Category Archives: International

John Kerry says Pakistan will return stealth copter tail rotor

U.S. Senator John Kerry says that he’s worked out differences between Pakistan and the United States.  As a sign he says Pakistan will return the tail rotor of the downed stealth helicopter used in the Osama bin Laden raid.

Kerry also says Pakistan no longer wants an official apology from the U.S.  Kerry’s announcements might be too late for the U.S. government, as a Senate panel is deciding if Pakistan is still an ally of the U.S. or not.


NATO helicopters attack Pakistan

Pakistan is reporting that two NATO helicopters attacked a Pakistani security checkpoint in North Waziristan.  Also, a U.S. drone attack killed 12 people in the same region.

No response so far from NATO forces on why they attacked a security checkpoint.  This is not the first time; last year U.S. helicopters did the same thing, killing two Pakistani soldiers.

These attacks come as U.S. Senator John Kerry is in Pakistan, to try an reconcile the May 1/2 Osama bin Laden operation with Pakistani officials.

As oil prices go down, Canadian oil production hit by disaster after disaster

“The wildfire situation in Alberta remains extreme.”-Ed Stelmach, Premier of Alberta

The wildfires in Alberta, Canada, are not only destroying homes, and even towns, but oil fields as well.  The fires are adding to already damaged oil production in Canada.

This year, most oil producers in Canada are dealing with clean ups of major oil spills (ignored by main stream media) and explosions of sand oil fields (also ignored by main stream media).  On top of that, and the fires in Alberta, some oil fields are under water because of flooding in Manitoba.

Oil producer Penn West says their oil production is down by 40,000 barrels per day, and that’s before the fires shut down their operation in Alberta.

The Rainbow pipeline (run by Plains All American Pipeline LP) in Alberta, is closed because of a massive oil spill earlier this year, but clean up of the spill is halted because of the wildfires.  How long will the wildfires go once they hit the oil?

Reuters reported that at least half a dozen Canadian pipelines developed leaks this year.  This is either a case of shoddy maintenance by Canadian companies, or sabotage.

The result of the explosions, pipeline spills, flooding and now fires, is causing several Canadian refiners to shut down.  Operators of the Pelican Lake plant say they will have to shut down if they don’t get oil soon.  The Marten Mountain plant is already shut down.


Republic of Ireland back under the control of the British Empire

For the first time since the creation of the Republic of Ireland, royalty from the British empire has set foot on the island nation.  Queen Elizabeth II is in Ireland.

The government of Ireland has gone to great lengths to provide security for the queen’s visit.  The security is not to protect against outside attacks, like maybe from al-Qeada, but to protect the queen from the Irish people.

Already hundreds of Irish have demonstrated their disgust with a visit from their mortal enemy, a royal member of the British empire.  Even the Irish military has been called out to provide the queen protection.  That is a sure sign that the Republic has slipped back into the hands of the English (just like when Bush Jr paid a visit to the queen during his reign as U.S. President, the first time for a U.S. President).

Why is the queen in Ireland?  Officially it’s to “visit” and “pay respects” to those Irish who died fighting for their freedom.  Yeah, and who were they fighting against?  Elizabeth’s grandmammy and grandpappy’s empire, that’s who!  The real reason has to do with deals made in the Northern Ireland peace agreement, and the fact that a pro-empire political party has gained power in the Irish government.

But despite the tiny group of bought off Irish turncoats who’ve gained power in politics, most Irish still hate the English.  A recent poll showed Irish interest in anything to do with royalty hit an all time record low, with the recent royal wedding.

An Irish university professor pointed out that it’s not just British royalty the Irish hate, it’s any royalty: “The King of Denmark could arrive and no one would care – it’s the same thing.”-Gerard Casey, University College Dublin

It’s interesting timing that President Barak Obama will visit Ireland after the queen leaves.  Most Irish say they can’t wait for that visit (oh well, if they only knew).



British Special Operations soldier charged with raping little girls

A member of the Special Air Service (SAS) has been charged with 31 counts of sex crimes, including raping girls as young as six.  The soldier served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It took legal action by British media to make the case public.  The court case revealed that the soldier had been committing sex crimes as far back as 1997, years before the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.  For some reason the U.K. Ministry of Defense wanted to keep the case from the public.

There is another man being charged along with the SAS soldier, a paramedic.  Apparently the two worked together to commit sex crimes. The paramedic is also accused of using drugs to overpower victims.

Iraq announces military union with Iran

Could this be the real reason the U.S. doesn’t want to leave Iraq?  Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki made it clear that Iraq and Iran are coming together to act as a regional power.

On May 16, Maliki told Iranian media that Iraq and Iran will expand military, as well as economic, cooperation.  He said the ongoing situation in the Middle East (caused by Western forces) demands that the ancient powers of Iraq and Iran must work together to create stability in the Middle East.

Japanese Muslims sue government

14 Muslims are suing their government for spying on them.  Some of those suing the Japanese authorities actually worked for police to spy on their fellow Muslims.

It’s not just the fact that Muslims are being spied on in Japan, the Japanese police actually published their data on the internet!

This is not the first time police made spy data available to the public, resulting in a lawsuit.  In December 2010, a Japanese book publisher was sued for printing a book with recent police spy data in it.


Catholic sex crimes continue, Vatican says go directly to Police

A report from Ireland shows that sex crimes committed by Catholic leaders has continued, and actually increased.

The National Board for the Safeguarding of Children in the Catholic Church says in 2010, reported cases of sex abuse by Irish Catholic leaders increased by 38%, over 2009.

The Vatican has just released new rules for church leaders to deal with such claims.  Basically local Bishops have been ordered to report sex abuse claims to the police.  Critics point out that the new Vatican rules are useless because many of those Bishops are actually trying to cover up such crimes.

MI-6 admits the war in Iraq was about Oil for the British Empire, everything else is just lies, lies, lies

“The overall plan would need to be like an onion, each layer concealing the one below.”-Richard Dearlove, former SIS (MI-6) chief

When it comes to the long history of Iraq and the British Empire it’s always been about the oil.

The United Kingdom’s Secret Intelligence Service (aka MI-6, aka SIS-4) has revealed documents that show that the British interest in the invasion of Iraq was all about controlling the oil.

The report appears in the U.K. newspaper The Daily Mail.  SIS officers and the Blair administration discussed ways to “new security in oil supplies” by invading Iraq.  The British Empire first took over Iraq after World War 1, for the purpose of surrounding Russia in what’s called the Great Game (which many think is still going on), and mainly to develop Iraq’s oil fields.  Invading Iraq in the 21st century gave the U.K. another chance at controlling that oil.

The SIS documents also show that Richard Dearlove, then boss of the intelligence service, was concerned about the legality of the invasion. He wanted the input of “Government law officers to provide assurances of legality (there has been a serious problem here).”

If you need more proof that the U.K. was in the Iraq invasion for the oil, just compare how many oil contracts went to U.S. companies, to how many went to British companies.


Hezbollah praises Nakba protesters

“We must bow before the courage, the bravery, of those who protested yesterday at Lebanon and Syria’s borders with occupied Palestine, who faced the tyranny of the enemy with bare chests and their heads held high.”-Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah

The leader of the Lebanese organization Hezbollah, said protesters gave Nakba “new meaning”.

Nasrallah also said: “…the fate of this entity (Israel) is demise, and that no initiatives, treaties or borders will protect it.”