Tag Archives: pakistan

World War 3: More suicide attacks on NATO, Afghan official assasinated, new Pakistan offensive

On March 2, 2012, in Dund district of southern Kandahar Province, a suicide car bomber attacked a NATO convoy.

At least four U.S./NATO/ISAF forces, one Afghan police officer, an Afghan civilian and and Afghan interpreter were wounded.  The “Taliban” immediately claimed responsibility (as I’ve said before, those attacks where no one claims responsibility are suspicious), and claimed that 15 U.S. led forces were killed.

In the city of Tarinkowt, in southern Uruzgan Province, unknown militants assassinated the local Afghan Intelligence official.  “Taliban” are not claiming this one.

In another incident, in which the “Taliban” are not commenting on, a man was arrested as he was heading to Kandahar.  He’s accused of supplying weapons for a planned attack against Afghan government forces.

And despite the ignorant U.S. media, which spreads the lies that Pakistan isn’t doing enough to help fight the War on Terror, Pakistan has launched a new offensive in the Kyber region.  Already there are 10 dead Pakistani forces,and 23 dead “Taliban” militants, after an early morning firefight on March 2, 2012!

Dengue Fever: Brazil worst hit, Pakistan launches campaign, Dengue survives cold temps, Bolivia on Red Alert, UN says efforts to fight disease failing, energy saving light bulbs spreading disease

“I consider Rio de Janeiro runs the risk of one of the worst epidemics, in number of cases of dengue in its history.”-Alexandre Padilha, Health Minister of Brazil

Brazil’s tourist city of Rio de Janeiro is being hit hard by type 4 Dengue fever.  So far there are more than 3,000 confirmed cases!  However, the rest of Brazil is actually seeing a huge 62% drop in cases (keep in mind that last year Brazil had 106,373 cases).

Across the world, Pakistani health officials (Rawalpindi Development Authority, Water and Sanitation Agency, the Parks and Horticulture Authority and the Health Department) have gone to war to prevent an outbreak of hemorrhagic Dengue fever.

Pesticides are being sprayed, and residents are being told how to fight the dengue carrying mosquitoes. A health official in Punjab said they now know that the dengue virus can be spread in cold winter temps.

Back over to South America, in Bolivia, the city of Santa Cruz confirmed 157 cases of dengue.  There are another 820 suspected cases. They have declared a red alert.

Also on February 25, the UN’s World Heath Organization reported that after 50 years of fighting the disease, cases of dengue in Thailand and Sri Lanka have only increased!

“The floods actually interrupted the Aeges aegypti’s life cycle and has resulted in a reduction in dengue.”-Sanphet Mahamard, Communicable Disease Control Department of Thailand

However, Thai officials say the massive flooding, at the end of 2011, has actually destroyed the breeding grounds of many of the dengue carrying mosquitoes.  So thanks to Mother Earth, they are already seeing a 36% drop in dengue cases (keep in mind that as of January 2012 Thailand has seen more than 1,000 cases and one death).

In Sri Lanka, officials are so determined to reduce dengue cases that they’re even going after business owners who don’t control mosquitoes on their property!

The Chief Technical Engineer of the railway yard of Sri Lanka Railways was fined, and is in prison, after 20 employees got sick, and one employee died, from dengue fever. Investigators discovered that railway officials did not conduct anti-mosquito programs on their property.

There is no vaccine (although Mexico is testing one of their own vaccines), and it turns out the mosquito eggs can survive a full year, even in cold temperatures.  Also, research showed that the mosquitoes are attracted to the light of energy saving florescent light bulbs.




World War 3: Proof War on Terror is a religious war; U.S. led force commit yet more acts of desecration, and say Oooops We Didn’t Know

“We are deeply concerned about the report of Qur’an or religious materials being damaged, and will get to the bottom of what actually happened.”-Lieutenant Lauren Rago, ISAF

Yet again, U.S. led forces have committed acts of desecration in Afghanistan, this time burning unknown numbers of Qur’ans.  A French photographer reported it, after Afghans working at the Bagram Airfield showed him evidence of the desecration.  Local officials also reported it to the Associated Press.

The sorry ass lying U.S. Marine Corps General, John Allen, gave the now typical response: “These are very, very isolated incidents. We’ve been here a long time. We’ve been shoulder to shoulder with the Afghans for a long time. We’ve been dying alongside the Afghans for a long time because we believe in them. We believe in their country. We want to have every opportunity to give them a bright future.”

