Tag Archives: occupy

Location of missing Idaho F-15E Strike Eagles revealed? Or, why hi-tech doesn’t equal fewer humans?

10JAN2019 (04:03 UTC-07 Tango 06) 20 Dey 1397/03 Jumada l-Ula 1440/05 Gui-Chou 4716

“It can get very taxing. It’s physical work, and you have to battle the elements … but it’s worth it.  When I see the plane takeoff I think, ‘I made that possible.’”-Technical Sergeant Terrance Reese

F-15E Strike Eagles belonging to Idaho’s Mountain Home Air Force Base have been spotted in Southwest Asia (Middle East).

The 391st Fight Squadron ‘Bold Tigers’ consists of about 180 personnel operating or maintaining more than 20 aircraft.   The pics in this article were taken 04-05JAN2019, at an undisclosed location in the Middle East.

In reality the majority of USAF personnel do not fly aircraft (less than 4% of Airmen are pilots), the hi-tech hi-dollar airborne weapons require a massive amount of ground support personnel to support.  This is contrary to what we were told during the Cold War, the Air Force bean counters always claimed that hi-tech would reduce the need for humans: “It’s a constant double and triple checking. There are so many moving parts, and if you don’t take your time it’s easy to miss something.  We have to be 100% positive the plane is mission capable.”-Senior Airman Griffin Langiano, F-15 crew chief


Illegal Immigrant invasion, United States, December 2018

Incomplete list of illegal immigrant operations inside the United States, December 2018.

At the beginning of December taxpayer funded leftist liberal propaganda machine Voice of America (VOA) admitted “In fiscal year 2018, CBP apprehended 17,256 criminals trying to cross illegally along the southwest border, as well as 1,019 gang members.”  But the gist of their report was “Does it matter?” (essentially saying ‘who cares’)

New York Times:  8 Million People Are Working Illegally in the U.S. Here’s Why That’s Unlikely to Change.

Washington Times: More than 3000 illegals caught in one day

NPR: Almost 15,000 Migrant Children Now Held At Nearly Full Shelters

The Guardian: migrant children blocked at Mexican border

The San Diego Union Tribune: Central American migrants demand U.S. taxpayers pay them $50,000 each, claims the U.S. owes them ‘reparations’ for blocking their attempt to illegally enter the U.S.! 

Los Angeles Times: Homicides have fallen dramatically in Honduras. So why are people still fleeing?

U.S. News & World Report: Mexico to Invest $30 Billion to …..Stem Migration

ALABAMA: Immigrant prisoners made one Alabama sheriff $1.5-million!

ARIZONA: Immigration judge revokes green card, orders deportation of activist who led protest ops in the United States

U.S. Army 104th Engineer Construction Company place concertina wire on the border wall near Nogales, 10DEC2018.

Operation FAITHFUL PATRIOT; U.S. Army 65th MP (Military Police) Company Airborne, 503rd MP Battalion Airborne, 16th MP Brigade, undergoes crowd control training with U.S. Customs and Border Patrol at the DeConcini Port of Entry, 04DEC2018.

CALIFORNIA: Illegal immigrant criminal kills legal immigrant cop

Suspects accused of helping alleged cop killer plead not guilty

Stanislaus sheriff slams California sanctuary policies

Before dying in police pursuit, migrant shot & killed at random during ‘reign of terror’

Border patrol: More families cross illegally to San Diego

Hispanic gangs form ‘murder squads’, kill migrant farm worker

U.S. Army’s 93rd Military Police Battalion trained with U.S. Customs and Border Protection at the Otay Mesa Port of Entry, 03DEC2018.

U.S. Marines with 1st Law Enforcement Battalion, Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force 7, provide military support to the Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Customs and Border Protection, El Centro, 06DEC2018.


On 09DEC2018, the U.S. Coast Guard captured 11 migrants and two human traffickers east of Miami.  Watch the official video:

NEW MEXICO: 7-year-old migrant girl taken into Border Patrol custody dies of dehydration, exhaustion

Boy dies of “potential illness”

Supplies low for christian shelters helping migrants

NEW YORK: Cuomo Pardons 22 Immigrants

Woman who climbed Statue of Liberty in immigration protest found guilty

PUERTO RICO: Operation Unified Resolve, Operation Caribbean Guard and the Caribbean Border Interagency Group; video of U.S. Coast Guard transferring illegal immigrants on 18DEC2018:

TEXAS: El Paso aid agencies overwhelmed as 1,600 migrants are cast on to streets

U.S. Army 541st Sapper Company adding concertina wire to the border fence in Donna, 01DEC2018.

UTAH: Immigration arrests up 24% in ICE zone covering Idaho, Montana, Nevada and Utah

Washington DC: Immigrants seeking permanent green cards through marriage may have one less hurdle

Trump administration to release hundreds of immigrant families from detention

Trump Moves to Deport Vietnam War Refugees

Deportations under Trump are on the rise but still lower than Obama’s

Justice Department Investigating for-profit corporate Migrant Shelter operator

The U.S. taxpayers have been funding Operation Enduring Promise, a U.S. military led free healthcare operation for the countries of Ecuador, Peru, Colombia and Honduras.  It’s in response to increased ‘cross-border’ migrations of people with healthcare problems resulting in over-taxed healthcare systems.  Here’s an official video explainer:





“This must be what hell looks like.”: Pacific Ring of Fire, December 2018

Incomplete list of seismic/disaster reports from around the Pacific Ring of Fire, 29NOV2018 through to 31DEC2018.

Science News: Super volcano events sucks oxygen out of the air, causing mass-extinction event 

Scientific American: Can Rivers Cause Earthquakes?

GlobeNewswire:  Global $1.98 Billion Seismic Survey Equipment Market Outlook to 2026

CHILE: Minor mag. 3.6 earthquake

6.2-M Quake Shakes Easter Island

CHINA: Light mag. 4.4 earthquake – TAIWAN

STRONG 5.1 earthquake STRIKES Taiwan

China’s NYC-Sized ‘Earthquake Warning System’ 

COLUMBIA: Light mag. 4.5 earthquake -W of Molagavita

COSTA RICA: Minor mag. 3.5 earthquake – Puntarenas

ECUADOR: Light mag. 4.2 earthquake

FIJI: Moderate mag. 5.0 earthquake

INDONESIA:  Agung volcano spews ash in fresh eruption

Killer tsunami caused by collapse of Anak Krakatau volcano

extraordinary footage showing intense explosions of water with lava

Strong mag. 6.0 earthquake – Irian Jaya

How a tsunami could wipe out the last Javan rhinos

Light mag. 4.7 earthquake – SW of Sibolga

JAPAN: Light mag. 4.9 earthquake

Moderate mag. 5.6 earthquake – Hokkaido

Light mag. 4.4 earthquake – SW of Nishinoomote

MEXICO: Light mag. 4.2 earthquake – MICHOACAN

NEW CALEDONIA-LOYALTY ISLANDS: Magnitude 7.5 quake strikes 

Strong mag. 6.6 earthquake

Major mag. 7.4 earthquake 

Moderate mag. 5.3 earthquake

 NEW ZEALAND: Minor mag. 3.8 earthquake

PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Light mag. 4.7 earthquake

Light mag. 4.5 earthquake – WNW of Madang

PERU: Minor mag. 3.9 earthquake

U.S. Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force (SPMAGTF) Peru show off their disaster response equipment to Peruvian news media, 01DEC2018.

Official USMC video explaining that Natural Disaster Preparedness was the reason for a massive war game in Peru:

PHILIPPINES: Major mag. 7.0 earthquake

14 aftershocks recorded off Davao Oriental

Moderate mag. 5.1 earthquake 

Light mag. 4.7 earthquake – Negros

RUSSIA: Light mag. 4.6 earthquake

Major mag. 7.3 earthquake – W of Nikol’skoye

Strong mag. 6.0 earthquake – Komandorskiye Ostrova Region

Moderate mag. 5.6 earthquake – Komandorskiye Ostrova Region 

SOLOMON ISLANDS: Light mag. 4.6 earthquake

Light mag. 4.8 earthquake

TONGA: Strong mag. 6.2 earthquake 

UNITED STATES: America’s year of extreme weather and eruptions – in pictures

Alaska; Year-end 5.0 quake shakes Southcentral Alaska

Minor mag. 3.8 earthquake

Strong mag. 6.0 earthquake

7.0 quake hit Alaska on 30NOV2018.

Video of National Guard 211th Rescue Squadron HC-130J Combat King-2, and Para-rescuemen of the 212th Rescue Squadron, over flying 7.0 earthquake zone, 30NOV2018:

Over 6,000 aftershocks tied to Nov. 30 earthquake

Glenn Highway, 30NOV2018.

