Category Archives: Idaho

United Police States of Corporate America: Big Republican supporter, CCA, about to settle lawsuits claiming prison violence, medical neglect, includes Idaho’s “Gladiator School”

Septmenber 14, a man who sued a corporate run Idaho prison, known as “Gladiator School”, for extreme violence and medical neglect, has reached a settlement with Corrections Corporation of America.

CCA is the largest corporate prison operation in the United States, and also has the worst reputation.

Dozens of other inmates across the U.S. are also suing the Nashville, Tennessee, based CCA.

Reports are that CCA wants to settle all cases as quietly as possible, and soon. CCA officials hope to have all cases settled by the end of the week.

The Idaho Correctional Center, run by CCA, is so violent that it’s called “Gladiator School”.  Lawsuits claim that guards used inmate on inmate violence as a management tool, and then denied injured prisoners adequate medical care.  In one case, security camera video was leaked, showing a prisoner being beaten for hours, while guards watched.  That’s your Idaho tax dollars at work folks!

By the way, CCA is a major supporter of the Idaho Republican party!!!

What Economic Recovery? Surprise Postal Service announcement, will close distribution centers not mentioned on public Post Office closing list. Poctello, Idaho, targeted

September 15, Pocatello, Idaho, to be hit by latest USPS closings.  Local postal workers told me that the Gateway distribution center, on Flandro Road in Pocatello, could be part of the surprise announcement made by U.S. Postal Service officials today.

This would mean all east Idaho mail would be shipped off to Salt Lake City, Utah, to be sorted.

I checked the USPS mail processing facilities list of closings, and the Pocatello distribution center is the only facility in Idaho on the list!

Postal officials say it will result in much slower delivery times.  That’s not all, the USPS is considering ending First Class letter service altogether!

Local postal workers told me they were notified yesterday, September 14.  This latest announcement of closings are for as many as 252 mail processing facilities (distribution centers), cutting 35,000 jobs, across the country.  They were not listed on the recent Post Office closing list!

Local postal workers also told me that they suspect the U.S. Congress is conspiring to fully privatize the Postal Service.  There is no reason for that, since the USPS does not get any taxpayer money!!!

The United States Postal Service does not make money off taxpayers, they are solely funded by the postage they charge.  The U.S. Congress controls what the USPS can charge, and, according to testimonies by the U.S. postmaster general, Patrick Donahoe, and Fredric Rolando, president of the National Association of Letter Carriers, the U.S. Congress has forced the USPS to over pay into several federal funds.


Government Incompetence: Once again, Idaho property values down, yet government raises the property tax, blame those damn levys people keep voting for!

“Even if the budget stays the same, the levy is going to go up to compensate for the decline in value of your property.”– Chris Rich, Ada County Clerk

Ada County, Idaho, just raised their property tax rates, even though property values are down.

In fact property values dropped 42% since 2006.  But county officials say the rates are going up because people keep passing levys.  The levys are paid for by increasing property taxes, despite what many of those who trick you into passing those levys say.

Some good news for property owners; under Idaho law levys can only affect your taxes so much, until they ‘max out’. As a sign of our bad economy, many officials say the levys are very close to being maxed out.

Drug companies pay Idaho doctors big bucks

A ProPublica report shows more than 1,000 Idaho doctors were paid by 12 drug companies, to the tune of more than $2 million within the last year.  The Idaho Board of Medicine sees no harm in it.

Some of those payments were in the form of free meals (a Boise doctor got $607 worth) in exchange for attending seminars that pushed new drugs.  Others made money giving the talks at those seminars.  A Sun Valley psychiatrist made more than $100,000 for giving such talks.

The report is part of their ongoing investigation into how Corporate America, and possibly your doctor, are ripping everyone off. Many people, who’ve left comments on the ProPublica story, expressed surprise to learn their personal doctor was on the list.

Beginning in 2013, drug companies are supposed to publicly report who they gave money to.


