Tag Archives: idaho

“…a lot of experimentation.”: U.S. hi-tech/communications breakdown, June 2017

More proof you brick-n-mortar store owners can’t directly blame the internet/high-tech competition for your demise. Incomplete list of U.S. internet/high-tech/communications job destruction announcements in June 2017:

California: Yahoo! issued multiple layoff WARNs for multiple locations, more than 420 jobs lost, possibly due to Yahoo!’s sale to Verizon!  In Los Angeles, Fox Sports suddenly laid off 20 people, but claims they’ll be hiring as many in other departments.  In Santa Clara, Intel issued a layoff WARN, 93 jobs lost by mid-August.  Also in Santa Clara, Marvell Semiconductor made another monthly round of a handful of layoffs.   ‘Social’ game maker Playtika eliminating 10 jobs in Santa Monica in August.  Milestone Technologies, “…leading IT Managed Services Provider with a mission…”, shutting down its Chico ops, 123 jobs lost by the end of July!  Arizona based electronics distributor Avnet issued a shutdown WARN for its San Jose ops, 94 jobs lost by August.  El Paso Communication Systems shutting down its ops in San Diego in August.   In Scotts Valley the hi-tech company that wanted to force you to turn your ‘dumb’ car into a trackable/controllable ‘smart’ car, Pearl Automation, is now dead, suddenly shutting down due to lack of funding.  Idaho’s Micron eliminating 57 jobs in Milpitas, by September.

Connecticut: Optical networking company Lumentum Operations issued a shutdown WARN, 175 people in Bloomfield jobless by March 2018!

Florida:  The Orlando Sentinel eliminating 115 jobs by the end of December!

Iowa: California based call-center operator Alorica suddenly laid off 44 people in West Des Moines.

New York: The merger between Verizon and Yahoo!-AOL will result in at least 2-thousand-1-hundred jobs being eliminated!  Ridesharing application GT Forge-Gett shutting down in NYC, 62 jobs gone by September.   The New York Times warning of mass layoffs if not enough employees accept the bribe to voluntarily quit (buyouts).  Competing newspapers say The New York Times has already eliminated 109 jobs!  Troubled ‘Peer to peer’ e-commerce Etsy continues killing jobs, the latest reports say an additional 140 people will be laid off, bringing the total so far to 230!   Time says it has to eliminate 3-hundred jobs by the end of the year, through bribes to quit (buyouts) and out-right layoffs!  It was revealed that attempts to sell the iconic news outlet failed.  Marketing/web designer Zone 5 now chapter 11 bankrupt busted and facing eviction for failure to pay rent.  Supposed real-news website based Huffington Post (HuffPost) laid off 39 people after being taken-over by Verizon.  ‘Automated online marketplace’ Merchant Cash & Capital-BIZFI  eliminating at least 43 jobs by September.

North Carolina: Despite the boasts/threats from Donald Trump, home improvement retailer Lowes is eliminating 120 InfoTech jobs in Mooresville, those jobs are being off-shored to India!

Oregon: SureID updated its mass layoff WARN saying as many as 297 people will lose their jobs due to the company losing a tax-sucking U.S. Navy contract!

Pennsylvania: California based ‘maker space’ TechShop shutting down its Pittsburgh location, if it doesn’t get $360-thousand USD in donations before September.

Texas:  In Austin, administrators for ‘successful’ education-tech company Civitas admitted they laid off about 10% of their employees (company admin refused to give specific numbers) back in May, due to “…a lot of experimentation.”

U.S. Tech/Communications breakdown, May 2017: “TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT”

“Everything is closing very, very suddenly…” “Regrettably, there is no end in sight”: ObamaCare ACA Death Spiral, July 2017

Incomplete list of healthcare related layoffs and shutdowns, announced in July 2017:

In 2015, the National Rural Health Association reported that before ObamaCare went into effect 41% of rural hospitals “operate at a financial loss.”  The insurance/medicare-medicaid reimbursement cuts caused by ObamaCare and ‘sequestration’ is killing them off, meaning ObamaCare is actually preventing people from getting healthcare by exponentially increasing rural hospital shutdowns!

According to Gallup and Sharecare “The percentage of U.S. adults without health insurance grew in the second quarter of 2017 to 11.7%, up from 11.3% in the first quarter.”

According to George Mason University’s Mercatus Center 73% of small business owners have no problem with ObamaCare-ACA being ‘repealed’.   31% reduced work hours of employees from full-time to part-time.   22% to 24% of businesses (depending on number of employees) have reduced hiring as a result of ObamaCare-ACA mandate: “Thanks to the ACA…….we estimate the ACA-inspired practice of keeping payrolls below 50 has cost roughly 250,000 jobs.-Casey Mulligan, University of Chicago

Alabama: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program says Alabama is tied for fourth place for most rural hospital shutdowns.   Endo International announced it will shutdown a generic opiod drug (hydrocodone/APAP, oxycodone, etc) factory and distribution operation, 875 jobs gone!  

California:  Long Beach based Medicare service provider Molina Healthcare eliminating 1-thousand-4-hundred jobs (on top of the jobs already eliminated so far this year) after an audit revealed that the company’s optimistic expansion after ObamaCare became law was unrealistic and the company is actually losing money!  In fact, the audit also discovered that under ObamaCare the federal government is holding back on $52-million USD in reimbursements owed to Molina Healthcare!  In Sacramento, First Responder EMS issued a shutdown WARN, 66 jobs gone starting at the end of August.  In Los Angeles, Cedars-Sinai finally notified that it laid off 77 people, back in March.

Florida:  Adolescent Treatment Center of the Palm Beaches eliminating 73 jobs in September.  Healthcare/social services company Fluor Federal Solutions issued a WARN, 125 jobs lost by the end of August!  After more than 60 years A&E Pharmacy in Warrington shutting down due to ObamaCare insurance reimbursements: “The climate for independent pharmacies is definitely not improving. Insurance restrictions and insurance reimbursements are not going in the right direction.”-David Enfinger, co-owner

Georgia: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program ranks Georgia in third place for most rural hospital shutdowns.  God powerless to stop ‘his’ LifePoint Health-Saint Francis Hospital from laying off 55 people in Columbus.  In 2015 the hospital was hit with a $20-million USD fine for failure to comply with federal regulations, that same year it was sold to LifePoint Health.

Idaho: Another year, another insurance increase, this time the greedy health insurance companies want a 38% jump (and that’s the average, some will be higher) in premiums paid by all you happy taxpayers!  More proof The Gem State’s version of ObamaCare is a failure; in Idaho Falls the Community Family Clinic (for people with no ObamaCare insurance) is dealing with an increase in patient volume, and as such is expanding their operations for uninsured people: “The new building will be three times the size of the one we’re in now and will provide more access for patients to come in and be seen.”-Arnold Cantu, administrator

Illinois: God powerless to stop ‘his’ Hospital Sisters Health System Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital from laying off 22 people.  The HSHS hospital recently spent $253 million USD building a new hospital in O’Fallon.  Cook County laying off 1-thousand-1-hundred employees, including public healthcare workers, blaming it on a failed ‘sweetened drink’ tax (blocked by court order)!  Apparently the math deficient county officials thought a tax on drinks could support 1,100 jobs.  During the appeals court hearing Cook County claimed that 90% of its tax collections go to fund public healthcare, even with federally mandated ObamaCare!  CORPAK Medsystems issued a shutdown WARN for its operations in Buffalo Grove, 81 jobs gone in December.  Westmoreland Nursing Center shutting down, 84 jobs gone due to ‘natural disaster’.

Iowa: New Link Genetics issued a layoff WARN, 39 jobs gone by mid-August.

Kansas: The Birth and Women’s Center shutting down by the end of September, administrators say ObamaCare rendered them financially broke, plus they claim they’re having trouble finding ‘qualified’ nurses.

Michigan: Detroit Medical Center laid off 18 people and shutdown eight vacant jobs, the CEO resigned.  According to local news media, ever since ObamaCare went into effect Detroit Medical Center has eliminated at least 325 jobs! 

Mississippi:  North Carolina Rural Health Research Program says Mississippi is tied for fourth place for most rural hospital shutdowns.

Nebraska: New Jersey based Dr. Leonard’s Healthcare Corporation suddenly shutdown its call center, 170 jobs gone!

New York:  Michaud Residential Health Care Facility issued a shutdown WARN, 113 jobs lost by October!  Inter-Lakes Health has been sold-off, 232 jobs lost by mid-October!  Healthcare service company Lighthouse Guild shutting down in Melville, 46 jobs gone by the end of September.

North Carolina:  60 years old non-profit Morehead Memorial Hospital now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, 7-hundred jobs affected!  Select Specialty Hospital-Winston-Salem shutting down by September, 76 jobs lost.

Tennessee:  NewsChannel5 revealed that dozens of hospitals are shutting down, and published a list of nine hospitals already shutdown!  Some desperate counties have imposed extra taxes, like a $60 per wheel tax, but it’s not enough to stop the hospital shutdowns.  Tennessee is ranked second place for most rural hospital shutdowns.

Texas: The Lone Star State is the top state for most rural hospital shutdowns (beating out Tennessee), no thanks to ObamaCare-ACA. Between 2013 and 2016 at least 12 rural hospitals shutdown. Speaking of shutdowns, god powerless to stop ‘his’ Valley Baptist Medical Center-Brownsville from shutting down its psychiatric hospital, by mid-August.   Hearne Healthcare Center nursing home shutting down, possibly due to numerous state regulation violations (63 just in 2015).

Virginia: OBGYN Generations of Women shutdown without warning, along with its Facebook page.  The manager told local news media she got no warning as well, patients are pissed: “Everything is closing very, very suddenly and the pieces just aren’t adding up.”-Jennifer Holliday, patient

Washington:  Renton based non-profit Providence Health & Service warning of more layoffs, across the seven states it operates in, after losing $255-million USD in 2016. The huge loss happened the same year that Providence ended open heart surgeries and began hospital consolidation op in Oregon, no thanks to ObamaCare.

West Virginia: Charleston Area Medical Center eliminating 3-hundred jobs by the end of the year blaming, among other things, ObamaCare: “Regrettably, there is no end in sight for West Virginia’s economic situation, poor reimbursement from governmental insurance, rising cost of drugs and technology, the nursing shortage and the cost of caring for government-insured patients. After the first five months of 2017, CAMC’s operations were on course to lose more than $40 million.”-Dave Ramsey, ceo

ObamaCare (ACA) death spiral June 2017: “IT IS ALREADY TOO LATE”

“You can’t stop the bleeding”: U.S. retail/banking/service sector collapse, May 2017

Incomplete list of U.S. retail/banking/service sector job loss announcements and shutdowns made or announced in May 2017:

Don’t blame the internet: “A lot of the smaller retailers are struggling and the whole retail industry is configuring itself differently these days. It’s not just happening to smaller businesses, it’s happening to larger ones, too. New factors are coming in. How do I pay for my product, it’s not just money anymore and it’s not just a credit card. The consumers have a whole bunch of different choices that go beyond the product and I think small businesses are in a position where they’ve got to react to that.”-Thomas Abbott, Business Administration/International Business at Post University, Connecticut

Alabama: In Athens, after 56 years Collins Supply shutdown due to the heirs not being interested in running the family business.  In Tuscaloosa, after 65 years Barton’s Nursery & Gifts shutdown, the family landscaping business will continue.  In Jasper after 54 years Bull Building Supply shutdown, the owners blaming health problems and no family heirs to take over the business.

 California: Cost Plus World Market shutting down its San Diego store on 4th Avenue by the end of June, local news reports say no reason was given.  In Sacramento, after more than 80 years Taber Furniture shutdown because “The priorities have changed…..it’s not what it used to be……the customer base is diminished.”  In Anaheim, Anabella Hotel shutting down 121 jobs lost, supposedly being replaced with yet another hotel!  In Glendale, after four years live music nightclub Complex shutdown with only a few days notice and no explanation.  San Francisco based Too Big to Jail Wells Fargo shutting down an additional 450 offices by 2019.  Banc of California issued layoff WARNs, 40 people losing their jobs by July.  ‘Residential asset manager’ Kondaur Capital Corporation eliminating 55 jobs in mid-July.  In Burbank, Warner Music issued a layoff WARN, 19 jobs gone by the end of July.  JCPenney issued shutdown WARNs for stores in Richmond and Orange, 177 jobs lost by the end of July!  Bankrupt Los Angeles based clothier B & B Bachrach asked the court for permission to shutdown 12 stores.

Colorado: Donation funded Ellicott Wildlife Rehabilitation Center ran out of money and will shutdown in June.  Local news reports say it’s one of several animal rehab centers to shutdown.

Connecticut: In Woodbury, after more than 30 years Gepetto’s Toys shutting down when the inventory is gone.   JCPenney notified the state it is shutting down its store in Milford, 89 jobs gone by the end of July.   Walmart shutting down its operations in Bristol, 114 jobs gone by mid-July!

Florida:  In Jacksonville, after 35 years Soccer Stop forced to shutdown when corporate giant Nike suddenly halted all shipments to the family owned store! Nike refuses to explain why.   LA Fitness suddenly shutdown its Hide Park Village location, unconfirmed rumors (dating back a couple of years) say it’s being replaced with a grocery store.  What auto industry recovery?  Car dealer Nice Cars chapter 11 bankrupt busted due to sales crashing by $9-million USD from 2014 to 2016!  Once British empire based-but-now co-owned by China, Too Big to Jail HSBC notified the state it would eliminate jobs in Brandon.

Idaho:  In Boise, after 45 years of six to ten hour days, six days per week, the surviving co-owner of Bow Wow Auto Parts shutting it down so she can retire.

Illinois: The Fayette County Bank failed, the FDIC turned assets over to United Fidelity Bank.  In Chicago, after 40 years Tipre Hardware forced to shutdown by the property owner/developers who want to build a massive apartment complex. International law firm Seyfarth Shaw laid off 40 people.   After eight years Cat & Mouse Game Store in Bucktown shutting down so the owners can focus on their store in West Loop.  Star Center Mall chapter 11 bankrupt busted and it’s blamed on “the City of Marion regarding disputed bonds.”  After six years Wee-Peats Kids Resale (no it doesn’t mean they re-sell children) clothing store shutdown.  Don’t blame the internet (they had a Facebook page), the owner says she’s moving to Alaska.  In Jacksonville, Kirlin’s Hallmark shutting down its Lincoln Square Shopping Center gift store by mid-June, “primarily due to declining sales.”  In Decatur, Lincoln Square Theatre suddenly shutdown.  The operators told local news media that they are trying to come up with ideas to help re-open the 1-hundred years old theater.  Bloomington based insurance company State Farm shutting down 11 offices across the U.S. as part of its plan to consolidate operations.   In Rock Island, the last Barkan’s shutdown after 71 years.  Local news media said at one time the family owned clothier was so popular they had four stores.  JCPenney issued shutdown WARNs for its Centerpointe Mall and Peru Mall stores, 174 jobs lost by the end of July!

Indiana: In Plymouth, after 64 years the owners of Tri-Way Drive-In begging for donations to keep the outdoor movie theater from shutting down, blaming it on the cost of upgrading to digital projectors.   In Richmond, after 78 years Veech’s toy store shutting down: “Many factors have led to the decision to close the store, including a significant drop in sales over the past year-and-a-half, which has been experienced by many stores across the nation. A number of independent toy stores have closed in this past year due to these retail trends. We, too, have not been able to weather this precipitous change in sales volume.”

Iowa: In Cedar Rapids, after 19 years Planet X Fun Center suddenly shutdown, it was announced on the company’s website without explaining why.  Premier Linen & Drycleaning  issued a shutdown WARN for its Dubuque  location, 86 jobs lost by mid-June.

Kentucky: 78 years old music venue Renfro Valley Entertainment Center laid off 12 people “Effective immediately” due to the suck-ass local economy.

Louisiana: First NBC Bank failed, FDIC turned assets over to Whitney bank.  After 13 years bridal shop Bustles and Bows shutting down mid-July. In New Orleans, after 53 years the Maple Street Book Shop shutdown for the second time saying “We’re not sure what we’ll do next, but we’ll always keep fighting the stupids. We hope that you will too.”

Massachusetts: In Northhampton, after 12 years clothier Ci Ci Boutique shutting down by the end of June.  Bankrupt Eastern Mountain Sports shutdown its Hyannis store.

Michigan: 37 years old boat shop Landman Sales sold to pay for the owners’ retirement.

Minnesota: Retail giant Target laid off 40 HQ employees, local news reports say employees were given only a week to find another job within the company.  The sudden layoffs were blamed on a 4th quarter in a row of crashing sales (and Target sells online).  Uniform rental company G&K Services issued a shutdown WARN for its corporate HQ, 232 jobs lost as a result of being taken over by a competitor!

Montana: Junk jewelry seller Claire’s shutting down its 25 years old store in the Butte Plaza Mall, by the end of June.

Nebraska: In Kimball, after 52 years LorRon’s Department Store shutdown, the owner saying she needs a “retirement/career change”.

New Jersey:  ‘Popular’ Mountain Creek Resort now chapter 11 bankrupt busted under new ownership, however, the new owners blame the previous owners for the bankruptcy.  In Newark, Total Airport Services issued a WARN, 74 jobs lost by July.   Bankrupt California based clothier B & B Bachrach shutting down its Lawrence Township store by August.

New York: Elitist clothier Michael Kors reported a net loss of $27-million USD and will now shutdown as many as 125 stores, thousands of jobs lost!  Clothier Banana Republic shutting down its store in the Walden Galleria, by the end of June.  Women’s clothier New York & Company suddenly shutdown its popular Forrest Hills store, customers speculated that the rent was too high.  In NYC, Landmark Sunshine Cinema being forced to shutdown by 2018 because the property has been sold to some greedy property developers.  The Cinema owners said they tried to buy the property, with the intent to serve booze to movie goers, but the benevolent city of New York refused them a booze license.   ‘Automated online marketplace’ Merchant Cash and Capital issued a shutdown WARN for its NYC ops, at least 74 jobs lost by August.  In NYC, nightclub operator Webster Hall Entertainment has been sold, 267 jobs affected!   Aircraft Service International lost its contract with JFK Airport, 378 jobs affected by the end of July!  In White Plains, Executive Jet Management issued a shutdown WARN, 54 jobs gone by mid-August.  What real estate recovery? Nationstar Mortgage issued a shutdown WARN for its Elma location, 179 jobs gone by the end of August!   Public Service Insurance issued a shutdown WARN for its NYC location, dozens of jobs affected by mid-August. Walmart shutting down its store in Niskayuna, 102 jobs gone by between July and August!  Non-profit Rides Unlimited of New York/Nassau/Suffolk shutting down due to sale of assets to a bus company, 213 jobs affected!

