Tag Archives: martial law

Exceptional Failed State: Too Big to Jail Chase bank imposes martial law on your bank account! Other World banks prepping for financial collapse!

16 October 2013 (12:57 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/24 Mehr 1391/12 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“Starting November 17, 2013:- You will no longer be able to send international wire transfers……- Your cash activity limit for these accounts(s) will be $50,000 per statement cycle, per account…….These changes will help us more effectively manage the risks….”-official letter sent to Chase customers

“US banks have been stocking cash machines with extra funds to satisfy any consumer panic in the days before a possible default.  Three of the country’s top-10 banks said they were putting into place a ‘playbook’ last used in August 2011 when the government last came close to breaching the debt ceiling.”-The Financial Times  (note that U.S. is not punctuated as should be under American grammar rules, that’s because Financial Times is a British empire company using Queen’s English grammar rules, this is also how you can tell that your U.S. news sources are controlled by the British empire)

“I would expect the Bank of England to be planning for it.  I’d expect private-sector actors to be doing that, and in other countries as well….”-Jon Cunliffe, Bank of England, in statement regarding U.S. financial collapse to U.K. parliament

“Today we agreed the next big step in making London, already the global center for finance, a major global center for trading and now investing the Chinese currency….”-George Osborne, U.K. Exchequer, revealing that the British empire is prepping to abandon the U.S. dollar and switch to the Chinese yuan as the new World default currency

“We have to find a solution now! The next financial crisis is not going to wait for us.”-Michel Barnier, European Union

“The effectiveness of this exercise [to identify cash starved banks] will depend on the availability of necessary arrangements for recapitalizing banks….including through the provision of a public backstop [taxpayer bailouts]. These arrangements must be in place before we conclude our assessment.”-Mario Draghi, Germany based European Central Bank, concerning at least 130 vulnerable European banks

Note that preventing citizens from sending money out of the country (see above, Chase bank) is proof that the country is a Failed State.  Is this what Obama means by “exceptionalism”?


World War 3, Martial Law U.S. Front: ebay, Dell, HP, federal & state governments build World’s largest data collection spy center system in Utah! Real time data stream monitoring!

16 October 2013 (11:39 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/24 Mehr 1391/12 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

The United States government and ebay have things in common: They both partner to collect your personal data, and their major collection centers are based in the Mormon dominated state of Utah.  But ebay has built the World’s first energy independent collection center, according to ebay itself and Bloom Energy.

Don’t forget ebay has a data center in Arizona called Project Mercury.  In Las Vegas, Nevada, there is what’s being called the largest privately run data collection center in the World.  It’s operated by a company called Switch.  It’s users are “ebay, Google, Sony, Zappos, HP, Cisco, Activision, Intuit, University of Phoenix, Yahoo, MySpace, eHarmony, Sony or Disney, or any of those guys who have games on the internet.”-Rob Roy, Switch

Switch continues to expand its Las Vegas operations and will eventually have 2.2 million square feet (670560 square meters) of data center space (currently they’re just over 400-thousand square feet)!  The state of Nevada was influenced to give the green light to data collection centers by a report from Brookings Mountain West.  A former executive of Switch has started his own data collection company called Cobalt.

ebay’s Topaz data stealing center (created with help from Dell and Hewlett Packard) in Utah is located in South Jordan (just south of Salt Lake City).  It’s not new, but the fact that it is now independent of the power grid is.  It’s powered by Bloom Energy’s fuel cells, solar panels, and a heat waste recovery system is also being built for the center, to insure 100% power grid independence.  ebay’s own video presentation about the collection center states the center was built in partnership with federal and state governments!

ebay has also innovated a way that company (government?) officials can watch your data stream in real time.  It’s called Digital Service Efficiency (DSE).  According to Network Computing it appears to the user as “….a dashboard that displays power load, number of users, energy supplied and other measures of IT effectiveness along with the amount of revenue generated per user, cost of employing that user, carbon footprint and other measures of business activity.”

(note that in the above quote, as a “user” of ebay you are considered an ’employee’, not a client)

According to ebay officials, this real time data dashboard (DSE) is intended to increase the number of transactions per kilowatt hour.  ebay also claims that they save millions of dollars in electrical power usage every time they increase the efficiency of their data collection process.

ebay says it will share any non-specific company DSE techologies with other companies, that are part of a consortium known as The Green Grid.  The current board members of The Green Grid are AMD, Cisco, Dell, EMC2, Emerson, Google, HP, IBM, Intel, Microsoft and Schneider.

