Tag Archives: obama

World War 3: Afghan & Pakistan Taliban joining forces, will jointly attack U.S./NATO forces

Despite reports from Reuters, stating that the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban are “at each other’s throats”, Japanese media are reporting that various ‘taliban’ groups have agreed to put aside differences to jointly target U.S. led forces.

Over the weekend representatives from Afghanistan’s and Pakistan’s Pashtun dominated Taliban (Mujahideen) groups met.  Japan’s NHK claims they talked with Mujahideen officials and were told they have decided to put aside their differences, and focus on fighting the U.S. forces in Afghanistan.

Pakistani Mujahideen agreed to back off of attacking Pakistani government forces, and, beginning in March, will help their Afghan cousins focus their fight against the U.S.

They’ve established a 5 member council to help co-ordinate their efforts.  This news comes after reports that the Afghan Taliban have accepted an offer from U.S. President Obama, and the government of pro-U.S. Qatar, to open a diplomatic office in Qatar.

Global Economic War: Puerto Rico pushes for Independence from U.S. Empire, wants to join the anti-U.S./Canada CELAC

The United Nations Decolonization Committee (UNDC) will be considering pleas for help from Puerto Ricans, who’re seeking freedom from the control of the United States.

A group called United Partners for the Decolonization of Puerto Rico have petitioned the UN.  The UNDC  will be holding hearings during the summer of 2012 (usually in the month New York City holds its Puerto Rican Day Parade).

Puerto Ricans have expressed a desire to join the newly formed CELAC: “CELAC is a great idea! But it will never be complete until Puerto Rico (PR) is included.”-José M. López Sierra, United Partners for the Decolonization of Puerto Rico


World War 3: Taliban New Year’s Day offensive

The Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (aka Taliban) claim a list of attacks on U.S./NATO/ISAF forces on New Year’s Day.

First they claim to have launched at least nine missiles (unguided rockets) at Bagram air base, causing dozens of casualties.  They also claim a missile attack against Sahara Bagh airbase in Khost, with no casualties effected, and a missile attack on Kandahar airfield, claiming deadly results.     



In the province of Kandahar they claim they’ve been attacking U.S./NATO/ISAF forces relentlessly: Several vehicles destroyed by home made bombs, killing the occupants. Several foot patrols ambushed, at least three foreign troops killed.  Intense fighting in Maiwand district after foreign troops were brought in by helicopter and repelled by locals.

In the province of Helmand: At least two foreign vehicles blown up by home made bombs/mines, resulting in at least three killed and three wounded.  Taliban snipers kill several foreign troops.

The Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan also claim killing several “puppet” forces, meaning Afghan government military and police forces.

World War 3: U.S. Bagram airbase hit by missile attack, excuse for war with Iran?

Taliban (Mujahideen) confirm missile attacks on Bagram.  The Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan states that Bagram air base has been attacked with missiles at least three times in the past 24 hours.  At least four missiles (unguided rockets?), from overnight attacks, landed within the base compound.  They claim attacks are continuing.

Breaking news reports out of Afghanistan say the Taliban hit the U.S. controlled Bagram air base with at least nine missiles.  Some reports say the attacks took place on New Year’s Eve (western Gregorian calender), as U.S. personnel were celebrating the coming New Year.

Some Afghan government officials say their sources confirm the attacks, but there are no casualties reported.

There’s been no clarification if the attacks were done with guided missiles, or unguided rockets.  Some Taliban sources say they were long range missiles.

Bagram is located in Parwan (aka Parvan) Province, in northwestern Afghanistan.  Ever since the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, Bagram has been the target of many attacks.

Reports say there are many casualties from the latest attacks.  Already there is internet chatter that this might be used by the United States to launch an all out war with Iran.  The U.S. government has ignorantly claimed that the Taliban are linked to Iran (it’s ignorant because the Taliban and the Iranian’s are mortal enemies). Also, all U.S. military bases in the Middle East are within range of Iran’s growing missile systems.

