Tag Archives: europe

What Economic Recovery? Comments out of Korea and Europe cast strong doubt on any EU recovery

“The leaders have not yet proposed fundamental solutions such as euro bond issuance or the European Central Bank’s intervention.”-Kwon Hyouk-se, Financial Supervisory Service, South Korea 

“The EU summit was widely seen as a new step in the right direction, but the summit deal has many obvious flaws and lacks operational details in many areas. It looks more like a comprehensive fix to the next crisis, rather than a final resolution to the current one.”-Luca Jellinek, Credit Agricole, France

World War 3: Proof that war with Iran is a done deal; British & Canadian Media begin official War Propaganda

Media sources in the United Kingdom and Canada (members of the Commonwealth, aka British Empire) have upped their pro-war rhetoric against Iran.

Reports said that Iran was preparing forces for “potential external strikes”, and that Iran was “isolated” from the rest of the world (despite the fact that Russia and China have repeatedly told the U.S. and U.K. to stay out of Iran).

Other statements and terms include “war on Iran a step closer”and “Plans for a US strike are currently being drawn up”.

Apparently the Commonwealth media are basing their claims on official statements like the one made by the U.S. State Department’s arms advisor Robert Einhorn: “The U.S. favours a diplomatic solution but, if we cannot achieve it soon, inevitably interests will grow in a different kind of solution.” 

What else could a statement like that mean?

Government & Corporate incompetence: ECB to buy up European bonds but needs cash, EU to loan money…to the IMF, IMF will loan the money back to the ECB! The Elitist spiders are tangling their webs

“Oh what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practise to deceive!”-Walter Scott, Marmion, Canto vi. Stanza 17

I just read several reports.  One said the European Central Bank (ECB) wants to buy up the sovereign debts of European countries that are in financial trouble.  But the ECB says it needs about U.S.$150 billion to do it (notice they don’t have the cash on hand).

In another report the European Union said it will loan about $266 billion…to the U.S. based International Monetary Fund (not to their own ECB).  The purpose of the loan to the IMF is so the IMF can turn around and loan it back to European banks!

You must realize that the IMF is broke, just last week the President of the IMF came away from South America with a huge loan.  It was precedent setting, because for the first time in South America’s history they loaned money to the IMF, instead of the other way ’round.  So what did the IMF do with that money?

And why can’t the European Union loan the $266 billion directly to it’s member banks?  Is this just another accounting shell game?

The 1% elitist spiders have trapped themselves in their own web.  There’s no more flies to catch, the spiders are starving and they’re turning on each other!  It’s called World War 3!


Trilateral Commission & Global Economic War: Italian & Greek austerity, slashing & burning the U.S. Postal Service, all part of Corporations taking over through Privatizing government services. House actor Hugh Laurie prophesied such a thing back in the 1980s!

The Italian and Greek prime ministers (both known members of the European branch of the Trilateral Commission, which is pushing for a one world government) forced their governments to pass austerity measures which include privatizing many government services.

Interestingly even though many government services will be privatized, the taxes Italians and Greeks pay will go way up.

Here in the United States, the scandal with the U.S. Postal Service might just be a move to fully privatize the service.  Why has the U.S. Congress stolen, I mean, forced the USPS to pay so much of their hard earned, non-taxpayer dollars, into government employee funds, and then refused to give it back when the USPS is in money trouble because of it?

There are many private delivery services that would love to get that business, and FedEx is already a contractor with the USPS (they’re the ones who actually handle those overnight and express mailings).

A few months ago I posted about protests in Australia.  What’s so important about Australia?  Well for one their economy is actually booming (being tied directly to the booming Chinese economy), and for second people are still losing their jobs!  It’s mainly government employees, and employees of companies that were getting government subsidies, who’re losing their jobs.

The Premier of New South Wales, Barry O’Farrell, actually said that privatization was a necessary step in preparing for the new world order, and that was why he was laying off 5,000 state government employees!  I wonder if he’s a member of the Trilateral Commission?

Now here’s a surprise, it turns out that Hugh Laurie, along with Stephen Fry,  actually predicted privatization back in the 1980/90s, in their comedy sketch called The Privatisation of the Police Force.

In the skit, a Brit has just returned from being away from England for awhile and his car is stolen.  He tries to report it only to learn that the police have been privatized.  He also learns that being a “citizen” is no longer enough, you must own “shares” in your local police service.  You must also be a “shareholder” of the streets you use in your everyday routine, if not “You can not pass!” (actually that quote is from the Fellowship of the Ring movie).  In the end the man is arrested for not having invested in any police service, or street, and is kicked in the nuts.  The skit ends with the man saying “I see some things haven’t changed.” (regarding Bobbie Brutality, and also prophetic of what’s happening now).

