Tag Archives: idaho

“new norm”: Pacific Ring of Fire, October 2019

Incomplete list of seismic/natural disaster reports from around the Pacific Ring of Fire, October 2019.

AIR Reinsurer revealed that past disaster prediction models have been lacking for Asian countries, when compared to North America and Europe, is warning “Re/insurers have to be prepared for that new norm and adjust pricing and all the other conditions they have to deal with…”

If you like math try Scaling Laws for earthquakes and Cascadia slow-slip events

NASA says rice farming increases the chance of liquefaction during earthquakes!

British scientists discover How your morning coffee can help you survive an earthquake

Scientist claims hurricanes-typhoons can create 3.5 magnitude earthquakes

Magma crystallization makes volcanoes more explosive

Volcanic ash modifies the height, width and lifetime of a standing shock wave that can occur during volcanic eruptions

Now scientists say Earth can absorb a shocking amount of carbon (no shit Sherlock, where do you think the carbon comes from?!)

Ocean acidification now blamed on asteroid, not volcanoes

AUSTRALIA: 5.5 quake Macquarie Island

3.4 quake off Queensland

CANADA:  Recent natural disasters reveal that ignorant west-coast Canucks were using the 911 emergency help number as a tsunami early warning system (which it was never designed to be).  City of Victoria experiences sudden 54-thousand person subscribership increase to its alert system, in just one week!

Record one million people take part in British Columbia earthquake drill 

Maybe it’s because a New map reveals quake-deathtraps for people of Vancouver

Study shows mega-disaster could kill Canadian insurance industry

Killer fungus brought to Canada by Alaskan tsunami

Believe it or not, Canada’s geologically active western mountains (including volcanic Mount Meager) are little understood, scientists demand government fund research

CHILE: 5.9 quake

CHINA: 5.2 quake 

5.4 quake hits Taiwan

4.7 quake Taiwan

Stricter Seismic Resistant Measures for Public buildings mandated

COLOMBIA: U.S. Southern Command spends tax-dollars, and ten days, training Colombian soldiers how to respond to natural disasters.

Video of U.S. Marines practicing disaster response on Base de Enternamiento de Infanteria de Marina, Coveñas, 01OCT209:

ECUADOR: 4.6 quake

EL SALVADOR: 4.4 quake

FIJI: 5.0 quake 24OCT2019

5.3 quake 21OCT2019

GUATEMALA: 4.8 quake along border with Mexico

INDONESIA: 5.6 quake

Merapi erupts

More proof that you must not rely on the government and/or private sector organizations; a year after a September 2018 tsunami “…the government reported that 4,140 people died in the disaster, of which 1,016 were not identified; and a further 705 people remain missing. More than 4,400 were seriously injured and more than 110,000 houses destroyed….. more than 172,000 people were displaced…. …170 organizations were or are carrying out recovery activities across 63 location….   … is encouraging the community to actively take ownership and be more involved in repair, recovery and reconstruction efforts.”

JAPAN: Fate and denial: The Fukushima reactor 3, and the L’Aquila earthquake 7

Landslide kills two more

Japan braces for two more destructive storms, two weeks after chaos of Typhoon Hagibis

Typhoon Hagibis farm, forest, fishery losses rise

Deadly typhoon forces Japan to face its vulnerability to increasingly powerful storms

Typhoon Hagibis highlights need for multilingual emergency alerts

Typhoon Hagibis: Homeless men denied shelter in middle of typhoon

5.7 earthquake jolts Chiba-Tokyo area

Extreme weather and natural disasters make Japan’s civil protection agencies among world’s busiest

Nearly 20% of Large Earthquakes Happen in Japan


KOREA: In a nation that was relatively earthquake free, a national earthquake drill was conducted

3.4 quake

MEXICO:  Two quakes hit near border with Arizona

Aztec Anales de Tlatelolco reveal massive catastrophic earthquake that struck in Gregorian year 1575

NEW ZEALAND: 5.7 quake hits Milford Sound

New Plymouth quake

 Scientists claim human pollution exceeds volcanic pollution

NICARAGUA: Masaya erupts?