Also, on December 27, 2011, Taliban claimed they launched two missiles at Bagram, with no casualties effected.

World War 3 & One World Government: 12 Warning signs from Argentine Political Analyst

The following warning signs came from Adrian Salbuchi, a political analyst in Argentina.

1) Financial Meltdown. Since 2008, the Global Financial System continues on life-support. Ben Bernanke, Timothy Geithner and the US economic hit team – Robert Rubin, Larry Summers and Goldman Sachs, CitiGroup, JPMorganChase mega-bankers working with the Bank of England and the European Central Bank – have not and will not take any measures to help the populace and ailing economies.  They just funnel trillions to the banking elite, imposing the media myth that certain banks are “too big to fail” (Orwellian Newspeak for “too damn powerful to fail”). Why? Because it’s not governments overseeing, supervising and controlling Goldman Sachs, CitiCorp, HSBC, Deutsche Bank, JPMorganChase, but exactly the other way around…

2) Economic Crises.  Today, “Destructive Extreme Capitalism” [like Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital] is collapsing national and regional economies, reformatting them into international slave-labour Gulag-like entities that Joseph Stalin would envy.   Our woes lie not with the world’s real economy (mostly intact), but with the fake world of finance, banks, and speculation;

3) Social Upheavals.  Meltdowns in Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Iceland and – soon to come – Italy, Spain and others, trigger violent social uprisings, even in the US and UK;

4) Pandemics.  Get ready for more “flu surprises” leading to mandatory vaccinations: a discreet opportunity to slip RFID chips into our bodies and test “intelligent viruses” targeting specific DNA strains.  Racially and ethnically selective viruses as part of mass depopulation campaigns?

5) Global Warming. As the global economy sinks into zero growth mode, economic drivers shift from growth expansion to consumption contraction. Will coming “carbon credits” open the path to full societal control?

6) Terrorist “False Flag” Mega-Attacks. The Elite have this wildcard up their sleeve to jump-start new “crises” as short-cuts towards world government.  Will new “attacks” dwarfing 9/11 justify further global wars, invasions and genocide?  A nuclear weapon over a major city to be blamed on the Elite’s “enemies”?

7) Generalized War in the Middle East. As we speak, naval forces, bombers, entire armies are poised to attack and invade Syria, Iran…

8) Ecological/Environmental “Accidents”. The 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident sparked the beginning of the end of the former USSR by showing the world and the Soviets themselves that their State could no longer manage their own nuclear facilities.  April 2010 saw the BP “Deepwater Horizon” oil rig eco-catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico; since March 2011, Japan and the world have been grappling with a much larger nuclear accident in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex.  Was foul play involved?

9) Assassination of a major political or religious figure to be blamed on an Elite enemy.  Mossad, CIA, MI6 are really good at playing this type of dirty trick;

10) Attacks on “Rogue States” – Iraq, Libya… Who’s next? Iran? Syria?  Venezuela?  North Korea?

11) Staged “Religious” Event. The growing need of the masses for meaning in their lives makes them easy victims of a Hollywood-staged, 3D virtual reality hologram show, orchestrating a “second coming”.  An electronically engineered “messianic figure” acting in sync with Elite global objectives?   Who would dare go against God himself?

12) Staged “Alien Contact.” This too may be in the works.  For decades, large sectors of world population have been programmed to believe in aliens.  Here too, hologram technology could stage a “space vehicle landing” – on the White House lawn, of course – highlighting the “need” for Mankind to have “unified representation” in the face of extraterrestrials.  Further justification for world government?

NAZI-land & the United Police States of America: Obama signs National Defense Act, now U.S. military can be used as police forces within the U.S., you could go to prison for life just for being suspected of being a terrorist, all in the name of National Security

“If you’re an American citizen and you want to help…destroy your own country, here is what’s coming your way.”- Lindsey Graham, U.S. Senator from South Carolina

January 1, 2012, welcome to the new NAZI-land: The United Police States of America!  On December 31, President Barack Obama (the BS Peace Prize winner) quietly signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012.

