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World War 3: Taliban announce “official” start to Spring Offensive. Explosions kill U.S./NATO troops & Afghan forces. Karzai signs long term military pact with United States, U.S. will continue occupation until 2024!

“It must be stated that the primary target of Al-Farooq operation will be the foreign invaders, their advisers, their contractors and members of all associated military, intelligence and auxiliary departments.”-Taliban statement

May 2, 2012, a “Taliban” website announced the official start to the annual Spring Offensive, called Operation Al-Farooq.  (It could be a reference to Umar, the second Muslim Caliph. Al-Farooq means something like ‘he who knows truth from falsehood’)

The official declaration of a spring offensive comes days after reports that the U.S. was about to begin negotiations with “Taliban” officials in Qatar.

The Spring Offensive statement also said: “…all those people who work against the Mujahideen, toil to pave ground for the occupation of Afghanistan and become the cause for the strength of the invaders will also be targeted in Al-Farooq operation!”

Just hours before the statement, dozens of suicide bombers attacked several locations throughout Afghanistan.

In the city of Kabul, at least seven people were killed and 17 wounded after Mujahideen detonated at least three bombs, and began firefights following the explosions.

Hours before that a suicide bomber hit a British/NATO base on the Kabul-Jalalabad highway.  Mujahideen claim dozens of NATO troops killed or wounded.

International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) did admit that at least two U.S./NATO personnel were killed, by an explosion, in eastern Afghanistan.

Zabiullah Mujahid (a Taliban spokesman) says the official start of their Spring Offensive was timed for Obama’s visit to Afghanistan.  The attacks in Kabul took place two hours after Obama left.

Speaking of Obama, the U.S. president arrived in Afghanistan the night of May 1, 2012.  He signed a new military pact with Afghanistan’s puppet president Hamid Karzai.

To give a sinister spin to the event, the signing of the military pact took place at midnight Afghanistan time.

The ten page long agreement pledges continued U.S. support for the puppet government of Afghanistan for a decade after 2014!

And now for the 24 hour seek, destroy or capture report given by Afghan and ISAF officials, for May 2, 2012: More “leaders” captured in Ghazni and Kandahar provinces. 925 kilograms (2,035 pounds ) of homemade explosives captured during “routine” patrol in Ghazni Province.

This is an unusually short 24 hour report.

“Such fratricide-murder incidents are no longer isolated; they reflect a growing systemic threat.”-from ISAF report titled A Crisis of Trust and Cultural Incompatibility

On Monday, April 30, the Associated Press revealed that U.S./ISAF/NATO officials are intentionally under-reporting the number of attacks upon them, by Afghan government personnel: “…the AP has learned it does not report insider attacks in which the Afghan wounds – or misses – his US or allied target. It also doesn’t report the wounding of troops who were attacked alongside those who were killed.”

The AP report also revealed that most attacks by Afghan government personnel on U.S. forces are not because they are “Taliban” but because the U.S. forces are treating the Afghans like shit: “US officials say that in most cases the Afghans who turn their guns on their supposed allies are motivated not by sympathy for the Taliban or on orders from insurgents but rather act as a result of personal grievances against the coalition.”

The number of “friendly fire” cases are rapidly growing: 2007/2008 a total of four attacks, four deaths.  2010 eleven attacks, 20 deaths.  2011 twenty one attacks, 35 deaths.   So far for 2012, at least 10 attacks.


World War 3: U.S./NATO troops kill 4 children. No surprise; illegal drug trade sets new records under U.S. occupation, money not going to local drug dealers! 24 hour reports roll on.

May 1, 2012, three children killed, and three wounded, in Zabul Province, Afghanistan.

Deputy provincial governor, Mohammad Jan Rasolyar, said U.S./NATO troops were attacked by Mujahideen, and a firefight broke out.  Witnesses were outraged, claiming the children were targeted by the U.S./NATO troops.

Protests erupted, resulting in the closing of the highway between Kandahar and Kabul provinces.

Witnesses also say two U.S/NATO troops were killed, and one Mujahideen was killed.

Afghanistan’s Deputy Counter Narcotics Minister, Ibrahim Azhar, announced that the illegal drug trade in Afghanistan is now at $70 billion USD since 2011.

Opium production is up by 61% since the United States occupied!  But here’s some interesting news from the Afghan government; the opium farmers, and even local drug dealers, account for only 5% of the income made off the illegal drugs!  The majority goes to “international” organizations (another way to say U.S. affiliated organizations).

Deputy Counter Narcotics Minister Azhar also claimed that the majority of the drugs are being flown out of Afghanistan via airports, and airbases run by the United States!