Ohio:  After 90 years Yellow Cab of Cleveland shutting down within 60 days, officially due lack of qualified taxi drivers.  Huntington Bancshares laying off 129 people in connection to its 2016 take-over of a competitor!  Columbus based clothier Express shutting down all 17 stores in Canada.

Oregon: Florida based Holiday Retirement (aka Holiday AL Management, HolidayTouch.com) notified the state that it will shutdown its corporate office in Lake Oswego, no reason given, about 1-hundred jobs gone by the end of the year!

Pennsylvania: After 1-hundred years of elitist snobbery, ‘social club’ Pittsburgh Athletic Association is now chapter 11 bankrupt busted due to lack of money, due to lack of rich members!  Moon Township based Dick’s Sporting Goods eliminating 1-hundred more jobs despite a small increase in sales!  In Byrn Mawr, after 33 years profit making Pun’s A Wonderland of Toys shutdown ’cause the owner wanted to retire while he was still ahead.  In Frackville, the 40 years old Schuylkill Mall notified its remaining tenants that within 90 days the mall was shutting down.  Reading China and Glass shutting down its store in the VF Outlet Center due to the greedy property owner’s plan to re-develop the shopping center.  Too Big to Jail Bank of America issued a layoff WARN for its Allegheny Center Mall office, 112 jobs lost by July!   JCPenney issued a shutdown WARN for its King of Prussia Plaza store, 118 jobs lost by the end of July!

South Carolina: A 30 years old bookstore ironically called Rainy Day Pals forced to shutdown due to flood damage that occurred in 2015. Owner Calvin Lyles described his failed efforts to repair the store by saying that financially “You can’t stop the bleeding.”  Brigadoon Discount Golf in Surfside Beach shutting down.

Texas:  In College Station, after 32 years Lippman Music shutting down in July, the owner saying the landlord’s plan to jack up the rent is a sign to retire.

Virginia: Bath & Body Works shutting down its store in the Bristol Mall, by June.  In Carytown,  after ten years clothier Eurotrash shutdown due to the owners moving to Texas.  After 72 years McDonald Garden Center shutting down so the owners can focus on their new concept satellite ‘garden market’ stores “…because lifestyles are changing and business is changing rapidly.”

Washington: After 70 years Furney’s Nursery suddenly shutdown because the “…property has become very, very valuable over the years, so they got an offer they couldn’t refuse.”

Wisconsin: Guaranty Bank-Best Bank in Georgia & Michigan failed, 170 offices shutting down, the FDIC turned assets over to First Citizens Bank & Trust.  Online-mail order company Colony Brands issued a shutdown WARN for its distribution center, 113 jobs gone by 2018 due to the greedy landlord!

U.S. Retail/Banking/Service sector April 2017:   “…GREED, ARROGANCE AND JUST PURE DECEITFULNESS.”








“And the church is going to go down….” Slavery! Artificial Intelligence!: U.S. Christian Rapture, July 2017

Incomplete list of U.S. Christian shutdowns, layoffs and Rapture oddities for the Gregorian month of July 2017.

The President of the Philippines demanding that the United States return three church bells stolen by the U.S. during rebellions against U.S. occupiers in 1901.  The bells are now being used by the U.S. military as memorials to that occupation.  The bells were used by Filipino freedom fighters to signal attacks against occupying U.S. forces.

USA Today revealed that the demise of churches across the U.S., and the seeming Rapture of ‘christians’, can be blamed on gentrification, which in turn can be blamed on Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT).  In other words it’s all about making profits, not prophets.

Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg stated that the days of institutions like “churches and little leagues” are over, to be replaced by Facebook’s artificial intelligence.

The Mennonite Church USA (which has lost tens of thousands of members since 1998) announced it is divesting of all its for-profit investments in Israel, in protest over how the Israeli government treats Palestinians.   In the recent past the Presbyterian Church and the United Church of Christ also abandoned their investments in Israel.

The United Church of Christ blames puny humans for climate change, despite the fact that the Earth has experienced massive climate changes, and was much warmer than it is today,  when there were supposedly no humans on the planet.

Arkansas: Two men and a woman arrested for burning down the Mount Superior Baptist Church.

Arizona:  In Cave Creek, food insecurity has become so bad that Good Shepherd of the Hills Episcopal Church makes 4-hundred peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in one hour, as part of their new monthly Sandwich Ministry operations!  The sandwiches and other food items are then distributed by Phoenix Rescue Mission specifically for homeless people.  In Mesa, police arrested a 57 years old man for breaking into the Living Messiah Ministries church and stealing frozen chocolate coins.

California: In San Francisco, a volunteer with Iglesia Cristo Es la Roca is charged with sex crimes against two teen-aged boys.   In Newport Beach, the Episcopal Church is blocking its local Bishop from attempting to sell its Saint James the Great church.  The Bishop was warned in June not to sell the property until the Disciplinary Board reviewed it, but he went ahead and contacted a property developer anyway.  It’s not the first or second time the sale of Saint James the Great church has been blocked by church leaders.  The Cloverdale Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints boasted of growing membership, a whopping 130 members since the mormon church (ward) began in 1964.  Ward (a division of a Stake) members admitted their numbers vary based on the local economy/employment situation.  In Apple Valley, a teen-aged girl is charged with stabbing to death a 79 years old christian minister, and then stealing his car.

Colorado:  Near Boulder, things are so bad that the City on the Hill Church is offering drive through prayer service.   Near Colorado State University the former Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church is being replaced with ‘high-end’ (expensive) student housing.  The church’s reverend said they were looking to move anyway, due to the age of the building.  The Mancos United Methodist Church hiding illegal immigrants, the congregation is even taking shifts as security guards against ICE: “We are here in case someone should show up at night….”-Joanie Trussel

Connecticut: The Iglesia De Dios Pentecostal hiding an immigrant who’se been living in the U.S. illegally since 1993: “I am so grateful to have this support. I thank everyone who has stood by my side.”-Nury Chavarria, illegal

The Moodus village ghost town was bought by the local chapter of the Phillipines based Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church of Christ).  The church claims to have members from 130 countries and plans to turn the ghost town into a resort for their global congregation.  The 62 acre ghost town had been for sale for years, but suddenly sold to the church: “To hear, right out of the blue, that they’re going to close in eight-10 days from the time we heard about it, it took our breath away.”-Emmet Lyman, East Haddam First Selectman

Delaware: In Georgetown, the Providence United Methodist Church forced to take down a sign that read “It’s Adam and Eve not Steve”.

Florida:  A mom in Washington County discovered her son was involved in the Courts of Praise Church burglaries when she found the stolen items in his possession.  When he was arrested he named names of other teen-aged burglars, including a runaway.  A former pastor of New Salem Missionary Baptist Church funneled tens of thousands of dollars of member donations and federal taxpayer funded grants into his personal non-profits, which brought the church to ruin.

Georgia: In Atlanta, a pastor wrote an editorial where he admitted he can’t deal with homeless and mentally ill people coming into his church on Sundays.  His ‘beef’ is that his church offers them help on any other day, but not on Sundays, and he finds it strange that so many helpless people show up on Sundays.  The obviously money focused pastor admits he is trying to target “college students and young professionals and young families” and that he’s tired of families “with young kids….ends up sitting right behind the reeking man from the street.”  Sounds to me like it’s time for Jesus to have a Come to Jesus meeting with this so-called pastor!  Let me, an Animist, remind you what your Jesus said: Yeshua [Jesus] said to him, “A certain man made a great supper and he called many.  He sent his servant at the time of the supper to say to those who were invited, ‘Behold, everything is ready for you; Come.’ And they began each and every one of them to make excuses; the first said to him, ‘I have bought a field, and I am compelled to go to see it. I beg of you, allow me to be excused.’ Another said, ‘I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I am going to examine them; I beg of you, allow me to be excused.’ Another said, ‘I have taken a wife, and therefore I cannot come.’ And that servant came and he told his employer these things; and the owner of the house was angry and he said to his servant, ‘Go out quickly to the marketplaces and to the streets of the city and bring here the poor and the afflicted and the feeble and the blind.’-Luke 14:16-21, Aramaic Bible

Guam: In the U.S. Territory, divided Catholics temporarily settled their differences over the removal of their Archbishop due to sex crimes charges brought by officials in Vatican. Protesters say they’ll hold-off on demonstrations until after the Vatican court makes its decision.

Idaho: On 20 July 2017, mormon Mitt Romney co-founded wunderkind Staples announced they will shutdown their Pocatello location in August.  They blame “customers” for shopping online.

Illinois:   A man who shot and killed his mother (in 2013) in the parking lot of the Burr Ridge Coptic Christian Church was sentenced to 55 years in prison.  During the trial it was revealed the man was frustrated because he was being investigated for immigration fraud by helping Egyptian Christians get into the United States.  The man stated in his call to 9-1-1 that he shot his mother, but after being arrested said his mother killed herself.  A boy drowned in the Fairhaven Baptist Church swimming pool despite two adults and six other children being the pool.   Springfield’s Fifth Lutheran Church shutdown after 129 years, officially because it’s too expensive to maintain the old building. In Oak Forest, food insecurity has become so bad that the Redeemer’s Lutheran Church has built a Blessing Box food cupboard in front of the church, for anybody who’s hungry or anybody who can donate.

Indiana: A classroom at Crosspointe Baptist Church and Christian Academy mysteriously caught fire, investigators blamed it on a faulty power-strip.

Louisiana: Mandeville Baptist church caught on fire and investigators think its arson.  The church has only 15 members.

Maryland:  Donald Trump hating, Seventh Day Adventist founded Kellogg Company (Kellogg’s) shutting down its warehouse in Hagerstown, 76 jobs gone by August!

Massachusetts:   336 years old Unitarian Old Ship Church forced to sell-off its larger parish house and three acres of land.  It’d been for sale for about 14 months, but finally sold for $4.8-million USD. Church leaders claim they could no longer afford to maintain the property.  The new owner of the parish house wants to replace it with apartments.

Michigan: In Flint, the Lincoln Park United Methodist Church announced that the economy is so bad they can’t help the poor anymore: “The lives of people have changed and they don’t think of church like they used to. And the church is going to go down….”-Ira Wells, church trustee

‘Like a thief in the night’,  the Abundant Life Christian Center was burgled by a thief who ignored the audible alarm.  The thief stole a laptop and broke open what he thought was a donation box, then escaped: “We forgive you. If you need prayer or help, we’re here for you. The doors of the church are open.”-Tommy Thompson, deacon

Mississippi:  After only one year pastor Matt Brooks suddenly resigned from the First Baptist Church of Jackson: “This resignation comes not because of moral failure or financial mismanagement but because of differences in leadership philosophy with the leadership of First Baptist.”-church statement

New Jersey: A man who served time in prison for  sex crimes will now be tried for volunteering with the Eternal Life Christian Center.  The state Supreme Court ruled it was essentially a crime for ex-con sex offenders to work in youth programs.  The 124 years old Church of the Ascension was torn down after the Episcopal Diocese declared it structurally unsound, for now it’s just an empty lot.

New York: The Our Lady of the Rosary Church is up for sale.   A teenager arrested for setting fires to storage units is now also charged with the March arson attack on the Milford United Methodist Church.  It should be noted that back in March investigators said the church fire was caused by a faulty electrical system.  God was powerless to stop the assassination of one of ‘his’ NYPD policewomen, city taxpayer dollars were used to spiff up The World Changers Church, in Bronx-NYC, for the funeral.  In Buffalo, the massive historic sandstone Delaware Avenue Baptist Church is for sale, not because membership is crashing, the other way ’round. There’s not enough parking for the growing membership, and it’s too expensive to maintain the unique building.

North Carolina: In Springdale, the Associated Press revealed that the Word of Faith Fellowship (which already has a track record of violating ‘human rights’) is running a slave trade operation, trafficking humans from Brazil: “They trafficked us up here. They knew what they were doing. They needed labor and we were cheap labor, hell, free labor!”-Andre Oliveira, former slave of christian church

The immigrant pastor of the Evangelica Jesus de la Iglesias has overstayed his visa, but refuses to leave.  It was also revealed that he has developed a criminal history for himself since coming to the U.S. in the 1980s.  The leader of the largest Catholic church in the United States, Saint Matthew in Ballantyne, is going out to retirement by demanding the church let priests get married.   Henderson County Sheriff’s Office conducting free taxpayer funded security classes for local churches.  Apparently there is an increased need for christians in Henderson County to feel safe and secure (gee, don’t they have faith in their almighty god?).  Police arrested one of several people suspected of robbing the Lily Memorial Baptist Church, however, the homeless man arrested claims he was sleeping on the church property and was not part of the burglary, although he admits to knowing the burglars.  In Wagram, Spring Branch Mission Baptist Church members have no faith in their leaders after their pastor was forced to resign.  The church congregation went to the brink of civil war and the Scotland County deputies were called in. The church’s board of directors said the pastor lacked vision, and a drivers license(!), and voluntarily resigned (at their request), the congregation suspects a conspiracy.  Food insecurity getting so bad the Sycamore Hill Missionary Baptist Church began offering daily food handouts, and asked people who have enough to donate saying “…if we can touch one home with a meal, we are doing God’s work…”  A local news report described how most traditional ‘hymn driven’ churches are losing members (one church hadn’t baptized anybody since 1996) to other churches who’ve merged to create mega churches using computers and “a lot of video”.   (remember what Zuckerberg predicted?)  A ministry intern with East Tenth Street Church of Christ is now charged with sex crimes after allegedly admitting to having sex with ‘underage’ girls.

Ohio:  In Bartholomew County the Ohio Chapel United Methodist Church and the Triumphant Baptist Church were burgled, vandalized and even set on fire!  Homelessness has become so bad that two additional churches have joined Serving Homeless Alternative Lodging Of Middletown (SHALOM), meaning there are now 13 churches trying to deal with the growing number of homeless people, but apparently the program only runs during the Winter.  Members of Abundant Life Ministries held a meeting after their pastor was arrested for sex crimes, and to discuss the church’s debts.  The members were told by a Calvary Bishop that their church would not shutdown this month.  It turns out the arrested pastor has a criminal record extending from the mid-1990s to the past year.  German immigrant christian founded Kroger shutting down a grocery store in the Southland Shopping Center in Toledo, 115 jobs gone by mid-August!  Fair Hills Church considering selling its 16 hectare (40 acre) campus to Sinclair Community College.

Oklahoma: Oklahoma City based Evangelical owned Hobby Lobby was fined for illegally importing stolen archaeological artifacts, which implies that christian Hobby lobby was supporting Islamic State as that’s where most stolen artifacts are coming from.  Hobby Lobby’s christian owners said they didn’t understand import laws, which is a flat lie because the overwhelming majority of products sold by Hobby Lobby are imported into the U.S. by Hobby Lobby.

Oregon: Youth homelessness so bad that Saint Vincent de Paul of Lane County began remodeling the former Cascade Presbyterian Church, in Eugene, into a Youth House.  The $1.85-million USD homeless shelter project is partially funded by donations from locals. Teen-aged homelessness has become such a problem in Oregon that church member Paul Neville stated “Many of them end up couch-surfing with acquaintances, and some end up on the streets, where they are vulnerable to violence, drugs and a thriving human-trafficking trade the along the Interstate 5 corridor.”  Oregon public schools reported more than 21-thousand homeless students in 2016-17, with almost 2-thousand being pre-kindergarten age!

Pennsylvania:  God decided to strike ‘his’ Saint Agatha Roman Catholic Church of Meadville with lighting, damaging the phone system.   God powerless to stop ‘his’ Saint Monica Senior School bowling alley from being vandalized and burgled.  In Bethlehem, police caught two men dealing heroin out of the Trinity Episcopal Church.  It was the result of undercover work by police who, for some unexplained reason, had suspected the church was being used for drug dealing.  The former Ascension of Our Lord Church in Philadelphia has been revealed to be a heroin addict’s sanctuary.  The revelation was made by a utility manager who took pictures, saying “There were so many people in there it looked like they were waiting for Mass to start.”  It turns out the homeless drug addicts fled to the abandoned church after Philadelphia police drove them away from an active church that was providing them with food.  The Christ Centered Church reports that 75% of their members are former prisoners (mostly for drug crimes), the remaining 25% are relatives of the former ‘offenders’.  Church leaders boast that since 2011 only 5% of their ex-offender members re-offended!  A former youth minister with Southminster Church in Mount Lebanon is charged with fondling a teen-aged girl.  Police claim the former minister confessed.

Tennessee: Council of Bishops of Nashville based African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) stated “The NAACP boasts that it is the oldest civil rights organization in the country. While this is true and ought to make us proud, longevity alone is not proof of relevance. For the reality is that today the NAACP is smaller and less influential than it has ever been in its history as an organization. Today the NAACP intimidates no one. To be perfectly honest, the same challenges that face the NAACP, face mainline faith denominations. We are old, and have not structured or positioned ourselves to meet the times in which our congregants live. The Black Church is seeking to confront its own challenges and we call upon the NAACP to do the same.”  Donald Trump hating, Seventh Day Adventist founded Kellogg Company (Kellogg’s) shutting down its Rossville Eggo waffle factory, 117 jobs (some reports say 155 jobs) gone between September and December!

Texas: In San Antonio, KENS reported that “Cow tongue found stabbed through” the door of the Botánica de Sanación del Espiritu Santo (Healing Botany Of The Holy Spirit) church.  For some odd reason the paranoid church members thought it was a human heart, witnesses said even superstitious police thought it was some kind of human organ.   In Denison, an abandoned church on Armstrong Avenue and Hull Street was torn down under the guise of “Keeping Denison Beautiful and Moving Forward”.  It’s being replaced with for-profit apartments.   In Longview, after 99 years Kerns Bakery suddenly shutdown, selling everything off, after failing to find a buyer willing to continue the operation the frustrated owners blamed god: “God has closed door after door for us to move and expand the bakery.  Due to this we believe that He is pointing our family down a new path in life.” 

