Tag Archives: martial law

Martial Law Gun Control BS! International Police boss says give everyone guns like in Texas!

24 October 2013 (20:56 UTC-07 Tango 23 October 2013)/19 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/02 Aban 1391/20 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“Ask yourself: If that was Denver, Colorado, if that was Texas, would those guys have been able to spend hours, days, shooting people randomly? What I’m saying is it makes police around the world question their views on gun control. It makes citizens question their views on gun control. You have to ask yourself, ‘Is an armed citizenry more necessary now than it was in the past with an evolving threat of terrorism?’ This is something that has to be discussed.  For me it’s a profound question.  People are quick to say ‘gun control, people shouldn’t be armed,’ etc., etc.  I think they have to ask themselves: ‘Where would you have wanted to be? In a city where there was gun control and no citizens armed if you’re in a Westgate mall, or in a place like Denver or Texas?'”-Ronald Noble, Secretary General of Interpol, interviewed by ABC News 

Exceptional Failed State: National Guard whistleblower reveals Martial Law plans in FEMA Region 1 within U.S.!

23 October 2013 (14:37 UTC-07 Tango)/18 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/01 Aban 1391/19 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“It’s scaring the shit out of us up here!”-unnamed FEMA Region I active duty National Guard NCO commenting on take over by DHS

An active duty National Guard NCO, in FEMA Region I (one), reported during an unsolicited (other than Alex Jones asking for the audience to call in) phone call to Infowars.com that National Guard unit commanders are refusing to support the Bill of Rights, and Constitution.  Some are actually tearing down bulletin board postings of the Bill of Rights inside some armories.

The NCO said at least seven armories in his unnamed state had Bill of Rights, Constitution and military Oath of Allegiances torn down by higher ups.

Active duty Guard members complained to their JAG (Judge Advocate General).  JAG told concerned NCOs there’s no legal justification for the removal of the Bill of Rights, Constitution or Oath of Allegiance.

Active duty National Guard personnel have been told that they are now under direct control of Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

DHS is testing Guard members to see who will support martial law.  I’ve seen something similar during the 1990s, as a member of California and then Idaho National Guards, under the Clinton admin.

In 2003 (it might’ave been 2002), a retiring Idaho National Guard JAG officer (ex Regular Navy JAG, who said he switch to state run Army NG because USN was being prepped for martial law action) it was gave his last annual legal briefing to Bravo Company, 2nd of the 116th Armored Cavalry (please pronounce correctly, it’s not “calvary”. The 116th armored CAV is now known as 116th Cavalry Brigade Combat Team).  He adamantly stated that our state leaders sold out our National Guard to the federales, in exchange for increased federal funding.  He warned that the federal takeover was not for the arbitrary use of Guard personnel in foreign wars, without getting the governor’s approval, but for use on U.S. citizens under martial Law!

The retiring JAG officer also warned that the federales (pronounced the Spanish way) were in the processing of forcing states to give up their own particular Army National Guard UCMJs and adopting the federal active (Regular) Army UCMJ.

We had Pentagon insiders who warned us that the Bush admin invasion of Iraq was a done deal a full year before the invasion.  They also warned us that Idaho Guard was scheduled for deployment to Iraq, before the Bush admin invaded Iraq!   I bad mouthed Bush in a unit formation, as acting platoon sergeant, which could have been the reason they demoted me from E6 to E5, then refused to let me re-enlist when my enlistment ended in November 2003.  My Honorable Discharge papers, which were not sent to me until mid-2004, said I was “FLAGGED FOR APFT”, despite having the third highest APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test) score in my unit in 2003!  In my late 30s I was out push uping and out sit uping guys right out of Army Basic Training!

According to the FEMA Region I Guard member, DHS has issued a “mission change” for expected “gang insurrections” within Federal Emergency Management Agency Region I.  The info and procedures discused by the active duty Guard member, who called into Infowars.com, convinced me he was legitimate.

FEMA Region I is Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island and Connecticut.  (Idaho is FEMA Region X [ten]. Note that FEMA uses Roman/British empire numerals)

See: Insurrection Act.

Declaration of Independence, 04 July 1776

Exceptional Failed State: One million U.S. citizens lose their health insurance because of Obama Care!

23 October 2013 (13:17 UTC-07 Tango)/18 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/01 Aban 1391/19 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“The arithmetic is inescapable, no matter what people in Washington [DC] say.”-Patrick Johnston, California Association of Health Plans, commenting on the fact that people who already have insurance are being forced to switch to more expensive policies

According to Kaiser Health News, 500-thousand to one million people in the United States, who already have health insurance, are being sent cancellation notices!

Florida Blue terminating about 300-thousand policies, about 80% of their customers in Florida!

Kaiser Permanente cancelled policies for 160-thousand people, about 50% of its customer base in California!  Blue Shield of California cancelled 60% of its polices!  A rep from Blue Shield stated people who had insurance will pay more for the same coverage under Obama Care.

In Pennsylvania, Highmark canceled 20% of its policies.  Independent Blue Cross, the biggest health insurance company in the state, canceled 45% of its polices!

