Tag Archives: idaho

“Effective immediately”: U.S. government shenanigans, August 2017

Incomplete list of U.S. Federal/State/Local Government self-destruct announcements for August 2017:

Hurricane Harvey slamming Texas and Louisiana.  Texas getting record level rain/floods.  According to federal law produce grown on land hit by flooding cannot be sold for human consumption!  

California: Who’s the fascist now you commie pinkos? Leftist pinko bullies introduce a state bill that would make it a crime not to call a transgender person by their chosen pronoun! (whatever happened to “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me!”?)

Florida:  Tax-sucking Abacus Technology laying off 388 people due to its NASA contract at Kennedy Space Center ending!  Also at Kennedy Space Center, Vencore eliminating 55 jobs between the end of September and Xmas.

Idaho: “Effective immediately” the state Department of Labor Director Ken Edmunds resigned.  It could be the result of a former Labor Department employee suing the department because his personal cell phone was illegally searched! It turns out the former employee was a whistle-blower trying to save taxpayer dollars by revealing the Department of Labor was violating state purchasing laws and wasting government resources (for which he was fired, firing an employee for revealing the truth is a violation of federal law).  However, Right to Work (you over) ‘christian’ gov’na Butch Otter swears his Labor Department director did not resign over the federal lawsuit.    Canyon County reporting a record number of people being detained on ‘involuntary mental health holds’.  They set a record in July of 123 people on metal health holds, at a cost to taxpayers of $153-thousand USD.  Canyon County is now demanding state leaders spend more money building a new crisis center in their county.  So far the state is spending several millions of tax dollars on four crisis centers throughout The Gem State.

Illinois: Semi-Truck maker Navistar shutting down its medium-duty 9/10 liter engine factory in Melrose Park, 170 jobs gone by April 2018!  It’s blamed on emission regulations: “Looking at the financial impact it would take to keep this engine compliant with Environmental Protection Agency standards, it just wasn’t in the cards.”

Louisiana: Oil industry supply company Knight Energy Holdings now chapter 11 bankrupt busted after the CEO and two county policemen were charged with staging a false drug bust in order to frame the CEO’s brother! 

New York:   New ‘green’ packaging maker Evocative Design suddenly laid off 18 people, despite getting a taxpayer funded $9.1-million USD grant from U.S. Defense Department’s DARPA.  Tax-sucking nuclear contractor Lutech Resources suddenly laid off 195 people, due to sudden contract cancellation by Aptim!  Tax-sucking nuclear decontamination company Aptim suddenly laid off 167 people, blaming it on the sudden cancellation of a contract with Exelon Generation Company!   Federaly controlled Brookhaven National Laboratory eliminating 175 jobs by the end of the year, and don’t blame Donald Trump (like some leftist news media are) as the layoffs were being planned before he became president (which means Obama is to blame)!

North Carolina: State taxpayers screwed as industrial hi-tech battery maker Alevo now chapter 11 bankrupt busted and dead, saying “This decision was driven by the formidable challenges of bringing a new technology into commercial production and lacking the financial wherewithal to continue on through repeated manufacturing delays.”  It must be noted the company got $163-thousand taxpayer dollars for the express purpose of training up new employees.  

Pennsylvania:  The Tax Foundation concluded its study on Philadelphia’s so called sugary drink tax (most are made with GMO corn syrup and don’t contain any sugar); the tax now makes soda pop more expensive than beer because the tax is 24 times higher than the beer tax!  Isn’t beer made by fermenting sugars?    The study also revealed that expected tax collections are way below what the Utopianist city leaders expected.  And to add fuel to the anti-tax fire, market research firm Catalina discovered that people in Philadelphia are leaving the city just to buy their favorite soda-pop, so much so that tax revenues are going to come up short of expectations by at least 15%.  Tax-sucking nuclear decontamination company Aptim suddenly laid off almost 3-hundred people!  Tax-sucking nuclear contractor Lutech Resources suddenly laid off 90 people.

South Carolina: Formerly Japan owned (Toshiba) U.S. tax-sucking bankrupt nuclear power plant builder Westinghouse suddenly laid off 850 people! Westinghouse now hit with a lawsuit claiming the tax-sucking company was violating federal labor laws.

Tennessee: Federaly controlled Brookhaven National Laboratory eliminating 350 jobs by the end of the year, and don’t blame Donald Trump (like some leftist news media are) as the layoffs were being planned before he became president (which means Obama is to blame)!

Texas: The city of Amarillo laid off eight Info-Tech employees, and closed a vacant position, in an attempt to save 900-thousand tax dollars.

Washington DC: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) forced by a federal judge to spend taxpayer dollars on mental health exams for illegal immigrants. 

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Government Shenanigans July 2017: “THEY GAVE ME NO REASON FOR CLOSING IT”

ObamaCare ACA Death Spiral, August 2017: “HAS OUTLIVED ITS USEFUL LIFE”

Dumbing Down the U.S. of A., August 2017: “WE MOVED QUICKLY AND QUIETLY.”

“We moved quickly and quietly.”: Dumbing Down the U.S. of A., August 2017

Disappearing Students Syndrome (DSS): A phrase created by me to describe a phenomenon taking place across the United States, affecting both privately and publicly funded schools, from Kindergarten all the way through University levels.

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”-George Orwell (aka Eric Arthur Blair)

theguardian: Pics of Civil War statues being torn down across the U.S.

Incomplete list of publicly announced education related layoffs & school shutdowns, August 2017:

Alabama:  Books-A-Million shutdown its month old 2nd & Charles branded store in Madison, supposedly to build a new store nearby.

California:  Iconic privately owned Hollywood Forever Cemetery caved in to threats from pinko commies and removed a Civil War monument.  The United Daughters of the Confederacy took the monument saying they were tired of people defacing it and denying history.  High levels of lead were found in the water at several locations of the San Diego Unified School District (including the district HQ).  Lead is proven to ‘dumb down’ (retard) children.  God powerless to stop ‘his’ non-profit Shepherd University from going bankrupt and shutting down, local news reports say the theological college refused to give financial details. In Fresno, god powerless(?) to help ‘his’ Saint Helen’s elementary school pay its $500-thousand USD debt, however, the school remains open because a mysterious human came along and gave the Catholic school $250-thousand which then resulted in other humans donating money to save the school!   In Reseda, after 57 years Continental Art Supplies shutdown so the owner can retire.

Connecticut:  Middletown eliminating 11 teacher jobs funded by a special state taxpayer backed grant, which was canceled due to lack of taxpayer funding.   Silly uneducated teachers, don’t they know that when your economy is in a Death Spiral you can’t generate the taxes needed to support bloated taxpayer funded schools?

Florida:  College Book & Supply shutting down its store near University of Central Florida, due to a property development project.  In Tampa, pinko commies defaced a privately owned Civil War statue.  The statue is not on public land.  In an effort to deny the factual reality of the history of the United States, pinko commie leaders of Gainsville tore down a Civil War statue and returned it to the United Daughters of the Confederacy, who made a simple statement: “We accept the Confederate Soldier Statue.”