And now for the 24 hour seek, destroy or capture report given by Afghan and ISAF officials, for May 1, 2012:   Three Afghan troops wounded in Ghazni Province.  One Afghan troop wounded in Nimroz Province. Weapons and ammo captured in Kandahar Province. Two “leaders” captured in Helmand Province.  Five Mujahideen killed by possible U.S. drone strike in Lagman Province.  One Mujahideen killed by air/drone(?) strike in Wardak Province, also one Mujahideen killed in firefight with occupying forces.  Afghan Interior Ministry claims a total of 19 Mujahideen were killed, three wounded and five captured.

Combat operations were conducted Kabul, Baghlan, Faryab, Kandahar, Helmand, Maidan Wardak, Logar, Khost and Farah provinces.

And now for the 24 hour report for April 30, 2012: 40 year old woman killed with shotgun in Baghlan Province. Police Chief for Paktia Province assassinated by Mujahideen, two cops and one body guard wounded.  U.S./NATO troop killed in battle in southern Afghanistan. Afghan Interior Ministry claims 14 Mujahideen killed, two wounded and 16 captured, along with weapons and ammo.

Combat operations were conducted at Kabul, Nangarhar, Zabul, Logar and Ghazni provinces.

Terror Drones: April 23-29. Pakistan hit. Taliban claim capture of drone. U.S. cops chomping at the bit for their new drones. U.S. politicians taking food from hungry children to build more drones! CIA protected by law.

“The American planes hovering in the skies for quite some time fired at least three missiles at a house in Zafar town in Miran Shah bazaar that damaged the compound completely….They did not appear to be the local militants.”-unnamed local official

April 29, 2012, a U.S. assassination drone killed at least three people in Pakistan.

The attack took place in North Waziristan (within the Waziristan region), dozens of people were wounded.

Also on April 29, a U.S. drone crashed in Ghazni Province, Afghanistan.  Mujahideen claim they shot it down and have recovered the wreckage.

“We want (police) to be able to use the aircraft sooner because there is a public interest.”-Ben Gielow, Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International

According to a Boston Herald report, U.S. police are chomping at the bit for their FAA issued drone licenses.

“Rushing to push through applications to fly drones doesn’t seem like a good idea.”-Jennifer Lynch, Electronic Frontier Foundation

Many police departments say they have already bought small drones, claiming they are to be used to find missing people.  Until now rules did not allow them to legally use them.  Federal Aviation Administration will have new rules in place by May 14, allowing your local police to legally spy on you with drones.

What’s interesting is that some “law” enforcement agencies have already been caught operating drones.

“….instead of having a caucus to feed preschool children, they decided it was more important to have a Drone Caucus and that’s because all the manufacturers in their districts are funding them.” also “Eisenhower was so right, and he was so right when he said it steals money, it robs us of food for our children, of healthcare for our parents, he was so right. And it’s just worse and worse.”-Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK

Last week, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, revealed that the U.S. Customs and Border Protection are operating Predator-B drones, from North Dakota and now into Washington state.  They claim to be watching the Canadian border for criminal activity.

Down Mexico way, some people are questioning the effectiveness of Predator drones used on that border.

According to stltoday.com: “…Homeland Security officials who have spent six years and more than $250 million building the nation’s largest fleet of domestic surveillance drones. The nine Predators that help police America’s borders have yet to be very useful in stopping contraband or illegal immigrants.”

Washington Post reported on April 25 that President Barack Obama has authorized the CIA to use drones to kill people, even if they can’t tell who it is they’re killing.  The new drone policy is called “signature” strikes.

On April 10, U.S. Central Intelligence Agency’s Stephen W. Preston, gave a speech which explained why the Obama administration is so gung ho on allowing the CIA, and not the military, to operate the assassination drones. Supposedly traditional “laws of war” do not apply to intelligence agencies.

According to Preston, the CIA answers only to U.S. laws, and those laws favor the CIA: “The courts have long recognized the state secrets privilege and have consistently upheld its proper invocation to protect intelligence sources and methods from disclosure. Moreover, federal judges have dismissed cases on justiciability or political question grounds, acknowledging that the courts are, at times, institutionally ill-equipped and constitutionally incapable of reviewing national security decisions committed to the President and the political branches.”

Speaking of Yemen, the Associated Press revealed that a Yemen Mujahideen claimed to have killed by CIA drone strike last year, is actually alive and well.

April 24, a top FBI official was in Yemen, just two days after a CIA drone strike killed what Yemen officials claim was a top militant “leader”.

Mohammed Al-Basha, Yemen’s embassy spokesman in Washington DC, revealed that the FBI is also involved with drone strikes in Yemen: “Mueller visits Yemen on an annual basis so this is not a special or secret occasion. President Hadi emphasised that he is strongly committed to combatting extremism and working with the U.S. to counter the mutual threat of terrorism.”

FBI director Robert Mueller vowed to crush the Yemen Mujahideen.

April 27, at least 22 people were killed by U.S. drone strikes in Somalia.


New treatment that could prevent obesity and anorexia!

