Tag Archives: nato

White Horse & World War 3: U.S. imposes sanction after sanction against Iran, Acts of War

I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.

February 6, 2012, Nobel Peace prize winner, U.S. President Barack Obama, has issued an executive order blocking all Iranian government assets held in U.S. banks.  An executive order means he did this without involving Congress.

This move follows additional sanctions made in January, which effectively cut off Iran’s private banking sector from doing business with the West.

The sanctioning of Iran’s banks come after it was clear that oil embargoes won’t work, since Iran is itself working on a bill to end oil shipments to Europe.

If you study military science you’ll realize that sanctions are indeed acts of war (it’s what caused the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor): “When you put on strong sanctions, those are acts of war.”-Ron Paul, Texas Republican


White Horse, Red Horse & World War 3: U.S. shuts down embassy in Syria, U.K. withdraws ambassador, Russia sends their own observers

I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.

Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other.

Russia is sending their own observer team to Syria, after joining China in blocking the U.S. backed UNSC resolution.  Russian officials say they tried to get the U.S. to wait for a report from Russian observers, before voting on the resolution: “Certain Western states are trying to obscure the developments with hysterical statements on Russia’s veto of the Syria resolution. To put the Syria resolution to a vote despite our request to wait for Russia’s report after its visit to Damascus is disrespectful.”-Sergei Lavrov, Foreign Minister of Russia  

Russia also insists the so called democracy movement is an insurrection by the U.S., and Arab countries not friendly with Syria: “The Russian establishment and public opinion don’t buy the picture of a peaceful pro-democracy movement suppressed by dictatorship. Well trained and heavily armed rebel groups have support from the outside, primarily from Saudi Arabia and Qatar.”-Fyodor Lukyanov, Russian foreign policy analyst

Also today, the Nobel Peace prize winning U.S. President Barack Obama ordered the closing of the U.S. embassy in Syria.  Even though Obama makes statements saying foreign military intervention should not occur, closing your embassy is usually associated with an expected increase in warlike violence.

The United Kingdom has recalled its ambassador to Syria. Again, another move usually associated with war.  U.K. Foreign Secretary, William Hague, has also made a formal complaint with the Syrian ambassador in London.

Hague has also accused Russia and China of “betraying the Syrian people”.

White Horse & World War 3: Russia & China Veto UNSC Resolution against Syria, U.S. & Europe might now go to war with Syria without UN support

I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.

Just reported out of Moscow, Russia and China has officially vetoed the latest United Nations Security Council resolution against Syria.

Russia says one reason they vetoed the U.S. backed resolution was because it sanctioned only Syrian government forces, not rebel groups such as the U.S./Israeli supported Free Syrian Army (which is responsible for most of the violence in Syria).

Analysts say the United States, and European countries who want war with Syria, must now prove their claims in order to push for another try at a UNSC resolution.  It is highly likely that the U.S. and EU will act against Syria without UN support.

White Horse, Black Horse & World War 3: Western oil embargoes not about Iran’s nuclear industry, or controling the oil itself, it’s all about controling the international oil market (the Beast). We the People are the losers, the Global Oil Industry is the winner.

I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.

…there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”

In 1971 U.S. President Richard Nixon (a Republican Christian) stopped using gold to back up the value of the U.S. dollar.  This was because the rest of the world figured out a way around the global domination of the gold backed U.S. dollar, by buying up U.S. gold.  It was causing problems for the U.S. domestic economy.

In 1973 the Arab members of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) embargoed oil to the United States, officially in retaliation of U.S. support for Israel, but more because OPEC wanted to better control the price of oil.  You see, after Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard, other countries followed suit.  The result was that money lost value big time, so much so that OPEC wanted to take gold for oil, instead of cash.

Nixon to the rescue, again.  In back room meetings, literally, the Nixon administration made a deal with Saudi Arabia: They could have more say in the price of oil if buyers were forced to use the U.S. dollar (now you know why we’re in the pockets of the Saudis).

…and that no man might buy or sell, save he had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

This is where the term petrodollars comes from.  The deal involves the New York Mercantile Exchange (aka NYMEX, aka Commodities Exchange.  Now controlled by CME Group), and London’s International Petroleum Exchange, or IPE (now you know why the British Empire, our mortal enemy, is tied to the United States).

Canada has their own petrodollars, and it might be the real reason their desire to build a pipeline (called Keystone) through the U.S. was recently shot down by President Barack Obama (a Democrat Christian).  You see Obama really is a U.S. oil man (forget all that ‘protecting the environment’ BS), and Canada don’t trade their oil for U.S. dollars (they have their own dollar thank you very much). But since Canada is part of the British Empire we don’t go to war with them, yet.

And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause as many as would not worship the beast should be killed.

Now for the real reason we invaded Iraq: Saddam Hussein refused to worship the beast.  He started taking Euros instead of going through the U.S. dollar controlled NYMEX, or the IPE.  Iraq never had a military, or enough allies to counter any military attack by the United States, so we invaded and had him humiliated and hung.

Iraq was never tied to al Qaeda, in fact it was Saddam who kept bin Laden and his types out of Iraq.  Iraq never had weapons of mass destruction, that was proven before we invaded, during the invasion and after the invasion.

It wasn’t even about the Iraqi oil itself.  Just look at the lack of U.S. oil companies now involved with pumping Iraqi oil. It was all about maintaining U.S. global hegemony through the forced use of U.S. petrodollars.

In 2006, Ron Paul (a true conservative Republican Christian) wrote about how the whole War on Terror was an excuse for the U.S./U.K. petrodollar system (the beast), and its political supporters (including those who think it’s God’s Will that we dominate), to maintain dominance over the world.

Libya: Qaddafi refused to worship the beast. He made deals with the Russians and Chinese, circumventing the U.S. Petrodollar. It had nothing to do with ‘democracy’.  Just look at what’s happening their now, and who controls the oil?

Unfortunately for Qaddafi Russia and China didn’t feel backing him up was worth it, so the U.S. and NATO backed up the mercenary armies, who beat a shot Qaddafi to death while they streamed it to the world on their cell phones.  This after Qaddafi did everything the British and U.S. wanted him to do, in order to become ‘legitimate’ and have President Bush Jr remove Libya from the rogue nation terrorist list!

Pakistan refuses to worship the beast.  The real reason there’s warmonger talk against Pakistan by our officials is because they buy their oil from Iran.  It’s not about the War on Terror, after all, the Pakistani army has lost more troops, police and civilians fighting the Taliban than we have!

Syria refuses to worship the beast.  They control major oil pipelines running from Iraq and Iran to the Mediterranean.  Iranian oil companies operate in Syria. The U.S. supported violence (the Free Syrian Army admits they are supported by the U.S. and Israel) is not about ‘democracy’!

Iran is not only refusing to worship the beast, but is standing up to it. Iran actually has a powerful, self reliant and up to date military.  They have powerful allies like Russia and China.  They also have created the world’s first oil trading market that takes anything but U.S. dollars for oil.  Yes they even barter for their oil.  A recent report in the Israeli media says Iran, India and China are about to start trading oil for gold (just like the Saudis wanted to do back in 1973).

The U.S. is walking on egg shells in regards to Iran.  So far all the threats from our government are just hot air.  Russia and China have made it clear they will support Iran.  Russian officials have even said that Syria is the red line the the U.S. must not cross.

Now the U.S. is attempting back room deals with countries like Pakistan and China.  Several reports say U.S. officials are trying to get the Pakistanis to give up cheap Iranian natural gas, in exchange for cheap U.S. natural gas.  Similar offers are being made to China for natural gas, oil and refined fuel.  Not only will such deals benefit the U.S. oil industry, it will help the U.S. dollar because they’ll have to use it to buy our stuff.  It’s hoped such deals will also isolate Iran’s oil industry, and destroy their successful oil market.

U.S. petroleum products are now the number one export of the United States.  This means controlling the ‘market’ is even more important.  Price is everything and what the U.S. is doing will only drive up prices.

It’s clear why the U.S. would embargo Iranian oil; ’cause it will drive up prices, which is what our oil industry puppet leaders want.  What about Europe? The EU finally agreed to embargo new oil deals with Iran, but several European oil industry leaders say it will be disastrous for their industry (Note: British Petroleum is exempt from the EU embargo. Remember, most of the British Empire is involved with U.S. petrodollars).

On January 28, Bloomberg media reported that Italy will see at least 70 refineries shut down because of the EU embargo.  Iran says it could stop all oil sales to Europe.  But this is what the U.S. petrodollar lovers want, because it will drive up prices.  The U.S. created International Monetary Fund said there will be an instant 20-30% increase in oil prices.  Iranian officials say oil will almost instantly jump to $150 per barrel.

This is a losing situation for us average Joes, but when you think about it, it’s a win-win for the oil industry!

If the U.S. is successful in destroying Iran’s independent oil market, then there is a list of other countries who could be next.  Cuba, they have oil and they don’t take U.S. dollars (why you think Romney and Gingrich, both claim to be Christians,  said they would bomb Cuba if they became President?).  Venezuela don’t take U.S. dollars, why you think we tried to kill Hugo Chavez?  Ecuador; did you even know there’s been attempted U.S. supported rebellions there?  China, they’ve been making oil for infrastructure improvement deals that allow them to get around the petrodollar beast.

By the way if you research who attacked the United States on September 11, 2001, you’ll see it did not involve anyone from Afghanistan or Iraq.  It involved mainly people from the Arabian Peninsula (and one person from Egypt, one person from Lebanon), not one Iraqi, not one Afghan.   The bin Laden family is from the Arabian Peninsula, not Iraq, not Afghanistan!  The October 12, 2000, attack on the USS Cole was done by people from the Arabian Peninsula (it actually took place on the Arabian Peninsula).  Yet, a Federal judge, under the Bush Jr administration, ruled that the African country Sudan was to blame!

It’s obvious that those who’ve been attacking the United States are from the Arab Peninsula (mainly Saudi Arabia), yet we don’t dare attack them. Why? Because they’re part of the petrodollar beast that was created back in 1973!!!






World War 3 & Government/Corporate Incompetence: United States and Europe will suffer from loss of Iranian oil, expect $150 per barrel oil soon, Iran now economically independent

A visit from the International Atomic Energy Agency seems to have put a vote by Iranian lawmakers, to stop oil shipments, on hold.

On Sunday, January 29, the vote was postponed.  One factor is debate over how long Iran should block sales of oil to Europe; some lawmakers want a five year block, while others want 15 years.

Iran’s Oil Minister, Rostam Qasemis, has pointed out that stopping oil shipments to Europe, or the United States, will not greatly affect Iran’s oil business. In the case of the EU, he says they get only 20% of Iran’s oil exports.  British media say it’s 25%, but that’s still not enough to adversely affect Iran’s economy.

Qasemis also said Iran is on the verge of being completely independent when it comes to oil industry supplies: “We can produce all the items needed for the (oil) industry inside the country and cut our needs to the foreign counties through relying on the ability and knowledge of local experts.” 

The International Monetary Fund is also warning the West of any stoppage of oil from Iran.  Some Western media reports say the IMF predicts world oil prices could soar 20-30% if Iran halts oil exports.  And that’s only at the beginning of the oil stoppage.

Managing Director of the National Iranian Oil Company, Ahmad Qalebani, said that when oil exports to the EU are ended you can expect oil prices to immediately jump to $150 per barrel.  Again, that will only hurt the U.S. and Europe, not Iran.

In fact the increase in oil prices would only benefit Iran.  At only $85 per barrel, Iranian officials say they will see $57 billion in revenue from March 2012 to March 2013. They’d love $150 per barrel.  And to think our own leaders want to embargo Iranian oil.  (gotta love the global oil industry)





World War 3: Iranian President says the United States, and Europe, are White Horse Bullies

I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.

The following are comments made by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on January 26, 2012.

“The West must be aware that the Iranian nation….does not need them. You impose embargo on Iran’s oil but do not see that the United States has not bought oil from us for 30 years, but nothing happened, and Iran followed its path with dignity.”

“The recent brewhaha about Iran has been created because Iran is on the path of progress and development, and the enemy is seeking to hinder this progress.”

“The U.S. says the Iranian nation is not the target of sanctions and that they (sanctions) target officials while they are of the type that directly affect the masses and do not hurt officials.”

“They say, ‘we adopt sanctions because Iran does not negotiate.’ And this is while they adopted sanctions ahead of Iran’s negotiation and are seeking to find an excuse to avoid negotiations.”

“Why should we make up excuses? A person who has logic and has something to say does not avoid negotiations, but rather those who are bullies and hegemons make excuses.”

“You impose sanctions on our central bank, but did you have dealings with our central bank? The value of our annual foreign exchange transactions is $200 billion, only 24 billion of which are with Europe.”

“At a certain juncture, 90% of our foreign exchange transactions were with Europe, but you are aware that the transactions have now decreased to 10% and (sanctions) cannot affect Iran’s economy.”

World War 3 & Government/Economic Incompetence: Iran will stop buying products from Europe and the United States! Working with China and India to trade oil for gold!

“According to one of the main clauses, the Islamic Republic of Iran will halt all oil exports to European countries as long as they continue to ban oil imports from Iran. Another clause obliges the government to forbid imports of all goods from countries which have imposed sanctions on our country.”-Nasser Soudani, Majlis (parliament) Energy Committee

January 28, Iranian lawmakers have finalized a bill that would freeze all oil shipments to Europe.  But the bill would also place an embargo on any products being sold to Iran from countries that have joined the U.S./EU oil embargo against Iran!

This shows the Iranians have realized that the U.S. and EU are not in a good economic position to impose embargoes.  They are taking advantage of that and  will not only stop all oil shipments to oil starved Europe, but with stop buying products from countries who embargo Iranian oil.

The Iranians created a petroleum trade institution that does not use U.S. dollars. It’s very successful, and part of why Iran has become so wealthy.  Not only do they not take U.S. dollars, but they actually accept barter for oil, such as trading raw oil for refined fuel.

Iran has become a major producer of refined fuel in the Middle East.  In fact, in February, 2011, Iran stopped buying refined fuel from other countries!  On January 14, 2012, Iran announced they now make their own jet fuel.

A German political analysts told Russian media that Iran has learned how to succeed under sanctions: “All the present faithful customers to Iran oil are set to continue buying this oil, and they will find a way, rest assured. This is the signal I get from Tehran.  I was personally present when the deputy economics minister of Iran was talking to a foreign society in Berlin, and the gentleman said very openly to the shocked audience ‘OK. You don’t want to buy our goods. Well, the Chinese do.’”-Christoph R. Hörstel

Now Israeli media are reporting that Iran, India, China and several other countries are working on a oil for gold trade deal.  The deal would allow countries to avoid going through U.S. and European banks to buy Iranian petroleum products!

Also, on January 26, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated: “Today, we have attained a status that we need not sell oil to Europe, and we are following our path determinedly.”

World War 3 & Government Incompetence: Oil embargoes are double edged swords. Iran about to swipe back at Europe, could stop all oil shipments voluntarily!

Europe is dependent on foreign oil.  The European Union was pushed into joining the United States in placing an embargo on Iranian oil (in exchange for exempting British Petroleum).  Now Iran says, so what, we’ll voluntarily cut off European oil supplies!

Lawmakers in the Iranian Majlis (similar to a parliament or congress) will decide a new bill on January 29, 2012.  If approved it would cease all oil shipments to Europe by the end of next week.  That’s significant, because the EU oil embargo involves only new oil contracts, not existing ones.

So, in reality the EU oil embargo is a paper tiger, because it doesn’t involve existing oil deals (part of the deal with the U.S. and exempting BP).  The Iranians have realized that oil is, at this point, their greatest weapon.

The United Kingdom is already suffering increasing fuel costs, and their fuel stations are running dry, because of internal problems.  So how stupid are countries who rely on foreign oil suppliers, when they threaten their own oil suppliers?

Could Iran voluntarily halting oil shipments, to U.S. and EU buyers, be a greater incentive to go to war, then their alleged nuclear weapons program?   Modern societies don’t run on nuclear bombs (not counting the ticking time bomb nuclear power plants), they run on oil.


World War 3 & Government Hypocricy: BP to be exempt from Iran oil embargo, proof the U.S. is controled by the British Empire

There are reports that say British Petroleum (BP) is to be exempted from the U.S. and EU oil embargoes.  It was part of the deal to get the European Union to impose sanctions against Iran.

BP was born out of the old British controlled Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. Despite the decades of sanctions against Iran (since the early 1980s) BP has still managed to do business with Iran.

BP, and a Norwegian company (Statoil), are currently running a natural gas operation in the Caspian Sea in co-operation with Iran, called Shah Deniz.  But back in the United Kingdom, sanctions forced BP to shut down a North Sea gas operation, because it was 50% owned by Iran!

British officials do not want anymore halts to BP operations, so they lobbied hard with the United States to get BP exempt from any European/U.S. oil embargo.


Red Horse & World War 3: Western Warmongering media getting all hot & bothered about U.S. aircraft carrier entering Persian Gulf

Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other.

The aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln has sailed through the Strait of Hormuz, on its way home.  The aircraft carrier USS Enterprise is on its way to the Persian Gulf, through the Strait of Hormuz.

Western media, and U.S. officials are trying to make this look like tough action after Iran made threats against a U.S. Navy ship a couple of weeks ago.  But that’s just it, they made threats against one specific U.S. Navy ship, not the entire U.S. Navy!

Iran said back at the beginning of January that the USS John C. Stennis will not be allowed to return to the Persian Gulf.  The threat was not made against any other U.S. ship!

In fact the Iranians have responded to the western media’s brewhahaing about the movement of U.S. aircraft carriers through the Strait thusly:  “U.S. warships and military forces have been in the Persian Gulf, and the Middle East region for many years, and their decision in relation to the dispatch of a new warship is not a new issue and it should be interpreted as part of their permanent presence.”-Hossein Salami, IRGC