Idaho: 10 former Idaho State University athletes threatening to retract $80-thousand USD in donations if the university president and the athletic director don’t resign, because “…we believe the state of ISU athletics is at an all-time low. When comparing ISU to its Big Sky peers, it’s easy to see that ISU is at the bottom of the league in facilities. Coaches’ pay, fundraising efforts and competitive records for revenue sports are also among the worst in the Big Sky Conference.”   Then suddenly, without warning, ISU president Arthur Vailas resigned!  Officially he said he was “retiring”.  ISU also reported that ‘preliminary’ overall enrollment is down for the Fall Semester, again, despite Freshman enrollment being up by about 2-hundred.

Illinois: In Chicago, supposed christian Bishop James E. Dukes is demanding a statue of the 1st President of the United States, George Washington, be torn down!   Chicago Public Schools conducted (yet again) a new round of layoffs, this time at least 950 people now jobless!  Both the teacher’s union and the state gov-na blamed it on inept management by Chicago’s ‘elected’ leaders.

Iowa: After 42 years the Metro Arts Alliance of Greater Des Moines shutdown due to lack of donations.

Kentucky:  In an effort to deny the factual reality of the history of the United States, pinko commie leaders of Lexington announced the removal of two Civil War statues, claiming they will be relocated.

Louisiana: The Orleans Parish School Board unanimously agreed to provided illegal immigrant children with a U.S. taxpayer funded education. 

Maryland: In an effort to deny the factual reality of the history of the United States, pinko commie leaders of Baltimore tore down four Civil War statues in the dead of night.  “We moved quickly and quietly.” boasted ‘elected’ mayor Catherine Pugh.  A ‘Civil War’ statue in Annapolis will also be removed.

Minnesota:  Lyon County Museum’s 14 years old thrift store shutdown due to a sudden crash in sales in the past eight months.  Even though it’s a county museum it is not funded with taxes and was relying 100% on donations and its thrift store sales.   Another reason for the shutdown is taxpayers began using the thrift store as a trash can, resulting in the museum having to pay huge trash removal fees: “We were spending a lot of money getting rid of trash. It is an ongoing problem. People bring stuff here that people know full and well should be on the way to the dump.”-Mike Hagan

Nevada: Returning students discovered that Sierra Nevada College had laid off six teachers over the Summer.  Administrators blamed it on crashing enrollments.

New York:  In an effort to deny the factual reality of the history of the United States, pinko commies are demanding the American Museum of Natural History remove its statue of the 26th President of the United States; Theodore Roosevelt!

North Carolina: After 38 years, the Piedmont Council for the Arts announced it will shutdown as soon as financial and legal matters are settled.   In Wilmington, two Civil War statues were defaced by an obviously under-educated Big Brother Double Speak loving gang of pinko commies  in an effort to deny the factual reality of the history of the United States.   In Durham, an obviously under-educated Big Brother Double Speak loving gang of pinko commies tore down a Civil War statue in an effort to deny the factual reality of the history of the United States.  So far four people were arrested, at least two were promptly released after being charged with several crimes.

Pennsylvania: Native Americans are pissed as imperialist leaders of Pittston re-erected a statue of Christopher Columbus after spending $65-thousand U.S. tax dollars repairing it.  In Center City, a man was arrested for defacing a statue of a former city mayor.  Obviously the man was desperate for attention because he did it in daylight in front of visible cameras.

Texas:  In Temple, after only a few months of operations non-profit Central Texas School for the Performing Arts shutdown without warning, blaming it on a massive lack of financial and moral support from the local community.    Newsweek reported that Hurricane Harvey shutdown hundreds of school districts and some might not ever reopen: “These schools are going to be affected for at least a couple of months. It’ll be December before some can even be functional.”-Dan Domenech, American Association of School Administrators

Washington: The city ‘leaders’ of Seattle are proven commie pinkos as they allowed the erection of a statue to Russian communist Vladimir Lenin.


Fracking quake swarm hits east Idaho?

Update, 11 SEP 2017:  U.S. Geological Survey reports as of 10 SEP 2017 more than 260 earthquakes rocked Caribou County, Idaho!  The USGS believes the quakes will continue but gave no reason why. A professor at Idaho State University claims the swarm quakes are “a whole series of aftershocks”.    USGS quake data is higher than reported by University of Utah, which operates its own seismograph stations independent of the USGS.

03 SEP 2017 (22:38 UTC-07 Tango 06) 13 Sharivar 1396/12 Dhu l-Hijja 1438/14 Ji Yu 4715

A swarm of earthquakes that hit an area east of the rural east-Idaho city of Soda Springs (at least 58 in less than 24 hours) fits the M-O of what the U.S. Geological Survey calls Induced Earthquakes caused by the oil industry’s hydraulic fracturing (fracking).

The individual quakes ranged in magnitude of 2.5 to 5.3, beginning in the late afternoon on 02 SEP 2017 and continuing until late afternoon the next day.   The same area was hit by quakes in October 2016.

In 2016 the Idaho Department of Lands swore that no fracking was taking place in The Gem State, or at least no applications for fracking had been submitted.   Even local news media blow off the skyrocketing quake swarms as signs the supervolcano Yellowstone is coming back to life.  However, I’ve been tracking these swarms for a few years and noticed they coincide with the resumption of petroleum exploration, including fracking.


2016:  Wild Idaho Tide Rising, Forced Oil Pooling near homes, schools and hospitals is Death




2014: UNEXPLAINED & INCREASING IDAHO EARTHQUAKES CAUSED BY FRACKING?  “In 2012, your asshole ‘elected’ state officials not only legalized fracking but banned your local governments from banning fracking! The new law was co-written by a lobby group called the Idaho Petroleum Council.” 


Idaho Statesman: Idaho has become an oil-producing state

DATA.GOV: Idaho Oil and Gas Exploration Wells

PBSNewshour: Earthquakes triggered by fracking, not just wastewater disposal

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation: Fracking causes earthquakes

NewScientist: How fracking caused earthquakes in the UK

2011: Temporary Idaho rules for hydraulic fracturing gas wells

“historic lack of patronage” Harvey kills Texas crops?: U.S. Food Crisis, August 2017

Incomplete list of announced United States food supply shutdowns for the month of August, 2017: Many food suppliers/distributors are consolidating operations and killing jobs due to the collapsing grocery store and restaurant industries, as well as rising costs of food production, spread of disease and extreme weather.

Hurricane Harvey slamming Texas and Louisiana.  Texas getting record level rain/floods.  According to federal law produce grown on land hit by flooding cannot be sold for human consumption!  

The Texas Tribune:  Harvey’s winds and rain disrupt Texas agriculture

Arizona: In Scottsdale, Flo’s Chinese Asian Restaurants now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  Local news media reported that ever since 2008 the restaurant chain has been shutting down eateries, now there’s only two left: “The revenue from our two remaining restaurants, though strong and healthy, could not alone support payments for a loan designed for three restaurants.”-Florence Chan, co-owner

Arkansas:  In Hardy, after only two years restaurant Cruisers shutdown due to the owners getting outta the restaurant business.

