Tag Archives: martial law

Martial Law Police State: Attack on SUV led by New York cops?

09 October 2013 (12:47 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/17 Mehr 1391/05 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

The New York City District Attorney has arrested one cop, and is investigating another for their involvement with the harassment and beating of a man driving a Sport Utility Vehicle.

You might have heard about it, you know, the rice burner motorcycle gang that corralled the SUV, twice. The first time was because the driver threw a water bottle out of his vehicle and it hit a motorcyclist, according to the biker that recorded the incident on the infamous video.  At that first corralling they started slashing the SUV’s tires, which caused the driver to panic, he then ran over a rice burner biker.  They corralled the SUV a second time, this time nearly beating the driver to death.  Witnesses say the bikers tried to attack the passenger in the SUV; the driver’s wife and two years old daughter.

Turns out the rice burner gang was possibly being influenced by some undercover police stateist cops!  NYPD claims the undercover cops were off duty at the time of the incident.  The arrested cop first told his bosses that he was not involved in the incident, but he couldn’t hide from the fact that he was captured on video smashing in the windows on the SUV!

Interestingly, the biker who stopped his motorcycle in front of the SUV claims he does not know any of the other bikers.  Apparently he was acting alone and just decided to kill himself by stopping his bike in front of an SUV?  Yeah right!


Economic Martial Law: State court blocks NYC’s plan to force taxi companies to use Japanese cars!

09 October 2013 (01:22 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/17 Mehr 1391/05 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

New York City’s Bloomberg regime was trying to force taxi companies to use only cars made by Nissan!  Fortunately a New York state court blocked the economic martial law order.

The Bloomberg regime wants all taxi companies to use the Nissan NV200 minivan.  Can you say “Bloomberg is UnAmerican!”?

New York’s State Supreme Court ruled that local governments can set standards for the type of vehicles used, but cannot order companies or individuals to purchase a specific brand/model of vehicle.

The Bloomberg regime claimed that by making taxi companies use the same vehicle it would increase safety, somehow.  Taxi companies and taxi driver’s unions took the Bloomberg regime to court, and won this round.  The Bloomberg regime is appealing the state supreme court decision.


Medical Martial Law: Already insured Californians hit with major Obama Care sticker shock!

08 October 2013 (11:54 UTC-07 Tango)/03 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/16 Mehr 1391/04 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“There’s going to be a number of people surprised…”-Jonathan Wu, ValuePenguin

“I was laughing at Boehner, until the mail came today…”-Tom Waschura, self employed engineer suffering from Obama Care sticker shock

According to the San Jose Mercury News, Californians already paying for their own health insurance, many who’re Obama regime supporters, are finding out that  Obama Care is jacking up their rates, by a huge amount!

That assumes those already paying for health insurance must have big enough incomes to afford it, which means they must be able to afford to pay more.

A 60 year old retired teacher, with a per-existing health problem, is going to be paying $1800 USD per year more for her insurance under Obama Care.  Her adjusted gross income (before taxes) is still too high under Obama Care: “I just didn’t realize I would be the one who was going to pay for it personally.”-Cindy Vinson

But wait, there’s more!  A self employed engineer, who’s already got his family of four on health insurance, is now going see the premiums jump by $10-thousand per year under Obama Care!  He’s obviously going to have to pass that cost on to his clients, which will probably cause him to lose his business.

This isn’t affecting just Californians with good incomes, anyone in the United States with a good income is going to pay big time for what they already have!  Robert Laszewksi of Health Policy and Strategy Associates, in Virginia, said “Welcome to the club.”  

Let’s all sing “M-I-C, see you real soon, K-E-Y, why? Because we like you! M-O-U-S-E!”

Pale Horse: Measles scare used as False Flag to justify Bilderberg vaccination program? War on Terror is to blame! Money to be made!

06 October 2013 (18:14 UTC-07 Tango 05 October 2013)/01 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/14 Mehr 1391/02 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

Australia: Health officials are freaking out because they’ve confirmed an 18th case of measles in Ipswich.  Adults are being pushed to get vaccinated.  In Toowoomba health officials are telling people to go ahead and get more vaccines, if they’re not sure they’ve already had the shots. Health officials say they’ve found that many people who thought they’ve been vaccinated, were not.  Members of parliament are now debating whether children who are not vaccinated should be banned from schools and childcare centers!  Hey, if the other kids are vaccinated then what’s the problem, or is there some doubt as to the effectiveness of the vaccine?

Canada: Government health officials are having a tizzy because people in Alberta are refusing to get vaccinated.  There are outbreaks of measles in British Columbia and Ontario.  I’d like to know the vaccination rates where the outbreaks are, versus in Alberta (so far there are no measles cases in Alberta).  Alberta Health Services says the outbreaks in BC and Ontario are directly related to people who traveled to Netherlands, where they got infected.

China: Pharmaceutical companies are making big money peddling their vaccines to the Asian giant.  According to Research Report on China Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) Vaccine Market, 2013-2017, in 2012 20-million MMR vaccines were issued.  However, the marketing report said the numbers were a decrease from previous years, but there’s still hope for increased sales, because the report said China has 16 million newborns every year.  The report pointed out that the numbers quoted were those vaccines issued by the government.  Most Chinese, who can afford the out of pocket expense, elected to pay for more expensive “imported” vaccines.

