Tag Archives: peru

1st national TV show in Native American, it’s not in the U.S.!

12 December 2016 / 18:56 UTC-07 Tango 06 (23 Azar 1395/13 Rabi ‘al-Awwal 1438/15 Geng Zi 4714)

“While attempts were made in the past, those news shows were translated from Spanish. But here, the entire team is composed of Quechua speakers.”-Hugo Coya, National Institute of Radio and Television

In the Americas there is a first of its kind national television show broadcast in a Native American language.  It’s not in the United States, it’s in Peru.

TV Peru and Radio Nacional aired the first newscast presented in Quechua, the native language for at least four million people (many are descendants of the Inca, who the illegal Spanish immigrants failed to fully genocide).  The TV/radio show is called Ñuqanchik.

But wait, there’s more: “Our next challenge is a news bulletin in Aymara. We will then move on to other native languages such as Awajun and Ashaninka, among others.”-Hugo Coya, National Institute of Radio and Television

Here’s the premier episode:





World War 3: Central & South America rethinks support for Israel! MERCOSUR condemns Israel, ends Free Trade Deal!

30 July 2014 (07:01 UTC-07 Tango)/02 Shawwal 1435/08 Mordad 1393/04 Xin-Wei (7th month) 4712

“We condemn criminal genocidal policy and the warlike actions of the Government of Israel against the Palestinian people, treacherously murdering civilians including women and children…..we demand the suspension of the bombing, occupation and the blockade of the Palestinian territory!  Moreover, we call on the governments of MERCOSUR to adopt the measure of immediate suspension of the Free Trade Agreement with the State of Israel.”-MERCOSUR/MERCOSUL 29 July 2014

At this point almost half a dozen Central and South American countries have recalled their ambassadors from Israel, to protest the war on Gaza Strip: El Salvador, Ecuador, Chile, Peru and economic powerhouse Brazil.

To show you how arrogant the Israelis are, Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor called Brazil a “diplomatic dwarf” adding that by recalling their ambassador Brazil is now “irrelevant”!

Argentina openly condemned Israel at the recent UN Security Council meeting.

Bolivia’s President Evo Morales is demanding sanctions against Israel.

MERCOSUR/MERCOSUL (Southern Common Market) held a meeting on 29 July 2014, and Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela condemned the “disproportionate use of force” by Israel against civilians.

The Caribbean country Cuba ended ties with Israel in 1973.


Global Warming, Ice Age? U.S. study says Ice Age caused by particulate matter. Japan study shows Warming starts inside the Earth. Tropical Vietnam hits 25 Fahrenheit!!!

At the end of January 2012, the Christian Science Monitor published a story about a study done in the U.S. and Canada, which said, in a round-about way, that particulate matter in the air causes Ice Ages, not global warming.

A few days ago the Japanese Meteorological Agency reported the results of their  a study, which said ocean temperatures have increased.

I’ve been following the research on supposed global warming, with doubts about most of the claims, because traditional scientific hypothesis always said that large amounts of particulate matter in the air, either from volcanoes or man made pollution, causes cooling.

The latest study in the U.S. backs that up, but they found more than one cause.  What the researchers discovered is that changes in the weather are caused by  ‘triggers’.  Regarding Ice Ages; they found that it’s a combination of major triggers such as decreased activity from the Sun, increased particulate matter in the air and the depletion of the ozone in the upper atmosphere.

Although we’ve certainly had increased particulate matter in the air (from both pollution and volcanoes) the Japanese study showed that temps deep in the ocean have been rising about 0.02 Celsius (32.036 Fahrenheit) per year over the past decade!  They say the deep ocean temps are now an average of 0.15 C (32.27 F) warmer than 60 years ago.

But note that it’s deep ocean temperatures, not surface level.  The temp readings were taken at about 700 meters (2,297 feet) depth.  This means, to me, that the latest Japanese study says global warming originates inside the Earth.

Can there be warming and cooling happening, seemingly at the same time? Yes. There are hypothesis that say they are interactive cycles, one leading to the other.  This would mean that humans have nothing to do with it.

Studies have shown that decreased ozone in the upper atmosphere leads to a cooling of the atmosphere.  Everyone should know that there are now huge holes in the ozone above the North and South Poles.  Scientists say this is why ice forms at those regions, and why most of the Ice Age glaciers originate from the Poles.

Some scientists also say that ozone depletion is connected to Sun activity (not just pollution).  Is the Sun taking a break? Back in summer 2011, astronomers reported that Sun activity was declining.  Now, parts of Europe are being hit with a micro ice age (have you seen the pics of cars and buildings covered with inches of ice, which formed overnight?).

Another interesting thing is that even though South America is in the middle of summer right now, Peru’s mountainous areas have been hit with record cold temps and snowfall (at least 3,000 Alpacas froze to death)!

There are other reports that show a connection between depletion of ozone and the weakening of the Earth’s magnetic field.  A few years ago PBS did a report that showed the magnetic poles have become extremely weak, and that mini poles were popping up in other parts of the world (specifically one near south western Africa).

Sun activity was high in the past decade, which just happens to be when many people were crying “Global Warming”.  But increased Sun activity can only account for surface warming, and atmospheric warming, and it’s obvious now that many parts of the surface of the Earth are cooling.