It’s possible that the amount of people being kicked off their existing insurance could be at least one million!

Exceptional Failed State: USN screws over taxpayers by selling off aircraft carrier for one penny!!! Two other carriers to meet same fate?

23 October 2013 (11:36 UTC-07 Tango)/18 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/01 Aban 1391/19 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

The gott damn United States Navy just royally screwed over U.S. taxpayers by selling off the USS Forestall aircraft carrier for a measly penny!  It was sold to a scrapper in Brownsville, Texas.

When built in the 1950s it cost taxpayers $218 million USD!  The ship is made from more than 59-thousand tons of valuable metal!

Several months ago, National Public Radio revealed the decommissioned aircraft carrier was being sold to ship scrapper International Shipbreaking.  However, The Brownsville Herald reporting today that the company is called All Star Metals.  The Brownsville Herald did not report the contract price.

NPR also indicated that the USS Saratoga and the USS Constellation could also be sold off.   NPR didn’t not have any info as to how much the ships will be sold for.

NPR stated that at the time of their report the market value of scrap steel was 10 to 15 cents per pound.  The USS Forestall weighs more than 59-thousand short tons (more than 118-million pounds)!

Today, CNN reports the USN has revealed that the $218 million plus USS Forestall was sold for just one cent!

Naval Sea Systems Command quietly made the announcement on 22 October: Today, the Navy competitively awarded an indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity contract to All Star Metals of Brownsville, Texas, for the towing, dismantling and recycling of conventionally powered aircraft carriers stricken from the Naval Vessel Register, and a $0.01 fixed price delivery order for dismantling and recycling ex-USS Forrestal (AVT 59).

What the above statement means is that the ship was put up for auction and the only bid that came in was for one penny!

Obama is the Commander in Chief of the U.S. Navy.


Exceptional Failed State: More proof Obama Care a false flag op to destroy you!

23 October 2013 (11:21 UTC-07 Tango)/18 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/01 Aban 1391/19 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“Clearly there’s problems with the website, but I would argue that the problems go much further than that………hundreds of thousands of Americans who are finding out that they’re going to lose their coverage because the plans they have today don’t qualify under ObamaCare……more Americans are going to lose their health insurance than are going to sign up at these exchanges…….it’s affecting the ability of the American people to find the job that will help them take care of themselves and their families.”-John Boehner, Speaker of the House

“Either Secretary Sebelius is lying to protect President Obama or the President needs to get control of his signature health care law.”-Reince Priebus, Republican National Committee

“Either they didn’t know what was going on in their own offices or they were deliberately misleading us.”-Tim Murphy, Congressman from Pennsylvania

“Despite the President’s assertion that ‘we’re well into a tech surge,’ neither the White House nor the Department of Health and Human Services is providing additional details about which private sector companies have been engaged or whether they are being engaged through the appropriate procurement processes.”-Darrell Issa, Congressman from California who sent letters to Verizon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle and Expedia demanding explanations as to their roles in healthcare.gov


Exceptional Failed State: Obama Care NAZI operatives deploying to Texas, and other problem states!

23 October 2013 (11:00 UTC-07 Tango)/18 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/01 Aban 1391/19 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“We are planning to deploy White House officials and Cabinet secretaries to the 10 cities across the country with the highest rates of uninsured Americans to do enrollment events and other grassroots activities.  These cities and metropolitan areas include Dallas, Houston, Miami, Atlanta, Phoenix, Tucson, North Jersey, Tampa, Orlando, Detroit and San Antonio.”-unnamed White House official who can’t count (notice they said “10 cities” but name 11)

“Texas will soon be ground zero for a White House push to jump-start enrollment in the new online health insurance marketplaces.”-dallasnews.com

According to The Dallas Morning News, the Obama regime is deploying Obama Care bullies to Texas, to force people to sign up for Obama Care.

At least ten Texas cities are being targeted.  They’re being targeted because of a high rate of people who have no health insurance.

Reports say other states like Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan and New Jersey will soon be targeted by Obama Care NAZI stormtroopers dressed as grassroots political activists.



Exceptional Failed State: HHS official avoids explaining why Obama Care website crashed during testing, or why insurance companies raised alarms! Stop calling health care a “product”!

23 October 2013 (10:38 UTC-07 Tango)/18 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/01 Aban 1391/19 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

It really looks more and more like Obama Care healthcare.gov is a False Flag op.   In an interview with CNN, the pretentious Secretary of the U.S. Department of health and Human Services totally blew off a direct question about insurance companies raising concerns over the fact the website crashed during testing, just days before the official start date.

“According to congressional investigators, just weeks before the launch about two thirds if insurers had some concerns, specific concerns that the website would not be ready.  Just days before the launch a test was conducted and the website crashed with just a few hundred users at that time.  How was the decision made to still go forward?”-Sanjay Gupta, CNN

“There are people in this country that have waited for decades for affordable health coverage…….What’s clear is we have a product.  The product really works!  We have created a market where there wasn’t a market.  People have competitive private plans…..Waiting is not really an option.  People can sign up on the website, at the call center, in person…..”-Kathleen Sebelius, HHS

That’s the HHS secretary’s long winded direct response to why insurance companies are concerned with the healthcare.gov website, and why it failed in testing, and why the launch date was not changed?!

