27 October 2019 (03:03 UTC-07 Tango 06) 05 Aban 1398/27 Safar 1441/29 Jia-Xu 4717
In preparation for more flooding disasters, the Indiana National Guard expanded In-HART (Indiana Helicopter Aquatic Rescue Team) operations. In-HART is a joint operation that includes civilian rescue technicians and Indiana National Guard personnel.
On 24OCT2019, the South Bend Swift Water Rescue Team joined National Guard forces at the Muscatatuck Urban Training Center, as a way to increase the number of people trained for swift water rescues.
27 October 2019 (02:27 UTC-07 Tango 06) 05 Aban 1398/27 Safar 1441/29 Jia-Xu 4717
New Jersey National Guard photo by Mark C. Olsen.
On 23OCT2019, the National Guard’s 21st Weapons of Mass Destruction-Civil Support Team (WMD-CST) Talon-4 robot was deployed in response to a potential WMD crime scene.
New Jersey National Guard photo by Mark C. Olsen.
Talon-4 was used to conduct an initial inspection of the scene, before humans went in.
New Jersey National Guard photo by Mark C. Olsen.
The ‘crime scene’ was inside a New Jersey commuter train. National Guard personnel suited-up to inspect the scene for themselves.
New Jersey National Guard photo by Mark C. Olsen.
Samples were taken and everything turned out okay.
New Jersey National Guard photo by Mark C. Olsen.
It was all part of training for New Jersey’s 21st WMD-CST, which supports silly-vilian (civilian) authorities in responding to man-made or natural disasters by identifying chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear substances, assess the consequences, and advises on response measures.
Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of main-stream-news links about global immigrant/border operations affecting the United States taxpayers, September 2019.
The state militia publicly remembered the 103rd anniversary of its deployment to the Mexican border in September 1916, in response to Mexican rebel raids into the U.S.
In Northern Territory, the Australian military, along with U.S. Marines, trained for operation Crocodile Response, a bilateral humanitarian assistance and disaster relief exercise in order to more rapidly respond to natural disasters and crises throughout the region.
South Korea Ministry of Environment’ K-water operations, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, work with NASA to develop satellite technology in the hopes of preventing future water disasters.
U.S. personnel from Osan Air Base respond to the aftermath of Typhoon Lingling, 07SEP2019.
UNITED STATES: FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) hints that its running out of money by telling people to save money to help pay for disaster expenses!
USMC video promoting 30SEP2019 deployment to Colombia, bragging about spending U.S. taxes to help the South American country prep for a major natural disaster:
Yet again, U.S. taxes going to send U.S. Marines to Central American countries for yet more natural disaster preps (in October):
Idaho; Idaho State University, working with Idaho National Laboratory and Center for Advanced Energy Studies, gets $1.1-million taxpayer funded grant to build first ever Disaster Response Complex. The goal is to train emergency responders in a realistic catastrophic environment with multiple scenarios such as earthquakes, hurricanes, flooding, and even terrorist threats.
Health professionals representing 20 countries gathered for the 22nd annual Health Emergencies in Large Populations (H.E.L.P.) course in Honolulu, from September 9th-20th. It was hosted by Center for Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (CFE-DM) in collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the University of Hawai’i Office of Public Health Studies. The main goal is to create a common language, and procedures, between civilian and military emergency responders around the world.
Even though Mongolia is not a Pacific Rim country, the U.S. decided to conduct humanitarian assistance and disaster relief ‘Pacific Resilience’ training in the Central Asian country, and ordered Oregon’s Army National Guard to participate.
“The normal infrastructure was completely down and therefore our team came in to do our quick assessment. The Bundeswehr came out and they’re getting assessed on what they do on their medical side.”-Specialist Christopher Wise, U.S. Army Europe
On 14SEP2019 Wackernheim, Germany, was rocked by a 6.2 earthquake. U.S. and German Soldiers hoisted casualties from the debris, evacuated them to a medical treatment area and rendered first aid.
For some reason Civil Air Patrol cadets went nuts, creating a chaotic environment by running through the streets and harassing the emergency responders!
Just kidding! It was part of NATO war game Cobra Strike 19. Here’s the boring official video explainer:
Here’s a slightly better video explainer:
Earthquakes are rare in Germany, but every now and then they have a big one. Seismicity in Germany
At the end of August 2019, the 355th Equipment Maintenance Squadron, at Davis Monthan Air Force Base, began repainting an A-10 Thunderbolt-2. They claim it’s going to look like a World War-2 P-51 Mustang!
It’s part of preparations for the USAF 2020 air show season.
But wait, this isn’t the first A-10 to be painted like a P-51. In 2013 the Michigan National Guard got one painted to represent a P-51(F-6A) of the 107th TRS Red Devils during the invasion of Normandy.
Can you find the P-51(F-6A) painted A-10?
Video from October 2018:
Have they painted any Thunderbolt-2s to look like their namesake, the P-47 Thunderbolt?
Incomplete (tip-o-the iceberg) list of main-stream-news links about global immigrant/border operations affecting the United States taxpayers, August 2019.
22AUG2019, first border wall panel goes up near Calexico, as part of the 15 miles long El Centro project.
13AUG2019, U.S. Coast Guard captures 1-thousand-3-hundred pounds of illegal marijuana near Catalina Island, being smuggled into The Golden State despite the fact that marijuana is now legal there.
United States Border Patrol Acting San Diego Sector Chief Kathleen Scudder announces the completion of 14 miles of new border wall construction in San Ysidro.
01AUG2019, U.S. Coast Guard, and U.S. Customs & Border Protection, captures captured 67 packages of illegal drugs, along with seven illegal immigrants and one smuggler.
Pew Research Center estimates that as of 2016 more than 100-illegals call Oregon their temporary home, and that’s a decrease from the previous ten years!
In Brownsville, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) conducted ‘Family Unit Removal’ of illegals from Guatemala. Since mid-July, Guatemala and the United States have implemented a new process to more expeditiously remove illegals. This enhanced cooperation results in reduced lengths of stays in custody for Guatemalan citizens.
During the second week of September, 2019, California National Guard flew at least 290 firefighters to the Red Bank Fire and the South Fire, which are burning in rugged terrain.
Video California National Guard CH-47 Chinook ferries fire fighters to the Red Bank Fire in Tehama County:
Official video explainer of UH-60 and CH-47 operations:
Firefighters work 24 hour-shifts, here’s video of Black Hawks bringing back tired fire crews:
The UH-60s and CH-47s also played water bombers. In just one day, 10 September, they dropped 70-thousand-974 gallons of water just on the South Fire!
Video, UH-60M water bombing:
Daily maintenance was conducted on the six California National Guard helicopters assigned to help fight the Red Bank and South fires.