Utah:  A FLDS (fundamentalist mormon) leader was ‘re-captured’ and charged with welfare fraud, money laundering and failing to appear in court.  Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (mormon) announced that they will continue supporting, temporarily, the now homosexual accepting Boy Scouts of America.  LDS Church Public Affairs reporting that the number of mormons in Utah County increased by 37-thousand-475 between 2013 and 2016, and it’s a huge business opportunity: “The church has teams of realtors, architects, and legal counsel that go through the area trying to look for long-term needs.”-Michael Merz, Freedom Stake president

Virginia:  The Rocky Mount Town Council denied a request by Tabernacle of Praise Church of Christ to establish a church in an industrial zone.  The town council said “They’re not making any more land. Industrial property is extremely difficult to come by.”   In Virginia Beach, the old Hilltop Community Church was torn down, to be replaced by a Germany based  grocery store.

Washington: Adventist Health issued a shutdown WARN for its Walla Walla ops, 371 jobs lost by mid-August!

Wisconsin: Saint Matthew’s Church in Oak Creek was vandalized.  Christian agnostic Warren Buffett owned meat packer Oscar Mayer-Kraft shutdown its 1-hundred years old factory in Madison, as a result of the 2015 merger of Kraft-Heinz and Oscar Mayer.

2nd Quarter 2017 U.S. Christian Rapture: “no longer feasible”

“But the root of all these evils is the love of money, and there are some who have desired it and have erred from the faith and have brought themselves many miseries.”-1 Timothy 6:10 Aramaic Bible

“And Yeshua entered the temple and drove out all those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves. And he said to them, It is written: ‘My house will be called the House of prayer, but you have made it a den of robbers.’ “-Matthew 21:12-13 Aramaic Bible

“Yeshua said to them, ‘Give what is Caesar’s to Caesar and what is God’s to God.’ And they marveled at him.”-Mark 12:17 Aramaic Bible

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.-1st Amendment, U.S. Constitution

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance (or even be counted as unemployed): “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”

The lies of economic decline: Pocatello Staples shutdown blamed on the internet!

22 JUL 2017 / 18:56 UTC-07 Tango 06 (01 Mordad 1396/28 Shawwal 1438/01 Bing Wu 4715)

“As customers shift online, we are taking aggressive action to right-size our retail footprint.”-official Staples statement

There are two main lies being propagated by unAmerican corporate America (and the government that supports those corporations): Not enough ‘qualified’ U.S. citizens to fill vacant positions, and internet competition.

Staples on Hurley Drive in Pocatello, Idaho, shutting down in August.

Staples on Hurley Drive in Pocatello, Idaho, shutting down in August.

On 20 July 2017, Mitt Romney co-founded wunderkind Staples announced they will shutdown their Pocatello, Idaho, location in August.  They blame “customers” for shopping online.

Remember, Staples sells online as well as in brick-n-mortar stores.

I’ve pointed out before that online sales aren’t that big.  Just this year Karen Edwards, instructor at University of South Carolina’s College of Hospitality Retailing and Sport Management, stated to local news media that internet sales make up only 10%-15% of all U.S. retail sales!  This is really part of a conspiracy by the retail industry to shift to internet only operations, mainly because the cost of operating a brick-n-mortar store (especially rent and utilities) now outweighs sales at those stores.

Don’t blame the Internet: Idaho internet sales tax collections flat-line!








“significant downturn in business”: U.S. Mining/Industrial/Logistics layoffs, May 2017

Incomplete list of U.S. Mining/Industrial/Logistics job loss/shutdown announcements made in May 2017.

Arkansas: France based Dassault eliminating 6% of its Little Rock Falcon Jet factory workers due to “…worldwide economic and political uncertainty combined with a prolonged imbalance between supply and demand for new aircraft as well as a large inventory of pre-owned aircraft competing with new sales.” 

 California: Angelica Textile Services issued a shutdown WARN for its Gilroy factory, 160 jobs gone by July!  Benz Propane issued a layoff WARN, 101 employees in Tehachapi to become unemployed by August!  Oil company Breitburn Energy Partners now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, blaming ‘low’ oil prices for not be able to pay its debts.  Despite record online sales in 2016, plush sports doll maker Bleacher Creatures now chapter 11 bankrupt busted due to a major customer (Sports Authority) ceasing to exist and problems with licensing.  Boeing issued layoff WARNs for 38 more employees. In Pittsburg, joint U.S.-Korean steel company USS-POSCO Industries issued a mass layoff WARN, 635 jobs gone in July!

Colorado: Mesa Oil-Mesa Environmental now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, for the second time.  This time debts include $3-million USD in back-due federal taxes.

Florida:  In Miami, transportation company Transdev Services eliminating 102 jobs by the end of June!

Georgia: Cleaning chemical maker ZEP shutting down two factories in Fulton, 158 jobs gone!  International Fragrance-Agilex Fragrance halting ops in Cherokee, 32 jobs lost. 

Idaho: In Boise, after seven years non-profit glass recycler Usful Glassworks shutdown due to lack of funding/donations.

Illinois:  Nippon Sharyo laid off 110 Rochelle rail car employees due to “technical complications and delays”!  The Japan based company has been laying off employees since 2015. GE (General Electric) shutting down its Lamp Plant in Mattoon, 135 jobs lost between July 2017 and March 2018!  API Logistics shutting down its warehouse ops in Hodgkins, 114 jobs lost due to loss of contract!  Without warning Fisher & Ludlow-Nucor Grating shutdown its architectural metal works operations in Litchfield, 60 jobs gone with no official reason given.

Indiana: Continental Structural Plastics issued a WARN, 164 jobs gone by the end of July due to a major industrial customer shutting down for three months!  Packaging maker Printpack eliminating 45 jobs in Bloomington after losing a major customer.  Despite earlier threats by Donald Trump, HVAC company Carrier suddenly began eliminating 3-hundred jobs!  Carrier also warned that more layoffs will take place later in the year as work is shifted to Mexico!

Iowa: What automotive industry recovery?  Caterpillar issued a shutdown WARN for its factory in Elkader, 59 jobs gone starting in July.

Louisiana: Oil service company Tidewater now chapter 11 bankrupt busted mainly due to sale-leaseback disputes.

Maryland: Kaydon Ring & Seal issued a WARN, 217 jobs gone starting in July due to production being consolidated to other locations!

Massachusetts: One of the largest distribution companies in the U.S., Veritiv, shutting down its warehouse in Wilmington, 170 jobs lost to consolidation operations!

Michigan:  What automotive industry recovery?  Ford announced it will eliminate 1-thousand-4-hundred salaried jobs through attrition, bribery (buyouts) and outright layoffs as part of Ford’s plan to eliminate 10% of its salaried jobs in North America and Asia!  Spain based auto parts maker Gestamp laying off 84 people in Lapeer, due to the loss of a client.  General Motors (GM) eliminating more than 6-hundred jobs as it ends production of the GMC Acadia.

Missouri: Cleaning and storage company Katy Industries now bankrupt busted and for sale.  Rubber/plastic products maker Cosmoflex shutdown its Hannibal ops, 45 jobs lost to consolidation.

New Jersey:  What construction industry recovery?  Flooring maker Mannington laid off 80 people due to the sale of one of its product lines to a competitor.

North Carolina: Alamac American Knits shutting down in Lumberton, 154 remaining jobs gone over the next two months!  Administrators stated that before NAFTA went into effect they “…employed 1,000.”  What automotive industry recovery?  Caterpillar shutting down its Morganton factory, 85 jobs gone starting in July.  Celadon Trucking Services shutting down its Nash County operations, 127 jobs lost!

Ohio: Cincinnati based ‘household’ products maker Proctor & Gamble shutting down a factory in Canada, supposedly as part of a plan to bring jobs back to the United States.  What automotive industry recovery? Maker of car batteries (including for those stupid electric cars) Robert Bosch Battery Systems laid off 88 people due to a “significant downturn in business”.   Ford laid off 130 pick-up truck assemblers at a factory near Cleveland, apparently because of slow truck sales!  Hyundai Ideal Electric Company issued a shutdown WARN, eliminating the remaining jobs in July.  At one time the Korea based company employed more than 1-hundred people in Mansfield. Maker of parts for the computer and aerospace industries, McSwain Manufacturing suddenly laid off 30 people and will lay off another 30 “…due to a dramatic and sudden reduction in purchase orders…”

Oregon: Transportation company Specialty Mobility Services issued a shutdown WARN, 101 jobs lost due to loss of contract!

Pennsylvania:  Germany based logistics company DB Schenker eliminating 66 jobs by the end of July. Mark Line Industries suddenly shutdown, 44 jobs lost in Ephrata.  Hubbell Lighting shutting down its L-E-D factory in Bristol Borough, 114 jobs lost!  In Cannonsburg, Nobel Energy shutting down, 99 jobs lost between July and September.

Tennessee: Norfolk Southern Railways laid off 41 people as part of a plan to cut operations at its Debutt’s Yard by 50%.  HVAC parts maker Robertshaw laid off 134 people and shutdown a factory on Cummings Highway, as a result of taking over a competitor!

Texas: Oil company GulfMark Offshore now chapter 11 bankrupt busted with $430-million USD of debt.  Oil industry parts supplier AFGlobal chapter 11 bankrupt busted.

Virginia: White Birch Paper Company shutting down its mill in Hanover County, 165 jobs lost as production shifting to Canada!

Washington: Boeing issued mass layoff WARNs, 917 jobs gone between the end of June and the end of July!  Spectrum Glass shutting down its Woodinville factory at the end of June.

Wisconsin:  What automotive industry recovery?  Maker of exhaust pipes-mufflers Stroughton based Nelson Global Products announced it will shutdown factories in Tennessee and Minnesota, about 3-hundred jobs lost by the end of the year, due to global competition!

Mining/Industrial/Logistics layoffs, April 2017: “DUE TO A LARGE LOSS OF BUSINESS….”


“no longer feasible”: U.S. Christian Rapture (?) 2nd Q 2017

Incomplete list of U.S. Christian shutdowns and layoffs for the Gregorian months of April, May and June 2017.

Crosier Fathers and Brothers now chapter 11 bankrupt busted due to more than 40 sexual harassment lawsuits.

Arkansas: Christian founded Bentonville based Walmart laid off hundreds more corporate employees, including 3-hundred Information System Division employees!  It’s part of Walmart’s plan to improve its lagging e-commerce sales.   God powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’  Ambassadors for Christ Academy in Bentonville.  Local news media said no official reason was made public, but that enrollment at the K thru 12 school had crashed from hundreds of students to just 95 students!

Alabama: God’s Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School warning of shutdown due to funding problems caused by The Rapture, I mean declining enrollments.  British empire based Salvation Army shutting down its Family Thrift Store in Anniston, due to lack of sales.

California:   Christian agnostic Warren Buffett owned Meadowbrook Meat Company shutting down its operations in Pleasanton and Tracy, 147 jobs gone between July and October, as well as the shutdown of its Ontario ops, 171 jobs lost in May!  God powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ 66 years old Saint John’s Episcopal School, due to The Rapture, I mean what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome.   God powerless to stop ‘his’ elementary and secondary school services op Roman Catholic Welfare Corporation from halting operations at three locations, 126 jobs gone by June!  In San Francisco, god powerless to stop ‘his’ Sutter Health-Saint Luke’s Hospital from laying off 72 nurses. Several hospital ‘units’ will be shutdown as well, affecting 44 sub-acute patients.   Donald Trump hating, Seventh Day Adventist founded Kellogg Company (Kellogg’s) issued shutdown WARNs for its warehouse ops, 510 jobs gone by August!  British empire based Salvation Army issued a shutdown WARN for a Los Angeles location, 45 jobs gone by the end of July.    ‘Born Again’ christian founded JCPenney announced it is shutting down stores in Richmond and Orange, 177 jobs lost by the end of July!

Colorado: Christian founded Walmart shutting down its four years old Neighborhood Market in Boulder, 70 jobs affected.  In Craig, apparently god told the pastor who operates Loyal Outreach Voluntary Evangelistic Ministries International Thrift Store, Yvette Williams Davis, to shut it down and “…. take a break, to travel and perform ministerial duties….”

Connecticut:   ‘Born Again’ christian founded JCPenney notified the state it is shutting down its store in Milford, 89 jobs gone by the end of July.  Christian founded Walmart shutting down its operations in Bristol, 114 jobs gone by mid-July! The Hartford Archdiocese shutting down 26 churches and merging 59, as a result of a two year survey which revealed The Rapture, I mean massive losses of church members!

Florida: Christian Seventh Day Adventist founded (and openly anti-Trump) Kellogg’s (Kellogg Company) announced it will shutdown its Weston food distribution center, killing 246 jobs by mid-August, as part of Kellogg’s ongoing operation Special K (Project K, started in 2013)!

Georgia: Christian Methodist founded Atlanta based Coca-Cola announced it will kill 1-thousand-2-hundred jobs in the second half of 2017!

Idaho: Despite mormon dominated Pocatello City Council, and the Bonneville Neighborhood Association, denying her request to open a homeless shelter Pastor Jacqualine ‘Big Momma’ Thomas is still at it!  Thomas claims the new undisclosed property she’s considering is zoned residential/commercial, so there shouldn’t be a problem from mormon dominated organizations who don’t think homelessness is a problem in Pocatello.  Also, she just won Ms Idaho Senior Citizen!     A Mormon Rexburg woman had her insurance license revoked by state officials after she filed false medical claims.   God was completely powerless to stop ‘his’ LDS-mormon ‘elected’ U.S. congressman Raúl Rafael Labrador (now running for govna of Idaho) from stating “Nobody dies because they don’t have access to healthcare.”  I personally know somebody (the mother of my children) who died because she was refused access to healthcare, and she had insurance!

Illinois:    Christian Seventh Day Adventist founded (and openly anti-Trump) Kellogg’s (Kellogg Company) announced it will shutdown its Batavia food distribution center, killing 278 jobs by mid-August, as part of Kellogg’s ongoing operation Special K (Project K, started in 2013)!  God powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ 55 years old sexist ‘girls only’ Queen of Peace High School in Burbank.   ‘Born Again’ christian founded JCPenney issued shutdown WARN for its Centerpointe Mall and Peru Mall stores, 174 jobs lost by the end of July!

Indiana:  After 62 years Indianapolis based, and christian founded in 1955 (and you can stop your ‘bitchin’ because on top of that one of the christian co-founders was a woman!), electronics retailer hhgregg suddenly died, all 220 stores and 14 distribution centers shutting down and hundreds of jobs lost by the end of May!   God powerless to stop ‘his’ Saint Vincent Frankfort Hospital from laying off 124 people due to not renewing its lease with Clinton County!   God powerless to stop ‘his’ Saint Joseph’s College from renouncing its accreditation, suspending campus activities and eliminating 416 jobs in June! Administrators said they hope to be re-accredited once they get some money to operate the school.

Kentucky: God powerless to stop ‘his’ Methodist Hospital from suddenly laying off 61 people, admitting that ObamaCare is more powerful than god saying “Our hospital admissions and outpatient volumes are not meeting expectations, while uncompensated care expenses are up significantly. This imbalance mirrors what healthcare organizations across our state are experiencing.”

Maryland:  In New Windsor, international christian ministry-school operation Brethren Service Center shutdown its upper campus because it was “no longer feasible”.  The ‘upper campus’ has a history of being operated by various christian groups and supposedly will soon be under new management.

Massachusetts:    God powerless to stop ‘his’ 66 years old Saint Anthony School from total shutdown due to The Rapture: “The numbers of enrolled students simply cannot support the financial responsibilities that would be necessary to operate and provide a quality education…”-Reverend Leo-Paul LeBlanc

Minnesota:  Christian Seventh Day Adventist founded (and openly anti-Trump) Kellogg’s (Kellogg Company) announced it will shutdown its ‘Twin Cities’ food distribution center, killing 216 jobs by mid-August, as part of Kellogg’s ongoing operation Special K!  Despite TV and internet sales, My Pillow (founded and run by a man who is a rabid Donald Trump supporter, and claims to be a devout Christian who supports christian charities with his profits) suddenly laid off 140 people in Chaska, due to the loss of its Better Business Bureau accreditation over complaints of false advertising! In Mankato, after 40 years Lighthouse Christian Book & Gift Shop shutting down, the patriotic christian owners revealed that their profits have been going to other countries, like Cuba.

Mississippi:   In Pearl, god powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ British empire based Salvation Army Family Thrift Store.

 Missouri: Christian Seventh Day Adventist founded (and openly anti-Trump) Kellogg’s (Kellogg Company) announced it will shutdown its Kansas City food distribution center, killing 185 jobs by mid-August, as part of Kellogg’s ongoing operation Special K!

Montana: Christian agnostic Warren Buffet owned BNSF eliminating 55 jobs in Glendive.

Nebraska:  Christian agnostic Warren Buffet owned BH Media Group suddenly laid off 289 people and closed 108 vacant newspaper jobs!  God powerless to stop ‘his’ Creighton University from laying off 60 people.  Administrators blamed competition with other universities for The Rapture of students.   Anybody who’s been following my Dumbing Down reports knows that’s a bogus reason because most U.S. universities are dealing with crashing enrollments.   God powerless to stop ‘his’ Boys Town based Boys Town from shutting down after-school ops in the states of California, New York and Texas: “California, New York and Texas are attempting to reform their child welfare system and are doing so in ways that makes it difficult to provide quality, family-style care of the type Boys Town has built a long history of providing.”