Isolated case my ass!!! These “isolated” cases of desecration have been taking place every year since the damn war on terror started in 2001!  Not just in Afghanistan, but in Iraq, and even here in the United States!

In Afghanistan alone, there have been several cases of U.S. forces desecrating bodies of Afghans (which, if I remember my Army FMs correctly, is a violation of UCMJ), including the recent case in which the video was actually posted on the internet.  Then there’s the 2009 case of Qur’ans being burned in Afghanistan. Then the 2010 Afghan riots caused by the false christian pastor in Florida, who wanted to burn Qur’ans.

In 2011, the same false christian carried out his threat, causing widespread protests in Afghanistan leading to the deaths of 30 people, including some UN workers.

Bagram Airfield has been a sore spot for both Afghans and U.S. forces. I suspect that things are going to really heat up now!  Reports say more than 500 Afghans are protesting around the base, throwing fire bombs and chanting “Death to America” and “We don’t want you anymore”.

See pics of Afghans attacking Bagram with rocks and sling shots, while U.S. troops shoot back with guns, here.

The ignoramus USMC General John Allen, said: “Something like this just cannot happen again.”

Yeah, we’ve been telling the Afghans that for more than tens years now!


World War 3: Iran, Afghanistan & Pakistan on verge of forming military pact, warns U.S. officials to stop making secret deals with the Taliban

On February 17, 2012, the presidents of Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan vowed to create an alliance that would prevent anymore ‘foreign’ interventions in the region.

At a meeting held in Pakistan, President Hamid Karzai, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and President Asif Ali Zardari issued the statement to U.S. officials.  So far no response from U.S. officials.

They also told U.S. officials that only Afghanistan has final say in peace talks with Taliban: “Presidents of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan reiterated their full support for an Afghan led and Afghan owned inclusive process of peace and reconciliation. They assured the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan that they would extend full cooperation and stressed that any initiative in this regard must have authentic Afghan ownership.”

The above statement was issued because they believe the United States is making secret deals with the Taliban!

Pakistan also pointed out, that despite criticism from the U.S., more Pakistanis have died than Americans in the so called War on Terror.  Pakistan claims 35,000 civilians and security personnel have died, in the name of helping the U.S., since the 2001 U.S. invasion of Afghanistan.



White Horse, Black Horse & World War 3: Western oil embargoes not about Iran’s nuclear industry, or controling the oil itself, it’s all about controling the international oil market (the Beast). We the People are the losers, the Global Oil Industry is the winner.

I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.

…there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”

In 1971 U.S. President Richard Nixon (a Republican Christian) stopped using gold to back up the value of the U.S. dollar.  This was because the rest of the world figured out a way around the global domination of the gold backed U.S. dollar, by buying up U.S. gold.  It was causing problems for the U.S. domestic economy.

In 1973 the Arab members of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) embargoed oil to the United States, officially in retaliation of U.S. support for Israel, but more because OPEC wanted to better control the price of oil.  You see, after Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard, other countries followed suit.  The result was that money lost value big time, so much so that OPEC wanted to take gold for oil, instead of cash.

Nixon to the rescue, again.  In back room meetings, literally, the Nixon administration made a deal with Saudi Arabia: They could have more say in the price of oil if buyers were forced to use the U.S. dollar (now you know why we’re in the pockets of the Saudis).

…and that no man might buy or sell, save he had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

This is where the term petrodollars comes from.  The deal involves the New York Mercantile Exchange (aka NYMEX, aka Commodities Exchange.  Now controlled by CME Group), and London’s International Petroleum Exchange, or IPE (now you know why the British Empire, our mortal enemy, is tied to the United States).

Canada has their own petrodollars, and it might be the real reason their desire to build a pipeline (called Keystone) through the U.S. was recently shot down by President Barack Obama (a Democrat Christian).  You see Obama really is a U.S. oil man (forget all that ‘protecting the environment’ BS), and Canada don’t trade their oil for U.S. dollars (they have their own dollar thank you very much). But since Canada is part of the British Empire we don’t go to war with them, yet.

And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause as many as would not worship the beast should be killed.