PAPUA NEW GUINEA:  4.2 quake 31OCT2019

4.5 quake 29OCT2019

4.6 quake 29OCT2019

5.5 quake 17OCT2019

Oil industry excited about potential for offshore hydrocarbon mining

PERU: Machu Picchu was hit by strong earthquakes during construction

4.4 quake 25OCT2019

PHILIPPINES:  31OCT2019-Three deadly quakes in one month

2nd Very Strong earthquake – 29OCT2019

The largest known volcano in the world discovered in the Philippine Sea

  Yet another deadly quake, landslide

RUSSIA:  5.1 quake 30OCT2019

5.3 quake 05OCT2019

Scientists claim new tech can warn of the ‘Big One’ five days before it happens

 moderately large explosive eruption occurred on Shiveluch volcano

SAMOA, Independent State of: Magnitude 6.0 quake

TONGA: Metis Shoal erupts

UNITED STATES:  Beer industry reveals new warehouses to be built with “weather and seismic-related considerations”!

Alaska; 20% of dock supports failed in last year’s earthquake, drastically reducing amount of products being off-loaded.  Turns out that local government had already been spending U.S.$3-million per year ‘kicking-the-can-down-the-road’ trying to maintain the aged docks!

Seismic airguns used to map the ocean floor are injuring beluga whales

“…the agency arbitrarily dismissed the risks from seismic, including the likelihood that denning polar bears will be run over and killed by seismic vehicles.”

5.7 quake strikes

Underwater volcano creates air pockets that can sink ships!

Tsunami that happened 55 years ago created killer tropical fungus

California; Massive fire storm expected after the next Big One

Revealed; 600 buildings on college campuses will collapse during Big One

New earthquake warning system 30 years after deadly quake

NASA discovers ‘web’ of ruptures, warns dormant Mojave Desert fault is moving, 8.0 on its way

Whales breach wildly in Monterey Bay after magnitude-4.7 earthquake strikes

World’s Largest Outdoor Seismic Simulator

Registration for 2020 National Earthquake Conference Now Open

Hawaii; New lava formation off Puna

False tsunami warning caused by police

Nevada; USGS gives university million dollar grant to build additional seismic monitoring stations

Seismic risks for delayed public building renovations creates urgency for state taxpayer funding

each year Nevada experiences anywhere from 15,000 to 20,000 earthquakes

Oregon; Towns to go under, literally, due to tsunami

4.7 quake hits on day of earthquake drill

Homeless shelter spends 18 months upgrading in preparation for major earthquake

Utah; FEMA gives Salt Lake City U.S.$4-million in additional tax funding for ongoing earthquake preps

Washington; State disaster experts say Cascadia Event will push a swath of ocean 18 feet high toward the coast at speeds of at least 20 knots.  That’s why state officials are spending tax dollars creating new tsunami warning/evac system.

 Know the 4 types of tsunamis that could impact people after an earthquake

Cascadia Event will create tsunami that will swamp coastline within 15 minutes, not enough time to get to higher ground, so what about Vertical Evacuation towers?

New tsunami evac-pods, get one now!

Wyoming; What’s really happening under Yellowstone?

Yellowstone’s ‘big one’ is coming, just not tomorrow

VANUATU: Yasur volcano continues to be unstable and seismic activity is set to continue


“the missing link”: Pacific Ring of Fire, September 2019

Incomplete list of seismic/natural disaster reports from around the Pacific Ring of Fire, September 2019.

In the event of a killer asteroid, volcanic apocalypse, or nuclear holocaust, mushrooms could save humanity from extinction

How Amateur Video Is Helping Us Understand Deadly Tsunamis

New study says even if oil industry fracking stops the damage is done, and earthquakes related to the fracking could happen for years after the fracking is stopped.

AUSTRALIA:  3.1 magnitude earthquake strikes south of Canberra

In Northern Territory, the Australian military, along with U.S. Marines, trained for operation Crocodile Response, a bilateral humanitarian assistance and disaster relief exercise in order to more rapidly respond to natural disasters and crises throughout the region.