California: In Los Angeles, restaurant Church & State chapter 11 bankrupt busted due to labor law violation lawsuits.  Quest Nutrition issued shutdown WARNs for two Los Angeles operations, 524 jobs gone in October! Switzerland based Nestlé shutdown its Glendale op, 583 jobs gone!  Chili’s issued a shutdown WARN for its Thousand Oaks restaurant, 48 jobs gone in October.   Japan based Daiso issued a shutdown WARN for its Hayward grocery store, 98 jobs gone in October.  Dole Food eliminating 172 strawberry picking jobs as it shuts down its Oxnard ops, blaming massive debt and crashing sales!  In San Jose, after 13 years Lisa’s Tea Treasures shutdown, explaining on its website “Sadly, our lease has not been renewed.”  Glendale based DineEquity announced it will skyrocket shutdowns of its Applebee’s and IHOP restaurants; 135 Applebee’s and 25 IHOPS across the United States being shutdown as part of a plan to open 125 new restaurants in other countries!   In Sacramento, after 30 years Rubicon Brewing Company suddenly shutdown due to lack of “cash flow” caused by supply problems from farmers and skyrocketing ‘craft beer’ competition.

Colorado:  After 59 years and two locations, Black Forest Restaurant shutdown so the owner can retire.

Florida: In Delray Beach, the co-owner of Smoke BBQ announced on Facebook “It is with a heavy heart that I am announcing the closing of Smoke BBQ Delray Beach effective immediately.”  In Palm Beach, after only seven months reality TV ‘star’ owned upscale eatery Bowery Coastal shutdown.  In Plant City, Southeast Milk-Sunshine State Dairy Farms began laying off 52 people.

Hawaii:  After 38 years iconic Shore Bird Restaurant and Beach Bar shutdown so the owners can retire.

Idaho: In Twin Falls County somebody is shooting livestock.  In the past month two Llamas were killed, as well as a cattle rancher’s prize bull and heifer. A railroad track runs along the properties where the killings took place (somebody shooting from a train?).  In Bonneville County somebody shot and killed eight cows, leaving their bodies to rot, the local Sheriff believes they’ll find more dead cows.  In Idaho Falls, after 20 years Sarah’s Candy Cottage announced on Facebook that they must shutdown due to being “bought out”.

Illinois: Oak Brook based McDonald’s shutting down 169 restaurants in India due to a contract dispute with Connaught Plaza Restaurants.  Oak Brook based TreeHouse Foods shutting down three factories in three states, killing 375 jobs due to a 12% crash in sales!  In Arcola, after 47 years Dutch Kitchen shutdown, the owners saying “It’s time to stop.”  In Park Ridge, after less than one year the ‘new version’ of the iconic Pickwick Restaurant shutdown.

Kansas:  Farm equipment maker AGCO halting production and idling 2-hundred factory workers for at least four months, due to lack of sales!

Kentucky: In Owensboro, after 52 years Taylor’s Grocery Outlet shutdown, no reason given.

Maryland:  In Baltimore, OrderUp! laid off 70 HQ employees due to being taken over by GrubHub/Groupon.   Ryleigh’s Oyster shutdown its Mount Vernon restaurant.

Michigan: Seventh Day Adventist founded, Donald Trump hating, Kellogg Company (aka Kellogg’s) eliminating 233 jobs at its Battle Creek operations by 2018, claiming it’s part of its plan to increase production!  In Plymouth, after 75 years iconic Box Bar shutdown so the owner can retire.  In Grand Rapids, after 12 years Mangiamo! shutdown to be replaced by an ‘special’ events center.  After four years, without warning Saladworks shutdown and auctioned-off, no reason given.  In Taylor, after almost 1-hundred years Dairy Fresh Brand shutting down, 180 jobs gone in October!  The shutdown will affect dairy distribution in four states.

Missouri: In University City, Randolfi’s Italian Kitchen announced it is shutting down next month, the owners saying “We’ve thrown everything we have into his restaurant. There have been a lot of tears, but it’s time to close the chapter.”  In Saint Louis, with only a few hours warning on Facebook Howards suddenly shutdown, the owners saying “…regret that we can’t keep going…”  In Ellisville, Lucky’s Market shutdown, the company’s website explained “…did not experience the growth we needed to keep this store open.”

Montana: In Livingston, Northern Pacific Beanery shutdown with the owners saying “It’s just time for us to move on.”  Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory shutdown its store in the Holiday Village Mall, blaming consumers by saying “National and local retailers are responding to shifting consumer patterns by modifying their marketing strategies, including store closings.”

New Jersey:  Internet based meal service company Blue Apron issued a shutdown WARN for its Jersey City ops, 1-thousand-270 people jobless by October!

New York: TGIFriday’s issued a shutdown WARN for its Union Square location, 33 jobs gone by Xmas. Private social club River Club of New York shutting down, 60 jobs gone in time for Thanksgiving (due to renovations).  Hudson Valley Snacks and Soda issued a shutdown WARN, 38 jobs gone in October.  In Manhattan-NYC, grocery store Garden of Eden shutdown its Chelsea location due to “historic lack of patronage”.   Wisconsin based Penzeys Spices (penzeys.com) shutdown its Long Island-NYC location, it was the second time the spice seller shutdown a NYC location.  Internet based meal service company Blue Apron suddenly halted hiring and laid off 14 HQ employees “As part of our long-term strategy”.  Without warning Met Fresh shutdown its one year old grocery store in Nyack, no explanation for the “permanent” shutdown.   In Glen Falls, Food Co-op shutdown blaming lack of volunteers to run it: “Unfortunately, at this time we’re unable to keep the hours necessary to sustain a grocery store.”

North Carolina:  In Raleigh, after 17 years Bella Monica Flatbread pizza restaurant now chapter 7 bankrupt dead.  The parent company Bella Monica actually died in 2015, but the co-owner tried to keep the restaurant going.  Also in Raleigh, after 14 years distributor El Ideal Foods now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, most of its food products come from outside the U.S.

Ohio:  Fresh Thyme Farmers Market shutting down one of its four Cincinnati area ‘health food’ stores, blaming increased grocery store competition.

Oregon:  In Portland, Ringside Grill was suddenly sold-off and shutdown, owner Craig Peterson told local news “Dinner hasn’t been able to compete since the recession.”  In Clatskanie, after three years Hump’s Restaurant announced on social media that it was shutting down, no reason given.  Farmers Grain in Nyssa is now chapter 7 bankrupt dead, affecting other farm operations in Idaho and Washington.

Pennsylvania: The Tax Foundation concluded its study on Philadelphia’s so called sugary drink tax (most are made with GMO corn syrup and don’t contain any sugar); the tax now makes soda-pop more expensive than beer because the tax is 24 times higher than the beer tax!  Isn’t beer made by fermenting sugars?    The study also revealed that expected tax collections are way below what the Utopianist city leaders expected.  In Tunkhannock, Brick’s Market shutdown, 34 jobs lost due to not being able to find a buyer for the small grocery store.