Official National Guard earthquake response video:

California; “This must be what hell looks like.”Sylvia Broyles, veteran, widow and survivor of deadly Camp Fire

Florida; Miami was the site for U.S. Southern Command’s 2nd Annual Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Workshop.  It was supposedly co-sponsored (financed) by the taxpayers of Chile.  In attendance were the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency, Coordination Center for the Prevention of Natural Disasters in Central America, Conference of the Armed Forces of Central American, and the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies: “We’re here to mitigate the disaster risk in the region. It’s imperative that we understand the resources available in the region and utilize coordination between civil and military assets to ensure that the right resources are available when and where they’re needed.”-Rodolfo Gonzalez Palaneck, retired Chilean General

Hawaii; America’s Most Hazardous Volcano Erupted This Year. Then It Erupted and Erupted.

‘Volcano Watch’ Suspended During government Shutdown

Idaho; 2.5 quake: 32km SW of Arco

Nevada; Earthquakes rattle Carson City area 

Northern Mariana Islands;  Light mag. 4.6 earthquake

U.S. Indo-Pacific Command continues FEMA led recovery efforts 10DEC2018, weeks after Super Typhoon Yutu hit.

Oregon; Scientists claim progress on earthquake prediction

Washington;  Puget Sound Prepares For The Big One

Seattle Fire Department trains for disaster response alongside Washington National Guard personnel, 04DEC2018.

Official U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District, video showing efforts to control flooding in Washington, Oregon and Idaho:

Washington DC;  The DC based Inter-American Development Bank issues natural disaster preparedness loans to countries considered at high risk.  The IADB compiled a list of American countries that have suffered the most natural disasters in the past 25 years (note that most border the Pacific Ring of Fire): Mexico – 480, Brazil – 332, Colombia – 288, Peru – 279, Argentina – 234, Chile -196, Guatemala -195, Ecuador – 150, Honduras – 127 and Nicaragua – 125

Wyoming; Yellowstone volcano explosion WARNING – expert fears GLOBAL devastation

VANUATU: Strong mag. 6.0 earthquake


“a sequence of unfortunate events”: Sears Kmart death spiral, January 2019

“If you have any gift cards, spend them as quickly as you possibly can and don’t purchase any more!”-James E. Dion, Dionco Incorprated

MotleyFool: Real Estate Investment Trusts to benefit from Lampert’s bid

Fox News: Dying Kmarts killing off Little Caesars pizza!!!

Washington Examiner: Taxpayers now own Sears-Kmart employee retirement plan!

Japan Times: The nicest Sears you’ll ever see is not owned by Sears, it’s not even in the United States!

FoxBusiness: “Ten of thousands of laid off employees are doubling down on their demand for Lampert to honor his commitment to pay severance and to also set up a hardship fund to provide immediate support to all families impacted by the bankruptcy.”

Wall Street Journal:  Edward Lampert Prevails in Bankruptcy Auction

New bid for Sears-Kmart tops $5-billion

Yahoo Finance:  Amazon eyes closed Sears stores for Whole Foods expansion

CNBC: Court gives Eddie Lampert a second chance to buy Sears-Kmart

Lampert makes two offers for Sears: one to save it, one to salvage pieces in a partial liquidation

TheStreet: Liquidation Looms As Bid to Save Sears Falls Apart

Modern Readers: Sears Hometown and Outlet Stores (SHOS) Receives Negative Rating

If Sears Holdings (Sears-Kmart) were to liquidate it would mean at least 68-thousand people across the United States would suddenly become jobless.

ALABAMA:  The Sears Hometown stores in Monroeville and Opelika shutting down.

ARKANSAS: The Rogers Sears Hometown Store is shutting down.

FLORIDA: The Homosassa Sears Hometown Store shutting down.

GEORGIA: The Sears Hometown Store in Milledgeville shutting down by February, blaming a sudden crash in sales on the Sears Holdings bankruptcy.  The Vidalia Sears Hometown Store also shutting down.

IDAHO: The Lewiston Sears Hometown Store shutting down, local news media said back in October the operators of the store swore the Sears-Kmart bankruptcy would not affect them.

KANSAS: The Parsons, Wichita and Wellington Sears Hometown stores are shutting down.

KENTUCKY: The Murray Sears Hometown Store shutting down.

LOUISIANA: The Bayou Vista Sears Hometown shutting down.

MARYLAND: A former Baltimore cop has published a book detailing the level of crimes committed by cops, including fake drug busts, ‘disappearing’ drugs from police evidence lockers, even stealing from local Sears stores under operation ‘Shopping Spree’“They usually stole children’s clothing, small appliances and expensive tools. In fact, they often took orders in advance from other police.”James I. Cabezas, who helped convict state lawmakers, city councilmen and, famously, a Baltimore mayor

MICHIGAN: The Sears Hometown Store in Manistee shutting down once the inventory is gone.  The Sears Hometown Store in Howell shutting down by the end of the month due to “a sequence of unfortunate events”, including a sudden crash in sales when Sears Holdings went bankrupt.  Sears Holdings does not directly control Sears Hometown stores, they are considered independently owned operations.

MISSISSIPPI: The Philadelphia Sears Hometown shutting down, the owner told local news media he wants to distance himself from the Sears brand and hopes to open a new store in the same location.

NEBRASKA: Bellevue Sears Hometown shutting down.

NEW JERSEY:  Taxpayers of Cape May County are the official new owners of the vacant Kmart in Rio Grande, county officials bought the property for $5.75-million USD and plan to use it as its new Social Services office.

NEW YORK: Local news media reporting the Salmon Run Mall Sears was suddenly shutdown, long before its planned closure.

Empire State customers racing the bankruptcy clock in hopes of getting thousands in refund dollars owed them by Sears!

PENNSYLVANIA: Sears Holdings issued a shutdown WARN (Worker Adjustment Retraining Notice) for its distribution operations in Luzerne County, 121 jobs gone by the end of March!

The Pittsburgh Kmart on West View Park Drive was sold. The following store list reveals which Kmart and Sears store leases are now ‘available’ to the highest bidder:  Allentown Kmart, Altoona Kmart, Berwick Kmart, Camp Hill (Lower Allen Township) Sears, Carlisle (South Middleton Township) Kmart, Chambersburg Kmart, Clifton Heights Kmart, Columbia Kmart, Doylestown Kmart, Dubois Sears, Easton Kmart, Edwardsville Kmart, Elizabethtown Kmart, Ephrata Kmart, Erie Kmart, Exton Sears, Holmes Kmart, Hummelstown Kmart, Lancaster Sears, Langhorne/Oxford Valley Mall Sears, Lebanon (North Cornwall Township) Kmart, Leechburg Kmart, Matamoras Kmart, Media Sears, New Castle Kmart, New Kensington Kmart, North Versailles Kmart, North Wales Sears, Philadelphia Kmart, Phoenixville Kmart, Pittsburgh Kmart on Butler Street, Reading Sears, Shillington Kmart, Stroudsburg Sears, Thorndale Kmart, Towanda Kmart, Walnutport Kmart, Washington Sears, West Chester Kmart, Whitehall Sears, Wilkes Barre Kmart, Williamsport Kmart, Willow Street Kmart, Windgap Kmart.  The following list reveals which Sears Holdings owned properties are for sale: Willow Grove Sears, Harrisburg (Lower Paxton Township/Colonial Park Mall) Sears.  On top of the above lists Sears Holdings also revealed it has seven retail leases listed as “other”, and about ten “non-retail” leases.

TENNESSEE: McMinnville and Tazewell Sears Hometown stores shutting down.

TEXAS: After 20 years the Sears Hometown in Austin suddenly announced it was shutting down at the end of February, according to local news media the employees were notified a week before the public announcement.  Crockett, Jasper and Floresville Sears Hometown stores shutting down.

WISCONSIN: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: People, and employees, stealing carts full of merchandise and cash from shuttering Big Kmart, and apparently nobody is stopping them! 

Sears-Kmart death spiral, December 2018: “NOW THEY NEED A JOB.” “EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY”!

‘Seven days of Hell’ ‘1.5 million lethal doses’: Drugs, the American Way, August 2018

Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg, seriously this isn’t the half-of-it!) list of U.S. drugs related crimes and oddities for the month of August 2018:

CNBC: Antianxiety drugs — often more deadly than opioids — are fueling the next drug crisis

In Korea (south) the U.S. Air Force’s 51st Fighter Wing has started a Food First! program to help with its Drug Demand Reduction operations.  It’s partly based on studies that show that so-called health food supplements (now considered ‘drugs’) don’t actually work in people who are already healthy: “The program highlights the importance of good nutrition, hydration, rest and recovery, and physical activity in the development and maintenance of good health as opposed to relying on supplements such as multivitamins and protein shakes.”-Lisa Roof, 51st MDG Health Promotion Coordinator

Washington Post: Our justice system is addicted to drugs

U.S. News & World Report: Prison guards, and prisoners, in 2 States Treated for Exposure to Drugs

Fortune: U.S. Overdose Deaths Rose to a Record 72000 Last Year

The U.S. Coast Guard captures yet another drug boat off the U.S. Pacific Coast, 28AUG2018.