CANADA:  Moderate earthquake – Southern Yukon Territory- September 26

Earthquake analyst says Vancouver is full of “killer buildings”

CHILE:  6.8 quake 29 September

4.6 quake Tarapaca, 28 September

5.8 south east of Easter Island, 27 September

6.1 quake, 26 September

Rumbling volcano triggers Orange Alert

CHINA: A CCTV camera captured the unusual scene of dozens of fish leaping out of a pond moments before an earthquake hit

 5.2-magnitude earthquake jolted the South China Sea

Taiwan earthquake hero dog off to world rescue championship

Taipei uses VR games to teach earthquake survival

COLOMBIA: 5.0 quake, 22 September

ECUADOR: 4.5 quake, 11 September

EL SALVADOR: 4.7 quake, 10 September

FIJI: 5.1 quake, 27 September

GUATEMALA: 5.2 quake, 15 September

INDONESIA:  Death toll rises after 6.5 quake, thousands in homeless shelters

One year after deadly tsunami, tens of thousands still struggle to recover

Explosive volcano eruption powered by water, not magma

JAPAN:  “If nobody died, it would be easy to explain about the history. But many died and I survived by running faster than those who did not run, or did not know how to escape. It is really hard to explain emotionally.”-tsunami survivor

Sakurajima explodes

Five years after deadly volcano eruption, half of cities near volcanoes lack escape plans

U.S. Army video report, disaster drill for Sagamihara City:

The Japanese military held Remote Island Disaster Exercise training at Yaeyama Islands, 01SEP2019.

KOREA: 2.3-magnitude ‘natural’ earthquake hits North Korea

Holy volcano attracts tens of thousands of pilgrims

South Korea Ministry of Environment’ K-water operations, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, work with NASA to develop satellite technology in the hopes of preventing future water disasters.

U.S. personnel from Osan Air Base respond to the aftermath of Typhoon Lingling, 07SEP2019.

MEXICO:  Historic earthquakes suggest Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt’s quiet regions are active, home to 40% of Mexico’s residents

Popo erupts, yet again

NEW ZEALAND: 6.0 quake south of Raoul Island, 27 September

PAPUA NEW GUINEA: 5.4 quake, 25 September

Manam volcanic ash plume rose up to estimated 8000 ft (2400 m) 

PERU: 4.0 quake, 28 September

4.8 quake, 27 September

4.8 quake, 03 September

5.2 quake, 02 September

Volcano Ubinas erupted three times in one day


PHILIPPINES:  6.3 quake hits Mindanao, 29 September

4.1 quake, Mindanao, 22 September

4.7 quake, Mindanao, 21 September

5.7 quake, Davao City, 10 September

RUSSIA: 4.4 quake, Kamchatka, 28 September

4.9 quake, south eastern Siberia, 28 September

4.3 quake, Kuril Islands, 27 September

 That purple tinge you’ve been seeing in North American sunsets? Thank a Russian volcano that erupted several months ago.

TONGA: 5.3 quake, 25 September

UNITED STATES: FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) hints that its running out of money by telling people to save money to help pay for disaster expenses!

USMC video promoting 30SEP2019 deployment to Colombia, bragging about spending U.S. taxes to help the South American country prep for a major natural disaster:

Yet again, U.S. taxes going to send U.S. Marines to Central American countries for yet more natural disaster preps (in October):

Alaska;  New Volcanic Eruption Forecasting Technique Unveiled

4.0 quake, Kodiak, 29 September

5.2 earthquake that shook Southcentral Alaska wasn’t an aftershock

View live earthquake data at earthquake.alaska.edu/earthquakes

California;  Residents upset over California’s earthquake insurance law

36 tiny earthquakes in 6 days



Idaho; Idaho State University, working with Idaho National Laboratory and Center for Advanced Energy Studies, gets $1.1-million taxpayer funded grant to build first ever Disaster Response Complex.  The goal is to train emergency responders in a realistic catastrophic environment with multiple scenarios such as earthquakes, hurricanes, flooding, and even terrorist threats.