“The human obesity receptor binds the hormone leptin and together they play a key role in regulating appetite, fertility, and immunity.”-Pete Artymiuk,  University of Sheffield

According to the journal Structure, British scientists have developed a way to manipulate the hormone Leptin.

Excess leptin predisposes overweight people to conditions such as multiple sclerosis, cancer and heart disease.  A deficiency in leptin, as occurs in malnutrition, results in infertility and immunodeficiency.

Scientists use X-ray crystallography to block, or stimulate leptin receptors: “Modulating the actions of the obesity receptor provides a novel approach to the treatment of conditions associated with both obesity and anorexia and has the potential to make a massive difference to millions of people whose quality of life and health is hindered by obesity or malnutrition.”-Richard Ross, University of Sheffield


World War 3: More U.S./NATO deaths, more leaders captured, more battles, more money to be spent.

April 29, 2012, International Security Assistance Force announced that two U.S./NATO personnel were killed in separate explosions.

One soldier was killed in southern Afghanistan, the other in eastern Afghanistan.

At least 135 NATO service members have died since the beginning of 2012.

Yet another 24 hour seek and destroy/capture mission report from the Afghan officials. This time they claim they killed five Mujahideen and captured 21.

They also claim the usual capture of “leaders”, weapons and drugs.  The battles took place in Nangarhar, Kunar, Kapisa, Kandahar, Helmand, Khost, Ghazni, Logar, Zabul and Farah provinces.   The report was backed up by ISAF officials.

Chairman of U.S. Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, Senator John Kerry, met with President Hamid Karzai. They came up with preliminary agreements on U.S. troop draw down in 2014.

They agreed the main focus should be spending more money to build up Afghanistan’s civil service.  They also agreed not to reduce spending on the Afghan military until it was clear the “security situation” improves, after 2015.

Global Economic War: Grocery store chain refuses to buy Israeli products

“Following an audit of the Group’s supply chain, it will no longer do business with four companies, accounting for £350,000 [$569,380 USD] worth of sales, as there is evidence that they source from the Israeli settlements in the Palestinian occupied territories. The Group will also continue to actively work to increase trade links with Palestinian businesses in the occupied territories.”-Co-operative Group statement

A U.K. based food retailer, Co-operative Group, is continuing a ban on Israeli food products coming from illegally occupied West Bank.

Co-operative Group stopped buying products from Israeli West Bank settlements in 2009.  Four Israeli companies are affected: Agrexco, Arava Export Growers, Adafresh, and Mehadrin which is Israel’s largest agricultural export company.

“We strongly urge other retailers to take similar action.”-Hilary Smith, Boycott Israel Network

World War 3: Iran begins mass production of modified F-5, new radar, new missile. Iranian navy threatens to send ships to New York.

April 29, 2012, after years of development Iranian officials announced they are mass producing their Saeqeh fighter jet.  It is not only proof of reverse engineering, but of indigenous designs.

The Saeqeh (lightning/thunderbolt) is a reverse engineered U.S. F-5, with modifications, most notably a twin tail instead of the original single tail.

Prototypes of the Saeqeh has been seen with a single 20 mm gun, as well as two 20 mm guns.  Iranian officials say the production aircraft has advanced avionics, radar and carries Iranian developed smart bombs and air to air missiles.

Iran also operates reverse engineered U.S. F-4 and F-14 jets, as well as Huey, Cobra and Chinook helicopters.

On April 27, 2012, the Aerospace Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRCG), Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, announced the mass production of a radar with a 1,100 km (683 miles) range.  It’s called Ghadir.

The Ghadir radar system was first tested last year, and was used to monitor low altitude satellites.

Brigadier General Hajizadeh also says they have been mass producing an anti-ship missile called the Khalij-e Fars (Persian Gulf).

The missile was developed in 2008, and revealed publicly in 2011.  It has a range of 200 km (124 miles) and can be mounted on small fast attack boats.

Iranian media mistakenly reported that Iran had radars with 1,800 miles range, but after further reading of the articles it became clear they were talking about ballistic missiles.  Brigadier General Hajizadeh stated they will be used to target U.S. forces: “Today, one of our short range missiles can function as an intercontinental missile because they [U.S. military] have been based near us.”

Last year Hajizadeh said their short range ballistic missiles “…will target NATO’s missile shield in Turkey and will then attack other targets.”

On April 24, 2012, IRGC Navy Commander, Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi, announced: “Our naval forces are so powerful that we have a presence in all the waters of the world and, if needed, we can move to within three miles of New York!”

Last year another Iranian military official gave this warning: “The Navy has a strong presence in the Caspian Sea, Persian Gulf, Sea of Oman, Indian Ocean and international waters and soon it will be present in the Atlantic Ocean.”-Ahmad Vahidi, Defense Minister of Iran


World War 3: World Bank giving Afghanistan $150 million annually. 12 cops killed. DA assassinated. More “leaders” captured.