By the way, ebay’s new massive data collection center is just north of the federal government’s massive data collection center, located on the Utah Army National Guard’s Camp Williams.

The Salt Lake Tribune reported that ebay got a $38.2 million tax break from Utah, for its new customer service center in Draper!   (as a ebay user I say Utah taxpayers got ripped!)

According to ebay, their motivation to build massive data storage centers is to reduce “environmental impacts”!  Hey, if you weren’t collecting individual’s data you wouldn’t need data centers at all!  Why don’t you try that for saving the environment?

(the correct official new spelling for ebay is all lower case.  why can’t you mainstreamer newsies get it right?)

World War 3, African Front: U.S. behind genocide against Nigerian Muslims?

16 October 2013 (02:15 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/24 Mehr 1391/12 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“The United States is invested in Nigeria’s success because Nigeria’s challenges are Africa’s challenges.”-William Burns, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State

“The evidence we’ve gathered suggests that hundreds of people died in military custody in 2013 alone. This is a staggeringly high figure that requires urgent action….”-Lucy Freeman, Amnesty International

Amnesty International says they’ve confirmed reports from earlier this year, and from last year, that Muslim men are being killed in several prison camps in Nigeria.  In the first six months of this year at least 950 men have died, many from suffocation, beatings and starvation.

Officially the people thrown into the camps are called militants by the U.S. backed government. Some reports say men are being rounded up just for being Muslim.

Nigeria is the main focus of U.S. AfriCom, and U.S. and European corporations.

U.S. taxpayers gave the Nigerian government $31.3 million USD, to conduct rigged elections!

U.S. AfriCom trains the military forces of Nigeria.

Black Agenda Reports has connected Obama to Royal Dutch Shell.  In 2010 the United Nations accused Shell of ecocide and genocide in the name of oil.  This was partly based on Shell’s own documentation it provided to the UN.

Amnesty International said the concentration camps are officially known as barracks, and include Giwa and Sector Alpha.

Witnesses told Amnesty that soldiers would also remove prisoners telling them they were going to die.  In April 2013, Amnesty International documented the dumping of 20 emaciated bodies by Nigeria’s U.S. trained Joint Task Force at the State Specialist Hospital mortuary.  Witnesses told Amnesty that such dumping of emaciated bodies, by U.S. trained forces, was a daily occurrence.

The bodies pile up until the morgue is full, then they are taken away by the Borno State Environmental Protection Agency.  I have checked reports on the Borno State Environmental Protection Agency and found that they have been burying people in mass graves since at least 2008!  (is that environmentally protective, or just a military convenience?)

Is this what Obama means by “exceptionalism”?

Exceptional Failed State: Florida Obama Care “navigator” stupefied over application process? Your credit score can stop you from complying with draconian Obama Care, or not?

14 October 2013 (13:07 UTC-07 Tango)/09 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/22 Mehr 1391/10 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“Florida is using the federal marketplace, so your financial information will follow you. It’s based on your federal tax returns from last year and your credit history, regardless of where you live.”-Anne Packham, lead Obama Care “navigator” in Florida, during internet question and answer session

After making this statement the person who is supposed to be the most knowledgeable person in Florida regarding signing up for Obama Care, Anne Packham, qualified her statements on WKMG Local 6 TV news.

Packham did not retract her statement that credit scores will be used.  Officially credit scores cannot be used to set premium rates, but, credit scores can still be used to deny coverage: “That’s so that health insurance providers can make an educated decision about who to insure based on if someone is defaulting on all of their bills they may not want to have them as part of their health plan.”

In other words, you could be refused health insurance coverage because of bad credit (like me), which would then put you in violation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

However, an unnamed U.S. Department of Heath and Human Services official told WKMG “Insurers are not allowed to factor in credit scores when setting premiums and at no point in the process are peoples’ scores accessed.”

So who’s right?  The official “Lead Navigator” in Florida, or an unnamed official with the HHS?

WKMG then went on to report that HHS did admit that credit reporting company, Experian, is being used for some Obama Care applications!  HHS claims that credit reports are being used only for the purpose of confirming your identity!  Can you say “Bull shit!”?