Now for the real reason we invaded Iraq: Saddam Hussein refused to worship the beast.  He started taking Euros instead of going through the U.S. dollar controlled NYMEX, or the IPE.  Iraq never had a military, or enough allies to counter any military attack by the United States, so we invaded and had him humiliated and hung.

Iraq was never tied to al Qaeda, in fact it was Saddam who kept bin Laden and his types out of Iraq.  Iraq never had weapons of mass destruction, that was proven before we invaded, during the invasion and after the invasion.

It wasn’t even about the Iraqi oil itself.  Just look at the lack of U.S. oil companies now involved with pumping Iraqi oil. It was all about maintaining U.S. global hegemony through the forced use of U.S. petrodollars.

In 2006, Ron Paul (a true conservative Republican Christian) wrote about how the whole War on Terror was an excuse for the U.S./U.K. petrodollar system (the beast), and its political supporters (including those who think it’s God’s Will that we dominate), to maintain dominance over the world.

Libya: Qaddafi refused to worship the beast. He made deals with the Russians and Chinese, circumventing the U.S. Petrodollar. It had nothing to do with ‘democracy’.  Just look at what’s happening their now, and who controls the oil?

Unfortunately for Qaddafi Russia and China didn’t feel backing him up was worth it, so the U.S. and NATO backed up the mercenary armies, who beat a shot Qaddafi to death while they streamed it to the world on their cell phones.  This after Qaddafi did everything the British and U.S. wanted him to do, in order to become ‘legitimate’ and have President Bush Jr remove Libya from the rogue nation terrorist list!

Pakistan refuses to worship the beast.  The real reason there’s warmonger talk against Pakistan by our officials is because they buy their oil from Iran.  It’s not about the War on Terror, after all, the Pakistani army has lost more troops, police and civilians fighting the Taliban than we have!

Syria refuses to worship the beast.  They control major oil pipelines running from Iraq and Iran to the Mediterranean.  Iranian oil companies operate in Syria. The U.S. supported violence (the Free Syrian Army admits they are supported by the U.S. and Israel) is not about ‘democracy’!

Iran is not only refusing to worship the beast, but is standing up to it. Iran actually has a powerful, self reliant and up to date military.  They have powerful allies like Russia and China.  They also have created the world’s first oil trading market that takes anything but U.S. dollars for oil.  Yes they even barter for their oil.  A recent report in the Israeli media says Iran, India and China are about to start trading oil for gold (just like the Saudis wanted to do back in 1973).

The U.S. is walking on egg shells in regards to Iran.  So far all the threats from our government are just hot air.  Russia and China have made it clear they will support Iran.  Russian officials have even said that Syria is the red line the the U.S. must not cross.

Now the U.S. is attempting back room deals with countries like Pakistan and China.  Several reports say U.S. officials are trying to get the Pakistanis to give up cheap Iranian natural gas, in exchange for cheap U.S. natural gas.  Similar offers are being made to China for natural gas, oil and refined fuel.  Not only will such deals benefit the U.S. oil industry, it will help the U.S. dollar because they’ll have to use it to buy our stuff.  It’s hoped such deals will also isolate Iran’s oil industry, and destroy their successful oil market.

U.S. petroleum products are now the number one export of the United States.  This means controlling the ‘market’ is even more important.  Price is everything and what the U.S. is doing will only drive up prices.

It’s clear why the U.S. would embargo Iranian oil; ’cause it will drive up prices, which is what our oil industry puppet leaders want.  What about Europe? The EU finally agreed to embargo new oil deals with Iran, but several European oil industry leaders say it will be disastrous for their industry (Note: British Petroleum is exempt from the EU embargo. Remember, most of the British Empire is involved with U.S. petrodollars).

On January 28, Bloomberg media reported that Italy will see at least 70 refineries shut down because of the EU embargo.  Iran says it could stop all oil sales to Europe.  But this is what the U.S. petrodollar lovers want, because it will drive up prices.  The U.S. created International Monetary Fund said there will be an instant 20-30% increase in oil prices.  Iranian officials say oil will almost instantly jump to $150 per barrel.

This is a losing situation for us average Joes, but when you think about it, it’s a win-win for the oil industry!