ALABAMA: CBD oil is illegal in Alabama

50 pounds of marijuana found

lawmaker’s son arrested in predawn drug raid

Man arrested after drugs received in mail

Car Dealership Owner & Another Arrested for meth

Leader of non-profit ‘christian’ group, supposedly helping victims of human trafficking, arrested for drug dealing

ALASKA:  Inside Alaska’s Meth Epidemic

‘The First Lady’ of Mountain View meth ring arrested

Hells Angels arrested in FBI meth bust

man arrested for drug use on school grounds

New report shows fatal opioid overdoses still on the rise

More proof the government is behind drug abuse as Federal court orders opioid maker to continue shipping drugs to Alaska, despite the maker reporting the pharmacy orders as “suspicious”!

ARIZONA: Drug tunnel ran from old KFC in Arizona to Mexico bedroom

Yuma BP agents seize nearly $1 million in drugs

Border agents seize drugs worth $345000 in Nogales

Deaths from heroin, painkiller abuse surge

Couple arrested after toddler ingested meth, fentanyl 

Man found with drugs and stolen Maricopa County Sheriff’s guns!

ARKANSAS:  5 drug deaths in 4 days reported at Arkansas prison

7 people arrested after federal investigation

11 indicted in central Arkansas drug ring

Drug overdoses killing more Arkansans

Marijuana Grower Busted

CALIFORNIA: Despite the use of marijuana being legalized in the Communist state of California, the California National Guard Counterdrug Task Force gladly accepted federal tax dollars to help fund the destruction of still illegal marijuana farms found on taxpayer owned land.

22 Arrested in Connection With Helping Sinaloa Cartel 

men arrested for allegedly selling drugs from ice cream truck

“Fresno is the poorest large city… in California…, drug use is about twice the state average…”

Proof the U.S. government is behind drug addiction as federal judge orders No more forcing captured migrant children to take psychotropic drugs

This Oakland ER Treats Opioid Addiction on Demand. That’s Very Rare. (tell me about it, my ex-wife died because a hospital in eastern Idaho refused to treat her for opioid addiction and they were quoting Idaho law that says hospitals can refuse to treat people due to drug addiction!)

COLORADO:  thousands of dollars’ worth of drugs found inside daycare center filled with kids

17 people arrested on 124 drug charges

Despite legalized ganja FBI, DEA orchestrate massive raid of suspected illegal marijuana grow

How many Coloradans are driving high?  (3 out of 4!!!)

Mixed findings on marijuana traffic deaths

CONNECTICUT:  Mass K2 overdose affects more than 70 people 

Deadly K2 drug was created by U.S. pharmaceutical company in Connecticut

7 cops Exposed to Powdery Drug, 2 Hospitalized

Police Seize Cocaine, Heroin & Guns In Drug Bust

Notorious Suspected Dealer, 5 Others Arrested

Drugs Sold Out Of convenience Store

DELAWARE:  fatalities spike: 8 drug deaths in 4 days 

Nearly 100 pounds of cocaine found in pineapples

More than 3500 bags of heroin

Heroin epidemic moves into small towns and swamps police

Dover deli shutdown for selling drugs

Paraplegic man fatally shot in bed by two state troopers during drug bust, in front of his father, cops claim the paralyzed man was going to shoot them!

U.S. Coast Guard off-loads 12-thousand-5-hundred pounds of cocaine at Port Everglades, 01AUG2018.

FLORIDA: couple built drive-thru window at mobile home to sell drugs 

Drug raids target taxpayer funded fire stations, firefighters arrested or dismissed

Hypocrisy?  Controlling drug Addiction With Prescription Drugs

GEORGIA: 17 arrested in Cairo

‘Rolling lab’ able to make 16000 pills per hour busted

$5M in drugs in food boxes seized in metro Atlanta bust

Drugs hidden in cappuccino maker at convenience store

Drugs, gun found on janitor in late night school arrest

GUAM: Man faces meth charge after police conduct traffic stop

Drugs, cash seized; multiple arrests

Car parked near beach leads to prescription drug arrest

Convicted drug dealer and informant violates parole

HAWAII: More than 2 dozen accused of alleged drug trafficking 

IDAHO: Courts identify a 1977 drug sentencing law that could be the cause of out-of-control prison growth, Idaho judge admits “When this statute was written, we didn’t know anything.”  (or maybe the ‘christian’ dominated state is just a bunch of druggies)

Boise women arrested

Migrants(?) caught in Idaho Falls with 90 pounds of meth

11 counties sue prescription drug sellers over opioid epidemic

ILLINOIS:  nurse nets 4 years for stealing opioid patches from patients

six ‘dealers’ arrested in Freeport

Who counts as a drug dealer?

25 people arrested in Rockford

New Law Broadens Synthetic Marijuana Ban

INDIANA: Indiana experiences record year for overdose deaths

Evansville hit by drug dealers

eight arrested Indy drug bust

Drug deal gone bad led to teen’s death

Just two people blamed for central Indiana’s raging drug problem?

Drug bust in Greene/Sullivan Counties

Big bust in Clarksville

IOWA: hospital nurse pleads guilty to stealing pain meds

cop unjustifiably accuses two men of trafficking guns and drugs

Accused drug dealer shoots himself in the nuts!

Raids in Jefferson County net drugs and cash, but not one drug dealer was found.  (can you say tip-off?)

woman pleads guilty to large meth operation

KANSAS: Wichita drugs, guns, cash and arrests

Deputies taken to hospital after finding drugs

68 pounds of meth

Couple forced children to handle drugs 

Meth, jail and love

KENTUCKY: A doctor admits to being a drug addict in ‘Seven days of hell’

Doctors fear being arrested for treating pain

Dentist arrested on drug charges

Drug charges top August indictments

Pet owners abusing their own animals to get drugs

worker drug use, overdoses in Kentucky

LOUISIANA: 38 arrested drugs, prostitution, theft…

 Operation Summer Heat: 71 drug arrests in 5 days

Two women arrested after trying to smuggle drugs inside prison 

21 pounds of marijuana, 2 pounds of meth

K2 hospitalizes 45 people in Lake Charles

MAINE: man who overdosed sues salmon farm for failing to call 9-1-1

massive drug bust in Lewiston

Drug crimes dominate  Aroostook County 

6th worst state in the nation for rise in overdose deaths

MARYLAND: Police inspect “nervous” driver’s semi truck, find enough fentanyl to kill 780,000 people

New ‘street’ drugs that can’t be identified causing overdoses

MASSACHUSETTS:  Despite anti-gun laws a taxpayer funded City of Boston Employee Among 29 Charged in Gun, Drug Bust

Taxpayer funded female State Police Trooper Dishonorably Discharged Over involvement with dealing drugs in the past

11 kilos of heroin and fentanyl

90% of Massachusetts Overdoses Linked to Fentanyl

MICHIGAN: 2 metro doctors got busted for $20M opioid scheme

Doctor charged with drugs for sex crimes

Home Nurse Pleads Guilty to Tampering With Valium

University of Michigan health system pays $4.3M to settle federal charges for stolen drugs

Drugs killed more Michiganders than guns and traffic combined 

Look up the number of overdose deaths in your county

Police surge into Jackson to fight drugs

Drugs, weapons seized at adult care facility

MINNESOTA: Prince’s Family Sues the Doctor That Prescribed Him Pain Pills

Board of Pharmacy to Ban 2 Types of Synthetic Drugs

Migrant woman pleads guilty to being the leader of massive drug gang connected to Mexico

woman found with 25 pounds of meth 

MISSISSIPPI: Taxpayer funded Tallahatchie County Sheriff revealed to be on drug-gang payroll after protecting local drug dealers from arrest for past 15 years!