Tennessee: In Spring Hill, after four years Mac’s Grub Shak announced on social media it is shutting down in September, local news described the burger joint as “popular”, no reason for the shutdown given.  In Chattanooga, after 20 years English Rose Tearoom shutdown: “We lost our lease … and I’ve been trying to bring on another owner … but it didn’t materialize.”-Sharon Gilley

Texas:  Local news media reporting “yet another” Skinner’s Corner Store shutdown, this time in Lakeport.  In Dallas, after five years Max’s Wine Dive shutdown due to not being able to renew the lease.  In Fort Worth, a Tom Thumb grocery store shutdown.  Cheddar’s Scratch Kitchen suddenly laid off 69 employees as it shutdown its Irving HQ due to being taken-over by a competitor.  Snap Kitchen laying off more than 150 people in Austin and Houston, due to consolidation of production to a new factory!  In Austin, after 32 years popular Porfirio’s Tacos announced on Facebook that it must shutdown, no reason given.   Without warning Houston based Joe’s Crab Shack shutdown 41 restaurants across 19 states, thousands of jobs instantly gone: “…everything was fine. I even picked up two shifts to work. When she came in, all the managers were here. All the corporate managers were here. The tables were flipped upside down and they shut everything out.”-Devoshia Jones, instantly unemployed

Vermont:  Nordic Farms now chapter 7 bankrupt, local news reported the phone is now disconnected.

Virginia:   In Manassas, after nine years Hard Times Cafe & Cue forced to shutdown by the greedy landlord.  Dean Foods shutting down its PET dairy operations in Richmond, 75 jobs gone due to “Production will be phased out”.

Washington: In Seattle, Stumptown Coffee Roasters shutdown its East Pine Street location to focus on its other location.

Wisconsin:  In Bay View, after three years Little DeMarinis pizza joint announced it could not renew the lease, which expires in 2018.  In Milwaukee, after seven years Upper 90 Sports Pub shutdown, on social media the owners saying only “we have an exciting opportunity we just could not pass up.”  PDQ Food Stores eliminating 350 HQ employees in October, due to being taken-over by a competitor!  Gordy’s Market chain is up for sale, and if nobody buys it then more than 1-thousand people will become jobless (some stores have already shutdown)!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

U.S. Food Crisis, July 2017: “WE ARE CLOSING……WE HAVE NO CHOICE”




Pocatello militia returns from Malaysia, is it about the oil?

27 AUG 2017 (14:06 UTC-07 Tango 06) 05 Sharivar 1396/04 Dhu l-Hijja 1438/06 Wu-Shen 7th month 4715

“Due to the training we received, if called upon for a state disaster, the Idaho Army National Guard will be extremely prepared for any situation.”-Lieutenant Colonel George Hanson

One of my old Guard alma maters returned from mission Keris Strike in Pahang, Malaysia.

Command post exercise portion of the humanitarian assistance and disaster relief training known as Keris Strike 2017. Idaho Army National Guard photo via Captain Robert Taylor, 10AUG2017.

1st Battalion of the 148th Field Artillery Regiment, based in Pocatello, Idaho, was in Malaysia for a ten days war game (I mean natural disaster response training) connected to United Nations’ military ops (so called UN Peace Keeping) and led by the U.S. Army-Pacific Command.

Militia personnel of the 1-148th Field Artillery Regiment (Head Quarters in Pocatello, Idaho) during Keris Strike 2017 in Pahang, Malaysia. Idaho Army National Guard photo via Captain Robert Taylor, 10AUG2017.

The 1-148th Field Artillery Regiment is part of the Idaho Army National Guard’s 116th Calvary Brigade Combat Team (I served both with 1-148 as a 13F in Pocatello, and with 2-116 as a 19K in Burley). The unit has artillery batteries located in Idaho Falls, Pocatello, Rigby, Blackfoot, Rexburg, Preston, Saint Anthony and Burley.

According to Wikipedia, Malaysia has a lot of petroleum oil.  The state run oil company Petronas is the 69th largest company in the world and generates 30% of the Malaysian government’s income.  Malaysia also sits in the militarily and economically strategic ocean going trade route called Strait of Malacca, which sees most of the world’s Middle East oil shipments by sea.




“Shit’s bleak….” “I’m just getting out of this before I’m forced out!”: U.S. retail/banking/service sector collapse, July 2017

Incomplete list of U.S. retail/banking/service sector job loss announcements and shutdowns made or announced in July 2017:



Arkansas: Christian founded Bentonville based Walmart suddenly laid off an undisclosed number of HQ employees in the name of “creating efficiencies”.  In Keo, after 50 years Morris Antiques announced on Facebook they shutdown.

 California:  In Fresno, mini-golf joint Boomers shutdown because “We lost our lease”.  In Newport Beach, after seven decades Bay Arcade shutdown by new owners who’re spending millions to turn it into a donut shop.  San Francisco based Too Big to Jail Wells Fargo laying off 70 executives as part of a bigger plan to eliminate thousands of jobs across the U.S.  Too Big to Jail Bank of America shutting down its offices in Lakeport and Ukiah in November.  In San Ramon, Bank of the West eliminating 54 jobs by mid-September.  San Francisco based clothier Gymboree announced the shutdown of 350 stores across the U.S., thousands of jobs lost, click here to see the list.  Vernon based True Religion Apparel now chapter 11 bankrupt busted blaming crashing sales, at least 27 stores across the U.S. shutting down.  Clothier BCBG Max Azria issued a mass layoff WARN for its Vernon ops, 492 jobs gone by September (don’t blame the internet, they offer free shipping on their website)!    Interviewing Service of America issued a shutdown WARN for its Alhambra ops, 66 jobs gone by mid-September.  The Ritz-Carlton shutting down its location in Half Moon Bay by mid-September.  Build-A-Bear Workshop issued a shutdown WARN for its Anaheim location, 99 jobs gone by mid-September.   Ebisu Marketing-Hotei Marketing issued a shutdown WARN for its Los Angeles operations, 116 jobs gone by September!   Sports marketing company Competitor Group couldn’t compete and issued a shutdown WARN for its San Diego ops, 145 jobs gone in November!

Colorado: In Sterling, JCPenney shutdown its store in the High Plains Shopping Center.  Payless Shoesource also shutdown a store in Sterling, along with two other Payless stores across the state.

Connecticut: In Unionville, after 143 years (!) Parsons Paint & Hardware shutdown, the family owners blaming it on “hardware burnout”.  British empire based Too Big to Jail RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland) issued yet another layoff WARN, this time 23 jobs gone in September.

Florida:   More than 80 years old formal wear retailer Alfred Angelo went chapter 11 bankrupt busted and shutdown all its stores across the U.S. without warning, pissing off thousands of customers waiting for paid orders to be filled!  In Daytona Beach, after 59 years the last local bowling alley Bellair Lanes shutdown.  PHH Mortgage Corporation eliminating 15 jobs in Jacksonville by October.  British empire based Too Big to Jail HSBC issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Brandon, 197 people laid off on top of the 357 laid off in April!  Outdoors store Gander Mountain eliminating 119 jobs by the end of August!

Hawaii: In Pearl City, Pictures Plus Interiors shutting down in August.

No more "well loved by customers" pawn shop on Yellowstone Avenue, Pocatello, Idaho.

No more “well loved by customers” pawn shop on Yellowstone Avenue, Pocatello, Idaho.

Idaho: It was discovered that 50 years old, ‘well loved by customers’ (according to Facebook postings) Shamrock Rare Coins (aka Amy’s Shamrock Coins) pawn shop secretly shutdown, even the official website is offline.   Mitt Romney co-founded wunderkind Staples announced it will shutdown its Pocatello store in August, falsely blaming “customers” for shopping online.

