only for remodeling, they hope to be re-opened by the end of 2013.

Barnes & Noble book stores, two in Texas.

A&W All American Food restaurant in Boise, Idaho.

Bakers shoe store in Boise, Idaho.

Blockbuster video store in Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania.

Savvy Spaces furniture store in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Eddie Bauer clothing store in Yakima, Washington.

Eddie Bauer clothing store in Appleton, Wisconsin.

Eddie Bauer clothing store in Rockford, Illinois.

Pearle Vision Center in Mall at Steamtown, Pennsylvania.

Shambala clothing store in Mall at Steamtown, Pennsylvania.

Verizon cell phone store in Mall at Steamtown, Pennsylvania.

Gap clothing store in Shoppes at Montage, Pennsylvania.

C.J. Banks women’s clothing store in Wyoming Valley Mall, Pennsylvania.

H&M women’s clothing stores in Eastview Mall and Mall at Greece Ridge, New York.

Soccer Plus stores in Palatine and Libertyville, Illinois.

Easy Street Records in Seattle, Washington.

Justice IGA grocery store in Grayson, Kentucky.

Sheetz convenience store in Johnstown, Pennsylvania.

The last of the Cub Foods grocery stores in Trotwood, Ohio.

Vons grocery store in Hesperia, California.

Amy’s Hallmark greeting card store in Albany, Georgia.

Restoration Hardware store in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.

American Eagle Outfitters clothing store in Birmingham, Alabama.  (closed at the end of December 2012)

Piggly Wiggly grocery store in Florence, South Carolina.

Disney Store in Reno, Nevada. (closed at the end of December 2012, recent reports say Disney will not renew its store leases)

Klingenberg’s Hardware and Paint store in Newport, Kentucky.  (closed on 29 December 2012, after 90 years in business)

The Papery paper product store in Clarendon, Virginia.

Larmon Camera Shop in Wayne, Pennsylvania.

Tasti D-Lite frozen dessert West End store in Nashville, Tennessee.

Vision Video store in Athens, Georgia.


Supercharging the old AMT Opel GT kit

Click the pics to see more


Corporate & Polictical Evil: Right to Work laws have nearly destroyed Idaho’s economy!

13 December 2012, the governor of Michigan has signed into law their Right to Work act.  Recently there were claims that between 2001 and 2011 states with Right to Work laws saw an increase in pay, however that’s misleading.

Take for example Idaho.  The Gem State passed its Right to Work laws back in 1985.  The result was a crash in employee pay and benefits, not an increase.  But, since 2001 overall starting pay has gone up slightly, mainly because mandated minimum wage went up, not because of any Right to Work law!

I’ve talked to southeast Idahoans who began their adult lives working at jobs that started out between $11.00 to $15.00 per hour, plus benefits, and this was in the 1970s!  Now the average starting pay, in the same area of Idaho, is minimum wage ($7.50 per hour in Idaho) with no benefits!

According to researchers Stephen C. Cooke and Barathkumar A. Kulandaisamy, Idaho’s average wages, for 2009, were $10,700 below the national average!  Also, contrary to what supporters of Right to Work laws say, Idaho’s employment growth is being driven purely by its population growth, not any Right to Work law!  In fact, when you look at government data, it’s the population growth that’s saving Idaho from a full blown depression (one driver of the population growth are people retiring in other states and moving into Idaho)!

The researchers used data from the U.S. Census Bureau/Labor Statistics, data collected from 1971 to 2007.  The official government data backs up what the native Idahoans, now in their 50s, 60s and 70s, have told me: The economic situation for the working class has stagnated or gotten worse!

From 1971 to 2007 the median wage in Idaho has dropped by $6,445!  Median year over year wage growth rate in Idaho is negative 0.3%!  The number of college educated workers in Idaho is a negative 3.4%!  Right to Work has done nothing to create high skilled/high paying jobs, getting a big fat 0% in that category!

Cooke and Kulandaisamy added that Idaho’s “…cost of living only exacerbates wage differences.”

To contrast; Colorado is not a Right to Work state, here’s what the researchers had to say: “…Colorado appears to have made the transition from a low-skill to a high-skill equilibrium economy; Idaho…..have not. In particular, we posit that Idaho has a low-skill, low-wage problem.”

Even when you look at high skill/high wage jobs in Idaho, they still pay as much as $19,000 per year less than the national average!