6 hospitalized after overdosing on mystery drug

1 dead, another in coma after overdosing on mystery drug 

18 arrested in federal roundup

MISSOURI: Chinese missionary killed by gunman high on drugs

More proof there is no sexual equality as organizations rethink drug recovery for mothers

Woman captured with ‘1.5 million lethal doses’ of drugs

Drugs, counterfeit money and credit card cloning operation 

Nearly $400000 in federal taxpayer funds heading to just two Missouri drug courts

MONTANA: 7 suspects arrested

Migrant sentenced for meth trafficking

Where’s the equality? after Woman gets only ten years probation for drug related death-by-freezing of her baby (a man would’ve been locked up for most of his life)

Montana wants to add more than 200 drug collection boxes

Judge learns taxpayer funded crime lab expert testified while on meth, orders new trial: “The manifest hypocrisy in this situation — when a Montana Department of Justice Employee with meth in his system testified and helped secure another man’s meth possession conviction — is abhorrent.”-District Judge John Parker

HIV cases among drug users up in Montana

NEBRASKA:  German drug maker sues to halt planned execution

2nd drug company to join appeal seeking to stop execution

‘christian’ dominated Nebraska Just Became The First State to Use Fentanyl in an Execution

Drug companies drop lawsuit 

over 200 pounds of drugs found 

Biggest drug bust in York County history

46 pounds of meth

Drug dealer caught because he didn’t use turn signal

NEVADA: doctor faces discipline over illegally accessing Las Vegas shooter’s drug records

Physician assistant found guilty of illegally prescribing drugs

Las Vegas resident accused of mail-order meth & money laundering operation

Las Vegas to receive $125K federal taxpayer funded grant to fight drug abuse

Woman coming down off drugs while in jail was refused medical treatment by prison guards and died, her body was left for hours before being removed from the cell, the incident was caught on security camera video!  (guess what, it happens in Idaho jails and prisons all the time but is usually reported as ‘medical condition’ or ‘self inflicted’)

Elko drug bust nets a quarter-pound of heroin

Tech billionaire arrested after drugs found in Las Vegas Strip hotel

Tesla whistleblower claims rampant theft, drug dealing at Elon Musk Gigafactory 

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Police kill man then say he was a druggie

Rise of Meth in New Hampshire

second highest rate of overdose deaths

Keene Fire Department has responded to overdose calls involving people as old as 70 and as young as 16

Taxpayer/Pharma funded RALI New Hampshire hopes to get rid of legal drugs

NEW JERSEY: doctor loses medical license after pleading guilty to illegal drugs charges

Palisades Interstate Parkway Police Chief arrested on drug charges

$5.1M worth of marijuana seized

Israeli based drugs maker Teva gets $40M tax break from you for setting up shop in New Jersey!

Drug treatment in NJ’s jails helps break cycle of crime and addiction  (is that the reason why most states, like Idaho, don’t do it? they like keeping their prisons overcrowded)

NEW MEXICO: Parents accused of beating children, using drugs in front of them

14 Las Cruces Residents Facing Federal heroin Charges

State police officer facing drug charges resigns

NEW YORK: This Drug Is Safe and Effective. Compared With What?

22 arrested in Queensbridge Houses bust

Drugs on the East Side, gambling on the west — 32 busted

Celebrity restaurant busted in massive cocaine ring

About $150000 in narcotics disguised as children’s presents

NORTH CAROLINA: Drug bust was ‘one of the largest’

 Fatal overdoses rising faster than 48 other states

13 arrests part of ‘Operation Nor’easter’ 

NORTH DAKOTA: Homeless man accused of trying to kill drug/cop informant

Drugs Worth $200000 Seized 

Hospice nurses in Minot charged with stealing drugs from patients

Charges dropped in second large I-94 drug bust because of undisclosed “issues” admitted by the sheriff’s department!

tobacco shop owner pleads guilty to drug charges

Dead College Drug/cop Informant Wrongful Death Trial

OHIO: Heroin-fentanyl mix caused ODs at Ross prison, 30 people including prisoners, guards and nurses involved

largest meth bust in Ohio involved Mexicans 

more than $200000 in drugs and cash

Cheaper, purer meth piggybacks opioid crisis in Ohio

16 O-D deaths in five days

The Ohio National Guard has modified software to connect the dots between gun crimes and drug crimes.  It’s part of the state’s decision to treat opioid addiction as a ‘mass casualty event’, watch the official video:

OKLAHOMA: 22 indicted in money laundering, drug trafficking linked to Mexico 

Prisoners Use Sheets in Effort to Get Drugs Into Jail

police chief wants change to marijuana law

Reserve Police Officer Arrested For Trafficking Marijuana

OREGON:  secret drug raid by feds leads to new marijuana-trafficking indictments

Massive Bust Yields Meth, Heroin, And Cash

spike in synthetic opioid overdose deaths

Oregon’s Medicaid program weighs cutting off chronic pain patients from opioids


PENNSYLVANIA: Prisons Locked Down After drug exposures

overdose deaths continue to climb

70+ arrested 

Deaths from kratom, sold as an herbal supplement, are rising.

PUERTO RICO:  Aspiring Puerto Rican pro-gamer says she smuggled drugs to NYC to help family survive Hurricane Maria

In Puerto Rico, U.S. Border Patrol captured four illegal immigrant drug smugglers and their cocaine, 29AUG2018.

RHODE ISLAND: How the Smallest State is Defeating America’s Biggest Addiction Crisis

Police discover drug treasure trove

school employee among two facing felony drug charges

‘Gurgling’ dad overdosed with 1-year-old in car

Prisoner runs crack cocaine operation from inside prison

SOUTH CAROLINA: Nurse accused of stealing Hydrocodone at Inman nursing home

27 charged

Upper class home turned out to be a drug house

Plastic baggies found outside elementary school filled with heroin

$110000 in marijuana, cash

nurses given broader power to prescribe drugs

University South Carolina selling students overdose drug

SOUTH DAKOTA: South Dakota refuses to Reveal Drug to Be Used in Execution

Sturgis Motorcycle Rally 2018: Drug arrests up over last year

88 pounds of cocaine

Air National Guard unveils new anti-drug propaganda.

TENNESSEE: overdoses killed more Tennesseans than ever

drug organization laundered $30k in Memphis chicken restaurant

TEXAS:  Two years after his father’s death by opioids, an Army National Guard Specialist was picked to lead Civil Operations in the Panhandle region as part of the Texas National Guard’s Joint Counterdrug Task Force.

Arrests in suspected meth, cocaine conspiracy reach 28

AstraZeneca settles Texas drug lawsuits for $110 million

$1.5 Million in Drugs Found 

Video of drug boat (with more than 2-tons of cocaine) trying to evade capture off the coast of Texas, 03AUG2018:

UTAH: overdose deaths fall 12% 

LDS church (mormon) openly against legalization of marijuana

9.7 lbs. of meth; mom had 2-year-old in car

Relatives of people who died at concert automatically assume it was drugs: “There’s nothing but drugs out there what else could it have been?”-Lilia Martinez, aunt of deceased

Utah man accused of having $100K in drugs mailed to him

VERMONT:  State expands drug-collection program

State Adds 9 More taxpayer funded ‘Drug Recognition Experts’ To Evaluate Driver Impairment

School Administrators Get a Crash Course in Spotting Drug Use

VIRGINIA:  50 suspects indicted on 86 drug related charges

WASHINGTON:  Incorrectly made drugs kill in Spokane

Nez Perce drug and gun arrests

Nightclub managers knew date-rape drug was being sold in their bar

Federal cops threaten Seattle’s plan to provide taxpayer funded ‘safe places’ to inject drugs

marijuana buy turns into gunbattle

Washington State University helping smokers kick the habit by replacing it with addiction to more than a dozen new drugs!

Washington National Guard take part in ‘Konfitma’ on Saipan, 14AUG2018, learning how to test for chemicals that could be used to make drugs. The military considers it a CBRNE threat.

Washington DC:  U.S. Opioid Prescribing Limits May Have Backfired

FDA Did Not Intervene to Curb Risky Fentanyl Prescriptions

The U.S. FDA (Food & Drug Administration) is warning that some prescription diabetes drugs might be causing a deadly flesh eating disease that targets your ‘nads’!

FDA recalls are a reminder that China controls much of world’s drug supply

Snaring Doctors and Drug Dealers

Trump doles out $91M for drug-free community program

Federal tax dollars were spent on the 6th Multilateral Maritime Interdiction and Prosecution Summit held in the Bahamas.  The illegal drugs trade is so bad that 15 regional countries attended the meeting.  This after the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) ‘allowed’ a major cocaine shipment to pass through the ports of the island country of Haiti!

Watch this official U.S. military NorthCom (U.S. Northern Command) video, and realize the Joint Task Force North was created as a result of the Reagan era War on Drugs to militarize federal and local police, also realize that after 30 years it is a huge taxpayer funded failure (if its true goal was to stop drugs trafficking):


WEST VIRGINIA:  overdose deaths exceed 1000

Hepatitis A Outbreak due to illegal drug use 

Martinsburg police shut down 33rd drug house

WISCONSIN: 16 charged in $9.6 million cocaine conspiracy

27% of pharmacies fail to comply with state order concerning Narcan

Employment service wants employers to stop testing for drugs because too many job applicants are on drugs!