New Jersey: God powerless to stop ObamaCare from forcing Saint Mary’s General Hospital to layoff 20 people.  Administrators blamed ObamaCare saying “Our hospital never denies care to the poor or uninsured, and this major loss of government reimbursement negatively affected our finances.”   Known for Home of the Friars basketball, god powerless to stop ‘his’ Saint Anthony High School from shutting down due to The Rapture (not enough students or money): “Our seats had not gotten warm and we were done!”-Bob Hurley, basketball coach

God powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ 24 years old Saint Michael Shop: “Over the past eight years, business has been gravely declining and we have no choice but to close.”-Charlie Gordon, co-owner of the christian store

New York:   ‘Born Again’ christian founded JCPenney shutting down its West Nyack store, 89 jobs lost by the end of July.  Christian Seventh Day Adventist founded (and openly anti-Trump) Kellogg’s (Kellogg Company) shutting down six food distribution centers to its Empire State shutdown list (from the two in April), killing about 318 jobs by mid-August, as part of Kellogg’s ongoing operation Special K!    God powerless to stop Catholic Charities from shutting down its Fidelis Parenting/Fatherhood Program by July.  God powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ 133 years old Immaculate Conception School saying “Enrollment is at a historic low and the increased financial strain on both the school and parish is insurmountable.”  God powerless to stop ‘his’ Nebraska based Boys Town from shutting down six Father Flanagan’s Boys Homes, 92 jobs gone by September.  God powerless to stop ‘his’ College of New Rochelle from suddenly laying off 32 people, in an attempt “to achieve financial stability.”  God powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ Saint Joseph’s School in Kingston due to The Rapture, I mean what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome: “St. Joseph’s has seen a decline in enrollment in recent years which has presented considerable operational challenges to maintaining the school.”-Archdiocese Superintendent of Schools Timothy McNiff

North Carolina: Christian Seventh Day Adventist founded (and openly anti-Trump) Kellogg’s (Kellogg Company) announced it will shutdown two food distribution centers, killing 5-hundred jobs by mid-August, as part of Kellogg’s ongoing operation Special K!

 North Dakota: God powerless to stop ‘his’ CHI Saint Alexius from laying off an additional 25 people, for a total so far of 119 in the past year!  In Grand Forks, after 45 years Amazing Grains Natural Foods Market shutdown blaming internet and ‘big box’ competition: “Sales were dropping slowly for a year or so, and then Natural Grocers opened and sales dropped over 30%, and it’s hard for any business to recover from that.”-Betsy Perkins, manager

Ohio:  Mormon Mitt Romney co-founded wunderkind Staples shutting down its store in Boardman, by July, blaming crashing sales (Staples sells online). 

Pennsylvania:  Christian Methodist founded Coca-Cola blaming new city taxes on sodas for crashing sales, forcing them to layoff 40 people.  Christian Seventh Day Adventist founded (and openly anti-Trump) Kellogg’s (Kellogg Company) announced it will shutdown two food distribution centers, killing 503 jobs by mid-August, as part of Kellogg’s ongoing operation Special K!  God powerless to stop the consolidation of ‘his’ North Hills Catholic schools, which will result in at least 36 teachers becoming unemployed.  God powerless to stop ‘his’ Saint Bartholomew School from shutting down.  It’s blamed on The Rapture, I mean crashing enrollment, and skyrocketing debts incurred to operate the school.

Texas:  In San Antonio, 60 years old Saint Stephen Catholic Church shutting down in August due to crashing membership (The Rapture?) and skyrocketing building maintenance costs.   Christian Seventh Day Adventist founded (and openly anti-Trump) Kellogg’s (Kellogg Company) announced it will shutdown two food distribution centers, killing 421 jobs by mid-August, as part of Kellogg’s ongoing operation Special K!  In El Paso, god powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ 60 years old Our Lady of Assumption school: “Those associated with the school have been aware of the decline in enrollment the school has experienced in recent years, going from 134 in the 2012-13 school year to the present 83. There simply are not as many children in that part of the city as there once was.”-Bishop Mark J. Seitz

Virginia:   In Lynchburg, god powerless to stop the sudden shutdown of ‘his’ almost 60 years old Quaker Memorial Preschool due to The Rapture, I mean lack of students.  God powerless to stop ‘his’ 45 years old Alliance Christian Academy from sudden shutdown: “The reality is that the church is defining its mission and strategy for the future. Moving forward, the church is simply going to be focusing on its role as a church and not staffing and supporting a school.”-Glenn Reynolds, attorney

Washington:  God powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ Lakewood Christian Gift Center & Bookstore, no reason given.

1st Quarter 2017 U.S. Christian Rapture: “A MASSIVE APOSTASY”

“But the root of all these evils is the love of money, and there are some who have desired it and have erred from the faith and have brought themselves many miseries.”-1 Timothy 6:10 Aramaic Bible

“And Yeshua entered the temple and drove out all those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves. And he said to them, It is written: ‘My house will be called the House of prayer, but you have made it a den of robbers.’ “-Matthew 21:12-13 Aramaic Bible

“Yeshua said to them, ‘Give what is Caesar’s to Caesar and what is God’s to God.’ And they marveled at him.”-Mark 12:17 Aramaic Bible

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.-1st Amendment, U.S. Constitution

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance (or even be counted as unemployed): “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”

Idaho Mormon politician says you don’t need healthcare!

In May 2017,  god was completely powerless to stop ‘his’ mormon ‘elected’ U.S. congressman Raúl Rafael Labrador from stating “Nobody dies because they don’t have access to healthcare.”

In a video taken in a church(?) where mormon (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, LDS) Labrador was taking ‘town hall’ questions from the public, he was asked many questions about the poor quality of healthcare for low income people in the United States.  Not only did Labrador claim the U.S. has the best healthcare in the world for poor people (proven to be false by the United Nations World Health Organization) but he added “Nobody dies because they don’t have access to healthcare.” 

I personally know somebody who died because she was refused access to healthcare, and she had insurance!  She was suffering from delusions and physical problems caused by her prescription meds.  She was the mother of my children, and my son and I took her to Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center for emergency help.  The ER staff told us they believed she was suffering as a result of addiction to her meds and under Idaho law they could and did refuse medical help.  They kept saying “she won’t die”, the next morning she was found dead in her mobile-home by the mobile-home park manager, and a nurse that admitted to me that she was personally concerned by her condition and for some reason was compelled to check on her that next morning.  My adult children tried to get legal help but were told that unless it was an “open and shut case” the laws in Idaho made it almost impossible to sue the healthcare industry.  Lawyers were willing to take the case if my children paid cash up front, but being a poor family that ain’t gonna happen.  So to all you ‘christians’ who say ‘nobody dies from lack of healthcare’ I say I hope there is a Hell and you burn in it forever!

In 2016, Kenneth Krell, director of Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center in Idaho Falls, testified to state politicians that Idaho’s version of ObamaCare is being directly blamed for the deaths of 1-thousand Idahoans since 2013, by denying access to healthcare: “And I kept asking myself, how could this be? How, in a state like Idaho where we care about each other, could I be seeing deaths and really damaging illness on a nearly daily basis as a result of failure to expand Medicaid that cost tangible lives? It’s difficult to understand.” 

By the way, idiot mormon Labrador is hoping to be ‘elected’ the next govna of Idaho!






“Where did all this money go?” “That’s the end of the game.”: July 2017, even more Sears-Kmart shutdowns! Cancels pay for employees! Taxpayers screwed again!

“Empty plates are what Sears ex-employees will be staring at after they have been rooked out of their severance and retirement payments!”#BoycottSearsCanada

Sears Canada is now for sale by order of the court: “The national retailer and its court-ordered monitor, FTI Consulting Inc., can select one or more successful bids by Oct. 25.”

“Where did all this money go?”-Zobeida Maharaj, former store operations manager who worked for Sears for 28 years

Sears Canada fires the brother of ‘Austin Powers’: Mike Myers’ Brother, Star of a Sears TV Ad, Laid Off 

Canadian news sources report that Sears Canada suddenly canceled severance pay for newly laid-off former employees, affecting thousand of people!

Sears Canada is also asking a bankruptcy judge to allow them to cancel retirement payments as well!   As part of some supposed agreement with retirees, and the bankruptcy court, Sears Canada is paying corporate level managers $9.2-million CAD in so called retention bonuses!     Former employees are pissed: “This situation happened because of mismanagement, and it should not be the workers that have to pay for that.”-Marinella Gonzalez, employee for 18 years before getting laid off with no severance

Reuters: Eddie Lampert demands access to Sears Canada bankruptcy documents

U.S. majority owners of Sears Canada stock (including Eddie Lampert) have hired attorneys in the hopes of getting some money out of now bankrupt Sears Canada!  When a company goes bankrupt the court can allow the stock to become null & void.

Sears Hometown store in Okotok and Cambridge, Canada, two of 13 being shutdown along with 20 Sears stores and ten Sears Outlet stores.

Bloomberg: Sears Holdings hit with 401k lawsuit

NBC Connecticut: Sears frigerator refuses to work

Taxpayers are about to become the de-facto owners of a vacant Kmart property near Antioch, Tennessee.  Nashville Mayor Megan Barry wants to spend $7.45-million tax dollars to use the former Kmart as a new Metro Police command center. 

Forbes: Amazon Didn’t Kill JC Penney And Sears Jobs, Bad Leadership Did

Sears Kmart Death Spiral, June 2017:  “already-dead” Hundreds of new store shutdowns, thousands of jobs lost!

07 JULY 2017, Sears Holdings just officially added 43 more stores to its snowballing shutdown list.  Here’s the updated list of U.S. Sears-Kmart store closings that I’ve been compiling since the end of 2011, new shutdowns in bold:

Alabama: Athens and Tuscaloosa Kmarts in October 2017. Dothan and Muscle Shoals Kmarts.  Taxpayers in the city of Oxford could become the new owners of the vacant Sears store in the Quintard Mall.  Oxford mayor Alton Craft loves the plan, but admitted to local news media “We don’t know exactly what the plan is yet.”  But wait there’s more!  Oxford city council already approved the purchase of the dead Sears, and then in anticipation of competition passed a new law restricting the number of yard sales cash strapped taxpaying residents can have (and requiring a yard sale permit)! Reports that the Pell City Kmart will shutdown.  Taxpayers in the city of Oxford forced to pay for the former Sears building at the Quintard Mall.  The mayor of Oxford recently announced that in an effort to save the local economy they’re willing to buy the property, which has been up for sale since November 2016.   38 years old Florence Sears store and Auto Center shutdown in April 2017.  Jasper Mall Kmart.  Phenix City Kmart on US 280. Sears Hometown Store in Prattville shutting down in January 2017.   The Madison Square Mall Sears store & Auto Center shutdown in January 2017, but only because the leaders of Huntsville want to redevelop the mall property. Supposedly a new, and much smaller, contractor operated Sears appliance only store will be part of the mall redevelopment.  Taxpayers of Huntsville are expected to spend at least $12-million USD on the redevelopment!  Sears offspring Seritage Growth Properties says the ‘Sears’ property in Cullman is shutting down.   27 Kmart & Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!  After 16 years the Troy Sears Hometown Store suddenly shutdown, the contracted owners said they couldn’t find anybody willing to take over the contract. Oxford Sears (local news reports said the Oxford Sears opened in 1985 with 225 employees!), Birmingham Kmart on Chalkville Mountain, Decatur Kmart on Beltline Road, Homewood Kmart, Mobile Kmart on Z Schillingers Road. The Montgomery Sears store and Auto Center in the Eastdale Mall shutting down, 56 jobs lost in June 2016. City leaders of Anniston have agreed to fork over $3-million precious local tax dollars to fund the re-development of an abandoned Kmart. Prattville Kmart will shutdown in April 2016, 70 jobs lost. Florence Kmart in March, 64 jobs lost in 2016. A local news report said the employees knew nothing about it and were shocked to hear it from the news media! Dothan Kmart (south side of Ross Clark Circle) shutting down in March, 56 jobs lost in 2016. Gadsden Kmart (50 jobs lost), Mobile Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Auburn Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Anniston Kmart (no word yet on how many jobs lost), Birmingham Eastwood Kmart (70 jobs lost), Decatur Mall Sears (91 jobs lost), Fort Payne Kmart, Northport Kmart (68 jobs lost), Dothan Sears (68 jobs lost), Huntsville Kmart (73 jobs lost), Sears Store and Auto Center at the Bel Air Mall in Mobile (more than 100 jobs lost).

Alaska: The Anchorage Sears Store & Auto Center, the Wasilla Sears Store, the Fairbanks Sears Store & Auto Center made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list.

Arkansas: Little Rock Kmart. Jonesboro Sears store. 17 Kmart & Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list.  Sears store and Auto Center in Pine Bluff shutting down in August 2016. Little Rock Sears shutdown in July 2016.

Arizona: Kingman Kmart and a Phoenix Kmart in October 2017.  Bullhead City Kmart. In Tucson, Sears Holdings spin-off Seritage Growth says it will shutdown and lease out half of the floor space in the Park Place Sears store.   Sierra Vista Kmart shutting down in December 2016. 42 Sears & Kmart properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!  Nogales Kmart shutdown by July 2016, despite the fact that it’s a profit making store (many of its cash paying customers cross the border from Mexico). The Prescott Valley Kmart shutdown April 2016. No word on how many jobs lost, but one employee was quoted by local news as saying “Walmart won.” Reports that the Glendale Kmart will shutdown, no word on job losses. Scottsdale Sears/Great Indoors, Chandler Sears/Great Indoors. Recently revealed Arrowhead Towne Center Sears sold-off then rented back! Chandler Fashion Center Sears sold-off then rented back!

California: In Costa Mesa, the upscale South Coast Plaza mall bought the 50 years old Sears store for $187-million USD, local news media said the mall owners refused to say what their plans are for the still active store.  More proof the shutdowns are part of a REIT conspiracy; the new property owner of the land currently occupied by the Santa Rosa Kmart revealed plans to city officials to force the still active Kmart to shutdown!  Eureka Kmart and a Riverside Kmart, 116 jobs lost in October 2017!   By September 2017 the 29 years old Chico Sears store, Blyth Kmart, a Sacramento Kmart, Manteca Kmart, the Sears store on La Jolla Village Drive in San Diego, the Sears Hometown Store in Oroville, all resulting in at least 4-hundred jobs lost!  San Louis Obispo Sears shutting down in July, after 89 years of local sales. Local news media asked one resident why she thought they were shutting down and she replied “I just went in there and they don’t have crap!”  The Chico Sears Auto Center shutdown in May 2017.  When asked about Sears Holdings’ claim that displaced workers can get work at other Sears-Kmarts, Rhonda Shaffer, the manager of the Chico location, told local news media “The other stores are full up. There’s nowhere for them to go.”  The last Kmart in Anaheim (home city to Disneyland) is shutdown.  The Westfield University Towne Center Sears in San Diego shutdown.  WARN filings revealed the Sears Hometown store in San Leandro shutdown at the end of December 2016, and the historic Santa Monica Sears shutdown, 80 jobs lost in April 2017.  In North Hollywood, local news media reporting that a very profitable Sears store suddenly began a ‘remodeling’ project by ripping up the flooring.  Loyal, and apparently plentiful, customers were afraid the store was being shutdown.  But Sears reps told the local press that they are making improvements as the store because “This store is a very successful store for Sears. We are very busy and very profitable.”  In Carson, the Southbay Pavillion Sears shutting down, 105 jobs lost by July 2017! Santa Cruz Sears Auto Center. The old Santa Monica Sears store on Colorado Boulevard shutdown in April 2017 due to the property being sold to a developer. Carson Town Center Kmart (supposedly the last Kmart in the South Bay area), local news reports say the building is being chopped up into smaller retail shops, one third of which has already been leased to a restaurant.  Bakersfield Kmart, Coalinga Kmart, Kingsburg Kmart. Taxpayers in the city of Covina forced to pay to re-develop a former Kmart property into a housing project and bus terminal!  A Kmart near the UC-Riverside campus shutdown in March 2017.   The Town & Country Center Kmart in Indio shutdown right before Xmas 2016. The GGP-Seritage Growth Partners owned Bakersfield Sears store reduced in size and the Auto Center shutting down “in the near future”.  Fontana Kmart, 133 jobs gone before Xmas 2016!  Another Los Angeles Kmart, 234 jobs gone right before Xmas 2016!  233 Kmart & Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!!!  Sears Holdings shutdown a Los Angeles Kmart, 132 jobs lost in May 2016! Dinuba Kmart 68 jobs lost, Lodi Kmart, Tulare Kmart, Wasco Kmart. Sears Holdings created Seritage Growth Properties is renting out half of three Sears stores; one in Roseville, one in Citrus Heights and one in Sacramento. Supposedly Sears will continue its operations in the other half of the buildings. On 10 March the Garden Center roof of the Santa Rosa Kmart collapsed during a rain storm. Fire inspectors said the roof was already compromised due to dry rot before the rain storm, a local news reporter said managers knew about the condition of the roof because it was sagging, and they called in contractors. The contractors tried to prop up the roof before the rain storm hit. Anaheim Kmart on Katella Avenue shutdown, 107 jobs lost in March 2016! The Chula Vista Kmart, San Mateo Sears and Citrus Heights Kmart shutdown between March and April 2016, a total of 3-hundred jobs lost! El Monte Sears (at least 40 jobs lost. Damien Arrula, El Monte’s economic development director, said the store manager had lied about what was going on: “The general manager of the store had just indicated to me that they were remodeling.”

Two San Diego Sears (more than 80 jobs lost), Pleasant Hill Kmart (more than 50 jobs lost), Torrance Kmart, Fairfield Kmart (63 jobs lost), Lampert owned OSH taken over by Lowe’s home improvement in bankruptcy court, at least 17 of 99 stores to be closed down (935 jobs lost!), Rancho Cordova Kmart (97 jobs lost), San Clemente Kmart/Sears/Kmart on Camino de Estrella (58 jobs lost), placed on an official hit list in 2011 the Oceanside Kmart on College Boulevard finally being shut down, Banning Kmart (91 jobs lost) recently revealed that Sears Holdings is still paying rent on the abandoned property, Laguna Hills Mall Sears, San Diego Mid-City Kmart (73 jobs lost), Hemet Kmart (77 jobs lost), Oakland Sears repair center (75 jobs lost), San Mateo Kmart (82 jobs lost to an apartment building connected to public transportation), Hesperia Kmart building sold at a loss to a vulture capitalist REIT, no word on if the Kmart will be shutdown. Customers complain that the Kmart employees have a bad attitude, gee I wonder why? Yuba City Kmart (63 jobs lost), Rocklin Kmart (at least 63 jobs lost, the store had just posted “Now Hiring” signs), San Leandro Kmart (102 jobs lost), San Jose Mercury News says the El Centro Kmart to shutdown in January, the website Foursquare says the Covina Kmart is now shutdown (other sources say it will shutdown in December), Cupertino Sears and Auto Center (98 jobs lost), somebody posted on yelp* that the Diamond Bar Kmart was shutting down in December (confirmed by Armijo Newspapers), Westfield Topanga Sears (122 jobs lost), it looks like the Blythe Kmart is being slowly shutdown despite denial by Sears Holdings. San Mateo Kmart being demolished to make room for 599 unit apartment complex, as part of the the Hayward Park Caltrain Station project. Atwater Kmart (74 jobs lost), Los Banos Kmart (67 jobs lost).