Illinois: What housing market recovery?  In Bridgeview, after 40 years Advantage Carpets Plus Colortile shutdown, the owner says he is only semi-retiring because his wife doesn’t want him to fully retire.  In Chicago, after more than ten years Permanent Records shutting down so the owners can focus on their newer operations in California.  Par-A-Dice Hotel Casino laid off 20 people due to crashing revenue.  In Hinsdale, after 53 years York Barber Shop shutdown, the owners complained “There’s too much competition. It used to be there were barbershops and beauty shops and that was it. There weren’t all these unisex places.”  

Iowa: In Waterloo, after 104 years (!) Robin’s Surplus shutting down in September: “….we’ve been gradually decreasing in business over the last 10 years. We’ve noticed the decline, based on internet sales. I even polled my kids and asked where the bought all the Christmas stuff and the bought it on the internet.”-Gary Ritter, co-owner

Kansas: In Parsons, after four decades Sullivan Furniture shutdown due to family health problems.  After only two years in the Wichita Mall clothing store Foggy Bottom shutdown, no reason given.

Louisiana: In Lafayette, after 15 years flower shop The Gardenaire shutdown, the owners will focus on wholesale saying “We just can’t compete….People don’t come in like they used to. It’s just changing times.” 

Maryland: Laurel based Rent-A-Wreck of America now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, blaming it on a never ending lawsuit with the company’s founder.  In Hagerstown, Bon-Ton shutting down when the lease expires, 55 jobs lost by February 2018.  After 32 years non-profit arts & crafts operation Baltimore Clayworks went chapter 7 bankrupt and shutdown after a deal to sell the financially struggling operation fell through. In Havre de Grace, Stirling Bridge Jewelry and Gifts shutting down, saying on Facebook “For a variety of reasons, foremost being the rapid decline of business in downtown Havre de Grace and the mass exit of numerous other businesses during this last year, Stirling Bridge Jewelry & Gifts will be relocating to Delaware….”  First Potomac Realty Trust issued WARNs for two locations, 72 jobs gone by October.

Massachusetts: Boston based Too Big to Jail Fidelity Investments continues killing jobs, this time hundreds of employees were suddenly laid off!  It was also reported that Fidelity Investments  bribed (buyouts) 1-thousand-5-hundred employees to quit! Boston based shoe and clothing retailer Nader-The Tannery now chapter 7 bankrupt busted.

Michigan: In Detroit, after 124 years (!) the country’s oldest hat retailer Henry the Hatter shutting down due to a greedy landlord.

Minnesota: In Red Wing, after 27 years Al’s Antique Mall shutdown, the owner saying “The whole customer has changed and it’s a new generation. What you once thought was rare is now on ebay.”  In Granite Falls, after 38 years Willie’s Corner Store shutting down in August because nobody wanted to buy it: “This was very disappointing to think that no one wants to continue what you have been doing for years to keep Willies alive.”-Penny Krogstad, co-owner

Montana: In Great Falls, after more than 25 years Hobby Land shutdown, the owner said she was ready to retire.

Nebraska: In Lincoln, Bishop Heights True Value hardware store shutting down, saying on Facebook the store “just (does) not have the sales we need to continue operating.” 

New Hampshire: In Dover, after only four years, and even moving to a newer location with cheaper rent/utilities, Spun Records shutting down in August due to lack of sales.  I guess all that main stream news media (fake news) hype about records making a comeback was just hype.

New Mexico: In Albuquerque, after 34 years Grandma’s Music and Sound shutdown, the owners told local news media the risks of retail now outweigh the rewards.

New York: At JFK Airport, Command Security lost its contract with FedEx, 46 jobs gone by the end of August.   Also at JFK, DAL Global lost its contract with Virgin Airways, 49 jobs gone by the end of October.  Courtyard by Marriott LaGuardia Hotel shutting down, 144 jobs gone by October!  Commercial bank contractor Gannett National Shared Services eliminating 31 jobs by the end of October.  Conduent Business Services eliminating 59 jobs by the end of September.  In Brooklyn-NYC, after more than seven years hangout joint The Rock Shop shutdown, the manager saying “Rent’s too high, taxes are too high. Too much development happening on Fourth Avenue!”  In Rochester, after 29 years Lakeshore Record Exchange shutting down in September, the owner says more people listen to music than ever before, just not in the format he sells.  Sports venue Yard Sports Village-Warwick Yard now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  In Buffalo, after 25 years clothier Urban Leisure and Luxury shutting down by the end of August because the owners want out of the retail industry.  In Pearl River, after more than 60 years Mel’s Army-Navy Center shutdown due to the owner not finding a buyer: “People don’t want to get into the retail industry anymore. The store was doing fine, but no one was really looking to take it over.”-Chris Frawley, owner

North Carolina: High Point based Dynamic International Airways now chapter 11 bankrupt busted due to lawsuits.  Non-profit animal rescue op Duke’s Animal Haven shutdown “Due to circumstances beyond our control…….effective immediately.”   In Chapel Hill, DSI Comedy Theater shutting down by the end of August, due to the owner being accused (but never charged) of sex crimes.  In Washington, after four years The Blue Crab Monograms and Gifts shutdown because the owner got a job as a high school teacher.

Ohio:  In Painesville, after 23 years Grande Designs Floral shutdown officially so the owner can retire, but local news media discovered the store, and inventory, is now “bank owned” and for sale.  In Kettering, after 39 years clothing store Elan shutdown due to family health problems.  In Fostoria, after 25 years Steinacker & Sons Ace Hardware shutdown, the owners lamenting “Unfortunately, we just couldn’t keep it going.”

Oregon: In Portland, after 15 years Newspace Center for Photography suddenly shutdown due to the discovery that the non-profit art gallery was broke!  After five years the Action/Adventure Theatre shutdown saying “It’s become increasingly difficult for small arts spaces like ours to survive in Portland and while we are heartbroken that this city has to lose yet another venue, we can no longer shoulder the financial burden of maintaining our theater.”  A writer for The Portland Mercury reacted to the sudden shutdowns of two art venues by saying “Shit’s bleak, you guys.” 

Pennsylvania: Stauffers of Kissel Hill shutdown its 53 years old shop in Oregon Pike saying it was too small to compete with big-box.  In Pittsburgh, baby furniture store Good Night Baby shutdown without warning, the owner told a local news TV channel that he was on vacation, however, a note taped to the door stated the store was closed due to “market conditions”.  Local news media reported dozens of customers were still waiting for orders that they already paid for.   In Philadelphia, after 52 years Snyderman-Works Galleries sold-off and shutting down so the owners can retire.  In Erie, after 55 years Fisher Jewelers shutting down when the inventory is gone.  Silver Creek County Club shutting down by September.

Texas:  Katy based Academy Sports & Outdoors suddenly laid off 1-hundred people, blaming it on “the changing needs of our customers”!  Stage Stores shutting down its 47 years old Bealls store in Corpus Christi, in September, because of the greedy landlord (Trademark Properties).  In Brownsville, after 110 years (!) R.H. Lackner’s Fine Jewelry & Gifts shutting down, the owners blaming declining customers from Mexico: “The Mexican business has been a factor. It used to represent about half our business. I don’t see it coming back.”-Bobby Lackner

Virginia: In Danville, after 71 years M&M Furniture shutdown so the owner could retire.  In Waynesboro, after 30 years Valley Framing Studio and Gallery shutdown, the owner saying “It’s about time to enjoy life…”   Nordstrom shutting down its 15 years old store in Dulles Town Center because “…we feel we can serve our customers better at our other area stores and online.”