Five teenagers arrested

WYOMING:  Wyoming had largest drop in overdose deaths 

33 Arrests in ‘Operation Smack’ 

$7.3 Million Worth of Marijuana Seized 

Cops admit they let drug dealer get away, for the sake of ‘public safety’

Drugs, the American Way, July 2018: “A STATE OF NEAR DEATH.”

Outbreaks & Recalls: U.S. Food Crisis, August 2018

Incomplete list of announced United States food supply shutdowns, outbreaks and recalls for the month of August, 2018:

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

CBS News: More Americans struggling to buy food, especially those with kids

In Korea (south) the U.S. Air Force’s 51st Fighter Wing has started a Food First! program to help with its Drug Demand Reduction operations.  It’s partly based on studies that show that so-called health food supplements don’t actually work in people who are considered healthy: “The program highlights the importance of good nutrition, hydration, rest and recovery, and physical activity in the development and maintenance of good health as opposed to relying on supplements such as multivitamins and protein shakes.”-Lisa Roof, 51st MDG Health Promotion Coordinator

NationalPublicRadio: Your Kitchen Spices Can Harbor Salmonella

What Sparked An E. Coli Outbreak In Lettuce?

Healthline: Is Pork the New Chicken When It Comes to Drug-Resistant Salmonella?

CNN: Avoid these foods due to outbreaks and recalls

AgWeb: Farm Real Estate Value Averaging $3140/Acre for 2018

ALABAMA: “If all things go well….and the NASS report holds true Alabama farmers expect to set new yield records for corn, cotton, peanuts and soybeans in 2018.”

Local farm industry surging, saving bankrupt mom-n-pop stores?

Alabama woman hospitalized sues Pepperidge Farms-Goldfish crackers over salmonella 

6 current food-borne illness outbreaks

Video of members of the 117th Air Refueling Wing, Air National Guard, delivering donated food to a homeless shelter:

ALASKA: “Alaska Berries is the only certified Alaska Grown winery in the state.”

“…limits have increased for coho salmon to four per day and eight in possession. Fishing is very good in most locations.”

Kenai River closing to sockeye salmon fishing

A Dwindling Catch Has Alaskans Uneasy

Total Salmon Catch Tops 80 Million Fish

ARKANSAS: farmers facing big crop losses from heavy rains

New “gift” funded rice research center to open

C&H’s owners propose new hog operation near Arkansas River

Tiny Worms Bug Arkansas’s Soybean Farmers

ARIZONA: 500 Arizona farmers Could Upend Drought Plan for all of the southwest U.S.

Western Growers opposes Arizona energy initiative

Arizona may have to cut back on water use in 2020

Farmers need fast answers on cause of E. coli in romaine lettuce

CALIFORNIA: Kings Fish House ‘temporarily’ shutting down its restaurant in Carlsbad, 86 jobs gone by October.  Oxnard Lemon Company issued a layoff WARN for its operations in Oxnard, 155 jobs gone right after Halloween!

Farmers Protest California Water Plan Aimed to Save Salmon

New Groundwater Law Means Big Changes

Southeast U.S. cotton farmers shown how Californians do it

Toxic pesticides found at most illegal California pot farms

Marijuana farms Destroyed By Wildfires

COLORADO: Salmonella Linked to Arapahoe County Fair/4-H event

Cargill Recalls 25000 Pounds of potentially E. coli – tainted Ground Beef

USAA reports 8000 claims from hailstorm

Large hail kills several animals and injures 14 people

‘Farming in the Forest’

Sugar beets making a comeback

CONNECTICUT: Edible Arrangements issued a WARN, 125 jobs in Wallingford gone right after Xmas!

Farm Aid concert scheduled to help save dairy farmers

Award winning dairy farm uses robots

One of the Country’s Oldest Tobacco Farms is Switching to Booze

DELAWARE: Delaware Gets Disaster Designation by Agriculture Officials

West Nile Virus confirmed in two Delaware horses

FLORIDA: Publix recalls ground beef products sold in Florida for possible E. coli 

20th annual Southern Peanut Growers Conference reports 80% of the world’s human population will live in urban areas by 2040, so who will grow the food?

Food fight divides growers in Florida and West Coast

Florida’s red tide takes a mounting toll. And it’s not just on the fish.

Animal sacrifices made on illegal slaughter farm 

Animal protection groups proved that 145 Florida farms were abusing animals, resulting in shutdown of those farms.

The Top 7 Challenges for Small Farms in Florida

GEORGIA: Mayfield Dairy Farms conducting final shutdown of their ops in Braselton, 108 jobs gone starting mid-September!  The dairy actually began shutting down operations in 2011, due to the not-so-recovered economy.

Georgia farms ‘rock solid’ despite weather, trade war

Former U.S. President, and peanut farmer, Jimmy Carter shuns riches and lives modestly in his hometown

HAWAII: ‘Little Buggers’ Are Taking A Big Bite Out Of Hawaii’s Macadamia Crop

Repeated natural disasters pummel Hawaii’s farms

Official FEMA video explaining how it helps prep for natural disasters:

IDAHO:  man sickened by E. coli sues Idaho distributor

“Investigations into livestock deaths in Idaho blamed on wolves don’t have to be made public, the U.S. government says.”

‘Donated’ Sandpoint orchard is site of new University of Idaho organic center

Robots in Idaho dairy farms

Boise using goats as organic lawnmowers?

ILLINOIS:  Aramark lost its food service contract with University of Chicago Ingalls Memorial Hospital and UoC Medical Center, 369 jobs gone right after Halloween!  Shop ‘n Save Warehouse Foods issued a WARN for its Collinsville location, 60 jobs gone by the end of September.

Did Illinois Farmers lie to the USDA on Their August Surveys?

In 2018, grain farms will barely break even

INDIANA: Herd of bison escape from Indiana farm

‘Powered by Poo’: How One of the World’s Biggest Dairies Finds Energy in the Unlikeliest of Places

IOWA: US Foods issued a shutdown WARN for its Sioux City location, 30 jobs gone by September.  

Molly Tibbetts murder case reveals secret of Iowa farms; reliance on illegal immigrants

It’s Harder to Bring Home the Bacon

New U.S.-Mexico trade deal could save Iowa farmers

KANSAS: Millions on the table: The potential of industrial hemp in Kansas

Building the Mecca of Heritage Poultry in Kansas

KENTUCKY: A ham just sold for $2.8 million in Kentucky

In Kentucky, Farmers Find Hemp May Be More Profitable Than Tobacco

MAINE: Shortage of farmhands causes farmers to lose crops

Missouri pork farmers breathe new life into an old Maine dairy farm

Maine dairy farm embraces technology

man who overdosed sues salmon farm for failing to call 9-1-1

MARYLAND: County Seeks to Block Oyster Farm Growth

Maryland, Delaware corn lags

MASSACHUSETTS: dairy farm determined to stay viable

How crops, trees are weathering the rain

Northboro seeks halt to composting at Santo Anza’s farm

A Pioneering Massachusetts Program Helps Low-Income Residents Eat Healthier and Supports Local Farmers

MICHIGAN: Kenco issued a shutdown WARN for its Country Market store in Dexter, 49 jobs gone by November.

farmer’s controlled burn smolders underground weeks later

drought strains farmers

soybean farmer worried about Chinese tariff hikes

$510 million in dairy facilities coming to mid-Michigan

MINNESOTA:  Farmers’ feelings on tariffs mixed

Big Minnesota pork producer ‘surprised’ by immigration raids

Minnesota farmers trying to save Gulf of Mexico shrimpers

MISSISSIPPI: chicken farmers demand less government regulation

soybean farmers blame racism for faulty seeds

MISSOURI: 34 Sickened in Salmonella Outbreak

Drought causes Farmers Market to close

Drought takes toll on crops, cattle

Metro farmers begging state parks for emergency drought help

NEBRASKA:  ICE raid targeting employers and more than 100 workers rocks a small Nebraska town

Late season hail wipes out some crops in central Nebraska

Who pays to maintain your irrigation system?

After farming Nebraska for 150 years one farm family fled the state due to ever increasing taxation.

NEVADA: Local food advocates work to bring more urban farms to Northern Nevada

Is the Farming Future of Las Vegas Indoors?

Hemp Industry Grows In Nevada

1st Year of Nevada Marijuana Sales Smokes Expectations

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Federal taxpayers give 15 New Hampshire farm ops $2.8-million USD

Upper Valley Berry Farmers on High Alert for Dreaded Fruit Fly

Couple Running ‘Animal Rescue’ Facing 44 Animal Cruelty Charges

NEW JERSEY:  Switzerland based Nestlé eliminating 175 jobs in Kearny by October!