By the way you can watch it here.

The skit also makes reference to the United States, saying that America is to blame for the privatization trend, and remember this was in the 1980/90s!  But that shouldn’t be too much of a surprise, many conspiracy theorists, who investigated the Trilateral Commission, warned of it, only back then it was made fun of by comedians like Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry.

More seriously, here’s a link to a report on U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron’s push to privatize the Brutal Bobbies. Who’s laughing now?

United Police Kingdom: England’s August riots blamed on Bobbie Brutality

A study to find out the main causes for the August 2011 riots that hit several locations in England, revealed a surprise. Economic factors were not the number one reason, police brutality was!

The London School of Economics, along with the Guardian newspaper, conducted a study called Reading the Riots. 85% of those surveyed blamed the riots on the British Bobbies, saying the police hold themselves about the law.

The biggest complaint against the police is the constant detentions and harassment of lower class people, who’re never charged with any crime. Then comes the beatings and shootings by police.  Over the decades hundreds of civilians have been killed by Bobbies.

The August riots were started because the Bobbies shot and killed an unarmed father while he sat in the back of a taxi.  The cops claimed he shot first, and that a shootout took place. However, the dumb cops committed the act on a crowded street, and many witnesses countered the police claims. An independent investigation concluded that the Bobbies shot and killed the man without provocation!

On the first night of what started out as peaceful protests, the Bobbies singled out a teenaged girl because she was berating them for killing the man. They beat her. Video of the beating was posted on the internet.  Their beating of the girl is what started the riots.

To be sure, economics was also a factor in the August riots. For young Brits they were upset over the ending of a public allowance for children who stay in grade school, and, the tripling of college tuition.  The Reading the Riots study discovered that it was the older Brits who rioted over police brutality.  Many said they want vengeance for decades of repression at the hands of the Bobbies!

And it’s not over, four out of five respondents say more riots are coming for the United Police Kingdom!

By the way, violent protest does work. It forces the Elites to spend money fighting a war on the home front.  After all, they ain’t gonna spend that money on helping create jobs, and that’s what makes them Elites, they don’t want to spend their money (so much for trickle down economics).

United Police Kingdom: Scotland Yard says Occupy demonstrators are equal to al Qeada!

“It is likely that activists aspire to identify other locations to occupy, especially those they identify with capitalism. City of London Police has received a number of hostile reconnaissance reports concerning individuals who would fit the anti-capitalist profile. All are asked to be vigilant regarding suspected reconnaissance, particularly around empty buildings.”-Terrorism/Extremism update for the City of London Business Community

A document leaked from the London Metropolitan Police (Scotland Yard) shows they consider the Occupy movement a terrorist organization equal to al Qeada!

The document, titled Terrorism/Extremism update for the City of London Business Community, was leaked to Occupy LSX demonstrators by an unnamed businessman.

“Activism is not a crime and the desire to participate in democratic decision-making should not be a cause for concern for the police in any free society….An institution that confuses active citizens with criminals and equates Al Qaeda with efforts to re-imagine the city is an institution in grave danger of losing its way.”-Occupy LSX response

There are at least three active Occupy London movements currently taking place, including the Occupy LSX movement.  LSX stands for London Stock Exchange.


World War 3: Arabian country, Qatar, attacks Russian Ambassador, U.S. involved

The U.S. is probably playing its diplomatic angle to put pressure on Qatar to wield its power in the Arab League in a way it is beneficial to the Anglo-American interests.”-James Corbett, independent journalist

Russian Ambassador to Qatar, Vladimir Titorenko, was attacked by Qatari customs officers at the Doha International Airport on November 29. He was returning from a trip to Jordan. Russia is suspending relations with Qatar, after their demands for an explanation were ignored.

Ambassador Titorenko told Russian media, from a hospital, that he was hoping it was due to incompetence (just like our wonderful TSA).

Interestingly, the attack came the same day Russian officials accused Qatar of violating international law by wantonly shipping weapons to Libyan rebels, despite a UN arms embargo: “We know how the arms embargo was applied in Libya. It was used only in respect of the Libyan army, while the opposition got their arms. France and Qatar publicly spoke of such shipments. There were also open mentions of the work of special forces from several European countries. Having adopted the UN Security Council resolution banning the supply of arms, some nations, in fact, boasted that they were in breach of it. We will treat the call for an embargo on arms supplies to Syria in light of the Libya experience, and the behavior of some of our partners. Right now, the most important thing is to stop acting by means of ultimatums and try to move toward political dialogue.”Sergey Lavrov, Foreign Minister of Russia

Qatar is also doing the same thing in Syria.  Ambassador Titorenko was in Jordan trying to get support for a Russian diplomatic plan to stop any attacks by the U.S. and European countries against Syria.

