Just the tip of the iceberg, for February 2024:
Royal Thai Air Force to host wargame with Hawaii, Oregon and Washington Air National Guards. Arkansas, Idaho and Montana Air National Guards consider taking part.
U.S. Regular Army Soldiers, assigned to three NATO units headquartered in Spain and Portugal, are making sure they are ready for deployment. U.S. Army NATO Brigade video report by Tory Darr, 01FEB2024:
Delaware Army National Guard’s 160th Engineer Vertical Construction Company returns from The Middle East to a homecoming ceremony. Video by Sergeant Alyssa Lisenbe, 04FEB2024:
Idaho‘s 124th Fighter Wing felt it necessary to explain ‘deployment operations’, among other things, in their 02FEB2024 update. Video by Staff Sergeant Mercedee Wilds:

Minnesota National Guard photo by Staff Sergeant Mahsima Alkamooneh, 01FEB2024.
More than 550 ‘Red Bulls’ militia members, of Minnesota Army National Guard’s 34th Infantry Division, were given a send-off at a christian church (what happened to the 1st Amendment’s separation of church and state?) on 01FEB2024. They are deploying to The Middle East for the never ending Operation Spartan Shield.
North Dakota National Guard celebrates 20 years of deployments to the Republic of Ghana, as part of the Department of Defense’s State Partnership Program. Video report by Sergeant Michaela C.P. Granger:

Ohio Army National Guard photo by Specialist Michael Baumberger, 24FEB2024.
On 24FEB2024, Ohio held a deployment ceremony for the Army National Guard’s 1483rd Transportation Company, they are deploying to The Middle East.
On 24FEB2024, more than 800 militia personnel with the Oklahoma Army National Guard’s Task Force Tomahawk returned from the Horn of Africa. Video via Staff Sergeant Reece Heck, edited by me for better continuity:
Oregon militia gets new weapons, shoots-up Idaho!? (More proof the U.S. military is owned by foreigners)
Oregon Army National Guard’s Alpha Company-3rd Battalion-116th Cavalry Regiment (headquarters are in next door Idaho, one of my Army Guard alma matters known as the 116th Cavalry Brigade Combat Team ‘Snake River Brigade’) were welcomed home on 03FEB2024, after being deployed to Kuwait, for the never ending Operation Spartan Shield. Video by Major Wayne Clyne, edited by me:
Utah Air National Guard reveals new code phrase for WW3: “Great Power Competition”!
Vermont reveals the U.S. empire is shrinking. Vermont Air National Guard video report, by Senior Master Sergeant Michael Davis, explaining why the U.S. Air Force is now dependent upon state level Air National Guard to project power globally:
ABC4 Utah: About 3-hundred Army Guard personnel to deploy to the Horn of Africa.
AirMedandRescue: South Carolina Army National Guard helps Colombia fight wildfires.
AirNationalGuard: Ohio‘s 121st Air Refueling Wing hosts Serbian Military Medical Academy members.
Army Times: Army announces Spring deployments for seven units.
KTVQ: Montana National Guard recruiting poster uses photo of World War Two German soldiers, instead of U.S. soldiers!
News and Sentinel: National Guard to continue policing West Virginia‘s prisons, at least until May.
The Sacramento Bee: California National Guard demands more taxpayer funded support for Ukraine.
It should be noted that the California National Guard has been directly involved in developing Ukraine’s military, since 1993: “The California National Guard has had a professional relationship with Ukraine since 1993, and that’s when we did our first combined training exercise with them. At this point, I think there have been about 4-hundred engagements that we’ve had with the Ukrainian Armed Forces over 24 years.”-Brigadier General Kelly Fisher, California National Guard, September 2017
Tennessee Lookout: State Attorney General says President Biden can ‘federalize’ the National Guard!
WHRO Public Media: Thousands of Hampton Roads, Virginia, sailors and Marines are expected to remain deployed in The Middle East.
WLNE-TV: Rhode Island Army National Guard’s 1st Battalion-126th Aviation returns from Kosovo.