April 28, 2012, Mujahideen Spring Offensive rolls on.

In Kandahar Province, two cops and two Mujahideen were killed.  The anti-government freedom fighters tried to blow up the provincial government building, but were caught in a firefight with security guards.

In Wardak Province, ten cops were killed on April 27, after they drove over a mine.

Also on April 27, Mujahideen assassinated the District Attorney for the Farsi district of Herat Province.  Herat has suffered daily attacks for at least a week now.

Despite the increasing attacks by Mujahideen, Afghan government officials (backed up by ISAF officials) continue to make claims of capturing “Taliban” and “Haqqani” leaders.

The April 28 claim says they captured five “leaders” after seek and destroy/capture missions in Khost, Kandahar, Helmand, Nangarhar and Ghazni provinces.

As usual they also claim to have captured a plethora of weapons.  I have questioned the reliability of these reports before.  These reports are being issued every 24 hours and it just seems unbelievable their claims of the number of leaders, weapons and even drugs captured on a daily basis, and yet the Mujahideen Spring Offensive is actually picking up speed.

ISAF announced that another U.S./NATO troop was killed, this time in a non-combat incident. As is their SOP no further details were given.

As of April 28, at least 133 NATO service members have been killed since the beginning of 2012.

April 28, the Trilateral Commission’s World Bank has announced that they will give Afghanistan $150 million USD every year, for the next three years!

World Bank officials say they decided to provide Afghanistan with the money, because after the supposed U.S./NATO pullout in 2014 international donations (government grants?) are expected to take a huge drop.

This is proof that the current Afghan economy is being propped up by donations, mainly from occupying countries.  The World Bank is afraid that without the $150 million per year the U.S. puppet government of Afghanistan will not survive (gee, something similar happened after the Soviets pulled out in 1989).

The U.S. based World Bank has already provided the U.S. puppet government of Afghanistan with more than $2 billion USD since the U.S. invaded in 2001.  World Bank officials also admitted that money given to the puppet government has not been spent properly.

World War 3: Four more U.S./NATO troops dead. More huge drug stashes found.

International Security Assistance Force announced that four more U.S./NATO personnel were killed on April 26, 2012.  They were killed by an explosion.

At least 131 NATO service members including 88 U.S. troops, 15 British troops and 28 soldiers from the other occupying countries have been killed since the beginning of 2012.

Reports are confusing, ISAF might actually be re-reporting the deaths of four U.S./NATO soldiers already reported on Thursday. One was shot by an Afghan soldier, the other three were killed when they drove over a mine.  If not, then there is a steady increase in the number of attacks on U.S./NATO forces.

The Afghan government is reporting more “leaders” captured, this time in Khost and Helmand provinces (the usual provinces).

In Kandahar, officials claim they’ve captured 7,000 kilograms (15,400 pounds) of hashish.



World War 3: Soldier from Georgia killed in Afghanistan. More U.S./NATO deaths. Mujahideen launch major attack on Afghan cops. Another Afghan soldier kills U.S./NATO soldier.

April 26, 2012, Badakhshan provincial officials report that Mujahideen attacked a police check point.  At least three police officers were killed, three others were wounded and 16 others were taken prisoner.

On top of that 21 police officers have gone missing.  Officials say the check point had a total of 43 cops, which means all the police were killed, wounded, captured or ran away!

In Kandahar Province three U.S./NATO personnel were wounded after their vehicle ran over a mine.  Other international reports say three soldiers were killed.  Mujahideen claim they killed five U.S. soldiers with the mine.

In Helmand Province, a soldier from the country of Georgia (not a current NATO member, but a puppet of the United States), has been killed by an explosion: “He had been serving in the Georgian Armed Forces since 2004. Sergeant Khujadze also participated in a peacekeeping mission in Iraq. In 2011 he was awarded with the Medal for Participation in Peacekeeping Operations.”-Georgian government statement

This makes the 16th soldier from the country of Georgia to be killed in Afghanistan.

The announcement from Georgian officials came after International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) reported another NATO death.  Since ISAF does not give details, and since Georgia is being considered for membership in NATO, it could be possible that ISAF was referring to the Georgian soldier’s death.

ISAF also claims that more members of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan were captured, this time in Wardak Province.  At least one militant was killed. ISAF also says a “Haqqani” leader was captured in Khost Province.

Also in Wardak Province, local officials say three women were killed when their house was hit by a rocket. No one knows who fired the rocket. The incident took place on April 23.

On the night of April 25, a man wearing Afghan army uniform shot and killed a U.S./NATO soldier.  Occupying forces returned fire and killed the Afghan soldier.  USFOR-A team is investigating the incident.

According to icasualties.org U.S./NATO deaths are now at 127 for 2012.