The deployment ceremony was actually held on 30SEP2022.
Indiana Army National Guard photo by Sergeant Jonah Alvarez, 30SEP2022.
Approximately 3-hundred militia personnel with Indiana’s 38th Infantry Division-76th Infantry Brigade Combat Team-151st Infantry Regiment deployed to Europe as Task Force Nighthawk, on 03OCT2022. It is part of NATO-Regional Command-East’s Operation Joint Guardian. This is as a result of United Nations Security Council Resolution-1244: “The men and women of this brigade will work to ensure that Kosovo’s independence and sovereignty will remain strong, and that our collective goal of independent, multi-ethnic states in society coexisting peacefully in the western Balkans is realized. Our deployment demonstrates America’s resolve to defend sovereignty of free and democratic nations like Kosovo.”-Major General Dale Lyles, Indiana Army National Guard’s Adjutant General
Nebraska Army National Guard Video, by Corporal Skyler Schendt, showing the arrival of Indiana’s 151st Infantry Regiment on Hohenfels Training Area in Germany, 03OCT2022:
Interestingly, riot police training is part of realizing a peaceful and independent Balkans. After arriving in Germany, the ‘Hoosiers’ very first training event was crowd control, controlling the very people they’re supposed to be protecting, taught by the German Heer. Nebraska Army National Guard video by Staff Sergeant Anna Pongo, 06OCT2022:
Nebraska Army National Guard photo by Staff Sergeant Anna Pongo, 08OCT2022.
Riot control training also included how to walk on fire.
Preparation also included mass-casualties. Nebraska Army National Guard Video by Corporal Skyler Schendt, 15OCT2022:
The riot control training continued until 17OCT2022, when a simulated anti-NATO, anti-occupation, demonstration was put down by Indiana’s 151st Infantry Regiment:
So, when Major General Dale Lyles says “…our collective goal of independent, multi-ethnic states in society coexisting peacefully in the western Balkans is realized” does that mean beating the locals into submission?
01 November 2022 (01:19-UTC-07 Tango 06) 10 Aban 1401/06 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1444/08 Xin-Hai 4720/01 ноября 2022 года
This year there is a lot of talk in the Western-NATO news media about Iranian ‘Kamikaze’ drones (UAV, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) being used by Russia. Maybe it is because in March of this year, Iran actually revealed what their own news media calls Kamikaze drones.
Photo via Tasnim News Agency, 06MAR2022.
The actual official name of these UAVs is Me’raj-504. Me’raj means ‘ascension’, not Kamikaze. It was designed for the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), it is considered an upgrade of the Me’raj-214 UAV. They are used specifically to target air defense systems. The Me’raj-504 can carry a bomb with up to an equivalent explosive force of 2.5kg of TNT over a 100-kilometers flightpath.
The biggest advancements in the new design is a great reduction in cost, and time, to build.
The problem I have with the use of the word Kamikaze is that it is totally psychological on both the Western-NATO governments/news media, and Iran’s news media. The official meaning of Kamikaze is ‘Divine Wind’, coming from two failed attempts by the Mongol Empire to invade Japan. Both times a typhoon struck just as the Mongol ships arrived off Japan, destroying them. Thus it was divine intervention using the wind.
However, ever since the end of World War Two, the Western world associates Kamikaze with suicide. In desperation, during the last couple years of the war, Japan formed a suicide squadron; pilots who were trained to deliberately use their aircraft as bombs. They were officially called Kamikaze as in a Divine Wind to save Japan, but the victorious Western allies took it to mean suicide.
U.S. Navy (USN) silent film, made between 1944 and 1945, shows a Kamikaze just missing a U.S. battleship, and then striking the side of an aircraft carrier. The USN likes to boast that no Kamikaze succeeded in sinking a ‘major’ U.S. ship:
Perhaps the Iranian news media is using Kamikaze in the Divine Wind sense? The Western-NATO news media is certainly using it in the suicide-terrorist sense.
On 09OCT2022, Pennsylvania Army National Guard’s 28th Infantry Division held a deployment ceremony. The oldest division sized unit in the United States is being deployed for Operation Spartan Shield. The U.S. Army side of Operation Spartan Shield is called Task Force Spartan, which is dependent upon part time Army National Guard and Army Reserve units.