Pro-U.S. Qatar is the current head of the Arab League. Qatar has received at least U.S.$70 billion in investments from the United States (while our economy goes down the toilet).

Government Incompetence: Fluoridated water blamed for Dumbing Down Americans and causing chronic unexplained pain, blame the nuclear and pharmaceutical industry

“We have been suffering from various diseases for consuming water with fluoride content. We are desperately in need of pure drinking water.”-residents of Jagalur, India

Yet another study proves that fluoridated water makes you stupid, and can cause a life time of pain!

The latest study was conducted in India, and just published in the Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences.

Rats were used, and the results were neurodegenerative and morphological alterations in the neocortex, hippocampus and cerebellum areas of the brain, and in the spinal cord and sciatic nerve.

Neurodegenerative is the progressive loss of neurons, and “morphological alterations” basically means physical mutations.

Researchers say the negative affects with intelligence and pain take place before physical mutations appear: “High levels of fluoride in drinking water (1-12 parts per million) affect central nervous system directly without first causing the physical deformities of skeletal fluorosis.”-K. Pratap Reddy, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India

This is not the first study to say fluoride is bad for you.  Over the decades dozens and dozens of studies across the world have resulted in the same conclusion.  According to the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), there are now 25 studies showing that fluoride makes you stupid.

Studies have also shown a link between arthritis pain, back pain, joint and muscle pains. The research in India was motivated after people in a village named Jagalur, were found to be suffering from all kinds of diseases and chronic conditions. Investigations blamed the fluoridated water.

It’s not just Jagalur.  Joint pains, teeth problems, muscular pains, stomach pain and headaches are common among people in Gollaratti, Rajnatti, Gidnatti, Bullolli, Machikere, Marajanmatti, Kechhanahalli, Devikere, Chadaragolla, Gowripura, Kyasanahalli and many other villages who’s water has fluoride in it.

However, the problem in India comes from naturally occurring fluoride in their well water.  Here in the United States local and state governments purposely add fluoride to the water.

It turns out that currently, only the English speaking countries add fluoride to public drinking water.  In the book The Fluoride Deception, author Christopher Bryson revealed how the push for fluoride use in the U.S. is directly related to the U.S. nuclear program and the pharmaceutical industry.

It turns out there have been many anti-fluoride lawsuits against local municipalities in the United States, however most have not been successful.

Now lets see, English speaking countries are the only ones that intentionally add fluoride to the drinking water, and there’s been a huge increase in chronic pain, and the use of pain killers, among the people of those English speaking countries. Also, there’s been a huge decrease in the overall level of intelligence, no matter how much taxpayer money has been thrown at education programs. And, have you also noticed that the political, business, social and religious leaders of those English speaking countries seem to be making decisions that are more and more irrational? Mmmm, could it be something in the water?


World War 3: Germany confirms Iran sorry for U.K. embassy attack

Despite what British officials, and U.S. and U.K. media have been saying, more and more governments are confirming that Iran did indeed officially apologize for Iranian university students attacking the British embassy in Iran.

Germany is the latest: Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle says Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi “…was deeply sorry for what has happened…” and vowed “…to do everything to prevent such an incident from happening again.”

This follows Spanish officials reporting the same thing.

Global Economic War: Get ready for stocks to crash! China continues ping pong games with European & U.S. bail outs, now says No Way!

“The argument that China should rescue Europe does not stand, as reserves are not managed that way…China’s purchases of European bonds, International Monetary Fund bonds and U.S. bonds are also based on those principles.”-Fu Yin, Vice Foreign Minister of China

Back on November 28, the Commerce Minister of China, Chen Deming, said they were more than willing to save struggling economies: “Some European countries are facing a debt crisis and hope to convert their assets to cash and would like foreign capital to acquire their enterprises. We will be closely watching and pushing forward the progress.”

Now, December 3, an official higher up than Chen says no way.  The Vice Minister of China, Fu Yin, says China’s $3.2 trillion in foreign reserves should be managed under the principles of “safety, liquidity and proper profitability”.

Apparently bailing out the United States, European countries, or even the IMF, does not meet those requirements.

Fu restated a requirement for future bailouts, that Chen indicated a week ago; any bail outs must play by China’s rules: “Successful investment should be reciprocal.”