Cooke and Kulandaisamy concluded that the reason why states, specifically Idaho, get stuck with low paying jobs is because state leaders refuse to invest in creating high skill industries. And, the decline in college educated workers is because state leaders refuse to invest in higher education.

The christian leadership of Idaho pushed Right to Work laws as a way of attracting lots of companies to do business in Idaho, including high skill jobs.  Well, after 27 years it’s obvious that right wing christian theory is a failure.

Most of those Idahoans I talked to, in their 50s, 60s and 70s, are still working (at places like Walmart), because they experienced such a huge decline in their pay and benefits, and there’s been such an increase in the cost of living here, that they can not afford to retire!

What about the claims that prosperity has increased in Right to Work states?  Of course it has, but not for the working class, the prosperity is being hoarded by a tiny minority who’re the ones truly benefiting from the Right to Work laws.

U.S. Influenza: CDC issues warning, three people already dead in Idaho! Schools being shut down! Connection to West Nile?

“Significant increases in flu activity in the U.S. in the last two weeks indicate that an early flu season is underway.”-U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

04 December 2012, the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare reporting that three women have died from flu, or flu like symptoms.  They’re the first deaths reported, and CDC officials say the flu season started early: “It looks like it’s shaping up to be a bad flu season…..We’re seeing the beginning of the uptick start at least a month before we’d generally see it.”-Thomas Frieden, CDC

In North Carolina it’s being reported that more hospitals are ordering their staff to get vaccinated for the flu or face the loss of their jobs.

Mississippi is the first state to report “high” levels of flu.  Louisiana and Alabama are reporting “moderate” levels of flu.   Tennessee and Texas reporting higher than normal flu case levels.  Note that most of these states also got hit hard by West Nile virus.

Kentucky is officially reporting 60 possible cases: “Primarily, the concern at this point is that we are seeing cases earlier in the flu season than we typically do.”-LaQuandra Nesbitt, Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness

However, Kentucky and Tennessee school districts are reporting hundreds of students out sick, causing the schools to lose money.  Kentucky law requires schools to maintain at least 90% student attendance, but because of flu some schools are down to 81%.  A Kentucky doctor says sick students are being reported in the hundreds: “It’s more than just county wide. I think the joining counties in Tennessee. I heard Macon County had 500 students out. That’s huge numbers.  Our waiting room yesterday was terrible. We had people waiting out in their cars with their cell phones, and we would call them when it was there turn to get in.”-William Carter, Tompkinsville doctor

Doctor Carter also said it looks like vaccinations are not working: “A 90 year old who had a flu shot ended up with both A and B, so I don’t know if the flu shots are working completely with this string that’s going around.”

In Tennessee, two schools are closing down because of the flu. University School of Jackson and the Trinity Christian Academy will close on Wednesday, in hopes of halting any spread of flu.

Health officials in Onondaga County, in New York, reporting a huge jump in lab confirmed flu cases; 210 last week, up from 95 the week before. For comparison, county health officials said during last year’s flu season they averaged only 40 cases per week.

What Economic Recovery? Idaho’s Coldwater Creek still losing money. New CEO? More stores to be closed, bankruptcy near

On 28 November 2012, women’s clothing retailer Coldwater Creek reported a loss of $20.5 million USD.  Investors were actually happy, because that was an improvement over the same quarter last year.

Coldwater Creek explained that their losses weren’t as bad as expected because sales actually went up, by 7.3% for same store sales.

Dennis C. Pence is stepping down as Chief Executive Officer, to be replaced by Jill Brown Dean (current Chief Merchandising Officer) on 01 January 2013.  Pence will stay on as Chairman, so actually no new blood is being added to the executive branch, so don’t expect any real changes.

A year ago Coldwater Creek had 366 stores, now it has 354.  They plan to close more stores throughout 2013.

According to GMI Ratings, Coldwater Creek is showing all the signs of going into bankruptcy within the next 12 months.




Vehicle I-D: Rat Rod 1967 BLH Austin-Western USN SeaBees road grader $14,794

Spotted in 2012 in a Chubbuck, Idaho, storage unit yard. It gone now.

Click on the pics (by AAron B. Hutchins) to make them bigger and see more:


2010 Chubbuck Days car show in Idaho

Photos by AAron B. Hutchins, click the pics to make them bigger:

What Economic Recovery? Health food nuts victorious! Hostess Twinkies have bitten the dust! 18,500 U.S. workers laid off! Incompetent unAmerican Corporate America to blame! Twinkie the Kid to be replaced with Pancho Villa?