Hawaii; One year after eruption steam continues to appear in new places, or reappear in old places, and vegetation continues to die.

New discovery, volcanoes cause algae blooms

Why Alaskan and Hawaiian volcano observers work together  

Health professionals representing 20 countries gathered for the 22nd annual Health Emergencies in Large Populations (H.E.L.P.) course in Honolulu, from September 9th-20th.  It was hosted by Center for Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (CFE-DM) in collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the University of Hawai’i Office of Public Health Studies.  The main goal is to create a common language, and procedures, between civilian and military emergency responders around the world.

Nevada; 4.5 quake near Austin, 09 September

Oregon; 5.9 quake off the coast

Major quake to leave Portland without clean water, city analysts predict 3-thousand water lines will break!

 Lakes hold the secret to tracking the history of The Big One: “…lake records are the missing link.”

Even though Mongolia is not a Pacific Rim country, the U.S. decided to conduct humanitarian assistance and disaster relief ‘Pacific Resilience’ training in the Central Asian country, and ordered Oregon’s Army National Guard to participate.

Utah; Quake hits northern Utah, 24 September

Panguitch hit by three small quakes within five hours

Small quake hits Zion National Park

Washington;  Who’s monitoring the killer volcanoes?

In 1964, a subduction zone earthquake in Alaska triggered a tsunami that reached a height of almost 13 feet on Washington’s coast….the next one “could happen tomorrow, or it could happen 200 years from now” 

To learn more about Washington’s natural disaster preps go to mil.wa.gov/preparedness  (by the way, the ‘mil’ stands for military)

Wyoming; Confessions of a Yellowstone Volcano Observatory scientist

VANUATU: 4.6 quake, 26 September

5.3 quake, 20 September

5.9 quake, 06 September

5.1 quake, 05 September


124th militia A-10 shootin’ & scootin’ thru Idaho Nevada California

Idaho National Guard’s 124th Fighter Wing has been real busy this summer.

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Senior Airman Mercedee Wilds, 19AUG2019.

19AUG2019, the ‘hawgs’ shot-up the Orchard Combat Training Center (back when I was ‘in’ it was called the Orchard Training Area) south of Boise.

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Senior Airman Mercedee Wilds, 19AUG2019.

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Senior Airman Mercedee Wilds, 19AUG2019.

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Senior Airman Mercedee Wilds, 19AUG2019.

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Ryan White, 19AUG2019.

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Becky Vanshur, 19AUG2019.

Idaho’s Governor Brad Little arrived by Black Hawk and got strafed, just kidding:

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Becky Vanshur, 19AUG2019.

04JUN2019 Idaho A-10Cs during Green Flag West, Nevada, take-off and bombing:

08JUN2019, Idaho A-10Cs flying through Nevada mountains:

June 2019, Idaho A-10Cs on Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, flightline prep, taxi & take-off, return sans bombs:

09JUN2019, Idaho A-10Cs landing on dirt, Fort Irwin-NTC, California:

See more:  IDAHO A-10C warthogs wallowing IN THE CALIFORNIA DIRT, JUNE 2019

June 2018, funky music video, Idaho A-10s Operation Red Flag Alaska:

Operation SnowBird 2013: Idaho A-10Cs take part in bombing competition on Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona.

Idaho Black Hawks head south, down Central America way, you paid for it!

“We are going to have to stop being the policemen of the world.”-Donald Trump, August 2015 interview with Hugh Hewitt

Idaho Army National Guard photo by Thomas Alvarez, 27APR2019.

At the end of April 2019, Idaho Army National Guard’s 1-183rd Assault Helicopter Battalion deployed to Guatemala in support of operation Beyond the Horizon.

Idaho Army National Guard photo by Thomas Alvarez, 27APR2019.

Keep in mind this is the Central American country allegedly sending the most illegals into the U.S., forcing the U.S. President to make a deal with the leaders of Guatemala to make an effort to keep their people home (never mind that the U.S. Department of Defense spends untold tax dollars conducting massive military and natural disaster training ops in Guatemala).