Pennsylvania Army National Guard photo by Captain Travis Mueller, 09OCT2022.
Pennsylvania Army National Guard photo by Captain Travis Mueller, 09OCT2022.
The commander of the 28th Infantry Division, Major General Mark McCormack, ignorantly and arrogantly stated “…the presence of American soldiers helps to calm things wherever that volatility happens to be…”, forgetting that much of the world’s volatility can be traced to the yet to be officially declared War on Terror, and, that it is a direct result of “the presence of American soldiers.”
Captain Travis Mueller’s video of the ceremonies:
Pennsylvania Army National Guard photo by Captain Travis Mueller, 09OCT2022.
But Major General Mark McCormack, also, in the same statement, admitted “We have an interest in the region, we have partners in the region and our deployment is to reassure partners.”
In this video interview, by Captain Travis Mueller, the Major General also reveals that Operation Spartan Shield involves nine countries:
Pennsylvania Army National Guard photo by Captain Travis Mueller, 09OCT2022.
The Pennsylvania Army National Guard’s 28th Infantry Division is to act as Task Force Spartan’s new headquarters unit.
Pennsylvania Army National Guard photo by Captain Travis Mueller, 09OCT2022.
The next day, militia personnel boarded contracted airliners for their year-long deployment in The Middle East (South West Asia).
Pennsylvania Army National Guard photo by Captain Travis Mueller, 10OCT2022.
30 October 2022 (15:43-UTC-07 Tango 06) 08 Aban 1401/04 Rabi ‘ath-Thani 1444/06 Geng-Xu (10th month) 4720/30 октября 2022 года
Space Force photo by Randy Martin, 29OCT2022.
On 29OCT2022, the joint U.S.-British empire Space Force (Semper Supra) debuted its NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing) race car, at the Xfinity 500 race.
Space Force photo by Randy Martin, 29OCT2022.
The U.S. Air Force (USAF) has always used NASCAR as a recruiting event, now the Space Force is following in the tracks of the USAF.
Space Force photo by Randy Martin, 29OCT2022.
U.S. Air Force photo by Randy Martin, 18SEP2021.
The USAF used the Bristol Motor Speedway, in Tennessee, as a swearing-in event during the Bass Pro Shops NRA Night Race NASCAR Cup Series, in September 2021.
U.S. Air Force photo by Randy Martin, 18SEP2021.
USAF photo by Joe Juarez, 20MAR2016.
USAF Space Systems Command (precursor to Space Force) recruits are sworn in during a NASCAR event at the Auto Club Speedway in Fontana, California, March 2016.
Colonel Brian Laidlaw signed an agreement with Florida’s Bay County to create a permanent county tax collection operation on the federal air base! USAF photo by Airman First Class Bailee A. Darbasie, 03JUN2019.
This is tip-o-the-iceberg news reports and government information about violence at the hands of police, released during the months of September and October, 2022.