Corporate Incompetence: Idaho Internet providers blame the weather and animals for slow internet service, thank Allstate & Education reforms for a much needed upgrade

“We have a guy here who was dropped into remote, isolated areas of Iraq to set up their telecommunications systems. He told me, ‘We had better communications in Iraq than you have in Central Idaho.’ ”-Christine L. Frei, Clearwater Economic Development Association

A recent survey listed Idaho with the slowest internet service.  Now a new survey lists the Pocatello area (in southeastern Idaho) as the place with the slowest internet service in the whole state.

Some internet service providers use only line of sight broadcasts, which is extremely slow.  They blame snow, rain, clouds, fog and even bears rubbing on their transmission towers for internet disruptions.

The Federal government is spending $25 million to upgrade Idaho’s internet services. Part of the reason is that Allstate is building a big call center in Chubbuck, within the extremely slow Pocatello internet service area.

The other reason for the Federally funded upgrades is that Idaho has been pushing an at home internet school program for its High Schools: “Without broadband, especially in rural areas, kids might not reach their full potential. And we can’t expect to be competitive in a global economy.”-Jonathan Adelstein, Rural Utilities Service

One of the reasons Idaho has such slow internet service is also one of the reasons people like living in Idaho; only 19 people per square mile!

This makes it difficult for companies to make money providing internet service: “It’s not the lack of availability. It’s the lack of demand and what people are willing to pay.”-Bibiana Nertney, Idaho Department of Commerce

Most big businesses in Idaho actually get high speed internet service, but only because they can afford the outrageous fees.  Even Idaho’s public schools have high speed internet on campus.



Idahoans don’t trust vaccines, number of kids not getting vaccinated up 62%

The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare report that the number of parents refusing to get their kids the required vaccinations for school is skyrocketing.

Idaho allows vaccinations to be skipped for medical, religious or personal reasons.  State officials say personal reasons are the leading exemption.

Since 2005 the percent of children not being vaccinated is up 62%  Health officials are fearing an increased chance of the spread of diseases, as a result.

Idaho could make online classes mandatory for High School

The Idaho State Board of Education unanimously decided to pursue the possibility of making online classes mandatory for graduation from High School.

The board is considering requiring two credits to be taking online.  If it becomes reality, it would make Idaho the first state to require two online credits.

The Idaho State Board of Education is planning a 21 day comment period before making a final decision.  State officials say despite the 21 day comment period, they will probably approve the plan anyway.

What Economic Recovery? Hoku, Idaho, finally to start polysilicon production, but ongoing delays will cost solar company money

“We are positioned to bring the first 2,500 metric tons of manufacturing capacity online in the coming weeks, and we continue commissioning key systems on site.”-Scott Paul, CEO of Hoku Corporation

After years of continued promises of local hiring and construction delays, due to financial problems, Hoku claims it will finally start polysilicon production within weeks.

However, Idaho Power insists that Hoku pay up front for its electricity, Hoku officials claim they’ve already paid $5.3 million to the utility.  This is just part of a long list of financial problems the wannabe polysilicon maker has had.

It’s ironic that a solar power “products and services” company must rely on an old fashioned electric utility to provide power to run their new 2,500 metric tons of polysilicon factory.

Hoku Corporation has already lost $10.2 million during the second quarter of 2011.  The solar power products company is based in Hawaii.  Their polysilicon Hoku Materials plant is located in Pocatello, Idaho.

Hoku has been getting financial help from a Chinese company; Tianwei New Energy Holdings.

Hoku salesmen oversold their company’s product, and now they’re scrambling to issue refunds, and offer discounts on existing contracts for waiting so long for their product.

All current orders for polysilcon are delayed, no thanks to the financial problems that have delayed construction of the Pocatello plant for the past couple of years.  Expect Hoku to continue reporting losses as a result.



What Economic Recovery? Idaho New & Used car sales drop nearly 20%

A survey by Cross Sell, and the Idaho Statesman, revealed that new and used car sales, in southwest Idaho, plunged in July 2011.

Southwest Idaho is supposedly doing better economically than eastern Idaho, yet new and used car sales declined.  When compared year to year, sales dropped 14%.  When you compare July 2011, to June 2011, the drop is 19%.