“This is a giant step, this should be the biggest news going right now, literally legalizing martial law…This is big. This step where they can literally arrest American citizens and put them away without trial….is arrogant and bold and dangerous.”Ron Paul, U.S. Representative for Texas

The 2012 Defense Act gives the President of the U.S. (regardless of who is President) the authority to use active duty military forces to police the United States, in the name of fulfilling the September 18, 2001, Authorization for Use of Military Force law.  That law, signed by former President Bush Jr, was essentially a Congressional order given to the office of the President to conduct a War on Terror, after the September 11, 2001 attacks.

So, this new Defense Act not only provides the Defense Department with more than $600 billion in taxpayer dollars, but it expands the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force law to inside the United States.

It would “…permit the federal government to indefinitely detain American citizens on American soil, without  charge or trial, at the discretion of the President.”-Justin Amash, U.S. Representative from Michigan, one of five House Republicans who voted against the bill

It allows the government to imprison anyone that is suspected of being a terrorist, indefinitely, without being charged or tried in a court of law!  The clause in the new law is the old fail safe for control freak elitists who run this country: “National Security”.

President Obama (a graduate of Harvard Law School) claims he will not use the new law in an arbitrary way: “…I want to clarify that my Administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens. Indeed, I believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and values as a Nation. My Administration will interpret section 1021 in a manner that ensures that any detention it authorizes complies with the Constitution, the laws of war, and all other applicable law.”

Happy New Year!


World War 3: Egyptian police discover evidence of U.S. plot to destabilize their country, pro-U.S. Egyptian Army interferes

“The Secretary expressed his deep concern about the raids that took place on December 29 on the offices of American and other NGOs.”George Little, Pentagon

On December 29, Egyptian police and court officials raided several non-governmental organizations (NGO), many supported with taxpayer dollars from the United States, on grounds they’ve been funding civil unrest in Egypt.

However, Egypt’s pro-U.S. military government stopped the raids after getting phone calls from U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, and U.S. Ambassador Anne Patterson.

“…all international NGOs, including those that receive U.S. government support, (to) be able to return to normal operations as soon as possible…”-Victoria Nuland, U.S. State Department

The military government of Egypt has demonstrated they are the puppet of the United States, by their quick kowtowing to U.S. demands concerning U.S. taxpayer funded NGOs.

Corporate Deception: Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital gives campaign money to Romney and Barack Obama

You’d expect the company that Mitt Romney co-founded to fund his presidential campaign, but not to fund President Obama’s re-election bid, but that’s what is happening.

It’s been revealed that between January and September 2011, employees of Bain Capital officially gave Mitt Romney $84,500, and, they gave Barack Obama $27,500!

Not only that but so far this year, Bain Capital employees donated $123,200 to the Democratic National Committee.  Interestingly they’ve not donated any money to the Republican National Committee.  However, they did donate to a pro-Romney super PAC; $1.25 million!

To be sure, employees of Bain Capital, and other affiliated companies, have sent 75% of this years election campaign donations to the Republicans.  But, in the 2008 campaigns two thirds of their money went to Democrats!  Mmmm.

They say follow the money to get your answers, so if it matters who and where a presidential candidate gets their money from then it looks like Mitt Romney will be President.   After all, Bain Capital & Co supported Obama and the Democrats more than Romney in 2008, now it’s the other way ’round.

This is just more evidence that ‘our’ leaders are just two sides of the same coin.

Donation amounts compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.



What Economic Recovery? Health insurance rates in Idaho could go up more than 10%, thank you ObamaCare

Two insurance companies, that are part of Milwaukee based Assurant Health, have notified that Idaho Department of Insurance, that they will jack up rates by more than 10% in 2012.