“…Hostess Brands, Inc. has been forced by a Bakers Union strike to shut down all operations and sell all company assets.”-Gregory F. Rayburn, CEO Hostess

18 November 2012, the iconic maker of U.S. snack foods, Hostess, is no more!  It’s being shut down and sold off by the corporate executives who ran it into the ground!

No more Wonder Bread, Twinkies or Ding Dongs for Pocatello, Idaho!

Oh, but many anti-labor commentators are blaming the unionized employees. Bull shit, Hostess can’t survive a strike?

No more Eddy's Bakery in Chubbuck, Idaho!

A Forbes article points out that it’s the corporate management that ran Hostess into the ground, not the unionized employees.  This happened because the corporate leaders tried to make up for dropping profit margins by running the company on debt financing.

Also, after the 2004 Interstate Bakeries bankruptcy (which the company emerged from in 2009, renamed officially as Hostess) the highly educated company leaders made no attempts to change how Hostess did business: “The obvious problem is leadership kept trying to sell the same products, using roughly the same business model, long, long, long after the products had become irrelevant.”-Adam Hartung, Forbes

Sales were constant, but only because Hostess execs kept prices artificially low, which lead to loss of profits.  This was because U.S. consumers are not willing to pay more for junk food.

By 2011 the bad economy finally affected Hostess sales; according to Mintel in the past year Twinkie sales dipped 0.8%, Ding Dongs fell 8.7%, Ho Ho’s down 6.3%.

Back during the first bankruptcy the unions made $110 million USD worth of concessions.  In May and October 2012, a bankruptcy judge gave Hostess the authority to impose more concessions by cutting pay and benefits, that’s what lead to the worker strikes.   Hostess was enacting more concessions without input from employees!

The Teamsters Union blamed the need for concessions on incompetent corporate officials: “Unfortunately, the company’s operating and financial problems were so severe that it required steep concessions from a variety of stakeholders but not all stakeholders were willing to be constructive.”-Ken Hall, Teamsters General-Secretary

According to a CNN report, the average Hostess worker made $20 per hour (and many Hostess factories are located in areas where $20 per hour is barely a living wage).  This is starting to look like just another step in unAmerican Corporate America’s plans to drastically reduce the cost of labor across the country, as part of the long term plan to return the United States to top export status.  The problem is that the cost of living is still too high, even for many making $20 per hour.  The elitists will make huge profits off their export sales, while the domestic economy will continue to fall (more Sears & Kmart closings to say the least) because more and more workers in the U.S. can’t make enough money even for basic necessities.

Don’t worry, your favorite Hostess junk food might survive, as the rights to those brands are being sold off.  But will you be able to afford them?

The most recent Christian Science Monitor report says that Mexican snack food giant (and world’s largest bread maker), Bimbo, is considering buying the rights to most of the Hostess brands.  Bimbo took over Sara Lee, Entenmann’s and Thomas English Muffins in 2010 (did you hear about that one? Start calling them Mexican Muffins).  They also tried to take over Hostess a few years ago.  If Bimbo does buy the Hostess brands analysts say most of the jobs will be in Mexico.


U.S. West Nile Virus update, 17 November 2012: Cases still climbing, but slowing down. Reports of new mutated version? Will Survivor actress survive West Nile?

“As of November 14, 2012, 48 states have reported West Nile virus infections in people, birds, or mosquitoes. A total of 5,128 cases of West Nile virus disease in people, including 229 deaths, have been reported to CDC.”-U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

A doctor in Mississippi, Art Leis, reports that the recent cases of West Nile show the virus is attacking the communications areas of the brain, something never seen before. Another doctor in Michigan, Elizabeth Angus, is reporting brain damage in young victims, also never seen before.  Officials with the CDC are not concerned that there is a new stain of West Nile, because they say what is happening is that many of this year’s cases are more severe than in past years.

The CDC’s official death count from 14 November just had several more added on.

On 16 November, New Jersey reported five more human deaths. There are at least 45 cases in the hurricane ravaged state.

By 10 November, Louisiana reported 12 new cases, with two people dying.  At least 356 cases, 15 people have died.