Some “exceptionalism”, way to go failed state U.S.A.!

Exceptional Failed State: Obama Care heading into “Death Spiral”?

14 October 2013 (02:33 UTC-07 Tango)/09 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/22 Mehr 1391/10 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

More than 11-thousand federal employees in Idaho have not been paid, but that’s not stopping Idahoans from flooding their elected officials with calls to stop Obama Care!

Idaho news reports say individual Idahoans are calling for the destruction of Obama Care by more than two to one, and are demanding their representatives in the U.S. Congress keep the federal government shut down until Obama Care is dead!

Unnamed sources in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services say as of 10 October only 51-thousand people have singed up for Obama Care, in a country with more than 313-million people!  But wait, it gets worse!  A new report says that going by insurance company reports, in actuality only 5-thousand people have signed up!

Hawaii reported no sign ups!

Kansas reported no sign up!

Maryland officials reported that nobody can sign up because there are no doctors participating: “….doctors and other providers are not yet available in Maryland Health Connection; therefore, if you choose to search for them on the website, you will receive a message that ‘no doctors are found’…”

Also in Maryland, the ignorant mayor of Baltimore, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, is now begging poor people to sign up!  I guess the elitist mayor doesn’t know that there are no participating doctors in the state (read above).

In Texas, a man says he tried for more than a week to access Healthcare.gov, and got nowhere.

National Public Radio (NPR) confirmed that Obama Care relies on young adults baring the burden of funding it.  It’s the Affordable Heath Care Act’s Achilles Heel: “The danger if you don’t get young, healthy people signing up…is that this program will collapse…We call it a death spiral. And many insurance companies have had death spirals so this is not a theoretical exercise.”-Robert Laszewski, Health Policy and Strategy Associates

Reports say young adults, who’re expected to bare the cost of Obama Care, are not signing up.  Here’s what one young adult said: “The problem with this plan is that it hoses young, relatively poor people like me right when we least need high bills for services they’re not using. And it helps older, relatively rich people who should be able to afford the care they need. If America’s downtrodden and struggling young people are smart, they’ll opt out. Then it’ll be up to the federal government to fine them enough to make up for the shortfall.”-Cathy Reisenwitz

Reports say anybody with a Health Savings bank account might as well spend that money on something else ’cause it doesn’t count under Obama Care!

Here’s a medical martial law reality check that one person got hit with after opting out of Obama Care (the statements have been disputed by Obama Care officials): “I actually made it through this morning at 8:00 A.M. I have a preexisting condition (Type 1 Diabetes) and my income base was 45K-55K annually I chose tier 2 ‘Silver Plan’ and my monthly premiums came out to $597.00 with $13,988 yearly deductible!!! There is NO POSSIBLE way that I can afford this so I ‘opt-out’ and chose to continue along with no insurance. I received an email tonight at 5:00 P.M. informing me that my fine would be $4,037 and could be attached to my yearly income tax return. Then you make it to the ‘REPERCUSSIONS PORTION’ for ‘non-payment’ of yearly fine. First, your drivers license will be suspended until paid, and if you go 24 consecutive months with ‘Non-Payment’ and you happen to be a home owner, you will have a federal tax lien placed on your home. You can agree to give your bank information so that they can easy ‘Automatically withdraw’ your ‘penalties’ weekly, bi-weekly or monthly! This by no means is ‘Free’ or even ‘Affordable’.”

By the way, the Healthcare.gov website cost taxpayers $634 million USD!

Some “exceptionalism”, way to go U.S.A.!

Obama Care, the big lie! No health care for you! Insurance brokers say so!

14 October 2013 (1:48 UTC-07 Tango)/09 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/22 Mehr 1391/10 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

Did you know some insurance companies, and even hospitals are not taking part in Obama Care?

Remember what Obama said: “If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan.”   Lie!  Did you know that if you already have insurance, and like it, you could lose it under Obama Care?

Did you know that young adults are expected to fund Obama Care by being forced to pay for outrageous insurance rates?

Did you know that employers are canceling employee health insurance plans, by moving employees to part time work?

Did you know that a variety of labor unions are against Obama Care?

Did you know that if you already have health insurance, and your income is too high to get ‘free’ Obama Care coverage, your insurance rates will skyrocket by 400%?

