07 May 2013 (10:57 UTC-07 Tango)/26 Jumada t-Tania 1434/17 Ordibehest 1391/28 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711
Long term unemployment is proving to be a benefit to the U.S. government. It’s called reduced Social Security payments, or backdoor austerity policy.
First lets clear something up: You main streamer media deceivers need to stop calling Social Security (SS) a “benefit”! We pay for it, gottdamn it! A benefit is not something you pay for! SS is a government mandated retirement system that we are forced to pay for, therefore it is a true entitlement!
Here’s why the federalies love long term unemployment: According to research by AARP/CNNMoney for every year you are unemployed, the amount you could have gotten through your SS retirement is reduced by 3%.
Now realize that for the first time in United States history there is a huge number of U.S. citizens who’ve been unemployed for more than six months (more than 4 million in April 2013). For unemployed people 50 years of age or older, 44% are long term unemployed.
So all this unprecedented long term unemployment is allowing your elected officials to keep more of that SS money for themselves. Is this some kind of False Flag op designed to ‘save’ the Social Security Administration by artificially reducing future retirement payments?
We already know our ‘elected’ federal officials rape Social Security funds all the time.
And it seems unAmerican corporate America is in on the False Flag game. According to a study by Rand Ghayad of Northeastern University (and published in December 2012 by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston), employers will not consider anyone who’s been unemployed for six months or more, regardless of their experience. Ghayad discovered that employers would rather hire a buffoon who’s been unemployed for a week, than someone with years of relevant experience!
Ghayad also broke the lies that unAmerican corporate America was spreading; that they couldn’t find “qualified” applicants. He proved that what they meant by “qualified” was how long you’ve been unemployed: “It isn’t that firms aren’t finding the right workers, but that employers are screening out the long term unemployed.”
Then you have another gimmick employers are using; credit reports. If you have a bad credit score, which is included in the background check most big employers conduct, you will not be hired. And guess what? Most long term unemployed have bad credit (gee, I wounder why?)!

According to a Demos survey, one in four unemployed people were told their credit score would be considered for employment.
The Society for Human Resource Management says at least 47% of the employers they surveyed use credit checks to determine who they hire.
The evil irony is that the longer you’re unemployed the worse your credit report becomes, because you can’t pay your debts! Another Demos survey found a direct correlation between worsening credit scores and repeat or prolonged unemployment.
Even the majority of people who find new jobs are being paid far less than their previous job, and that too reduces the amount of SS retirement they will get, and makes it harder to pay their debts thus jeopardizing any future employment opportunities.
Some conspiracy theorists believe this is part of a False Flag op to artificially reduce the cost of labor by creating an unprecedented number of indentured servants for unAmerican corporate America. And to me, it’s also starting to look like a back door way to government austerity, by reducing your entitlements on the grounds that you’re unemployed or underemployed.