Idaho Army National Guard photo by Thomas Alvarez, 27APR2019.

1-183rd Assault Helicopter Battalion will provide casualty evacuation support and equipment transportation for National Guard engineers and medics as they spend U.S. taxes building schools and medical clinics in Guatemala.

Idaho Army National Guard photo by Thomas Alvarez, 27APR2019.


The 1-183rd’s mission to Guatemala ended on 27JUL2019.

Official video explainer of Idaho UH-60 Black Hawk refueling ops in Guatemala:

Interview with Idaho Black Hawk crew concerning mass casualty training in Guatemala:

Operation Beyond the Horizon was started in 2008, under the George Bush Jr regime, as a U.S. taxpayer funded “humanitarian civic assistance” program.

U.S. Army photo by Sergeant Anshu Pandeya, 20JUN2019.

National Guard personnel from Virginia and Washington build a new school in Guatemala. U.S. Army photo by Sergeant Anshu Pandeya, 11JUN2019.


The Guatemalan City Fueling the Migrant Exodus to America



Idaho’s Bridge to Nowhere?

“…already aware that our property taxes are among the highest in Idaho, I am increasingly wary of the wisdom of Northgate.”

27 July 2019 (02:51 UTC-07 Tango 06) 05 Mordad 1398/24 Dhu l-Qa’da 1440/25 Xin-Wei 4717

Bannock County-City of Chubbuck-City of Pocatello, Idaho, are home to numerous taxpayer sapping ‘white elephant’ projects, from Hoku to the latest Siphon Road-Interstate 15 connector (bridge to nowhere)/Northgate District.

Realize that Siphon Road only exists in Chubbuck, and doesn’t extend to Interstate 15, which means Chubbuck tax-fee payers are paying for the road’s extension to I-15.  (Massive taxpayer funded development in Chubbuck involves construction of up to 1,200 homes)

(Chubbuck plans to create an additional three taxpayer funded parks)

The tax-fee payers of Pocatello are paying for the annexation of farmland to the north of the northeast side of the city, and will also be paying for the creation of a Northgate District, as well as a road that will connect to the Pocatello side of I-15.  (Pocatello imposes  Northgate Tax Incremental Financing district on cash strapped residents)

(Pocatello taxpayers extorted for $750-thousand for Northgate roads project)

(Pocatello councilman partnering with developer to build Northgate retirement community)

State tax-fee payers are funding the I-15 to Siphon Road connection bridge (to nowhere?).

(State investigators says Pocatello’s water plan for Northgate falls short)

The following pics were taken 14JUL2019:

“Hoku and now Northgate are ample evidence for the proposition that few elected local officials have any facility for investigation, professional planning or even seeing the future for what it is.”

Storm clouds forming over yet another White Elephant for taxpayers?

All that farmland going to be torn up to build homes for…nobody?

Looking south along I-15, from the Pocatello side of where the Siphon Road-I-15 connector bridge is being built.

Looking towards Chubbuck, the Sun is already setting on the Bridge to Nowhere.

Chubbuck spent tax dollars putting in an intersection where Siphon Road ended, it’s now overgrown with weeds and you can hear the pedestrian crossing signals beeping in the wind.

This is the new part of Siphon Road, in Chubbuck, which still doesn’t go anywhere. The Road Closed sign has been run-over numerous times.

“He’s as blind as he can be
Just sees what he wants to see….

…….Sitting in his nowhere land
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody”-The Beatles, Nowhere Man

Bannock County scams: 609 hearings later, Bannock County is left with 2,188 unheard property assessment appeals on morning of deadline

State Attorney General’s Office investigating work of former Bannock County contracted property appraiser

Local appraiser files breach of contract lawsuit against Bannock County

Water-gate, 2019: The city of Pocatello has reached a $4.5 million settlement to a class-action lawsuit for assessing illegal fees on its water, sewer and sanitation services from 2005 into Fiscal Year 2014.