Wisconsin:  In Wauwatosa, after 93 years Daly’s Pen Shop  shutdown with the owner warning other mom&pop retailers by saying “I’m just getting out of this before I’m forced out!”  In the same city Bartz’s party store suddenly shutdown as part of a corporate plan to shift to online sales only.






U.S. government shenanigans, July 2017: “THEY GAVE ME NO REASON FOR CLOSING IT”

U.S. food crisis, July 2017: “WE ARE CLOSING……WE HAVE NO CHOICE”




“They gave me no reason for closing it”: U.S. government shenanigans, July 2017

Incomplete list of U.S. Federal/State/Local Government self-destruct announcements for July 2017:

Alabama: Finally! Gov’na Kay Ivey banned the appointing of registered lobbyists to serve on state boards and commissions.  It was revealed that more than 1-hundred money grubbing lobbyists are directly controlling taxpayer funded boards and commissions.

California:  In overrated and corrupt Santa Barbara, after 33 years East Beach Grill shutdown by the greedy landlord (which is the Santa Barbara Parks and Recreation Department).  Santa Barbara leaders want to spend $16-million tax dollars renovating the area into a giant waterfront park!  The restaurant owner told local news media that the city said he could re-open once the new park was built, but only if he paid at least double the rent.  San Diego Superior Court warned of mass layoffs due to the loss of $6-million USD of taxpayer funding.  Reportedly 60 employees volunteered to accept bribes to quit (buyouts).   In San Diego, British empire based U.S. tax-sucking BAE Systems eliminating more than 3-hundred jobs in September, due to the U.S. Navy changing the way it hires contractors!

Idaho: A freedom of information request by Times-News-magicvalley.com revealed that U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) is considering Jerome as the site of a new taxpayer funded immigrant prison!   It’s the result of ICE loosing access to a 3-hundred bed prison in Utah.  ICE is hoping to use the existing Jerome County Detention Center, and expand it by 60 beds.  The Times-News estimated it would cost U.S. taxpayers $1.4-million USD per year to operate an immigrant prison in Idaho.  Another newspaper, Spokesman-Review, reported that hundreds of Idahoans are protesting the plans for an immigrant prison in their back yard.

Illinois: Cook County Public Defender’s Office eliminating 68 jobs, most are attorneys meant to represent the individuals charged with crimes.  It’s being blamed on the new soda pop tax which is in limbo after being challenged in court, apparently the county was hoping to use the soda tax to fund public defender operations.  The challenged soda tax is also being blamed for the sudden layoff of 3-hundred county employees!  Supposedly ‘elected’ county officials also sent out 1-thousand-1-hundred layoff notices!  You know a county is in trouble when it’s relying on the creation of new tax to save its sorry ass!  Cook County’s soda tax is one cent for every ounce of so called sweetened drink.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture is challenging the tax because it violates SNAP rules. Chicago, located within Cook County, also has a soda tax.  Coupled with the county tax ‘sugary’ drinks in Chicago will become the most expensive in the U.S.  Metro East Sanitary District suddenly laid off 20 people, possibly due to a $2.6-million USD loss in 2016.


Michigan: In Troy, tax-sucking Lockheed Martin-Sikorsky laying off 160 people as production of U.S. Navy Seahawk helicopters comes to an end!  However, I discovered that Lockheed Martin-Sikorsky is ramping up production of Blackhawk ‘copters after getting $5-billion USD in orders.

New Jersey:  In Watchung after 22 years, and despite posting a month worth of events for July, iconic Colorado Cafe suddenly announced a shutdown.  It’s being blamed on city leaders who needed the property to expand a quarry (rock mine).  After a state government shutdown, including public beaches, gov’na Chris Christie was seen enjoying a day at the beach. The state legislature responded by banning all future governors from the beach during government shutdowns! 

New Mexico:  Good news or bad news? The Torrance County Detention Facility shutting down due to lack of prisoners, 203 jobs gone by September!

New York: The evil left-wing Empire State forcing 70 years old Angel’s Inn Adult Home to shutdown, vaguely saying the retirement home was violating new regulations, the owner Mary Allen says the state never clarified what those new rules are “They gave me no reason for closing it. Other homes were closing. I didn’t have an administrator at one time, but I got an administrator.”  Local news media said the greedy state responded to their questions by saying the issues could be resolved with money!  On top of that, if the retirement home doesn’t shutdown by October then the owner will be hit with fines.

Oklahoma: The city of Pryor warned all employees of layoffs, blaming crashing sales tax collections.  City leaders want cash strapped taxpayers to approve a new sales tax increase.

Pennsylvania: Lancaster County SPCA suddenly went bust due to lack of funding, local municipalities (taxpayers) will now have to come up with a new system for handling stray animals.

Tennessee: Taxpayers are about to become the de-facto owners of a vacant Kmart property near Antioch.  Nashville Mayor Megan Barry wants to spend $7.45-million tax dollars to use the former Kmart as a new Metro Police command center. 

Texas: Tax-sucking Prison contractor CoreCivic issued a layoff WARN for more than 5-hundred employees after losing a Department of Criminal Justice contract!

Puerto Rico: Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority bankrupt busted with $9-billion in debt.

Washington DC: The Department of Veterans Affairs has eliminated 5-hundred jobs since January!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Government Shenanigans June 2017: “AMERICA’S MOST MESSED-UP STATE”


Dumbing Down the U.S. of A., July 2017:

“we are closing……we have no choice”: U.S. food crisis, July 2017

Incomplete list of announced United States food supply shutdowns for the month of July, 2017: Many food suppliers/distributors are consolidating operations and killing jobs due to the collapsing grocery store and restaurant industries, as well as rising costs of food production, spread of disease and extreme weather.

Arizona: In Phoenix,  after more than ten years Ticoz Latin Kitchen shutdown, the owners saying “…we are actively seeking a new home!”  In Tucson, after 44 years restaurant Delectables suddenly shutdown due to being sold-off to a competitor.

California: Turn of the 20th Century themed Farrell’s Ice Cream suddenly shutdown its Riverside restaurant, 75 jobs lost due to not being able to make a profit despite being popular!  At one time there were dozens of Farrell’s spread from Oregon to California, now apparently there are only two.  In Los Angeles, after nine years bistro Church & State now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, blaming it on the cost of settling labor violation charges.  San Francisco based Juicero finally realized nobody wants to pay 4-hundred-bucks for a juicer (even if it is ‘hi-tech’) so Juicero is cutting the price and 25% of its staff. In overrated and corrupt Santa Barbara, after 33 years East Beach Grill shutdown by the greedy landlord (which is the Santa Barbara Parks and Recreation Department).  Santa Barbara leaders want to spend $16-million tax dollars renovating the area into a giant waterfront park!  The restaurant owner told local news media that the city said he could re-open once the new park was built, but only if he paid at least double the rent.  In San Francisco, Buca Restaurants 2 shutting down mid September, 72 jobs lost. In Laguana Hills, Kings Fish House claims they’re temporarily shutting down, but 92 jobs will be lost by mid-September.  LoBue Bros-LoBrue Citrus issued a shutdown WARN for its Lindsay operations, 98 jobs gone by mid-September.  PSSI-Foster Poultry Farms issued a shutdown WARN for its Livingston ops, 158 jobs gone by August!  In Oxnard, Hidden Valley Berries suddenly shutdown, 42 jobs lost.