Those two operations are John Alden Life Insurance and Time Insurance.  They’ve both filed rate increases of 13%!

This is part of the 2010 health care reforms, commonly known as ObamaCare.  Under the reforms an insurance plan that went into effect after September 1, can be subject to such rate increases.

The 2010 reforms actually allow insurance companies to jack up their rates as long as they can make a convincing case.  Some of the many accepted excuses are age and if you smoke.  Now how is that supposed to keep costs to consumers down?

To find out if your insurance plan (if you even have one) is jacking up your rates you can check companyprofiles.healthcare.gov.


Read more here: http://www.idahostatesman.com/2011/12/29/1932970/2-idaho-health-insurers-file-rate.html#storylink=cpy

World War 3: Iran will block Strait of Hormuz, if the U.S. is successful in getting oil sanctions imposed, U.S. says that’s all the excuse they need for going to War, oil could hit $500 per barrel

“If sanctions are adopted against Iranian oil, not a drop of oil will pass through the Strait of Hormuz. We take no interest in animosity and hostility, our belief is friendship and brotherhood, but the West will not end its scheming….The enemies will only drop their plots when we put them back in their place!”-Reza Rahimi, Vice President of Iran

More than a third of the world’s oil (carried by tanker ships) passes through the 34 mile (54 kilometer) wide Strait of Hormuz.  In the past few weeks Iranian media have been pushing for selective blocking of the Strait, saying the West is already at War with Iran.  A well known British commentator backs that up saying: War on Iran has already begun….For months the evidence has been growing that a U.S./Israeli stealth war against Iran has already begun, backed by Britain and France.”-Seumas Milne, The Guardian

Some of that evidence includes:

• Two nuclear physicists were killed, and the head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran was wounded, after bombs were attached to their cars or detonated near them in 2010.

• The Stuxnet computer worm infected Iranian nuclear facilities in 2010; numerous reports suggest this was a U.S./Israeli attack to cripple Iranian nuclear centrifuges.

• On November 12, 2011, an explosion destroyed the Revolutionary Guard base at Bid Kaneh, killing 17, including a founder of Iran’s missile program.

• On November 28, 2011, an explosion in the western Iranian city of Isfahan badly damaged a uranium enrichment facility.

• On December 4, 2011, it was proven that the U.S. has been sending military aircraft into Iranian airspace after the IRGC used electronic warfare to bring down an expensive stealth UAV.

Read what “christian” U.S. Senator Rick Santorum said: “There have been scientists turning up dead in Russia and in Iran. There have been computer viruses. There have been problems at their facility. I hope that the United States has been involved with that.”  (doesn’t sound very ‘christian’ like to me)

By the way, recent bills for new sanctions against Iran will make it legal, under U.S. law, to designate civilian scientists as military targets!

In a recent interview with CBS Evening News, U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said the Obama administration now thinks Iran will have nuclear weapons in 2012.  When asked about Israel’s publicly stated plans to attack Iran, Panetta responded: “The United States does not want Iran to develop a nuclear weapon. That’s a red line for us and that’s a red line, obviously, for the Israelis. If we have to do it we will deal with it.”

But U.S. officials also consider the closing of the Strait of Hormuz a reason to bomb Iran. Texas based think tank Stratfor (Strategic Forecasting) said: “The importance of this waterway to both American military and economic interests is difficult to overstate. Considering Washington’s more general, and fundamental, interest in securing freedom of the seas [for U.S. interests only, of course], the U.S. Navy would almost be forced to respond aggressively to any attempt to close the Strait of Hormuz.”

By the way, oil analysts have said that if the Strait of Hormuz was closed for 30 days, or even if one bomb fell on Iran, the price of oil could go as high as $500 per barrel.  Try commuting to work on that!  (maybe this is some kind-a insane conspiracy by the elitist oil industry to drive up oil prices)