Tag Archives: u.k.

World War 3: More lies from Afghanistan

“Since December, all U.S. counter terrorism and special forces missions have been Afghan led.”-Lieutenant Colonel Jimmie Cummings, U.S. Army

According to a new study, Lt Col Cummings is a liar.  Just today I questioned the daily 24 hour battle reports being given by the Afghan National Security Forces. Their reports seem canned in that it’s almost the same number of killed and wounded everyday, just about the same locations everyday, the same claims of weapons captured, and even the same claims of illegal drugs destroyed.

Either the “Taliban” are more active than we’re being told, or someone is lying about Afghan/Coalition (occupiers) military operations.

A new report by the Kabul based Afghan Analysts Network (AAN) says that many of the so called Afghan led operations are actually led by U.S./NATO forces, and sometimes no Afghan forces are involved at all!

In their report titled Death of an Uruzgan Journalist: Command Errors and Collateral Damage, the authors focus on a 2011 incident, where a suicide bomber blew up a radio station.   In the aftermath a U.S. soldier killed an innocent reporter who was a survivor of the suicide bombing.

Initially the U.S. tried to cover it up by insisting the Afghan troops were the ones who responded to the bombing.  International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) refused to comment on whether U.S. led occupying forces were the ones who responded.

The AAN report says even now ISAF continues to present the incident as an “Afghan led” response.  AAN says what they discovered in trying to find out what happened to a reporter who had been targeted in the past, by both Mujahideen and U.S. occupying forces,  is that the United States is trying to give the impression that most military operations are fully under the direction of the Afghan government, possibly to justify an early withdrawal of U.S. troops.






World War 3: Red Dawn for Real! Russian Airborne landing in Colorado! All part of the War on Terror!

In 1984 I saw the movie Red Dawn.  I was already in the U.S. military, hyped up on anti-commie propaganda.

The movie envisions (but doesn’t really go into the details) a United States that has lost favor with the world, and the Soviets take advantage and invade the U.S. state of Colorado.

Well, here it is 2012, and the United States has lost favor with the world, and Russian airborne forces are headed for Fort Carson, Colorado!

“This is the first time such an event is being held. The Russian airborne will contribute a special task group that will exercise with U.S. special service weapons.”-Colonel Aleksandr Kucherenko, Russian Defense Ministry

According to Russian officials, this first time joint war game between Russian and U.S. forces, on U.S. territory, is being done in the name of the U.S. led War on Terror: “According to the exercise scenario, soldiers of the two countries will hold a tactical airborne operation, including reconnaissance of an imaginary terrorists’ camp and a raid.”-Colonel Aleksandr Kucherenko, Russian Defense Ministry

When does this go down? May 24-31, 2012.

What Economic Recovery? United Kingdom in Double Dip mode, “strong” Netherlands economy falling apart

Just two days after Spain went Double Dip, Britain is now officially in double dip recession.

On April 23, it was reported that the “experts” expected U.K.’s quarterly GDP report to show 0.1% “growth”, which would have kept it officially out of a Double Dip (I said “close enough”).

April 25, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said Britain’s GDP actually dropped 0.2%. Aww, that means two quarters in a row of negative GDP, welcome to the Double Dip club!

Here’s the tally, so far: United Kingdom, Spain, Italy and Belgium are officially Double Dippers.

To add to the European Union woes, France and Germany (considered the strongest economies in Europe) are seeing GDP contractions.

Then there’s Netherlands, which was considered to have a strong economy as well.  However, the government has fallen apart, over arguments concerning cutting government spending and raising taxes.  The Prime Minister resigned and new elections are to be held in September.  The Queen of Netherlands (yes, they are an evil elitist monarchy just like the U.K.) has ordered the Prime Minister to stay on until after the new elections.  (this is just more Trilateral Commission operations to create a singular privatized government system)

World War 3: Another NATO fuel convoy burned. More battles and deaths. Herat the new hot spot.

April 25, 2012, a convoy of fuel tankers for U.S. led forces was attacked in Herat Province, Afghanistan.

The attack took place shortly after midnight.  Two fuelers were burned to the ground.  Mujahideen used old Soviet era RPGs (Rocket Propelled Grenades) to torch the tankers.  No casualties reported.

The attack on fuelers followed several battles between Mujahideen and Afghan government troops in Herat Province.  Government officials say one of their soldiers was killed, and another soldier was wounded in a separate battle.

In Ghazni Province five Afghan army troops were killed and two wounded in an explosion.

Once again the Afghan National Security officials gave a 24 hour roundup of military operations across the country.  And once again they say they killed about 20 Mujahideen, wounded 14 others and captured 11.

They claim there were 15 military operations in the past 24 hours, conducted along side occupying troops.  They took place in Kabul, Kapisa, Kandahar, Helmand, Logar and Paktia provinces.  I’m getting suspicious of these 24 hour reports, because they report almost the same number of killed or wounded Mujahideen everyday.  It also involves the same provinces.  If true then it means the “Taliban” are much more active than what Western media are reporting.