Colorado: The last Denver Kmart. Grand Junction Kmart. The Craig Kmart shutdown, about 30 jobs lost a couple weeks before Xmas 2016.  Sears offspring Seritage Growth Properties says the ‘Sears’ property in Thornton is shutting down. 40 Kmart & Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!  Broomfield Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Glenwood Springs Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Lone Tree Sears/Great Indoors, Longmont Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Pueblos’ South Side Kmart (52 jobs lost), Denver Kmart (number of jobs lost have not been made public at this time, but could be at least 40), Colorado Springs Kmart at Powers and Palmer Park boulevards (57 jobs lost), Fort Collins Sears (67 jobs lost), Denver-Cherry Creek North Sears store & Auto Center (66 jobs lost).

Connecticut: Enfield Sears store. Cromwell Kmart shutdown by April 2017. 113 jobs lost as the West Hartford GGP-Seritage Growth Partners owned Sears store and Auto Center shutdown by the end of January 2017!  Local news media pointed out that every remaining Sears and Kmart store in the state is on the new Sears Holdings Real Estate “opportunities” list! Putnam Kmart. Waterbury Big Kmart, Torrington Kmart (73 jobs lost), Enfield Sears Optical (no word on jobs lost), Wallingford Sears Appliance & Hardware (employees say the shutdown was a surprise, I guess they don’t read Blind Bat News), Wallingford Sears Appliance & Hardware (at least 13 jobs lost).

Delaware: Seven Sears & Kmart properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list.  Dover Kmart (at least 72 jobs lost, some reports said 100), Seaford Sears (30 jobs lost), Claymont Kmart (87 jobs lost).

Florida: A Kmart in Miami, Tampa, Hudson and Lakeland by October 2017. Sears Outlet in East Naples suddenly shutdown at the end of June 2017: “That’s the end of the game. I’m out of work.”-Allan Stearns, former employee

Sears store on South Tamiami Trail in Sarasota by September 2017.    Sears will not renew the lease on a massive warehouse in Jacksonville.  The lease expires at the beginning of 2018, the $28.8-million USD warehouse was built specifically for Sears in 2008, it’s considered the largest warehouse in Florida.  Hialeah Kmart shutting down, about 67 jobs lost by mid-July.  Aventura Sears store and Auto Center shutting down by Sears Holdings spin-off Seritage Growth, who owns the property.  Seritage Growth will re-develop the property into smaller retail spaces, 118 jobs lost by the end of July 2017!  The property that the Milton Kmart (on US90) sits on is now for sale. The California based owner says he is not going to wait for Sears Holdings to shut the Kmart down, he’s selling the property while there is still an active Kmart on it.   Volusia Mall Sears Auto Center sold to CBL & Associates Properties who has plans to shut it down in the next two to four years. Lake Wales Sears store. Fort Myers McGregor Point Shopping Center Kmart.  Fort Pierce Kmart on Federal Highway. Sarasota Kmart on North Beneva Road. Port Charlotte Kmart on Cochran. Jacksonville Kmart on Normandy Village Parkway (local news reports say it’s the last Kmart in the city). Kissimmee Kmart on Irlo Bronson Memorial Highway. Naples Kmart on Golden Gate Highway. Palatka Kmart on Town & Country Drive.  It’s been revealed that Santa Rosa County School District is spending $1.45-million tax dollars to buy a property now owned by Sears Holdings (via Kmart)! The sale of the property is delayed because only now has it been revealed that Kmart is the new owner of the former Food World property!   The GGP-Seritage Growth Partners owned Pembroke Pines Sears store reduced in size and the Auto Center shutting down “in the near future”.  WARNs issued for the Saint Petersburg Sears store and Auto Center, 126 jobs gone by the end of January 2017!  173 Kmart & Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!!   In Orlando, the 50 years old Fashion Square Mall Sears & Auto Center shutting down, 101 jobs lost by mid-November! Inverness Sears Hometown suddenly shutdown due to disagreements with the landlord. Jacksonville Sears. Mandarin (Jacksonville) Kmart, Neptune Beach Kmart and Perry Kmart shutting down between July-September. The Lutz Kmart shutdown March 2016, 62 jobs lost. The 46 years old Daytona Beach Kmart, on International Speedway Boulevard, is shutdown mid-March 2016, 86 jobs lost. Fernandina Beach Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Callaway Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Orange City Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Deland Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Stuart Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), West Palm Beach Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Port St. Lucie Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Crystal River Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), New Smyrna Beach Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Saint Augustine Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Pompano Beach Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Jacksonville Kmart on 5751 Beach Boulevard (71 jobs lost), second Kmart in Jacksonville on 4645 Blanding Boulevard (83 jobs lost), Ocoee Sears (102 jobs lost), Pensacola Kmart on Airport Boulevard closed in 2011, Pensacola Kmart on Mobile Highway closed in February 2013 (69 jobs lost), Pensacola Kmart on East 9 Mile Road will close in May (73 jobs lost), Hialeah Kmart (67 jobs lost), Bonita Springs Kmart (67 jobs lost), Mount Dora Kmart (100 jobs lost), Lake Mary Kmart, Panama City Beach Kmart (54 jobs lost), Winter Park Kmart (100 jobs lost), Niceville Kmart (59 jobs lost), Winter Haven Kmart (92 jobs lost), Palm Bay Kmart, Oakland Park Kmart (112 jobs lost), Clearwater Sears Auto Center (21 jobs lost), Zephyrhills Kmart (70 jobs lost), Winter Springs Kmart (69 jobs lost), Naples Kmart (72 jobs lost), New Port Richey Kmart (58 jobs lost), ‘redevelopment’ of Aventura Sears & Auto Center into an “open-air village” (unknown how many jobs affected), Kmart on Northeast 108 Street being annexed by Miami Shores, Sears Holdings threatens to shutdown Kmart as a result of higher local taxes. The property that’s home to an operating Kmart, on South Green Bay Road in Racine, was foreclosed by the local Sheriff and sold-off for $2.5-million, no word on what the new property owner will do with it. Fort Myers Kmart (67 jobs lost). Dicks Sportings Goods subleasing space in an existing Sears store in Palm Beach Gardens.

Georgia: Columbus and Douglas Kmarts in October 2017.   The Dalton Sears store, Fort Oglethorpe Kmart, Calhoun Kmart by September 2017.  Local news media reported that the Dalton-Whitfield Joint Development Authority essentially said the state’s bad economy is to blame.  A Savannah Kmart, Columbus Kmart, Cornelia Kmart, Kingsland Kmart, Albany Sears, Columbus Sears. Yet another Augusta Kmart shutting down, this time the one on Deans Bridge Road.  63 Sears & Kmart properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list! The 23 years old Rome Kmart shutdown in August 2016, 1-hundred jobs lost! Administrators say employees can apply at other Sears Holdings stores, but local news reports say the Rome Kmart is the last Sears Holdings store in the area! The 37 years old Carrollton Kmart shutdown April 2016. Dublin Kmart shutdown in April 2016, 71 jobs lost. Milledgeville Kmart shutdown in April 2016, 60+ jobs lost. Mount Berry Square Mall (Rome) Sears and Auto Center shutting down in March 2016, 86 jobs lost. Macon Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Buford Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Douglasville Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Atlanta Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Columbus Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Jonesboro Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Cartersville Kmart (74 jobs lost), Hiram Kmart (53 jobs lost), Marietta-East Cobb Kmart, Warner Robins Kmart (77 jobs lost), Coweta County Kmart distribution center (164 jobs lost), one of the last two North Augusta Kmart to be torn down by new property owner from Canada, Sears Holdings denies the Kmart will shutdown.

Guam: Tamuning Kmart made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list.  Sears Hometown Store.

Hawaii: Local news media reporting that the last remaining Kmart on Oahu will shutdown in October.  Officially the Kapolei Kmart is shutting down because it’s “unprofitable” but KHON interviewed a real estate analysts who confirmed what I’ve been saying since 2012, it’s a REIT conspiracy: “Smaller stores will be coming and the bigger stores will go away…”-Stephany Sofos

Kahului Kmart shutting down, 125 jobs lost by mid-June!  Don’t blame the internet, the store manager told local news media that ever since a Target opened nearby sales have declined by 50%.  Honolulu Kmart near Aloha Stadium (on Salt Lake Boulevard) shutdown mid-March 2017.  14 Sears & Kmart properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list.  Iconic 25 years old Nimitz HWY Iwilei-Honolulu Kmart shutdown in March 2016, 141 jobs lost! Honolulu Sears (owned by GGP, 372 jobs lost! GGP spending $573-million chopping it up into smaller store spaces), Kauai Sears (41 jobs lost), Iwilei-Honolulu Kmart for lease (no confirmation of store closing).

Idaho: Coeur d’Alene Kmart in October 2017.  Lewiston Kmart, Boise Town Square Mall Sears Store & Auto Center, Boise Kmart Auto Center, the Nampa Kmart Store & Auto Center, the Coeur d’Alene Sears Store & Auto Center, the Twin Falls Sears Store & Auto Center and Kmart, the Ammon Kmart, the Idaho Falls Sears Store & Auto Center, the abandoned but still owned by Sears Holdings Chubbuck (the“opportunities” listing incorrectly says Pocatello) Sears Store (esentially all remaining Sears & Kmarts in Idaho) made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!  Boise Kmart on Fairview shutdown mid-March 2016, 56 jobs lost. Pocatello Kmart shutdown April 2016, 65 jobs lost. Lewiston Sears (at least 60 jobs lost), Rexburg Kmart (63 jobs lost), Chubbuck Pine Ridge Mall Sears shutdown by the end of October/beginning of November 2014 (the remaining 28 jobs lost).

Illinois: Sears operations in Peru between July and October 2017.   The Peoria Oakbrook Center Sears store shutting down in September 2017.  It will be reduced in size to about 30% of its current proportions, the remaining space will be leased out.  Then the Oakbrook Center Sears Auto Center will shutdown in March 2018.  Bloomingdale Kmart, 96 jobs lost in July 2017.  The Sears store on North Harlem Avenue in Chicago.   Associated Press reporting that Sears Holdings eliminated 4-hundred corporate level jobs!  Local news media reminded local taxpayers about the massive 2011 tax break deal ‘lawmakers’ gave Sears Holdings in order to prevent layoffs.  Chicago Sears store on West Irving Park Road listed as available for lease by Sears Holdings’ evil spawn Seritage Growth Properties.   Alton Kmart, Granite City Kmart.  $1-million USD loss as Mount Vernon Sears Hometown Store mysteriously burns to the ground.  The nine years old Sears Hometown Store in Beloit shutting down in January 2017. Du Quoin Sears Hometown Store shutting down in January 2017.  Another update for the abandoned Rock Island Kmart; looks like Augustana College found a fool to buy the Kmart property that was dumped on the college (in the form of a tax avoiding donation) and then vacated in July 2016, it was sold to a company called Rock Island KM.   The GGP-Seritage Growth Partners owned Oak Brook Sears store being reduced by half and the Auto Center being shutdown between 2017 & 2018.  Sears Hardware in Edwardsville shutting down right before Thanksgiving, 21 jobs lost. A local TV station reported that Sears Hardware in Collinsville is shutting down, no comment from store management.  Shutdown WARNs issued for Kmarts in Tinley Park and South Kedzie Avenue in Chicago, 275 jobs gone by Xmas! News reports out of Tinley say a total of six Kmarts will shutdown by Xmas! Sears offspring Seritage Growth Properties confirmed that two ‘Sears’ properties, in Chicago and Springfield, are shutting down. 116 Kmart & Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!!  An update for the abandoned Rock Island Kmart; the recently vacated property was ‘donated’ to Augustana College, but now college administrators are looking to sell the property to anybody foolish enough to buy it. The real reason the college is trying to dump the vacant Kmart is that the property tax is about $92-thousand per year, indicating the ‘donation’ was actually a screw-job (lets not forget that local news media pointed out that city officials spent $15-million tax dollars attracting Walmart to town, but spent zilch on trying to keep Kmart from leaving!). The Kmart Super Center in Bradley shutdown, 125 jobs lost! Sears Holdings sold the building to Meijer, unconfirmed reports say the Bradley Kmart Super Center (which has a full grocery op) was actually making money. After 90 years Chicago Sears on Lawrence Avenue shutting down by August 2016, local news says its the oldest Sears store still operating. The last Decatur Kmart shutting down by August 2016, 61 jobs lost, administrators say employees can apply at other Sears Holdings stores, but local news reports say there are no more Sears Holdings stores in the immediate area! Chicago Kmart on South Pulaski. Danville Kmart, Galesburg Kmart, Lansing Kmart, Pekin Kmart, Eddie Lampert eliminated 401 Hoffman Estates HQ jobs due to crappy 2015 holiday sales! 151 of those jobs were already vacant. Morton ‘green’ Kmart shutting down by the end of April 2016, 47 jobs lost. Canton Kmart shutting down mid-April 2016, 38 jobs lost. Alton Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Melrose Park Sears parts and repair center (50 jobs lost), Zion Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Oak Lawn Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), McHenry Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Peru Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Lombard Sears/Great Indoors (at least 40 jobs lost), Fairview Heights Kmart (81 jobs lost), Freeport Kmart (45 jobs lost), Pontiac Kmart (more than 47 jobs lost), Homer Glen Kmart (82 jobs lost), Streator Kmart (45 jobs lost), Lombard Kmart (70 jobs lost), Naperville Kmart (98 jobs lost), Calumet Sears (164 jobs lost), two Sears stores in Grand Crossing area of Chicago (247 jobs lost!), Mount Vernon Sears (68 jobs lost), Moline Sears (at least 60 jobs lost), Homewood Kmart (185 jobs lost), Belvidere Kmart (91 jobs lost?) revealed is now a perpetual closing sale Kmart At A Discount store, Champaign’s Market Place Mall Sears (56 jobs lost), Sterling Kmart (60 jobs lost), Montgomery Kmart (81 jobs lost), Mattoon Sears (more than 40 jobs lost), Chicago Sears on North State Street (160 jobs lost), Chicago Sears Craftsman Experience store, Galesburg Sears (46 jobs lost), White Lake Township Kmart (42 jobs lost), Orland Park Sears Appliance, Collinsville Kmart (84 jobs lost), Crystal Lake Kmart (at least 77 jobs lost), Danville Sears store & Auto Center (63 jobs lost), Forsyth Sears store & Auto Center (45 jobs lost), Peoria Kmart (73 jobs lost), Forest Park Kmart (107 jobs lost), Chicago Sears on North and Harlem avenues, supposedly it’s being replaced (most likely at taxpayer expense) with a new building and it will become a Sears-Mariano’s store, Bloomington Kmart (79 jobs lost), Hoffman Estates Headquarters 100 jobs eliminated, another 15 corporate jobs eliminated elsewhere, Chicago-Wicker Park Kmart (106 jobs lost), abandoned Market Place Mall Sears location to be occupied by Dick’s Sporting Goods and Field & Stream. 58 Chicago area stores up for lease or sale. North Mayfair Kmart (99 jobs lost), Chicago Kmart at 5033 North Elston Avenue (99 jobs lost). By the way, Illinois elected officials gave Sears Holdings/Hoffman Estates a $150 million USD tax break to keep their headquarters in the state. The tax break was not tied to any promise not to close stores.

Indiana: Anderson Kmart in October 2017.  Sears operations in Clarksville, Elkhart and Schererville between July and October 2017.  Mishawaka Kmart. Sears Auto Centers at the Honey Creek Mall and the Green Tree Mall shutdown at the end of May 2017.  Chesterton Kmart, La Porte Kmart, Kokomo Sears. In Indianapolis, Sears Home Appliance Showroom on North Michigan Road and Sears Appliance & Hardware on Thompson Road shutdown in January 2017. Sears Appliance & Hardware in Fishers shutdown in January 2017.  Local news media discovered that a Sears Appliance & Hardware store in Avon quietly shutdown in October 2016.  Sears offspring Seritage Growth Properties says the ‘Sears’ properties in Elkhart and Merrillville are shutting down.  A WARN revealed that 99 Kmart employees in Merrillville will lose their jobs right before Xmas.   67 Kmart & Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list! Bloomington Kmart, New Albany Kmart. Bloomington’s College Mall Sears & Auto Center shutdown mid-June 2016, at least 52 jobs lost. In Schererville, Sears Hardware shutdown in April 2016. Terre Haute Kmart April 2016, 62 jobs lost. Anderson Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Saint John Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Indianapolis Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Richmond Sears (49 jobs lost), South Anthony Kmart (70 jobs lost), Fort Wayne Kmart on South Anthony Boulevard (70 jobs lost), FairOaks Mall Kmart, Logansport Sears (43 jobs lost), Muncie Kmart (59 jobs lost), Fort Wayne Kmart on Coliseum Boulevard North (69 jobs lost), Decatur Kmart (49 jobs lost), Indianapolis Kmart on Madison Avenue (131 jobs lost), Indianapolis Kmart on Washington Street (139 jobs lost), Bedford Kmart (62 jobs lost), Indianapolis (Evansville) Sears & Auto Center at Washington Square Mall (91 jobs lost), Greenwood Kmart (78 jobs lost), Plymouth Kmart (68 jobs lost), Bloomington Sears to be replaced by Whole Foods grocery store.

Iowa:  Iowa City and Marshalltown Kmarts, at least 99 jobs lost by September 2017.  In Storm Lake, Sears Hometown Store shutting down by the end of July 2017. The Le Mars Sears Hometown Store shutting down by the end of July, the franchise owners said the shutdown was unexplainedly ordered by Sears Holdings: “We have downsized to no employees. We gave it the best shot… …Their [Sears Holdings] reasoning [for the shutdown], I don’t know.”-Deb Fuller, co-owner

Carroll Kmart shutting down, 46 jobs lost in July 2017.  The Council Bluffs Sears Auto Center shutdown on 27 May 2017.   In Waterloo the 48 years old Sears Auto Center shutting down by the end of May.  A Dubuque Kmart, Sioux City Kmart, Waterloo Kmart.  22 Kmart & Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!  Des Moines Southridge Mall Sears shutdown in August 2016, the store was in the process of dying anyway, only 37 employees left. Sears Holdings shutdown their West Des Moines call center in June 2016, 162 jobs lost! Ottumwa Kmart shutdown April 2016, 38 jobs lost. Cedar Rapids Kmart on 16th Ave (at least 40 jobs lost), Davenport Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Burlington Kmart (50 jobs lost), Coralville Sears (94 jobs lost, this is a store sold to GGP earlier in the year), Cedar Rapids Kmart on Collins Road NE (56 jobs lost), Mason City Kmart (50 jobs lost), Clive Kmart (at least 49 jobs lost), Council Bluffs Sears store in 2012, Ames Kmart (44 jobs lost), Fort Dodge Sears (no job loss numbers made public, yet. The Auto Center was secretly shutdown in September), 56 years old Mason City Sears & Auto Center (more than 100 jobs lost). Davenport Kmart (59 jobs lost), Belvidere Kmart (67 jobs lost).