Did you know Obama Care creates a Health ID for each person which must be used when you file your tax returns with the IRS?

Did you know that Obama Care actually and intentionally makes it harder for you to get insurance?

Did you know Obama Care has a loophole that allows an estimated 15 million privileged people avoid complying with Obama Care?

Go to Health Insurance Brokers to read and weep!


Exceptional Failed State: Utah, Colorado, South Dakota, Arizona & New York funding National parks, but not for long! Wyoming flips the bird at DC!

13 October 2013 (15:19 UTC-07 Tango)/08 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/21 Mehr 1391/09 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

The U.S. federal government is proving ‘merican Exceptionalism by shutting itself down! ‘Bout time!

The states of Arizona, Colorado, New York, South Dakota and Utah have agreed to fund the operation of national parks within their borders with state funding.  This is clear proof the U.S. federal government is destitute.

The national parks that will now become defacto State parks are: Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore, Statue of Liberty (the prime symbol of the entire U.S. is now funded by a single state), Zion and four other parks in Utah, and Rocky Mountain in Colorado.

There’s a catch: State funding of the defunct national parks will run out in ten days!

States like Washington and Nevada admit they are broke as well, and cannot fund the national parks in their area.

Wyoming says screw you federales: “Wyoming cannot bail out the federal government and we cannot use state money to do the work of the federal government.”-statement from governor’s office

One of the definitions of a failed state is when the federal/national government has to turn to local governments, or corporate contractors, to continue the functions of said national government.  The United States has failed!!!  Some exeptionalism!

Blue State-Red State: Idaho vs Illinois, or Why the United States is more divided than you think, and in more ways than one!

12 October 2013 (16:44 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/20 Mehr 1391/08 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

Today, I was questioned by yet another newbie to the Gem State of Idaho, this time they were from the Prairie State of Illinois.

They were looking for the DMV (Department Motor Vehicles) and the local Currency Exchange office.  Mmmm, there ain’t no currency exchange around here, oh but they weren’t taking about exchanging foreign currency (money).  It turns out that Currency Exchange is a private company in Illinois that not only offers check cashing service but lends people money for such things as vehicle registration.  You can also get your car registration completed at the Currency Exchange.  Ain’t no such thing in Idaho.

In Idaho it’s only been relatively recently that a DMV system was adopted.  Up ’till a few years ago vehicle registration was handled by the counties.  Our so called conservative republican leaders pushed the DMV system, which is actually proving to be less efficient, and more costly, than if they kept it at the county level!

The former Prairie Stater seemed confused at the lack of available services in the Gem State, but what do you expect when you move from a Blue state to a Red state?

This brings me to the point I’m trying to make, about how divided the country really is, and not just because of political/religious/social differences.  Most Blue states receive the lion’s share of federal government funding, most Red states west of the Mississippi receive a relative pittance.  The result of this is uneven and unfair distribution of federal funds for social programs, many Red states have far fewer government funded social services compared to Blue states.

One reason for this is that Blue states are more population dense than Red states.  Let’s compare Illinois to Idaho:  Illinois is considered the 5th most populous state in the U.S., with almost 13-million people crammed into an area of 149998 square kilometers (57914 square miles).

Idaho has 1.5-million people spread over a spacious area of 216632 square kilometers (83570 square miles)!  For more perspective; Idaho is a larger state geographically than Illinois, yet has a million less people than the city of Chicago!

How does that affect federal funds for social programs in Idaho?  There is no taxpayer funded housing assistance, there is no taxpayer funded legal aid, there is no taxpayer funded utility assistance, most school districts do not have federally funded Head Start programs, etc.

“….inequalities arise from uneven administration….recipients…may not receive assistance because funds may have been exhausted…Competition for…funds…may result…limited appropriations are still common and are likely to continue to be so….distribution of these funds because of the absence of standard concepts of need and of standardized methods for determining the amounts of assistance grants, and because of the lack of uniform policies with
respect to the acceptance of applications…..Inequities in administration of
public assistance will arise if inadequate funds are available…”-DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC-ASSISTANCE FUNDS WITHIN STATES, Joel Gordon & Olivia Israeli

Before the Obama Care fiasco adult heads of low income Idaho households (meaning they have children) did not get Medicaid (if they were not disabled) and were not counted in Food Stamps, because the federal funding going to Idaho for the programs had been cut drastically. (I know about this because I tried to get help and was told that because I was healthy only my children were being given Medicaid and being factored for food stamps, and then they cut them off food stamps after 18 months anyway, despite my income still being poverty level. This was back in 2000-2001).