International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) reporting yet more U.S./NATO deaths.  One occupying force member was killed in an explosion (some reports say two NATO soldiers were killed), and two others were killed in non-combat situations.  Standard Operating Procedure for ISAF means no other details were issued.

Officially, the number of occupying forces deaths, from combat, still stands at 123.  They do not include non-combat deaths.





World War 3: Again more NATO deaths. Battles in Helmand and Kandahar.

April 24, 2012, International Security Assistance Force now saying, almost as an afterthought, that a U.S. led soldier was killed by an explosion in Helmand Province on April 22.

No other details.

Afghan officials reporting major battles with Mujahideen in Helmand and Kandahar provinces.

In Kandahar one Afghan government soldier was killed, and three wounded after being attacked by Mujahideen.

In Helmand, Afghan government forces claim to have killed 20 Mujahideen, and wounded another ten. Some reports say the battle actually took place a week ago, which brings into question the reliability of government announcements.

The Afghan National Army also claims to have operations underway in Kabul, Nangarhar, Parwan, Kunduz and Logar provinces, so far killing eight Mujahideen and capturing 16.


World War 3: More U.S./NATO deaths. U.S. Congressman banned from Afghanistan. Yet more “leaders” captured.

April 24, 2012, International Security Assistance Force announced more U.S. led troop deaths.  As is ISAF SOP, no further details were given, other than that the official death toll for occupying forces is now at 123 for 2012.

Yet again, the Afghan government claims to have captured more “Taliban” and “Haqqani” leaders.   The captures took place in Logar, Nangarhar and Paktiya provinces.  They also claim to have stopped a suicide bomber in Herat Province.  They say he is connected to the Mullah Zahir Mujahideen group.

U.S. Republican Dana Rohrabacher, Representative from California, has been banned from entering Afghanistan.

Rohrabacher, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, has criticized Afghanistan’s president, Hamid Karzai.

A group of U.S. Congressman are in Afghanistan meeting with Northern Alliance political parties.  Afghanistan’s Foreign Affairs Ministry says the U.S. politicians are interfering in Afghanistan’s internal affairs.

World War 3: Turkey blocks Israel’s NATO desire

“There will be no Israeli presence at the NATO meeting unless they issue a formal apology and pay compensation for the Turkish citizens their commandos killed in international waters.”-Turkish statement

Turkey, a full member of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), has blocked Israel’s attendance at the upcoming Chicago NATO meeting.

Israel is not a member of NATO, but has been allowed to take part in meetings at the insistence of the United States.  The Chicago meeting is scheduled for May 20-21.

What Economic Recovery? Spain officially in double dip recession, Britain on the verge

April 23, 2012, Spain’s Central Bank has declared the country officially in recession.

Gross domestic product (GDP) shrank 0.4% in the first quarter of 2012, following a 0.3% decline in the last quarter of 2011.   Decline for two quarters in a row makes an official recession.

The Spanish government says it will cut spending by $11 billion USD, and will increase taxes!

The United Kingdom is on the verge of double dip recession. Britain’s Office for National Statistics is expected to say on Wednesday that the economy grew(?) by a meager 0.1%.  

By the way, in order to be considered true growth your GDP needs to be at 3% or higher.  So Britain’s GDP is only 0.1%?  Close enough to call it double dip!

To make matters worse, the two “strong” European economies, Germany and France, are actually contracting!

Belgium and Italy have already crossed into double dip recession.

World War 3: U.S. admits its personnel are drug addicts. More U.S. led NATO deaths. Fuel depot burning.

April 23, 2012, a fuel depot near Kabul is burning.  The only info available, currently, is that there are casualties and that it’s not clear how the fire started.

April 23, International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) announced that two U.S./NATO/ISAF personnel were killed by an explosion the day before.

As is ISAF SOP, no details were given.  The number of confirmed (ie; officially admitted) dead for occupying forces is now 120 for the year. That’s 79 U.S. troops, 15 British troops and 26 soldiers from the other NATO member/ally countries.

More claims of “leaders” being captured.  Afghan government forces claim they’ve captured a “Taliban leader”, and a “Haqqani leader”.  The operations took place in Helmand and Khost provinces.

In Logar Province, Afghan officials claim they’ve captured several Mujahideen.  They say one of those captured belongs to the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan.

Legal action by an activist group has forced the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command to admit that many U.S. personnel are drug addicts.

Documents released show at least 56 personnel were investigated in 2010 and 2011.  At least eight military personnel died from opiate use in Afghanistan during the same time.  That included prescription drugs, as well as illegal drugs.

The information was specifically about U.S. Army personnel in Afghanistan.  Earlier this year the Army admitted that between 2006 and 2011, 36,000 soldiers were involved in drug offenses.