Connecticut:  In West Hartford, Besito announced “After nearly a decade and with a heavy heart, we are sad to announce that we were unable to re-negotiate our lease at Blue Back Square and are closing our doors….” 

Florida: Jacksonville booze joint The Volstead shutting down in August, just short of four years of old prohibition style drinking, due to the owners moving elsewhere.  S-L Snacks issued a WARN for its Perry snack factory, 101 jobs gone by the end of the year!  North Carolina based snack maker Snyder’s-Lance will shutdown a factory in Perry by the end of September.

Hawaii:  After 18 years The Pineapple Room shutdown saying “The dining landscape has changed, and we’ve amicably decided with Macy’s to move on…..” 

Idaho: U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service reported that Gem State winter wheat and hay harvests are nearly a month early, due to climate change.

Illinois: Decatur based agricultural giant Archer Daniels Midland warned of an undisclosed number of layoffs as part of its plan to make a more “streamlined organization”.  In Champaign, Minecci’s Ristorante suddenly shutdown blaming the greedy landlord.  In Chicago, after 22 years restaurant Jane’s suddenly shutdown.  Ultra Foods issued a shutdown WARN for its store in Kankakee, 92 jobs gone by mid-September.  Food service contractor Aramark issued a shutdown WARN for its Waukegan ops, 117 jobs gone due to loss of contract!

Indiana:  Ultra Foods shutdown its 36 years old flagship store in Highland, 139 jobs gone!  It’s due to parent company Central Grocers going bankrupt.  Local news media reported that Central Grocers has so far eliminated more than 2-thousand jobs since May!

Kentucky: After only three years Dickey’s Barbecue Pit suddenly shutdown two restaurants in Louisville, the franchise owner blames it on the corporate business model saying it prevents the franchise holder from making any money.  It was also revealed that 69 Dickey’s Barbecue Pits have shutdown since January.  Mexico based Bimbo Bakeries shutting down its factory in Owensboro, 125 jobs lost due to consolidation of production!  In Elsemere, after 90 years of ice making Dusing Brothers shutdown and being sold-off so the owners can retire.

Louisiana:  In Houma, after 35 years the Lunch Basket shutdown, the owner saying “…you just get tired of fighting it. And that’s what I did, just decided to hang it.”

Maryland:   Donald Trump hating, Seventh Day Adventist founded Kellogg Company (Kellogg’s) shutdown its Hagerstown distribution center, 76 jobs gone.  

Michigan: In Grand Rapids, after decades Duthler’s Family Foods shutting down in August.  Despite employees saying “…we get treated really badly here….We get called names; racial slurs….” (no indication if that was by customers or corporation) the actual reason for the shutdown is a greedy landlord.  In Kalamazoo, without warning Old Country Buffet suddenly shutdown, financially struggling parent company Ovation Brands gave no reason.  42 years old Boskydel Vineyard announced “Effective Jan. 1, 2018, we will cease winery and tasting room operations……leasing options are available for anyone interested.”

Minnesota: In Granite Falls, after 38 years Willies Korner Store shutting down in August.

Mississippi: Save-A-Lot suddenly shutdown its Jackson store on Hanging Moss Road, blaming $1-million USD in needed repairs to the building.

Missouri:  In Saint Louis, after 31 years the owner of Johnny’s Restaurant and Bar sold-out to a big-box eatery.  Food distributor Troverco now chapter 7 bankrupt busted affecting convenience stores in 22 states and at least 130 jobs! In Chesterfield, pumpkin patch Rombach’s Farm announced on Facebook “Due to circumstances beyond our control, we are closing……we have no choice. We have to close this year.”

Maryland Heights based grocery chain Schnucks unveiled its latest employee, a robot that doesn’t get paid.   The robot is named Tally and, according to local news reports, will be used to render up to 1-thousand employees jobless!

Nebraska: In Lincoln, after 18 years boozery Doc’s Place shutdown by the greedy landlord.

New Jersey:  Manischewitz shutting down a factory in Newark saying it’s “a challenging time in the retail and grocery business”, 169 jobs gone!  In Watchung after 22 years, and despite posting a month worth of events for July, iconic Colorado Cafe suddenly announced a shutdown.  It’s being blamed on city leaders who needed the property to expand a quarry (rock mine).

New York: In Oneonta, “Since 1972” Joe Ruffino’s Pizzeria and Restaurant suddenly shutdown, the depressed owner saying he’s tired of the “daily grind” and “no one is in the bullpen ready to relieve me.”  In Queensbury, after 30 years Carl R’s Cafe suddenly shutdown, employees were told not to talk to local news media.  Price Chopper shutdown its relatively new store on Cooper Street in Glenn Falls.  Administrators claim the store was losing money but a local politician told news media the store “always seems busy.”  A shutdown WARN issued by Restaurant Associates-Ogilvy & Mather, 23 NYC jobs gone by the end of September.  In New York Mills, meat packer Delft Blue issued a shutdown WARN, 83 jobs gone by the end of October.

North Carolina:  In Elizabeth City, after 93 years The Colonial Restaurant shutdown due to “demographics” causing “a constant pattern of reduced business”.  Charlotte based salty snack maker Snyder’s-Lance suddenly eliminated 250 jobs!   Harris Teeter shutting down a grocery store in Cary and in Greensboro, more than 1-hundred jobs gone in September!

North Dakota: In Fargo, after more than 30 years of burgers Ground Round shutdown with no explanation from the parent company.

Ohio: In Beachwood, after 12 years the owners of Maggiano’s Little Italy decided not to renew the lease, shutting down by the end of September.  Kroger shutting down its 14 years old grocery store and gas station in the Southland Shopping Center, due to lack of profits, 115 jobs gone by mid-August.

Oklahoma: In Norman, Cookies-n-Cards bakery shutting down by the end of August due to the owner’s health problems.

Oregon:  NORPAC Foods shutting down its Salem ops, at least 2-hundred jobs lost by the end of August!

Pennsylvania: Iconic 70 years old hot dog joint John’s Doggie Shop shutdown, the owners say they need time off, and time to find a new location.

Rhode Island: Restaurant FiRE+iCE Interactive Grill & Bar suddenly shutdown, no explanation.

Tennessee: Donald Trump hating, Seventh Day Adventist founded Kellogg Company (Kellogg’s) shutting down its Rossville Eggo waffle factory, 117 jobs (some reports say 155 jobs) gone between September and December!  In Chattanooga, after 28 years Porkers Bar-B-Que suddenly shutdown, the owners hope to continue with a catering business.  In Nashville, after almost eight years Holland House Bar and Refuge shutdown due to “over a year of fruitless lease renewal negotiations”.