210-acre farm one step closer to growing medical ganja

NEW MEXICO: After 13 years in Las Cruces, Toucan Market shutting down, the owners blame crashing sales caused by new competitors.

Groundwater Diversion Plan Rejected as ‘Water Speculation’

Chinese tariffs spur concern for pecan growers

NEW YORK:  Bankrupt, Amherst based Tops Friendly Markets announced it is shutting down at least ten grocery stores due to them not making enough money to pay the rent, 492 jobs lost right after Thanksgiving (according to official WARN)!  The grocery chain is reported to have $720-million USD of debt.  In Rochester, Johnny’s Irish Pub shutting down in September after 21 years, so the owner can ‘move on’.  Without warning British empire based Compass Group-Chartwells lost its food service contract with College of Mount Saint Vincent, 43 jobs suddenly gone.

NORTH CAROLINA: Nuisance lawsuits now threaten all farmers

NORTH DAKOTA: North Dakota farmers struggle with toxic byproduct of the oil industry boom

The case of the mystery photographers caught trespassing in farm fields: Big Brother state Ag officials admit their employees have been spying on farmers!

Aggressive Weed Found in North Dakota for the First Time

OHIO:  The problem of people without food is so bad that the U.S. Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime and the Defense Supply Center Columbus is working on its ninth year supporting the Mid-Ohio Food Bank, and that’s only to fight the food crisis affecting 183-thousand-750 children and 89-thousand-250 old people just in the Columbus area!  But wait, don’t think this is a totally taxpayer funded effort, according to official Department of Defense sources the employees who work the ‘Feds Feed Families’ (FFF) operation are doing so voluntarily.   In Hamilton, Andy’s Restaurant shutdown after 62 years.  Riesbeck’s Food Market shutdown its Wintersville location, saying the store is so old it’s not worth it to upgrade it or to continue paying rent on it, 60 jobs gone.

agri-tourism immunity law extends to many farm-based activities

OKLAHOMA: USAF Jet Crashes Into A Farm

Four counties designated as primary natural disaster areas

Local man charged with “defrauding local farmers by providing migrant workers with improper legal status and allegedly charging fake immigration and transportation fees” 

Thousands of chickens Found Dead, Beaten, Gassed

OREGON:  Court rules that dairy farm can continue its troubled wastewater ops

Pot Growers Now Must Notify state government About Harvests

PENNSYLVANIA:  farmers poised to bring back hemp, once a state staple

Oversupply threatens dairy industry

‘Monsoon’ delays projects, swells peaches 

3 men accused of sexually abusing farm animals

PUERTO RICO: how hurricane Maria actually helped small farms

yet,  Coffee, banana and orange farmers say they “lost everything”

Rescued dogs taken from Puerto Rico to Virginia 

RHODE ISLAND: Rhode Island Sued Over Truck Tolls

SOUTH CAROLINA: ‘Poor man’s meat’ may find home on South Carolina farms

As first crop of SC hemp nears harvest, scores of farmers line up

Neighbors want to stop mega-farms from guzzling water. 

Thousands of soybean farmers face big financial losses 

SOUTH DAKOTA:  South Dakota kids can legally stay home at any age, and for farmers, it’s better that way

Pheasant counts up for 2018, still below long-term average

TENNESSEE: Wheat farmers need to ‘break mold’ for weed control

Rescued farm animals finally at home

The good, bad, and ugly of farming with precision technologies

Legal Hemp Crops Pose Problems For Law Enforcement

TEXAS:  farmers see new source of green in legal hemp

Texas agriculture touted as innovative, diverse

rice farmers experiencing bumper 2018

Trade “aid” leaves behind wounded corn farmers

West Texas Vineyards Blasted By Herbicide Drift From Nearby Cotton farms

UTAH:  Thieves target small family farm, steal unusual items

Growing Population Could Threaten Cherry Production

farmers share fruits of their labor with wildfire evacuees

Farmers band together to battle fire

Algae-related toxin found in Jordan River

Drought Forces Hard Choices 

Frequent dog attacks imperil livestock

VIRGINIA: brewery, farm help each other out

farmers, vintners lament record-breaking rain

peanuts bear heavy thrips damage, other challenges

Poultry vs. tourism comment ‘a slap in the face’

WASHINGTON: production looking good for Washington wheat despite uncertain markets

‘Crops go unharvested and animals go uncared for.’ 

The  burden of making Washington king of the cherry

Dairy industry struggling

Garbage from booming marijuana industry clogs gutters

Washington DC: New Native American farm fund to distribute $266 million

E. coli strain from retail poultry may cause urinary tract infections

Trump is giving farmers a $6 billion bailout 

August USDA Reports Confirm Too Much of Everything

“A whopping 15.6 million American households experienced at least some food insecurity…”

WEST VIRGINIA:  Kroger shutting down its grocery store in Smithers, 59 jobs gone in October due to “low financial returns”.

Farming Project Doesn’t Go as Planned

Taxpayer funded Program pays Farmers to Conserve Flood-Prone Land

Schools and farmers warn about new foreign-owned stone wool factory

WISCONSIN:  With only one day’s official WARN warning, PF Chang’s shutdown its Middleton restaurant, 36 jobs suddenly gone.

More than 4% of Wisconsin Dairy Farms Call It Quits in 2018—So Far

New taxpayer funded Crop Insurance Program May Benefit Dairy Farmers

WYOMING:  Where’s The Beef? Wyoming Ranchers Bet On Blockchain

Man trampled to death by bull 


Coffee thru the Mail is just as bad as illegal drugs?

17DEC2018 (08:55 UTC-07 Tango 06) 26 Azar 1397/08 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1440/11 Jia-Zi 4716

Millions of U.S. citizens have family and friends employed by the U.S. military and deployed to other countries, now imagine millions of ‘care packages’ being sent to those military personnel.  I remember guys getting books, music cassette tapes (remember those?), cookies, candy, but I don’t remember anybody getting drugs or coffee.  Coffee?

Turns out that sending coffee to military personnel overseas is just as ‘illegal’ as sending illegal drugs.  Not just coffee, but prescription drugs and even food supplements are banned, yet people still do it and they get caught.

Here’s some links to websites about sending care packages to military personnel:

Tips for Sending Care Packages to the Military Overseas

Military Guide to Shipping Packages

 Army Care Package Prohibited Contents

However, there are groups out there trying desperately to get some good high grade coffee to military personnel suffering from that old Army Coffee-itis: Help Us Ship Coffee to Troops in Afghanistan



“Now they need a job.” “effective immediately”!: Happy New Year, Sears-Kmart death spiral December 2018!

EverythingLubbock.com: woman waiting on reimbursement from Sears two months later

CNBC: Vacant Sears stores to be demolished due to lack of active retailers

Ace Hardware, Centerbridge consider bid for Sears’ home services

New York Post: Sears says it’ll cost them $442M to shutdown 142 stores

Business Insider: After giving execs $25M in bonuses Sears now slashing severance for laid off employees!

Chicago Business Journal: Sears Home Improvement auction canceled due to lack of bids

bankruptcy lawyers already have charged $5 million

Chicago Tribune: Sears racked up nearly $1.9 billion in losses amid bankruptcy

Sears gets court approval for $25 million in bonuses to high-ranking executives

Revised internal forecasts show that Sears Holdings will bleed hundreds of millions of dollars more than expected, during the holidays

Law360: Bankrupt Sears Defends $25M Exec Bonuses

Yahoo Finance: Sears owes money to vendors for everything from lawn mowers to washing machines.

WWD: Sears Now Holds Third Largest Retail Bankruptcy Distinction

Motley Fool: Sears is worth more Dead

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation: Sears customers told to continue paying for worthless extended warranties

The Real Deal Magazine: Sears hires JLL to sell 500 stores, while weighing takeover bid

Seeking Alpha: Lampert effectively paying nothing for Sears

Fortune: Land’s End rescues itself from Sears

Bloomberg: Lampert’s own ESL hedge fund bids $4.6 Billion to buy Lampert’s own Sear Holdings (sounds like Lampert gets paid no matter what)

Reuters: U.S. government demands Sears Holdings latest bankruptcy court request be denied for being “deficient in several aspects”.

CBC: Retirees sue Eddie Lampert saying the Sears Canada pension fund was intentionally ‘shorted’ to pay-off investors

Phoenix Business Journal: U-Haul shells out millions for 13 shuttered Kmart, Sears stores

The Guardian: Laid-off Sears workers left with nothing – and they say wealthy bosses are to blame

Despite swearing that Sears Hometown stores will not be shutdown due to the Sears Holdings bankruptcy, a new round of Sears Hometown Store (by mid-January 2019), as well as Kmart store, shutdowns are taking place!

