Tag Archives: u.k.

World War 3: More U.S./NATO troops die, Karzai to join with Taliban, U.S. blames Spring Offensive on Pakistan

April 20, 2012, International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) confirmed that four U.S. led personnel were killed when a U.S. Black Hawk crashed in Helmand Province the day before.

Afghan officials say the helicopter was medivacing wounded Afghan police officers, who had been attacked by a suicide bomber, in the Garmsir district.  Local officials think the medivac went down because of bad weather.

There are reports that four Afghan policeman were killed after the suicide bomber exploded himself at a checkpoint.

Also in Garmsir district yesterday, a lone man attacked an Afghan military patrol.  He was detained.

The failed medivac operation was not part of a larger battle that took place in Helmand on the same day.  Afghan officials say that battle took place in Washir district.

Afghan officials claim to have killed 10 Mujahideen in that battle, along with the destruction of a mine production company.

Helmand saw other military/police operations such as an operation which tore up 1250 hectares (3088.817 acres) of farm land used for opium poppies.  The operation took place in Nad-e-Ali, Marjah and Sangin districts.

On April 19, 2012, the U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, numb nuts Ryan Crocker, blamed the current Mujahideen Spring Offensive on the so called “Haqqani network” of Pakistan.

U.S. Defense Secretary, numb nuts Leon Panetta, also blamed the “Haqqani network”.

April 20, 2012, an Afghan politician says his opponent, President Hamid Karzai, is planning on creating a coalition government with the “Taliban”.

Ahmadzia Massoud says Karzai is just waiting for the U.S. led occupation forces to leave.

Ahmadzia Massoud is part of a group of Afghans that helped the U.S. commit war crimes at the beginning of the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, such as the murder of truckloads of POWs, who were machine gunned and suffocated while trapped inside cargo containers (known as Dasht-i-Leili massacre).

The group is called National Front of Afghanistan, or Afghanistan National Front (ANF), and includes Mohammad Mohaqiq and Abdul Rashid Dostum.


World War 3: More proof of U.S. Command breakdown; U.S. troops release more pics of themselves posing. Battles rage on, U.S. led NATO needs $4 billion! Rumors of NATO breakdown

April 18, 2012, Australia’s announced early withdrawal from Afghanistan has created rumors of U.S. led NATO breakdown.

For one thing, Australia is not a member of NATO, it is a “contact country” (as is Japan) which will sometimes support NATO action.

NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and Australia is not in the Atlantic.  However, it’s the growing number of NATO “supporting” countries who are not geographically in, or near the north Atlantic, that has Russia accusing the United States of using NATO to expand its empire.  Also the fact that NATO was originally created to “counter the threat of the Soviet Union”, yet 20 years after the demise of the Soviet Union NATO is still around and more active.

However, even if Australia is not a full member of NATO, on April 17 NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Australia’s early withdrawal was “fully within the framework” of the U.S. led NATO plans.

Here’s another ‘however’: Germany’s Defense Minister, Thomas de Maiziere, said “Australia’s message surprised me.”  Germany is one of the oldest members of NATO.

Yet more ‘however’:  NATO Secretary General Rasmussen added to the confusion by saying “All 50 allies and partners within the ISAF coalition have committed themselves to the basic principle of ‘in together, out together’.  And I know that the Australians are committed to that principle as well.”

So is Rasmussen saying all the occupying forces are going to leave a year early, or is he saying Australia is bluffing?

Here’s what recently resigned, former commander of Australian forces in Afghanistan, said:  “There is an unpleasant whiff of politics and self-interest in the strategy to withdraw American, Australian and other foreign combat troops from Afghanistan by 2014 or earlier. The electoral cycles of nations contributing troops to the fight in Afghanistan mean that politicians everywhere are looking for the exits.”-Major General John P Cantwell

By the way, New Zealand officials are now saying they will pull out troops a year early as well.

To make things even more confusing, on April 18 NATO officials accused each other of not paying their way: “I would expect NATO allies and ISAF partners to commit themselves to pay a fair share of the total bill.”-Anders Fogh Rasmussen, NATO Secretary General

Rasmussen hinted at probably the real reason why many NATO members, and their supporting countries, are trying to get out of Afghanistan early: There ain’t no mo’ money!

