Category Archives: International

President Ahmadinejad shuts down Iranian Oil Ministry, just follwing Iranian law

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad dismissed the Oil Ministry, and says he will run Iran’s Oil Ministry himself: “The Iranian government and Parliament (Majlis) have consensus on the Oil Ministry merger…I am the caretaker for the Oil Ministry.”

Iran’s Five Year Development Plan requires the merger of several Ministries, to make the government more efficient.  Those mergers are Roads and Transportation with Housing and Urban Development, Energy with Oil, Industries and Mines with Commerce, and Welfare and Social Security with Labor and Social Affairs.

Despite the fact that the mergers are required by law, under the five year plan, Ahmadinejad is being criticized by those ministers who’ve lost their jobs.

Some Parliament members say Ahmadinejad was supposed to get their approval before merging the ministries.  Ahmadinejad says the Parliament did approve the Oil Ministry merger.



Jewish Rabbi says Israel is an abomination to God, “it’s the State of Satan”

“God had put us under three oaths during King Solomon that we are never to rebel against any nation where we are law citizens and residing in, we should not go back in mass to the Holy Land, and we should not make any attempt to end exile. So therefore, the concept of a Jewish sovereignty is forbidden in Judaism.”-Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss

Not only has Weiss used the Tora to show that the creation of the Israeli nation is an abomination to God, but he used legal documents from 1947 that showed Palestinian Jews voted against it.  Many people in the West don’t realize that the Israelis didn’t force just Muslims into the refugee camps, but Palestinian Jews and Christians as well.

Israelis “…banished them (Palestinian Jews) from their homes.”

When asked how Israel should be described to Westerners, since he does not believe it to be a “Jewish” state, Weiss replied “It’s the state of Satan.” He pointed out that before the European Zionists arrived in Israel, in the 20th century, the Palestinian Muslims, Jews and Christians live together in peace.

Weiss showed photos of Jews being beaten by Israeli forces, inside Palestine, because they were protesting the Israeli government.  He’s outraged that Israel is considered the representative of Jews around the world, and the Western media goes along with it.  He called it “…the work of Satan.”

In reference to former U.S. President Jimmy Carter’s book calling Israel an apartheid system, Weiss said Israel is worse than apartheid.

Weiss said the Zionism that runs Israel was created by European Jews who hated their own religion: “…Zionism and its development into the state of Israel is a transformation of Judaism the religion…into base materialism, a nationalistic goal. It was created a mere hundred odd years ago by people who detested the religion…” Weiss added that Zionism is rooted in blasphemy against Judaism.

Republican Guards join Yemen’s revolution

Two days after Yemen’s Republican Guards “punished” military members who joined the Yemeni protest,  the Republican Guards have joined the Revolution.

On Friday, May 13, President Ali Abdullah Saleh sent his Republican Guards to punish military personnel who joined Yemeni protesters.  On Sunday, May 15, video shows dozens of uniformed Republican Guards members demonstrating along side the protesters.

The current protests in Yemen are the biggest so far.


President Abbas says Nakba Day not in vain

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas made a speech praising the Nakba protesters.  So far more than 24 protesters have been killed, and at least 200 wounded.  Protests took place, and in some cases are still taking place, in West Bank, Gaza, the Israeli/Egypt border, Israeli/Jordanian border, Israeli/Lebanese border and even the Israeli/Syrian border.

“Their blood did not go in vain. Their blood was shed for the sake of the Palestinian people’s freedom and rights.”-Mahmoud Abbas, President of Palestine

Chinese upset over Hillary Clinton’s “fools errand” comment

“It is inappropriate for anyone to relate or compare China to some west Asian and north African nations facing turmoil, and any attempt to direct the Middle East turmoil to China and change the development path chosen by the Chinese people will be futile.”-Jiang Yu, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman

This comment was in response to an interview of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  An online poll in China showed that 86% of Chinese respondents felt Clinton had insulted China.

In an exclusive interview with The Atlantic, Hillary Clinton said China’s policies are doomed to fail, she also said: “They’re worried, and they are trying to stop history, which is a fool’s errand. They cannot do it. But they’re going to hold it off as long as possible.” The “history” Clinton says China is trying to stop is the U.S. foreign policy of expansionism.  She may not know it, but her statement gives away the true attitude of U.S. leaders towards China.

What this is, is an escalation in the war of words between China and the U.S.  It’s also interesting that these statements were made before (by Clinton) and right after (by the Chinese) the U.S. and China signed an agreement to work together.

The Chinese are probably regretting signing the agreement, now that they know the true attitude of U.S. officials.

British intellegence officer says Tony Blair, and others, lied about the reasons for war with Iraq

“I am writing to comment on the position taken by Alastair Campbell during his evidence to you … when he stated that the purpose of the dossier was not to make a case for war; I and those involved in its production saw it exactly as that, and that was the direction we were given.”-Major General Michael Laurie, British military intelligence official

General Laurie says that Campell, and then U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair, lied to the Chilcot Inquiry (Iraq war inquiry) when they testified that their Iraq dossier was not a case for war.  Laurie says he and other intelligence officials were directed to specifically make the Iraq dossier a case for war against Iraq.

Laurie says that Air Marshal Joe French, a Blair administration official,  continued to pressure  intelligence officials to produce a report that would justify war with Iraq.  He says Air Marshal French was getting frustrated by lack of evidence to justify war: “We could find no evidence of planes, missiles or equipment that related to WMD, generally concluding that they must have been dismantled, buried or taken abroad. There has probably never been a greater detailed scrutiny of every piece of ground in any country.”

Arab media coverage of Nakba day pathetic!

I watched Nakba day (May 15) protests live on the internet, but live coverage wasn’t provided by Western media, which is no surprise.  What was surprising was the non existent live coverage by Arab media!

Nakba day started while most people in the United States were asleep, after all when it’s dark here it’s light on the other side of the world.  But I would’ve thought I could find live coverage on the internet, from Arab media.  No such thing.  In fact Arab media are just now updating their text stories about the unwarented violence perpetrated by the Israelis upon protesters (which I watched live).

So who covered the Nakba day? Iran!