Increased ocean temperatures, at more than 2,000 feet down, can only be caused by activity within the Earth.  Yes, there is an increase of earthquake and volcanic activity.  Especially around the Pacific Ring of Fire. Already there have been seven “significant” (magnitude 6.5 or higher) earthquakes in the first month of 2012, and all seven have happened around the Ring of Fire (or adjacent to it).

In total there have been more than 500 earthquakes around the Pacific Ring of Fire, since January 1, 2012!

Activity inside the Earth also affects the magnetic field.  One scientists described the core of the Earth more like an old wind up watch spring.  As it spins it releases energy such as the magnetic field, and like a watch spring it winds down weakening the magnetic field.  As it slows down it’s actually winding itself back up, eventually to spring back the other way, releasing the built up energy when it was winding up.

When you compress a spring, it builds up energy, and heat.  Scientist know that the Earth’s core is about to spring back into action, sometime soon.  The core is winding up, building up energy and heat, which could explain the deep ocean temperature increases.

Increased ocean temps would melt the fresh water polar glaciers faster than warm air temps.  Realize that the oceans are now full of fresh water, which floats on top of salt water.

The atmosphere of Earth is cooling and drying.  Anyone who’s lived in a freezing, yet dry, environment knows that you still have lots of evaporation (I’ve even seen what I call freeze dried snow and ice).

Ice that is evaporating, but not melting, is recognizable by the cavities forming inside.  It melts but that ice melt is almost instantly evaporated into the air.

Other studies have shown that it doesn’t take much of a surface temperature change to effect radical weather changes.  Only about 3 degrees Fahrenheit, plus or minus, over about ten to 20 years. Scientist have also realized that radical weather changes happen fast, not slowly as once thought.  Again, anyone notice how much the ice built up in the micro ice age that’s hitting parts of Europe right now?

What about tropical Vietnam?  Vietnam is partly blaming an outbreak of H5N1 influenza on unusual cold weather. On top of that, on January 15, 2012, Vietnamese media reported that 7,000 water buffalo froze to death, after temps in tropical northern Vietnam hit minus four degrees Celsius (25 Fahrenheit)!!!

So we now have a situation with lots of fresh water in the oceans and an extremely dry, and cool, atmosphere.  A dry atmosphere, even though cool, will suck up as much water as it can. When it gets saturated it’ll dump out the excess water.  If overall temps are still warm, we could see tropical weather almost everywhere.  But if temps are cold…Ice Age.

What we are seeing now, is an Earth that is in between major cycles. An Earth whose watch spring core has wound down, and is winding back up for the next run. Round and round it goes, where it stops nobody knows.  Maybe the Mayans are correct about 2012?

Global Climate Change Extremes: While one South American country is freezing, several others are heating up, Brazil flooding

Peru is experiencing extreme cold weather, so far 2,500 baby Alpacas have frozen to death.  Yet Columbia and Argentina are on fire!

The heat is so intense in Argentina that demand for electricity to run air conditioners has hit record levels.  Several areas experienced power outages that lasted 12 hours, some areas were without power for 48 hours.

In Columbia three sections of the country are on alert for extreme fire danger.  The Caribbean, Andean and Orinoco regions are under Red Flag fire alerts.

In Brazil, landslides and flooding due to heavy rain has caused at least 13 deaths.  Thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes.

What Global Warming? It’s Summer in South America, yet 2,500 Alpacas die due to extreme cold

When it’s winter time in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s summer time in the Southern Hemisphere, yet it’s so cold that animals are freezing to death in one South American country.

In the Cusco region of Peru, officials are reporting that at least 2,500 baby Alpacas froze to death.  That’s based on the areas that Civil Defense authorities could get to, most roads are blocked because of heavy snow: “There are 700 families who are dedicated breeders in the area, but we can not get to them because of the snow….we might discover even more deaths.”-Jose Suyco Quispe, Civil Defense Technical Secretary of Espinar province

Dengue fever spreading around the world

Since my last posting about Dengue fever, in April 2011, the disease is infecting even more people in even more countries.

Asia is seeing the most increase in cases this year.

As of July 11, the Philippines has tens of thousands of cases, and almost 200 deaths.  Officials are warning that when the rainy season hits, they expect Dengue cases to jump.

In India, just one hospital treated 160 children with Dengue, 10 of which died.  Indian officials are also warning of a sharp increase in cases when the rainy season starts.

In Australia, health officials are reporting that many Australians, returning from vacations, are coming home infected with Dengue.  So far 354 cases have been confirmed.  Last year Australia had only 156 confirmed Dengue cases.

“I have to keep an Excel spreadsheet now to keep up to date with all the outbreaks that occur up here.”-John McBride, Cairns Base Hospital, Australia

In Saudi Arabia, just in the capital city of Jeddah, an average of 130 new cases are being reported every week.

In Mexico an experimental Dengue vaccine is being tried on 1,000 children in the towns of Valladolid and Tizimín.  The vaccine is in the third stage of study, before it can be approved for widespread use.

In Peru, the mayor of one city has ordered fumigation of the entire city, after 10 people became sick with the hemorrhagic fever.  Two of the infected have died.  As many as 150 Peruvians are sick with Dengue.

Brazil has been enjoying some success in fighting Dengue.  So far this year 340 cases have been confirmed, compared to last year’s 2589 cases (then again this year isn’t over).

Dengue is spread by mosquitoes. Travelers are being warned of vacation spots that have high risk of Dengue hemorrhagic fever:  Asia, Africa, Middle East and South America.