Kansas: Garden City Sears by October 2017.  Sears store on Metcalf Avenue in Overland Park.  Topeka Kmart suddenly shutdown its pharmacy ops, it was revealed by an unnamed Kmart employee who called local news media.  Topeka Sears Auto Center shutting down by the end of May.  A Wichita Kmart, Leavenworth Kmart, Salina Sears. 18 Sears & Kmart properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list.  In El Dorado, a contracted Sears store suddenly shutdown due to Sears Holdings continually changing the contract: “We had a contract that we had to follow to a ‘T’ while they changed it at will. They changed our commission bonuses and percentages and that hurt us.”-Russ Christy, contracted Sears store operator

Hutchison Kmart. North Topeka Kmart shutting down in 2016, 49 jobs lost. Lawrence Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Merriam Kmart-then Sears-then Kmart (jobs lost unknown), Wichita Sears store & Auto Center (103 jobs lost), Manhattan Sears & Auto Center (number of jobs lost were never revealed).

Kentucky: Lexington and Owensboro Kmarts in October 2017.  Glascow Kmart suddenly shutdown its pharmacy,  Sears Holdings’ communications director Howard Riefs stated “prescription files and the inventory will be sold to another pharmacy”.   Jefferson Mall Sears store sold to CBL & Associates Properties who has plans to shut it down in the next two to four years. Corbin Kmart.  London Kmart. Hopkinsville Kmart. Bowling Green Kmart. The Georgetown BigKmart shutting down  by mid-April 2017.  Paducah Sears store and Auto Center shutting down by mid-March 2017. In Owensboro, the Kmart on West Parrish Avenue shutting down by mid-March 2017. Pikeville Kmart shutting down right before Xmas. 31 Kmart & Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!  Two Kmarts in Louisville. Elizabethtown Kmart, Maysville Kmart, Paintsville Kmart. Middlesboro Sears (in September 2012 the Sears store re-opened under independent ownership, official grand re-opening scheduled for November), Winchester Kmart, Hazard Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Lexington Fayette Mall Sears (114 jobs lost!), Newport Kmart (81 jobs lost), Cannonsburg Sears and Sears Auto Center (no employee info given), Louisville Dixie Highway Kmart/Sears/Kmart shutdown and now being taken over by Kroger basically to sell the same crap the old Kmart did! Madisonville Kmart (39 jobs lost), Owensboro Sears store & Auto Center (52 jobs lost).

Louisiana: Sears operations on Johnston Street in Lafayette between mid-July and mid-September 2017.  Gonzales Kmart, a New Orleans Kmart on South Clearview Parkway, the Cortana Mall Sears, Gretna Sears. The New Iberia Kmart shutdown on 11 December 2016.  Sears offspring Seritage Growth Properties says the ‘Sears’ property in Houma shutting down. 36 Sears & Kmart properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list! The Bossier Kmart shutting down by August 2016. Houma Sears, Pineville Kmart. Slidell Sears (77 job lost), Gretna Kmart (94 jobs lost), Metairie Kmart secretly sold off, no word if it will be shutdown, Laplace Sears Hometown Store.

Maine:  Augusta Sears shutting down. Bangor Kmart shutdown in mid-April 2017.  13 Sears & Kmart properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list. Presque Isle Aroostook Centre Mall Kmart shutting down by August 2016, more than 50 jobs lost. Lewiston Sears (60 to 70 jobs lost), Presque Isle Aroostook Centre Mall Sears (63 jobs lost), Aroostook Centre Mall Sears Auto Center leased out to VIP Tires & Service.

Maryland: Elkton Kmart.  Sears stores in Cockeysville and Hagerstown.  Sears Holdings sold its Bethesda Sears store to Montgomery Mall owner Westfield in a package deal worth $105-million USD. Westfield claims the Bethesda Sears will remain open. Two other Sears stores, in California, were sold to Westfield in the package deal.  Baltimore Kmart on North Point Boulevard. Eastpoint Mall Kmart, in Dundalk, shutdown mid-April 2017.  GGP-Seritage Growth Partners owned Columbia Sears store reduced in size and the Auto Center shutting down “in the near future”.  54 Kmart & Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!  Ellicott Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Gaithersburg Sears/Great Indoors, Landover Sears rebuild & call center (115 jobs lost), Baltimore Kmart on Wabash Avenue (107 jobs lost), Parkville Kmart (102 jobs lost), California Kmart (71 jobs lost), Sears Hometown Store in Perryville.

Massachusetts: After less than seven years the Sears Hometown Store in Gloucester suddenly shutdown, however, the new owner is blaming the shutdown on the landlord who wants to jack up the rent.   Fitchburg and Springfield Kmarts in October 2017.  Newburyport Kmart.  Local news media warned of the eventual shutdown of the Sears in in Springfield’s Eastfield Mall, as the mall is officially dead, the mall’s owner confirmed what I’ve been writing about (that these brick-n-mortar shutdowns are part of a REIT conspiracy) by revealing their plans to “de-mall” the mall!  Dedham Sears store paid for newspaper “store closing” advertising revealing they are shutting down, local news media pointed out there was no other announcement or notification.  South Attleboro Kmart.  The Enfield Square Mall Sears store shutdown mid-April 2017 (supposedly the Auto Center will remain open).  The Sears store and Auto Center in Swansea shutdown by mid-April 2017.  In Fairhaven, the Shaw’s Plaza BigKmart shutdown by mid-April 2017.  GGP-Seritage Growth Partners owned Natick Sears store reduced in size and the Auto Center shutting down “in the near future”.  64 Kmart & Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!  Tewksbury Kmart. Fairhaven Sears Appliance & Hardware shutdown mid-April 2016. Local news reports said the ignorant employees actually thought the shutdown notice was a joke! I guess they don’t read Blind Bat News. 79 jobs lost as the Fall River Kmart shutdown in May 2016. North Reading Sears Hardware store closed, lease not renewed, Milford Kmart (80 jobs lost), Kingston Kmart (73 jobs lost). Braintree Kmart on Grossman Drive shutdown. Also, the Braintree South Shore Plaza Sears store is renting out an entire floor to Ireland based Primark. Even with the lease to Primark there is still 4-thousand square feet of vacant space in the Sears store. The Sears at the Auburn Mall shutdown on Black Friday due to electrical fire. The store was experiencing electrical problems, an investigation is underway.

Michigan: Escanaba and Monroe Kmarts in October 2017.  Traverse City, West Branch and Cheboygan Kmarts. Macomb Mall Sears store in Roseville.  Livonia Kmart was shutdown by mid-April 2017.  Gaylord Sears Hometown Store suddenly shutdown.  26 years old Detroit Lakes Kmart shutdown by April 2017, despite still posting a “Now Hiring” sign!   In Garden City, the iconic first ever Kmart store in the World is shutting down on its 55th birthday, by the end of March 2017.  Lansing Kmart, Muskegon Kmart, Plymouth Kmart, Roseville Kmart, Waterford Kmart, Westland Kmart, Acme Kmart. 48 years old Grand Rapids Woodland Mall Sears, 84 jobs lost in March 2017: “We figured we were safe, so yeah, it was kind of a shock to everybody today. One guy’s been there for 20 years-plus and that’s what he knows best, hard to change from there, so I feel sorry for him.”-Marty Kruizenga, Sears Auto Center employee

Sears offspring Seritage Growth Properties says the ‘Sears’ properties in Alpena, Manistee and Sault Saint Marie are shutting down.  WARNs filed with the state revealed that on top of the Seritage Growth shutdowns the Kmarts in Jackson, Grand Rapids, Byron Center and Fenton will also shutdown. A total of 390 Kmart jobs will be killed right before Xmas!  113 Sears and Kmart properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!! The Holland Sears Appliance & Hardware shutdown, the manager of the francise store refused to say why. Plymouth Township Super Kmart shutting down in November 2017 (that’s when the lease expires), according to Plymouth’s Planning Commission, Sears Holdings is selling the property to a developer.   A Kmart on Groesbeck Highway, Clinton Township, shutdown, 82 jobs lost in October 2016. The Farmington Hills Kmart shutdown mid-July 2016, 61 jobs lost. Midland Sears, Houghton Lake Kmart, Taylor Kmart. The new owner of the Bradley Kmart shut it down in 2016. Retailer Meijer bought the Kmart property for $5-million USD. The Kmart shutdown in May, but the new Meijer store won’t be ready until 2018. The Sears and Auto Center in Fort Gratiot shutdown in mid-March, 48 jobs lost. Ironwood Kmart in mid-April, 47 jobs lost. Sears/Great Indoors, Brighton Sears Grand/Essentials, Harper Woods Sears Full line, Monroe Sears Full line, Adrian Sears Full line, Washington Township Kmart, Chesterfield Kmart, Woodhaven Kmart, Saginaw Kmart on Bay Road, Flint Kmart on Dort Highway (46 jobs lost), Gaylord Kmart (48 jobs lost), Sterling Kmart (58 jobs lost), Bloomfield Township Kmart and Sears, Bad Axe Kmart (61 jobs lost), Ypsilanti Township Kmart (83 jobs lost), Petoskey Kmart (45 jobs lost), Saint John’s Kmart (48 jobs lost), White Lake Township “Store of the Future” Kmart (42 jobs lost), Grand Blanc Kmart (49 jobs lost), Lapeer Kmart (56 jobs lost), Southgate Kmart (155 jobs lost), Detroit’s Telegraph Road Kmart (115 jobs lost), Waterford Township Sears (no word on how many jobs lost), Rochester Hills Kmart (77 jobs lost), ‘perfect Kmart town’ of Port Huron Kmart (188 jobs lost), Flint Kmart on Miller Road (81 jobs lost), Burton Kmart (85 jobs lost), Madison Heights Kmart (179 jobs lost), it’s now official the last remaining Saginaw Kmart (on Gratiot Road) will remain shutdown after its roof collapsed during a snowstorm back in January 2014 (Sears Holdings claims only 18 people worked there at the time of the collapse!), Ann Arbor Kmart (59 jobs lost), Iron Mountain Kmart (54 jobs lost), Bangor Township Sears aka Bay City Mall Sears, the Auto Center was already secretly shutdown some time ago (at least 47 jobs lost), Big Rapids Kmart (about 50 jobs lost). Vacant Wyandotte Sears Auto Center is being renovated at a cost to taxpayers of $1-million & 20-thousand, plus 15 years worth of tax breaks valued at $2-million! Shakopee Kmart distribution center shutdown and sold-off for $17-million in 2013, now it’s finally getting a new tenant; snowmobile and electric cart maker Polaris Industries will rent out a fraction of the building to use as their new parts warehouse. The Kmart Plaza in Sandusky sold to “A group of investors”, no word on what will happen to the Kmart store.

Minnesota:   Taxpayers are about to become the new owners of an active Kmart location, but it’s more complicated that you think.  After several years and $8-million tax dollars already spent on the Nicollet Avenue South at Lake Street project the city has decided that the only way they can create a true intersection is to force Kmart to move, and the only way they can do that is to buy the property the Kmart sits on.  At this point nobody knows where the Kmart would move to (don’t be surprised if it’s shutdown).  Sears store in Burnsville and a franchised Sears in Fairmont.  The current franchise owners of the Fairmont Sears warned that other franchise stores are on the growing hit list: “Every six months, they review stores. Over the last 12 months, my store had lost too much money. They even took into consideration that before I bought the store, it wasn’t making any money at all…..”-Jennifer Bolden, co-owner

47 years old Med City Kmart is shutdown its pharmacy operations.  The Crossroads Center Sears Auto Center in Saint Cloud shutdown.  Local news media reporting that the city of Minneapolis is about to become the new landlord of the Kmart on Nicolette Avenue, at taxpayer expense of course.  It’s being blamed on the ‘re-connect’ scandal.  The $7-million USD proposal will be discussed in June.  Local news media also revealed the city made an $8-million offer to buy the Kmart on West Lake Street, last year.  Coon Rapids Sears, Mankato Sears, Detroit Lakes Kmart on Highway 10 West. After 14 years the Montevideo Sears Hometown Store shutdown by the end of January 2017.  The local owners of the franchise store says the decision by Sears Holdings to shutdown the store is also forcing them to sell their property.   GGP-Seritage Growth Partners owned Minnetonka Sears store reduced in size and the Auto Center shutting down “in the near future”.  The Dundas Planning Commission met with CJB II Real Estate to discuss the future of the abandoned Kmart.  ‘Elected’ leaders expressed a willingness to throw $100-thousand tax dollars at the redevelopment project. The Dundas Kmart shutdown in April 2016, 32 jobs lost.   West Saint Paul Kmart shutting down by Xmas.  32 Kmart & Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!  The 40 years old Eden Prairie Center Sears store shutting down in time for the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday. Eddie Lampert sold the store to the mall owner for $16-million! The owner of the mall wants to carve up the Sears into smaller stores. Thunderbird Mall Kmart shutdown in April 2016, 48 jobs lost. Willmar Kmart, Duluth Kmart, New Hope Kmart, White Bear Lake Kmart, Bemidji Kmart, Monticello Kmart, GGP owned Sears Auto Center in the Apache Mall closed (10 jobs lost), the entire Sears store in the Apache Mall being sold off, Fergus Falls Kmart (40 jobs lost), Fergus Falls Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Alexandria Kmart (46 jobs lost), Grand Rapids Kmart (61 jobs lost), Seritage is selling off three Sears Auto Centers in Minnetonka, Brooklyn Center and Saint Paul, Marshall Kmart (57 jobs lost), Oakdale Kmart (77 hourly wage employees losing their jobs, unknown how many salaried employees will become unemployed), Winona Kmart (67 jobs lost), Minneapolis city officials trying to shutdown profit making Nicollet Avenue Kmart, to make way for a new road. Anoka Kmart (47 jobs lost), Blaine Kmart (60 jobs lost), Burnsville Kmart (62 jobs lost), Waite Park Kmart (57 jobs lost), Northeast Minneapolis Sears Hometown & Outlet store now for sale, Coon Rapids Sears Hometown & Outlet store now for sale.

Mississippi: Biloxi Sears.  14 Kmart & Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list.  Corinth Kmart. The 44 years old Greenville Kmart shutdown in April, no word on job losses. Jackson Sears Full line, McComb Sears Full line, Columbus Sears Full line, Gautier Sears (71 jobs lost), Waveland Gulfport Kmart (32 jobs lost), Pass Road Gulfport Kmart (52 jobs lost), Pascagoula Sears at the Singing River Mall, Olive Branch distribution center (unknown how many jobs lost).

Missouri: 44 years old Kansas City Sears store on Antioch Road shutting down in July 2017.  The Sears Auto Center in Cape Girardeau shutdown on 27 May 2017 (Happy B-day to me!). The 20 years old Independence Kmart on Noland Road shutdown.  Saint Joseph Sears, Branson Kmart, Jefferson Kmart & Sears, Rolla Kmart, a Springfield Kmart, a Saint Louis Kmart.  48 Kmart & Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!  Bridgeton Kmart, Springfield Kmart. Lee’s Summit Sears Grand/Essentials, Saint Louis Sears Full line, High Ridge Kmart (59 jobs lost), Ellisville Kmart (55 jobs lost), Springfield Kmart on South Campbell Avenue (60 jobs lost), South Belt Kmart (64 jobs lost), Florissant Kmart (100 jobs lost), O’Fallon Kmart (76 jobs lost).

Montana: Glendive and Great Falls Kmarts in October 2017.  The Hamilton Kmart, Havre Kmart, Helena Kmart, Glendive Kmart, Billings Sears Store & Auto Center, Butte Kmart, Great Falls Kmart Store & Auto Center, Kalispell Kmart Store & Auto Center (essentially all remaining stores) made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!  Billings Kmart. Missoula Kmart (50 jobs lost), Great Falls Kmart (closed “until further notice” due to fire, 63 jobs on hold), Great Falls Sears store & Auto Center (65 jobs lost) due to great sales (ironically) the shutdown date has been moved from 07 December 2014 to 23 November, Bozeman Kmart (37 jobs lost), Missoula Sears store and Auto Center (57 jobs lost).

Nebraska: Seritage Growth Properties says its Kmart property in Kearney is shutting down by Xmas.  Six Sears & Kmart properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list.  40 years old Hastings Kmart. Grand Island Kmart (55 jobs lost), Omaha Kmart near West Maple Road (50 jobs lost).

Nevada: Another Las Vegas Kmart (East Sahara Avenue) in October 2017.  Las Vegas (East Sunset Road), Henderson and Sparks Kmarts.  Henderson Kmart.  22 Sears & Kmart properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!  Sparks Kmart distribution center (100 jobs lost).

New Hampshire: Claremont losing their Sears Hometown, not because it’s shutting down, it’s moving to the town of Newport!  Upper Valley Mall Sears in West Lebanon.  23 Kmart & Sears properties made the Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!  Nashau Sears Grand/Essentials, Keene Sears Grand/Essentials, Portsmouth Kmart (30 jobs lost), Claremont Kmart (59 jobs lost).

New Jersey:  Manahawkin and Mantua Kmarts, the Watchung (126 jobs lost) and Vineland Sears shutting down by September 2017.  Sears Holdings-Seritage Growth are tearing down the Watchung Sears store and Auto Center.  The Auto Center space has already been leased to Cinemark and the Sears store will be chopped up into smaller retail spaces.  Rio Grande Kmart, Clementon Kmart, East Brunswick Kmart, Pleasantville Kmart.  GGP-Seritage Growth Partners owned Paramus Sears store reduced in size and the Auto Center shutting down “in the near future”. 53 Kmart and Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list! Nearly one acre of the Rockaway Townsquare Mall Sears (which is still in operation) is now rented out to a furniture dealer. Lodi Kmart shutdown in April 2016, 75 jobs lost. Lawnside Kmart (about 80 jobs lost), Howell Kmart (57 jobs lost), Berlin Kmart, Dover Kmart (92 jobs lost), Randolf Kmart (91 jobs lost), Paramus Kmart (74 jobs lost), Closter Kmart (102 jobs lost), Vineland Kmart (74 jobs lost). After 18 years Sears Holdings shutdown their Roselle Sears Hardware store due to “landlord issues”.