But wait, there’s more!  The Army also saw a huge spike in drug use in 2011.  Drug use jumped by 1,800 from 2010 to 2011.



Terror Drones: April 16-22, Iran copies Stealth Drone shares info with Russia & China. Seattle & Ogden using drones. Illinois National Guard RQ-7B. CIA wants to kill everyone!

April 22, 2012, Iranian military officials announced they have successfully reverse engineered the RQ-170 Sentinel stealth UAV, captured from the United States in December last year.

Iranian officials gave several clues to prove they recovered data from the aircraft’s computers.

1: Drone parts had been transferred to California for technical work in October 2010. The drone was later transferred to Kandahar, Afghanistan in November 2010.

2: The drone had experienced some technical flaws in its Kandahar flight in November, but U.S. experts failed resolve the problems. The RQ-170 was then sent back to an airfield near Los Angeles in December 2010, for tests on its censors and parts. The drone had a number of test flights there.

3: The spy drone’s memory revealed that it had flown over Al-Qaeda Leader Osama bin Laden’s hideout in Pakistan two weeks before his death.

“Had we not accessed the plane’s soft wares and hard discs, we wouldn’t have been able to achieve these facts.”-Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Forces

Iranian officials also confirmed that Russia and China are requesting that Iran share the info recovered from the RQ-170 Sentinel.  Iranian officials said many countries were asking for details on the U.S. stealth drone, but Russian and China had are being most insistent.

To show you how stupid U.S. officials are, U.S. Senator (and warmonger) Joe Lieberman called the claims “Iranian bluster.”

Facts are that during the 1980s Iran reverse engineered every U.S. and British weapons system they had, including the F-14 Tomcat and its Phoenix missiles!

Of course the Soviets helped. The proof is the fact that by the end of the 1980s the Soviets had exact copies of U.S. air to air missiles, including the Phoenix, as well as the radar system used on the F-14!

Iran has been building their own “new builds” of F-5s (including a twin tail version), F-14s (one British intelligence source had counted the number of F-14s Iran now has and concluded that the amount could only be explained by Iran building their own Tomcats), as well as developing their own medium altitude anti-aircraft missile based on the U.S. Hawk system.

Iran’s own Main Battle Tank (MBT), the Zolfaqar-3, is the result of combining technologies from U.S. M60 tank, British Chieftain tank and the Soviet/Russian T-72.  In other words; the Iranians are more than capable of reverse engineering the RQ-170 Sentinel stealth UAV.

April 21, Illinois National Guard has been operating UAVs within the U.S.  The unit is called Shadow Platoon and operates RQ-7B drones.

April 19, reports out of Pakistan said the United States is considering allowing Pakistani military to jointly operate U.S. assassination drones.

On April 19, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has officially requested for permission to kill anyone in Yemen!

According to an unnamed U.S. source, the CIA wants expanded authority to kill, even when it does not know the identities of those who could be killed!  Apparently it is because U.S. assassination drone operators are having a hard time telling who’s the bad guy in Yemen!

U.S. Secretary of Defense, numb nuts Leon Panetta, flat out lied and said all the people killed by drones were planning on attacking the United States:  “Our target there represents those terrorists, or those al-Qaida terrorists that involve a threat to this country, and there are very specific targets. This is not broad based. We are not becoming part of any kind of civil war disputes in that country. We are very precise, and very targeted and will remain pursuant to those operations.”

An international legal expert countered by stating the drone strikes are a violation of international law:  “In other words, the CIA is seeking to escalate an already unlawful campaign of targeted killing at the very time Yemen needs support building the rule of law and ending violence and military conflict. The last time the CIA had this much freedom to kill was in Vietnam. It killed 25,000 people, and the U.S. lost the war!”-Mary Ellen O’Connell, American Society of International Law

April 18, U.S. drones killed five people in Yemen.

April 17, U.S. drones kill 31 people in Somalia.

April 16, three people killed by U.S. terror drone strike in Yemen.

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved a license for the Seattle Police Department to operate UAVs.  The approval was signed by President Obama back in February.

Since 2006, the FAA has issued as many as 750 UAV licenses, or permits, to 56 local governments through out the country. It took a lawsuit by the Electronic Frountier Foundation to force the FAA to reveal who is getting the permits.

Out of the 56, 22 are law enforcement agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security.  23 have law enforcement duties, such as universities who’s campus police are using the drones.

Here’s a short list of U.S. police departments licensed to operate UAVs: Arlington, Texas; North Little Rock, Arkansas; Queen Anne’s County, Maryland; FBI; Gadsden PD; Georgia Tech PD; Mesa County, Colorado; Miami-Dade, Florida; Montgomery County, Texas; Ogden, Utah; Polk County, Florida; Otter Tail County, Minnesota; Herington, Kansas.