In California, News Channel 3-12 reports that San Luis Obispo Police are using a new tactic in their so called gun-buy-back program; a type of Hunger Games where they give you food for your gun:
In Florida, police body-cam video was released, showing a September 2022 incident where a Saint Lucie County Deputy shot a suicidal and weaponless man, after telling him “I believe you. I’m here with you.”:
In Georgia, for the first time in two decades the Mayor of Atlanta ordered a ‘gun-buy-back’ program (again, grammatically this indicates the city of Atlanta is the origin of all the guns). Atlanta police claim this is their way of preventing violence against children, without providing any evidence that gun-buy-backs do so:
Progressive NBC News reveals that Saint Louis, Missouri, school-shooter somehow got back the gun that police had taken from him prior to the shooting, police claim they don’t know how the shooter got it back:
In New Mexico, three Albuquerque cops shot and killed a totally intoxicated man even though he was cooperating with them, they asked him to get his phone out of the car and call for a ride home, and to reveal any weapons that were in his car, and when he complied they all shot him, because one of the cops yelled out “gun.” The shooting happens halfway through the long video. Please notice that they never asked him to drop any such gun, they never gave him time to do so if he had a gun, and notice that you cannot see any gun in the video, also, after the shooting all the ass-hole cops act like it was no big deal, they say things like “I’m good.” Remember, Albuquerque Police have been proven by the FBI and U.S. Department of Justice to be corrupt, excessively violent, and the city is still under a federal Policing Reforms order! The incident happened in August 2022, the body-cam video was released in September:
NBC10 Philadelphia reports local deputy, who is an illegal immigrant(!), was caught selling evidence-locker guns that were used in school shootings:
In Wisconsin, Milwaukee Police are claiming their guns are shooting all by themselves! That is correct, they claim their guns have gone-off without the triggers being pulled. Fox 6 News reports city officials don’t want to talk about it:
In Texas, police body-cam video was released, showing a September 2022 incident where San Antonio police stopped and then shot and killed an immigrant, claiming he was a wanted armed robber. An investigation revealed the man was not only not armed but also not the armed robbery suspect:
Another San Antonio cop was relieved of duty after shooting a teenager multiple times, claiming the teenager was armed and driving a stolen car. An investigation proved otherwise:
In Virginia, a U.S. Army Officer is now suing the Windsor Police Department after they pulled their guns on him and pepper sprayed him, just because of his vehicle’s license plate! One of the cops has already been relieved of duty:
Facebook-Meta is blocking my participation in public and private groups, apparently because somebody made a copyright claim against one of the taxpayer funded U.S. Air Force public domain videos I posted!
Facebook-Meta did not notify me of the restriction, I only found out when I tried to post a comment in one of the groups. Only after I inquired did I learn of the copyright claim against me for the U.S. taxpayer funded public domain video!
I submitted a dispute explaining that it was a taxpayer funded public domain video, but that seems to have only encouraged Facebook-Meta in restricting me! A Facebook-Meta automated message explained that anybody from any country can make such a copyright claim, as part of Meta’s new policies. Facebook-Meta claims the copyright violation is about the music used in the video. Instead of taking it up with the USAF, they are taking it out on me?
From the 12th through the 15th of September, 2022, the U.S. Army’s (USA) Medical Materiel Development Activity (MMDA) displayed a new ambulance ‘kit’, which uses the Oshkosh made Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JTLV) chassis.
USA photo by T. T. Parish, 12SEP2022.
It was revealed during the Military Health System Research Symposium, in Kissimmee, Florida.
USA photo by T. T. Parish, 12SEP2022.
The JLTV Ambulance is a prototype, and the only one so far.
USA photo by T.T. Parish, 12SEP2022.
USA photo by T. T. Parish, 12SEP2022.
It is part of the USA’s new ‘Smart Field Hospital’ interoperability Medical Automated Systems (iMAS).
A panoramic view of the interior of the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle Ambulance Kit. USA photo by T. T. Parish, 13SEP2022.
USA video by T. T. Parish, 13SEP2022:
A standard JLTV on Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, 20JUL2022. USA-Reserve photo by Zach Mott.
Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg, seriously this isn’t the half-of-it!) list of United States drug related crimes and oddities for the month of September 2022:
The U.S. Navy (USN) tested out a new stealth robot boat to counter an old problem; drug traffickers using boats and aircraft that have little to no radio-frequency signatures. The USN, and the U.S. Southern Command, referrers to such vehicles as “Dark Targets”. It is part of the ONR SCOUT program. ONR stands for Office of Naval Research. However, while SCOUT is spelled in all-caps, it is not an acronym but rather part of a title; SCOUT Experimentation Campaign. It is all about creating robot systems to replace human personnel. On 19SEP2022, a robot boat (USV) was tested from Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story, at the entrance of the Chesapeake Bay. USN personnel used a captured ‘Dark Target’ drug boat to try an elude the robot. USN video report:
Welcome to borderland hell under U.S. President Joseph Robinette Biden Junior, incomplete (just the tip of the iceberg) list of videos and reports from the United States Coast Guard (USCG) about the increasing flood of boat people from Cuba, for September 2022:
USCG District 5 photo via Petty Officer Third Class Mikaela McGee.