New Mexico: Las Cruses and Alamogordo Kmarts.  Santa Fe Sears Auto Center shutting down in June and the Santa Fe Sears store shutting down in July 2017, local news media reported that employees were threatened by Sears Holdings not to talk to news media.  Alamogordo Sears shutting down by June 2017.  Roswell Sears shutting down.  GGP-Seritage Growth Partners owned Albuquerque Sears store reduced in size and the Auto Center shutting down “in the near future”.  Sears offspring Seritage Growth Properties says the ‘Sears’ property in Deming is shutting down.  21 Kmart & Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list! Back in May local news reports said the Artesia Kmart was shutting down, in July Sears Holdings finally confirmed it. Albuquerque’s Coronado Center Sears suddenly shutdown their Auto Center, and will reduce the size of the main store by 50% within two months. Sears goon Howard Riefs stated “We will rightsize the labor…”, but gave no numbers. The ‘rightsizing’ of the Coronado Center store is in partnership with one of my evil former employers, mall owner GGP. SearsLas Cruces Kmart (58 jobs lost), Albuquerque Kmart on Central SW (80 jobs lost), Rio Rancho Kmart (59 jobs lost).

New York: Herkimer Kmart, 46 jobs lost mid-October 2017.  Liverpool, Malone, Cortland, Olean and Watertown Kmarts, more than 300 jobs lost by September 2017! Webster Kmart, 62 jobs lost by the end of July 2017.  New Dorp-Staten Island Kmart (in the Hylan Plaza) shutting down, 164 jobs lost by mid-July!  Local news reports say the property is being redeveloped into a $150-million USD “multi-level shopping complex”. Gee, didn’t they used to call multi-level shopping complexes a ‘Mall’?  (in 2012 I warned that all these store shutdowns were part of a False Flag operation by Real Estate Investment Trusts: ALL PART OF REIT PLAN TO CHANGE THE WAY YOU SHOP, AND THEY BLAME YOU THE SHOPPER!)  The massive Rego Park Center Sears shutting down, 2-hundred jobs lost starting the first week of April 2017!  In Wallkill, the Galleria at Crystal Run Sears store and Auto Center shutting down, 96 jobs lost starting the first week of April 2017.  New Hartford Kmart. In Cheektowaga, the Walden Galleria Sears store and Auto Center shutting down, 76 jobs lost starting the first week of April 2017.  In Amherst, the Sears store and Auto Center shutting down, 105 jobs lost by April 2017! In Syracuse, after four years the Sears Outlet store in the Destiny USA mall is shutting down.  The Queensbury Super Kmart is being reduced to just a Kmart, ending 24 hour grocery sales by January 2017.  Shutdown WARN issued for the Binghamton Kmart, 69 jobs gone by Xmas. Shutdown WARN issued for the Cheektowaga Kmart, 101 jobs gone by Xmas!  The second level of the GGP-Seritage Growth Partners owned Staten Island Sears shutting down right before the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday, 44 jobs killed, it’s been leased to Ireland’s clothier Primark. 104 Sears & Kmart properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!! The 50 years old Sears Auto Center in the Colonie Center Mall shutdown by Sears Holdings subsidiary Seritage Growth Properties, so the space could be rented out to Avis-Budget Car Rental Group. In Brooklyn, the Kings Plaza Sears shutting down, 210 jobs gone by mid-September 2016! Eddie Lampert is renting the space to a couple of European clothing retailers. Sears Holdings issued a shutdown WARN for its Plattsburgh Sears store and Auto Center, 56 jobs lost by the end of July 2016. New York Post says Sears is shutting down their NYC clothing design office, 40 jobs moved to California, another 154 jobs gone by July! Rotterdam Mall Sears and Auto Center shutting down by August 2016 (67 jobs lost). Sears Holdings issued yet another WARN, this time 75 Rochester Kmart employees losing their jobs by mid-July 2016. Irondequoit Sears, Plattsburgh Sears, Poughkeepsie Kmart, Rochester Kmart. Staten Island Mall Sears Auto Center shutdown in February, 20 jobs lost. Lindenhurst Sears Hardware, North Babylon Sears Hardware, Hauppauge Sears Hardware, Depew (Lancaster?) Kmart (68 jobs lost), Colonie Kmart (72 jobs lost), Fulton Kmart (51 jobs lost), Clifton Park Kmart (74 jobs lost) now revealed to be turned into a Town Center with more than 200 apartments at an estimated cost of $50-million, Latham Kmart (61 jobs lost), East Greenbush-Rensselaer Kmart (70 jobs lost), Tonawanda Sears Appliance and Hardware, Bronx Sears (91 jobs lost), BBN reader reported that the Ithaca Sears and Auto Center shutdown and one month later it’s been officially confirmed (at least 37 jobs lost), DeWitt Kmart (92 jobs lost), Auburn Sears (51 jobs lost), Massena Sears and Auto Center (51 jobs lost), Staten Island Mall Sears leased out to Ireland’s Primark, Bay Shore Sears and Sears Auto Center (144 jobs lost), New Hartford (Sangertown Mall) Sears & Auto Center (109 jobs lost), Lancaster Kmart sold for $1.7-million to Dave’s Christmas Wonderland. Herkimer Sears Hometown, Saranac Lake Sears Hometown the ‘independent’ co-owners said Sears Holdings forced them to shutdown. Melville Appliance Repair Division (31 jobs lost).

North Carolina: Asheboro Sears. 23 years old Sears Hometown Store on Julian R. Allsbrook Highway.  Surry County condemned the now vacant Kmart building at the Mayberry Mall.  The condemnation prevents the property owner from finding a new tenant, until the structural problems are fixed.  On top of that, local news media report the property owner is back due on county level property taxes.  The action by the county opens the door for use of taxpayer funding to deal with the problem.  Monroe Sears shutting down by the end of June 2017.    Cross Creek Mall Sears store sold to CBL & Associates Properties who has plans to shut it down in the next two to four years. Concord Kmart, Fayetteville Kmart, Goldsboro Kmart, Madison Kmart, Wilmington Kmart. High Point Sears Hometown Store shutting down after four years, 325 jobs will be lost by February 2017!  Mount Airy Kmart (in the Mayberry Mall) shutdown right before Xmas 2016.  Burlington Kmart shutting down right before Xmas, local news reports said nobody was surprised.  71 Sears & Kmart properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list! 40 years old Thomasville Kmart shutting down in time for the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday. Brevard Kmart, Gastonia Kmart, Lumberton Kmart, Pineville Kmart, Rocky Mount Kmart. Cary Kmart (71 jobs lost), High Point Sears, Moorehead Sears, Rocky Mount Sears, Statesville Sears, Durham Kmart (79 jobs lost), Asheville Kmart (53 jobs lost), West Smithfield Kmart (59 jobs lost), Winston-Salem Kmart (69 jobs lost), Hendersonville Kmart (58 jobs lost), South Ashville Kmart on Hendersonville Road, Raleigh Kmart (88 jobs lost), Garner Kmart, Cleveland County mall Sears (56 jobs lost), Charlotte Kmart (89 jobs lost), Conover Kmart (74 jobs lost), Raleigh Kmart on Capital Boulevard (53 jobs lost), High Point Kmart (71 jobs lost), Boone Kmart (41 jobs lost), Greensboro Kmart (96 jobs lost), Gastonia Sears store & Auto Center (65 jobs lost), Kinston Kmart (64 jobs lost), Cary Sears (66 jobs lost), Greensboro Kmart distribution center (130 jobs lost), Greenville Kmart (75 jobs lost), Kinston Sears Hometown Store shutdown with little notice, Lexington Sears Hometown Store.

North Dakota: Minot Sears.  Bismarck Sears Auto Center shutdown in May 2017.  South Fargo Sears shutting down. 18 Kmart & Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list.  Jamestown Kmart (45 jobs lost), Dickinson Kmart (41 jobs lost, despite a “Now Hiring” sign on the front of the store).

Ohio: A Kmart in Toledo, Dayton and Garfield Heights, more than 2-hundred jobs gone between September and October 2017!  Sears Hometown Store in the Salem Plaza, in Salem.  Wooster and Streetsboro Kmarts.  Sears operations in Mentor, Middleburg Heights and on Central Avenue in Toledo.  Toledo’s Westgate Village Sears shutting down.  Eastland Mall Sears locations in Columbus and one Sears & Auto Center in Elyria and one Sears in Franklin. Westland Mall Sears, Columbus news media reported that Sears Holdings was forcing the mall owner to payout an estimated $400-thousand USD per year in property taxes on an otherwise vacant mall.      Beavercreek (Dayton) Kmart shutting down by mid-July 2017.  Eastgate Mall Sears store sold to CBL & Associates Properties who has plans to shut it down in the next two to four years.  Akron Sears, Chillicothe Sears, Lancaster Sears, Richmond Heights Sears, Mount Vernon Kmart, Gallipolis Kmart, Kenton Kmart, New Boston Kmart, Clairsville Kmart, Zanesville Kmart, Reynoldsburg Kmart. The Fairborn and Springfield Kmart stores shutting down, 134 jobs gone right before Xmas!  Reports that a Knox County Kmart is shutting down its pharmacy operations.   Employees confirmed to local news media that the 21 years old Austintown Sears Appliance and Hardware will shutdown by Xmas.  Mentor Kmart shutting down by Xmas, local news reports say in the 1990s the store employed 2-hundred people!  124 Sears & Kmart properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!! 18 years old Defiance Sears shutting down by August 2016. Marion Sears store (the Auto Center was shutdown in 2014), Ashtabula Kmart, Eaton Kmart, Fremont Kmart, Lima Kmart, Lorain Kmart, Springboro Kmart. Englewood Kmart, 57 jobs lost by the end of July 2016. Fort Stueben Mall Sears store and Auto Center, 53 jobs lost in June 2016. Sandusky Mall Sears store and Auto Center, 44 jobs lost in June 2016. 78 jobs lost as the Lancaster Kmart is shutdown in May 2016. 18 jobs lost as the Dixie Highway Sears Hardware shuts down this Friday. The 28 years old Sears and its Auto Center in New Philadelphia shutdown by mid-April 2016, 46 jobs lost. Without warning the Medina Sears Appliance & Hardware Store shutdown. Warren Kmart on Parkman Road NW shutdown in April 2016, 63 jobs lost. Zanesville Kmart shutdown mid-April 2016, 47 jobs lost. Steubenville Kmart shutdown by April 2016, 65 jobs lost. Boardman Kmart by April 2016, 81 jobs lost. Chagrin Falls Kmart, Springfield Kmart, two Toledo Kmarts, Medina Kmart, Columbus Kmart, Columbus Sears/Great Indoors, Zanesville Sears (67 jobs lost), Trotwood Kmart (71 jobs lost), Austintown Sears auto parts and service on Interstate Boulevard, London Kmart (no word on number of jobs lost), Trotwood Sears (67 jobs lost), Westlake Kmart/Sears (at least 57 jobs lost), Xenia Kmart (at least 57 jobs lost), Norwalk Kmart (52 jobs lost), Blue Ash Kmart (77 jobs lost), Northwood Sears at Woodville Mall (36 jobs lost), Conneaut Kmart (43 jobs lost), Anderson Township Kmart (71 jobs lost), Brooklyn Kmart (200 jobs lost), Columbus Lockbourne Industrial Parkway Sears distribution center (200 jobs lost), also in Columbus, Sears Product Rebuild-Call Center (112 jobs lost), Marion Sears Auto Center (at least nine jobs lost), Springfield Kmart #3767 (68 jobs lost), Fairborn Kmart (66 jobs lost), Solon Sears & Auto Center (at least 53 jobs lost), Tiffin Sears Hometown Store. Also, Van Wert Sears franchise bought out by Kirk Berryman, owner of Computer & Networking Technologies (CNT), who plans on moving the store to a new location. Fairlawn Sears Appliance & Hardware, Macedonia Sears Appliance & Hardware, Lorain Sears Appliance & Hardware, Elyria Sears Appliance & Hardware, North Olmsted Sears Appliance & Hardware, Sheffield Village Sears Appliance & Hardware, Akron Sears Appliance & Hardware.

Oklahoma:  Bartlesville and Shawnee Kmarts in October 2017,  local news media said store managers refused to say how many people will lose their jobs.  Midwest City Sears & Auto Center (according to local news reports the Heritage Park Mall, where Sears is located, is “already-dead” as it officially shutdown in 2010) and the last Kmart in Tulsa.   Muskogee Kmart, Lawton Sears.  In Tulsa the Sears store on 21st Street and Yale shutting down mid-April 2017, supposedly (according to news reports) the Auto Center will remain open.  GGP-Seritage Growth Partners owned Norman Sears store reduced in size and the Auto Center shutting down “in the near future”.  23 Kmart & Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!  Oklahoma City Sears (98 jobs lost, GGP owned, GGP wants a $2 million sales tax rebate, claiming it’s needed to offset capital investments needed to bring the space up to the standards for potential new tenants), Shawnee Sears (31 jobs lost), Sand Springs Kmart (52 jobs lost), Muskogee Sears store and Auto Center (60 jobs lost in November 2014), Enid Sears and Auto Center (at least 38 jobs lost), Tulsa BigKmart (51 jobs lost).

Oregon: Roseburg Kmart shutting down in September 2017.  Local news reports revealed the Lloyd Center Sears store was sold and will shutdown sometime in the future, the space will be re-purposed into smaller storefronts.  23 Kmart & Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!  A Blind Bat News reader warning that the Beaverton Kmart has replaced its permanent signage with temporary ones, and the store is looking empty. There’s been no public reports of the store shutting down. Roseburg Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Tualatin Kmart Center (new property owner from California is tearing everything down for new shopping center, so far no indication the Kmart will be part of the new shopping center), Milwaukie Kmart (61 jobs lost), Coos Bay Kmart (25 jobs lost), Bend Sears (48 jobs lost), Klamath Falls Kmart (64 jobs lost), Albany Kmart (64 jobs lost), Portland Sears Homes Services (no notice), Albany Sears (57 jobs lost), in October a BBN reader warned that Oregon City Kmart was being quietly shutdown, confirmed on 06 November 2014 by Sears Holdings (70 jobs lost). Ontario Kmart (55 jobs lost).

Pennsylvania: Erie Kmart in October 2017.  Sears operations in Cranberry between July and October 2017.  Butler, Belle Vernon, Indiana and Springettsbury Township Kmarts.   The East End Centre Sears Outlet store in Wilkes-Barreand the Sears Outlet in Phoenixville, were both shutdown without warning on 23 JUN 2017.  Dickson City-Scranton Kmart shutting down by the end of July 2017.   Bensalem and Feasterville-Trevose (Lower Southampton) Kmarts are shutting down.  In Moon Township, local news media discovered the Moon Kmart property is under new management; Union Real Estate.  A Union Real Estate agent admitted that they are conducting “exploratory work” to sell the property for redevelopment, but insists that until then the Kmart will remain open.  Bald Eagle Township (Mill Hall) Kmart is shutting down by mid-June, when the lease expires. Local news reports say in 2003 a public campaign stopped plans to shutdown the Kmart then, but that was before Kmart and Sears were merged by Eddie Lampert.  Meadville Kmart is shutting down by mid-July 2017.  Kmart in East Stroudsburg shutting down by Summer, local shoppers say it was the last Kmart in the area and now the only retailer left is Walmart.  Selinsgrove Sears, Uniontown Sears, Lower Allen Township-Camp Hill Sears, Dubois Kmart, Erie Kmart, Lancaster Kmart, Hampden Township-Mechanicsburg Kmart, Monroeville Kmart,  Mount Pleasant Kmart. Shenango Valley Mall Sears store shutting down by mid-April, less than 1-hundred jobs affected.  168 Sears and Kmart properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!! In July, Sears Holdings shutdown the Uniontown Kmart, killing at least 73 jobs. But the shutdown is also affecting a locally owned restaurant (Mark C’s Diner) still on the property, whose owners say their sales have crashed-n-burned since the shutdown. Now Sears Holdings say they are about to sell the Uniontown property in an effort to “realize shareholder value from the property”. Butler Sears, New Castle Sears, Beaver Falls Kmart, Philadelphia Kmart on Frankford Avenue. Two Pittsburgh Kmarts. Reading Kmart. Sears store in the Beaver Valley Mall, 62 jobs lost. Viewmont Mall Sears store and Auto Center, 86 jobs lost in July 2016. Reports that the Exton Kmart will shutdown, no word on job losses. Upper Darby Sears Full line, Pottstown Sears Full line, Pittsburgh Kmart, Wilkins Sears, Warminster Kmart (85 jobs lost), Shippensburg Kmart (46 jobs lost), Moon Kmart (143 jobs lost), Bethlehem Township Kmart (62 jobs lost), Philadelphia Gallery Mall Kmart (120 jobs lost), Philadelphia Kmart on Orthodox Street and Castor Avenue (169 jobs lost), Levittown/Middle Township Kmart (87 jobs lost), Waynesboro Kmart (43 jobs lost), Sanatoga-Lower Pottsgrove Kmart (65 jobs lost, the store was also advertising for new hires!), West Mifflin Sears store & Auto Center (88 jobs lost), Rochester Kmart (78 jobs lost), Frazer (Pittsburg Mills Mall) Sears and Auto Center (97 jobs lost), Bloomsburg Sears (57 jobs lost), Frackville Sears and Auto Center (84 jobs lost), North Cornwall Township Sears (51 jobs lost), King of Prussia Sears and Auto Center (no word on number of jobs lost), Lebanon Sears (51 jobs lost), Scotland Chambersburg Mall Sears and Auto Center (62 jobs lost), the upper level of the Willow Grove Mall Sears store to be leased by Primark, King of Prussia Sears store leased out to clothing retailer Primark, East Towne Mall Kmart (51 jobs lost), Frackville Kmart in the Skuylkill Mall (80 jobs lost), Mount Pocono Kmart (66 jobs lost), Fairless Hills Sears Hardware. Granite Run Mall shutdown, meaning the Sears and Sears Auto Center now apparently on a month to month (possibly day to day) lease are soon to follow. Brookhaven Kmart (89 jobs lost).