(I’ve been asked by some Mormons why I don’t get charity from church.  I’m not a Christian and that’s my gott damned Right as a U.S. citizen, just like owning a military grade weapon! Which I admittedly don’t have but wish I had the money to do so)

But it’s not just populations that are the reason for uneven federal funding.  Many studies have shown that more populous states get more federal funding because of corruption in Washington DC.  The more populous states actually have more pull, in the form of lobbyists who represent private organizations and corporations.

This is why so many sparsely populated states are going their own way, pulling away from federal control, and working hard to stop the major screw job that is Obama Care.

By the way, despite my low income, for the past three years I’ve had to pay federal income taxes at the end of the tax year (my children are adults and living on their own now, so no more dependent deductions for me), and currently I’m back due on taxes owed to Uncle Sam (remember, there is no taxpayer funded legal aid in Idaho).  At the state level Idaho does not have an Earned Income tax credit for poor people, like many Blue states.  In Idaho if your income is below a certain level then no state income tax filing is required, but it means they keep all the state income taxes your employer deducted from your pay.  It’s rare for an Idahoan to get a full refund of state income taxes.  When I was a Californian I actually got more than a full refund of income taxes, because of California’s own Earned Income Credit for low income workers.  Since moving to Idaho in 1996, I’ve gotten only a fraction of a fraction of an Idaho state tax refund, and that was only a couple of times. One year I paid extra income tax, and since 2000 my income is too low to file a refund request under Idaho tax rules.  Also, Idaho taxes groceries, which shocks many newbies. But we can blame that on the fact that the federales unevenly distributes funding for federal programs, Idaho getting relatively nothing.

Now to another point: People are moving to Idaho because it looks like the economy is good here.  That’s a mirage caused by the small scale of Idaho’s economy.

I’ve written before about the economic decline in my part-o-the state.  Idaho’s economy has actually been on a slow down hill roll ever since the conservative republican leaders turned Idaho into a Right to Work you over state back in the mid 1980s.  But because Idaho’s economy never came close to rising to the high power economies in more populous Blue states, Idahoans didn’t have far to fall.  The higher you are the farther you’ll fall.  So it ‘looks’ like Idaho’s economy is good to a newbie from a state like California, Michigan or Illinois.

The major layoffs and business shut downs are taking place in tax sucking Blue states (to be clear, there are plenty of tax sucking Red states east of the Mississippi).  But layoffs and business shut downs are also taking place in federal funding deprived Red states, it’s just not as noticeable.

Why the F-ck should we in the sparsely populated states go along to get along when we’re getting F-cked over on our taxes paid to the federales, who then turn around and give most of it to Blue states and the more populous Red states?!

So why am I living in a sparsely populated state that has little services or help for low income people?  ‘Cause I hates populous states.  In California I was getting all kinds of social services, I was even getting free college!  But the system made me feel trapped and controlled.  The system was set up to screw over anyone who went over the income limits for social services, because those limits were still too low for you to actually support yourself.  On top of that California has imposed too many laws against guns and cars.  I also got tired of paying hundreds of dollars per year to register my car.  Then there was the time the city council of Los Angeles created a law banning cars more than 10 years old (back in the early 1990s).  People were being told to buy new cars or take the bus.  The only thing that stopped the law was all the upper middle class who had sunk tens of thousands of dollars into restoring their classic cars.  The law did not differentiate between a junker and a restored classic!  In other words, the tax sucking Golden State of California was going nuts!   I was offered a job in Idaho and I took it (three years later a management change, and the political games involved, resulted in me losing the good paying job.  But you couldn’t pay me enough to move back to Blue California)!

Media Coverup: Snowden honored by former CIA, FBI, DoJ and NSA employees!

12 October 2013 (10:44 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/20 Mehr 1391/08 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

For some odd reason, most of the main streamer U.S. news media (especially the television media) is ignoring or downplaying the fact that former U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice and National Security Agency employees have honored NSA whistleblower, Edward Snowden.

They had to travel to Russia to give Snowden the Sam Adams Award.