ALABAMA:  The Arab Sears Hometown Store, the Clanton Sears Hometown Store, the Fort Payne Sears Hometown Store, the Roanoke Sears Hometown Store, the Thomasville Sears Hometown Store and the Valley Sears Hometown Store all shutting down.

ALASKA:  Fairbanks Sears store shutting down after being suddenly sold-off to U-Haul.

ARIZONA: Tucson Kmart in March 2019.

CALIFORNIA: Apple Valley Kmart, Stockton Kmart, Burbank Kmart, Santa Maria Kmart, Auburn Kmart, all by March 2019.  The Manteca and Santa Paula Sears Hometown stores shutting down.  Apple Valley’s Kmart is shutting down after being suddenly sold-off to U-Haul.  Santa Maria’s Kmart is shutting down after being suddenly sold-off to U-Haul.

Santa Barbara Sears; 72 jobs gone by the end of January 2019.

CONNECTICUT: Vernon Kmart in March 2019.

COLORADO:  Sears/Auto Centers in Colorado Springs and Pueblo shutting down between the end of January and March 2019.

Sears Hometown Store in La Junta shutting down.

FLORIDA:  Four more Sears/Auto Centers in The Sunshine State shutting down between January and March 2019.  Fort Walton Beach and Ellenton Kmarts in March 2019.  The Sears Distribution Center in Jacksonville shutting down in April 2019.

Mall owner Sterling Organization shutting down the Pompano Beach Sears store at Pompano Citi Centre mall, by December 16th.  Apparently the mall owner has already rented out the Sears space to two other retailers.

Sears Hometown stores in Clermont and Fernandina Beach shutting down.  Cinco Bayou’s (Fort Walton Beach) Kmart is shutting down after being suddenly sold-off to U-Haul.

GEORGIA: Gainesville Sears/Auto Center between January and March 2019.  Swainsboro Sears Hometown Store shutting down.

ILLINOIS: Fairview Heights and Cherry Valley Sears/Auto Centers between January and March 2019.  Sears Hometown stores in Centralia, Mattoon and Vandalia shutting down.  The Kmarts in Rockford and Springfield shutting down after being suddenly sold-off to U-Haul.

Quincy Kmart; 48 jobs gone by mid-January 2019.

Norridge Kmart; 126 jobs gone by mid-January 2019!

Moline Kmart; 49 jobs gone by mid-January 2019.

Joliet Sears; 87 jobs gone by mid-January 2019.

INDIANA: Peru Kmart in March 2019.  Sears Hometown Store in Bedford shutting down, local news media say the owner is blaming product supply problems for Sears Hometown stores on the Sears Holdings bankruptcy.  Kendallville Sears Hometown shutting down as well.

IOWA: Sioux City Sears/Auto Center between January and March 2019.  Hometown stores in Atlantic and Dubuque shutting down.

Council Bluffs Kmart; 46 jobs gone right after Xmas.

Webster Kmart; 23 jobs gone right after Xmas.

Cherokee Kmart; 26 jobs gone right after Xmas.

HAWAII: Sears customers in Hawaii now wonder who will warranty-repair their Sears bought appliances now that all the remaining local stores are for sale? 

KANSAS: Wichita Sears/Auto Center between January and March 2019.  The Hometown store in Chanute shutting down by mid-January 2019.

KENTUCKY: The Corbin, Madisonville and Monticello Hometown stores shutting down.

LOUISIANA: Metairie Kmart and Sears in March 2019.  Sears Hometowns in Baker and Opelousas shutting down.

MARYLAND: A Kmart in Baltimore, by March 2019.  Salisbury Sears/Auto Center between January and March 2019.

MASSACHUSETTS: Sears Hometown Store in Hadley shutting down.

MICHIGAN: Sears operations in Muskegon and Novi between January and March 2019.  Sears Hometowns in Alpena and Cadillac shutting down.  Kmart in Roseville shutting down after being suddenly sold-off to U-Haul.

MINNESOTA: Bloomington Sears by March 2019.  Rochester Kmart in March 2019.  The Willmar Sears Hometown Store suddenly posted Store Closing sale signs.  Back in October the owner told local news media his store was not shutting down.  But wait, there’s more, Alexandria and Detroit Lakes Hometown stores are also shutting down.

Minnetonka Sears; undisclosed number of people being laid off right after Xmas.

Saint Paul Sears; 1-hundred jobs gone right after Xmas!

MISSISSIPPI: A Kmart in Gulfport, by March 2019.  Sumrall Sears Hometown Store shutting down.

MISSOURI: Crystal City Kmart in March 2019.  Fulton and Rolla Sears Hometowns shutting down.

NEBRASKA: Sears/Auto Centers in Lincoln and Omaha between January and March 2019.  Alliance Kmart in March 2019.  The Sears Hometown Store in Beatrice shutting down, local news media reported that the store manager explained the shutdown is because Sears Hometown ‘corporate’ failed to find a buyer for the store, which has been for sale for the past year-and-a-half.

NEVADA: A Las Vegas Sears/Auto Center between January and March 2019.

Taxpayers about to fund the take-over of a vacant Elko Kmart by the Meridian Pacific and the Elko Institute for Academic Achievement.

NEW JERSEY: Toms River Kmart in March 2019.  Taxpayers about to become the new owners of a vacant Kmart in Rio Grande.  Local news media discovered that a proposed taxpayer funded bond includes $15.7-million USD to buy the vacant Kmart and turn it into a new office building for the Department of Social Services.

The last Sears Hometown Store in the state, in North Cape May, shutting down.

NEW MEXICO: Roswell Kmart shutting down after being suddenly sold-off to U-Haul.

NEW YORK: Rochester Sears/Auto Center between January and March 2019.  Four Kmarts in The Empire State shutting down in March 2019.  Hometown Stores in Geneseo, Hudson and Olean shutting down.  Queensbury Kmart shutting down after suddenly being sold-off to U-Haul.

Saratoga Springs Sears; 33 jobs gone by February 2019.

Huntington Kmart; 76 jobs gone by February 2019.

NORTH CAROLINA: Two Sears/Auto Centers in Durham between January and March 2019.   Aseville, Morganton and Morehead Kmarts by March 2019.  The independently owned Sears store in Marion is shutting down, the owner claims it’s because he’s ready to retire.  The building will be available in January 2019.

Hometown Stores in Brevard and Marion shutting down.

NORTH DAKOTA: Grand Forks Kmart in March 2019.

OHIO: The Springfield Sears/Auto Center shutting down between January and March 2019.   Kmarts in Cleveland and Fostoria, as well as a Sears/Auto Center in Columbus also shutting down by March 2019.  The Piqua Sears store shutting down in February 2019.

The previously undisclosed date of the shutdown of the Sears store in Beavercreek was revealed; 6pm December 9th.

The Coshocton, Delaware, East Liverpool, Saint Marys and Wooster Sears Hometown stores shutting down by mid-January 2019, local news media reports that employees, managers and owners were ordered not to talk about it!

OKLAHOMA: Sears Hometown stores in Eufaula and Mcalester shutting down.

OREGON: Corvallis Kmart in March 2019.  Medford Sears/Auto Center between January and March 2019.

PENNSYLVANIA:  Sears/Auto Centers in Altoona, Greensburg and Lancaster between January and March 2019.  Kmarts in Pittsburgh and Erie shutting down in March 2019.   Kmart’s distribution center (Regional Specialty Center) in Chambersburg suddenly shutdown, 140 people out-o-work “effective immediately”!   Local news media reports that Sears Holdings refuses to comment, nor have they notified state unemployment officials.

Meadville Sears Hometown Store shutting down.  West View (Pittsburgh) Kmart shutting down after suddenly being sold-off to U-Haul.

SOUTH CAROLINA: Sumter Kmart in March 2019.

SOUTH DAKOTA: Rapid City Kmart in March 2019 (the last Kmart in the state).

TENNESSEE: Sears operations in Goodlettsville and Jackson by March 2019.  Kingsport and Sevierville Kmarts in March 2019.  Fayetteville and Harriman Hometown stores shutting down.

TEXAS: Seven Sears ops in The Lone Star State between January and March 2019.  Gun Barrel and Sulphur Springs Sears Hometown stores shutting down.  After 70 years the Victoria Sears store shutting down by mid-January 2019.

VIRGINIA: Charlottesville Sears/Auto Center between January and March 2019.  Hometown stores in Christiansburg and South Hill shutting down.

WASHINGTON: Kennewick Sears/Auto Center between January and March 2019.  A Spokane Kmart shutting down after suddenly being sold-off to U-Haul.