Bannock County, Chubbuck & Pocatello shenanigans, June 2016: Governor declares economy has “RISEN FROM THE ASHES”

School District 25 also screws over local taxpayers: Pocatello High renovations Raises Questions About Public Input from taxpayers

yet again school district embroiled in a controversy involving a hungry student seeking food

school cafeteria worker who says she was fired for giving a hungry student a free lunch was previously convicted of theft charges in 2013.

In March of 1969 Chris Murphy was called to the office of Mr. Evans, the vice-principal of Highland High School in Pocatello, and told to get his hair cut; Murphy refused and was suspended. The district was sued.


Promises of jobs, July 2015:  Pocatello administrators have revealed their hyped up deal to bring a major employer to Pocatello Regional Airport is dead.

Main stream news reports on the never ending taxpayer sucking White Elephant called Hoku;

East Idaho News, 2018: “There was no action taken on the Hoku property. They entered into an executive session where they discussed a number of different things and unfortunately as much as I wish I could, I cannot speak about or respond to anything, disclose anything that happened in the executive session.”-Pocatello Mayor Brian Blad

Idaho State Journal, 2018: Two years later, lease with Indian company amounts to nothing for abandoned Hoku 

New York Times, 2013: “So what if the company wanted breaks and concessions? The decision by the city [Pocatello] to buy the land and lease it back almost free seemed like a bargain at $1.4 million…”

Read the history of the Hoku saga starting with this report (the Blind Bat News reports go back to 2010):


In this report, which chronicles the destruction of iconic Green T, the mayor of Chubbuck boasts it’s “…the beginning of some real good things coming in.”: POPEYES QUIETLY SHUTS DOWN FOUR IDAHO RESTAURANTS!


Hoku-Gate, PaveGate now Amy’s-Gate!  It’s been revealed that Bannock County administrators were under investigation by the Idaho Tax Commission over massive local tax breaks given to California based frozen veggie food maker Amy’s Kitchen.




Idaho Wild Fires 2019: MD-87 water bomber, new King Air FAC

23 July 2019-23:43 UTC-07 Tango 06 (02 Mordad 1398/21 Dhu l-Qa’da 1440/22 Xin-Wei 4717)

The fires keep burning in eastern Idaho.  Things got so hot today that evacuations of ‘non-essential personnel’ were ordered near the Idaho National Laboratory’s nuclear jet engine and EBR-1 nuclear-disaster-reactor,  due to the rapid expansion of the ‘Sheep Fire’ (about 85-thousand acres, 34398 hectares).

MD-87 (foreground) and DC-10 (background) tankers rolling in from their latest east Idaho mission. Photo by AAron B. Hutchins.

The Sheep Fire is just one of dozens of wild fires in Idaho right now so, once again, the little used Pocatello Airport was put to good use by water bombers from 10 Tanker Air Carrier and Erickson Aero Tanker.

Photo by AAron B. Hutchins.

Photo by AAron B. Hutchins.

Photo by AAron B. Hutchins.

A little bird water bomber heads out. Photo by AAron B. Hutchins.

Photo by AAron B. Hutchins.

A new U.S. Forest Service King Air 250 FAC (Forward Air Controller) taking off. Photo by AAron B. Hutchins.

King Air ‘FAC’: Forest Service buys its first lead plane in almost 40 years

The King Air passes by the incoming DC-10. Photo by AAron B. Hutchins.

A familiar sight ever since the big fires of 2012. Photo by AAron B. Hutchins.

Home for the night. Photo by AAron B. Hutchins.

WILD FIRES 2019: DC-10, IDAHO’S 911

VooDoo redeux: Pocatello Airport

In April 2012, I published a series of pics of the F-101B Voodoo ‘gate guard’ at Pocatello Airport, Idaho.  That was before it underwent renovation, when it was surrounded by a fence, faded and dirty.