Democratic Republic of Congo:  Government officials are forcing six million children to get vaccinated.  The program is being run through the United Nations and the GAVI Alliance (aka Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation).  Health officials claim 1120 children have died, so far this year, from measles.

Ghana: Over a nine day period 52-thousand children were vaccinated in Sunyani Municipality.  Health officials were upset because they fell short of their goal.

Japan: Rubella (German Measles) cases hit a record 13700+ cases, so far this year, despite the fact that the Japanese government has been pushing for citizens to get vaccinated (Japanese health officials have discovered that the measles vaccine is temporary, so even if you had it as a kid you probably need to get it again as an adult).  The U.S. CDC has issued a travel advisory for people going to Japan (never mind the radiation).

Nigeria: National Primary Health Care Development Agency pushing a vaccination program for 35 million children!  They used a 2011 outbreak as justification, saying more than 8-thousand people got sick.  Mmmm, 35 million versus 8-thousand.  However, Nigerian health officials claim that from January this year to the end of September 330 people have died from measles.  That’s 126 more than the same time last year.  Is there something more deadly about this new strain of measles?

Philippines: War in the southern islands is being blamed for an outbreak of measles.  Refugees are always caught in the middle, and several cases of measles now has government health officials demanding the sick refugees be isolated.  They have also begun forced vaccinations.

South Sudan: At least 44 children confirmed with measles in the past week.  All are six years of age, or younger.  United Nations wants to vaccinate 31-thousand children in the country.

Turkey: For the NATO member who is supporting the U.S. backed war in Syria, there is a 20 fold increase in measles cases!  In the first six months of 2012 Turkey had 349 cases, in the first six months of this year they had 6-thousand cases!  Interestingly many cases are showing up in refugees from Syria.  Turkish health officials say the war in Syria is resulting in an epidemic in that country: “There are 50,000 Aleppo boil cases in Syria according to official data, but 200,000 according to non-official figures.”-Mehmet Ali Torunoğlu, Public Health Institution

United Kingdom: Health officials pushing for vaccinations of children in Wales.  The Welsh land is reported to have just gotten over its biggest measles outbreak ever.  1200 people were infected, one child died.  In Greater Manchester, England, measles cases have skyrocketed.  In 2012 there were 15 cases from January to June.  This year there were 242 cases in the same time span.

United States: Measles was considered officially eradicated in 2000, but now state health departments around the country are pushing to get children vaccinated.  This is based on their fears that several U.S. residents had visited other countries experiencing measles outbreaks, and returned infected.  U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned that the United States is heading for a record year in measles cases (since the eradication). To put things in perspective, there are at least 360-million people in the U.S., the CDC is getting hissy because they think more than 2-hundred people might get measles. The Gates Foundation has been pushing the Global Measles Initiative.  Bill Gates has attended several Bilderberg meetings (his name has been published on the guest list on the Bilderberg website).  Non-profit Global Virus Network (co-founded by Bliderberg supporter G. Steven Burrill) has also been sounding the vaccination call in the U.S.

In the U.S. state of Texas a recent measles outbreak was linked to the Eagle Mountain megachurch.  At least 21 people were infected. Texas health officials say prior to that August outbreak five people were sick with a strain of measles that was “imported” into the country.  Texas has not reported any new cases since August.  Going by local news reports at least 18 U.S. states reported measles cases, mainly among people who traveled out of the country or from tourists coming into the country: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Texas, Virginia and Washington.

There are reports of U.S. families who are pro-vaccination are discriminating against children of families who are anti-vaccination.  Hey, if your kid is vaccinated then what’s the freakin’ problem?  They should be protected from measles then, right?  Or maybe the pro-vacciners really don’t trust the vaccines after all?

United Nations World Health Organization reports that more than 70-thousand children died in South East Asia from measles, in 2011.  That made up almost half of the entire World’s measles deaths for that year.

The GAVI Alliance is not only directly connected to the Bilderberger Bill Gates, but is funded with tax dollars from Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Republic of Korea, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States.

Ever hear of Infectious Disease Testing Market 2014 Opportunities?  It involves U.S., U.K., Italy and Japan.  It analyzes potential diseases and possible sales volume of vaccines over the next five years: “These comprehensive reports will assist diagnostics industry executives, as well as companies planning to diversify into the dynamic and rapidly expanding microbiology testing market, in evaluating emerging opportunities and developing effective business strategies.”PRWeb

It’s all about the money, man!


World War 3, U.S. Martial Law Front: More BS out of Washington DC! Local news reporters begin to question initial police reports!

03 October 2013 (16:19 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/11 Mehr 1391/29 Ren-Xu (8th month) 4711

The latest Capitol Police press conference states the woman driver of the Infiniti hit several cop cars, and wounded a Capitol Police officer and a Secret Service officer.  However, if you look at the video of the Infiniti it does not show damage that would relate to hitting the larger Ford cop cars!