If the U.S. is successful in destroying Iran’s independent oil market, then there is a list of other countries who could be next.  Cuba, they have oil and they don’t take U.S. dollars (why you think Romney and Gingrich, both claim to be Christians,  said they would bomb Cuba if they became President?).  Venezuela don’t take U.S. dollars, why you think we tried to kill Hugo Chavez?  Ecuador; did you even know there’s been attempted U.S. supported rebellions there?  China, they’ve been making oil for infrastructure improvement deals that allow them to get around the petrodollar beast.

By the way if you research who attacked the United States on September 11, 2001, you’ll see it did not involve anyone from Afghanistan or Iraq.  It involved mainly people from the Arabian Peninsula (and one person from Egypt, one person from Lebanon), not one Iraqi, not one Afghan.   The bin Laden family is from the Arabian Peninsula, not Iraq, not Afghanistan!  The October 12, 2000, attack on the USS Cole was done by people from the Arabian Peninsula (it actually took place on the Arabian Peninsula).  Yet, a Federal judge, under the Bush Jr administration, ruled that the African country Sudan was to blame!

It’s obvious that those who’ve been attacking the United States are from the Arab Peninsula (mainly Saudi Arabia), yet we don’t dare attack them. Why? Because they’re part of the petrodollar beast that was created back in 1973!!!






White Horse, Black Horse, Red Horse & Political Hypocrisy: Obama signs record military spending bill, then says spending needs to be cut. What he means is to cut spending on troops, increase spending on weapons. 80,000 soldiers will lose their jobs. More Wars to follow

I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.

I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”

Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other.

On January 1, U.S. President Barack Obama signs the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012.  That means at least $662 billion taxpayer dollars will be spent on the Department of Defense.

On January 5, Obama hypocritically states that defense spending must be cut! He blames it on “…the Budget Control Act passed by Congress last year.”

But here’s the thing, Obama is not really talking about overall defense spending cuts, he’s talking about shifting defense spending, and targeted cuts.  U.S. troops could lose out on pay and benefits, in order to increase spending on high tech weapons systems.  They’re already losing their jobs.

“As we reduce the overall defense budget, we will protect and in some cases increase our investments in special operation forces in new technologies, like…. unmanned systems, in space and in particular in cyberspace.”-Leon Panetta, Defense Secretary

Obama and company said the cuts would not affect pay and benefits for troops and veterans, but that’s already happened.  There are many cases across the country where veterans have been cut off because of budget problems.

Analysts say there’s no way to keep spending on high tech weapons without affecting troop pay/benefits, or even without reducing the number of military personnel (already in 2011 the U.S. Army laid off 50,000 personnel).

According to a report by Military.com Leon Panetta has asked the U.S. Army to cut another 80,000 troops in 2012!

That’s fine if your not going to fight wars anymore, but Obama and company flat lied about that.  Obama said “Yes, the tide of war is receding…”   Well, if the tide of war is receding then why spend more money on more weapons?  Because the tide of war is not receding, at least in the eyes of our leaders.  Obama even says so: “As I made clear in Australia, we will be strengthening our presence in the Asia Pacific, and budget reductions will not come at the expense of that critical region.  We’re going to continue investing in our critical partnerships and alliances, including NATO, which has demonstrated time and again, most recently in Libya, that it’s a force multiplier.  We will stay vigilant, especially in the Middle East.”

What Obama is saying is that the he expects more war in the Middle East, and a new front to open in Asia!  Defense Secretary Panetta backs that up: “…as we move towards this new joint force, we are also rebalancing our global posture and presence, emphasizing the Pacific and the Middle East — these are the areas where we see the greatest challenges for the future. The U.S. military will increase its institutional weight and focus on enhanced presence, power projection, and deterrence in Asia-Pacific. This region is growing in importance to the future of the United States economy and our national security.

World War 3: Afghan & Pakistan Taliban joining forces, will jointly attack U.S./NATO forces

Despite reports from Reuters, stating that the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban are “at each other’s throats”, Japanese media are reporting that various ‘taliban’ groups have agreed to put aside differences to jointly target U.S. led forces.

Over the weekend representatives from Afghanistan’s and Pakistan’s Pashtun dominated Taliban (Mujahideen) groups met.  Japan’s NHK claims they talked with Mujahideen officials and were told they have decided to put aside their differences, and focus on fighting the U.S. forces in Afghanistan.

Pakistani Mujahideen agreed to back off of attacking Pakistani government forces, and, beginning in March, will help their Afghan cousins focus their fight against the U.S.