Texas: In Houston, after less than a year Nao Ramen House suddenly shutdown, local news media reported it had bad reviews.  Without warning Fired Up Holding Company-Ruby Tequilas shutdown four locations in Amarillo and Lubbock, social-media posts showed notices from debt collectors on the door of one of the restaurants.   After 48 years Frenchy’s Chicken shutting down four restaurants across the Houston area, because “…we recently chose to terminate our agreement with a non-compliant franchisee.”  In Longview, after 99 years Kerns Bakery suddenly shutdown, selling everything off, after failing to find a buyer willing to continue the operation the frustrated owners blamed god: “God has closed door after door for us to move and expand the bakery.  Due to this we believe that He is pointing our family down a new path in life.” 

Virginia: In Vinton, Super Dollar Discount Foods shutting down at the beginning of August, local news media reported that the store manager would say only that there were multiple reasons for the shutdown.  In Norfolk, after 15 years Five Points Community Farm Market suddenly shutdown due to lack of local support (including money).  Martin’s Food & Drugstore suddenly shutdown four grocery stores, hundreds of jobs lost!  Two other Martin’s were sold to a competitor.

Washington: Seattle based Starbucks shutting down all 379 Teavana locations because “underperformance was likely to continue.”  Starbucks spent $620-million USD taking over Teavana in 2012.

Wisconsin: After claiming it would expand, Black Bear Bottling suddenly broke and is in ‘receivership’, 76 jobs gone (interesting that up ’till now the company officially claimed it had only 67 employees).

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

U.S. Food Crisis, June 2017: “EVERY MONTH IT’S LOWER AND LOWER.”

Smoke ’em if you got ’em!: Pocatello Airport Fire Bombers are Back!

06 AUG 2017 (03:39 UTC-07 Tango 06)  15 Mordad 1396/13 Dhu l-Qa’da 1438/15 Wu-Shen 4715

The sky around eastern Idaho is socked in with smoke as the 2017-18 wildfire season roars up (I don’t think I’ve ever seen it so smokey around here, and I’ve been here 20 years).  The water bombing aircraft based at Pocatello Airport were busy during daylight; non-stop landings, reloading, take-offs, for hours on-end until dark.

Photos by AAron B. Hutchins. Click pics to make bigger:


At the end of  2016 U.S. Forest Service and the Department of Defense warning: WILDFIRE SEASON 2018 GOING TO BE A HOT ONE!












“a sweeping redevelopment”: Sears Kmart death spiral, August 2017

In Canada, owners of Sears Hometown stores are planning a legal battle for compensation as a result of Sears Canada going bankrupt busted and dead.

CBCnews: Sears Canada chairman steps down so he can bid to buy retailer

TheStreet.com: Why the Heck Is Warren Buffett Indirectly Invested in Dying Sears?

Insurance Journal: High Cost, Scarcity of Insurance Keeping Vendors from Sears Shelves

Reuters: Sears outsourcing production of Kenmore brands to Cleva North America, and production of Die Hard batteries to Dorcy International. 

MediaPost: Now they’re called DieHard Auto Centers

Bloomberg: Sears Hit With Second Lawsuit Over Company Stock in 401(k) 

PlanSponsor: Sears Holdings Puerto Rico Savings Plan lawsuit

Sears Holdings announced an additional 28 Kmart stores across the U.S., upping the total Sears-Kmart shutdowns for the year to more than 350.  The announcement was sudden, with Sears Holdings administrators admitting they hadn’t yet notified affected employees.

Arizona: The Mesa Kmart made the new shutdown list, shutting down in time for Thanksgiving.

California: Kmarts in Valencia, Jackson/Martell, Bellflower and Hesperia (where I attended junior and senior high school) shutting down mid-November.   Sears Holdings just sold its store and Auto Center at the northeast end of South Coast Plaza to the owners of the plaza.  the selling price was not disclosed. When asked if the Sears store and Auto Center were shutting down South Coast Plaza owners stated “We look forward to continuing that relationship with Sears…”  It’s been revealed that Sears Holdings notified Bishop Police that local Kmart employees had stolen at least $50-thousand USD worth of merchandise in the past few months.  After police investigated six people were arrested.

Colorado: The Aurora and Englewood Kmarts shutting down by Thanksgiving.

Connecticut: The Southbury Kmart made the new shutdown list.

Florida: North Miami Beach Kmart shutting down right before Xmas.

Georgia: The Mableton Kmart made the new shutdown list.

Idaho: A major screw-up resulted in the closing Coeur d’Alene Kmart getting a big shipment of ‘blank’ American Apparel-Supreme branded t-shirts.  Shoppers were able to re-sell the t-shirts on ebay, until Kmart realized what was going on and removed the labels from the remaining inventory.   In Lewiston, the Sears Hometown is for sale because the franchise owners say they can’t afford to renew the license to operate it.

Illinois: Kmarts in Oaklawn, Elmhurst and Belleville made the new shutdown list.

Kansas:  Topeka Kmart shutting down by Thanksgiving.

Michigan: Kmarts in Utica/Shelby, Bay City and Sandusky shutting down mid-November.   Taxpayers in the township of Georgetown might take a loss on the vacant taxpayer owned Kmart property.  Township leaders were planning on spending $180-thousand taxpayer dollars to improve the property, but a developer wants to buy the land.  In 2014 Georgetown taxpayers were forced to pay $1.6-million USD for the vacant Kmart, reports say the developer has offered much less than that, $1.5-million for three properties altogether.   In Norton Shores, a Kmart property that’s been vacant since 2004 (before the Eddie Lampert take-over) has finally been put up for sale, asking price is $4.2-million USD: “We’ve been trying for years to get them to fix it up or sell the building. Out of nowhere, last week, they listed it.”-Gary Nelund, mayor of Norton Shores

Minnesota: A local man who is willing to spend $3-million USD on turning a vacant Kmart into an indoor shooting range was blown-off by the West Saint Paul city council: “I started laying out some numbers and it was like, ‘OK, thank you, Mr. O’Keefe.’ I was basically cut off. As far as I’m concerned, I went to the city council and they didn’t give me an opportunity to present or show them any numbers.”-Chris O’Keefe

New Jersey:  Kmarts in Moorestown and Parsippany shutting down mid-November.

New York:  Kmarts in Rochester(Chili), Victor and Vails Gate(New Windsor) shutting down mid-November.    Proof they got money.  Sears Holdings-Seritage Growth has promised the city of Olean that if a new tenant is not found by Winter for the soon to be shutdown Kmart, then Seritage will “continue upkeep, heating it and performing needed repairs” until a new tenant is found.

North Carolina: It’s been revealed that back in July Sears Holdings sold its store in Wilmington to the new owners of the Independence Mall (Rouse Properties), for $10-million USD.  The Wilmington Sears store (at the Independence Mall) is still active and not on any shutdown list, however, Rouse Properties is planning “a sweeping redevelopment” of the entire mall.

Ohio: A Massilion Kmart shutting down in time for the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday.

Oregon: A Salem Kmart shutting down in time for the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday.

Pennsylvania: Kmarts in Allentown and Willow Grove shutting down mid-November.

Rhode Island: Cranston Kmart shutting down in time for the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday, it’s the last remaining Kmart in the state.

South Carolina: Conway Kmart shutting down in time for the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday.

Utah: The Cedar City Sears Hardware and Appliance Store suddenly announced it was shutting down, local news media indicated it was the fault of Sears Holdings, not the franchise owner.