WISCONSIN: Appleton Sears by March 2019.  Oconomowoc Kmart in March 2019.  Atkinson Kmart shutting down after being suddenly sold-off to U-Haul.  Sears Hometown in Marinette shutting down.   A month-and-a-half after swearing to local news media that the Rinelander Sears Hometown Store would not shutdown, the Rinelander Sears Hometown Store is shutting down by mid-January 2019: “This store is great. The people are nice. They’re friendly. Now they need a job.”-Angelic Venegas, Fishman PR

Cudahy Kmart; 75 jobs gone by the end of January 2019.

Sears-Kmart death spiral, November 2018: U.S. POPULATION DEATH SPIRAL BLAMED 

What happens to your pets after Paradise is destroyed by the Fires of Hell?

29NOV2018 (02:34 UTC-07 Tango 06) 08 Azar 1397/20 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1440/22 Gui-Hai 4716

A volunteer with the North Valley Animal Rescue Group, cuddles a dog being housed in a temporary shelter at the municipal airport in Chico, California. California Army National Guard photo by Specialist Amy Carle, 18NOV2018.

“As awful as this situation is, it has boosted my confidence in humanity.”-Michelle Moore, Chico State student from Texas working 12 hour shifts to save the animals

One of nearly 1800 displaced animals being cared for in shelters managed by the North Valley Animal Rescue Group. California Army National Guard photo by Specialist Amy Carle, 18NOV2018.

The recent Camp Fire in the not-so-golden (for many reasons) U.S. state of California wiped out the town of Paradise.  Not only are thousands of people now homeless, so are an estimated 1-thousand-8-hundred pets.

Video of California National Guard UH-60M Black Hawk attempting to block Camp Fire from spreading:

Many of the now homeless cats and dogs are being housed at the Chico Municipal Airport.  Volunteers, with groups like North Valley Animal Disaster Group, are struggling to help.  Even the California National Guard is helping: “We’re unloading people’s donations and giving people donations that have been received. We give people the right directions if their animal is lost, or if their animal is here and they want to visit them. It’s good to show your support and help them the best way you can. It gives me pride and joy…to help them with whatever they need.”-Specialist Mark Maynard, California Army National Guard

California Army National Guard photo by Specialist Amy Carle, 18NOV2018.

Pallets full of pet food, piles of dog beds, and boxes of leashes and toys have arrived at the airport, and there’s a steady stream of people driving up to donate what they can.

California Army National Guard photo by Specialist Amy Carle, 18NOV2018.

Because of the fires the Chico Municipal Airport is not open to normal air traffic, so it was picked to be a temporary animal shelter.  Many of the unpaid volunteers work 12 hours at a time. National Guard Military Police patrol the airport at night so the volunteers can take a break.

California Army National Guard photo by Specialist Amy Carle, 28NOV2018.

The lost pets are brought in by fire fighters, utility workers, or the pets are there because their owners are also now homeless.   But there are reunions between lost pets and owners as well.  Other organizations working to save the pets of Paradise are Butte County Animal Control, International Fund for Animal Welfare, and the California Veterinary Medical Reserve Corp: “This effort is just so huge. It’s a rare and extraordinary thing. It takes all of us to get things done.”-Norm Rosene, North Valley Animal Disaster Group

California Army National Guard photo by Specialist Amy Carle, 28NOV2018.

The California Army National Guard, along with the USDA Veterinary Services, also assisted livestock owners.










Pacific Ring of Fire: Volcanoes & Glaciers cause global warming?

Incomplete list of seismic/disaster reports from around the Pacific Ring of Fire, 26OCT2018 through to 28NOV2018.

National Geographic:  Strange waves rippled around the world, and nobody knows why

Decoded Science: Earthquakes in Chile, the Philippines and California

Nature.com: World’s first automated volcano forecaster makes a prediction

And here’s more proof humans are not the cause of catastrophic climate change;

Science Magazine: Why 536 was ‘the worst year to be alive’

Science Daily: Volcanoes and glaciers combine as powerful methane producers

CHILE: Light mag. 4.9 

White line of algae deaths marks uplift in 2016 Chilean earthquake

CHINA:  The U.S. military is spending precious tax dollars conducting natural disaster ‘cooperation’ training with Communist China. It was called  2018 Disaster Management Exchange and was held 13 thru 18 November in Nanjing.

COLUMBIA: U.S. Southern Command’s operation Enduring Promise is currently conducting an 11 week disaster response event with health and government partners in Ecuador, Peru, Colombia and Honduras.  In this video a MH-60S Sea Hawk delivers patients to U.S. Navy hospital ship USNS Comfort, off the coast of Columbia 27NOV2018:

ECUADOR: Reventador Volcanic Ash Advisory

EL SALVADOR: Light mag. 4.5 earthquake

FIJI: Strong mag. 6.5 earthquake

GUATEMALA:  Fuego bursts red-hot lava and ash 

INDONESIA:  The U.S. Air Force/USAID continue spending precious tax dollars with the ongoing disaster relief:

Krakatau: lava flow into the sea

Moderate mag. 5.2 near Banda Aceh

Light mag. 4.3 – SOUTH OF JAVA

Central Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami

Moderate mag. 5.5- Southern Sumatra

Light mag. 4.8- Lombok Timur

Earthquake and Tsunami Response SitRep

Displacement Tracking Matrix

JAPAN: 5.9-magnitude quake strikes off Aomori prefecture

Light mag. 4.3 East of Namie

Light mag. 4.5 SSE of Ofunato

Light mag. 4.4 East of Hachinohe

magnitude 5.0 hits south Japan, no tsunami warning

Strong mag. 6.0 earthquake – Hokkaido

Moderate mag. 5.2-Near S. Coast of Western Honshu 

Light mag. 4.9 NorthEast of Naze

Stunning pictures of lightning as Sakurajima erupts

MEXICO: Light mag. 4.4 – OAXACA

 NEW ZEALAND: 6.2-magnitude shake halts parliament

Light mag. 4.5 earthquake

New Zealand’s North and South islands ‘creeping’ even closer together

PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Light mag. 4.4 earthquake

Emergency Plan of Action

PERU:  The U.S. Marines are spending precious tax dollars conducting natural disaster ‘cooperation’ training with Peru.  It’s part of U.S. Southern Command’s Enduring Promise initiative-Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force humanitarian assistance and disaster relief response.

Video of massive disaster relief ‘invasion’ by USMC in Peru, 24NOV2018:

Light mag. 4.0 earthquake

Light mag. 4.3 earthquake

PHILIPPINES: Moderate earthquake – Mindanao

2 ash eruptions from Mayon volcano

Light mag. 4.6 earthquake South of Pondaguitan

Strong mag. 6.0 near Pagadian City

False earthquake – East of Philippine Islands

Light mag. 4.9- Panay

RUSSIA: Strong mag. 6.0 Near East Coast of Kamchatka

Moderate mag. 5.1- Near East Coast of Kamchatka

SOLOMON ISLANDS: Strong mag. 6.1 earthquake 

TAIWAN (REPUBLIC OF CHINA):  5.6-magnitude quake rattles Taiwan, felt in Hong Kong

TONGA: Strong mag. 6.1 earthquake

UNITED STATES: Science Daily; Relationship between tremors, water at the Cascadia margin

Alaska; Light mag. 4.2 southeast of Kodiak

Minor mag. 3.7 South of Cape Yakataga

Moderate mag. 5.1 earthquake

Light mag. 4.6 earthquake

California; UH-60M Black Hawks from the California Army National Guard’s Joint Forces Training Base, Los Alamitos, assisted with fighting the deadly Camp Fire in Butte County.

Video of UH-60M fighting Camp Fire:

4.0 earthquake near I-5

Minor mag. 3.5 NorthWest of Crockett

new earthquake warnings deliver critical seconds of notice

Guam;  the Deepest Volcanic Eruption Ever Detected

Hawaii; Volcano Observatory Adapts to Recent Changes

Volcano Quiet, Yet Updated Emergency Proclamation Signed

Idaho; No damage reported following eastern Idaho earthquake

Northern Mariana Islands; Super Typhoon Yutu wipes the U.S. island territory. Where was the U.S. main stream news media?  The U.S. Air Force was there.

U.S. Marines even rescued people’s pets.

Oregon; No cause for alarm after 5 earthquakes hit 100 miles off Oregon coast

City of Florence updates code to ‘Beat the Wave’

Washington; Minor mag. 3.6 earthquake – Lake Muir area

Washington DC; The House of Representatives passed the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program

Wyoming; Yellowstone scientists send cameras to the center of the Earth 

VANUATU: The U.S. Navy inspected the hospital in Koa Moana to learn about the island nation’s ability to handle humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, 15NOV2018.

Volcano Alert Bulletin

Ambae Volcanic Activity SitRep 

Visokoi Island: Moderate mag. 5.0 earthquake