Rasmussen said in order to continue the U.S. led military occupation of Afghanistan it will take an estimated $4billion USD per year!  His answer is to turn things over to the Afghan government ASAP: “It is less expensive to finance Afghanistan security forces than to deploy foreign troops in Afghanistan.”

Here’s what I say: No shit Sherlock, and obviously our highly edumacated and wealthy elite leaders did not learn a goddamn thing from the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan back in the 1980s!!!  Anybody remember what destroyed the Soviet Union?  Economic collapse due to military involvement in a war they could not win in Afghanistan (which was part of U.S. plans to destroy the USSR).

The political ho downs of NATO prove that this so called War on Terror is a war totally of the machinations of political elites, which is a violation of a thousands year old rule of warfare: “…He will win who has military capacity and
is not interfered with by the sovereign [political rulers].”  also “No ruler should put troops into the field merely to gratify his own spleen; no general should fight a battle simply out of pique….”-Sun Tzu

And here’s what the warrior master Sun Tzu says about the technological superiority of the United States: “Even the finest sword plunged into salt water will eventually rust.”

And about long wars:  “There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare.”

Now to the latest evidence of U.S. military command failings.  A U.S. Army soldier has given the Los Angeles Times 18 pics showing troops in Afghanistan posing with the Afghans they killed.

Gee, we’ve been there done that before.  Of course our military leadership is blaming it on rogue troops, and will “investigate”.  No, this is the fault of our leadership; shit rolls downhill, you idiots!!!

Another proof of failed leadership is the many pics of U.S. troops with prominent tattoos which is a violation of the UCMJ.

Here’s what Sun Tzu has to say about that: “If words of command are not clear and distinct, if orders are not thoroughly understood, then the general is to blame. But, if orders are clear and the soldiers nevertheless disobey, then it is the fault of their officers.”

In other words it is always the fault of the command structure!!!

And yes, the battles rage on.  April 17, in Nangarhar Province local officials say anti-drug operations turned into a big battle.  The provincial governor said Mujahideen, and even farmers and villagers, attacked Afghan and U.S./NATO/ISAF forces.

The battle was big enough that airstrikes were called in.  Government officials claim at least 10 Mujahideen killed.  The governor said the battle actually started three days ago when the anti-drug operations began.


World War 3: More attacks in Afghanistan, Australia decides to leave a year early, female students poisoned

April 17, 2012, Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, says most of her country’s Diggers will leave Afghanistan by the end of next year. That almost one year early.

Australia has about 1,500 military personnel in Afghanistan.  Gillard says the pullout is because she believes security has improved so well that most occupying forces can move from combat to a purely “support” role.

In Takhar Province dozens of female high school students were made ill, after their drinking water was poisoned.  About 100 girls are reporting illness.

Local police are investigating, but so far they don’t know what’s in the water to make people sick.

In Kandahar, Uruzgan and Nangarhar provinces, Afghan police and soldiers were ambushed and wounded.

In Kandahar, officials will not give details, but it sounds like a typical search and destroy mission got ambushed.  Officials claim to have confiscated dozens of weapons.

No details at all about the Uruzgan operations.

In Nangarhar, police were injured after a firefight with Mujahideen. Officials claim the police were carrying out anti-drug operations.

Officials say in all incidents the Mujahideen got away unharmed.

In Nimruz Province an Afghan National Army vehicle ran over a mine, killing two soldiers.


World War 3: Karzai says U.S. led NATO is a “failure”, attacks continue, Afghan soldier fires on U.S. led troops in Kandahar

“The terrorists’ infiltration in Kabul and other provinces is an intelligence failure for us and especially for NATO and should be seriously investigated.”-Hamid Karzai, President of Afghanistan

On April 15, 2012, coordinated attacks took place in three main areas of Afghan capital Kabul, and the provinces of Nangarhar, Paktia and Logar.  The battles were ended in the provinces overnight, however Mujahideen resisted Afghan security forces in Kabul until early Monday morning.

But that does not mean the Spring Offensive is over.  On April 16, 2012, International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) announced another U.S. led NATO casualty.  So far this year 112 NATO service members have been killed.