Before you go on to look at the pics, I was allowed to see a secret room in the main airport building where a very nice 1/48 scale Monogram model diorama of the very same F-101B was gathering dust.  The diorama showed tail code AF-90 PO-417 on the flightline in Germany during the Cold War.  Today’s gate guard is painted to match that diorama except it doesn’t have the Native American chief in his warbonnet painted on the nose of the aircraft, near the cockpit.  There was a small plaque on the diorama explaining the aircraft history, but I didn’t get much time to read it.  I asked if I could get my camera and take a pic of it, but was told I shouldn’t even be in the ‘room’.  So, supposedly PO-417 was an actual F-101B, yet a quick internet search revealed no such thing (apparently ‘PO’ isn’t a real USAF tail code).

To update this story, I was recently ‘gifted’ a little red book called The First Fifty Years: Michaud Flats, U.S. Army Base, Pocatello Regional Airport.  It explains the Pocatello Voodoo was originally slated to be burned up as a fire trainer for the Utah Air National Guard.  It was one of two such planes that were already fully dismantled, the Utah Guard decided it wasn’t worth the effort to put them back together just to set them on fire.  Around 1988, Idaho Senator Jim McClure used his pull to get one of the dismembered Voodoo’s to the Pocatello Airport.  Funding for the project came from several donors including the J.R. Simplot Company (which at that time had its corporate HQ in Pocatello, along the border with Chubbuck), and the actual rebuilding of the plane was done by Idaho State University (ISU) Aviation Mechanics School (still located at the airport today).  It was the ISU students who decided on the paint scheme, and created the fake afterburners as the real afterburners were missing.

The 238 paged, hardcover book was published in 1993, it’s available directly from the Pocatello Airport (208) 234-6154.  I was also told the Idaho Unlimited gift shop carried the book, but it didn’t show up when I searched their website.

Click the pics to make bigger:

Wild Fires 2019: DC-10, Idaho’s 911

15 July 2019-21:32 UTC-07 Tango 06 (25 Tir 1398/13 Dhu l-Qa’da 1440/14 Xin-Wei 4717)

Photo by AAron B. Hutchins.

Another year, another round of wild fires, and Pocatello Airport is temporary home (once again) to DC-10 water bombers.  Two were spotted, numbers 911 and 912.

Click the pics (by AAron B. Hutchins) to make them bigger:




Vehicle I-D: 1-148 Field Artillery gate guards

Photo by AAron B. Hutchins.

M1 57mm Anti-Tank gun from World War-2 (clicking the pics makes them bigger:

World War-2 M4A3 Sherman:

Cold War era M109A5(?) Self Propelled Howitzer:


Cold Ware era M548 cargo carrier:

Cold War era M60A3:

116th Cav, 1-148th FA, Pocatello, Idaho. Photo by AAron B. Hutchins.


Idaho A-10C warthogs wallowing in the California dirt, June 2019

Idaho Army National Guard photo by Sergeant Mason Cutrer, 13JUN2019.

Idaho’s Air and Army National Guard, as well as a unit from Oregon’s Army National Guard, took part in U.S. Army NTC wargames from the end of May to the middle of June, 2019.

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Senior Airman Mercedee Wilds, 11JUN2019.

The U.S. Army’s OpFor (Opposition Force) used UH-72 Lakotas against National Guard ground troops.

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Joshua C. Allmaras, 11JUN2019.

Brazilian Air Force TACP (Tactical Air Control Party) allied themselves with the Idaho Air Guard TACPs.

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Joshua C. Allmaras, 11JUN2019.

Brazilian A-29 Super Tucanos took part in the invasion of California, as well.

Video (by Master Sergeant Joshua Allmaras), TACP calls in A-10 airstrikes, unfortunately you don’t see the A-10s, just their bombs impacting on the ground (also video of M1A2 and M2 live fire):

Idaho Army National Guard photo by Sergeant Mason Cutrer, 05JUN2019.

A-10C Thunderbolt-2 assigned to the 190th Fighter Squadron, Idaho Air National Guard, lands on the NTC desert.

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Joshua C. Allmaras, 11JUN2019.

Video (by Private First Class Bailey Breving), dirt field landing and take-off:

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Joshua C. Allmaras, 11JUN2019.

Not only did Idaho’s A-10s take part in wargames in California, but at the same time took part in Green Flag West at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada!