Tag Archives: martial law

Obama regime bold face liars: United Nations has proof U.S. regime killing civilians with drones! Violating international law! U.S. citizens “future” targets of drones!

19 October 2013 (01:26 UTC-07 Tango)/14 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/27 Mehr 1391/15 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“….if there are terrorists within an area where there are women and children, or others, we do not [stress added by speaker] take such action…In fact I can say…there hasn’t been a single collateral death because of the exceptional proficiency, precision of the capabilities that we’ve been able to develop.”-John O. Brennan, Obama regime adviser, during the question and answer session after his speech to Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, 29 June 2011. The answer to the question is not on the official White house transcript but can be viewed about 49:30 minutes into C-SPAN video

“Zero innocent civilians having lost their lives does not sound to me like reality….”-USAF Colonel David M. Sullivan, commenting on Obama regime’s claims of no civilians killed in 2011

“America’s actions are legal.”-Barack Obama, May 2013 speech to National Defense University, he was repeatedly interrupted by people wanting to know why GITMO prison was still in operation

“The position of the Government of Pakistan is quite clear. It does not consent to the use of drones by the United States on its territory and it considers this to be a violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. As a matter of international law the U.S. drone campaign in Pakistan is…..a violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty…….”-The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Statement of the Special Rapporteur following meetings in Pakistan, 19 October 2013

In May 2013, Barack Obama finally admitted that civilians were being killed by drones: “…it is a hard fact that U.S. strikes have resulted in civilian casualties…”

He also stated that he’s not the only one responsible: “….Not only did Congress authorize the use of force, it is briefed on every strike that America takes.  Every strike.”

In the same speech Obama also has these ominous warnings for the people of the United States: “From our use of drones to the detention of terrorist suspects, the decisions that we are making now will define the type of nation, and world, that we leave to our children.

We have to be mindful of James Madison’s warning that ‘No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.’

….we face a real threat from radicalized individuals here in the United States…….Deranged or alienated individuals, often U.S. citizens or legal residents…..

This is the future of terrorism.”

In September 2013, the artist who created Obama’s Hope election campaign art, Shepard Fairey, admitted he has regrets.  TMZ paparazzi asked if there was something he could change, his reply was that he would replace the slogan Hope, with the slogan Drones!

Financial Martial Law U.S.A.: BofA joins JP Morgan Chase in limiting access to your account! Citibank layoffs 1-thousand despite profits! Wells Fargo lays off 5-thousand plus!

18 October 2013 (12:10 UTC-07 Tango)/13 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/26 Mehr 1391/14 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“If you don’t have your money in your pocket it ain’t yours, Jack!”-Gerald Celente, investor and financial adviser who had his Certificates of Deposits raped by major banks, telling people to get their money out of the banks now!  Infowars interview 18 October 2013

Celente, who has a good forecasting track record, predicts total U.S. bank failure by the middle of 2014.

Wall Street Journal reported that despite reporting surprise profits, Bank of America is about to implement a plan that will affect their customer’s checking accounts and access to their cash through ATMs. There are very little details, but BofA officials claim they are trying to help out their customers because their plan would prevent customers from incurring overdraft fees!  Basically your check writing and ATM withdrawals will be limited (more than what it already is).

This is revenge on the part of BofA, who paid a $410 million USD fine for their part in a conspiracy by Too Big to Jail banks, found guilty of charging exorbitant fees.

Back in September, Citibank announced they were laying off 700 employees, before Xmas! It’s part of their larger plan to layoff 1-thousand people!  Just two days ago Citibank reported a $3.23 billion profit!  However, greedy elitist investment analysts called it “disappointing” because they were expecting even more profits!

Wells Fargo has notified 5300 employees they will be laid off! 925 of those jobs are in California!  Bank officials blame it on a 42% drop in home loans, compared to last year!  What was that about the housing market recovery?

Maybe Celente is right?

Exceptional Failed State: Too Big to Jail JP Morgan Chase denies yet confirms martial law on your bank account! Is it really because the bank is broke?

Martial Law U.S.A.: Homeland Security behind False Flag earthquake drill in Idaho? Real quake hits! International connection! Mystery power outages!

18 October 2013 (20:40 UTC-07 Tango 17 October 2013)/13 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/26 Mehr 1391/14 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

The Gem State of Idaho held its largest earthquake drill ever.  Did you hear about it?  I live in the Gem State and it was news to me.

It’s called The Great Idaho ShakeOut.  It took place at 10:17 hours on 17 October 2013.  Coincidentally a 3.6 quake hit northern Utah, along the same fault line that runs through eastern Idaho on up to the supervolcano Yellowstone, at 10:19 hours!

It is true that most quakes in Idaho take place in the eastern part of the state.  But suddenly, almost out-o-the blue it’s a major concern of the government?

If you go to The Great Idaho ShakeOut website it looks like the “annual” drill is being pushed by state agencies, but the actual instigators are the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency  and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.  They have drills for Idaho already planned for 2014 and 2015.  The website claims it was school officials who chose to hold the drill in the morning on a school day.

Local TV news reports showed kindergarteners being led out of school with their wrists tied to ropes!!!  The ShakeOut website stated that at 10:17 hours they wanted everybody in Idaho to stop what they were doing and “Drop, Cover, and Hold On [fetal position?]……and stay in this position for at least 60 seconds.“!

Reports claim between 70-thousand and 92-thousand Idahoans took part in the drill.  Small print on the website also says “You can hold your drill at any time within 2 weeks of October 17.”  Does this imply that if you conduct a quake drill outside that time period you could be arrested?

Turns out the Great ShakeOut drills are conducted all across the U.S. and even in other countries.  That’s right, FEMA and other federal agencies are conducting quake drills in Japan, Italy, New Zealand, Canada and “other countries”.   Your tax dollars at work.

At about 15:30 hours power was lost to a large area.  Idaho Power reported the outage affected the western half of the city of Chubbuck, west to the American Falls reservoir 23 miles away.  The cause was unknown.

Power came back on for me at 17:30 hours, but at 17:51 hours Idaho Power reported that power was still out in parts of Chubbuck, and they were sending crews back out to find out why.  Cause of outage still unknown.

By 20:00 hours Idaho Power reported “no outages”.  No explanation for the outage, and so far nothing mentioned by local news media.  Mmmm, on the same day as the FEMA sponsored earthquake drill.

Exceptional Failed State: Too Big to Jail JP Morgan Chase denies yet confirms martial law on your bank account! Is it really because the bank is broke?

17 October 2013 (14:17 UTC-07 Tango)/12 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/25 Mehr 1391/13 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

Officials with JP Morgan Chase are denying they are imposing “capital controls” by blocking international money transfers and limiting the amount of money you can have in your account.  But they did confirm they are “derisking” certain accounts!

Could the Too Big to Jail international bank be doing this as a result of $1-billion USD in fines imposed by United States and United Kingdom?  That’s because of their $6-billion loss in the London Whale investment scheme.  Is JP Morgan Chase broke?

For more evidence that JP Morgan Chase is broke, Marketwatch is now calling it the biggest single job killer in the U.S.  The Too Big to Fail bank is laying off at least 19-thousand employees!

Some “exepctionism”!

Martial Law U.S.A.: TSA security is not targeting terrorists! Fake exemptions expanded for frequent flyers!

17 October 2013 (13:42 UTC-07 Tango)/12 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/25 Mehr 1391/13 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“If another 9/11 happens, you will not recognize this country.”-Andrew Jurchenko, retired U.S. Army Colonel, commenting on expanding TSA powers

Out of Arizona: “America’s Friendliest Airport” is now America’s Martial Law Airport.

The Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport has registered numerous complaints against gestapo Transportation Security Administration agents, complaints coming from people as old as 92 years who said they were humiliated and terrorized.  Apparently most of those targeted are disabled people with fake body parts.

TSA announced an expansion of their privileged Trusted Traveler Program, which supposedly allows club members to skip martial law searches!  The TTP is being expanded to 350 airports in 2014.

A civil rights activist warned that just because your a TTP member doesn’t mean Big Brother/Sister isn’t watching you: “If you sign up, you’ll want to keep your nose clean for the rest of your life. Because that’s how long the FBI will keep your fingerprints.”-Gregory Nojeim, Center for Democracy and Technology

Infowars/Prison Planet has discovered that Public Access to Court Electronic Records, PACER.gov, has federal court documents that reveale that the country has been and still is under martial law: “…as a result of an ‘order’ of the TSA and that Congress had stripped the district courts of jurisdiction…” 

The court documents show that the TSA has been taking baby steps to increased use of martial law prison tactics: “….in 2002, a limited pat-down procedure was in place for secondary screening. This procedure…..did not include any touching of the ‘sensitive areas’ of travelers……..In September 2004….the TSA modified the pat-down procedure to include touching the breasts of female travelers……in 2010, the TSA discontinued all use of hand-held metal detectors, for reasons that have never been explained.”

TSA uses full body pat downs as well as electromagnetic nude body scanners.  Documents show TSA employees continually violate their own rules of how full body pat downs are conducted. It is also pointed out that Germany refused to adopt the U.S. TSA nude body scanner system, due to 35% failure rate.  France refused due to high failure rate of system.

TSA had access to three other search systems, but capriciously choose the nude body scanners.  The TSA rejected the use of 95% effective, and far cheaper, bomb sniffing dogs!  The TSA is actually receiving taxpayer funding for bomb sniffing dogs!

The second rejected search device was the ETP machines, which detected chemicals that could be used for explosives, although the same chemicals can be found in sausages.   TSA discontinued the EPT use because of operational costs, not lack of effectiveness.  I can attest to the EPT effectiveness because sausages bought in Idaho and heading to California via the Pocatello Airport, popped up as bombs on the EPT.  Sausages contain nitrates, they were allowed to fly on to California.

TSA also has another chemical detector, ETD.  But court documents show they are considered secondary, backup systems, and are rarely used, even though they are effective and cheaper than both EPT and nude body scanners.

The documents point out that not once has the TSA caught a true terrorist.

Even TSA’s own documentation showed there is no justification to their martial law tactics: “….explosives brought on board airplanes…..happened outside of the United States…..even on the global scale, including Middle Eastern countries with extreme civil unrest and a high prevalence of improvised explosive devices….explosives on airplanes are extremely rare……the TSA analyzed hijackings in 2007, and found 7 hijacking incidents across the globe, but none of them involved actual explosive devices.”

The court documents then point out “The hijackers on 9/11 had no explosives; only knives………This begs the question, then, of what evidence the government possesses to rationalize that we should be so afraid of non-metallic explosives being brought aboard flights departing from the U.S. that we must sacrifice our civil liberties. The answer: there is none.

The only conclusion we can come to is that the dictatorial elites of the United States used the threat of terrorism as a False Flag to impose martial law and turn you into slaves!

You need to read the entire court document, because there is way more than what I’ve posted.

Major health care organization says Obama Care is False Flag op! Millions to be denied health care in Red States! Idaho throws 91% of poor adults to the curb!

17 October 2013 (23:01 UTC-07 Tango 16 October 2013)/12 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/25 Mehr 1391/13 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“……over five million poor uninsured adults have incomes above Medicaid eligibility levels but below poverty and may fall into a ‘coverage gap’ of earning too much to qualify for Medicaid but not enough to qualify for Marketplace premium tax credits.”-The Coverage Gap: Uninsured Poor Adults in States that Do Not Expand Medicaid, Kaiser Family Foundation

The Kaiser Family Foundation is warning that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka Obama Care) will not provide health insurance for about 5.2 million low income adults!

That’s because Obama Care relies on states to expand Medicaid coverage to Obama Care standards, but they don’t have to because of a 2012 Supreme Court ruling.  The result is that people like me, single adults with low incomes but no dependents, will still fall into the coverage gap.

26 states are refusing to expand Medicaid: Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin, Wyoming and Virginia.

Note that most of those states are considered Red states.

In the Red state of Idaho, the Kaiser study estimates that 60% of “low income” adults will not be covered, and 91% of “poor” adults will not be covered!

The Kaiser study concluded: “…with many states opting not to implement the Medicaid expansion, millions of adults will remain outside the reach of the ACA and continue to have limited, if any, option for health coverage: most do not have access to employer-based coverage through a job, few can afford coverage on their own, and most are currently ineligible for public coverage in their state…..It is unlikely that people who fall into the coverage gap will be able to afford Marketplace coverage: The national average premium for a 40-year-old individual purchasing coverage through the Marketplace is $270 per month for a silver plan and $224 per month for a bronze plan, which equates to about half of income for those at the lower income range of people in the gap….people in the coverage gap are ineligible for cost-sharing subsidies for Marketplace plans and may face additional out-of-pocket costs up to $6,350 a year if they were to purchase Marketplace coverage.”

They’re talking about people like me.  Obama Care is supposed to help me how?


Exceptional Failed State: Food Stamp shut down coming in November? 47 million Americans to starve?

17 October 2013 (22:06 UTC-07 Tango 16 October 2013)/12 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/25 Mehr 1391/13 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“…..in accordance with the FNS Contingency Plan issued October 1, 2013…….

……we are directing States to hold their November issuance files and delay transmission to State electronic benefit transfer (EBT [debit card]) vendors until further notice.”-U.S. Department of Agriculture letter dated 11 October 2013, revealed by Fox 13 news in Utah

Yeah, ‘mericans are exceptional, like frogs in a boiling pot!

Germany pulls self out of Depression by defaulting on unfairly imposed debt!

16 October 2013 (15:01 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/24 Mehr 1391/12 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

Germany suffered more than a decade of massive economic depression, but suddenly became an economic powerhouse almost overnight.  How?  They defaulted on the unfairly imposed debts!

Defaulting means you tell those you owe money to, sorry we no got it.  So why does the government of the United States want to take on more debt by raising the debt limit (by the way Obama recently lied and told the citizens that raising the debt limit does not increase U.S. government debt!!!)?

After the First World War, France, Italy and United Kingdom imposed unfair reparations on Germany.  They blamed Germany for the war even though it was actually started by the Austro-Hungarian empire.  Germany was targeted because the war actually destroyed the Austro-Hungarian empire, and the winners wanted someone to pay for it.

This hog tied the new Weimar government of Germany, as they tried to make the outrageous payments.   It was turned into a devastating economic depression by the irrational decision by France and United Kingdom to shut down Germany’s money making industries!!!  That action resulted in massive unemployment and basically stopped tax revenues that the Weimar government relied on to make the reparations payments!  I’ve read historical books that say this was intentional on the part of France and United Kingdom, because the real goal of reparations was to destroy the new country of Germany (the political entity known as Germany did not come into existence until 1871).

The reparations also resulted in a debt financed economic explosion in the United States known as The Roaring 20s.  France and United Kingdom were borrowing money from U.S. against the promised reparations money from Germany.

But Germany was also borrowing money from the United States to be able to make their reparations payments!  So like the U.S. government today, the German Weimar government was digging itself deeper by essentially raising its debt limit by borrowing money from the U.S. to pay France and United Kingdom.

The loans and other financial help from the U.S. made things look, on paper, better than they actually were in Germany.  That’s the mirage of debt financing.

So from 1920 to 1932 Germany was economically devastated, thousands of people starved to death, how did Germany get out of it?  They went bankrupt and defaulted!

In retaliation the United States began economic sanctions against Germany in 1933 (apparently they didn’t apply to Ford, GM and IBM), the same year that German dictator Hindenburg made Adolph Hitler the new Chancellor.  Despite the U.S. sanctions Germany became an economic powerhouse virtually overnight.

To be sure Germany got itself into new debts, but new debts weren’t being used to make unfair reparations payments, they were used to create new jobs by re-starting major industries the French and British shut down.  You understand?  They brought the jobs home.

In 1933, the year after default, Gross National Income jumped from negative percentage to plus 6% of Gross National Product, and remained above 7% until the Second World War.  Germany was still in debt but the jobs were now there to create the tax revenues to pay those government debt, instead of continually borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. In other words, the debts were being paid with real money, not fake debt money.

It was the Second World War that destroyed Germany’s booming economy, which is more proof that war destroys your economy.

The lesson?  The war weary United States will not save its long term economy by raising its debt limit and continuing its War on Terror!


Martial Law U.S.A.: 64 Ohio cops found to have unjustly killed two unarmed people!

16 October 2013 (13:52 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/24 Mehr 1391/12 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

In 2012, 13 Cleveland cops killed two people by shooting them 137 times!  Today the results of an investigation declared the cops to be in the wrong!  Cops reported the two victims were armed, lie!  The investigation concluded the two victims were unarmed!

Cleveland Police Chief, Michael McGrath, said a total of 64 martial law cops are connected to the car chase and shootings, they are charged only with insubordination.

Exceptional Failed State: U.S. Government shutdown is False Flag op! Government is 82% not shutdown, actually hiring more federale cops for Martial Law?

16 October 2013 (13:34 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/24 Mehr 1391/12 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“Even if there’s a ‘shutdown,’ it’s not like the vault doors get closed, and no money comes out of the doors. It doesn’t work that way.”-Marcia Howard, Federal Funds Information for States

According to CBS News, the supposed federal government shutdown has affected only 18% of government spending.  In other words, 82% of government is still being funded, meaning it is open for business.  CBS News reported this in the first couple of days of the supposed shutdown.

Most federal government programs are funded one month in advance (forward funded).  This means all the crises that’s happening now is bullshit!  By the way, during the last federal shutdown in the 1990s, does anyone remember armies of federal cops swarming National Parks?  In fact, national memorials and monuments did not close down during the federal shutdown in 1995/96!!!  One reason is that the Clinton regime allowed volunteer veteran groups to operate some war memorials, in place of federal employees.  What’s up with the Obama regime?

Recently, mainstreamer news reports said Washington DC police forces are not being paid.  Lie!  There are reports that not only are federally funded cops still being paid, but the Obama regime is hiring more cops to enforce National Park/memorial shutdowns!

Federal cops are considered essential government employees.  The ‘shutdown’ is supposed to continue paying essential employees.  On top of that, the Congress has agreed to pay government employees back pay.  So they are being paid!

The federal government has also closed National Parks that are self supporting, meaning those parks do not operate on taxpayer funding: “We have operated the Farm successfully for 32 years after the NPS cut the Farm from its budget in 1980 and are fully staffed and prepared to open today. But there are barricades at the Pavilions and entrance to the Farm.”-Anna Eberly of the independently funded Claude Moore Colonial Farm in Virginia

Some “exceptionalism”!  Way to go U.S.A.!