At Kandahar airbase a man wearing an Afghan army uniform has shot U.S. led troops: “One of our soldiers opened fire on a NATO convoy….NATO responded….killing him.”-General Abdul Hamid Wardak, Afghan National Security forces

According to Chinese media reports, Bulgarian NATO soldiers “neutralized” the Afghan army soldier.

In Paktika Province, a four hour battle took place in which more than 36 people were wounded.  Mujahideen attacked a police training base. Witnesses say a NATO tank was destroyed, but there have been no information on deaths.  Also, the reports did not make clear if this was part of the attacks on April 15.


Terror Drones: April 9-15, Pakistani official says he will shoot down U.S. drones

April 15, 2012, Pakistani politician and activist, Imran Khan Niazi, said if he were Prime Minister he would shoot down any U.S. drone found over Pakistan.  Khan re-enforced his statement by saying that even if it were an “angel”, if it was wearing a military uniform he would shoot it down.

Khan blamed deteriorating conditions in Pakistan on the United States: “It is time we must separate ourselves from U.S. slavery and the war which has caused tremendous loss to us. Due to this war, we have not only faced terrorism but the menace of sectarianism is also on the rise…”

April 14, 2012, a U.S. drone strike killed seven people in the town of al-Zahar.  Yemeni officials said the people were anti-government Mujahideen.

April 12, 35 people were killed in Somalia, after two U.S. drone attacks.   Somali officials say the drone attacks were against two Mujahideen training bases, one near Mogadishu the other near Afgoye.




World War 3: Mujahideen free several hundreds of prisoners in Pakistan, after U.S. officials say Drone strikes will continue

Pakistani prison officials say an early morning raid by hundreds of militants, on the Bannu prison, near the Afghan border.

The attack began at 01:30 hours, April 14, 2012.

Pakistani officials say at least 400 prisoners were freed, but some were re-captured or voluntarily gave up.  Mujahideen claim 1,200 prisoners were freed.   The prison is said to be able to hold nearly 1,000 people.

The attack came hours after U.S. officials told Pakistani officials that the United States would continue terror drone attacks.

World War 3: Major Mujahideen offensive, embassies attacked, U.S./NATO forces attacked, Mujahideen say this is the “official” beginning of their Spring Offensive

April 15, 2012, the U.K. embassy in Kabul was hit by two rockets, probably RPGs.  The house where one embassy official lived was also attacked with Rocket Propelled Grenades.

Several large explosions and lots of gunfire heard in Kabul.  U.S. and German embassies attacked.  German officials say they have taken no casualties.  U.S. officials say their embassy is in lockdown mode, no casualties at this time.

Witnesses say Afghan Parliament building, as well as the Russian and Iranian embassies, were also attacked.

Hotels used by foreign officials have been attacked.  Firefights ongoing between Mujahideen and Afghan government forces in the Zambaq Square area of Kabul.

A U.S. led soldier was killed at an airbase near Jalalabad.

In Paktika Province a government building has been taken over by Mujahideen.  Afghan government forces are engaging.  A mine was planted at a Gardiz city school, which went off wounding several children.

In Nangahar Province several large explosions and firefights.  A suicide bomber targeted the U.S. led provincial reconstruction team building.  Two suicide bombings at the local airport.  Several people killed.  Local officials say firefights ongoing.

In Kandahar a local policeman was killed when a suicide bomber targeted his police truck, with a explosives laden tricycle.

Sunday’s attacks by Mujahideen come after the Afghan government announced they had killed three “prominent Taliban leaders” on Saturday, in Nuristan Province.

International Security Assistance Force (ISAF)  had also claimed to have killed 14 militants in the past 24 hours.


World War 3: Herat airport attacked, NATO helicopter down, Australia makes vague Defense pact with Afghanistan, U.S. will keep special ops in Afghanistan

Overnight five rockets hit the Herat airport in western Afghanistan, according to local police. No further info.

A local official in Khost Province says a U.S./NATO/ISAF helicopter went down.  ISAF confirms, but as is SOP for ISAF they refuse to give any details.

“The Australian Defense Minister said Australia is interested in forging a strategic partnership with Afghanistan.”-statement from Afghanistan’s President Hamid Karzai

The above statement has Australians wondering what’s going on?  In five weeks the Australian government is going to sign some kind of deal with Afghanistan, that could cost Australian taxpayers hundreds of millions of Australian dollars.