Texas reporting at least 260 new cases since 01 October. On 13 November it was reported that two people died in Travis County.  At least 1,754 human cases, with 81 deaths.  Central Wyoming College determined that as many as 80% of Fremont County mosquitoes could be carrying with the virus.  A former teen TV star, Lisa Whelchel, who recently finished an episode of Survivor, revealed that she is sick with West Nile. It’s not known when she caught the virus, the Survivor episode took place in the Philippines, but Whelchel lives in the U.S. West Nile epicenter of Texas.  Officials say the colder weather might not stop the mosquitoes: “Culex mosquitoes show decreased activity with temperatures between 50 and 70 degrees, but they will continue to breed. It will take days of freezing temperatures to kill them and stop breeding.”-Russell Hopkins, Northeast Texas Public Health District

As of 16 November, California reports 417 human cases (up by 22 since 07 November), 16 people have died (which is unchanged since 07 November).  1,632 dead birds have tested positive, as have 2,839 mosquito group samples. 22 horses have the virus. 532 sentinel chickens are sick, and 22 squirrels.

On 13 November it was reported that Alachua County Health Department, in Florida, was investigating three cases. They are the first cases for that county, and were detected when the people were screened for blood donation.  On 16 November, Walton County and Holmes County were put on West Nile alert after three people became sick. There are at least 64 cases, with two deaths.  Birds and horses are also being reported infected with West Nile.

The number of cases are increasing in Alabama.  Since 08 November several new cases bring the total to 43.

Mississippi reporting six new cases. So far 242 cases, with five deaths.

According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Idaho is up to 17 human cases.

At this point, Alaska and Hawaii are the only U.S. states not reporting West Nile virus cases.



What Democracy? Idaho voters fools, lap top proposition a done deal to help save HP!

The Idaho media reported that the majority of Idaho voters turned down propositions that were an attempt to make public education better (Idaho consistently ranks low in quality of education in the United States, I guess most people in Idaho are happy with that).

What the dumb voters (encouraged by the dumb Idaho media) don’t know is that those propositions are not going away.  State legislatures will simply revisit those proposals, and can even pass them as laws without voter input (they’ve done it before).

But here’s one good reason that Proposition 3 (provision of computing devices and online courses for high school graduation, aka lap tops for students proposal) isn’t dead: Hewlett Packard was already awarded an eight year $180 million USD contract to provide those lap tops, back on 23 October!

Now you voters in Idaho don’t want to be responsible for anymore layoffs there at the Boise HP Center, do you?

Here’s some of the latest data to show you how bad education is in the Gem State:

Montana State University:  Idaho ranks 33rd for teacher quality.  Idaho ranks 35th for education input.  Idaho ranks 33rd for education social impact.  Idaho submitted no data for the education output & education efficiency rankings.

Quality Counts Education Survey, 2012: Idaho ranks 47th (tied with Nevada). 

CNBC Business ranking 2012:  Idaho ranks 48th in the survey’s Education category, a drop from 45 in 2011.

U.S. Census Bureau: Idaho ranks 50th in school spending.  I’m normally against increased spending, especially since most of the money goes to administrative costs and not actual education, or is not even accounted for, (and it seems year after year I have to pay more fees, besides property taxes, for my high school aged kids).  But maybe there is a correlation here?  However, according to National Kids Count Program (2009 data), when you adjust spending on regional cost of living then Idaho actually spends more than California, per student! Ah ha!

Here’s the problem I have with increasing funding: For example, School District 25 gets millions and millions of dollars from local property taxes (technically they’re called fees, which is why school officials get away with telling voters that school bonds/levies will not raise “taxes”.  A few years ago a local newspaper article revealed that just one major employer in Pocatello pays $1 million yearly in school fees on their property tax bill!).  Then they get money from the State and Federal governments (again from our taxes we pay).  Then, supposedly, they get millions from Powerball Lottery (at least that’s what the lottery advertisements say).  Oh, and I almost forgot the grant money, and computers they get donated from corporations, like the Albertson’s Foundation (I remember when my kids were attending Chubbuck Elementary [little more than ten years ago], seeing the school get new computers almost every year, and one year one of my kid’s teachers admitted that she didn’t even use them ’cause it was too stressful for her to learn how!)!  Yet school district officials are always whining that they don’t have enough money!  I want to see an investigation and a detailed breakdown of where all that money goes!

And if the votes of Idaho voters really count, then what’s going to happen to the $180 million HP is getting for Proposition 3, the Proposition voters just rejected?

(Here’s an update for 09 November 2012: my youngest daughter came home from school [she’s a Junior at one of the local high schools] saying that teachers were trying to explain that the “lap tops for students” was still happening, despite the election results.  You see, your votes really don’t count!)