Puerto Rico: 31 Sears & Kmart properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!  Vega Baja Kmart (206 jobs lost).

Rhode Island: Middletown Sears Hometown by the end of July 2017. Warwick Sears by September 2017. Woonsocket Sears shutting down. Rhode Island Mall Sears Auto Center shutdown right before Thanksgiving.  Five Sears & Kmart properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list.

South Carolina: Florence Kmart in October 2017.   Sears & Auto Center in Columbia and the Seneca and Summerville Kmarts.  Northwoods Mall Sears in North Charleston shutting down by June 2017, Seritage Growth Properties has already submitted plans to chop up the store into smaller spaces starting in July.  The Auto Center will shutdown by the end of April, and the store will shutdown by mid-June 2017.  Local news media discovered the Auto Center is already scheduled for subdivision. The lease expired and Sears Holdings will not renew it, saying “…we are working to actively manage our real estate portfolio to identify additional opportunities for reconfiguration and reduction of capital obligations.”   Florence Sears, Anderson Kmart, Greenwood Kmart, North Charleston Kmart. The new owner of a Kmart on the boundaries of Anderson, Seritage KMT Finance, announced it will cut the Kmart store to half its size and is requesting the city of Anderson annex the land (probably in exchange for some taxpayer funded incentives for Seritage).  37 Kmart & Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list! The 44 years old Orangeburg Kmart shutting down in August 2016. Camden Kmart. 61 jobs lost as the North Augusta Kmart is shutdown by May 2016. Sumter Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Orangeburg Sears (57 jobs lost), Columbia Kmart on Fort Jackson Boulevard in 2012, Columbia Kmart on Bush River Road in 2009, Columbia Kmart on St Andrews Road (66 jobs lost), Irmo Kmart (no info on how many jobs lost), both Greenville Kmarts (140 jobs lost between the two), Mount Pleasant Kmart (43 jobs lost), Harbison Sears & Sears Auto Center in the Columbiana Centre mall (97 jobs lost), Aiken Sears & Sears Auto Center (at least 54 jobs lost), Inlet Square Mall Kmart (50 jobs lost), West Ashely Kmart (69 jobs lost), Myrtle Beach Kmart (59 jobs lost), Easley Kmart (62 jobs lost).

South Dakota: Sioux Falls Kmart. 11 Sears & Kmart properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list.  Huron Kmart, Yankton Kmart. The Pierre Kmart shutdown March 2016, 45 jobs lost. The Michell Kmart shutdown in April 2016, 52 jobs lost. Spearfish Kmart (51 jobs lost), Sturgis Kmart (57 jobs lost).

Tennessee: A Jackson Kmart in October 2017.  Madison and Johnson City Kmarts. The city of Bristol officially condemned the vacant Kmart building (vacant since August 2016), opening up the use of taxpayer dollars to tear it down.  Hamilton Place Mall Sears store and the Northgate Mall Sears Auto Center were sold to CBL & Associates Properties who has plans to shut them down in the next two to four years.  Morristown Kmart, Kingsport Sears. Sears Hometown Store in Columbia’s Campbell Shopping Plaza suddenly shutdown by the franchise owner who told local news media that he essentially saw the writing on the wall.  After 30 years the Sears Hometown Store in Dyersburg shutdown. Local news reports say the shutdown was no surprise to the store’s manager.  58 Kmart & Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!   Local news reports say Sears Holdings has posted “Going out of business!” signs on the North Knoxville Kmart, however they could not get any confirmation of shutdown from corporate administrators. Bristol Kmart shutdown in August 2016. Athens Kmart, Sweetwater Kmart, Maryville Kmart. The Murfreesboro Kmart shutdown April, 43 jobs lost. A Memphis Sears and Auto Center (on Poplar Avenue) shutdown in April, 109 jobs lost! Clarksville Kmart shutdown in April, 68 jobs lost. Cleveland Kmart shutdown by mid-March 2016, 67 jobs lost. Antioch Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Cleveland Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Oak Ridge Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Hendersonville Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Morristown Sears (about 70 jobs lost), Clinton South Kmart, Franklin Cool Springs Galleria Sears (92 jobs lost), Memphis Hickory Ridge mall Sears (job loss data not revealed), 48 years old Nashville Kmart on Nolensville Pike to close by January 2014 (57 jobs lost), Franklin Kmart (33 jobs lost), Dickson Kmart (65 jobs lost), talks in progress to end lease for Bellevue (Nashville) Center Mall Sears, Nashville Bellevue Center Sears & Auto Center (at least 44 jobs lost).

Texas: The Sears Home Appliance Showrooom in Flower Mound suddenly shutdown,  the confused manager saying “I’m not sure what we did wrong!”  Sears operations in Paris, more than 40 jobs lost between July and October 2017. Two Kmarts in El Paso, as well as the 39 years old Sears & Auto Center in Texarkana and Sears Auto Center in Sherman.   Baybrook Mall Sears stores in Freindswood and on Southwest Freeway in Houston.  Dallas ‘Midtown’ Valley View Mall Sears store and Auto Center shutting down between the end of May and July 2017.  The property is being redeveloped.  Taxpayers in the city of Abilene might be forced to pay for the abandoned Kmart as “…funds would be used to acquire, renovate and equip buildings for a new police station, municipal court, water utilities billing, collection and meter-reading offices, and record storage. The cost is estimated at $9 million.”  In Austin, Seritage Growth Properties just listed two Sears locations as available for lease; the Sears store at Barton Creek Square Mall, which is apparently co-owned by the mall’s owner Indiana based Simon Property Group, and the Sears Auto Center on North Interstate 35 are now available for lease.  Odessa Sears, two Kmarts in El Paso.  Kileen Kmart, Lufkin Kmart. GGP-Seritage Growth Partners owned Frisco Sears store reduced in size and the Auto Center shutting down “in the near future”.   Sears offspring Seritage Growth Properties says the ‘Sears’ property in Harlingen is shutting down.  Local news reports confirmed the Lubbock Kmart is shutting down right before Xmas. 134 Kmart & Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!! Fort Stockton Sears Hometown Store was ‘re-branded’ the America’s Appliance Experts outlet. Sears Holdings revealed the Brownsville Kmart is shutting down by August. El Paso Kmart, Mission Kmart, Sweetwater Kmart. Two Sears parts and repair centers closing in The Woodlands (117 jobs lost), rebuild center in Garland (58 jobs lost), Farmers Branch Sears/Great Indoors, Houston Sears Great/Indoors, Dallas Sears home appliance parts distribution center (77 jobs lost), Simon Property Group owned McAllen Sears store & Auto Center (so far no word on how many jobs will be lost), recently revealed Palestine Sears Hometown (franchise owner quit to work as assistant manager at a local Dollar General). Wichita Falls Sikes Senter Mall Sears (56 jobs lost).

Utah: A Salt Lake City Kmart in October 2017.  Saint George Sears & Auto Center and Spanish Fork Kmart.  Provo Towne Centre Sears store shutting down by the end of July, the Auto Center shutdown by the end of May 2017.  The owner of the mall, Brixton Capitol, admitted that Sears shutdowns were part of the REIT plan to change the way you shop (which I first warned about in 2012).  It has nothing to do with internet competition as Brixton Capitol stated “…150 planned Sears/K-Mart closures nationwide, Brixton Capital has already begun plans to redevelop the store as part of a larger vision to reposition Provo Towne Centre as a premier shopping, dining and entertainment destination.”  Vernal Kmart, Layton Kmart. 16 Sears & Kmart properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list.  Draper Kmart, Price Kmart, West Jordan Kmart. 35 years old Richfield Kmart shutdown in April 2016, 63 jobs lost. North Logan Kmart shutdown April 2016, 58 jobs lost. Murray Sears (local news media in Utah never reported the closure, but they reported that the building was demolished), Orem Kmart (no details reported), Woods Cross Kmart (54 jobs lost), Provo Kmart demolished in anticipation of yet another AtHome furniture store.

Vermont: The small Milton Sears suddenly announced it will shutdown by the end of this month.  Five Kmart & Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list.  The Bennington Sears Hometown Store shutdown. Rutland Sears store & Auto Center (65 jobs lost), South Burlington Kmart (66 jobs lost).

Virgin Islands: Three Kmarts  made the Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list.

Virginia: A Roanoke Kmart in October 2017.  Sears & Auto Center in Richmond and two Virginia Beach Kmarts.  The South Boston Sears Hometown Store.  50 years old Charlottesville Kmart shutting down, 62 jobs lost in July 2017.  Local news media reporting that the Herndon Kmart suddenly displayed “store closing” signs.  Mall developer Core Property Capital is demanding taxpayers pay-up to fund the redevelopment of the vacant Christiansburg Kmart property!  They want Montgomery County to declare a special property tax district to raise taxes to pay for the redevelopment of privately owned commercial property!   Bristol Sears, Roanoke Kmart, Fredericksburg Kmart, Norfolk Kmart, Salem Kmart. 63 Kmart & Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!  Christiansburg Kmart and the Hampton Kmart shutting down by August 2016. Chester Kmart, 76 jobs gone by mid-July 2016. The Cedar Bluff (50 jobs lost), Covington (36 jobs lost) and Virginia Beach on General Booth Boulevard (no job numbers reported) Kmarts shutdown between March and April 2016! The Sears Hometown Store in Culpeper. Norfolk Sears (at least 40 jobs lost), Midlothian Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Richmond Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Lynchburg Sears (84 jobs lost), Fairfax Kmart (no word on how many jobs lost), Christiansburg Sears (59 jobs lost), Norfolk Kmart on East Little Creek Road (77 jobs lost), Manassas Kmart (71 jobs lost), Stafford Sears Hometown, Newport News-Denbigh Kmart (at least 50 jobs lost), Wise Kmart (58 jobs lost), Harrisonburg Kmart (79 jobs lost), Winchester Kmart (91 jobs lost), Dale City Kmart (69 jobs lost), Chesapeake Sears and Auto Center (82 jobs lost), Front Royal Kmart (88 jobs lost), Pembroke Mall Sears renting out part of their store to DSW & Nordstrom Rack, Sears Holdings say they’re still looking for a “third tenant” for their occupied space. The current nearby Sears Auto Center will be rented out to REI. Colonial Heights Kmart (113 jobs lost), Virginia Beach Hilltop Square Shopping Center Kmart (82 jobs lost).

Washington: Seattle news media reporting that two active Puget Sound area Sears stores have just been sold for $27-million USD.  Bellingham Sears Hometown & Outlet Store shutting down at the end of July, 2017, just months after a grand re-opening.   Tacoma Kmart, 67 jobs lost by September 2017.  Spanaway Kmart on Pacific Avenue South shutting down by mid-June 2017.  36 years old Lynnwood Sears shutdown by the end of March 2017, local news media reported access to the upper level of the store was already blocked.  Tacoma Kmart on 6th Avenue. GGP-Seritage Growth Partners owned Lynwood Sears store reduced in size and the Auto Center shutting down “in the near future”.   Sears offspring Seritage Growth Properties says a ‘Sears’ property in Yakima is shutting down. 46 Kmart & Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list! After officially denying that their Marysville Kmart was shutting down, calling it a “a bad rumor” and swearing to local news media that “the store will remain open”, guess what? Local news media reporting that the Marysville Kmart is now plastered with “store closing” signs, 47 jobs lost by by mid-July. Arrogantly Sears Holdings said the employees can apply at other Sears/Kmart stores, however, local news reports say it’s the last Kmart in all of Snohomish County. Eatonville Sears Hometown store. Walla Walla Sears Full line (in August 2012, it was reported that an independent owner of Sears Hometown stores will open a store in Walla Walla), Lacey Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost), Kelso Sears (47 jobs lost), Lakewood Kmart (59 jobs lost), Bellingham Sears (92 jobs lost), Seattle Kmart (85 jobs lost), East Wenatchee Sears (59 jobs lost), Puyallup Kmart (51 jobs lost), Oak Harbor Kmart (68 jobs lost), Sodo Sears and Sears Auto Center (79 jobs lost), Everett Kmart (65 jobs lost), Marysville Kmart (at least 40 jobs lost).

West Virginia: Lewisburg Kmart. The Hocking Mall Sears Hometown Store suddenly shutdown, with only a weeks notice to employees. The Charleston Town Center Mall Sears store and Auto Center shutting down mid-April 2017.  The Bridgeport Meadowbrook Mall Sears store shutting down “within the next 90 days”, supposedly the Auto center will remain open. The Elkins Kmart shutting down during the 1st quarter of 2017.  In Parkersburg, the Kmart on Division Street shutting down by mid-April 2017.  The Weirton BigKmart shutting down mid-April 2017.  34 Kmart & Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!  The Bluefield Kmart shutting down by August 2016. Oak Hill Kmart (59 jobs lost), Morgantown Kmart (100 jobs lost), Bluefield Sears store & Auto Center (64 jobs lost).

Wisconsin: Sears operations in Kenosha between July and October 2017.   Local taxpayers forced to spend money on the now vacant Sears Auto Center in Brookfield.  The Brookfield Common Council wants to spend $76-thousand-664-USD to find out if it’s worth it to build a conference center and hotel on the property.  West Allis, La Crosse and Medford Kmarts shutting down, 239 jobs lost by September 2017!  The Greendale Sears in the Southridge Mall.  50+ years old Brookfield Sears Auto Center shutdown,  local news media revealed that Brookfield city administrators spent taxpayer money on a five years study to justify creating a taxpayer owned conference center near the Sears Auto Center location. In La Crosse, without warning the Sears Auto Center and the Kmart pharmacy were shutdown.   In Appleton, questions from frustrated residents to local news media about the Fox River Mall Sears Auto Center revealed that it was quietly and suddenly shutdown overnight.  Local news media confirmed it was open on 08 MAY 2017, but that according to the Sears it is now closed (except for warranty work)!   The Economic Development Commission of Fort Atkinson has revealed plans to spend taxpayer money on the now vacant Kmart property.  Local news media reported the city Fort Atkinson asked Sears Holdings how much they wanted to sell it for!  It’s been revealed that nearly 40 cities are pushing for a new state law that will prevent taxpayers from being forced to pay the property taxes on vacated stores like Target and Sears.  It’s a complicated mess, but because of current laws and recent court decisions local Wisconsin taxpayers are being forced to foot the property tax bill on vacated retail spaces!  This has led to municipalities using taxpayer funding to sue retailers (most recently Target and Sears) for creating what’s called Dark Stores.   Brookfield Square Sears store sold to CBL & Associates Properties who has plans to shut it down in the next two to four years.  Platteville Kmart, Racine Kmart. Oshkosh Sears Hometown Store on Witzel Avenue shutting down.  The city of Wausau just put the local taxpayers into debt by at least $650-thousand USD, buying the former Sears location at the Wausau Center. The Wausau Sears shutdown on June 2016. Sears Holdings administrators would only say “we are accelerating the closings of unprofitable stores.”  The Land’s End outlet in the Madison West Towne Mall Sears store suddenly shutdown.  It was also revealed that Sears connected Land’s End has shutdown at least five stores since 2015, due to crashing sales.  36 Kmart & Sears properties made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list! Seritage Growth Properties is ‘downsizing’ the Sears store in the West Towne Mall, according to plans filed with the city of Madison. Those plans show a new restaurant taking up more than half of the space of the Sears store. Administrators refused to answer questions from the local news media.  Hartford Kmart. Superior Kmart shutdown in April 2016, 42 jobs lost. West Baraboo Sears (at least 40 jobs lost, local village officials say the store generated 3% of local tax collections), Rice Lake Kmart (about 71 jobs lost), Brookfield Kmart (56 jobs lost), Racine’s Regency Mall Sears (52 jobs lost), Fort Atkinson Kmart (51 jobs lost), Greenfield Kmart (107 jobs lost), Portage Kmart (78 jobs lost) and Hales Corner (129 jobs lost), Chippewa Falls Kmart (79 jobs lost), Menomonie Kmart (at least 50 jobs lost), Ashwaubenon Kmart recently revealed now owned by Green Bay Packers, will be torn down (80 jobs lost), Shawano Kmart (55 jobs lost), Fond du Lac Sears (42 jobs lost), Glendale Sears store & Auto Center (86 jobs lost), Janesville Kmart (70 jobs lost), Glendale Sears Rebuild center (67 jobs lost), Sheboygan Sears & Auto Center (at least 31 jobs lost), Eau Claire Kmart (93 jobs lost), Plymouth Kmart (59 jobs lost before Xmas), Sheboygan Sears Rebuild Center (30 jobs lost), Wauwatosa Kmart (103 jobs lost).

Wyoming: Rock Springs Kmart in October 2017.  Sheridan Kmart.  Cheyenne Kmart shutting down.  Sears offspring Seritage Growth Properties confirmed a ‘Sears’ property in Riverton is shutting down. Sheridan Kmart, Rock Springs Kmart, Riverton Kmart, Cody Kmart & Auto Center, Laramie Kmart, Jackson Kmart, Gillette Kmart, and in Casper and Cheyenne the Sears Stores & Auto Centers and Kmarts (essentially all remaining stores) made the new Sears Holdings Real Estate for sale or lease list!

1st ever U.S. PanzerFräulein killed by mystery fire!

“I just couldn’t believe it…..there was just nothing anybody could do. There was one man [William Smith] that had run out of the house, along with a neighbor who had been trying to help him, and they were just completely, you know, hysterical.”-Mark Conley, witness

In June of 2016, Erin Smith became not only Idaho National Guard’s first ever M1 tanker (MOS 19K), but the first ever female tanker in U.S. history!  One year later (30 JUN 2017) Master Sergeant Erin Smith, along with her daughter, and two other people, died in a house fire at the Tamarack Resort in Valley County, Idaho.

The resort ‘cabin’ was being used by three National Guard personnel;  James Harper the Third, Erin Smith and her husband William Smith.  James Harper brought his son and the Smith’s brought their daughter on pre-4th of July weekend vacation.

Investigators say the house was fully engulfed when firefighters arrived, they suspect a propane (aka Tricarbane, a type of LNG) fueled fireplace is the origin of the blaze.  William Smith was the only one to survive.