Capitol Police admit the woman did not have a gun.  They then proudly stated they “rescued” the woman’s infant daughter after they killed the woman with a shot to the head!

By the way, your ‘elected’ Congressmen applauded the actions of the martial law enforcers!!!

Local TV news reporters are now questioning earlier reports that there was a man in the Infiniti, as well as questioning earlier reports that the woman shot at police.  They are also questioning how the Infiniti ended up where it did, with very little battle damage.

World War 3, U.S. Martial Law Front: Grade school students punished by school officials for playing with toy guns at home!!!

03 October 2013 (15:50 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/11 Mehr 1391/29 Ren-Xu (8th month) 4711

To prove that the United States is a gott damned police state, in Virginia Beach, Virginia, three 7th grade students were suspended from school for playing with so called Airsoft guns.  But get this, they were playing with the soft pellet gun on the family’s private property, not school property!

I watched the video report, and the one of the kids showed the so called Airsoft gun he was using.  It’s not even a full blown paint pellet gun, it’s a wimpy ass soft pellet hand gun.  It even has an orange barrel which identifies it, officially, as a toy.

Of note; school officials made the names of two of the students public, which is normally against school and even police policies, because they are minors.  School officials even made the school discipline records of one of the students public!  This sounds like school officials have a vendetta against the family!

School officials refused to give the local news media and explanation. They did issue this statement: “This was a measured response to a threat to student safety.” 

The whole thing was caused by paranoid neighbors who freaked out and called police: “He is pointing the gun, and it looks like there’s a target in a tree in his front yard.  This is not a real one, but it makes people uncomfortable.”-freaked out paranoid neighbor

Note that the neighbor knew the gun was a toy!!!  Other 911 callers said they though a white kid was chasing a black kid with a gun.  However, Virginia Beach City law does ban the shooting of even air powered guns on private property, but how does that give the school the authority to suspend the kids?

One of the students says his school record now indicates he was suspended for possession of a “firearm”, which apparently will now prevent you from getting into college!

Can you say “What a bunch of freakin’ bull shit”?!

World War 3, U.S. Martial Law Front: High school student hit with felony weapons charge for bringing fishing gear to school!!!

03 October 2013 (15:32 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/11 Mehr 1391/29 Ren-Xu (8th month) 4711

To prove that the United States is a gott damned police state, in Cobb County, Georgia, a high school senior was arrested and charged with felony weapons possession, for having a tackle box in the truck of his car!!!

Police were conducting what they call a routine drug/gun search of students cars.  Their dogs went nuts when they got to the senior’s car.  The dogs had smelled an unused firecracker, from the 4th of July, in the trunk of the student’s car.

Police also found a fishing tackle box, which contained scaling and cleaning knives.  The student was arrested and charged with felony weapons possession!  If convicted he could end up in prison for ten years!

This is the second time this year that a high school student in Georgia has been hit with felony weapons charges, for having a knife in his car.

Can you say “What a bunch of freakin’ bull shit”?!  Especially when you realize the police now consider such searches “routine”?

World War 3, U.S. Martial Law Front: Washington DC incident expands to Connecticut police home invasion plans! Suspect on mental health drugs!

03 October 2013 (15:03 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/11 Mehr 1391/29 Ren-Xu (8th month) 4711

Connecticut police getting ready to conduct home invasion at resident believed to be where the dead suspect lived.  Unarmed female suspect killed by head shot from Washington DC Capitol Police.  Suspect reported to be a mental health patient and on mental health prescription drugs, just like the Navy Yard shooter, just like the Sandy Hook shooter, just like the Bat Man shooter, etc!

World War 3, U.S. Martial Law Front: New U.S. financed Arabic video from Washington DC indicates dead woman was not armed! Raises questions!

03 October 2013 (14:49 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/11 Mehr 1391/29 Ren-Xu (8th month) 4711

A new video from a U.S. tax dollar funded Arab news source, Alhurra, indicates the woman driver of the Infiniti was not armed and that cops are the ones doing all the shooting!

This explains why cops say they know the woman was not a terrorist.  But why were cops so determined to kill her?  Video also shows cops actually leaned against the windows of her car, which means they know there was an infant in the car.  Also, this indicates there was not a man in the passenger seat, because the video shows cops on both sides of the car with their faces almost against the passenger and driver side windows.

Alhurra just happened to be in the area.  Alhurra is financed by your tax dollars by your U.S. Congress.

World War 3, U.S. Martial Law Front: Washington DC reports of crash between Infiniti and cop car do not match video of damage to cars!

03 October 2013 (14:35 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/11 Mehr 1391/29 Ren-Xu (8th month) 4711

Local DC TV news reporters continue to claim black Infiniti rammed Capitol Police cop car, however, video of the cars do not support that claim.

The cop car is totally smashed on the passenger side, with both front and rear doors crushed inward.  Medics had to use jaws of life to rip open doors on driver’s side in order to get cop out of car.

Look at video of Infiniti and you will notice no damage that matches the damage to the cop car!  The cop car is a big Ford, how can a smaller Infiniti cause so much damage to it, without sustaining as much damage?  In fact, video of Infiniti, from different angles, shows very little damage!