Another point: She strongly states “The product really works!”  How can she make that claim when so far it has failed!

Also:  Since when did health care become a product?  Health care is a service.  A product is something tangible that you can carry around or use as a tool at home or work.  When you get the oil changed on your car, was the actual process of changing the oil a product or service?  The oil and oil filter are products, the act of changing the oil is a service.  When you go to the doctor for a health check up that’s a service, not a product.  If you get some kind-o-artificial implant/medical device into your body the implant/medical device is the product, the actual medical operation to put it there is a service.   The evil drugs you’re prescribed afterwards are products.  But, the act of writing your prescription is a service of your doctor, not a product.

By the way, at the very beginning of the CNN interview Sebelius blamed “volume” for creating and revealing “issues” with healthcare.gov.  She never once explained what those problems are!  Throughout the interview she never really answered the hard questions asked by Gupta, including why President Obama was not made aware of the problems before the launch date.

Exceptional Failed State: Red State insurance agents sentenced for massive fraud in Mormon dominated east Idaho!

23 October 2013 (19:47 UTC-07 Tango 22 October 2013)/18 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/01 Aban 1391/19 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

A father and son insurance brokerage, The Legacy Network, in LDS dominated Rexburg, Idaho, was the center of a massive health/life insurance scam.  Adrian Rand Robison and Adrian Russell Robison were just sentenced for their crimes, after pleading guilty back in June.

They were accused of falsifying tax filings and failing to rebate more than $400-thousand USD to their “high net-worth” elitist Mormon clients.

Adrian Rand Robison was sentenced to four months in prison, and to pay $1.3 million in restitution, plus 18 months of supervised release with eight months of home detention, and fined $20-thousand.

Adrian Russell Robison was sentenced to four months in prison plus 12 months of supervised release, the first eight months on home detention, fined $10-thousand, and ordered to pay the IRS $270,631.


Exceptional Failed State: Red State Idaho joins Obama Care insurance exchange corruption! IT company owner paid $180 per hour, with governor’s approval!

23 October 2013 (19:24 UTC-07 Tango 22 October 2013)/18 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/01 Aban 1391/19 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

Idaho’s Your Health Idaho Obama Care false flag insurance exchange was outed by state legislators.

Your Health Idaho executive director, Amy Dowd, revealed she made a no bid contract with an unpaid board member, Frank Chan.  Under the deal Chan’s company, Applied Computing, would have been paid $180 USD per hour as a Obama Care enrollment consultant!  State lawmakers were outraged!

By the way, Idaho’s Red State Right to Work (you over) elitist governor Butch Otter appointed Chan to the board of the Your Health Idaho at the beginning of the year (there are an amazing 19 people on Idaho’s Obama Care board).  Dowd claims that Otter approved of the $180 per hour contract with Chan.  State representative Kelley Packer, from McCammon, said the first they heard about the deal was on 17 October, which is when Your Health Idaho actually published the deal on their website.

Chan founded Applied Computing in 1994.  He already has contracts with Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.

Frank Chan canceled the Your Health Idaho deal the day after state politicians expressed their rage.  The no-bid deal could have made Chan $375-thousand!  Supposedly Idaho law says any government contract over $25-thousand must be done competitively, by bids.  Now, Your Health Idaho must get state approval for any contract over $18-thousand.


Exceptional Failed State: More proof Obama Care website is False Flag op to steal your data & money! “Navigator” has warrant for her arrest!

21 October 2013 (13:56 UTC-07 Tango)/16 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/29 Mehr 1391/17 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“Don’t believe all the status and error messages that you see on the screen.”Ben Simo, software tester quoted by Consumer Reports

In Kansas, it turns out that one of the Obama Care navigators (person who’s supposed to help people get through the healthcare.gov mess) is a wanted woman, by police!  The Obama Care navigator is wanted for arrest over an unpaid $5-thousand plus hospital bill (this also proves that in some states you can go to prison for not paying your debts).  She also has a past civil charge for using bad checks. State health care officials said her arrest warrant never showed up on the background check.

Kansas State Senator, Mary Pilcher-Cook, has also accused the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services of making your medical and financial data available to anybody: “…..has failed to protect the security and privacy of Kansas citizens in the consumer outreach programs that use navigators or assisters. This work involves access to sensitive financial and health information and it is critical Kansas citizens be protected from fraud and identity theft.”  

“You’ve just told everybody where the gold is and you’ve left it unsecured. So it will come as no shock that this will be stolen.”-Morgan Wright, security analyst

“You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system.”hidden script on Terms & Conditions page of healthcare.gov

In Minnesota, an Obama Care employee ‘accidentally’ sent the personal data of more than 2-thousand people to an insurance agent.  The honest insurance agent reported it: “The more I thought about it, the more troubled I was. What if this had fallen into the wrong hands? It’s scary. If this is happening now, how can clients of MNsure be confident their data is safe?”-Jim Koester