On 01SEP2022, this boat, with seven illegals from Cuba on it, was captured approximately 58-miles south of Sugarloaf Key.
USCG District 7 photo, 06SEP2022.
One of many boats captured on 06SEP2022. The USCG says a total of 74 illegals were sent back to Cuba on 10SEP2022.
USCG District 7 photo.
On 07SEP2022, the USCG Cutter Charles David Junior-WPC-1107 (home port Key West) returned 85 illegals to their home country of Cuba.
USCG video, by Petty Officer Second Class Ronald Hodges, illegals from Cuba were captured about 18-miles south of Key West, 09SEP2022:
USCG District 7 video, capture of illegals from Cuba about 40-miles south of Islamorada, 09SEP2022:
USCG photo by by crew of Patrol Boat Manowar-WPB-87330, 11SEP2022.
One of many boats intercepted from 10 September through 11 September. The USCG says they sent 60 illegals back to Cuba on 13SEP2022.
USCG photo by Petty Office Third Class Cayne Wattigney, 13SEP2022.
One of many boats loaded with illegals, captured on 13SEP2022. The USCG says 99 illegals were sent back to Cuba on 15SEP2022.
USCG District 7 photo, 14SEP2022.
On 14SEP2022, this boat overloaded with illegals from Cuba was captured, the USCG did not give a location, other than to say it was off the coast of Florida.
USCG District 7 photo, 16SEP2022.
On 16SEP2022, during an interception, the illegals from Cuba jumped from their crappy home made boat and swam to the USCG. The interception took place off the coast of Marathon.
USCG District 7 photo, 17SEP2022.
On 17SEP2022, this home made boat (the USCG likes to call them “rustic vessels”) was intercepted about 7 miles west of Marquesas Keys. The USCG says their Cutter, Pablo Valent-WPC-1148, returned 78 illegals to Cuba, as part of this interception.
USCG photo by Petty Officer Second Class Brian Halbrooks, 18SEP2022.
On 18SEP2022, USCG Cutter Sycamore-WLB-209 intercepted this ‘rustic vessel’ about 20-miles southeast of Rodriguez Key.
USCG District 7 video, capture of illegals from Cuba about 40-miles south of Lower Matecumbe Key, 19SEP2022:
USCG District 7 video, capture of illegals about approximately 33-miles south of Bahia Honda State Park, 19SEP2022:
USCG District 7 video, capture of illegals about approximately 60-miles south of Marquesas Key, 24SEP2022:
USCG District 7 video, capture of more illegals about approximately 40-miles south of Marquesas Key, 24SEP2022:
USCG District 7 photo by Petty Officer Third Class Mikayla McGee, 25SEP2022.
On 25SEP2022, the USCG captured an illegal ‘rustic’ sailing vessel (notice that the sails are actually tarps), about 12-miles south of Islamorada.
USCG District 7 photo by Petty Officer Third Class Mikayla McGee, 26SEP2022.
On 26SEP2022, the USCG captured an illegal migrant vessel, about 12-miles south of Islamorada.
24 October 2022 (12:46-UTC-07 Tango 06) 02 Aban 1401/28 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1444/29 Geng-Xu 4720/24 октября 2022 года
U.S. Army photo, 29SEP2022.
At the end of September, 2022, U.S. Army’s (USA) Medical Materiel Development Activity (USA-MMDA)-Medical Test and Evaluation Activity-Medical Logistics Command-72nd Medical Veterinary Service Support Detachment (whew, is that enough titles?) tested some new experimental medical devices on a couple of dogs. The new equipment was developed for what the USA is preparing for; military operations in “austere environments”, I assume that means combat/disaster areas where all basic infrastructure has been wiped out.
Small emaciated looking phantom dog gets x-rayed using a tablet device. USA photo, 29SEP2022.
They were testing an experimental medical device which looks like something you would see the future doctors of Star Trek using; a large tablet looking device called the Vet X-ray Apparatus-Small.
The x-ray tablet sends the image to your laptop or smart-phone. USA photo, 29SEP2022.
The testing was done on Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Apparently, the next phase for the x-ray tablet involves testing on those manikin Phantom Children.