They’ve established a 5 member council to help co-ordinate their efforts.  This news comes after reports that the Afghan Taliban have accepted an offer from U.S. President Obama, and the government of pro-U.S. Qatar, to open a diplomatic office in Qatar.

Pale Green Horse: Dengue Fever deaths skyrocket in 2011, some areas see 89% increase, some countries launching programs on the level of ‘polio eradication campaigns’, catching it more than once can kill you

I looked and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him.  They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

Cambodia’s Ministry of Health says at least 72 Cambodian children died from dengue fever in 2011, an increase of 89%, compared to 2010.  Total number of dengue cases in Cambodia were up 26% in 2011 (15,805 cases that were reported to government officials).

“The disease broke out in a large scale every three to five years and the year 2011 was the large scale breakout, that’s why the cases were on the rise and the deaths were almost double.”-Ngan Chantha, Cambodia’s Ministry of Health

Cambodia spent U.S.$7 million fighting dengue in 2011.

Pakistan was hit hard by dengue in 2011 (never mind attacks from the Pakistani Taliban and the ungrateful government of the United States!).  By October 2011, more than 6,000 Pakistanis got sick, and at least 253 died.

The cold winter is not having any affect on the mosquitoes in Pakistan.  Contrary to the hopes of officials, two people died on December 31, after being bit by mosquitoes in freezing temperatures.

Pakistan’s Health Secretary, Mohammad Jehanzeb Khan, has ordered a mosquito spraying offensive, that must be completed before February 10, 2012.

One Pakistani doctor said they are launching an anti-dengue campaign “on the pattern of the polio campaign”.  Health officials will go door to door explaining to people how to prevent dengue by fighting mosquitoes.  They also hope to have a computer system in place that will let hospitals and clinics share information about incoming dengue cases.

In Borneo, officials are so concerned about dengue for 2012 that dengue awareness and prevention classes are now part of grade school education.

In Sri Lanka, officials reported a jump in dengue cases in December 2011;  290 cases in December, 170 in November.  One official said it doesn’t take much water for the dengue carrying mosquitoes to breed: “…this mosquito can breed in one teaspoonful of water!”-Pradeep Kariyawasam, Chief Medical Officer of the Colombo Municipal Council

On the island of Fiji (east of New Zealand), officials are now concerned about the general public, because of an outbreak of dengue in their prisons: “The symptoms of dengue fever are similar to those of normal flu but with joint pains and high fever. But people should not stay home and instead seek immediate medical attention.”-Peni Namotu, Fiji Health Ministry

Closer to the United States, Mexico reported great advances in their fight against dengue, which included testing of vaccines.  In several Mexican states, cases of dengue had dropped by as much as 80%, compared to 2010.

But fighting dengue is not that easy. In December, the University of California at Berkeley released the results of their study, which showed that surviving an initial case of dengue fever does not mean your body can survive a second infection.

The problem is that there are four major types of dengue viruses, and your body’s immune system might be lulled into a false sense of security: “With the second infection, the antibodies sort of recognize the new type of viruses, but not well enough to clear them from the system.  Instead of neutralizing the viruses, the antibodies bind to them in a way that actually helps them invade the immune system’s other cells and spread.”-Molly OhAinle, UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health.

The results of the study were published in the December 21 issue of Science Translational Medicine.

Check my other postings about dengue fever.






World War 3: Taliban New Year’s Day offensive

The Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (aka Taliban) claim a list of attacks on U.S./NATO/ISAF forces on New Year’s Day.

First they claim to have launched at least nine missiles (unguided rockets) at Bagram air base, causing dozens of casualties.  They also claim a missile attack against Sahara Bagh airbase in Khost, with no casualties effected, and a missile attack on Kandahar airfield, claiming deadly results.     



In the province of Kandahar they claim they’ve been attacking U.S./NATO/ISAF forces relentlessly: Several vehicles destroyed by home made bombs, killing the occupants. Several foot patrols ambushed, at least three foreign troops killed.  Intense fighting in Maiwand district after foreign troops were brought in by helicopter and repelled by locals.

In the province of Helmand: At least two foreign vehicles blown up by home made bombs/mines, resulting in at least three killed and three wounded.  Taliban snipers kill several foreign troops.

The Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan also claim killing several “puppet” forces, meaning Afghan government military and police forces.