The Afghan Embassy in Australia also said the deal would involve ”security, development, trade and investment, cultural and people-to-people links and migration and humanitarian affairs”.  According to Australian media, Australian officials haven’t mentioned a thing about any such “deal”.

What the Australian government has said, in response to questions, is that such a deal was mentioned in a speech by the Prime Minister back on November 21, 2011!

However, that “mention” was vague: “This kind of co-operative country to country approach is an important framework for our long term plans. We seek an enduring relationship with Afghanistan beyond 2014 as Afghanistan takes on responsibility for its own security and governance.’‘-Julia Gillard, Prime Minister of Australia

U.S. Admiral Bill McRaven, the head of U.S. special operations, has revealed that the so called U.S. troop withdrawal in 2014 is actually a troop replacement.

He said regular troops will be replaced with special operations teams that will shepard the Afghan government forces.

However, according to the Associated Press, this plan hasn’t even been presented to Defense Secretary Panetta, or President Obama.  The plan was put together in February by several high ranking military officials, including Central Command’s General James Mattis and overall Afghanistan war commander General John R. Allen.

Pentagon officials say this is one of many plans that are meant to keep a U.S. combat troop presence in Afghanistan, while at the same time drawing down the majority of troops.



World War 3: Russia to station naval fleet off Syria…Permanently

“A decision has been made to deploy Russian warships near the Syrian shores on a permanent basis.”-unnamed Russian Defense Ministry official

April 13, 2012, Russia’s Defense Ministry announced that a Russian naval fleet will continuously patrol the Mediterranean Sea, near the Syrian coastline.

The Black Sea Fleet will deploy to Syria around May.   Currently the Russian Kashin class guided missile destroyer Smetlivy is patrolling near Syria.

H1N1: More cases & deaths in India. British politicians cut health budget, the result is more deaths. Canada, Mexico & U.S. to create cross border Flu response

In a case of government incompetence, the Indian state of Karnataka has decided it was time for family doctors to start addressing the rising cases of swine flu.  This after confirmed cases hit 126 on April 12, 2012.

“The role of general practitioners is important now because treatment can be effective only if it is started on time. We have adequate stocks of Tamiflu, the only anti-viral drug for A(H1N1) and vaccines. But the medicines can be effective only if they are administered on time.”-Chandrashekar Malagi, State Health Department

Seven people have died in the state of Karnataka.

In another example of local government incompetence, state health officials have decided against H1N1 screenings at the Bengaluru International Airport!

Most airports in India are screening for the virus, that’s because the whole country is experiencing an epidemic of H1N1.

However, the government of India is trying to calm the public by saying the worst is over, at least in the district of Pune (state of Maharashtra): “It is true that the positive cases are lesser in past few days in Pune district. This is in line with reports that virologists and experts had arrived that the surge in cases is likely to abate in 2-3 weeks.”– Pradeep Awate, Central Health Ministry

The Indian state of Gujarat has just reported its 6th case of H1N1.

In the city of Nashik, state of Maharashtra, two people died.  City health officials are taking no chances there, opening six new H1N1 screening centers.

47 people have so far been screened in Nashik, 11 are now in the hospital.

In Mumbai, state of Maharashtra, a 23 year old woman died on April 13.

On April 5, 2012, it was reported that British health officials’ lax response to H1N1 outbreaks resulted in more deaths that during the 2009-2010 outbreak!

The report blamed British politicians who said public health funding was a waste of money and cut the budgets!  The result of the budget cutting is; 10% more hospital admissions, 30% more deaths, and 30% more ICU admissions.

On April 4, 2012, officials from United States, Canada and Mexico announced they are working together to create a cross border flu response system.

“…the three countries will work together and with international organizations to develop guidance for influenza surveillance systems for select animal species, as well as guidance on the characterization, case definition, and reporting of novel strains, and on triggers for public health response.”  also “…exploring new financing and procurement mechanisms, investments in new and more flexible technology and manufacturing platforms, and coordinating plans for preparedness exercises. The plan also touches on sharing best practices for stockpiling.” also “…identify legal and regulatory challenges for helping each other with personnel and medical countermeasures in a public health emergency.” -CIDRAP