The award has been given out since 2002.  It was started by former CIA employees, who created the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence.  The organization is not named after one of the founders of the United States, but after a CIA agent who blew the whistle on evil U.S. government ops in Vietnam.

People of the United States need to wake up!  If former intelligence agents felt it necessary to create an award for people who blow the whistle on the evil doings of their government, and corporations, then something is gott damned wrong!

World War 3, U.S. False Flag front: Radical Christians controling U.S. nuke arsenal? Government leaders trying for False Flag nuke attack?

11 October 2013 (11:44 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/19 Mehr 1391/07 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“As part of our nation’s military instrument of power it is our responsibility to support accomplishing the tasks necessary to shape the global environment…..the need for a single Air Force airman….to plan, coordinate and integrate Air Force space capabilities, and cyber, at the strategic level…we need to squeeze every ounce of  strategic level capability out of Air Force, Space and Cyber assets.”-Major General Jack Weinstein, USAF Space Command

“It won’t come to America on top of a missile, it’ll come in the belly of a ship in the Charleston or New York harbor.”-Lindsey Graham, evil U.S. Senator from South Carolina in September 2013 talking about nuke attack on U.S. if Obama does not openly attack Syria & Iran

“Dyess [Air Force Base, Texas] is beginning to move out nuclear war heads today. I got a tap from DRMO [Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office] earlier. He said it was the first time they have been even acknowledged since being put there in the 80′s. No signature was required for transfer… There was no directive. He said that Dyess Commander was on site to give authority to release. No one knew where they were going really, but the truck driver said to take them to South Carolina and another pick up will take them from there.”-Unnamed USAF source quoted by Infowars.com in September 2013

The U.S. Department of Defense has revealed they’ve fired a USAF Major General and a USN Vice Admiral who were in charge of nuclear ballistic missiles and nuke bombers.

Unconfirmed reports say nuke warheads have gone missing (this is not the first time it’s happened).

Reports say the fired commanders have been replaced, temporarily, with Major General Jack Weinstein (Air, Space and Cyberspace Operations for the USAF Space Command).  Weinstein already assists the USAF Global Strike Command in organizing, training, equipping and maintaining ICBMs, B-2 and B-52 bombers.

On 10 October 2013, the USAF removed Major General Michael Carey from command of the 20th Air Force, for personal conduct while on temporary duty assignment.  Investigation ongoing.

On 09 October 2013, it was revealed that StratCom commander Vice Admiral Timothy Giardina was removed from his command after being accused of using fake poker chips in a Council Bluffs, Iowa, casino last year!  He was also demoted.

On 07 October 2013, civilian employees for StratCom returned to work despite the federal government shutdown.  According to Representative Lee Terry, of Nebraska, the furlough of civilian employees at StratCom was actually in violation of current laws: “It is very important as Commander-in-Chief to direct all of the combat commands to follow the law and bring back the workers who have been furloughed and do it as soon as possible.”

In August this year, a USAF commander was fired at a ICBM base in Montana for failing a security inspection, meaning anyone could have walked off with a nuke!

In April this year, Weinstein discussed how USAF Space Command was shifting from a “service command” to a “warfighter” operation, linking with (taking over?) StratCom.

In May this year, 19 USAF officers at a North Dakota ICBM base were forced to undergo re-training.  One officer was accused of intentionally violating ICBM launch rules.

In 2007, live nuke cruise missiles were loaded onto a B-52 which flew across the U.S.  Nobody reported the missiles missing.  An investigation revealed that USAF nuke units are intentionally not following official procedures.

Several USAF whistleblowers have stated that the nuclear weapons units of the U.S. Air Force have been taken over by radical Christian groups that want to bring about Armageddon.

I was stationed at Dyess AFB (a SAC base) in the mid 1980s, as an C-130 iso-dock crew chief for the 463rd MAC, which was the MAC unit involved in transporting cocaine to the U.S. from Central American under the Oliver North led Iran-Contra scandal (Central America was the 463rd’s theater of operation).  I lost my job as a result of questioning operations.  It wasn’t until the Iran-Contra trials, and night vision video, which showed on of the 463rd C-130 loaded with cocaine landing at a Florida airport, was made public that I realized what was going on.  So I know Dyess AFB is home to strange goings on.  And don’t get me started about Edwards AFB in California!